#trucy would probably know immediately as well but its not the same kind of knowing that apollo would have
rendevok · 10 months
Hyperspecific narumitsu trope i love #2: after they get together, it takes Apollo 5 seconds of seeing them within 10 feet of each other to recognize it
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Crush [Ace Attorney]
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anon: Apollo Justice x reader where he finds that his bracelet keeps reacting on his crush. They keep saying nothing is wrong but truth is the reader just kind of realized they're in love with him and didn't know how to act normally around him anymore
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[Apollo Justice x Gender Neutral! Reader]
Note: I’m sorry if its a piece of crap ;-; I tried.. Hope ya’ll enjoy this though!
Warning: none
Word Count: 570
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“That’s strange..” Apollo thought as he feels his bracelet tightening around his arm, signalling that the bracelet was reacting to something, rather someone. Just in front of Apollo was a tense-looking [Y/N], who is fidgeting a lot, even Apollo doesn’t need his bracelet to react since he can see it plainly by looking at them. They were currently at the Wright’s Anything Agency, the others were out, probably solving a case that doesn’t require Apollo or [Y/N].
“Hey, [Y/N].” [Y/N] flinch a bit before turning their head around to look at Apollo, they gave him a weak smile. “Y-Yeah?” Apollo frowned at this while folding his arms in front of his chest and raising a brow at them. “You okay? You’re acting... weird.” [Y/N] started sweating as they started to play with their hands, a nervous action that Apollo took note of.
“Y-Yeah. Just fine.” [Y/N] answered before turning their head to look away from the curious and suspicious Apollo. Apollo’s frowned deeper at [Y/N]’s lie, now trying to remember if he did something wrong for them to act this way. Apollo admits that it kinda hurts that [Y/N] would lie to HIM of all people, the hurt only simplifies itself by Apollo’s crush on the [H/C]nette. 
Apollo blinks a bit before turning his head to look at the (trying to act) normal. [Y/N]. He took note of their ears and cheeks tinted with pink, their nervousness a while ago in their voice while speaking to him and how they keep trying to avoid him. He recalls this morning that they were still normal, since they were talking to Athena and Trucy enthusiastically. So Apollo can rule out the possibility of them having a fever. The bashfulness only came right now, and it now click to Apollo’s mind.
Does [Y/N] have a crush on him as well?
This thought made Apollo burst in red as he tries to calm his beating heart. He doesn’t know if he’ll confess right now or wait till later. But it appears like his mouth decided to do it right now. “D-Do you have a crush on me, [Y-Y/N]?” When these words slip out his mouth, he immediately covered his mouth as he watches [Y/N] froze at his words and soon turn into the same red as his face is. 
[Y/N] slowly turned their head towards his with baffled expression on their face. “H-How..?” “My bracelet.. keep reacting..” Apollo explained quietly while rubbing his head from behind. [Y/N], in their mind, is screaming how stupid they are and how obvious they were towards Apollo. “W-Well..? Do you?” Apollo asked once again.
[Y/N] continued to blush deeper as they slowly nodded their head while their eyes were on the floor. This action was enough for Apollo to break out in a huge smile. “G-Great! T-Then.. would you.. I mean, IF you want to.. you and I... have a.. d-date?” Apollo slowly trails off, his confidence also faltering at the end. [Y/N] looks at him in shock before nodding their head with a small smile. “S-Sure!”
What this couple didn’t know is that the members of Wright’s Anything Agency is just behind the door, listening to these couple stammering with a huge, teasing smile on their faces....
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[x] Main Page || [x] Attorney Page
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 2
Good, I’m not having problems with tumblr this time.
This one’s a bit on the shorter end, which I notice goes for many day 1 trials in cases with more than one trial day, but I can still find plenty of things to share, comment, and explain as always! Like with the previous episode, most of the bulk of work was from the introductions and initial setting.
While the previous one, I could squeal over Yakuza references and all that jazz, this one’s more for Klavier’s fans and classic rock junkies out there. I enjoy the occasional taste of rock too, but sorry, I’m forever a Eurobeat gal.
Oh, if only there were a future AA case about street racing... You just know that Edgeworth would be on that case. He’s probably the only prosecutor (besides maybe Klavier) who can make a sick drift and would know a thing or two about cars. Too bad for the car-less defense attorneys at the Wright Anything Agency, though.
> Courtroom
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> “なくした”っていう発想は ないのかな。 Isn't it possible he simply misplaced them?
<Klavier> “なくした”で済むか! Misplaced them!?
カギはその後、死体の手に ニギられていたんだぞ! Misplaced items don't just wander into a murder victim's hand on their own!
<Judge> な。なんですって‥‥! そ。それでは‥‥ What's this!? Prosecutor Gavin, if your keys were in the victim's hand...
ハンニンはあなた自身ということに なるではないですかッ! That makes you a prime suspect!
<Klavier> ‥‥♪ “遅効性の恋は アトロキニーネ”‥‥ ..."Love, slow-acting and new. Atroquinine... is waiting for you..."
<Trucy> ハナウタ、歌ってます。 He's singing something.
<Apollo> 大物だよな。なんにしても。 Does everything with this guy have to be so over-the-top?
Just wanna share lyrics. The original line, taken literally, is "Slow-acting love [is like] Atroquinine", but it's so vague that it can be reworded many ways, since it’s a song lyric.
> Press 4th statement
<Klavier> 部屋から脱出できる出口は、 あの通気口だけだった! That air vent was the only way out of the room!
そして、そこには、 被告人の指紋が残っていた! The defendant's fingerprints were found on the grill!
‥‥さあ、おデコくん! ...Well, Herr Forehead?
ここから、キミは どんな“物語”を想像するかい? What fairy tale does this suggest to you?
<Apollo> ぐ‥‥ッ! Urk...!
<Klavier> ‥‥ちなみに。その通気口‥‥ Only one could pass through that vent, that "doorway to heaven"...
“天国のトビラ”をくぐることが できたのは‥‥その妖精だけ、さ。 ...and that one is our pixie.
Another song reference, but instead of a "Stairway to Heaven", it's a vent-way.
I've been watching way too much Among Us lately... but this episode from back in 2007 seems suspiciously related to a 2018 game, somehow.
> Finish pressing, present any evidence
<Apollo> 検察側の主張をくつがえす‥‥ これが、その証拠品です! This evidence does more than contradict, it flips the whole case on its head!
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Klavier> どうやら、ぼくの言った通り。 ハッキリとした“反証”のようだね。 Thank you for presenting evidence that is both clear and plain, as requested.
<Judge> たしかに‥‥ ハッキリ“ちがう”と分かります! Yes... Clearly and plainly wrong!
その証拠品で、検察側の主張を くつがえすことはできません! I'm afraid the only thing flipped on its head here was you as a child, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう‥‥ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh... I guess that wasn't it.)
Savage, Your Honor! The original line seems a bit disappointing in comparison: "This evidence doesn't overturn the prosecution's case at all!" That said, it does give me an idea for where the "flip on its head" phrasing came from.
> Select "no proof"
<Apollo> 反証のジュンビは‥‥ あ、ありません。 I... don't have contradicting proof, actually.
<Judge> そうですか。 それでは、さっさと判決を‥‥ Too bad. Very well, this court finds the defendant...
<Hold it!>
<Trucy> ま、待ってください! W-Waaait!
<Judge> な、なんですか。 Wh-What for?
<Trucy> 弁護側には‥‥えーと。 は、“はんしょー”でしたっけ? We have, uh, what was it called? Contradictual proof?
と、とにかく! ジュンビがありますッ! Anyway, whatever it is, we've got it!
Meanwhile, I think this line from Trucy seems a bit out of place when "contradicting proof" isn't a very difficult phrase to say. Maybe they could have thrown in something sillier like "contradicting poof- I mean, proof!" and it'd work pretty well. In JP, she's still learning her words and especially kanji, so she usually pronounces words correctly, but doesn't write them out in the text.
I like to think that whenever Odoroki speaks and uses phrases that she isn't as familiar with, she actually breaks the fourth wall and takes notes on his textboxes. Hey, learning from your peers is a great way to study! Learning Japanese with your fave Ace Attorney characters is even better.
> Ask for new witness
<Apollo> 牙琉検事‥‥ まちがいありませんか? Prosecutor Gavin, you claim that there were no witnesses to this crime.
『この事件に、  目撃者はいなかった』‥‥ Are you absolutely sure?
<Klavier> マチガイないね。‥‥誓ってもいい。 この検事生命と‥‥ Absolutely. I'd swear it on my career as a prosecutor...
100万枚を売り上げたヒット曲、 《恋のアトロキニーネ》にかけて。 And on my million-seller hit song "Atroquinine, My Love".
<Trucy> ‥‥さりげなく ジマンされちゃいましたね。 ...There he goes again.
<Apollo> ザンネンながら‥‥ この事件には、目撃者がいたのです。 That's too bad, because there was a witness.
Minor tweaking to song titles again. It was "Atroquinine of Love" before.
> 2nd Witness Testimony, present at 3rd statement, Perceive at 6th statement but point wrongly
<Apollo> あなたのココロの動き‥‥ オレには分かるんですよ。 You may have seen the world, but I've seen your heart.
あなたは、今の証言をするとき、 動揺していましたね! You were flustered during your testimony just now!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Lamiroir> あなたの言っていることが、 よく分からないのですが‥‥ I do not understand what it is you are saying.
それは、日本語のジョーク か何かですか? さっぱりです。 Perhaps this is a joke, in your culture?
Making a note here about culture: It's characteristic of Japanese that since they have so many homophones and alike-sounding words or phrases, it's fairly simple to come up with puns out of the blue. You hear it all the time with Japanese comedians and writers who just can't help themselves and have to throw in a pun here or there. And because they can show up so suddenly, it can catch the audience off-guard, so they're more likely to appreciate the humor.
Relatively speaking, of course; as with any language, there are also those kinds of puns that are super obvious and cringy when delivered. As a language buff myself, I'm still fascinated with what goes into creating puns in the first place, whether or not they're cringy or clever.
> Present evidence to Lamiroir's contradiction to her own testimony
<Apollo> そして、こうも証言しました。 事件については“何も見ていない” Furthermore, you testified that you had "seen nothing".
<Lamiroir> ‥‥! ...!
<Apollo> お分かりですね‥‥ レタス氏が“撃たれた”ことを‥‥ Yet you knew that Mr. LeTouse had been shot!
あなたが、 知っているはずがないのです! How could you have known!?
<Lamiroir> ! ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...!
<Lamiroir> きゃあああああああああああッッ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooowrk!
<Judge> ラミロアさん! Lamiroir!
‥‥あなた、まさか。 何かをかくしているのでは‥‥ You aren't hiding something from this court, I hope!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Apollo> (ラミロアさんはウソをついた‥‥  ゼッタイに何かを隠している!) (That sweet song of hers was sounding a little too sweet!)
So, I'm not sure why Lamiroir's cries were localized to this. It sounds like something so out of place from someone whose voice is so beautiful and melodic usually. Maybe that was the point? Like, it's a subtle nod to sudden record-scratches or sudden cuts in a piece of music?
Fyi, Odoroki's last line here was simply: "(Lamiroir-san was lying... She has to be hiding something!)"
> Press newest (7th) statement
<Apollo> ほんの少ししか見ていないのに、 よく“弾痕”だと分かりましたね。 Only a glimpse, yet you knew they were bullet holes?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥ええ。 一目で分かりましたわ。 Yes. I recognized them immediately.
以前にも、銃の弾痕を、 見たことがありますから‥‥。 I have seen bullet holes before, you know.
<Klavier> アナタは歌い手として、 世界中を回られていますからね。 You have traveled the world as a singer...
この国よりも治安の悪い地域で、 歌われることもあるでしょう。 You must have sung in places far more dangerous than our country.
<Lamiroir> わたくしの歌が必要とされるならば、 どこにでも行かせていただきますわ。 I go wherever my voice is needed. Those places... are many, these days.
<Trucy> かっこいいですね! ラミロアさん。 みぬきも、いつかは海外に出たいな。 That's really cool! I hope I get to travel like Lamiroir some day.
<Klavier> ぼくも、レコーディングは 海外ですると決めていますよ。 I plan on recording my next album overseas.
むこうのスタジオは、 音のヌケがちがいますからね。 Their studios have a different sound, you know.
<Apollo> (へえ‥‥それは、発声練習にも  良さそうだな‥‥) (Hmm. Maybe I should go on a Chords of Steel tour, too.)
And this last line is totally different. "(Huh... it sounds like they'd be great for vocal training too...)"
("Far more dangerous", huh... Maybe she previously had a tour in the Republic of Zheng Fa... and maybe the Kingdom of Khura'in too.)
> 3rd Witness Testimony, finish pressing, select "There's a problem"
> 4th Witness Testimony
<Apollo> (すっかり忘れていた‥‥  オレの知らないところで‥‥) (I admit, I'd forgotten about the song...)
(そんなトンでもないオチが  ついていたなんて!) (But there it is now, waiting for me... the grand finale, as it were.)
<Trucy> あ! それに最初に気がついたの、 みぬきですからね、みぬき! Hey! You know I was the one who first noticed that!
<Judge> “歌詞”に合わせて殺人など‥‥ I've heard of jumping rope to songs, and counting to songs...
“かぞえ歌”と“手まり歌”だけの 世界だと思っていました! ...But killing!?
<Klavier> 世界は、おジイさんが 思っていたより広い、ってコトだね。 It's a wild world out there, Herr Judge.
<Judge> それでは! Very well!
この、ナゾの歌を踏まえた上で、 尋問をおねがいします! We've heard one song and dance, let's get on to the next: the cross-examination!
<Apollo> (ベツに、歌にはナゾはないと  思うけど‥‥) (I'm not so sure I'm going to be doing much singing...)
By the way, "手まり歌" (temari uta) is roughly like playing handball to a song. A temari is a ball of usually extra kimono cloth wrapped together with fabric. Over Japanese history, it went from a handmade toy to embroidery art. Link to Wikipedia.
Also, "Wild World" is a 1971 hit song by Cat Stevens too. With all the talk of songs, I figured the loc team might have been able to slip in a subtle nod.
Last couple lines there: "Let's build on this mystery song and begin the cross-examination!" "(I don't think the song itself is the mystery here, though...)"
10/21/20 edit: Ash has enlightened me to one of Takumi’s inspirations. Like Agatha Christie’s And There Was None and Van Dine’s The Bishop Murder Case, where a murder seems to follow a nursery rhyme, a classic Japanese mystery novel by Seishi Yokomizo, Akuma no Temari Uta, is a murder mystery that follows the rhymes of a song.
And now looking into his works, I just realized this man is also the legend who wrote the iconic private eye Kosuke Kindaichi. Yeah, the same guy who’s said to be the grandfather to the MC of the Kindaichi Case Files manga, by Yozaburo Kanari. What a small world we live in, after all.
> Press 1st statement
<Klavier> なかなか悪くないじゃないか、 刑事クン。イイ声してるよ。 Bravo, Fräulein Detective. Your singing... it's not bad.
‥‥そして、最後のパート。 Now, for the finale!
“Guitar,Guitar‥‥  ふたりは空へ” "Guitar, Guitar... Up together to the sky."
この歌詞の通り、 盗まれたレタス氏の死体は‥‥ As it says in the lyrics, Mr. LeTouse...
“空高く”そびえるステージ の上で発見された。 ...was found with a guitar, high in the "sky" over the stage.
どうだい? これだけ一致してたら。 もう偶然とはいえないさ。 No series of coincidences could be so well conceived!
<Ema> ‥‥カガク的に言ってもね。 He's right. ...Scientifically speaking.
<Apollo> (‥‥一体、  なんのコンサートだよ‥‥) (What would Wocky have said? ..."That concert was wack.")
<Trucy> あんな風に気持ち良さそうに 歌われたら、反論できませんね‥‥ It's hard to argue when she pours her heart into it like that.
<Ema> ‥‥えーと。と、とにかく! 犯人は‥‥ Ah, er, ahem! Anyway, the shooter...
Aw, I really wish I could have actually heard Ema sing... or at least hear her textbox beeps change in tone to the music. That would be a bit of extra coding work, though.
By the way, Odoroki was talking about: "(...What kind of concert was this supposed to be...?)"
> Press 4th statement again
<Ema> おそらく、犯人と被害者の距離は、 2メートルもなかったはずです。 Furthermore, there was no more than five feet between shooter and victim.
これは、ハズすほうが ムズカシイぐらいの距離です。 Hard to miss at that distance.
<Trucy> でも、マキさんは、 目が不自由だったから‥‥ But, Machi can't see...
<Ema> おそらく、“音”と“気配”に たよって、撃った‥‥ He would have had to use sound and other senses to aim...
だから、ハズれたのでしょう。 ...and miss.
<Klavier> ‥‥部屋には大音量で ぼくたちのナンバーが流れていた。 And our music was blaring over the room monitor.
音を聞くには、 不利な状況だったと言えるよ。 Not the best circumstances for aiming by sound.
<Ema> だから‥‥ハンニンは、 目が見えなかった人物‥‥ Which makes it very likely that the shooter was blind.
<Klavier> これが、検察側の主張だよ‥‥ Thus the prosecution's position.
<Ema> うーん! やっぱり、 カガク的説明って気持ちいいわね! Ahh! Nothing like a scientific explanation to get the blood pumping!
<Apollo> (今は、  まったく同意できないよ‥‥) (Why's mine frozen in my veins, then...?)
It was just "(I can't agree with that sentiment at all...)" but I also wanted to make a joke about about "Apopsico".
> Press 5th statement
<Apollo> か、歌詞になぞらえた殺人だって、 じゅうぶん、非カガク的です! What's so scientific about a murder to lyrics!?
<Ema> 何よ! それぐらい‥‥カガクで 解明できるに決まってるでしょ! Lyrics can be explained scientifically!
<Ema> カガクを甘く見ると‥‥ ケガするわよッ! ...Never underestimate the power of science!
<Apollo> (うわ! 指紋検出粉のビンを、  ふりかぶりながら言うなよ‥‥) (Put that bottle of finger- printing powder down before you hurt someone, like me!)
じゃ、じゃあ! 解明してみせてくださいよ! OK, then explain it! Scientifically!
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
まあ。それには、まだデータが 足りないかな‥‥ I require more data.
<Apollo> (なんだよ、それ!) (Hah! Likely story...)
"(What kind of weak excuse is that!?)"
> Press 6th statement
<Ema> そのことは、楽屋にいた全員に 知らされていました。 Everyone backstage was told about the maintenance.
だから‥‥当然。 マキさんも知っていた。 ...Including Machi Tobaye.
キャタツをのぼれば‥‥そこに、 “脱出口”がある、と‥‥ He would have known that there would be a way out at the top of that stepladder.
<Apollo> そ、そんな‥‥! 今、初めて聞きましたよ! But that's... Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this!?
<Klavier> ‥‥なぜ、あんなところに キャタツがあったか‥‥ You could have figured it out for yourself.
それを考えれば、 カンタンにわかると思うけどね。 You only needed to consider what that stepladder was doing there.
<Judge> ‥‥どうやら、弁護人の異議は、 キャタツに押しつぶされたようです。 ...Looks like the defense's objection has been squished by a stepladder.
<Klavier> どうかな? おデコくん‥‥ Well, Herr Forehead?
もう、この証人の主張を ひっくり返す武器はないのかい? Out of ammunition, perhaps?
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだ? この、牙琉検事の  挑戦的なタイド) (I've never seen Prosecutor Gavin so... so aggressive!)
(なんか、“不自然”な気が‥‥) (Maybe he's caught the scent of blood...)
That last line has gotten a bit more dressing to it. It went "(Maybe he's caught onto something 'unnatural'...)"
> Accept the prosecution's challenge, but present wrongly
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Judge> その証拠品に、検察側の主張を 崩すチカラがあるとは思えません。 I'm not sure that overturns anything, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう。ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh. Wrong evidence, I'm guessing...)
<Klavier> オドロキ・イズ・ブラ���ンド‥‥ 何も見えてないのは、キミだったね。 Apparently both love... and Justice are blind.
<Apollo> (考えるんだ!  何でもいい‥‥何かないのか!) (I have to think! There must be something... anything!)
"Odoroki Is Blind... Seems like you're the one who can't see anything."
(I capitalized that because Kyouya said it in English.)
> Present photo of crime, point out the contradiction, Klavier takes the lead
<Klavier> ‥‥お楽しみはこれからだよ。 おデコくん。 This is where the real fun begins, Herr Forehead!
<Apollo> ぎゃああああああああああああああ あああッ! Yeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggh!
<Klavier> ‥‥さすがに、ヒトが悪かったかな。 I knew you didn't have what it took.
<Ema> サイテーです! You... You jerk!
あたし、ナニしに来たか わからないじゃないですか! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!?
<Trucy> そうですよ! あやまりなさい! Yeah! Apologize!
<Klavier> はっはっはっ。 いやいや、ごめんね。 Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
<Trucy> なんですかそれ! ちゃんとアタマさげる! That's no way to apologize!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥タイヘンな騒ぎに  なっちまったな) (He's angered the Trucy now. Look out...)
"(Oh boy... This trial has turned into one huge ruckus.)"
> Point out reason why Machi had to pretend to be blind (or not, it continues either way)
> 5th Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> どうして見えなくなったのかも、 分からないのですね‥‥ So, you don't know why you went blind?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥その通りです。 ...I do not.
もしかすると、生まれつき 見えなかったのかもしれませんわ。 I may have been born this way, in fact.
<Klavier> ‥‥彼女の過去について、 余計なセンサクは無用だよ。 ...It's fruitless to attempt to pry into her past.
これは、きわめてデリケートな モンダイだからね‥‥ And, I might add, it's a delicate subject.
<Judge> 弁護人にデリケートを期待するのは、 少々ムリがありますからな。 I'm not sure we can reasonably expect Mr. Justice to do anything delicately.
<Apollo> (シツレイな‥‥  たしかにあまり自信はないけど) (Hey! Why I oughta... take a deep breath and calm down.)
"(Hey... though I actually don't have much confidence about that either.)"
> Press 5th statement
<Judge> 《もくげきしゃ‥‥めがみ》 でしたかな。 "The witness... siren"?
何度も聞かされましたぞ。 弁護人の、迫真のモノマネつきで。 We've heard them many times. Along with a little play-acting by our defense.
<Klavier> 最後のコトバは、死神にノドを つかまれて、闇に消えてしまった。 I remember them well myself, but that statement is not to what I refer.
‥‥あのコトバには、 “つづき”があったんだよ。 I mean what he said before that.
<Apollo> “つづき”‥‥ (“めがみ”につづくコトバ‥‥) ...Before? (What came before that...?)
あッ! Ack!
<Klavier> ‥‥そう。レタス氏は、 こう言おうとしていたんだよ。 ...That's right. He tried to tell you.
《事件のことは、目撃者に聞け。  ただし‥‥その証人は‥‥》 When he said "can't see" he wasn't talking about himself.
《“目が見えないぞ”》 ‥‥ってね。 He was talking about the witness!
<Judge> めがみ‥‥えない‥‥ “目が見えない”ですか‥‥ッ! I see!
<Klavier> “目が見えない”のは、 ラミロアさんだけではなかったねえ。 Too bad the defense did not.
どうだい? おデコくん。 Well, Herr Forehead?
少しは落ち着いて、モノゴトを よく“見て”みたらどうかな。 Try relaxing and "looking" at the facts first next time.
<Apollo> ‥‥ぐうッ! ...Urk!
For this entry, it's entirely a matter of how LeTouse's last words had to be translated. The original Japanese script didn't leave a lot for him, and there were places where it was quite ambiguous. As it turns out, he wasn't saying "megami", as in "Goddess", but "me ga mienai", as in "unable to see".
"It was... 'The witness... Megami', if I recall. We've heard them many times, with a little play-acting by our defense." "His final words, just before Death clasped on his throat and he was consumed by darkness. ...Those words had something 'following' them." "('Following'... 'Megami'...?) Ah!" "...That's right. This is what LeTouse-san was telling you: 'Ask the witness about the incident. However... that witness...' 'cannot see.' "Megami... enai... You mean, 'me ga mienai'...!?" "Though, it wasn't just Lamiroir-san who 'didn't see'."
> Finish pressing
<Judge> ‥‥ごくろうさまでした、眉月刑事。 たいへん、参考になりました。 Thanks for looking into that for us, Detective Crescend. It's a great help.
<Daryan> いやいや。 かまいませんよ、裁判長さん。 Oh, no problem at all, Your Honor.
‥‥それじゃ、オレはこれで‥‥ ...I'll be heading out...
<Hold it!>
<Lamiroir> 待ってください‥‥! Wait!
<Judge> ど。どうかしましたか? ラミロアさん‥‥ La-Lamiroir! Is something the matter?
<Lamiroir> 今の、その声‥‥ That voice just now...
<Klavier> ダイアンが、なにか‥‥? Daryan?
<Lamiroir> ミスター・ダイアン‥‥ というのですか。 Mr. Daryan, is it...?
‥‥‥‥‥‥彼、です。 まちがいありません。 ............ It was him. I am sure of it.
<Judge> “彼”‥‥なにが、ですかな‥‥? It was "him"?
<Klavier> ‥‥ッ! ま。まさか‥‥ Y-You aren't saying--!?
<Lamiroir> 2発の銃声を聞いたとき‥‥ レタスさんと話していた声‥‥ That voice I heard, talking to Mr. LeTouse... when I heard the gunshots fired.
そう。今の方です! ミスター・ダイアン! It was him! It was Mr. Daryan!
Just making a point here since I forgot to last post: Lamiroir and later Machi are the only ones who still call people using "Mr." in English, in the JP script. However, for the briefest moment here, she refers to Mr. LeTouse with the general -san suffix instead, and I don't think this was something that was simply overlooked, since the line immediately after, where she accuses Daryan/Daian, she goes back to using "Mr." Perhaps Lamiroir is getting more and more in-tune with her other language outside of Borginese?
...I'm still sticking to my Poland theory, but they could be like a mix of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia... around there in Eastern Europe.
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