#trr savannah
txemrn · 1 year
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Book: TRR/TRH (events actually occur in TRH Book 1)
Pairing: Liam x MC (Riley); Bertrand x Savannah
Word Count: ~2500
Warning: innuendos; a little language; fluffiness
A/N: I usually enjoy writing fairly angsty TRR material, but when I started gearing up for this past week's @kingliamappreciationweek, I decided I really wanted to write something new that wasn't so dramatic. So, I started thinking about how Liam is a history buff... and if y'all don't know this by now, I'm from Texas, and the thought of that tall glass of water knowing about my home state's history...whew... Give me a moment... This is pure silliness. It's a re-write of Bertrand's bachelor party/Savannah's bachelorette party, and it's just... silly. It does not follow canon very well. But, I hope you still enjoy it! Happy KLAW 2023, friends!
A/N 2: This is my submission for @choicesflashfics week 30! I will be using prompt 3: "That's how the story goes." It will be in bold.
A/N 3: These characters and some of the plot belong to our dear friends Pixelberry. This was not truly pre-read or beta'd. Please excuse my errors.
"Alright, lil' ladies with the beautiful bride-to-be!" A burly bartender with a thick drawl and matching beard comes out from behind the counter, making his way to Savannah Walker's bachelorette party.  Delivering a tray of golden caramel-colored shots, he piles each one high with decadent whipped cream. "Here ya go: six blow job shots."
Hana spews out her cocktail, covering her mouth with rosy cheeks.
"Mon dieu! Did–did he just say–"
"Like you don't know what that is, Kiara," Olivia snorts. "Drink up, poufiasse."
Savannah, Madeleine, and Riley cover their giggles, leaning into one another as they take their drinks.
"Wait," Hana holds up her hands as they prepare to toast their third round of shots. "Where's Penelope?"
"Oh, I'm here! I'm here!" She runs up, out of breath, her short hair and denim dress completely drenched.
"What on earth happened to you?" Riley starts grabbing napkins.
"I was checking in with my dog sitter, but the reception here is awful. Plus, it's raining like cats and dogs out—oooooo!" Penelope's eyes beam at the sight of the shots. "What are these?" She leans down to sniff before humming in approval.
"Blow jobs," Olivia smirks.
"Oh!" Penelope nods with curious fascination. "Leo said that about my lips one time–"
"He said what?" Madeleine raises an eyebrow.
"I know, I didn't understand what he meant either."
"No, that's not–nevermind."
"Hold up." Riley raises her hands to silence everyone before turning to Penelope. "Raining like cats and dogs?" She grimaces, glancing at Savannah. "I hope the guys are alright–"
The sudden boisterous voice of Drake Walker echoes through the dive bar, the doors swinging loudly, clapping up against the wooden walls. The large bartender turns, then brightens when he sees his old-time customer and friend coming into his establishment. 
"Whiskers, is that you?"
The girls quietly glare at one another, mouthing the word 'whiskers.'  
The two men grab each other's hands in a shake before pulling into a brotherly hug. Liam, Bertrand and Maxwell file in through the door, shaking droplets from their wet clothes.
"You guys!" Riley jumps up to greet her husband. 
Savannah follows behind, wrapping her arms around Bertrand before brushing a kiss against his lips. "What are y'all doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Maxwell chuckles, throwing his thumb behind his shoulder.
"The campgrounds were rained out," Liam explains, combing his wife's hair behind her ear. "We thought we could stick it out as long as the creek didn't rise too high. But then," he shakes his head, chuckling, "the tents flooded. The truck almost got stuck in the mud."
"Our clothes and shoes are airing out back at the house," Bertrand states, watching his bride fix his wet hair.
"Wow," Olivia snickers, "so much for roughing it for your bachelor party, huh, Beaumont?"
"I beg your pardon," Bertrand stiffens in annoyance, "we almost died out there, duchess."
"It's water."
"Centimeters upon centimeters–"
"Imagine meters of it. Frozen–"
"Well," Riley interjects the budding feud, "I, for one, am happy you guys are out of the nasty weather." She holds her hand up to the bartender, "first round on the crown!" 
"I like the sound of that," Maxwell chuckles.
"'First round on the crown'?" Liam whispers in his wife's ear, humored.
Riley scrunches up her nose, a mischievous grin crawling across her lips. "What can I say?" She giggles, slinking an arm around her husband’s waist. "I've been a queen for over a month, and I haven’t declared anything yet." She turns to her friends. "Let them drink booze!" She glances back at Liam, who's shaking his head at his tipsy wife. "What? I was channeling my inner Marie Antoinette."
"I… caught the reference," he narrows his eyes, gently placing a grip around Riley's neck. "I hope she’s not the inspiration of your own reign," he squeezes his fingers playfully, lowering his voice into a growl. "I'd hate for you to end up like her."
"You're not convincing me otherwise with your hand around my throat, my king." They knowingly snicker to one another, sharing a kiss.
"Okay, you newlyweds," Olivia snickers, rolling her eyes before turning to Drake. "So, um, Whiskers?"
He crosses his arms. "Yes…Red?" He collects a tray of glasses and a fifth of whiskey from Gunther to bring to the table.
"Curious minds want to know about this nickname."
"Awww, you’re thinking about me, Red?" She scoffs as he purposely bumps into her shoulder. "Maybe you'd rather a demonstration of why they call me Whiskers–"
"Drake Elmer!" Savannah scolds. "You're disgusting." She glances to the ladies. "Only Gunther calls him that, and the only reason he calls him that is because of Dad."
"Dad had a rule," Drake air quotes, "that I couldn't taste whiskey until I had whiskers." He nods towards the bartender, "Gunther there served me my first whiskey right after Dad's funeral–"
"Drakey!"  The syrupy voice of Savannah's ex-boyfriend bellows from across the room. "And he brought his royal round up!" The broad-shouldered red-head gives a curt bow, removing his Stetson as he notices Liam, switching to a British accent. "Your majesty."
Liam nods cordially before casually turning towards Riley. "What is it with you Americans thinking everyone in Europe talks with that accent?" Riley giggles under her breath, pinching her husband teasingly.
"Bert!" Chuck opens up his arms, pulling the duke into a tight, bear hug. "How's our groom? Come down here to flex your trivia knowledge?"
"Trivia?" Maxwell questions.
A sudden jolt of excitement hits Drake, his eyes widening as he looks to Gunther. "Is that tonight?"
"You bet yer' asses, Whiskers. $250 cash prize and a bottle of Jack to share."
"Whatd'ya say, Drakey? For old time's sake?" Chuck holds out his hand. Without giving it much thought, Drake clasps Chuck's calloused hand, pulling him into a quick hug. The men begin to hoot and grunt, clapping as they turn to join the rest of Chuck's friends in the corner.
But then Chuck stops, spinning on his heel. He glares at Bertrand before fixing a charming smirk to his mouth. "Where are my manners? Bert, the team is full, or else I'd invite you to join–"
"That's–" Bertrand clears his throat, "--quite alright, I assure you–"
"I mean," Chuck motions to Liam and Maxwell, "unless y'all wanted to make your own team." He glances over his shoulder, “Gunther, what’s tonight’s theme?
"Texas history, fellas," Gunther announces. "Trivia about the greatest fucking country in the world. Texas."
"Ahh. See?" Chuck swings out his arms, shrugging. "That’s how the story goes. Y'all better sit this one out."  With the deep clack of his cowboy boots, he adjusts his belt buckle before slowly strutting back to his seat. 
Seeing the defeat in his face, Savannah runs a hand across Bertrand's chest before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry about it, hun," she softly croons, "that's not even your idea of fun anyway."
Bertrand grows rigid. "What do you mean? I like to have fun–"
"Of course, B, just… in other… ways–"
"I," he pulls away from his fiancée, pressing his finger into his chest, "am… the epitome of fun–"
"You're right, but–"
"I'm a crate full of apes!"
Riley looks over her shoulder to Liam, whispering, "Does he know that it's a barrel full of–?"
"Shhh," Liam softly hushes, "just let him go."
"You there!" Bertrand shouts to Gunther, causing everyone to freeze. "We would like to play."
"Uh, Bertrand? A word." Maxwell motions for his brother to join him as he stumbles over to Liam. "Are you crazy?" He whisper shouts. "These people already enjoy making fun of us. Why do you want to do this?" 
"It's the principle of it all," Bertrand grows serious.
Maxwell sighs. "What do you think, Li?"
Liam looks up at Bertrand whose gaze is now attentive to Savannah. She laughs at something Kiara says, causing Bertrand's demeanor to slump a little more, as if each second with her reminds him he's not worthy of her.
Liam gets that.
"I think we should do it."
"See, Bertrand? Even Li–wait, what?" Maxwell's jaw drops. "You think this is a good idea?"
"It's just a game, right?" Liam winks handsomely. "Besides, I think Bertrand needs this."
"But Li… Texas trivia? Those guys reek of BBQ, football and leather."
“And we have survived how many secret coups attacks? Liam shrugs before patting the younger Beaumont on the back. "This could be fun."
Liam, Bertrand and Maxwell settle at a bar top table near four other teams, including Chuck and Drake's group.  As Gunther passes out electronic buzzers, he explains the rules. Chuck rubs his hands together in cocky delight as Bertrand wipes his brow with small drink napkins.
"Alright! Is everybody ready?" Gunther announces over a karaoke machine microphone. "Let's begin. When is Texas Independence Day?"
Chuck buzzes in with a proud, sarcastic snicker. "March 2nd."
"Ahh, snaps, you guys," Maxwell hangs his head in his hands. "This was a bad idea."
"It's only been one question," Liam encourages.
"And we're already losing!" Maxwell whines, covering his eyes. 
"Next question. Before her independence, Texas was governed by how many different nations?"
Liam hits the buzzer, turning to an unsuspecting Bertrand. "Psst… how many forks are in the traditional Cordonian place setting?"
Bertrand scoffs. "Six!" He barks out loud before realizing everyone is silent, staring at him.
"Huh?" Maxwell looks up, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Way to go, Bertrand!" Riley and Savannah cheer as the other ladies clap and whistle.
"Alright," Gunther starts, "next question…"
The trivia night continues, back and forth, question for question. The other teams at the bar had opportunities to answer, but overall, Chuck and Drake's team remained in the lead.
But not by much.
The men from Cordonia gave them quite a run for their money, thanks to Liam and his wealth of knowledge. But although Liam knows the majority of the answers, he is yet to speak for the team; rather, he turns to Bertrand each time after hitting the buzzer, prompting him with a different question that possesses the same answer.
"Okay, folks," the bartender announces, "this is the last question. If this team," Gunther points to Bertrand, Liam and Maxwell, "chimes in and gets it right, it will tie the game, sending us into sudden death." The bar fills with cheers, patrons shouting with excitement and pounding their fists on the tables. "Here we go. The Texas Revolution started in what year?"
There's a slight hesitation, but finally Liam turns to Bertrand and states, "The ending of the Bavarian Regency of Greece." Bertrand furrows his eyebrows, but Liam gives him a reassuring nod as he hits the buzzer.
He clears his throat. "1835?"
Everyone freezes, a hush falling over the bar in anxious anticipation.
"Folks? We've got ourselves a tied game!"
Bertrand exhales heavily, closing his eyes. Liam pats him on the back while Maxwell cheers, tugging on his brother's shoulder.  The entire bar is in a fuss as Chuck and Drake stare confusingly at each other. Gunther gets back on the mic, and explains the sudden death round, which requires for each team to choose one member to represent them.
"You've got this, Li," Maxwell applauds, Bertrand smiling and nodding.
"I think… Bertrand should take this."
"Pardon my insolence, sir, but I do not find that to be a wise decision," Bertrand argues.
"I agree with my brother, Li," Maxwell nods, "you knew all those answers–"
"But Bertrand scored us those points," Liam counters, "he needs to put up a fight until the game is over. It's the principle, remember?"  
Hearing Liam repeat his words, Bertrand grins, courage blooming in his chest. He looks to Savannah who is clapping, mouthing the words 'I'm so proud of you.' 
"I'll do it."
Bertrand and Chuck step forward for the sudden death round, peering into each other's eyes. "Are we ready, gentlemen?" Gunther asks. Both men shake their heads yes, their gazes not leaving each other. "Let the best man win."
For a split second, Bertrand glances at his fiancée, and realizes he might not be the best man, but to her, he is. And no matter what, he's already won.
"Here's the question: made popular by an Alamo hero, this portable weapon that can kill and butcher game. Name the weapon–"
Chuck buzzes in. "The Swiss army knife." He smiles brightly, pulling out his own pocket blade and twirling it in victory.
Bertrand turns back to Liam and Maxwell, shaking his head. Maxwell mouths, 'that's okay! You did your best!' Bertand shakes his head more adamantly, but now he’s starting to grin.
"Actually," the bartender starts, "that’s incorrect, Chuck." Gunther turns towards Bertrand. "Do you have an answer, my foreign friend?"
Bertrand smirks. "You are referring to the Bowie knife."
A stillness hushes the crowd; Savannah and Riley anxiously wait, hands clasped with bated breath.
"That… is correct!"
The entire room erupts with shouts of praise and earth-shaking applause.  Several men remove their ten-gallon hats to whoop in honor of the winner, the women of the bachelorette party squealing in glee.
Drake shakes Bertrand's hand before pulling him into an endearing hug. Liam and Maxwell both clap the duke on the back in congratulations. Savannah quickly cuts in, throwing her arms around her fiancé as her lips crash into his. Gunther comes over with the prize, and shakes Liam's hand. Maxwell snatches the bottle of Jack and the cash, and holds it over his head like a trophy.  More shots and drinks are ordered, the night carrying on into a wild honky-tonk of a dance party.
Riley finds Liam, roping her arms around his neck as he secures his large hands to her waist.
"I'm so proud of you, partner," Riley attempts a drawl. Liam laughs, kissing her forehead as they begin to sway to the slow country beat. "Bertrand said that you actually never gave him any answers; you just… asked him questions that had the same answer"
Liam nods slowly, "Yep."
"Oh, my queen," he beams looking down at her, "it's the principle."
"The principle?" She cocks an eyebrow.
"A man wants to win a woman's heart."
"But Savannah loves him–"
"That's not the point," Liam counters. "A man wants to win her over… and over and over again. If I gave him the answers, that would've cheated him out of proving to her and to himself that he's worthy of her."
"Do you ever feel that way about me?" She croons.
A rosy hue swirls across Liam's cheeks. "More than you realize."
Riley presses a tender kiss to her husband’s chin before continuing their dance. "But… I gotta ask. When did you become so smart about Texas history?"
Liam chuckles. "I've been best friends with Drake Walker since I was 8 years old. We used to do our studies together, and… he was terrible at history."
"So?" Liam stifles his toothy grin, licking his bottom lip. "Who do you think did his Texas history homework?"
"William Rys!"
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
Tags (please let me know if you wish to be added/removed)
@alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@3pawandme @alyshak92 @iaminlovewithtrr @katedrakeohd @lovingchoices14 @malblk21 @rubiwalker @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
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utterlyinevitable · 2 years
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im just SO sad for him. a pixelated boy shouldn’t have so much family trauma.
but the bonding between Drake and Anya this scene is 😍
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dcbbw · 3 months
Stormholt Masterlist
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This limited series will be my re-write of the hit movie sensation Saltburn. It will be a TRR AU, and include the iconic and infamous bathtub scene, vampire scene, and the cemetery scene. Because it’s me, there will be pushing of boundaries. (Chapters will be appropriately tagged with content warnings)
If you are unfamiliar with Saltburn, on the surface it appears to be the story of an unlikely friendship between outsider Oliver/Ollie (Drake Walker) and rich, popular Felix (Liam). However, it quickly devolves into an intricate web of obsession, deceit, depravity, and murder.
Trailer: Saltburn | Official Trailer (youtube.com)
Not saying I will do the original story any justice, but hopefully I achieve my objective of crafting an enjoyable story that is both similar to and vastly different from its inspiration, while still able to toss a few twists and surprises in.
Chapters will be posting soon. (I know I say that alllll the time, but promise I am working on them now) Order of and titles of chapters may change.
Cast of Characters:
Drake Walker: the outsider who infiltrates everyone’s lives
Liam Rys: rich, popular, living a frantic life at a frenetic pace
Regina Rys: Liam’s stepmother; pompous, prideful, a bit daft
Constantine Rys: Liam’s father, he knows more than he tells
Riley: Liam’s wife; blunt, erratic, and mentally ill … but not stupid
Madeleine: Regina’s cousin (once removed), who has outlived her usefulness in all ways
Maxwell: Childhood friend who has fallen on hard times and found a soft place to land
Leo Rys: Liam’s half-brother, a member of the duchy’s constabulary; Drake looks very familiar to him
Katie: Leo’s wife; her motto is “touch but don’t look”
Savannah Walker: Drake’s estranged sister
Jackson and Bianca Walker: Drake’s parents
Casey Valentine: Drake’s ex-situationship
Bastien & Gladys: Long-time servants at Stormholt; they came with the house
Prologue: A Fine Morning
Chapter One: Meet. Cute.
Chapter Two: Besties
Chapter Three: Menagerie
Chapter Four: Getting to Know You
Chapter Five: Deadly Sins
Chapter Six: My Best Friend’s Sister
Chapter Seven: Rub a Dub Dub
Chapter Eight: I Know What You Did Last Night
Chapter Nine: The Train Station
Chapter Ten: A Thief in the Night
Chapter Eleven: Little Lies
Chapter Twelve: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Chapter Thirteen: The Kingdom of Heaven
Epilogue: Alone at Last
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
Isle of Misfits Chapter 11: The Final Cut
Fandom: Mostly TRR but a bit of others sprinkled in, as well as some OC's from the first few chapters.
Series: Isle of Misfits, Round Robin 2024, hosted by @choicesprompts
Word Count: 1,981
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Drake turned his head to take in Liam standing in the doorway, but he didn’t release Bertrand’s collar. “Not now, Li. I need answers first!”
“I…that…” Bertrand fumbled with the remote control, rewinding then pausing on a close-up of him with the redhead wrapped in his arms. “Look!”
Drake glared at the TV screen for a moment, and then the frown lines on his face eased. He released Bertrand and took a step back. “Oh, that’s not Liv.” Even from behind, he could tell it wasn’t her. He knew every line and curve of her body. If he had paused it sooner, he would have realized his mistake.
“Wait.” Olivia pointed to the date in the upper corner of the screen. “It couldn’t have been me. That was the night I was at that ribbon-cutting ceremony with Raleigh.”
Raleigh Carrera had gotten his shit together in record time. A thorough cleansing of alcohol from his room and a handful of public appearances had put him back on top of his career. He was off on a world tour with firm dinner plans with Olivia and Drake the next time he was in the country.  
Drake whirled on the elder Beaumont. “Are you cheating on my sister?”
“No…ah…” Bertrand turned ten shades of red as he stammered and stuttered. “She…that is…. I mean…”
“What is it, man? Spit it out already!”
Bertrand wanted to fall through the floor, but he managed to grit out, “The redhead is Savannah! She…. ah…”
Drake looked like he wanted to commit murder. “Did you make my sister dress up like that?”
“What? Heavens no! It was her idea!”
“Her idea?”
“Yes! This time, she wanted to be a redhead. Last month it was blond…she…ah…sometimes she likes to…um…. role play and…. well…”
All the blood drained from Drake’s face. “Shut up! That’s enough! No one needs to hear anything else!”
Olivia’s delighted laughter cut through the air. “I didn’t know little Savs had it in her. Good for her! Get it, girl!”
Drake shook his head. “Liv, no.”
Bertrand’s face had gone purple as he fought the ignominy. Clearing his throat, he changed the subject. “I think we should address Madeleine’s poor judgment.”
Madeleine gaped at him. “My poor judgment? How about asking why there are reporters on a private island? What about that?”
Bertrand gave his lapels a sharp tug as he regained his composure. “Oh, there will be a thorough investigation into that! Which still doesn’t answer the question as to why you would take one of our clients out in public outside of a prearranged appearance when our policy clearly states—”
“Pfft!” Madeleine flicked her fingers at him. “I didn’t read your employee handbook as I am not your employee! I am here at the behest of the king!”
“Yes, well, about that.” Bertrand straightened his shoulders as he turned to face Liam. “I allowed her to come here to help as a courtesy to you, Your Majesty. However, I’m afraid that I must inform you that the countesses’ services are no longer needed.”
“Of course,” Liam inclined his head slightly. “The Leviathan Group is your business. I’m sorry if I overstepped. I simply wanted to help my brother—”
“Which you did, by sending him here, to me. No other client has been allowed to have friends or family visit during their time with us. Please, Liam. Let me do my job.”
The king looked like he wanted to argue for a moment and then his shoulders slumped. “Yes, of course. I am sorry. I should also apologize for agreeing to help Trystan and then not being able to follow through.”
“It is of no consequence.” Bertrand waved him off. “Liv was able to step in. You have an entire country to run. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Seriously?” Madeleine fumed. “You know what? That’s fine. Get someone else to help Mr. never met a responsibility he couldn’t ignore or run away from. I’ll be on the next boat back to the mainland.” She spun on her heel and was gone.
“Thank god!” Leo commanded everyone’s attention as he slapped the newspaper again. “But what are we going to do about this?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to take you under my wing personally,” Bertrand assured him. “And since your wife is here, we’re going to enlist her help.”
Bertrand didn’t say it out loud, but he was fairly certain Katie was the security leak. Reporters had most likely followed her to the island. Though Liam was also a possibility. This was why friends and family weren’t supposed to visit.
Leo rubbed his eyes. “I’m not sure she’s even speaking to me right now.”
“Well, have you tried explaining to her why you were in that bush throwing up outside a Beverly Hills mansion at three a.m. while she was at home with two infants?”
“How the hell was I supposed to know there’d be a reporter there?”
“But why were you there in the first place? With that woman?”
Leo shook his head vehemently from side to side. “That woman just helped me back into the house because I was too drunk to stand on my own!”
“I believe you.” Bertrand clasped a hand on his shoulder. “But you still need to answer why you were there in the first place. For your wife and yourself, honestly. Katie shouldn’t be here, but since she is, I’ve arranged some couples’ counseling for you, and I don’t want to hear any arguments about it.”
Leo opened his mouth, then shut it again. He nodded. Couples’ counseling sounded good. He didn’t want to lose the family he was in the process of building. They meant too much to him.
“Okay, good!” Bertrand squeezed his shoulder tighter, then released it and slapped him on the back. “Why don’t you go talk to her right now?”
Leo nodded again. “Thanks.” He stopped in front of Liam on his way out. “I’m sorry I was such an ass about coming here. You might have saved my marriage, so…thank you for that.”
“I love you, man,” Liam told him as he pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, little bro.”
After Leo had left the room, Liam shifted from foot to foot awkwardly before blurting out, “So, what’s this about Riley and Max?”
Drake’s jaw clenched. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Li, but I saw them together this morning. Max was coming out of her room this morning. Early this morning!”
Liam stared at him in wide-eyed panic as his mind whirled with ways to mitigate this breach of decorum. He knew he could tell Drake anything, but his eyes flicked to Bertrand and Olivia as he scrambled for a cover story. “Ah… he was there to deliver an update about Leo. I was in an early meeting, so I asked him to deliver it to Lady Riley instead.”
Liam held his breath as he waited to see if they bought the story.
Drake’s eyes narrowed. It had been really early. But if Liam didn’t want everyone in the room to know his business, then Drake would respect that, so he simply replied with, “Okay. That makes sense.”
Liam’s body sagged with relief. He wasn’t ready for the world to know about him and Max or Max and Riley, much less him, Max and Riley as a throuple. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Drake. But next time please come to me with any concerns instead of blurting them out in front of others. It’s how rumors get started and I can ill afford those at the very start of my reign.”
Drake gave him a curt nod. “Of course. Sorry.”
Liam waved dismissively in his direction. “Your heart was in the right place. We’ll talk later.” He turned from Drake to Bertrand. “I’m going to say goodbye to my brother and then I promise not to come back unless you invite me. I should have trusted you from the beginning and stayed out of it.”
“I appreciate the trust you’re placing in me, Your Majesty.”
Drake watched Liam leave, then turned to Olivia. “Are you ready? I thought we could grab some—”
The redhead sauntered closer to her boyfriend and ran a hand down his chest, “I would love to do whatever the end of that sentence is but first….” She glanced back at her business partner. “I need to talk to Bert about something real quick. You go on. I’ll meet you in my room in ten.”
He gave her a salacious grin as he pulled her in for a kiss. She started to melt into him before remembering they weren’t alone. Mostly because Bertrand cleared his throat to remind them. She pushed him away with a teasing grin. “Go on. I’ll be along soon enough.”
When Drake was out of the room, she turned to Bertrand with a steely glare. “Would you like to tell me why the west wing has been closed off since our first night here?”
Bertrand’s body jerked. His eyes widened. “Oh… ah… we just aren’t using—”
“Cut the shit, Bert!” Olivia crossed the room to stand defiantly in front of him. “When I can’t sleep, I walk. I saw the ambulance that night. There were no lights, no sirens but I know what I saw.”
Bertrand let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped. “It will be a relief to tell someone. One of our guests, an aging actor looking to make a comeback, was… done away with that night.”
Olivia blinked. “You mean murdered?”
Bertrand nodded. He had told Max it was a bad dream…. and it had been. But it had also happened.
“And you swept it under the rug because a murder the first night of your new business venture would be bad publicity?”
He nodded again.
“Any clues who it was?”
“Well, the young lady that found the body disappeared later that night.” It had been a miracle that no one other than him had heard her scream. Mostly because he had been the only guest in that wing, having insisted on complete privacy.
“Do we know who she was?”
“She was Natalia Karanova, here under the pretense of being the personal assistant to another guest, Krista Rodriguez. But upon further investigation, it turns out she is also the granddaughter of an actress murdered on the set of the 1980 movie The Deepest Cut.”
Olivia tilted her head to one side in contemplation. “Was she even alive in 1980?”
Bertrand shook his head. “No. But her mother was and by all accounts, she was never right again after losing her mother at such a young age. She struggled with lifelong depression and eventually took her own life. She named our esteemed guest in her suicide note.”
Olivia sucked in a breath. “That would be motive.”
“So did you tell the police?”
He shook his head again.
“Why not?”
“Because I read the news article about what happened to that young, aspiring actress. She didn’t deserve what happened to her, but perhaps her murderer did. The evidence was clear, but fame and money made it all just go away.”
“Wow, Bert. I didn’t know you had it in you!” She gave him an approving smile. “Good for you!”
“So, you won’t tell anyone?”
“My lips are sealed.”
Three weeks later, Leo discovered in therapy that he had been self-sabotaging his whole life because of deep-seated insecurities stemming from a childhood of neglect, abandonment, and mental abuse at the hands of his father.  
He cooperated with the rest of the program, repaired his public image, and, more importantly, his relationship with his wife.
He returned home to California with her and their two children and they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
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Book: TRR AU/ Once upon a time prequel
Pairings:Liam x Savannah 
Word count:1367
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry. 
Rating: Mature
Warning: none
A/N: The @kingliamappreciationweek (day 1 ) was an excellent excuse to revisit my very old WIPs. Thank you @lizzybeth1986 for brainstorming the title for this fic that hopefully will be a mini series.
Prompt: That's how the story goes @choicesflashfics and flower, sunrise @aprilchallenge by @peonierose for @choicesmonthlychallenge
The island of Corsica, 
Mediterranean sea, 
The first rays of the rising sun kissed the peak of Monte Cinto igniting the deep red of the granite and then bowed at its foothills before bathing the valley of Lozzi. With the thick backdrop of chestnut forests and the evergreen sheet of the shrubs, the village of Lozzi brightened to its glory. The fragrance of the flowers of the Maquis carried far out across the land as life stirred awake on the “Scented Isle.” 
Savannah was already up on her toes, hastening through her morning chores before she reached her workplace. 
It had been a couple of years since she left Cordonia and had made her little abode on this island. She had no regrets, no complaints. With her qualifications she was able to pick up a job that helped her manage her expenses in Corsica. Moreover, she was grateful for having a reason to live. A reason to look at the world through the innocent blue eyes of her little munchkin. She thanked the Almighty in her prayers and then got ready for the day. 
After a couple of hours, she walked down a curved path to a cream building that had a dull blue board with a large print of 'Middle school of Moltifao'. This was where she had found her happiness. She was re- living her childhood teaching history lessons to some ten year olds here. She entered a modest room decorated with hand made amateur charts. 
Twenty one curious little minds were eagerly waiting in that room for an interesting story from their teacher, whom they adored. They were all delighted to see her and so was she.
Except, the topic for the day was a bit difficult for her to deal with. It was going to bring back memories of her 'Prince Charming' and so much more. But, 'the show must go on' she thought and began…
"We discussed Vatican City last time. Today let's talk about Cordonia. Can anyone tell me what's common between these two countries of Europe?" She made their little minds work. 
The plump girl on the first desk shot her hand high in the air. Savannah smiled at the Hermione of her class. 
"Yes, Susan, tell me." 
" They are both absolute monarchies." She beamed proudly. 
"You are right." 
Rio, who always had doubts about anything and everything, interjected, "But why? I understood the reasons for Vatican City in the last class Ms Walker. Why is Cordonia ruled by a king when the rest of the countries in Europe have elected governments?"
"Good question, Rio. Cordonia had its own struggle too. There was a period of unrest when a group of people revolted and did not want the royals. But everything changed when King Liam took over the reins." 
She felt the blush rising to her cheeks. She was irritated, realizing what effect his name had on her even after all these years. 
She covered up her nervousness and shifted her gaze from Rio to the rest of the class. "Anyone know about him and how he brought about the change?" 
Susan again stretched her hand high, but so did Sana, the quietest of them all. Savannah smiled at Susan in an understanding and then asked Sana to speak. "He is King Liam, the wise. He is very kind, cares for his people and loves them." 
"Very good, Sana!" She encouraged her.
Sana coyly looked at her classmates and when she saw everyone smiling, she continued, "King Liam belongs to the Rhys dynasty. Ever since his coronation he has helped his people. He relaxed many rules to ease out the life of common people. Unlike other nobles he gels with commoners and is comfortable with us." 
The last word sent Savannah's mind on a spin. 'She said 'us'. What does she mean by 'us'? Is she from Cordonia? What are the odds? Will my secret be revealed?' her thoughts were racing yet she maintained her poise and politely asked, "That's very nice,Sana. How do you know these details?" 
"My aunt lives in Cordonia. They have apple orchards there. Aunt Cher told me there was an attack once by bad people and all their orchards were destroyed. She says King Liam waived off the taxes and came down himself to work with farmers.  That's how the story goes." Sana concluded. 
Savannah would have been lost in her thoughts, of her time with him around the apple trees, had Nader not raised a question, "Did he fight the bad people?" 
Sana shrugged her shoulders and looked at her teacher for an answer. 
Savannah composed herself again, "Not exactly, Nader. The attacks happened when King Liam was just crowned." 
Nader interjected wide eyed, " You mean there were more than one attack?" 
Savannah nodded sadly. "Cordonia had a tough time. Liam had to face another such attack before he could prove himself. But under his command, the military became stronger, the council became more sympathetic to the needs of citizens and the country started flourishing. The bad people had to give up their fight and accept that Liam is the best ruler they have had in a century." 
Emanuel, the wise boy of the class shared his opinion, "He seems to be a very nice person." 
Savannah felt a wave of pride as she added, "Indeed he is. Liam is liked by not just his countrymen but he is even a favorite in meetings held at global levels. And guess why?" She spurred the kids. 
Emanuel replied or rather questioned back, "Is it because he is very kind and always respectful?" 
Savannah agreed, "Yes Emanuel, he is affectionate and gentle. He is courteous and obliging to all. That is the whole reason he is called people's king."
Rachel asked in a shy tone, "Is he handsome?" 
Savannah almost snorted at the little girl's interest, "Very much! He is the most gallant and chivalrous gentleman you will ever meet."
"What does he look like?"  
Savannah realized that she had turned as red as Rachel, blushing while she answered. " He is tall and a strong man. He looks at you with the calmest blue eyes and he is ever smiling, making you forget all your worries." This was getting a bit out of hand so she thought of changing the topic but the children seemed unstoppable.
Dave raised a point that turned out to be the most disturbing for Savannah, "Did you ever meet him or see him?" 
She closed her eyes for a moment. 'I was supposed to be with him but I can't tell you that.' She took a deep breath before she spoke. "Yes, I was lucky to see and meet him a few years ago." 
Some of the kids gasped at that. She responded with a weak smile. Rachel seemed to be fascinated just as Savannah was as a little girl. So she inquired, "That must be like a dream come true!" 
Savannah nodded through teary eyes and tried to curb the choking feeling in her throat. 'No more.' she couldn't fight her emotions for long so she decided to wrap up the session. 
She swallowed thickly, "I think that's enough for today's class. Your assignments are due next week. Till then, read well and enjoy the tales from the past." She waved off with her signature line. She picked up her belongings and scurried away from the class in an effort to hide the overwhelming feeling she had. 
Her students were to just read their history books but for her it was revisiting those excruciating wounds that were left from the memories of the man she loved. 
She moved out of the door and started to her left without looking. She thought she banged into a wall but it was cushioned and smelled familiar. Too familiar. Like a part of her. No, it was the missing part of her. She shut her eyes tight to shoo away the daydream but the sound that followed, confirmed that it was real. 
"If you like me so much, why did you leave me?" Liam lamented in his deep tone.  Savannah slowly opened her eyes, to face the set of peaceful ocean blues. She lost all her control and the dams of her eyes came crashing down. 
(part 2 coming soon. Thank you so much for reading 😊)
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @annabellewynter @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @rubiwalker @703cowbarn @kyra 75 @likealotus @kskvb20 @marietrinmimi @juan-francisco-palencia
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TRR 2023 Masterlist (5)
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈= LGBTQIA
Compete 2023 TRR Masterlist
December 2023
A Cup of Comfort (Series) ✒️| TRR MC, Friends - @silvermillenniumqueenneptune Chapter 1
Christmas in New York ✒️🌟| Liam Rys x MC - @eadanga
Side by Side (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @ownworldresident Chapter 3: Legitimate | Chapter 4: Resolve
The Best Mistake He Never Had (Series) ✒️| Drake Walker x MC - @camillemontespan Part 3
Turning the Page (Serires) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 8: Home is Where the Heart Is
Week ending December 16, 2023
A Balad to No One ✒️| Hana Lee - @lorirwritesfanfic
Cordonian Karaoke: Christmas Edition ✒️🌟| Liam Rys, Drake Walker, etc. - @angelasscribbles
The Fairytale Ball ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @lorirwritesfanfic
Forevermore (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 2: The Family Rys, Part 1 Chapter 2: The Family Rys, Part 2
The Lantern Festival 🎨| Liam Rys x MC by @/artbyainna (IG) (C: @tessa-liam)
Smoke & Mirrors (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 11: The Lantern Festival
Vancross (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x OC - @ao719 Chapter 20: One Step Forward, Two Steps to Hell
All I Want for Christmas - Part 1 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🌟| Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x Maxwell Beaumont - @angelasscribbles
Commoner ✒️Ⓜ️| Savannah Walker x Leo Rys, Savannah Walker x Bertrand Beaumont - @dcbbw
Commoner - Part 2: Secret ✒️Ⓜ️| Savannah Walker x Leo Rys, Savannah Walker x Bertrand Beaumont - @dcbbw
Here Comes the Sun (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC, Drake Walker x MC - @kristinamae093 Part Seven
Merry Christmas 🎨🌟| Liam Rys x MC by @bayleedraws-sometimesx (C: @tessa-liam)
Royal Birthday ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @eadanga
Turning the Page (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 7: Because I Love You Ⓜ️
November 2023
Turning the Page (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 6: Right Here Waiting Ⓜ️
For Palestine ✒️🎨| TRR MC - Art by @rosefuckinggenius fic by @petiteboheme
Midnights Like This (Series) ✒️| Leo Rys x MC, Liam Rys x F!OC - @queenrileyrose Part 12: Wanting More
The Pricess's Secret (Series) Chapter 6 ✒️Ⓜ️🔥- @liamsqueen1984
Turning the Page (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam Part 5: Against All Odds
Birthday ✒️🎨 | Drake Walker x MC art by @rosefuckinggenius fic by @petiteboheme
Trick or Treat ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @kristinamae093
Vancross (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 19: As Long As There's You At My Side
Don't Break (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!OC - @charlotteg234 Chapter 5: Everything's Fine, Nothing's Alright
Turning the Page Series Fanart 🎨by @/artbyainna (IG) (C: @tessa-liam)
Week ending October 28, 2023
Royal Love (Series) ✒️| Eleanor x M!OC - @eadanga Part 16
Smoke & Mirrors (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 10: This I Promise You
Unexpected (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC, Maxwell Beaumont x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 7: Red Flags Chapter 8: All Tied Up Ⓜ️
Victim of Love (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈 | Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x MC x Hana Lee - @angelasscribbles Chapter 15: Now and Forever
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queenmiarys · 9 months
Please excuse any errors or mistakes and I want to say thank you to whom all reads. Happy Sunday everyone.
Through  Hell and back
Trr none royal
Pairing: Olivia x Anton
Chapter summary: it's Juliana's birthday and Olivia cut loose and has some fun but confused about Anton's reaction after the party.
Warning: mentions of attempted rape, being tipsy and light profanity.
All characters belong to pixelberry I just borrowed them for my stories.
Word count 1,928
Song inspiration:
Part 2 Green eyed monster
It was Sunday afternoon. Olivia turned over and grabbed her phone, it was now 2pm. " Oh shit Liam."
She dialed his number."I'm so sorry but on the way?"
"Liv, we talked with Kiki earlier and she explained your date went over, so I understand I told her to let you sleep, besides you are coming to Juliana party tonight right? 
"Sure I'll be there."
Are you bringing this new guy along?" 
"I don't think so."
"Really you should invite him."
When Olivia arrived at the party, everyone was having a good time. "There you are, Max said, slurring his words." So we don't get to meet this new guy?" Kiki said that he was hot,  but I bet not hotter than me." He laughed, I could already tell he was tipsy. . 
"Babe, come with me so you can cool down some." A wicked grain from Juliana all it took and he followed her upstairs.
Liam and Mia had walked over to Olivia.
"My love, would you mind if I spoke to Olivia for a moment?" Liam said to his girlfriend 
"You know I don't mind, baby." 
Once they made it outside." So you really like this guy Anton?"
"He's okay, but honestly I really don't know him well. We just went on one date."
"Have you talked with Drake at all?"
"No not at all, it's been over a year since we spoke."
"Here's the thing, remember Riley?"
"You mean his girlfriend??"
"Yeah her."
"Would you just get to the point already?"
"He asked her to marry him last week." 
"Why would you be afraid to tell me this?"
"Well No one really knows how serious the two of you were, but  I knew you both loved each other and despite him meeting this Riley girl you'll always be his first love and the same for you."
"Liam it doesn't mean anything." She couldn't stop the tears from falling.Liam just held her without saying a word for a few minutes. 
"I'm here for you, we can talk about it if you want or not."
"Did you know he was my first?"
"I figured as much, you were so  very young."
"Come on, you guys are only 2 years older than me."
"True, but you know how Drake is, you know he went against his own rules and took a chance with you only being 16, I remember right before you got together you two were always at each other's throats, I remember when he confused he had feelings for you and wanted to come forth, he thought you hated him, you know I encouraged him to just talk to you and treat you better."
" Thank you for that, um We should go back in before they come looking for us." She said to change the subject and to keep from reliving the past, besides he's engaged now. 
"Yeah I suppose so, so when do I meet this Anton guy?" Oh look at that smile you really like him huh?"
"He seems alright." 
They returned to the party. "Come on people let's dance the night away a very drunken Bertrand yelled out, Maxwell re entered the party with a change of clothes on, Bertrand and Maxwell broke into dancing to,  it actually look like Max had taught his brother some moves, what was impressive was that Bertrand was so drunk he threw off his shirt, and throw it over his head to Penelope who caught it and was super excited, Bertrand winked at her, until he saw Savannah walk up behind her. 
Drake called Juliana on FaceTime. " Hi Drake oh hi you must be Riley?" 
She smiled. "Yes, nice to meet you."
"Same here he's told me so much about you
"Excuse me, but I called to wish you Happy birthday kid, I really wish we could've been there."
"I totally understand." She said giggling. Some things never change. Drake will always be himself, she thought.
Olivia was walking past, Juliana was talking and she heard Drake voice but also another female, she peeped in to see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes,  her heart sunk in her chest, it's been over a long time she thought who could blame him for moving on it had been 2 years she was brought from her thoughts when she heard Juliana speaking again
"Look guys, I hate to cut things short, but I need to get back to my party."
Okay Juliana talk later."
"So that's Maxwell's wife?" She's beautiful." 
"So are you, Brooks, and yes I was certainly surprised when Beaumont got married, he was pretty wild back in the day." 
"I've only met Liam in person, and your sister, I would like to meet everyone else, and that video call doesn't count."
"One day you will, Liam has invited you to his wedding, you know I'm the best man so I would be going down early.
" Just how early?" 
"I need to go a week in advance." 
"I can't let them have you for a week." She teased pulling his 6"3  frame down to her 5"4 and kissed him."I love you Mr Walker."
"I love you too."
He couldn't help but to think of Olivia and the way she used to do the same, only Olivia stood 5" nothing. He closed his eyes and shook his head. 
"Baby I need to take a walk, just to clear my head." 
"Okay baby, don't be too late." 
He walked to a nearby park.
" Liv, stop, why do you act like you hate me so much?" 
"Drake please just go."  " I didn't ask you to be my knight and shining armor."
"Look at me, did Jason, just try to hurt you?" She started to cry. That was all the confirmation he needed. "That son of a b**** , "Beaumont, can you sit with Liv till I return?"
"Go ahead, I won't leave her." 
Once Drake made it inside  Jason was standing surrounded by several  females. "Just who I was looking for, I'll  teach you to never touch a lady when she says no." 
Drake punched him and he fell to the ground,  Drake continued to punch him. Until Liam jumped in front of him,  pleading with him to stop. 
"Drake you're going to kill him, come on go with me and get some air."
They got outside." What the hell happened?" 
"That sob tried to rape her, she's a mess, Liam you know how I feel about her."
Once he returned home Riley questioned him going home "Oh, so you want to go without me?"
"Brooks, it's my best friend's wedding. I can't miss that."
He pulled her over to him, and gently kissed her neck." 
"Come on, let's  go take a shower, we will meet up with your mom in a few hours.
"We can just get ready then."
Brooks, I love you, but you take forever to get ready for like 2 to 3 hours and on top of it all, you hate waking up it takes you 30 minutes to wake fully up." 
"Let's pick something to wear,  and take our shower together."
4 hours later. 
"Brooks,  get up  it's been 30 minutes, it's 9:30 we are supposed to meet your vmom in an hour. " 
"I'm up." Drake was just staring ." Don't worry it's going up in a messy bun, it's only mom."
Olivia work up to her phone Vibrating, she and Juliana, joined by Kiara and Penelope all fell asleep while watching a movie, everyone was drunk except Mia 
"Hello?" She answered. "Oh Anton, how are you?"
"I'm good, so did you have fun last night?"
"It was okay, wish you could've come, me and most of the girls ended up watching a movie falling asleep."
"So you are still there?"  A hint of jealousy came into his voice. But he quickly changed his tone
"Yes I am, 
"I have to go, talk later." He quickly hung up the phone in her face. 
She stood there in shock for a moment. "Is everything okay?" Mia asked whom Olivia didn't know was in the room.
"Yes it's fine, I got to get to work." 
"Me and Liam both too, it's a good thing I own my own business." Today I'll do 12 till 8.
"There you are my love." Liam gave her a kiss and handed her some money. Remember no ATM use, remember off limits."
She let out a sigh. "Okay I promise. "
"Gotta go." he gave her one more kiss
"What's this you not getting money from the atm?" You have new shoes and a new handbag? Olivia said, rolling her eyes. 
"It's the reason Liam went all crazy on me, and he's been very strict on what I spend, I mean the man puts my bank account to shame. He's only 22, he gave me 20 bucks and said that should be enough for lunch." 
"He's always saved up, but he's also indulged in his lavish gifts as well. "
"He's just showing me how to save and what I should invest in, well I must be going now."
Everyone rushed off to work.
Two weeks later,  Anton had come over for dinner. Olivia wasn't the greatest cook, but her mom taught her a few Pasta dishes and how to make the sauce to go with them. "It smells wonderful in here, I didn't know you could cook."
"Well not really,  these few dishes I know were passed down from my mom, I used to help her a lot." 
There was a knock on the door. "Ki did you forget your keys?" She said as he opened the door revealing her father and brother standing there. "Father, Joel
"We just came to see, would you like to go get a bite with us?".
"While father I have company, and I cooked
"You cooked as in food?"
"stop it, of course I cooked food silly .
"you must really like this new guy?" Can we meet him
"Sure brother, come in." She opened the door and they all went into the dining room and introduced them, her father knew who Anton was already
"Anton this is my father Lionel and my brother Joel
"Nice to meet you." They both said in union.
They sat and talked for a while, but it was just something that Joel didn't like about his sister new man.
"Sis I hate to run but I got some stuff to handle."her brother said as he stood up to leave.
She hugged her brother and walked him out.
"So what do you think brother?" 
"I honestly don't know yet sis, I mean so far I don't like him, he just has a negative vibe and until then I can't say what it is but I don't like this guy sis."
"You don't like anyone I date so what else is new?" Are you dating anyone ?"
"I was just hooking up with this guy named Kevin." 
"So no one special?"
Maybe when I'm old enough, 27 is still young and beside no one looking for me to marry or have a child, since I don't swing for the right team, as aunt Lucinda always tells me how it's a sin to date men and all."
"You can't listen to her, she is so wrapped up in us but doesn't see that Amber is Bi and Casey may be as well, it'll serve her right for looking down on people." 
"Thanks you're the best little sister."
"I'm your only sister." She said with a big smile..
"Let me get back to Anton." She hugged him and went back inside.
Anton sat in the dining room talking to her father but watching the scene out the window. 
"Dinner was delicious, but I must be going." He hid how angry he was that her dad and brother crashed their date.
@kingliam2019 @choicesficwriterscreations @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @kaitycole @karahalloway
@honey358luv @harleybeaumont @kingliam-rys @tessa-liam @bebepac @dcbbw @mom2000aggie
@lolablackwrites @luvquit @shewillreadyou @yaniradolton @yolandawalker @yourmajesty09 @storyofmychoices @queenrileyrose @ao719 @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Why I gave HLAW a "Hana's Perfect Wedding" Theme
Tbr I like thinking up weddings for all my pairings and fave characters. But with Hana there is an added significance that makes me want it to be extra special for her specifically.
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The first two chapters of Hana's playthrough in TRR3, touches on a very interesting and rather painful aspect of Hana's upbringing - that she has been robbed of choice in so many things, especially in the kind of wedding she wanted. We see this both in the safe house, where Hana and MC decide to marry, and at their engagement photoshoot where Hana plans a couple poses.
In both scenes, she dives into the task with incredible enthusiasm, before stopping herself and asking the MC if in doing so she is ignoring the MC's desires for their wedding. The MC can reassure her, but in both scenes Hana is nervous about becoming like her parents, in leaving behind her partner in her desire to fulfill her own dreams for her wedding.
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Unfortunately, this story thread is dropped completely after Ch 2 of TRR3, and the wedding itself is so focused on the MC that PB often forgets that Hana is a bride at that wedding too! She is made to wear dull colours like the rest at her own bachelorette (and two white ladies of the court are allowed to break this rule), and is treated like a bridesmaid more than a bride at her own reception! Especially in the Savannah proposal diamond scene.
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Despite being the bride, the MC makes her run errands and she is made to stand in the line of bridesmaids for the bouquet toss in her wedding gown! Honestly...not a dream wedding at all.
So it's always been important to me, to imagine a perfect wedding for Hana. One that centers her. That keeps her dreams - the ones that Hana assumed would never come true - in mind. One that respects her journey and where she came from, combines all the things she loves.
So to me...and I think to many Hana stans... Hana's dream wedding isn't just a typical dream of someone who can't wait to marry the one they love. It's also an opportunity for Hana to live out fantasies and dreams and wishes that she thought she'd never have the chance to fulfill.
Because I'm not sure how many TRR players know about this...I thought I'd talk about it and why it personally mattered so much to me, a bit today. ☺️☺️
Can't wait to see all your HLAW entries!!
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karahalloway · 9 months
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Book 1 - (Un)Common Attraction
Harper Gale - a small-town girl from Montana - takes a leap of faith and jets off to Cordonia to join Prince Christian's social season. But does she actually want to become the queen of a small European country? Or will her heart have other ideas? An AU take of TRR1 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Book 2 - (Less Than) Noble Intentions [In Progress]
The social season may be over, but Harper Gale's problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
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Lone Star State [Coming Soon!]
A prequel series to (Un)Common Attraction detailing Drake’s escapades at the Walker Ranch in Texas during his final year of university.
Drake gets roped into playing a charity polo match when one of the other team members doesn’t show for the game… What can possibly go wrong? One-shot set before the start of (Un)Common Attraction.
Thanksgiving [In Progress]
Harper and Drake fly to Bozeman, MT to spend their first Thanksgiving together with Harper’s family. Mini-series that takes place after the events of (Less Than) Noble Intentions.
A Winged Wish
On a special December night in the lead-up to Christmas, Harper has a tough choice to make... One-shot written for 2021 Choices Twelve Days of Fictmas.
Uncharted: Tales from the Gypsea
A collection of standalone one-shots chronicling Harper and Drake’s honeymoon adventures around the Mediterranean. Set after the events of (Less Than) Noble Intentions.
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Sleepless in New York
What if Drake met Harper on the first night of Prince Christian's New York bachelor party? A standalone AU written from Drake’s POV.
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A Leviathan Surprise
Maxwell unveils a larger than life surprise for Bertrand’s 30th birthday. A Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week 2023 one-shot.
A (Slightly Awkward) Reunion
After Bertrand discovers that he has a son, he works up the courage to see Savannah. But an important conversation is very rudely interrupted… A Smut-Tember 2021 one-shot.
Camping Was Intense
Harper organises (another) surprise birthday party for Drake that doesn’t end up going as planned… Two-parter written for Drake’s Birthday Bash 2021.
Mission: Cordonia [In Progress]
Harper's jewelry heist on the night of the Beaumont Bash goes wrong... TRR and Mission:Impossible II mash-up (that turned into a mini-series) written for @choicesprompts’ Rewrite Challenge.
The Highwayman
On one dark, windswept night, a highwayman's luck runs out... My submission for @choicesprompts' Song Rewrite Challenge that turned into a mini-series.
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Mardi Gras Madness
The TRR lads celebrate Maxwell’s 21st birthday in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. What could possibly go wrong? Collaborative project written in tandem with three other writers.
One Step Ahead
Nothing is as it seems in this fast-paced thriller. A really fun round robin collaboration I participated in with several other TRR fic writers here on Tumblr in 2022.
One Night In Cordonia
It’s night of the Beaumont Bash, and there’s more than one surprise in store for the unsuspecting guests! Another fun round robin collaboration hosted by @choicesprompts in 2023.
Sex Bomb
It's the night of Leo's coronation, but the young prince has bigger worries. One-shot follow-up to my submission for One Night in Cordonia written for Smut-tember 2023.
Isle of Misfits
Bertrand starts a PR firm… for celebrities. What can possibly go wrong? A cross-fandom round robin hosted by @choicesprompts in 2024.
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Take a peek inside Harper & Drake’s Scrapbook for OTP Asks, Moodboards, Edits and other fun stuff!
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txemrn · 1 year
Déjà Vu
Chapter 2
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New? Check out the first chapter HERE! (Go ahead; you're not late. Sure, we can wait.)
Series Summary: After an unforgettable night with a stranger, Princess Eleanor finds herself caught in a secret love triangle between a noble and a commoner.
Chapter Summary: Drake attends dinner at the palace, and even though some things will never change, he discovers quickly everyone has moved on without him.
Pairing(s): Liam x Riley; Bertrand x Savannah; Maxwell x m!OC; Olivia x Amalas
Word Count: ~4885
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞 language (like, a lot); references to infidelity, pregnancy; teasing/bullying
A/N: Welcome to my Crack Fic! If you are new, hi! Thank you for joining us! This story takes place approximately 2 decades after TRR/TRH. I have made some canonical changes (they will be mentioned). Characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry! This was not Beta'd; please excuse my errors.
The gentle purr of the engine beneath my grip of the steering wheel shoots pleasurable waves of pure octane ecstasy. My nerves ignite with palpable electricity, coursing through my every cell. The cream leather interior is like butter against my skin, and the scent of luxury leaves me completely intoxicated.
Lucky little shit.  
I still can't believe my nephew–my fucking nephew–owns this beauty. How many twenty-four-year-olds own an Aston Martin Vantage convertible? I wish I could give him more shit about it, coming from such privilege as being the oldest son of a duke, but Bartie has more than earned it. 
He may not have exactly been planned, but he was the answer, and essentially the savior, of Ramsford. Back when I lived in this God-forsaken country, some twenty-odd years ago, Ramsford was in financial ruin. My brother-in-law, Bertrand, Bartie's father, scraped, scrapped and pinched every monetary morsel to keep them afloat for years.
Then along came Bartie: finished the top of his class at some preppy private institute at Stormholt with a degree in finance, and in just three fucking years of working with his dad… well, that little shit has an Aston. 
I'm actually very proud of him. Surely he knows that. We weren't much for talking over the years, but I'd send cards telling him I loved him, and I'd ask about him during video calls with my sister.
Judging that I am sitting in his custom-painted cherry-red luxury car right now? Yeah, Bartie knows I care the world about him. The fact that he's going to allow me to drive it? Fuck, I don't think I even trust myself, especially on these European roadways. Sure, I learned how to drive in Cordonia, but that was over two decades ago. And it wasn't a stickshift.
Can't be that hard, right?
I study the mechanism of the gear shift, comparing it to a quick Google search on my phone as I wait for my nephew to return to the car with a necktie–my suggestion.  Afterall, we're heading to dinner with the royal family… A.K.A. my childhood best friend, his daughter. And his wife.
The love of my life.
Eh, don't feel sorry for me. I'm over it. Seriously. And besides, technically, Liam had first dibs on her; but then again, he had first dibs on several other women at the exact same time, social season and all for his highness, the fucking crown prince of Cordonia. Whoop-de-do.
He's the one that asked me to look after his hot American suitor during his own personal season of The Bachelor. Are you really surprised I fell for the chick? The guy was never around. And Riley and me? She... she was fun, smart. She was fucking hilarious, gave those noble bitches a real run for their money. And yet, she was still kind and caring. She was easy to talk to; I found myself opening up to her in ways that… well, no one else could. 
Riley Brooks. I guess you could say she's the reason I never settled down with anyone. No one–and I mean no one–ever measured up. 
Oh well. That was a long time ago. And she made her decision. Him. And even though he was like the brother I never had, I… I couldn't. I just couldn't sit back and watch them play house and build a life together. Well, for Liam, it was real. 
I had fallen for her. But so had Liam. I knew that if I stayed–if I had stayed, the secret of Riley and me wouldn't end. Shit, if it didn’t end after they said, "I do," when would it?
Time heals all wounds, right?
Bartie opens the door, and slides into the passenger seat with two neckties in hand, both black as he holds them up to his crisp white oxford. "What do you think?"
"Think about what? The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? You look like a fucking mormon," I jest as I point to the one with a subtle matte paisley design. "Why are you fussing about this anyway?"
"Just cause," he passively offers as he stares in the visor mirror, knotting his tie. "I'm speaking with King Liam privately after dinner, and… well, I just want to look alright."
Sensing his raw nerves, I pause for a moment, watching him fidget anxiously with the garment. Jesus, when did my baby nephew become a fucking man?  I smile, placing my calloused fingers on his shoulder. "You do, kid." I fasten my seat belt as I turn my attention to the dash. "So, how do I put this thing into drive?"
It’s surreal walking into the palace after so many years away. White marble floors. Crimson curtains with gold accents.  Childhood memories flood my mind of our sword battles on the grand staircase, pretending to be blood-thirsty pirates. Or when we would gallop through the secret labyrinth of corridors deep within the estate, charging on our make-believe stallions like mighty Spanish conquistadors. 
We would always sneak to the kitchen between meals to taste the desserts being made for dinner–unless Ms. Marta was working. That fucking old hag. Most of my ass whoopings were from her tattling on us. 
Liam was a fucking weirdo on our kitchen raids.  We would slip through the window of the bakehouse, and when we would confirm that the coast was clear, he would always head straight for the pantry to a bag of pistachios. We're talking about a place that had every sweet, every chocolate, every cookie imaginable, readily available in sealed containers. And he chose nuts. 
I always had my eyes on a nightly staple in the palace: warm apple pie. They were made daily, and I could always find at least one cooling on the window sill. 
Fuck, now I'm salivating over a fucking pie.  
To this day, I humbly have to admit that Cordonia apple pies are the best–don't let the taste of a raw ruby fool you. Something about the bitter compounds reaching a certain temperature causes… something-something to do something… ah, hell. Tell you what. If you're that curious, ask Liam. I mean, I'm assuming he's still a nerd–
I startle at the greeting, instantly recognizing the tall, broad-shouldered blond striding closer to me, wearing… an apron? The fuck? The apron has the phrase, 'I love you a bushel and a peck'.
Oh, yeah. He's still a fucking dweeb. 
His outstretched hand takes mine as he shakes it before pulling me into an embrace. "It's so good to see you, old friend," he pats my back before standing back to take me in.
He looks so different, but undoubtedly, he still looks like Liam Rys. Stray pieces of silver litter his perfectly styled, perfectly placed waves. His strong jawline and high cheekbones were cut more razor-sharp by his more mature, thinned face. His strong chest and the swell of his biceps made him look like a fucking Greek god. Lucky bastard. It's like turning forty didn't wreak havoc on his appearance or metabolism, save for a few fine lines around his eyes and smile.
"Bartie," Liam smiles endearingly, "always a pleasure." He extends his arm to my nephew before the scared kid had a chance to bow. I could see the flood of panic in Bartie’s eyes, but I gave him a reassuring nod as he hesitantly took his majesty's hand.
Don't worry, kid. I won't tell your daddy about your ‘poor manners’.
"Please," Liam rests his hand on my shoulder while turning to guide us to the queen's hall, the largest dining area in the palace for private parties. The room boasted an impressive, custom eight-meter-long table that could easily fit twenty-five guests comfortably. "Come, come. Everyone is just being seated." We follow him down the east corridor when suddenly, the savory aroma of roast and… something garlicky teases my senses. Liam obviously caught the delicious waft too, turning back with a devious grin. "I hope you brought some hearty appetites. Riley and I have something special for you tonight."
Riley. Why does the mere mention of her name make me–shit. Get it together, Walker. You're over it.
As expected, my closest friends during my time in Cordonia are all present along with their families. Well, 'friends' might be too strong of a word to use on this crowd. They were nobles and friends of Liam. I was friends with Liam. Ergo, we were friends. Sorta. 
My sister Savannah and her husband Bertrand were sitting at the end towards my right, speaking in hushed tones to one another. They came separately from Bartie and myself from their estate since, well, there wasn't enough room for them and the triplets. Yes. You read right. Triplets. As in three babies at once. They had tried for years to have more children with sadly no avail, and it took a terrible toll on their marriage. I still remember Sav's tearful call five years ago, revealing to me that they were separating. I was preparing to hop on a plane to execute my brother-in-law's accidental demise for breaking my little sister's heart when I got a second call a few weeks later. They were pregnant. I got a call a week after that. I had three nieces on the way.  Sydnie, Stella and Simone: the cutest little shits you've ever seen… and not just because they have their uncle's dashing good looks. 
I'm talking about me, their uncle. Not their other uncle.
Maxwell Beaumont–said other uncle– was sitting next to his brother Bertrand. He officially married Baron Friedrich von Lehndorff twelve years ago when Cordonia overturned their marriage clause of traditional unions. One hundred forty-eight same-gender couples came forward that day to be legally married; Max and Rich led the way to the Capitol. They became a beacon of light and love, not just for Cordonia, but to the world. I remember reading about their march for equality and their victory in my local paper. Maxwell and I weren't necessarily best friends, but a sense of pride bloomed in my chest, seeing him do something so incredible and bold with his life.  
He and Rich have a 9-year-old daughter Gia and 4-year-old son Ollie, both adopted from South Korea. Don't tell them I told you, but I follow their TikTok. Those two are fucking adorable.
Across from the Beaumont-von Lehndorffs is the Scarlet Duchess herself. Olivia Nevrakis. And… I almost can't believe the sight myself–
"Hey, Walker!" She waves, a smile growing on her face.
What. The. Fuck. Was she… happy to see me?
She stands up and makes her way around the table of guests to greet me. 
With a hug.
Shock number two: she’s touching me in a friendly manner. But that's when I was hit with shock number three.
Is she? No, no… she can't be. Is that a–?
She must've seen the curiosity etching across my face as I stared down at a rounded abdomen that just pressed up against me during our embrace. She instinctively cradles her belly and giggles.
Was I in the Twilight Zone?
She married Amalas a few years after I moved away. I wasn't surprised; the few times Livvy and I hooked up felt odd, like something was missing. I mean, not that I didn't satisfy her. That was never a problem for me with women. Turns out, ol' red was looking for a queen. 
Together they serve as queen and queen consort of Monterisso, and apparently are known for creating quite a riot at international events. I'm not surprised. They have four children: Macaela–Amalas’s daughter with her late husband–Josefine, Joaquin, and Joseph.  And then baby Timothy will be joining them soon. Because that name makes sense.
I'm starting to feel a little self-conscious. It's been over twenty years, and everyone seems to have grown up. Had families. Changed the world. And what did I have to show? Nothing. I mean, I did have quite a successful construction company that I developed with almost seventy employees under my leadership, but… well, that went under thanks to my business partner fucking me over. Fucking twat-waffle. 
But is this really what my life comes down to? Is this how you would sum up my life? Compared to childhood friends, I was still nothing. And here I was again on the coattails of Liam.
An abrupt delicate tink to a wine glass echoes over the various conversations and children squealing, silencing everyone as we turn our attention to the head of the table. 
And there she was. Just as breathtaking as the last day that I saw her.
"Drake," she gasps as I pull her into the dark shadows behind the barn. "We can't. Not anymore." 
I shake my head, her eyes refusing to meet mine. I took a step towards her, but she instinctively shifts, her back pressing against the wall.
"Rys," she interjects, the correction like a serrated blade piercing my skin. A sob escapes her as rivers course down the planes of her velvet skin.
Placing my arm against the splintered wood next to her head, I lean closer to her, capturing her intoxicating scent. My hand slips up her neck, my fingers tenderly lifting her chin to look at me, to captivate me with those ocean eyes.
My thumb caresses her rosy lips, feeling her breath hitch. I flutter my mouth across her wet cheeks, my feather touch kissing away her tears.
But we suddenly freeze.
Liam's smooth voice carries over the moonlit pasture, drowning out our abilities to hear the bustle of the reception.
But it's too late. Before I could stop her, she was gone.
I blink. Casually shifting in my seat, I glance nonchalantly around me. Whew, everyone is still staring at the head of the table. No one seems to notice that I got lost in my thoughts for a moment.  I nervously scratch through my stubble before grabbing the water glass in front of me. I take a longass sip of water, but when I pull the glass from my mouth, two crystal-blue orbs with long, flirty lashes are locked on me.
Fuck, I choke on the water on my attempt to swallow it down. I start coughing violently as Maxwell starts patting my back.
"You okay there, Drakey?"
I finally take a gulp of air, and glare at him. "Yes… and it's Drake, Maxi pad." Okay. I admit it. It was childish to retaliate by calling him the name me and some of the other guys called Maxwell growing up. But to my surprise, he laughs before finger-gunning me.
"Good one, Drake. I haven't heard that in years."
I turn back to our royal hosts just in time for Liam to give me a friendly nod, as if to ensure that I'm okay without creating more of a scene. But when I glance over at Riley, she quickly averts her eyes, slipping her hand into Liam's. 
Jesus Christ. If that was a sign of how things were going to be, her cowering and treating me like I'm some kind of criminal for something she did willingly… something she pursued… fuck that. Send me back to Texas.
"We brought wine!" Rich singsongs, pulling out two large bottles from a nearby refrigerated wine rack. "Who'd like–?"
I refused to let the poor bastard finish.
I can't remember a single time in my life where I have been so positively and exuberantly grateful for Maxwell fucking Beaumont. He fended off the anticipated awkwardness and helped the dinner conversation progress, making the casual assist to include me in this special meal that was supposedly in my honor. 
I'm not saying the others were rude to me, Liam especially. He was treating me like a long lost brother, like the prodigal son that has finally returned home. And I'm not going to lie: it felt good to be reunited with him.
But Riley couldn't even look me in the eye, and judging by the flashes of guilt and her over-eagerness to leave the room every chance she got, I know she never told her husband the truth about our relationship.  He had his suspicions. And I owned up to falling for her, thus the ending of our friendship and me moving to Texas. I mean, I thought it was the end…
But, I didn't just fall for her; it wasn't pining for her from afar, hoping she would give me the time of day.
We were in love.
"This was absolutely divine," Savannah sings praises, taking a sip of her tea. Everyone begins chiming in with their sentiments, thanking the royal couple for the delicious meal. Yes, they prepared it. I know; I was impressed myself.
Individual conversations continue through dessert and coffee when suddenly, the ring of a phone interrupts us into silence.
"Excuse me," Amalas whispers with the phone against her ear, "I need to take this. It's Josie."
Liam and Riley flash looks of concern at one another. "I hope everything is okay," Riley says softly as she twirls her necklace between her fingers, turning to her husband with a more hushed tone. "Did Ellie text you?"
Liam is already looking at his phone, but he's casually shaking his head, appearing more relaxed than his wife. His gaze catches my curious look as I try to put the pieces together of what's going on this evening.
"Josie–err, Josefine–is out with our Eleanor and Madeleine's daughter Bethany this evening." 
Ah, that's right… Josefine must go by Josie, Amalas’s second daughter, her first daughter with Olivia. Shit, I can’t keep these spawn straight….
"Crisis averted!" Amalas sweeps back into the room, placing her cell into her pocket. "The girls said the restaurant was too crowded, so they're going over to the Vancoeur's for a–" she imitates an American valley girl, "girls' night."
"Vancoeur?" I mutter, turning to Maxwell. "Did he… reproduce, too?" The idea sounded ridiculous. What woman lowered her standards that low to sleep with that bastard?
"Yep," Maxwell responds, "he has a beautiful daughter." He takes an obnoxious sip of his espresso. "You know, Bethany, the girl that's out with Eleanor and Josie."
No. Fucking. Way.
"I thought Beth was Madeleine's kid?"
"It is." Maxwell chuckles as mischief glows in his eyes. "Oh Drakey, you missed it. Maddie and Neville were actually married for about ten years." Pulling a napkin up to his mouth, he lowers his voice. "Rumor has it she was about to lose what was left of her inheritance, slept with that weasel, then faked a pregnancy to get him to propose." He snickers. "I wish I could've been a fly on the wall when her fake pregnancy turned out to be a real pregnancy."
"What the–?"
"Mhrmm," Maxwell bounces his eyebrows, "she claims she had no idea." He stares at me intently before rolling his eyes and gesturing with his hand a dramatically large curve over his stomach. “Agnes, my seamstress–can you believe she’s still working for us? Well, anyway, that woman can work absolute miracles…” He takes another sip of his drink.  He quiets his voice while he averts his eyes, slowly crossing his legs. “There was no hiding that bump.”
I shake my head in disbelief, chuckling under my breath when suddenly, I feel a large hand on my shoulder. I whip around quickly, pulling my body away, when I see–
"Shit, Li–"
"I didn't mean to interrupt," he offers a friendly smile.
I blow away the air I had quickly sucked in, willing my heartbeat to slow down. I guess I'm still a little on edge being here, but fuck, that scared me.
"I thought before you left tonight, we could discuss, um… arrangements. For you."
"Yeah… yeah, of course." Following his lead, we start to make our way to the exit for privacy.
When Liam invited me to Cordonia, he was very specific that he wanted to help me get back on my feet. And I believe him. I know his generosity is genuine; he doesn't have any ulterior motives or some secret vendetta against me from the past. At least I hope he doesn't. But this isn't a vacation for me; part of the deal was I needed to work. I'm not sure if that meant finding temp jobs or something more long-term. 
“Do I smell imported cheap whiskey?”
I stop short of the door.
Fuck me. Leo Rys. Liam’s older brother and notorious international womanizer. The man just turned fifty last year, and it’s like he unlocked a new group of admirers, especially now that he’s sportin’ a little silver around the edges these days. 
He and Liam are complete polar opposites. Apples and oranges. Night and day. If Liam was thoughtful and selfless… well, you get the gist. And clearly by his entrance, I’m discovering that some things never change.
As if his deep bellow wasn’t warning enough, his black leather boots announce his presence as he struts across the polished tile, his arm hooked around his helmet. He slaps his free hand on my shoulder, squeezing it firmly as he obnoxiously sniffs me.
"Cheap whiskey… and… is that a hint of beef jerky and cow patties I'm detecting?"
"Good to see you, too." Jackass. I slap his chest before pushing him off of me. I may have used a little more force than I should've. My bad. 
"Am I late for dinner?" He slaps Liam on the back before walking towards the kitchen.
Liam sighs. "Just… a little–"
"Ahh, don't worry," he stops to kiss Riley on the cheek. "I'll serve myself."
As Leo disappears, Liam and I give each other a knowing look before leaving the room as well.
"Trust me, you're going to love what Riley has done with the guest quarters."
Liam and I had a good talk. A really good talk. We didn't have to say it, but it was clear: we missed each other. We missed our camaraderie, the confidence we had in one another. He was the first person I called when Dad died; I was the first person he called when Leo abdicated. We grew up and became men together.
But then Riley Brooks happened… but, I'm guessing you know that by now.
Liam has already a number of jobs for me to sift through, several carefully picked out that would play to my strengths with architecture and construction. But since these jobs were either on the grounds or here locally in the Capitol, he insisted I move into one of the private guest quarters with its own private entrance and balcony.
'You don't need to be making that drive from Ramsford everyday.' He's right. It's quite the journey, not to mention I don't exactly have a vehicle of my own here. So, I'm back in the palace. Ain't life a bitch?
"Now I hope you don't mind all-electric. The gas lines and how they were designed don’t–"
"Beggars can't be choosers, love."
Her words are like ice, the sharp chill making even her husband shudder. 
"What?" She giggles under her breath. "I was joking." She turns a venomous stare towards me. "Drake knows I'm kidding. Don't you, Drake?"
I clear my throat. "Yeah," I play along, "good one."
"Love?" She slips her hand around Liam's arm, lowering her voice into a whisper. "Bartie Beaumont has requested to speak with you privately."
"Oh!" Liam brightens. "Sure. Of course." He gives me a pleasant nod. "Excuse me, Drake. And, please. Feel free to look around."  He begins to make his way towards the dining area, Riley following in step behind with no acknowledgement to me.
I breathe a sigh of relief. I needed a moment to myself anyway.
"Actually," Liam turns on his heel, waving a finger in the air. "On second thought, Love?" He smiles lovingly towards Riley, placing his hands affectionately on her shoulders. "How about you go show Drake the renovations you made?"
Riley barely spoke two words to me besides pointing to the obvious fixtures and control buttons in the guest suite.
Light... Refrigerator… Bathroom… 
"This, uh, looks really nice," I try to converse, combing my fingers through my hair. "I never thought I'd see the day this room would have a–"
"We don't have to do this." She walks out of the room and into another part of the suite.
Why was she being such a frigid bitch? 
Fuck, I need a smoke.
I take a deep breath, shoving my hands in my pockets as I stroll back out into the hallway of the apartment.
"Is there anything else you needed to see?" She swallows thickly. She tries to remain stoic with a stiff bottom lip. Her jaw ticks… but her glare betrays her as something else brews that I … can’t quite discern.
But then, without warning, Riley's eyes roam down my body, catching on the crotch of my khakis before returning to my face.
Eyes up here, your majesty.
She clears her throat, pretending I didn't just catch her checking me out. "Um, anything else you wanted to see… of the suite, that is? Because, uh, we should probably –" she shuffles backwards, pointing aimlessly behind her, towards the door.
"You go on ahead," I tell her. "I'm gonna check out the balcony if you don't mind."
A heated swirl of rouge ignites on Riley’s cheeks. She nods, turning on her heel quickly without saying a word, and exits the apartment in record time. 
Thank God. I don't know what just happened, but… this is a very interesting turn of events. Does she still have feelings for me?
No. Stop.
Shit. Maybe moving in is a mistake.
I make my way outside, and damn. The view from this balcony is stunning. It actually overlooks the Cordonia countryside, which means less lights from the city and plenty of stars to be seen at night. It's... actually a nice reminder of home.
Taking a seat on the balustrade, I pull out a cigarette and nestle it between my teeth as I search for my lighter. I pat my pockets, both in the back and front of my pants before checking my shirt.
Shit. Can the universe just pass me a fucking bone?
I slump over, resting my elbows on my knees. Holding my hands in front of me, I begin to pick at my calluses as the events of the evening replay like a movie reel in my head.
But suddenly, there's a snick, then a spark; then a single flame is held in front of me. Fishing my cigarette out from behind my ear, I fix it between my lips and lean into the fire. I pull heavily, deeply until the familiar burn touches my anxious nerves, and I blow away my initial puff.
"You know smoking can kill you."
I raise an eyebrow at the deep voice, taking another inhale before blowing it in Leo's face.
I chuckle at his insult, watching that smug grin pull out his own cigarette to light. He leans against the side of the balcony before hoisting himself up onto the balustrade.
"So," he licks his lips, looking at me inquisitively. "How does it feel to be back in lovely Cordonia?"
I look at him, scrunching my face. Really? That's the best you can do? I look back down, flicking some ash on the ground.
"How does it feel–" he blows smoke over his shoulder, "--being back close to Riley?"
My head shot up.
"Ohhh," he snickers, "that got Walker's attention really fast."
How the fuck does Leo know? How the fuck does Leo know anything? I can feel my heart begin to pound, my eyebrows furrowing in anger.
"Now hold up, Walker," he holds up his hands in defense. "I come in peace. I don't care that you fucked my sister-in-law once upon a time… okay, fine. Maybe just a little–"
"What do you want, Leo?"  I interrupt, irritation baited in my voice.
He looks down fidgeting with his fingers.  When he turns back to me, he has an indiscernible expression on his face, as if a wave of vulnerability is crashing over him.
"I know it can be… challenging, you know? Moving back to Cordonia after a hiatus, and I figured tonight was probably a lot for you."
And now Leo is trying to have a heart-to-heart with me… What the fuck happened to these people while I was gone?
"I thought maybe… you could use a friend."
"Well," I stand up, taking a step away. "Thanks. I appreciate it–"
"I mean it," he holds a hand to his chest. "Say–" he jumps to his feet, sandwiching himself between me and the door. "What are you doing tonight?"
Besides leading the exciting life of letting my nephew drive me back to his parent's house, eating a bag of Doritos in my boxers and getting shit-faced?
"There's a new club opening in town tonight. Tons of people. Who's who. VIP–" 
"Thanks, but–"  I try to shove past him, but he stops me, putting his hands against my chest.
"Six full bars, and–" he wiggles his eyebrows. "Lots… and lots… of fresh Cordonian-grade pussy. How do you like them apples?"
Like I said, some things never change.
"C’mon, Walker… you in?"
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TRH/TRF felt more like a parody of TRR
It really did. TRR book three’s ending felt very wrapped up, very final. MC and her spouse got married, Anton was behind bars, and the royal council was formed.
Then there were all sorts of little loose ends tied up for individual characters rather than just the plot itself. Penelope became a dog fashion designer (which was never explored again in TRH or TRF iirc), Kiara joined the foreign ministry, Maxwell’s book solved House Beaumont’s financial troubles, Bertrand and Savannah finally got engaged, Madeleine got her position as Royal Communications Director and finally apologized to Hana, Olivia decided to lean into her role of Duchess of Lythikos and rebrand the Nevrakis legacy into one of loyalty, Drake finally had a place and purpose on the council, Hana’s parents started making an effort to let her be her own person, and Liam finally eased into his role as king with the dust from Anton’s rebellion settling.
It felt like truly deserved and realistic endings for all the characters, protagonist and antagonist alike. It felt like everyone’s stories were complete.
And then TRH fucked it all up. Basically every character became hollow. Or worse, traitors.
The fact that so many of them turned their backs on the MC and the crown so quickly in TRH was absolutely insane considering how reverent everyone was of the crown in TRR. The entire original cast of TRR except for Liam, Hana, Bertrand, and Olivia was ruined for me.
Hell, even Olivia wasn’t immune to the shitty characterization. The Scarlet Duchess herself became a victim of Flanderization. Dagger this. Dagger that. Dagger, dagger, dagger. Training. Knife. Sword. Dagger. Yes, Pixelberry. We get it. Olivia is a warlike Nevrakis descendant whose weapon of choice is the dagger.
Hell, now that I actually think about it, Olivia wasn’t immune to bad writing, and neither was everyone else. They butchered Maxwell’s character beyond any recognition or repair. Drake felt oddly wishy washy for the rest of the series. The MC’s plot armor was nuts and somehow she only got more annoying as a character as the series went on. And for someone who had years of extensive tutelage and lessons, not to mention was the fucking KING, Liam sure as fuck didn’t know what he was doing after TRR ended. He was pretty much powerless and always lost in the sauce.
Truly? The only characters who I feel weren’t done poorly were Hana and Bertrand.
And good fucking god, don’t even get me started on TRF. TRF makes TRH look half-decent in comparison.
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dcbbw · 3 months
WIP Wishlist 2024
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Hello tumblrs , and Happy March 2020-4! I’m still waiting for the new year to actually feel like a new year instead of a continuum of the year before it. Can anyone else relate? 
At the very beginning of the year, while battling a never-ending case of RSV, I saw posts here about people’s writing resolutions and goals for this year. Me? I have a wish list of stories I want to start, continue, and/or finish. I will still be writing original stories, but thinking this may be the year I settle down and write/publish my own Great American Novel. We’ll see.  
Meanwhile, below is a glimpse of what immediately came to mind when I thought to put this together. Where applicable, snippets will be posted. As usual, everything is in states of rough drafts and flux, and final publication may vary from what you read here.  
These are stories that are in the creation conception stage; ideas, thoughts, some words.  
The False Queen 
A long ago battle between the True Queen (Ravika/Riley) and her usurper (Magda/Madeleine) resumes during the Cordonian Social Season. Think Xena, Warrior Princess with some time travel thrown in. 
An unlikely pair (Justin/Anton x Kiara) finds love during the Engagement Tour. But with Anton having other plans in mind, the path to happily ever after is anything but smooth.  
Wolves and Sheep 
Combining my Riam, Anton, and Secrets of Cordonia AUs, this is the story of the trial of Anton Severus.  
At the prosecutor’s table sits the Duchy’s High Counsel and Lord Rashad Domvallier. Folders and papers are stacked neatly on the table while the men converse quietly as they type on laptop keyboards.  
The defense attorneys sit at a table across the aisle from them: a statuesque blonde woman wearing a gray pantsuit and an African man in a pinstriped three-piece navy suit. The woman is reviewing a document, her pen occasionally scribbling on the paper. The man is speaking in hushed tones into his cellphone. 
Security is omnipresent: King’s Guards work and stand side-by-side with the local constabulary and guardians of the Court.  
A side door swings open; two guards, followed by the defendant and two additional sentries enter. The guards part, allowing the public its first glimpse of Anton Severus in over five years. The quiet of the courtroom is broken by rustling and whispering as everyone strains forward. Members of the Cordonian Court are no exception.  
A sneer of disdain twists the mouth of the Duchess of Lythikos, Anton’s ex-wife. Her fingertips unconsciously begin rubbing the area on her abdomen where his dagger tore her flesh. 
The King leans forward intently, his dark-ebony eyes hard as obsidian. His expression is stoic, betraying nothing. 
The Queen is sitting ramrod straight, her eyes wide. “Holy FUCK, he’s hot!” she murmured. “I could make that man a King.” 
Without breaking his gaze on his nemesis, the King lightly slaps her thigh, causing his wife to frown at him. “I said what I said,” she hisses. “I did it for you, I can do it for him.” 
“I was royal long before I met you, and King when I married you,” Liam reminds her in a slightly reproving tone, his eyes still fixed on Anton. 
“There you go, twisting the narrative,” Riley huffs as she reaches for her husband’s hand. He readily allows her to hold it. 
I thought I was making Leo Rys and Savannah Walker leads in my version of Same Time Next Year, but it appears I’m doing a fanfic of 28 Summers 
Back in the Year 500 BC, I came up with the idea of a late 1950s period piece featuring the TRR crew, and promptly never said another word about it:  
Well, cauldrons are beginning to bubble, and plans are being made to rework plot and premise to turn this into an anthology series set in the American Midwest during an era where Dick Clark reigned, Jim Crow ruled, and innocence began to lose its bloom.   
Sixteen Candles 
Another story that popped into my brain and left just as quickly. But thoughts of Drake Walker as Jake Ryan and Liam as Long Duck Dong are back and this time, I don’t think they’re going anywhere. 
Small Town Secrets 
This was originally titled Life in a Southern Town aka The Political AU and was going to follow the political campaigns of five mayoral candidates: Riley Brooks, the incumbent; her ex-husband Liam Rys (they still live together in the same house and co-parent their two daughters), a former state senator; Madeleine, District A councilmember; Leo Rys, the dark horse candidate; and Drake Walker, Riley’s former (?) lover who calls her a demon and a plague on the town.  
However, life events and imagination are collaborating, and I am repurposing the story to include political intrigue, hidden secrets, and humor in inappropriate places.  
Debating if this will be a Great American Novel nominee, and whether to use OCs versus the usual cast of characters.  
Little Nobles 
A (somewhat) light-hearted look at the childhoods of my favorite noble gang, along with the friendships and rivalries between their parents. 
In Progress: 
Stories that are nagging me to write them/finish them 
City Girl, Country Boy 
Tis the season, and Liam finds himself alone on holiday in Manhattan where he runs across an old friend. 
From the corner of my eye, I glimpse height and dark wool; hands stuffed in pockets. Perfectly combed dark hair and Asiatic features on a half-shadowed face. I mentally shake my head as I continue walking. It’s been over a decade since we last laid eyes on each other; there’s no way it’s him.  
I’m disappointed that after all this time, I still search for his face in the crowd, that I still hope he will pursue me despite the different trajectories our lives have taken. My steps are quicker as I pass apartment buildings, skyscrapers, and storefronts gaily decorated in the theme of the season. Street vendors hawk bootleg wares  
I’m nearing Canal Street subway when I hear running footsteps behind me. Automatically, I step to aside, so I don’t get barreled over but the steps slow as they near me.  
“Excuse me, miss,” a familiar baritone says, and I stop walking.  
It can’t be.  
I haven’t heard that voice in 12 years, but I don’t need to look to know who it is. I turn anyway so my ears and eyes can be in agreement. I am hoping my expression is neutral despite my insides being a squirrel in traffic.  
He hasn’t changed.  
His hair is still black with that streak of gray on the side; his face still unlined. Or maybe the New York night softens his years. He wears a custom-tailored, black wool coat; his wingtips are so polished, I see the streetlamps reflected in them. His cologne is subtle and not the one I remember. He still exudes confidence despite the smidgen of uncertainty in his eyes.  
Me on the other hand, I am now more TJ Maxx and Macy’s clearance rack than Louboutin. I don’t smell expensive; more like affordable. My trench coat is … vintage, and long overdue for a dry cleaning. My shoes are a dull matte black, scuffed from traversing streets and subways.  
“It is you.” I hear his disbelieving whisper despite the throng of people impatiently jostling past us. 
The Odd Couples 
It’s throwback DC AU gang, all mixed up: Liam x Liv; Drake x Madeleine; Leo x Riley; Max x Penelope 
The couple was in Baltimore for the weekend, attending a costume party thrown by Liv’s employer. There had been a buffet, open bar, and a prize for the best costume. Which Liam and Olivia did not win; Carlos Santiago, a member of the Environmental Services team, along with his wife and three children came costumed as birds and bees and won the prize.  
Liam and Liv were The Ricardos: Olivia’s red hair was done up in Lucy’s signature poodle hairstyle, and her dress was a dead ringer for the world’s most famous housewife’s iconic frock. He had wanted to wear a tuxedo and carry a conga drum but settled for Ricky’s purple polka dot silk smoking jacket with shawl collar, black pants, and black velvet slippers.  
“I can’t believe we didn’t win!” Liam muttered beneath his breath as he came behind Olivia, arms encircling her waist; his palms splayed against her flat, toned stomach. She responded by leaning against him, her back pressed against his chest.  
“Don’t hate!” she admonished. “With those Korean features and Boston accent, no way were you a convincing Cuban band leader. Besides, you have to admit the birds and the bees is a pretty creative idea.” 
“Not more creative than my SOCK GAME! I mean, Liv … you gotta admit, it’s damn good tonight!” 
He was wearing black, knee-length socks with red hearts inscribed with “I Love Lucy” scattered all over.  
Olivia rolled her eyes in exasperation at the mention of his sock game. 
This man and his socks! He thought his sock game could cure cancer and bring about world peace. 
“You’re sock game is great as it always is, darling. But it was a costume contest,” Olivia placated in a soothing tone as his fingers began removing bobby pins from her hair.  
She spun around, facing her boyfriend. Her hair fell in soft curls that framed her face. Her green eyes twinkled as she pressed a quick kiss against his lips.  
“You big, spoiled baby,” she teased. “Wanna smoke? I brought a couple of blunts along.” 
Quickly, he shook his head. “No way am I going to be in BALTIMORE off some loud.” 
Alienation of Affection 
An installment of my Gritty City AU loosely based on true events where sneaky links and self-loathing collide. Reader discretion will be advised. 
Inspired by a keysmash-filled convo with @ao719, a twist on the night of the Engagement Ball 
This is her first admission of guilt and/or wrongdoing our entire time together.  
She has no choice.  
I attempt a deep inhale, but my chest is too tight.  
The wedding is in one week. Tonight was our engagement gala.  
“Yes, Liam yes!!! A THOUSAND TIMES, yes!” 
I caught her … them … in the act. The woman I love madly, truly, deeply and the man I trust more than anything in the world.  
I manage to choke out a single question. “Why?” 
Her shoulders slump as her head falls forward, causing her hair to cover her profile. “It hasn’t been going on long; it started on the Engagement Tour. I told him in Vegas that what we had would have to end.” 
I watched her leave the stag party arm-in-arm with Drake Walker. My best friend, with whom Riley wanted to have a fling. She swore it was a one-time affair; she was too much in love with me, but she wished to satisfy her curiosity.  
I attempted to leave first, but I was not only one of the honorees, I was also King.  
Per traditional protocol, the King is the last to leave.  
So I remained behind, drinking copious amounts of American liquor, making small talk in a loud voice so as to be heard over noisy music, and dancing with women I had previously rejected.  
All while Riley spent the night with another man. 
“But it hasn’t,” I interrupt harshly. 
Based on Tumblr Events:  
Untitled Song Rewrite 
Based on Jill Scott’s Epiphany 
Sisters Someone 
A two-part story that brings together Sloane Washington and Kiara Theron for their respective appreciation weeks (hosted by @lizzybeth1986) 
Untarnished Silver 
For King Liam Appreciation Week (KLAW), a look at 25 years of the rule and reign of Cordonia’s favorite King 
The Grand Ballroom in the Palace’s West Wing had been completely transformed into an elegant banquet hall:  
Buffet tables filled with steaming trays of foods catered from two of Cordonia’s newest and most critically acclaimed restaurants: The Little Lamb, and its sister eatery The Commoner’s Crown, were conveniently placed next to open bars throughout the humongous room.  
Tables were covered with white linen cloths and topped with floral centerpieces of irises, Peruvian lilies, and magnolias in silver vases. The flowers represented congratulations and longevity, sentiments that had been expressed repeatedly to the King and his family during the tour.  
Balloon bouquets colored silver and cream floated near the ornate ceiling, as well as being tied to chairbacks. Dining tables strategically ringed the room, affording the 1,500 attendees a full view of the stage and podium. Life-sized photographs hung from brocaded walls, capturing moments of the King’s life:  
Accepting the Crown Princeship one week to the day his brother Leo abdicated.  
Coronation night, wearing the King’s crown, royal robes, and holding the family scepter.  
Feeding ducks at Lake Fabian with his mother.  
He and Riley’s engagement portrait.  
Their wedding day, mouths opened in laughter with their faces covered in cake and frosting.  
In a dressing gown, his back to the camera and face in profile as he held one of his sons in his arms. 
Atop a horse with a frown of concentration on his face, playing in a charity polo match, the camera catching his mallet mid-swing. 
Speaking with Chancellor Merkel at a summit, a half-smile on his face as they looked down at a document, his index finger pointing to something on the paper. 
He and Riley dancing at their 20th wedding anniversary party, her face nuzzled against his neck while his lips hovered above her ear. 
A funny family portrait, complete with exaggerated poses and expressions. 
The Couple Next Door 
A reworking of the 2005 action comedy hit, Mr. & Mrs. Smith 
Final Cut 
Based on the first three chapters of a Round Robin hosted by @choicesprompts 
Bertrand Beaumont turned off the microphone before shuffling, then paper-clipping his index cards. He glanced up briefly to see the group filing out of the hotel’s ballroom; a curious expression crossed his face when he saw a few laggers approach others, striking up conversations.  
What have I gotten myself into? 
Starting a public relations firm had seemed a great idea a year ago. With the Duke’s diverse background in fashion, finance, and political legalities, coupled with his penchant for decorum and obsession with appearances, it had seemed a no-brainer. 
Savannah was his operations manager, responsible for events logistics and administrative support. Justin Severus was his right-hand person; he had done a marvelous job restoring the Queen’s reputation after the unfortunate incident at Applewood.  
He stepped from behind the podium and briskly made his way off the dais, looking down at his watch as he strode through the room. Looking back up, he saw Justin leaning against a wall, waiting for him at the elevator bank. The closer Bertrand approached his deputy, a wide smile spread across Justin’s face.  
“You were great!” he greeted the Duke. “You kept the rowdies in line and gave them just enough to pique their curiosity.” 
 Bertrand pushed the call button. “This group is not what I was expecting. South American overlords. Hollywood has-beens and wanna-bes. AMERICANS! We’re going to need to double-check the mentor list again.” 
Bertrand had postponed the mentor/mentee matchup because it was not yet finalized.  
“It’s a hella group, for certain. The subject of an international child custody case, a lawsuit-riddled doctor, disgraced C-suite executive, Leo, Trystan, Olivia, a scandal-ladened starlet, America’s Sweethearts, Princess Marguerite, and Duke Dick.” 
Bertrand gave Justin a withering glance. “DO NOT engage in intercourse with the Princess!” he warned.  
“Too late,” Justin smirked.  
Bertrand shook his head before commenting again. “The Selection Committee must have been drunk when they approved their choices. Have the other members of Court arrived?” 
The elevator arrived and the gentlemen boarded. Justin’s index finger punched their floor number as he shook his head.  
“Not yet. A storm is coming in, waves are choppy. They should be here by 4, and that will be the last ferry into and out of the Isle until Monday morning.” 
Bertrand mulled over the information. “At least we don’t have to worry about anyone sneaking off.” 
Finish Them:  
So these are stories that are soooo close to completion, but I am on the fence with two of them; the others, not sure why they are still sitting around gathering dust.  
House of Cards 
Based on the international phenomenon Squid Games, this is the backstory of “The Salesman”. On the fence about this story, and more so about posting this one in the fandom. 
On this, the night of Day 2, the remaining participants were playing yet another “game”: Pillow Fight.  
Innocent sounding enough.  
Except everyone knew there would be a deadly twist, and all wanted to be alive in the morning. After realizing that this was a game to the death; overcoming the initial shock of a robotic doll the size of a fully grown tree whose eyes were infra-red cameras, and learning elimination meant certain demise … partners had already become opposition.  
Player 081 inadvertently set the match to the fuse. No one knew if it was intentional. No one cared. 
The middle-aged man, who was less than 48 hours into a dry drunk, muttered “fuck” under his breath as he stood on his top tier bunk in an attempt to press his palm against the glass pig’s underbelly.  
No one was sure why.  
Was he trying to steal the bank’s treasure? Or turn off the irritating light? 
 It no longer mattered.  
The money wasn’t his and now, it never would be. 
As pillowcases filled with objects such as rocks, sturdy tree branches, and in some …mere feathers randomly swung wildly, the white cotton slowly seeped red. Hollers and screams filled the room and echoed off walls and ceilings as beds collapsed from metal bars being snatched by the frenzied mob or being tipped over in the melee.  
On the other side of the bunker, a thin, petite woman who looked no older than a teenager sniffled, the tears she cried streaking a bruised cheek covered with the dried blood of a corpse. A young man lay on his side behind her on the narrow mattress, his cracked voice in her ear.  
“It’s gonna be okay, Soo-Ah; just four more games and then we can leave,” he assured her in a ragged whisper. 
The woman hitched her breath. “My pillowcase has FEATHERS, Sang-yul! If they pull me into the fray, I’ll be leaving here a lot sooner than four days!” Her body shook with silent sobs. 
The 23-year-old street urchin said nothing. Instead, he swallowed heavily and tried not to puke at the smell of blood, both old and fresh, assailing his nostrils. His arms tightened around Soo-Ah, his only friend in this hellhole.  
The pig’s lighting flickered faster and more erratically as the fighting grew more frenzied. Sickening thuds, bellows of pain, and the sounds of shoe soles squeaking against the blood and brain splattered linoleum flooring were as loud as bombs.  
Sang-yul chanced a glance over his shoulder, his body tensing at the sight of someone headed in their direction, their face pale and ghoulish in the broken light. A metal pipe was carried in one hand, a bloodied cloth sack in the other.  
Coal black eyes darted everywhere looking for a victim.  
Less players meant more money. 
Sins of the Father 
A Gritty City AU installment. Reader discretion will be advised. 
He met Madeleine at her car door, his lips crashing uninvited against hers in a kiss filled with desperation and disbelief. When the kiss ended as abruptly as it began, Madeleine adjusted her tortoise-shell glasses while her green eyes searched Liam’s face almost warily.  
“What the hell was that?”  
“Someone killed Poppa Joe tonight!”  
Madeleine quelled a shiver that raised goosebumps on her exposed skin before reaching back inside the car for her purse. “Thank GOD,” she breathed as opened the rear driver-side door to release Hans and Gunther, who bounded out of the car and sat before Liam so he could rub their heads and murmur sweet gibberish to them. 
The restauranteur was yet another of Poppa Joe’s victims; when she was 15, the priest had gotten her pregnant. The scandal was handled quietly by the parish and her parents; the latter believed the father of the baby was an upperclassman named Tariq.  
The young blonde left school for one month due to “illness”. It wasn’t a complete fabrication. 
Madeleine’s abortion was a back-alley botch job which left her with a raging infection and too much blood loss. She survived but had to have an emergency hysterectomy.  
She no longer cared. When she and Liam were getting serious and discussing marriage and family, he was relieved they would be unable to have children.  
Tariq, the son of poor Moroccan immigrants, was transferred to an exclusive private school in the city’s North End, all expenses paid via a scholarship provided by St. Joan’s Academies. 
“How did the rest of the party go?” she asked quietly as they began walking towards the house, holding hands; her blonde hair bounced against her shoulders. 
Liam nodded slightly. “Good. We got Sloan Enterprise and slew of new donors.” His side-eyed his wife. “Where did you go with the dogs? It was supposed to be a walk.” 
Madeleine turned her head vaguely, meeting her husband’s gaze.  
“Ice cream,” she replied in a soft voice.  
Her husband nodded thoughtfully. The term was code between them; when situations became too overwhelming, too triggering, they said they needed “ice cream.” 
“I hope you brought me some back.” Liam squeezed Madeleine’s hand more tightly.  
“You don’t like chocolate.” 
The Queen’s Friendship 
Riley was chatting with Maxwell in the Delegates Dining Room at the UN, waiting for the gala to begin. Liam was at the head of the room, arm in arm with Madeleine. His eyes spotted Riley and he winked. Riley rolled hers and turned her back to him.  
“Blossom, don’t act like this! You know he’s trying,” Maxwell begged.
“WE’RE trying! He’s kissing his fiancée,” Riley retorted. Her eyes scanned the room. “Oh, look … there’s Drake,” she stated before walking away from Maxwell.  
Riley had no idea if it was Drake or not, she just wanted away. From Liam, Madeleine, Maxwell … Cordonia. Riley figured now was the time to make the break. She was back home in New York City. She still had her apartment, for the next month at least. She passed by elegantly dressed tables and came upon an hors d'oeuvres station; she paused to pile a tiny plate with even tinier bits of food when she heard her name.  
“Riley Brooks?” 
She turned, a disinterested expression on her face until she saw who it was. Riley hurriedly set her plate on the edge of the buffet table before wrapping her arms around Veronica.  
“OH MY GOD, Ronnie! What are you doing here?” Riley shrieked.  
Veronica hugged her old friend tightly. “It’s so good to see you!” The women separated. “You look great, girl! I’m one of the event planners, why are you here?” 
Riley shrugged. “I’m with the band.” 
Veronica shook her head in disbelief. “How did you end up with royalty?” 
“I answered an ad to be a waitress.” 
DC AU Series, Chapter 6 
The chirping of birds and a full bladder woke Riley up. She arched her neck, eyes still closed; they opened quickly when she felt arms around her waist and Liam’s soft snores behind her. Last night ran through her brain: their fight, their kiss, their confessions. Riley inhaled and let out a shaky breath; were they really going to do this? 
Was she ready for it? 
Her hands curled around Liam’s wrists, trying to pull them apart. He resisted at first, but let his arms fall away from her body. Riley missed their warmth immediately.  
“Where are you going?” Liam mumbled.  
“Bathroom and to take my meds.” 
“Your pill and a bottle of water are on your nightstand.” 
Riley looked and saw the pink pill sitting on a tissue, next to an unopened bottle of water. When did he do that? 
“Thank you. But unless you put a toilet on the nightstand as well, I gotta get up.” 
Liam shifted, allowing Riley to move and sit up. He watched her adjust her night shirt; his eye was caught by a mole on the back of her neck.  His finger reached out, touching it experimentally. Riley giggled as she shrugged away from his touch.  
“It’s like a potato bug,” Liam said as he tried to touch the mole again.  
“Oh, dear God! Don’t you have to go to work or something?”   
Liam lay on his back, hands behind his head. “Not going in today. You need me here.” 
Riley frowned at him as she walked past the foot of the bed. “I’m fine, Liam. It’s just Drake.” 
“Drake with apologies and explanations and closure. Different Drake than what you’re used to. I’ll feel better if I’m here.” 
Riley shook her head as she stepped into the bathroom.  
“This is what having a man who wants to claim you is like, Riley B.!” he called out.  
“We’re not there yet!” she hollered back.  
“Practice makes perfect!” 
Oldies but Goodies: 
New chapters/updates of old stories:  
Object of Affection 
Betrayal (Riam) 
The Commonerr’s Wife 
The Commoner (not that old, but I too want a thrid chapter) 
One Night Stand 
Streets of New York
Platinum (truly needs to be filed under Finish Them)
Best Friend (Depeche Mode Diary entry, needs to be a Finish Them)
And these are my #goals for 2024 writing-wise. I hope something caught your eye, piqued your interest. For all those still hanging with me and exercising the utmost patience while I let life kick my ass, I LOVE YOU! Something’s coming soon-ish, just not sure what.  
Hope you’re here for it. 
Tagging: @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @beezm @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @gardeningourmet @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @lovingchoices14 @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations
21 notes · View notes
angelasscribbles · 1 year
In Your Room Chapter 12: Happily Ever After
Series: In Your Room
Fandom: TRR                    
Pairings: Leo x Drake
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: None, this is fluff
Song Inspiration for the series: In Your Room by The Bangles
Word Count: 1,331
A/N: Well, here we are at the end. I'm going to miss these two, but they deserve the happily ever after. Tagging @choicespride for marriage and found family. Tagging @choicesjunechallenge for weddings. Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations Pride Bingo for family.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Drake and Leo, with Helena in tow, made their way back outside to where their friends and family were waiting for them.
“I made some adjustments, your mom is sitting with me,” Bianca told her future son-in-law.
“Thanks,” Leo pulled her into a hug as he whispered, “I still want to call you mom too.”
Bianca nodded as she hugged him back, “I’d love that, son.”
Leo felt a sense of wonder in his chest. This morning he’d had no moms, now he had two.
When he released Bianca, he turned to his best man, “Thank you for coming all the way from Cordonia, Your Majesty.”
Liam shook his head with a grin as he embraced his brother, “Shut up, man. Riley and I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Besides, I had to return the favor, didn’t I?”
“Wow, I’m impressed. This is more my style than yours, little bro.” Leo let out a low whistle as he took in the moonlit clearing, bonfire roaring on the beach, and lanterns swaying lazily from carefully placed posts. Riley wore a simple floor-length white dress with spaghetti straps while Liam was dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, no suit jacket, no tie. Leo himself had on cargo shorts and a polo shirt, perfect for a casual, and secret, beach wedding.
“Yes, well, after what Dad did to you, I just don’t want to give him the chance to torpedo us the same way.”
“You always were smarter than me. Well, the best man is here, let’s do this thing!”
“I still can’t believe you got married without me!” Drake said with mock indignation.
Liam pulled his best friend into a hug next, “You know I wanted you there, but we had to get married before Leo abdicated and Constantine turned his attention to my love life! It was the only way to ensure he couldn’t interfere in any way. Besides, this guy,” he released Drake and jerked his thumb toward Leo, “was in a hot fucking hurry to get to you, so we were in a time crunch.”
Drake flushed as a sappy grin spread across his face, “Yeah, I know. You’re forgiven.”
Drake Walker was happier than he ever thought he could be. Leo Rys loved him and was about to fucking marry him! The idea that he was about to be someone’s husband was almost surreal, but after everything the two of them had been through together, everything Leo’s father had put them through, it was the happy ending they both deserved. He slapped Liam on the shoulder, “At least you made it to mine, even if your brother did steal you right out from under me to be his best man!”
“Good thing you had a backup best friend I suppose,” Liam teased him good-naturedly.
“Yeah,” Drake laughed, “Where the hell is Beaumont, anyway?”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Max jogged up to the group, a little out of breath.
“What’s got you all out of- oh, no, no, man, you better not have just been making out with my sister!”
Max lifted an eyebrow and threw his hands up in the air, “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies!”
“Come on, man! That’s just-“
“She is my fiancée you know.” Max reminded him.
“Yeah,” Liam took Max’s side, “and I put up with you making out with my brother all the damn time!”
“Holy crap, we’re all brothers now!” Max blurted out.
“Heh,” Drake laughed, “Who saw that coming?”
“No one!” Leo scoffed.
“But it’s pretty awesome!” Max grinned from ear to ear. When he married Savannah, Drake would be his brother for real and as soon as Drake and Leo said I do, Drake and Liam would be brothers…which made Max and Liam brother-in-laws once removed or something.
“The girls are all here, so we can get this show on the road now!” Savannah called out as she approached the group of men. Olivia, Hana, and Riley trailed behind her.
Olivia made a beeline for Leo, “Is it true? Your mom is here?”
“Yeah, it’s true, Liv, she’s really here!”
Olivia cocked her head to one side as she regarded him, “You seem pretty okay with it.”
“I am!” He affirmed, “She never wanted to abandon me, my father kept her away!”
“I’d like to say I’m surprised, but that’s right in character for him. I’m sorry, Leo.”
“It’s fine. She’s here now and I’m about to marry the love of my life. I’m good!”
“There’s that dimpled smile we all love!” Olivia patted him on the cheek.
“If the wedding party is ready…” the officiant interrupted, “it’s time.”
“Time to get hitched!” Leo yelled.
“Hitched?” Olivia stared at him with wide eyes as everyone else laughed. Turning to Drake she shook her head, “I’m blaming you for this.”
Drake laughed, his chest filled with happiness, “I will take all the blame! Now let’s go get hitched!”
Liam stood beside Leo as his best man with Olivia and Hana as the maids of honor, because why not have both? Maxwell stood beside Drake flanked by Riley and Savannah.
Their mothers were in the audience, and their best friends and siblings were standing by their side but as they stood in front of friends and family, the rest of the world faded away and there was just Leo and Drake.
Leo and Drake running through the palace gardens as children, Leo and Drake channeling their burgeoning feelings into competition and aggression on the soccer field, the polo field, and the fencing piste. Leo and Drake each struggling to make their own place in the world, all the while holding the other in the back of their minds, and the back of their hearts. Leo and Drake standing in the game room at the palace, both eager to give in to Liv’s dare and both denying that eagerness. Leo and Drake slowly giving in to their feelings as the physical attraction between them exploded and grew. Leo and Drake pushing each other away in a futile attempt to protect their hearts. Leo and Drake falling completely in love over the course of one magical year. Leo and Drake fighting to be together, Leo and Drake finally finding peace, love, and acceptance in the heart of the Walker family on a cattle ranch in the middle of west Texas.
And finally, Leo and Drake standing at the altar, ready to entwine their lives with each other permanently, completely, and irrevocably.
By the time they said “I do,” both men were in tears.
In almost no time at all, the ceremony was over, and the officiant was announcing, “Allow me to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mr. Drake and Leo Walker!”
Leo had decided to take Drake’s last name. Partly out of practicality. The Rys name was too recognizable. It was also too reminiscent of the years spent in a repressive environment. But mostly because, with the exception of Liam, he already felt more a part of Drake’s family, more loved, more accepted, than he had ever felt at home. Home. Cordonia was no longer that for him. Texas was home. The ranch was home. Drake was home.
Drake had promised not to smear cake on Leo’s face, but he did it anyway amidst cheers from the guests, the camera snaps from the photographer, and Leo’s laughter ringing out across the clearing. Leo returned the favor as Drake tried to dodge him, his own laughter shaking his whole body. He was happy. Happier than he had ever believed he could be.
Both men had overcome their own insecurities to be together. Both men had made sacrifices for love. Both men had allowed their walls to crumble. Both men had reached for happiness and found it, with each other. Nothing would ever come between them again. They had each other, and that was all that mattered. Happily ever after was theirs.
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
The First Kiss:
Book: TRR - My series Once upon a time AU
Pairings: Drake x Olivia
Word count:2340
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry. 
Rating: Teens
A/N 1: This one shot happens when the teenage prince and his friends are on a short holiday at Lythikos. 
A/N 2: Thanks @lizzybeth1986 for extending a helping hand as always. 
Prompt:  @springfeverpitch : first base fic for Dralivia ( swing, pillow, "can I kiss you?") 
Prompt 2 of @choicesflashfics in bold 
May fit in for National kissing day of @choicesjunechallenge @liaromancewriter  
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Image courtesy
"I came first." 
"But I saw it first."
"I reached out for it first." 
"But I caught hold of it first." 
"I get to use it because I am a boy." 
"No, I get to use it because I am a Nevrakis."
The sentences were growing longer as was the argument. Savannah and Liam looked at each other, rolled their eyes, huffed a sigh in unison and sat down on a rock. This was not how they had planned their weekend at Lythikos but It was a routine for them to witness Drake and Olivia arguing over trivial issues. As kids, it would be cheese or jam on bread or the equal distribution of chocolates received from a generous visitor to the palace. Growing up, as teenagers it changed to, who gets the window seat on a drive or who gets which horse for a ride. At this moment, they were fighting for a piece of driftwood shaped like a sword that they found in the snow outside the Lythikan chateau. 
"You already have Zenobia!" Drake yelled. 
"Had! Max broke it." 
"Not my problem." Drake shrugged. 
Savannah snickered at the mention of Olivia's childhood toy sword. "Are they ever going to grow up?" 
Liam shook his head, "Someone needs to remind them that they are fifteen not five." 
"What if they never change?" 
"They will change when they realise their true feelings." He smiled. 
"You really think so?" 
Liam gave a wide grin. 
Savannah smiled back saying, "You know, you are…." 
" … a hopeless romantic." He completed her sentence. "I know."  
Thud! The sudden shift of sound cut their conversation short. 
Savannah panicked at the scene in front of her. "Oh, no,no,no. No!" 
Drake tried to snatch the wood from Olivia and one thing led to another. Soon, they were both wrestling.
Liam and Savannah jumped up. It was an unwritten agreement between the two that they wouldn't intervene unless the fight converted to physical form of infliction. And it was also pre-decided that Liam would manage Olivia while Savannah would catch and push Drake away. Olivia with all her Nevrakis might was impossible for Savannah to handle. Savannah found it easy with Drake. A simple tickling on his sides and his body would give way.
Savannah nodded, "Now!"  Liam leapt and  caught hold of Olivia by waist, pulling her away. As soon as Olivia's clutch loosened from Drake's neck, Savannah pushed Drake, butting her head into his muscular chest. Her fingers crawled upwards on his sides. 
Drake started squealing, "No, not again. Savvie! This is… aaaaa..unfair! Stop!" 
On the other end, Liam was trying to calm down a ferocious Olivia, but she was throwing her limbs in the air frantically. "Leave me!" 
Suddenly, a loud shriek made Olivia stop and turn. Savannah had fallen down and Drake had toppled over her. 
Liam released Olivia and they both rushed to her side. Drake untangled his leg and moved aside to find her yelping in pain. "I am sorry, Savvie, I didn't mean to. Here, let me.." He tried to lift her but her left leg seemed to be badly twisted. She screamed in pain. 
"What's wrong?" They all turned to look at Bastein who had rushed to them, after listening to the noise. 
"Bas,..." Savannah started crying, "I can't stand. I may not be able to walk." 
"Shhh! Let me have a look." He quickly hunched down and examined her leg. Savannah would not let him touch. She seemed to be in extreme pain. "Savannah dear, I think you have sprained your foot badly. Let me call for first aid. " 
Bastein made a few calls. In a matter of a few minutes, her leg was put in a temporary splint and a SUV was ready to take her to hospital. 
Drake tried to help Savannah but she raised her hand to stop him. "You have done enough damage," she wailed out. Liam took the hint and promptly came ahead to help. Drake quietly stepped aside feeling more guilt. 
Liam asked concerned, "Bas, can I go along with her to the hospital?" 
"If you insist." 
Liam's face lit up. " Yes, please." He swiftly climbed into the seat next to Savannah. He then gave a scornful look to his friends. "Try not to kill each other. Warriors of Lythikos." He taunted and moved his hand across Savannah's shoulder, protectively.  
Once the vehicle moved out of sight Olivia's  caretaker Ms Berkes, ushered her and Drake in for a warm drink. 
Drake sat slumped. 
"She didn't really mean it you know, right?" Olivia made a statement.
"Hmm. I am sorry." 
"What? What did you just say?" Olivia looked with her eyes wide as a pan.
Drake cleared his throat to repeat. "I said, " I am sorry." 
"Drake Walker is apologizing! I can't believe it!" She threw her hands up I the air. 
"Please. You have to let me make this right.” Had I not been stubborn, Savvie wouldn't have gotten hurt so badly." 
Olivia waved it off, "Stop blaming yourself for a little mishap. She should have been careful. She should have gauged whom she was tackling." Olivia got up to leave, "Anyways, it looks like it will snow soon. I am going to grab a book in the library." She announced and then mumbled on her way, " Lost that sword stick too! " She pouted her lips. Her hand started fidgeting with the edge of her shirt. 
Drake caught the way her hand grabbed the cloth, a sign that she was dejected over losing the sword. Now, he felt even worse. He couldn't make either of the ladies happy. Savannah was hurt badly and he couldn't be beside her for comfort. Thankfully, Liam was with her. Fine, so what if Savvie left, at least he could prove it to Olivia. She was still here. He looked out of the glass window. The storm hadn't set in yet. It looked like a faint drizzle. What if he quickly ran out and got that piece of wood for Olivia? 
He rushed out without giving it a second thought. A fresh layer of snow had covered the already white grounds. He scrambled through the rough terrain, ignoring his insufficient clothing for the harsh climate. He was unmindful of his bare hands without the gloves when he tried shifting snow to dig in a bit if it was where they left it. 
Finally he was successful. He started running back to the Chateau. The moment he entered, he heard Olivia calling out for him.
"Drake, Bastein called. There is a storm coming so they won't….." she stopped mid sentence when her eyes fell on Drake near the entrance. He was beaming as if he had won a trophy but what she saw was Drake in a disheveled state. 
"What on earth were you upto?" She said in a shocked tone.
"I found the sword. Here." He presented the piece of wood with a puffed up chest. He was sure she would be excited to see it. "For you." 
"Are you out of your mind?" She lashed out instead. He was confused. Did he do something wrong now? 
"It's snowing out there. The storm is setting in and you went out like this?" She pointed out his attire. "Where is your sweater? And where are the gloves?" 
All at once, realization hit him. The adrenaline rush had kept him going. He felt the shiver creeping up his body now. He was cold and numb. 
"Ms Berkes!" Olivia shouted. She closed the distance between them and held Drake who was now turning pale. Without waiting for her caretaker, she started dusting away the remnants of snow from his body. She pulled out the coat from the hanger stand  at the corner of the entrance and covered Drake's visibly shivering body. 
"Come here." She made him sit on the couch and started rubbing his hands. Ms Berkes came in the meantime and without any questions helped Drake. 
He kept looking between the two of them, dumbfounded. Whenever he tried to open his mouth to speak, Olivia would shut him. "Keep quiet. You need to conserve whatever energy is left in that weak body of yours." 
He decided to keep his mouth zipped if he had to survive under the Lythikan roof and that too in Olivia's presence. 
 Ms Berkes served him hot soup that made him comfortable. Soon he was fast asleep on the couch. Olivia arranged a pillow to tuck under Drake's head. She sat down with her cell phone, checking the weather updates. She couldn't complete her sentence earlier to tell Drake that Liam and Savannah won't be returning due to an alert from the Met department.  Ms Berkes took the excuse to place a call to the palace and update Bastein. 
Olivia took the cue and dialed Liam's number. 
"Good evening." 
"Good evening." 
"How's Savannah?" 
"She is good. Resting in the west wing under Bastein's watch. How are you?" 
"Good." She let out a sigh.
Liam chuckled. "Is Drake troubling you again?"
"Don't ask." 
"That bad, huh?" Liam snickered.
Olivia looked at Drake's sleeping form. He looked peaceful. "He went out just before the storm." She rolled her eyes. "Without a sweater!" She added. 
"What? How is he?" 
"Ms Berkes helped him warm up. He is alive." She wanted to kick him for causing all the trouble. 
"But why did he go out? It's unlike him to act so stupid." Liam questioned. 
"To get that wooden sword." 
"Seriously? That's crazy. He is still fighting over that piece when his sister.." 
Olivia interrupted, "for me." She said in a barely audible voice. 
"For?" Liam asked. Did he hear it right? 
She winced at the thought and the reaction Liam may give. "You heard it." She won't repeat it. 
A hearty laugh boomed through the earpiece of her phone. Olivia closed her eyes and covered them. She could dig in a hole in the earth just to hide herself, right now. This was so embarrassing. 
"I told you." He laughed again. " I always told you." 
"Whatever." She tried to take it casual. 
"No, you can't deny it. The guy is serious. He really likes you. All the fights and arguments he has with you, they are all just a facade to hide his feelings. Poor Drake." 
"Poor?" Olivia almost jumped. "I had to spend an hour to warm him up." 
"Oh really, and may I know how you did that?" Liam teased. 
"The medical first aid that all Lythikans learn as a baby." Olivia was not going to have a foot in mouth moment. She was not going to let him know that in the spur of the moment, she had hugged him to exchange her body heat to warm him up. That she had cuddled up till she was sure that he was fine. She shifted the focus. " I am tired after all the hard work. You take care. We will travel back to the palace tomorrow morning after weather clears." 
"Sure, you take care of yourself. Don't pick up fights with Drake. Trust me, he really likes you." 
"Good night, Li." She stressed on ending the conversation.  
"Good night Liv." She could hear the thrill in his voice.
She tapped on the red icon and callously slid the phone on the couch. Her gaze shifted to Drake. She got up from her place and scooted down near him. Drake. As she knew him. Or did she know him? The chubby face had changed so much in the past few years. But their fights had not. The cute little voice with which he adoringly called her 'Livy' had turned husky with a depth to it. But the affection in that voice had not changed. The boy had grown up into a lad who could manage many things. But not his silky hair. A smile danced on her lips. Her hand unknowingly went up to the few stray strands that had fallen over his eyes. Her fingers gently moved the chestnut hair aside and traveled over the contours of his chiseled face to stop near his lips. Her lips curled looking at his slightly open mouth. She lowered herself dangerously close to him, breathing the same air. Her lips had just brushed over his parted lips when….
"Olivia?" She heard Ms Berkes' soft whisper. 
She acted to be tucking the blanket around Drake and stood straight. 
"I think he is fine now. I will catch up some sleep. Good night, Ms Berkes." Olivia scurried away from the scene. 
She spent a sleepless night, tossing in the bed. Outside the skies were dealing with a storm and inside, Olivia was fighting her own inner storm. 
Next morning. ...
The sky was clear and the wind pleasant  as was Olivia's mood. She had a skip in her step when she went out in the gardens. There was sometime before they got clearance for traveling to the palace. She sat on a swing but didn't swing. Only her thoughts were swinging and singing to her. 
She was so engrossed that she didn't notice Drake walking down and sitting on the neighboring swing.
"Good morning, Livy. " 
She was startled but quicly composed herself. "Good morning." 
She said curtly and turned her head in opposite direction. He was back to normal. There were no signs of any effect of storm on him. And there was no sign of any effect of last night's rendezvous.  She wasn't sure about the later. She just hoped there was none. 
He tried to initiate the conversation, "Thank you." 
"Thank you for what? Letting you survive another day." She smirked.
Drake gave a genuine smile, "For all you did yesterday for me." 
"You don't need to mention." Olivia looked away hiding the blush creeping on her neck. 
"I want to say one more thing." 
"What is it? " Her heart raced as she glanced at him.
"You left something with me last night. I wanted to give it back to you." 
She gave him a puzzled look.
"Can I kiss you?" 
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890   @angelasscribbles   @bascmve01 @bebepac   @busywoman @dcbbw @choicesficwriterscreations   @harleybeaumont   @iaminlovewithtrr   @karahalloway @kingliam2019   @lizzybeth1986 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone   @neotericthemis   @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn     @walkerdrakewalker @rubiwalker @703cowbarn @kyra75 @likealotus @marietrinmimi @juan-francisco-palencia
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TRR FotW - March 5 -11, 2023
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18+ = Adult/Mature Content 🔥 = Explicit Material/NSFW
Drake Walker
A Fervid Fixation (Series) | Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 5: Flashpoint / Chapter 6: Conflagration 18+ / Chapter 7: Smolder 18+
In Your Room (Series) | Drake Walker x Leo Rys - @angelasscribbles Chapter 2: Competition 🔥
Kiara Theron
Home Is Where My Family Is | Kiara Theron x Rashad - @twinkleallnight 18+
Wordlessly | Kiara Theron - @lizzybeth1986
Liam Rys
Best Kept Secrets (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 11: Ashes on the Ground 18+
The Invitation (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @aussiegurl1234 The Almost Kiss / The Bridesmaids / The Monster
Maxwell Beaumont
Note Book | Maxwell Beaumont x MC - @aesthetic-aag
The Shower Slip-Up (Series) | Maxwell Beaumont x MC, Bertrand x Savannah - @harleybeaumont Part 1 18+ Part 2 🔥
Multiple Pairings
False Truth | Multiple Pairings - @twinkleallnight 18+
Ours | Multiple Pairings - @mand-delemonde
Open Heart FotW List Main CFWC FotW List
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aprilchallenge · 1 year
Fics of the week
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Open Heart
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (1/?) 🌸 @liaromancewriter
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (2/?) 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee) feat. Tobias Carrick
A Different Fate...Part 2 - Ethan's POV 💐 @jerzwriter
Characters involved: Open Heart // f!MC (Celia Moore), Sienna Trinh
Midnight Talks 🌼 @trappedinfanfiction
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Beautiful Stranger 🌹 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: None. Kid!Liam with the head chefs of the palace, really (OCs, though Anais has been mentioned in canon)
B(re)aking Bread 🌼 @lizzybeth1986
Pairing: Queen Eleanor & Prince Leo + Liam (mother-sons/siblings), Leo x Damien (mentioned in RoE) (romantic), Liam & Jason (OC) (platonic).
Eleanor's Kitchen - Chapter 4: Garídes Saganáki 🪷 @lizzybeth1986
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Sophia (Sophie) 
Marabelle 🌻 @tessa-liam
-4- The Beaumont Bash 
- Mature -
Pairing: Liam x Savannah 
Estranged 🥀 @twinkleallnight
Artwork & Edits
Open Heart
Characters involved: Sienna Trinh and Victoria Clarke
In the woods 🌺 @potionsprefect
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Bubble T 🌼 @jerzwriter
Artwork 🖼️ + fic
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Flipping Love 🌹 @storyofmychoices
Wake the Dead
Artwork 🖼️
Pairing: Eli Sipes x F!MC (Zoe Rivera)
A Capy Ending, indeed 🌷 @jerzwriter
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