#trool trio
klywrites · 16 hours
hiya, kly, pal. i know this probably requires brain power but... what would delphene's internal monologue be like during trool?? hehe. :> - ✨️ Enc
You know what, this is a great question! I've never given it much thought, but in my mind she's always been highly intelligent (especially on an emotional level with Mira), despite that her behaviours are typical pet-like.
About trool specifically, I think if she were human she would curse and be sarcastic over the trio's shenanigans and idiocy 😂 (but also because of other characters who bother the trio)
"not this dumbass"
"here we go again"
"holy shit"
"are you kidding me?"
"who is this guy"
"girl wtf" and "oh god..." (about Mira)
"hm he's kind of meh but he's a good guy so I'll let him stay" (about Remy)
besides that, I think she's also dumb herself lol and by default she'd probably think "food food food" and "socks socks socks FLOWER" 😂
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lixapotter · 3 years
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Que  mejor que empezemos hablando de ´´La piedra filosofal´´ la entrega que nos dio a conocer el mundo magico y la histoia de harry potter el niño que vivio.En esta historia conocemos al trio de oro Harry James Potter,Ronald Billius Weasley y HermioneJean Granger con los que desde el 1 de septiembre de 19991 viveremos bastantes aventuras;La manera en que este iconico trio se une es muy divertida ya que antes harry y ron no soportaban a hermione por ser ´´mandona´´ pero cuanso un troll ataca a hermione en el baño de las niñas harry y ron la salvan y gracias a ese trool se nos une estos tres incribles niños.Y que bueno que esto sucedio por que si no desde ese año harry y ron ya hubieran muerto a no ser por la chica granger.
El problema en esta historia es que voldemort esta planeando su regreso y harry desconoce todo sobre el mundo magico el no tenia idea de quienes eran sus padres o por que razon el era famoso en el mundo magico ya que eso era lo que el menos se imaginaba ser viviendo con sus tios y primo los Dursley personas bastante horribles que tenian a harry viviendo en la alacena, hasta que por fin llega su carta de hogwarts es todo un lio para que pueda asistir a dicha escuela de magia y hechizeria pero al final logra ir.Desde el primer mometo decidio ser amigo de ron wealey sin importa que los weasley eran traedores de la sangre ya que como lo mecione anteriormente harry deconocia todo esto y tampoco le importaba,despues se les unio hermione granger y entre los tres decifraron y resolvieron el problema de quien queria robarse la pieda filosofal ...todo para terminar este año y empezar el siguiente con nuevos problemas...
Y por eso esta es una de mis entregas favoritas ya que harry desconociendo todo esta dispuesto a morir con tal de que lord voldemort no regrese al mando aqui nos damos cuenta de lo valiente que este chico y que por fin a encontrado su hogar en hogwarts ...Tambien es la pelicula mejor adaptada a la novela original de los libros escrita por j.k rolingw... seguiria escribiendo mas y mas pero mejor lo dejamos para otro post hablando especificamente de cada cosa .
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klywrites · 11 days
Hiya, kly, pal. I'm here to send a challenge for you! Pair up Kirby pics that you think matches with the trool trio + delphene. (Or the group as a whole. . . if it's easier for ya!) :D - 🌌 Enc
Oh, what an amusing challenge!
Okay, so here's one for the group as a whole
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In order of Elly, Remy, Mira and Delphene (hiding in Mira's bag)
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A bonus one for Elles:
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klywrites · 7 months
Hi klove
Your blorbos have to go to the grocery store. How does it go?
Sleepy! <3
I don't remember when this was sent in but I have some spoons to respond now.
I'm answering this for the trool trio since they're still currently rotating in my mind. And I already have grocery shopping scenes for them but I'll just describe a generic one (ie nothing goes wrong).
Anyway. Remy does most of the grocery shopping and also most of the cooking so he's thinking of meal plans. It's pretty easy but also challenging because he'll basically eat anything but Elly and Mira have their own particulars. The one food they can all agree on is chicken.
If Mira is just shopping for herself, she goes off to the organics aisle with her own basket, and over to the produce for fruits and veggies. It's better this way actually, otherwise she and Remy will argue over what to get.
Elly rarely goes grocery shopping because the lights are too bright. But in the event she tags along, she would fill the cart with the foods she likes while Remy tries to offer her different things to try. She ignores him. If she sees a plushie or knick-knack she likes, she'll add that too. When she's satisfied she'll wander off to where there are less people and play games on her phone.
Remy and Mira meet up and argue over something dumb. Elly meets them at check-out, and waits to help pack.
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klywrites · 3 months
Mira: We need a name. Like R.E.M.
Remy: Pretty sure that's a band.
Mira: REM Speeddragon.
Remy: Speeddragon?
Mira: Well, we have to include Delphene.
Elly: I like it.
Mira: If Elly likes it, then I approve.
Remy: Of course you approve, it was your idea!
Mira: And aren't I brilliant?
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klywrites · 9 months
Mira gets a job as a server at a local diner and she hates it so one day Remy brings Elly along to have lunch there so they can embarrass her, and Mira ends up being their server
it also happens that Mira's having a particularly bad day and she's in a bad mood (plus it's a seafood diner and she hates seafood lol)
Remy teases her so when she brings over his fish burger and fries she just like. drops the dish in front of him and steals a fry before walking away
He asks for ketchup and she just tosses the bottle onto the table
He calls her back again just to annoy her and jokingly says "I asked for no pickles" so she literally takes the pickle out of his burger and puts it on Elly's plate
Elly says "but I don't like pickles" and Mira says "you do today sweetie" and walks away
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klywrites · 3 months
you know whats funny is just realized since we got older but the characters haven't, the trio would be considered gen z now (tho ig remy would be a zillennial?) idk if this is actually funny or sad lmaoo
That... never occurred to me lol... I mean, none of the stories are set on our Earth in our exact timeline. But I get what you mean!
So yeah, actually a lot of RS1 crew would also be Gen Z.
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klywrites · 7 months
thinking about the trio late at night like
remy. he is my buddy, my pal, my boy. pb&j on soggy slice of bread, dropped onto the floor. five second rule became five days and now he's growing mold spores.
elly my sweet bby angel I squish her face like a sponge cake. add dollop of whipped cream and a strawberry hat. I kiss her on the head.
mira... pathetic. I love her so much I would bail her out of prison and take the fall for her crimes. she is everything to me. immaculate. would defend her with my life. I hate her.
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klywrites · 10 months
Hi Klove
If your ocs were rooms in a house, which room would they each be and why? (This can be a very unusual house, I don't care)
Sleepy! What a surprising but welcome ask :)
I'm gonna do this for the trool trio since it's a very domestic wip already but I'm not gonna go the unusual house route.
Elly: Bedroom - hers specifically. It's quiet, cozy, has everything she loves in there. At night she'll sit in the dark with her little lamps on and the projector from Remy that makes her room all blue and wavy like an aquarium. She does everything in there, spends most of her alone time there -- games, books, sorting, tinkering, building, and of course napping.
Remy: Kitchen. He does most of the cooking and enjoys it. For him the kitchen would represent family, where everyone gathers to eat and drink and have intimate conversations. By extension it's a place to share - food, stories, feelings, etc. Also, food sharing is its own love language and I love that for everyone.
Mira: Living room. (or in a fancy house, the entertainment room) This is where the fun happens, where everyone gathers to mingle and watch movies and play board games and sometimes dance. Tends to be more light and sound happening here. But it can be cozy too, at the end of the day, with loved ones.
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klywrites · 1 year
another favourite thing is Remy trying to discourage Elly from doing something (e.g. making a taser) and then Elly immediately turning to Mira and getting approval from her
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klywrites · 1 year
Elly and Mira shouting at each other from different rooms while Remy tries to work on his assignment
Elly: OKAY.
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klywrites · 1 year
the trio when they were kids and their parents had a little reunion (Remy is about 10, Mira ~5, Elly ~3)
Mira has always been a little cheeky and Elly just copies her so Mira would run up to Remy, pinch him, then run away giggling. Elly would do the same then chase after Mira while giggling and screaming lol
Remy would eventually get really annoyed so then he'd go and hide somewhere
but when he was up to it, he'd play with them, pretend to be a dragon, and they would sit on his back while he crawled across the floor, which is something he did often with Elly
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klywrites · 1 year
Mira and her ~healthy~ morning smoothies
Mira: Well, I've started making my own because the ones you can buy are full of sugar.
Remy: *tastes*...Did you put alcohol in this?
Mira: Just a little. For garnish.
Remy: Is this why you're jumpy 80% of the time?
Mira: I'm not jumpy.
Elly: *enters*
Mira: (excitedly) Elly! Are you free this afternoon? My last class got cancelled. I was thinking we could go to the aquarium since we couldn't last time. Do you want to? Or would you rather stay in today? I don't mind either way, whatever you want. Oh! We can watch movies! I found this new site that hosts a lot of newly released shows and stuff, and the quality is really good. I'll text you later, okay?
Elly: Suddenly, I'm very tired.
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klywrites · 1 year
since mira can't swim, elly and remy like to jokingly threaten to push her into the deep end of the pool
(they don't actually do it because that would be mean)
instead, remy picks mira up and jumps into the pool with her where elly is treading, and when they come up elly passes mira a pool noodle
later leads to a pool noodle fight in the shallower end
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klywrites · 1 year
Elly comes home dejected, upset, frustrated... throws her bag on the floor.
Remy: What's wrong? What happened?
Elly: Everyone here is smarter than me. I'll never be successful.
Mira: Did someone say that to you?
Remy: That's not true, Elly. You're smart and creative. Where is this coming from?
Elly: I'm not smart. I'm dumb and stupid.
Mira: Who said those things to you???
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klywrites · 1 year
my favourite thing about Remy and Mira switching places is Elly complaining to Remy about rooming with Mira for the first couple of weeks
"she wears too much perfume"
"she takes too long to get ready"
"she comes home so late and the shower wakes me up"
"she talks too much"
"she always wants to go out"
"I don't like what she cooks"
"why does she study on the coffee table? I need that space to do puzzles"
"delphene eats all the fruit"
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