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chingonthemagazine · 2 years
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“El Desmadre” COMING SOON! DTBA soon If you love TRUCKS! This is going to be the event for you! Calling all truck owners! Shapes, styles and sizes! #oldschoolvsnewschool #oldschool #newschool #whosbetter #trucks #trokas #trokitas #truckfest #truckevent #itdontstop #sleepinggiant #wecanrestwhenwedead #onthegrind #strategicalliances #forthemovement #thisischessnotcheckers #notastylebutalifestyle (at To Be Announced At A Later Date) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCCNVHLghZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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batatapako · 6 months
🔫 😌 Guilt, nightmare and wound aubryn
bros holding me at gunpoint for aubryn omg 😢😢
Guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid it or accept it?
He's definitely guilty about having Zikora raise Kaires all by himself- As Kaires' last living family member, he was still absent for a majority of their childhood and they still acted somewhat awkwardly towards him while they acted much more openly and cooperative with Zikora. He tries his best to involve himself as much as he could with Kaires now to try and break the ice but he feels like it's not that effective.
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
I don't think Aubryn would have nightmares, or be plagued by any recurring memories in their dreams T-T if anything it would probably be about another person close to him dying? I think he'd keep it to himself, just brushing it off.
Wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical, mental or emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Aubryn would probably. act normally towards any pain. Flinch. Hold the affected limb. Exhale sharply and maybe yell if it's physical. His wounds are mostly mental, since its very hard to get physically injured in this story (proven wrong in the next sentence.) Worst wound is having a building collapse in on him.
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hatutannews · 4 months
Militante FRETILIN 2.500 Husu CCF Konvoka Kongresu nasionál Estraordináriu
Hatutan.com, (31 Janeiru 2024), Díli- Militante partidu FRETILIN hamutuk na’in-2.500, Kuarta (31/01/2024), submete karta petisaun bá Komité Sentral FRETILIN (CCF) hodi husu konvoka Kongresu Nasionál Estraordináriu (KNE) no halo Eleisaun direita bá Prezidente no Sekretáriu Jerál partidu istóriku ne’e. Continue reading Militante FRETILIN 2.500 Husu CCF Konvoka Kongresu nasionál Estraordináriu
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Maria Troka (PL, 2002)
Maria Troka (ur. 20.12.2002), uczennica drugiego roku szkoły medycznej na profilu protetyk dentystyczny. #PalianSHOW #sztukakobiet
Maria Troka Maria Troka (ur. 20.12.2002), uczennica drugiego roku szkoły medycznej na profilu protetyk dentystyczny. Pasje do malarstwa odkryłam w sobie niecałe dwa lata temu, kiedy po raz pierwszy kupiłam farby olejne. Tworzenie jest dla mnie metodą na radzenie sobie ze stresem i trudnymi emocjami, przez fakturę farby i kolory próbuję przekazać, co czuję. W twórczości kieruję się własnymi…
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La #Troka si era ask y sabes #Cuh! #LaMamalona #Takuache #DogeDope https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdjDGfujuK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malesmokingguys · 4 months
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Deno Troka
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polarhoid · 2 years
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[ crudo.mty ]
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astra-zioni · 2 years
Essere gelose del proprio tipo: 🤨
Mandare il proprio tipo fregno a ritirare un farmaco/troka con ricetta dubbia, istruendolo a fare il piacione, solo perché così la farmacista glielo dà senza problemi: 🥰
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alesstori · 4 months
Ay we… de vdd que bonito estoy viviendo ahorita mi vida, hace rato me fui con él en su troka y platicamos bien padre ajajajaj , hasta le enseñé nueva música 😌😌😌, y me agarra la manita bien bonito 💗💗💗💗, aaaaay ….
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blackrosebooks · 6 months
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neonbutterfly2 · 7 months
imagínate que me regalas esa polaroid y la pongo en el tablero de la troka para verla a diario wow
incluye cartita de amor y todo hehe
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batatapako · 6 months
Betrayal, break and future for Zikora :3
1. What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Zikora is a fairly calm and rational person so it would be really hard for him to break down. He usually reacts in outbursts when he does though. I think one thing which would cause him to break down is a massive loss of anything dear to him. coughcough
I think that he'd get really aggressive and just overall lose his cool, hold horrible resentment after its all done. This only happens near the end and everyone's a witness to it because I love the one person who tries their hardest to keep their cool absolutely losing it
2. Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Yes for the first one. No for the latter, he's a man who keeps his word no matter what and is quite unbiased.
3. What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they aware its a possibility?
I think the word possible future for him would be becoming just like (Aarav) and also not being able to readjust after breaking out, or not feeling a sense of belonging ever again. He definitely is trying to avoid it, and holding desperately onto Aubryn, since he can onlt count on him after all the betrayals they had to endure 👍🏾 I'm being so vague here 😭
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hatutannews · 5 months
Fó Indultu La Signifika Troka Fali Tribunál
Hatutan.com, (20 Dezembru 2023), Díli– Sekretáriu jerál partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri, haktuir Prezidente Repúblika iha kompeténsia fó indultu, maibé la’ós troka fali Tribunál.   Continue reading Untitled
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im-tryingtoloveyou · 8 months
Carte pokemon e ? (Con quella faccia e la sua espressione un’idea la avrei)
No no, la troka l'ha assunta Bare stasera, arrestano lui in aeroporto tra qualche ora
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