#tried to draw this and my brain broke.............. 😔
bytedykes · 11 months
if you're still taking doodle requests, maybe ysa if you're up to it? :-)
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[ID: a sketch of Yoo Sangah from Omniscient Reader. She's dressed in office clothing and looks sideways with a smile. /end ID]
i havent drawn her a lot yet ahh i love her a normal amount
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harryfeatgaga · 10 months
ok my kind of angst is being his ex and you dated for a while but then suddenly broke up nearing the end of tour. But when you were together maybe you were working on a scrapbook and were planning on giving it to him the morning of the last show😔 a whole book photographed from your perspective for him to remember this little journey😔 this truly became your passion project and the thought of giving it to him made you so excited, but now you’re broken up😔 a few days before the final show you find it in your bedroom and you decide to look through it and all those memories come flooding back😔 you decide there to finish the book with no intention of giving it to him but feeling like it needs to be finished😔you sit on your bedroom floor gluing the finishing pieces and after a wave of emotion just crashes through you you’re like….fuck it….I need to go to Italy. You pack probably 2 outfits and jump on the first flight out. You text a friend and find out where he’s staying, and you’re knocking on his door at nearly 2am. You know how extremely insane and irrational going there is, but there was something just pulling you there😔 when he groggily opens the door he’s just in pure shock and full of emotion, barely getting words out saying “What are you….how….you’re here….” Real life is starting to set in once again and you’re brain is like why the fuck did you come here, but you blurt out “I got you a gift. For your last show” and now he’s even more confused but he’s telling you to come inside😔 When you’re both fully in the room you say “I’ve been working on this for months, I always planned to give it to you before the last show….but then…..” and he’s taking the book from you looking through it and he says “You made this for me?” and you shake your head yes and he says “This is amazing, thank you” genuinely in awe😔 and you’re delusional brain is just like “Well I better get going” and when you start to walk out he’s like “Woah woah woah” and grabs your arm and says “There’s no way in hell you flew all the way here to give me a gift and then leave” and when he says that out loud you realize that no, you did not in fact just fly here for the gift. You flew here because you’re still in love with him and couldn’t bare to not be here for him during this time. But of course you say “Yea I just thought you’d like to have that, so now I should leave” and he starts laughing because he sees how ridiculous you’re being. He knows you both still love each other and he knows you both play these types of games but will never flat out admit you should be together😔 He’d say “The book is beautiful, but I’d be very offended if that was the only reason you showed up to my hotel room at 2 in the morning”😔 and you’d say “I don’t know why I’m here Harry” and he’d walk towards you while saying “I know exactly why you’re here” and when you don’t speak he’d say “Do you know how many times I almost asked you to come? We’re both stubborn as fuck and selfishly I am so happy you decided not to be right now”😔 at this point he’d pull you into him and have a hand on the sides of your neck😔 you ask “What does this mean?” And he’d say “I need you here….we don’t have put a meaning on this now but…” and he’s drawing his his knuckle up and down your cheek now😔 he’d finish saying “All I know is that I need you here” and you’d finally give into him and wrap your arms around him so tight😔😔😔 the rest of the night would be wrapped up in bed hugging whispering sweet nothings of how much you missed each other😔 you’re not back together but you know at some point you both need to admit you’re each others person😔 You’d go to the show and all of his friends and family would pretend to be shocked you’re there, but they all know you’re it for him😔 At the after party is when he finally kisses you for the first time since before the breakup😔 thanking you over and over😔 and in bed that night he’d joke and say “I can’t believe you tried to convince me you flew here to give me a fucking scrapbook…” and you smack his chest but also laugh because wtf were you thinking
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silver-wield · 1 year
Okay, people who also follow me on twitter might have noticed my bad attempts at art, and now imma share them with all of you too 🤣
So, for Tifa week I decided to have a go at drawing her. I'm not even close to being a good artist and had to look up so many refs just to manage basic shapes 🤣
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This was my second attempt. The first is so bad I won't inflict it on y'all 🤣 even this one has eraser marks all over it while I figured out how tf I'm supposed to do things.
I was gonna leave it at a bad chibi, but my brain was all "this would make a cute shrinky" and since I have shrinky paper, I figured why not 🤷
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Yes I had to trace my own drawing because I can't copy it freehand 🤣 also gave me a chance to correct some things I didn't like.
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Didn't bake either of these long enough. Broke the first one trying to flatten it, but I'd already ruined it by not mirroring the image on the paper so it's the wrong way around. The second one turned out better but cause I coloured it with aquamarkers it went weird when I tried to seal it 😔
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Attempt #3. Dug out the poscas 😁
Lil wobble on the eyes. They're such a focal point I wanna get them right, but cause this is all mirrored and layered, you gotta do the highlight first and then the pupil and then the iris. Course one of my red pen nibs was scruffy so the pupil got messed up, but overall I think this turned out really cute.
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Baked perfectly ❤️
I even like how the eyes came out 😁
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Makes a cute bag charm 😊
Imma do Cloud too 😁
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