#transfromers cyberverse
toonabby · 29 days
Happy 43rd birthday, Jeremy Levy!
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sennyshockwave · 3 years
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Same character???????????????????????? How tho
Why did I make this?
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eldritch-araneae · 3 years
So recently I talked with peers about Cyberverse and I was thinking of few idea what I would change in the plot. I really liked the 1st season, and yes partly bc I'm a big Bumblebee fan and all set up this season had really got me hyped. Sadly it wasn't delivered at all.
It really looks like the creators had completely different story planned during making S1, but then they completely changed it in S2 and nothing makes sense anymore.
So I decided if I were to continue the logic of S1, some thing that would happen.
The major thing would be explanation why the AllSpark spoke only to Bumblebee ( esp considering how cybs held it with no reaction). Did it chose him to be its protector? Or was it a special message? Seriously, what it was about?!
Anyway, I would develop this idea that the AllSpark established a connection with Bumblebee, making him its protector. And this connection didn't vanish even after Optimus yeeted it across space.
(Which actually implied in canon and that how he found about Cheetor in first place, but then it was brushed aside completely.)
Fast forward to Cheetor in Earth, and this is where things get interesting bc Bumblebee still has this connection and Cheetor knows it, so he spend a lot of time searching for him after creation. He knows Bee on Earth bc AllSpark told him so, it takes a lot of time to find him until anyone arrives.
So Cheetor is liked "hey you guardian now as well!" and Bee like "oh neat lets be friends :D", so now both Cheetor and Bumblebee are in the way of bots and cons to get the AllSpark. Also, why not, let Windblade join to the party!
So they try to resolve conflict bc this bs is going on too long. Also Slipstream lives!
At some point Starscream manages to get his hands on AllSpark and thing go similar way ( except no unnecessary deaths, seriously) and he fuses with the artifact.
Starscream tried to murder anything like in show, but instead Optimus randomly blasting him from Matrix, Cheetor's and Bumblebee's minds get absorbed into the AllSpark. Next second Starscream find that he not really in control anymore and escapes.
Now we have two guardians being in coma, and everyone on the mission to save them somehow.
Meanwhile Starscream gets the "Bee Ghost from idw1 treatment"! Not only he sees Bumblebee's ghost, but also Cheetor's and both of the coaching the seeker to be a better person :D
Also, imagine if Windblade managed to establish the connection with Bee and Cheetor by connecting to their bodies. Because they still alive, so their minds are sort of connected to their bodied, they just not there!
(tbh it kinda sad how quickly she was brushed aside despite having a freaking telepathy! Imagine how many cools thing could be aside from her being a Cityspeaker.)
So imagine if Windblade also join the party (again yes) in Starscream coaching! Imagine all the adventures thry will have bwahahahah xD
I don't know why, but the sheer idea brings me so much delight! :3
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sllyu · 5 years
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sllyu · 5 years
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