enden-k · 8 months
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long time no witch haitham from my fantasy au 💚
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Scientists reveal how epigenetic changes in DNA are interpreted - Science Magazine
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enden-k · 6 months
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sun and moon
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enden-k · 6 months
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some fantasy au kaveh refs i sketched for my writer!!
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enden-k · 5 months
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evo and i discussing haitham mehrak relationship in AU and i told them its v chaotic (since hthm is the only one who can understand mehrak and it looks funny when hes starting to argue w a tiny fluffy animal) and in the end it led to me drawing this to accurately picture their relationship hhhhfhhfh
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enden-k · 5 months
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the doodle i did for the 2nd chapter of the fantasy AU 🫶
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enden-k · 6 months
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the small doodle i did for the first chapter of the fantasy AU 🩵
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enden-k · 8 months
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au sketch ✨
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enden-k · 8 months
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now thats a proper weighted blanket for the witch
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enden-k · 11 months
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enden-k · 1 year
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im super excited about the fantasy au requests i spotted in my inbox so have a smol doodle for now <3
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enden-k · 6 months
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gay sideglance
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enden-k · 8 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. kvthm fantasy AU stuff ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a more compact/organized post about my au mostly for myself where i keep all the infos and lore i posted so far in one + links to specific comics or doodles i did [will update over time]
i first started posting my AU on april 19, rlly feels like ages ago 🥹
set in a (well, even more) fantastical version of sumeru. theres a curse going wild for a long time, and no cure so far. no one knows where, when or why it spread, only that once someone becomes cursed, all that awaits is death.
kaveh, the prince of sumeru, is cursed since birth and can no longer bear to sit and wait for his end to come; especially with his mother watching him fall more and more to the curse to the point it hurts her just looking at him. he doesnt want to cause her pain and make her watch him grow weak and die; he rather wants to use the time left to find a way to break the curse, to save the others that still have a chance for a cure unlike him who is doomed to die and turn into a shadowy creature to haunt the lands.
his journey leads him to a certain, mysterious witch who came up with a spell to freeze the curse for some time - it needs to be redone regularly though to stall it. driven by his interest and curiosity in the curse and the prince, the witch agrees on accompanying kaveh on his travels; renewing the spell to give kaveh more time while pursuing the truth and origin of the curse. on their travels, they also meet a certain forest watcher and his partner, and a mercenary who become a part of their small group, and together they journey all across of sumeru in search of a way to break the curse for once and all, saving their loved ones.
the curse
its origin is unknown so far. once someone becomes cursed, they fall sick and slowly but painfully wither away as it spreads over their body. shadowy, bark-like markings spread over the body, skin and joints growing stiff and painful to move
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the curse feeds on the bodies energy until it switches to the persons soul to devour it next and turn them into a mindless shadowy creature. usually the body cant handle it anymore though; the cursed one dies from weakness and their organs failing before their souls can be devoured. coma is the final stage before the body ultimately breaks down, taking the curse "safely" with them in death. once cursed, there is no "easy" way out of it. unnatural death while the curse is still active and powerful, feeding on the persons energy, will unleash it and curse everyone and everything around it. the curse is known to take, to wither everything and everyone away - the only thing that doesnt wither away are mourning flowers. those flowers bloom as long as the curse is active and festering and they start to wilt more the weaker the curse gets; therefore, the closer death is. people use those flowers to measure the time left they are able to spend with their loved cursed ones until they die to the curse. people believe the curse is what keeps the flower blooming and as soon as the body gets weaker which in turns makes the curse lose its power as well (since it cant feed on the body any longer), the flower starts to wilt more and more as well just like the cursed one until they both die. this is why some people bury their loved cursed ones with the flower as a symbol of protection for their souls in the afterlife. so far there seems no way to cure or fight the curse other than succumbing to it and taking it to the grave. still, kaveh wants to try and find a way while he can.
ㅤㅤ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ kaveh ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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a prince born cursed, the way it works on and in him differs from others. like the others, he constantly feels pain and on some days even weakness where he can barely hold anything; those seem to be the days when the curse advances on his body to devour some more of him. unlike the others hes still withstanding it though and doesnt show the other usual symptoms such as chronic fatigue and weakness, sickness, etc. because of being born cursed, his body seems to be used to living with it; the curse has started devouring his body and soul simultaneously already. it means his body will hold out until his soul is fully devoured. he is doomed to fall to the curse and lose himself. there are records of people who were like him, born cursed, and those have turned into shadowy mindless beasts that roam the lands, killing everyone and everything in their way once body and soul were devoured. the day that kaveh dies to the curse, his body will be controlled by the curse alone once it took over his soul and hurt everyone. he desperately wants to stop that with all his power; not to come out of this alive or have a peaceful death but to save people from the curse and the danger of himself once he turned. its not like he doesnt mind dying or doesnt wish to come out alive. its just after all those years of anger and hurt and constant questions on why him, he had started to accept his fate. he still wishes to find a way, at least for everyone else, to save them from the curse and from himself. his father also died to the curse when he was still young. now that he is also cursed, he cant bear seeing his mother in such emotional pain as they both wait for his death. instead of appreciating the time hes still there, it seems she is mourning already and he doesnt want to cause her more pain by simply being near her. its why he sets out in the middle of the night and leaves the capital without looking back.
he wears the mourning flowers in his hair to keep an eye on his condition and time left while hes on his journey. he loves to paint and dance; because of the curse and the pains that come with it periodically, he cant hold a quill for too long though. he wields his claymore by himself (yes) when he is able to; when the pain strikes, his fathers dagger strapped to his hip is his choice of weapon to defend himself.
ㅤㅤ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ al-haitham ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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a mysterious witch living completely unbothered in solitude. when he was young, he was banned and cast out from the witches realm in the forest for breaking one of the 6 rules, committing a sin. outside of that, little is known about him other than him being the most proficient in anything regarding spells, curses and ancient languages; some say he is able to speak all the languages known - though if that is true, only he knows. however, if asked how many languages he can actually speak, he will answer with a random number each time - or none at all, depending on his mood. (everything he does seems to be depending on his mood) witches are known to live in their realm, safe and separated from the rest of sumeru, rarely getting involved with others as in the past they often got taken away and have their powers misused by foul people. so its completely surprising to see one of them living unbothered outside of the realm, avoiding people but not hostile or fearful when approached. his grandmother fell victim to the curse. as a child, he tried his everything to become strong and study a lot, to come up with a spell to relieve her pains and break the curse. he dove deep into the study of curses and ancient runes, deep enough to reach something he was not supposed to see, in order to learn the origin of the curse to weave a spell to counter it. he did not manage to do that but he did come up with the beginnings of a spell that can halt curses for some time. it came too late though because his grandmother had passed away. shortly after, he was banned from the realm for studying the origins in order to learn the truth about the curse and how to break it. banishment serves as a way to protect; if a witch commits too many of the sins, the power of knowledge might corrupt and destroy them. the rules exist to rein the thirst and curiosity in; to protect from the truths. despite everything, haitham never ceased his studies. the older the word, the more power it holds; so basically by being a nerd he grew really strong in magical powers so there is no need for him to feel fear outside of the realm. he also knows perfectly well how to wield a sword (he has one) and how to kick ass without magic or weapons. hes completely capable on his own. haitham does the barest minimum out of comfort and doesnt reveal anything about himself which often leads to people (who dont know him) to underestimate and mistake him for the feeble mage he likes to call himself - much to their regret.
he enjoys to mess with kaveh and doesnt care if he is a prince or cursed (which kaveh actually enjoys but would never admit it, since ppl usually treat him different because he is the prince and cursed) and decides to accompany him on his journey out of his own interest in the curse, its origin and the truths, but also in kaveh - developing feelings for him and his early motivations changing later on.
haitham is able to understand animals and other creatures - mehrak and kavehs beast form included.
ㅤㅤ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ beast kaveh and corrupted haitham ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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now, despite haitham being able to buy kaveh more time with his spell, some time on their journey a huge incident accelerates the curse, about to claim kaveh in the end. haitham is struck by fear for the first time and decides to try one last thing no matter how much of a risk it is.
he succeeds and manages to rein in the uncontrolled flow of the curse in kavehs body. since he was in the process of turning completely and losing himself to the curse, kaveh gains the ability to freely change between his cursed beast form and his normal, human form.
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he is completely stable of mind and himself but his speech is a garbled whispery mess in non human language so he cant communicate with others except with haitham.
haitham on the other hand took a great risk with changing the flow; by interfering with life and death he committed another sin and exposed himself to the curse during the ritual. he took the damage on the mind and soul that was meant for kaveh; basically splitting the curse between them, risking corruption more and more - if it didnt start already.
[ the others will get added here over time/more lore or other info, this is just the main post and constantly in work ig (i rlly need to sleep now byeeee) ]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. links ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✦ tiny more or less beginning comic
✦ haitham gets turned into a cat by accident (kitty witch haitham arc)
✦ haitham lore (grandma)
✦ forest spirit mehrak
✦ tighnari, cyno, haitham, dehya (the squad around prince kaveh)
✦ haitham likes to simply take kavehs stuff and here is why
✦ general tag for all my fantasy AU doodles (sfw) (not sfw is on other blog, 18+ only)
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