#toru fukushi
sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Evangerion shin gekijôban: Kyu (2012).
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bigspoopygurl · 3 years
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Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time (2021)
“The stage is set. How will you bring the drama to a close, Ikari?”
Directors: Mahiro Maeda, Katsuichi Nakayama, Kazuya Tsurumaki, Hideaki Anno
Cinematographer: Toru Fukushi
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tanukigishipromo · 2 years
oi, mods! poderiam indicar fcs japonesas/japoneses acima de 27 anos? vi que boa parte das indicações estava abaixo dessa faixa etária. obrigado!!
Bom dia, anon! Você me pegou, eu foquei mesmo em FCs mais novos por já conhecer como a demanda funciona. Aqui vai uma seleção (incluindo alguns da lista anterior) de fcs japoneses com 27 anos ou mais. Vamos lá!
Yua (Honey Popcorn), Maria (Garnidelia), Yuki Kashiwagi (ex-AKB48), Miya (GWSN), Yuka Mannami (modelo), Rui (H.U.B.), Miyabi Natsuyaki (Berryz Kobo), Yukika Teramoto (solista), Miko (Honey Popcorn), Kurumi Nakata (modelo), Sayaka Yamamoto (ex-AKB48), Kiko Mizuhara (atriz), Airi Suzuki (ex-C-UTE), Lea (Secret Number), Yui Aragaki (atriz), Lisa Oribe (solista), Reina Tanaka (ex-Morning Musume), Haruna Kojima (ex-AKB48), Mika Nakashima (atriz), Ai Otsuka (solista), Kusumi Koharu (ex-Morning Musume), Ayumi Hamasaki (solista), Tomu Muto (ex-AKB48), Utada Hikaru (solista), Iwasa Misaki (ex-AKB48), Honami Sato (atriz), Namie Amuro (solista), Koda Kumi (solista), Minami Minegishi (ex-AKB48), Aya Asahina (atriz), Miho Miyazaki (ex-AKB48), Anna Tsuchiya (solista).
Atsushi Sakurai (BUCK-TICK), Terada Takuya (CrossGene), Toru (ONE OK ROCK), Alan Shirahama (ator), Takeru (sleepyhead, ex-SuG), Kenta (JBJ), Yuta (NCT), Horii Arata (D-DATE), Taka (ONE OK ROCK), Erick Fukusaki (solista), Aoi (the GazettE), Louis Kurihara (ator), Jun Matsumoto (Arashi), Gackt (solista), Goto Yutaro (ator), Hakuei (PENICILLIN), Masaki Suda (ator), Mao (Sid), Hyde (solista/L'arc en Ciel), Nijiro Murakami (ator), Kenshi Yonezu (solista), Takumi Saitoh (ator), Dori Sakurada (ator), Sota Fukushi (ator), Chisato (PENICILLIN), Taichi Saotome (ator), Ryo Yoshizawa (ator), Ruki (the GazettE), Miyavi (solista), Masataka Kubota (ator), Kazunari Ninomiya (ator), Kanata Hongo (ator), Hiro Mizushima (ator), Kento Yamazaki (ator), Ryo Nishikido (ator), Tatsuya Fujiwara (ator).
E aí, gostou da lista? Ou faltou mais alguém? Aceito as famosas asks corrigindo ou sugerindo mais, viu?
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tanukigishirp · 2 years
mwm japonês? 😭
Temos muitos! Tudo bem que as vagas masculinas acabaram, mas não custa nada deixar alguns aqui, não? Irei resgatar alguns sugeridos na nossa promo aqui, vamos lá.
Atsushi Sakurai (BUCK-TICK), Toru (ONE OK ROCK), Alan Shirahama (ator), Takeru (sleepyhead, ex-SuG), Kenta (JBJ), Yuta (NCT), Horii Arata (D-DATE), Taka (ONE OK ROCK), Erick Fukusaki (solista), Aoi (the GazettE), Louis Kurihara (ator), Jun Matsumoto (Arashi), Gackt (solista), Goto Yutaro (ator), Hakuei (PENICILLIN), Masaki Suda (ator), Mao (SID), Hyde (solista/L'arc en Ciel), Nijiro Murakami (ator), Kenshi Yonezu (solista), Takumi Saitoh (ator), Dori Sakurada (ator), Sota Fukushi (ator), Chisato (PENICILLIN), Taichi Saotome (ator), Ryo Yoshizawa (ator), Ruki (the GazettE), Miyavi (solista), Masataka Kubota (ator), Kazunari Ninomiya (ator), Kanata Hongo (ator), Hiro Mizushima (ator), Kento Yamazaki (ator), Ryo Nishikido (ator), Tatsuya Fujiwara (ator).
E aí, gostou da seleção? Não? Qualquer coisa, além de mais uma lista bem aqui tirada direto da nossa senhora e salvadora @nikotalks, deixaremos esse tweet aqui para que os jogadores comentem mais alguns.
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newsintheshell · 5 years
VOCI DAL GIAPPONE: Speciale Seiyuu Awards 2019
Una nuova rubrica settimanale incentrata sui voice actors giapponesi! Partiremo dai vincitori dei Seiyuu Awards 2019.
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Debutta una nuova rubrica sui lidi di News In The Shell: VOCI DAL GIAPPONE. Come suggerisce il nome stesso, sarà una rubrica (a cadenza settimanale se possibile) incentrata sui seiyuu giapponesi (di cui potete leggere i miei editoriali precedenti QUI e QUI) dove daremo news inerenti alle loro carriere musicali, eventi sia collegati agli anime che non e tanto altro ancora!
Per questa prima “puntata” parleremo dei “Seiyuu Awards 2019″, ovvero le annuali premiazioni che vengono assegnate agli artisti che più hanno dimostrato il loro valore professionale durante l’anno passato. L’ultima edizione si è tenuta il 9 marzo, con possibilità di live streaming accessibile anche per l’estero; vediamo dunque tutti i vincitori nelle varie categorie!
- SINERGY AWARD (categoria speciale che premia il prodotto che ha dato maggior risalto al talento di uno o più seiyuu): POP TEAM EPIC - TAKANASHI KAZUE AWARD (premio per le artiste femminili che si son specializzate in più media): KANAI MIKA
- TOMIYAMA KEI AWARD (premio per l’artista maschile che si è specializzato in più media): YAMAGUCHI KAPPEI
- MERIT AWARD (premio alla carriera per coloro che hanno lavorato su più settori): OGATA KENICHI e KYOUDA HISAKO
- MVS (Most Valuable Seiyuu, premio votato dai fans in base alla popolarità): KAMIYA HIROSHI - INFLUENCER AWARD (premio per l’artista più influente a livello social): NANJOU YOSHINO
- GAME AWARD (premio speciale incentrato sui games): TOYAMA NAO
- FOREIGN MOVIE/SERIES AWARD (premio per gli artisti che han lavorato al doppiaggio di prodotti stranieri): MORIKAWA TOSHIYUKI e KAIDA YUKO
- KIDS/FAMILY AWARD ( altro premio votato dai fans, stavolta solo bambini): TARAKO
- PERSONALITY AWARD (premio per l’artista che ha lavorato maggiormente in radio o TV durante l’anno): SUWABE JUNICHI
- SINGING AWARD: Tutto il cast del franchise musicale “HYPNOSIS MIC”
Alla prossima!
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crazyasianlove · 6 years
Laplace no Majo (JM, 2018) (Sub. Esp)
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Título: Laplace no Majo También conocida como: Laplace's Witch País: Japón Duración: 115 min. Género: Misterio, suspense Fecha de estreno: 4 de mayo, 2018 Dirección: Miike Takashi Guion: Higashino Keigo (novela), Yatsu Hiroyuki SINOPSIS Dos personas mueren envenenadas por sulfuro de hidrógeno en aguas termales localizadas en diferentes regiones. La policía le pide al profesor Aoe Shusuke, que es geoquímico, que determine si las muertes fueron causadas por accidentes extraños o fueron asesinatos. Mientras investiga los casos, Aoe Shusuke se encuentra con Uhara Madoka. Ella adivina correctamente que se producirá un fenómeno natural.  La policía empieza a sospechar que Madoka podría estar relacionada con las muertes y se produce un tercer caso. CAST Sakurai Sho como Aoe Shusuke Hirose Suzu como Uhara Madoka Fukushi Sota como Amakasu Kento Shida Mirai como Okunishi Tetsu Sato Eriko como Mizuki Chisato Tao como Kirimiya Rei Tamaki Hiroshi como Nakaoka Yuji Takashima Masanobu como Takeo Toru Dan Rei como Uhara Mina Franky Lily como Uhara Zentaro Toyokawa Etsushi como Amakasu Saisei Subtítulos en inglés gracias a: tronella @ livejournal Traducción al español: saya13
TRÁILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLdQjrTP_78
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BLOG Entry #2: Never Forget. | CGM
Never Forget.
I didn’t know why, I stood up from bed and decided to write these thoughts. I think I should and must express these before it disappear, or my “drive to write” disappear.
I was about to sleep and was listening to Da-iCE. “Kimi Iro” was playing. The room was silent and the only thing I could hear was the clear sound of my headphones. Every beat and the shifting of the sound from right ear to left were evidently loud and detailed. The voices of the vocalists, the instruments, and the electronic tunes/pattern were crystal as well. “Fantastic!” I said, mentally. “I really love this song.” (I must have said this a million times in my head to all Da-iCE songs – haha!) And then, that feeling came back. I remembered.
Never forget.
I could never forget that feeling when I started to like and appreciate Da-iCE songs.
December 2017.
The time I discovered Da-iCE was when I was looking for the translated meaning of MEN ON STYLE’s “Kimi Iro Paretto”, in which Fukushi Sota (one of my fave Japanese actors) “was” a member of. Right on Google search, instead of “Kimi Irio Paretto”, “Kimi Iro” of Da-iCE appeared. I was caught for a moment and clicked the music video for a while. After listening for about a minute, my initial reaction was, “This song is good.” But, because Da-iCE was dressed in colorful jackets then, I was not that fully impressed (though I really like those jackets now). I thought they were just another boy band displaying kawaii-ness (only).
And then, a month after, I was delved into J-pop, influenced by my classmate who likes Hey! Say! JUMP. I got curious and was desperate to search for good and great J-pop artists. I don’t know what had gotten into me that I searched for a “K-pop VS. J-pop” in YouTube, but maybe it had something to do with the fact that I’m a bit of a fan of K-pop too. Right there, for the second time, I encountered Da-iCE. I was literally like, remembering, “I know this group!”
“Tonikaku HEY!” was on the list then.
I am originally and generally oriented to acoustics and melodious pieces (that’s why I was late appreciating too much “pop-pop” – I found some pieces too noisy for my taste) but I was hooked. I fell in love. Plus, the visual and concept of the MV were undoubtedly great! (I am an Architecture student. I am really into aesthetics).  To make it short, Da-iCE caught the kind of pop I was looking for! We matched!
Right there, I searched for their songs and streamed through Youtube and Spotify, and realized that there’s not a single song of Da-iCE that I dislike. “Goodness! Their songs are getting better and better!”.
Then, I tried watching videos of their past interviews, that although I couldn’t understand a sentence, I still tried to.  I realized then, that I LOVE LOVE every member of Da-iCE, that much I couldn’t pick an ichiban from them. I thought my ichiban would be Yudai, but then, Sota laughed, Toru giggled, Taiki laughed out, Hayate giggled, and then back to Yudai. It was kind of confusing (until now) but it was a lot better for me. I don’t want to pick a favorite (maybe, just for now). I love Da-iCE, and Da-iCE is equally THE FIVE of THEM (plus the “a-i”s).
Never forget.
There was magic right there and then when I was riding a bus (going to Pampanga – a province in the Philippines) and everyone inside was deep asleep and it was midnight. The moon was bright (I promise it was), the sky was clear, and there was nothing on view but rice fields and the plain road. On my headphones was Da-iCE, playing.
Da-iCE’s rhythmic pattern combined with the natural ambiance of the silent night –
Every beat was heard.
Every rise and fall of Sota’s and Yudai’s vocals was appreciated.
Even the supposedly faint voices of Taiki, Toru and Hayate as back-up singers were surfacing.
There was one conclusion: I LOVE Da-iCE SONGS and…
I will never forget that feeling.
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pkjd · 6 years
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Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou TV anime new key visual revealed. 
“The story is set 10 years after Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou in 1626.“
Director: Junji Nishimura
Series Composition: Shinsuke Ohnishi
Character Design: Takao Maki
Chief Animation Director: Takao Maki
Music: Go Sakabe
Opening Theme: Onmyo-Za
Ending Theme: Nana Mizuki
Animation Production: Seven Arcs Picture
Tasuku Hatanaka
Inori Minase
Takuya Kirimoto
Ryuu Yamaguchi
Shoei To
Kousuke Sakaki
Yuji Murai
Toru Sakurai
Katsuhiro Tokuishi
Fukushi Ochiai
Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Shinichiro Miki
Saori Hayami
Reina Ueda
Ayane Sakura
Kaori Nazuka
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Umeji Sasaki
Yui Horie
Takaya Hashi
Source: http://basilisk-ouka.jp/
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ljaesch · 5 years
Winners Announced for the 13th Annual Seiyū Awards
Winners Announced for the 13th Annual Seiyū Awards
The organizers of the 13th Annual Seiyū Awards have announced the winners.
Best Lead Actor Award
Yūma Uchida
Best Lead Actress Award
Yuko Sanpei
Best Supporting Actor Award
Toru Furuya
Kenta Miyake
Best Supporting Actress Award
Yū Serizawa
Nao Tōyama
Best New Actor Award
Kōhei Amasaki
Mark Ishii
Fukushi Ochiai
Shugo Nakamura
Best New Actress Award
Manaka Iwami
Tomori Kusunoki
Coco Hayashi
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Anime Film Festival Tokyo 2018 Announces Its Screening Lineup
The Executive Committee of Anime Film Festival Tokyo announced that this year's event is scheduled to be held in Shinjuku, Tokyo, from October 6 to 22, with a list of its first screening lineup. More titles will be added at a later date. The organization was established last year as part of The Association of Japanese Animations' Anime Next 100 project to celebrate the 100-year history of Japanese animation since 1917.
  Last year's first event was held in the same area on October 13, 14 and 15, 2017 and attracted about 100,000 visitors. Thanks to its huge success, the second event's period is extended to 18 days from three days. In addition to screenings of the latest and classic anime, the event also includes anime song live concerts, collaboration cafes, stamp rally, and original merchandise shops. Advance entries for the tickets will be accepted on the festival's official website from August 11 (regular: 3,000 yen/all night: 4,500 yen).  
   『アニメフィルムフェスティバル東京2018』今年も開催決定!\(^o^)/ 昨年よりもパワーアップして新宿の街を盛り上げます! 期間:2018年10月6日(土)~10月22日(月) 詳しくはこちら↓ https://t.co/1bJcCKLxSf ぞくぞく情報が公開されていきますのでお見逃しなく!!!#AFFT2018
— AFFT (@afft_info) 2018年7月24日
    Screening schedule: -
    [Toho Cinemas Shinjuku]
 October 7: "BANANA FISH" (all night)
 October 10: "Today's Menu for the Emiya Family" (regular)
 October 20: TV series "Detective Conan: Hiiro series" (regular)
 October 20: TV series "Detective Conan: Toru Amuro selection" (all night)
     with Minami Takayama (Conan Edogawa), Toru Furuya (Toru Amuro)
    [Shunjuku Wald 9]
 October 6: "PreCure All Stars DX series" (all night)
 October 7: "Revolutionary Girl Utena" (all night)
     with Kunihiko Ikuhara (director), Chiho Saito (original story, manga illustrator)
 October 12: "Ojamajo Doremi" TV series (regular)
     with TV anime staff
 October 12: "PreCure All Stars New Stage series" (all night)
 October 13: "City Hunter" (regular)
 October 13: "Aho-Girl" (all night)
     with Hiroyuki (manga author), Tetsuya Fujikawa (Kodansha editor)
 October 19: "Ojamajo Doremi ~ from a poitview of films" (regular)
     with Hiromi Seki (producer)
    [Shinjuku Piccadilly]
 October 6: "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" (regular - night)
 October 12: "Mobile Suit Gundam F91" (regular - night)
 October 13: "Hinomaru Zumou" (regular - night)
     with Atsushi Abe (Hinomaru Ushio), Fukushi Ochiai (Shinya Ozeki), Shunsuke Tekeuchi (Sousuke Kuze),
     Takuto Yoshinaga (Shun Kariya)
 October 20: "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack" (regular - night)
    [K's cinema]
 October 20: "Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san" (regular - night)
     with Mamoru Kobe (director)
    [CineMart Shinjuku]
 October 7: "Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel" 35th anniversary event screening
     with Yuji Nunokawa (supreme counsel of Pierrot), Takako Ohta (Yu Morisawa & Creamy Mami),
     Yu Mizushima (Toshio Otomo), Saeko Shimazu (Megumi Ayase)
  *Anime Heritage screening program
 October 19: "Anne of Green Gables: Road to Green Gables" (regular - night)
     with Eiko Yamada (Anne Shirley), Gara Takashima (Diana Barry)
    [Kadokawa Cineme Shinjuku]
 October 13: "Overlord III" (all night)
     with Yuta Hattori (Madhouse producer), Nirifumi Kikushima (KADOKAWA)
    [Theater Shinjuku]
 October 20: "Betterman" (all night)
     with Yoshitomo Yonetani (director), Hiroshi Yamaguchi (main writer), Yuichiro Takeda (writer),
     Hiroaki Kitajima (writer), Kenji Ando (designer), Junko Iwao (Sakura)
    [Shinjuku Cinema Qualite]
     October 19: "Shippu! Iron Leaguer: Ginhikari no Hata no Shita ni" (regular- night)
      Anime Film Festival Tokyo Executive Committee Partner Companies:
 Avex Pictures
 Toei Animation
 TMS Entertainment
 Nippon Animation
    Source: Anime Film Festival Tokyo Executive Committee press release
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bigspoopygurl · 3 years
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Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time (2021)
“The only thing a son can do for his father is pat him on his shoulder, or kill him.”
Directors: Mahiro Maeda, Katsuichi Nakayama, Kazuya Tsurumaki, Hideaki Anno
Cinematographer: Toru Fukushi
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bigspoopygurl · 3 years
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Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (2012)
Directors: Mahiro Maeda, Masayuki, Kazuya Tsurumaki, Hideaki Anno
Cinematographer: Toru Fukushi
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BLOG Entry #1: Most Handsome Member | CGM
Who is the “most handsome” member of Da-iCE?
A fan asked this question in an international fan community in FB. This made me realize that I have no particular answer to this because we have different standards and view on determining and defining beauty, and we all have different opinions on this. I answered briefly there – the briefest answer I could come up with because, naturally, I answer long (It is hard for me to express my feelings in short sentences). And so, I decided to express myself in this “reaction” (whatever segment of this blog this is).
I am aware that they are all talented and they are considered ikemen in Japan and so it is kind of automatic that they are attractive people. But, the question demands “the most”.
Here, I’ll try on answering this with my opinion and impressions on these five ikemen. But, please note that I don’t have an ichiban in this group. I equally LOVE them all (I think). I can’t still pick from them. Although, maybe, there will come a time that I will have an ichiban, but for now, I have no one in particular.
Okay, let’s start from Kudo Taiki, the leader.
At first, I thought he was the youngest member of Da-iCE, or the second to the youngest, because of his young skin and appearance, although in reality he’s the second to the oldest. So that’s a plus! I also find him so attractive because of his style. He’s a fashionista, you see. He knows how to carry his wardrobe well enough, whatever color it is (even pink!). He knows his angle and so he’s very photogenic. So, Taiki is the model-type handsome person, although he’s also a very good looking guy behind the scenes (without the lights and all and when he’s just wearing his natural face). I really like his thinking face in which he would just stare and process a thought to make a decision. There, one can see that this person (Taiki) is smart. Well, Taiki is academically and technically smart. I love him.
Let’s move on to Ohno Yudai.
Yudai-kun! Let’s not talk about his muscles (I’m not really into that). Let’s talk about his face! He is the manly-matured handsome type of person. His face is always matured, although sometimes he’s extremely cute and adorable whenever he expresses some of his wackiness. But, generally, his face is matured. I really like his face whenever he sings, as if he always knows how to do his job and how to convince people. That “plus” makes him an attractive person to me. Very professional! For me, during live performances, Yudai is “glowing”. I always see and notice him! Also, I really like him whenever he wears his hair black. I know some of you like it with color but for me, he’s more serious and handsome whenever he wears it natural.  He also has a clean-cut hair – with his face free from bangs and all that can cover up his natural looks. That’s a plus! Yudai is natural.
So, let’s go to Wada Hayate!
KAWAII! If the question is “who is the cutest?”, for sure, it will be Hayate-kun! He is the boy-next-door type of person. He has that kind of vibes and looks that can easily catch people’s hearts – particularly, the majority of the female population. No wonder, he’s the center and so, “the face” of Da-iCE. He is handsome, yes. For me, he is. I like his eyes because they show innocence, and that he represents the “youth/young” side of Da-iCE. He is the youngest, and so he is the “baby”. The “baby” is always adorable and loveable. He is always the first member I introduce whenever someone asks me about Da-iCE, because he’s easy to love and fall into. He is just like that. Plus, he’s talented! He dances the best!
And then, we have Hanamura Sota.
Adorable. He is like a cute and fluffy thing that you want to keep to yourself, because he’s just plainly adorable, especially in those times whenever the other members are bullying him. I like how he manages to stay cute at any given time and moment, even when he’s just tasting new food or trying an activity for the first time. Remember the stretching part in BE BOP Da-ischool? That’s the first time I fell in love with this “bean”, because of the fact that he couldn’t even reach his toes. So adorable! I always notice him in their little feature movies. He’s always the center of entertainment. The looks? Handsome? Yes, he is! He knows how to make the fans scream. He has this way of touching his lips and making himself look sexy and attractive. Yes! That’s Sota for me.
Iwaoka Toru.
Gorgeous and handsome. I think this human being is the most handsome member of Da-iCE, in the gorgeous-and-sexy category. Toru-kun has an edgy face. He’s thinner than the other members, but we’re talking about the face. Toru is definitely an ikemen. He had these visuals and vibes the same as with the actors like Takeru Satoh and Fukushi Sota. This is just my opinion, but I really find Toru very attractive and photogenic. Plus, he’s also a fashionista and a very clean person. He can be cute, be serious, be sexy, be professional, be smart, be nerdy etc. His face can be featured in so many themes and concepts. Also, he has this “I’m smart” vibes around him. Well, like Taiki, Toru is academically smart/intelligent and professional.  He’s a person that one can look up to. I love him.
My answer to this fan question is IWAOKA TORU (I based this on my gorgeous-sexy category of handsomeness – Haha!). We all have different answers, I know. This is just my opinion. I LOVE THEM ALL!
So, here, who is the “most handsome” member for you?
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pkjd · 7 years
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Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou TV anime first PV is now available. New additonal cast members have also been announced. The character profile page, found here, has been updated to reflect the update. The new upcoming series will first premiere January 8th, 2018.
“The story is set 10 years after Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou in 1626.“
Director: Junji Nishimura
Series Composition: Shinsuke Ohnishi
Character Design: Takao Maki
Chief Animation Director: Takao Maki
Music: Go Sakabe
Opening Theme: Onmyo-Za
Ending Theme: Nana Mizuki
Animation Production: Seven Arcs Picture
Tasuku Hatanaka
Inori Minase
Takuya Kirimoto
Ryuu Yamaguchi
Shoei To
Kousuke Sakaki
Yuji Murai
Toru Sakurai
Katsuhiro Tokuishi
Fukushi Ochiai
Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Shinichiro Miki
Saori Hayami
Reina Ueda
Ayane Sakura
Kaori Nazuka
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Umeji Sasaki
Yui Horie
Takaya Hashi
Source: http://basilisk-ouka.jp/
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pkjd · 7 years
Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou TV anime CM. Series premiere January 8th.
“The story is set 10 years after Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou in 1626.“
Director: Junji Nishimura
Series Composition: Shinsuke Ohnishi
Character Design: Takao Maki
Chief Animation Director: Takao Maki
Music: Go Sakabe
Opening Theme: Onmyo-Za
Ending Theme: Nana Mizuki
Animation Production: Seven Arcs Picture
Tasuku Hatanaka
Inori Minase
Takuya Kirimoto
Ryuu Yamaguchi
Shoei To
Kousuke Sakaki
Yuji Murai
Toru Sakurai
Katsuhiro Tokuishi
Fukushi Ochiai
Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Shinichiro Miki
Saori Hayami
Reina Ueda
Ayane Sakura
Kaori Nazuka
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Umeji Sasaki
Yui Horie
Takaya Hashi
Source: http://basilisk-ouka.jp/
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