#tongariro crossing
hopefulkidshark · 2 months
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Tongariro National Park, New Zealand: Tongariro National Park is the oldest national park in New Zealand, located in the central North Island. It has been acknowledged by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site of mixed cultural and natural values. Tongariro National Park was the sixth national park established in the world. The active volcanic mountains Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, and Tongariro are located in the centre of the park. Wikipedia
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twirlybumblevee · 1 year
There are several things that make me really emotional about the video. His music choices alone were so good, they underlined the emotions of the different scenes so so well. It was fun in parts, it was moving in others, I think those two things stood out the most for me.
The way the boys were just being children! They had so much fun, and you can finally truly see it. George and Karl and Sapnap being silly together was so great to witness.
And then the moments where you could just take in the scenery and how insanely beautiful and outlandish everything is. It took my breath away sometimes. And the music supported that so wonderfully.
Dream is amazing at what he's doing, and I hope he doesn't ever stop.
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blackberryjambaby · 2 years
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Tongariro & Ngauruhoe
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ditte-i-brisbane · 3 months
Fjerde uge i New Zealand
Sidst vi skrev, var vi på hostel i ly for stormen. Vi havde planer om at sejle kayak, gå tur og sove i telt i Franz Josef, men vi fik desværre røg nogle af de planer i vasken. Stormen havde lagt sig lørdag morgen, men der var et tykt lag skyer på bjergene, som fuldstændigt blokkerede udsigten til gletsjeren. Derfor blev vandreturen med gletsjer udsigt altså skrottet. Vi fik dog sejlet kayak, og endda helt gratis, da en af mine venner fra Brisbane er flyttet til Franz Josef som kayakguide. Hun kunne lige stjæle tre kayaker, og vise os rundt på søen ved Franz Josef. Det var virkelig hyggeligt at mødes med hende, og ret sjovt at sejle kayak sammen.
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Efter vi havde sejlet kayak, og vejret stadig ikke så ud som at det ville klare op, valgte vi at køre videre fra Franz Josef. Vi kørte derfor hele vejen fra vestkysten op til Hanmer Springs. Dette er en lille by i bjergene, der er opstået pga. varmekilder. Vi skulle altså have os en rigtig slapper dag, så søndag vågnede vi tidligt, og gjorde klar til at komme i Hanmer Springs hot pools. Vi fik prøvet en masse forskellige termiskebade, og Mikkel fik endda 30 minutter i privat sauna. Han var en glad og lidt tåget dreng, da han kom ud igen. Efter vi havde brugt ca. 3 timer i "badelandet", kørte vi videre helt rene og afslappede.
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Vi kørte her fra bjergene til østkysten, hvor vi skulle til strandbyen Kaikoura. Denne by var blevet anbefalet til os, da de har hvaler året rundt. Vi skulle derfor på hvalsafari, hvilket Mikkel aldrig havde prøvet før. Og det blev virkelig en succes! Vi kom på en tidlig tur, kl 8:00, så vi skulle igen tidligt op. Det tager lidt tid at pakke telt, soveposer osv. sammen... Den store stjerne på turen var kaskelothvalen. Der er unge han kaskelothvaler i Kaikouras hav året rundt, da de skal vokse sig store, før de kan komme ud i det åbne hav, og vise sig an. Derfor kan de altså have hvalsafari året rundt i byen. Dog var det ikke denne hval der blev stjernen for vores tur. Vi var nemlig heldige nok, til at komme tæt på en kæmpe flok grindehvaler. Disse kommer kun ca. hvert femte år til byen for at yngle. Og nøj hvor var der mange! Og de hoppede og stikkede deres hoveder op af vandet, og var bare helt vildt skønne at kigge på. Kæmpe fans! Udover hvaler, fik vi da også spottet et par delfiner og albatroser. Albatroserne gjorde også virkelig stort indtryk på os. De er jo seriøst vanvittigt store. Vi kunne slet ikke forstå det. De ligner jo bare en gigantisk måge. Ret vildt.
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Kaikoura var vores sidste destination på sydøen, og dagen efter vi havde set hvaler, skulle vi altså med færgen nordpå. Her sejlede vi en 3,5 timers færgetur med verdens dårligeste wifi. Dette betød dog, at vi fik lov til at lave ingenting i 3,5 timer, hvilket viste sig næsten ikke at være nok tid. Det var ret rart at sidde og stene i så lang tid, uden at skulle tænke på, hvor vi skulle sove eller hvad vi skulle se de næste steder. Vi ankom med færgen i Wellington, og her besøgte vi Mt Victoria, da der er filmet lidt Ringenes Herre her. Efter vi havde set det, kørte vi videre til et campingsted for at overnatte. Dagen efter blev brugt på mere Ringenes Herre sightseeing, og derefter kørte vi til Tongariro.
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Her skulle vi overnatte og igen tidligt op, da vi dagen efter skulle gå the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Vores sidste lange vandretur. Det blev til lige under 22 km og ca. 1000 højdemeter i et meget gold vulkan landskab. Det var så fedt, at gå i noget helt anderledes end vi før har gjort. Og på turen fik vi både set varmekilder, gejsere, kratere og store søer. Det var sådan en flot tur! Vi fik endda udsigt til Lake Taupo, hvor vi skulle bruge vores næste dag.
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Også kommer vi til i dag, hvor vi har sovet i Taupo. Om morgenen gik vi ned til en flod, som lå lige ved siden af vores campingplads, som btw var gratis! Den var så smuk, og det var så rart at få skyllet sig igen. Som i måske kan gætte jer til, bliver man lidt klam af at sove i sovepose hver nat uden at vaske sig særligt meget... Efter svømmeturen pakkede vi sammen, og nu skal vi planlægge de sidste dage på turen. Vi har bilen indtil d 29., så vi har ikke mange dage tilbage, inden vi skal se Auckland. Vi skal dog lige forbi Rotorua og prøve at mountainbike og selvfølgelig til Hobbitton og se the Shire!
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jsbsam · 6 months
I have a dream!
No, the Mad Malteser is not turning into Martin Luther-King, although there are similarities. She is a disrupter and she can definately talk!
The title jumped into my mind last night as I was laying in bed reflecting on our trip to Machu Picchu and MM was snoring peacefully at my side. I was just remembering the windy road down the mountain on the 1st evening when she turned to me and said "I've had an idea, we're going to do the 170 mile Portuguese coastal Comino de Santiago walk next September!". How fickle. We'd only just finished the most recent of her dreams and here was the next one already.
I have a dream......... Taj Mahal (done)
I have a dream......... Tongariro walk (done)
I have a dream......... Grand Canyon (done)
I have a dream........ Machu Picchu (done)
I have a dream......... Comino de Santiago (Nooooo)
I suddenly realised that she had been building up to this moment for some time. "ooh, let's watch this documentary on the Comino de Santiago", "September's a lovely month to go on holiday", "those celebrities doing the Comino de Santiago don't look very fit, I bet even you could do it". All these little pebbles strategically dropped over time to get me to agree to yet another unreasonable request - crafty little bugger!
Let's hope I can hold out against the onslaught that will surely arrive over the coming weeks and months.
You've probably realised that we decided against doing the Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley walk today. It really was too tight. It would have been another 4.00am departure from the hotel with a late return before we leave Cusco tomorrow on the bus to Puno. We'll arrive in Puno at 8.00pm and then be picked up at 7.15am the following day (Saturday) to spend a full day on Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world. On Sunday we catch the 5.30am bus from Puno to La Paz, crossing the border into Bolivia on the way. As you can see, it's going to be a busy few days, so a gentle day today was a good call I think.
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anauro · 2 years
Hey Roc!
How goes your new zealand adventures??? I hope wherever you are in the country that the weather is nice and sunny :)
Hey Sal!
My Aotearoa adventures are finishing as I’m currently on my 1/3 flight back to England (thank you Air NZ for the free wifi).
The weather was a mixed bag, but we mostly had sun for all the important places, except it was too rainy to do the Tongariro crossing (where they filmed Mordor too!) and it was pissing down for Milford Sound (but hey, the waterfalls!).
Overall, it was a lovely trip although had terrible luck the last few days with everything we had scheduled getting cancelled, almost being bitten by a seal and then our car getting stolen in the middle of Christchurch.
But I got my nose and belly button pierced, I have a cool woolly hat with Kiwis and I’ve been to the other side of the world! Now I can’t get back to writing, cause my head is buzzing with all the ideas lol.
Thank you for asking, dude, hope you’re doing well! 🌸
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loric2020 · 1 year
Tongariro National Park - du 22 au 24 avril
Le départ de Wellington se fait avec le mauvais temps. Nous nous étions habitués à savourer le soleil de Nouvelle-Zélande. La pluie nous accompagne pendant une bonne partie du trajet, à tel point qu'on distingue à peine les paysages qui sont censés nous époustoufler. Nous arrivons à destination de notre étape pour les deux prochaines nuits, un repère de montagnards. Le gérant nous accueille avec bonhomie et nonchalance. Il a beaucoup d'humour et cultive la dérision. Il reconnaît aux français leur courage de contestataires qui manque aux néo-zélandais. Nous suivons ses recommandations en allant au Schnapps bar, l'un des trois restaurants du village de Tongariro. L'établissement est bondé de monde. La bière coule à flot comme pour une kermesse bavaroise. On comprend que beaucoup sont venus pour la Tongariro alpine crossing de demain, l'une des plus belles randonnées de Nouvelle-Zélande.
Un grand et beau soleil s'offre à nous pour cette journée de randonnée que nous avons anticipée en allant la veille au visitor center pour être conseillés. Deux beaux circuits nous attendent. Le premier "Taranaki falls", une boucle de 6 km au départ de Ngauruhoe Terrace à Whakapapa Village. Le second "Silica rapids walk" long de 7 km. Le ciel est dégagé et nous pouvons admirer les 3 volcans du parc dont 2 sont toujours en activité, le Ngauruhoe et le Ruapehu, contrairement au Tongariro qui prête son nom au parc. Nous sommes ici dans l'une des zones volcaniques les plus actives du globe. En marchant, nous repensons au Mont Saint Helens dans l'état de Washington USA, un stratovolcan encore actif, que nous avions découvert en juin 2022. Une même impression de sérénité règne ici. Nous nous imprégnons de tout, de ce que nous voyons mais aussi des énergies souterraines qui nous dominent.
De retour au village pour dîner toujours au Schnapps bar, nous faisons la connaissance d'un couple de québécois qui s'est invité à notre table. Nous parlons voyage. Ils terminent un périple de 4 mois en Océanie pour fêter leur retraite. Ils ont cotisé pour pouvoir partir à l'âge de 58 ans. Et ne comprennent d'ailleurs pas pourquoi tant de contestation en France pour repousser la retraite à 64 ans. Le terme pénibilité, que nous évoquons pour justifier des carrières plus courtes, déclenche un rire hilare chez nos camarades de tablée. Nous passons une fort belle soirée dans tous les cas avant le départ le lendemain matin pour Rotorua. Comme la veille, nous nous arrêtons au food truck stationné Carroll street, le "Grillhaus", pour un café. Les propriétaires sont un couple fort sympathique avec qui nous discutons. Il est originaire d'Allemagne. Elle est originaire du Danemark. Ils sont heureux en Nouvelle-Zélande.
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goeastendwest · 1 year
Tongariro National Park
An unserem ersten Tag im Tongariro National Park haben wir eine 17 km Wanderung zu den lower und upper Tama lakes gemacht. Am nächsten Tag wurden wir um 7:15 Uhr mit dem Shuttle abgeholt und wir haben die 19.8 km lange Tongariro crossing gemacht.
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elliewilliams93 · 1 year
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February 2023
Crazy month so far, with terrible flooding and then a cyclone, Auckland has been hit hard with horrible weather that has impacted thousands. Lydia flew up again before the cyclone hit and we managed to see Ed Sheeran which was amazing! We had the best seats I got a selfie with the support act! Due to the storm the airport closed and lydia ended up getting stuck in Auckland for a few more days. It wasn't so bad considering we were house bound! After being stuck for a few weeks and lots of road damages meaning you can't travel anywhere far my housemate and I made a last minute get away trip to Taupo. Probably the only clear road in the north island right now we managed to do the tongariro crossing at the weekend, the weather was perfect. Sadly I rolled my ankle on the way down and ended up in a&e with a bad sprain. There goes me being adventurous for a while :( 😞.
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sunmontuewrites · 2 years
I am very over being sick, or having someone in my house be sick. It's just flicking through us, but mainly me and Wax passing it back and forth. I've missed 3 beauty appointments (I have no eyebrows or eyelashes to speak of right now...), Taken multiple days off work, even more days just working from home because either Wax is home sick or I sound AWFUL and they'd send me home as soon as I hit the office. I've missed dinner with friends, a day trip to Rotorua with my family, a mosaic workshop. I haven't seen my dad in 3 weeks because I don't want him to get sick.
Fingers crossed we all get better in the next few days as we are going away next weekend to stay near Tongariro National Park where lots of my friends/family are doing the crossing (Tongariro Alpine Crossing). Hubs is doing it, my brother, Uncle Wax, then three of my girl-friends. Uncle Max and I will not be doing it and instead will laze around eating good food and ensuring the 4 children stay alive and fed (Wax, Max and hmm... I know I've given the other two psuedonyms as well but I can't remember what they are. But @foxinatrix two kids, who some of you know).
Anyway... Hope everyone is safe and well. HUGS
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historicfailure · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where a member of Team 7 (not necessarily Kakashi LOL) is inserted into a small but happy memory that you have. :)
Well well well that is an interesting one ^^
I can easily see myself going for a hike with Naruto. One second...
~ X ~
"Hey, we're nearly there!"
I sure hope we are. Panting and with trembling legs, I take another shaky step. Before my trip to New Zealand, I wasn't too keen on hikes and outdoor wandering. Hell, I considered a long, relaxing afternoon with a good book a great trip. Only over the last few months, I appreciated the fresh air, breath-taking landscape and all the exercise I went through. By now, I was able to go through easy hikes, but this one was definitely a bit more than you could chew off.
Waking up at five to catch the bus. Shaking Naruto out of his bed to be on time. Helping him pack his backpack for the trip with lots of water and small, nutritious snacks. Pushing him away when he fell asleep against your shoulder on the bus and wiping away some of his drool with a little exasperated sigh. Then getting thrown out an hour away from the very base of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and making your way up. And up. And up, further and further.
By now, the peak of the Crossing really was only a few steps away. Naruto had ran up ahead, excitedly pointing and cheering you on. "Come on! We're so close! Damn, I can look so far, believe it!"
Just another few steps. I took a deep breath, kicked myself mentally in the butt and followed him. Fuck, at least after the peak, it could only go downwards, quite literally.
All thoughts were wiped from your mind though as you really reached the peak of the Alpine Crossing and were able to look around the surrounding land.
~ X ~
Seriously, doing this hiking tour is probably one of my little happy memories I will remember forever. It was a wonderful experience and one I don't want to miss.
Thank you so much for your lovely ask! :D
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hopefulkidshark · 2 months
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Tongariro Alpine Crossing, New Zealand: The rugged, unusual landscape attracts adventurers of every kind. Often called the best one-day walk in New Zealand, the Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a strenuous 17 kilometre hike past Mount Ngauruhoe and over Mount Tongariro. The lunar-like landscape features active volcanic areas, emerald crater lakes and panoramic views. The area was used extensively in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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gokitetour · 7 days
9 Incredible Places You Must Visit in New Zealand
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New Zealand, a land of breathtaking landscapes and unparalleled natural beauty, beckons travelers from around the world to discover its incredible destinations. From the snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps to the pristine beaches of the North Island, New Zealand offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be explored. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a lover of adventure, or a seeker of serenity, New Zealand has something to offer everyone. With its diverse range of attractions, from towering fjords and ancient forests to geothermal wonders and vibrant cities, there's no shortage of incredible places to visit. Each destination in New Zealand has its own unique charm and allure, drawing visitors in with its stunning scenery, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Whether you're cruising through Milford Sound, hiking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, or exploring the Hobbiton movie set, you'll find yourself immersed in the beauty and wonder of this remarkable country. So pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in New Zealand. Whether you're seeking thrills, relaxation, or simply a chance to connect with nature, you'll find it all in the incredible destinations that await you in this enchanting corner of the world.
 Here are some incredible places you must visit in New Zealand.
1. Milford Sound, South Island: A stunning fjord known for its unspoiled beauty, Milford Sound is situated in Fiordland National Park on the South Island. Sail across the calm waterways encircled by beautiful jungles, tumbling waterfalls, and towering cliffs. Observe fauna, including seals, penguins, and dolphins, while you take in one of the most famous natural marvels of New Zealand.
2. North Island's Rotorua: Well-known for its Maori culture and geothermal activity, Rotorua is a must-see location. Discover the bubbling mud pools, boiling geysers, and vibrant hot springs at Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland, also known as Te Puia. Experience Rotorua like never before with cultural shows and a traditional hangi feast, immersing yourself in Maori traditions, and creating a really memorable experience.
3. North Island's Tongariro National Park: Tongariro National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its spectacular vistas and volcanic terrain, is home to the magnificent Tongariro Alpine Crossing. Experience an exhilarating hike over mountainous terrain, past emerald lakes and hot vents, and enjoy stunning views of Mount Ngauruhoe, which is also referred to as Mount Doom in the "Lord of the Rings" movie.
4. South Island's Abel Tasman National Park: Discover paradise in Abel Tasman National Park, which is well-known for its emerald beaches, sapphire seas, and verdant coastal woods. Discover the Abel Tasman Coast Track, one of New Zealand's Great Walks, by kayak, boat, or foot. Explore undiscovered coves, dive in glistening seas, and see seals lounging on sun-kissed rocks.
5. South Island's Queenstown: Nestled on the banks of Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown is the adrenaline capital of New Zealand, where adventure awaits. Choose from exhilarating pursuits like jet boating, skydiving, bungee jumping, and skiing at the nearby Coronet Peak and Remarkables ski regions. After that, relax with a leisurely wine tasting in the Gibbston Valley, which is close by.
6. South Island's Fiordland National Park: Explore the wild splendor of Fiordland National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its steep peaks, rocky fjords, and old forests. Take a multi-day hike along the Routeburn or Milford Tracks, or take a boat ride through the beautiful and secluded Doubtful Sound.
7. The North Island's Hobbiton: Visit Hobbiton, the famous movie location from "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" trilogies, and immerse yourself in the fantastical realm of Middle-earth. Take a guided tour and explore the Green Dragon Inn, beautiful gardens, and hobbit holes to fully experience the magical world created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
8. South Island's Lake Tekapo: Discover the serene charm of Lake Tekapo, which is well-known for its breathtaking blue waters and expansive views of the mountains. See the charming stone church of the Good Shepherd, which commands a stunning view of the lake, and spend a starry night in the neighbouring Tekapo Hot Springs. Don't pass up the chance to visit the neighbouring Mount John Observatory and take in the spectacular grandeur of the Milky Way.
9.Glacier Franz Josef, South Island: Explore the ice splendours of Franz Josef Glacier, situated on the West Coast of the South Island and considered one of New Zealand's most approachable glaciers. Take a guided helicopter tour or glacier trek to discover icy waterfalls, crevasses, and towering ice structures. Marvel at the constantly shifting landscapes shaped by the forces of nature while experiencing the exhilaration of walking on ice.
New Zealand's incredible destinations offer a kaleidoscope of experiences that will leave you awe-inspired. From the majestic fjords of Milford Sound to the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, each place is a testament to the country's natural beauty and cultural richness. For a New Zealand visa from India Obtaining a New Zealand visa from Kerala or any other part of the country is a straightforward process, enabling you to embark on your Kiwi adventure with ease. Whether you're exploring the vibrant cities, hiking through ancient forests, or soaking in hot springs, there's a destination in New Zealand to suit every taste and interest. As you journey through the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand, you'll encounter a wealth of outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, and moments of tranquility. Whether you're skydiving over Queenstown, stargazing at Lake Tekapo, or learning about Maori culture in Rotorua, each experience will leave an indelible mark on your memory. So pack your bags, hit the road, and prepare to be captivated by the beauty of New Zealand's most incredible places. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or with friends, the Land of the Long White Cloud promises a journey filled with wonder, discovery, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime as you explore the wonders of New Zealand.
Read More-: China visa
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gokite · 22 days
The best nine places to travel in New Zealand
New Zealand is a land of breathtaking beauty and diverse landscapes, offering travelers an array of incredible destinations to explore. From stunning fjords to pristine beaches, lush forests to snow-capped mountains, New Zealand is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. One of the most iconic destinations in New Zealand is Fiordland National Park, home to the majestic Milford Sound and some of the most stunning fjords in the world. Queenstown, nestled on the shores of Lake Wakatipu, is renowned for its adventure activities and picturesque alpine scenery. Tongariro National Park, with its dramatic volcanic landscapes and world-famous hiking trails, offers visitors the chance to explore some of New Zealand's most iconic natural landmarks. Abel Tasman National Park, with its golden sandy beaches and turquoise waters, is a coastal paradise perfect for kayaking, hiking, and wildlife watching. Rotorua, known for its geothermal wonders and rich Maori culture, offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences. Franz Josef Glacier on the West Coast of the South Island is a stunning glacier that descends into a temperate rainforest, offering visitors the chance to experience the beauty of ice caves and towering ice formations. These are just a few of the best places to travel in New Zealand, each offering its own unique charm and beauty waiting to be discovered.
Here are some places to travel in New Zealand.
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1. The National Park of Fiordland: In the southwest corner of the South Island of New Zealand sits the breathtaking natural marvel known as Fiordland National Park. It is renowned for its untainted lakes, rough mountains, and gorgeous fjords. The park's most well-known feature is Milford Sound, a magnificent fjord encircled by towering cliffs and tumbling waterfalls. Through hiking routes, boat excursions, and scenic flights, visitors may experience the park's breathtaking vistas and get up close and personal with its rich species and breathtaking scenery.
2. The Queenstown region: Located on New Zealand's South Island, Queenstown is a charming resort town that is tucked away on the banks of Lake Wakatipu. It is well known for its breathtaking alpine landscape, exciting adventures, and lively atmosphere. Activities available to visitors visiting Queenstown include skydiving, jet boating, bungee jumping, and skiing at the neighbouring Remarkable and Coronet Peak ski resorts. The town is a well-liked location for tourists looking for adventure and leisure because it also has great dining, shopping, and nightlife opportunities.
3. National Park Tongariro: Situated in the middle of the of the North Island, Tongariro National Park is the oldest national park in New Zealand and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The striking peaks of Mount Tongariro, Mount Ngauruhoe (sometimes referred to as Mount Doom in the "Lord of the Rings" movie), and Mount Ruapehu are just a few of the region's striking volcanic landscapes. Hiking pathways, including the well-known Tongariro Alpine Crossing, provide visitors with an opportunity to see the park's many ecosystems. The trek offers breathtaking vistas of alpine meadows, emerald lakes, and volcanic craters.
4. The National Park Abel Tasman: The summit of New Zealand's South Island is home to the lovely coastline area known as Abel Tasman National Park. It is renowned for its verdant native woods, blue lakes, and golden-sand beaches. Activities available to visitors to Abel Tasman National Park include sailing, hiking, kayaking, and animal viewing. One of New Zealand's Great Walks, the Abel Tasman Coast Track, passes through breathtaking coastal scenery and quiet bays while passing through the park.
5. The New Zealand: Situated on the North Island of New Zealand lies a geothermal paradise called Rotorua. It is well-known for its natural hot springs, boiling geysers, and bubbling mud pools. Through guided tours of Maori communities, traditional food, and cultural events, visitors to Rotorua may immerse themselves in the distinctive Maori culture. In addition, the city provides a variety of outdoor activities, including zip-lining, mountain biking, and hiking in the neighbouring Redwood Forest.
6. Glacier Franz Josef: The South Island of New Zealand has a magnificent glacier called Franz Josef Glacier that is situated on its west coast. Being one of the few glaciers in the world to drop into a temperate rainforest, it is an exceptional and breathtaking natural feature. To get a close-up look at the towering ice structures and blue ice caverns of Franz Josef Glacier, visitors may enjoy scenic flights, helicopter excursions, and guided glacier treks.
7. Islands Bay: Situated in New Zealand's Northland area on the North Island, the Bay of Islands is a breathtaking marine playground. It is renowned for its picturesque islands, sandy beaches, and crystal-clear seas. Activities available to visitors to the Bay of Islands include big-game fishing, sailing, snorkeling, and dolphin viewing. With noteworthy locations like the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, where New Zealand's founding document was signed in 1840, the area is also rich in history.
8. Christchurch: The biggest city in New Zealand's South Island, Christchurch, is dubbed the "Garden City" because of its exquisite parks and gardens. Notwithstanding the destruction wrought by earthquakes in recent times, Christchurch has turned into a dynamic and hardy city with a flourishing arts and cultural landscape. Discover Christchurch's creative ventures like the Cardboard Cathedral and the Restart mall, which is constructed out of shipping containers, as well as its quaint botanic gardens and old buildings.
9. Taupo Lake: Situated in the northern North Island of New Zealand, Lake Taupo is the biggest lake in the country. It is well known for its breathtakingly beautiful surroundings, glistening lakes, and myriad leisure options. Activities available to visitors to Lake Taupo include jet boating, kayaking, boating, and fishing. The lake is a well-liked location for outdoor enthusiasts and environment lovers since it is bordered by beautiful walking and cycling paths, hot springs, and geothermal parks.
Conclusion New Zealand offers some of the most stunning and diverse destinations for travelers to explore. From the majestic fjords of Fiordland National Park to the adrenaline-pumping activities in Queenstown, there's something for everyone in this beautiful country. For travelers from India dreaming of visiting these incredible destinations, obtaining a New Zealand visa from India is a straightforward process. With the necessary documentation and a smooth application process, obtaining a New Zealand tourist visa from India allows travelers to embark on their New Zealand adventure with ease. Whether you're hiking through the volcanic landscapes of Tongariro National Park, kayaking along the pristine beaches of Abel Tasman National Park, or experiencing the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, New Zealand promises unforgettable experiences that will leave a lasting impression. From the stunning glaciers of Franz Josef to the cultural richness of Maori villages, each destination offers its own unique charm and beauty waiting to be discovered. Prepare for an amazing tour across this stunning nation by packing your luggage, applying for a New Zealand visa from India, and setting off on your adventure. New Zealand invites visitors from all over the world to discover its numerous treasures because of its stunning scenery, vibrant culture, and kind people.
Also Read: Australia Visa from India
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s1-2024photography · 23 days
Week 5 SDL + Reflection
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This weeks photography was such an awesome experience. Hiking the Tongariro Crossing with 7 other friends was a very memorable moment, not to mention the photography opportunities that arose. Shooting my friends portraits along the hike at different points with different poses and backgrounds/ environments taught me a lot. Learning to navigate the changing natural lighting, the angles and focal length, and all other aspects to achieve the shot I had in my mind. The follow up post will be in regards to my best ones from said shoot. This week was interesting as in class was mostly just working on stuff and getting feedback on my work.
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flairyourtrip · 1 month
New Zealand - Top 5 things to do...🌎
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1) Explore Milford Sound: Located within Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is one of New Zealand's most famous natural wonders. Take a cruise through the fjords and admire the dramatic cliffs, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife including seals, dolphins, and penguins. You can also kayak or hike the Milford Track to see this unspoiled wilderness up close.
2) Hike the Tongariro Alpine Crossing: Considered one of the best day hikes in the world, Tongariro Alpine Crossing offers breathtaking views of volcanic landscapes, emerald lakes and steaming springs. The 19.4km trail passes through the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tongariro National Park, revealing the supernatural beauty of New Zealand's North Island.
3) Experience Māori culture: Explore the rich traditions of indigenous Māori by visiting cultural sites such as Te Papa Tongarewa and the National Museum of New Zealand in Wellington, or attending traditional Māori cultural performances and festivals (hangi). Please soak in. You can also explore Maori villages such as Rotorua's Whakarewarewa and learn more about Maori customs, art and cuisine.
4) Queenstown Adventures: Known as New Zealand's adventure capital, Queenstown offers a wide range of adrenaline-filled activities. From bungee jumping and skydiving to jet boating and whitewater rafting, there's no shortage of exciting experiences. You can also indulge in more relaxing activities, such as wine tasting in the nearby Gibbston Valley or a cruise on Lake Wakatipu.
5) Visit Hobbiton: Step into the magical world of J.R.R. Experience Tolkien's Middle-earth by visiting the Hobbiton film set in Matamata. Take a guided tour of the Hobbit's cave, carefully recreated in a lush landscape, and enjoy a drink at the Green Dragon's Inn. Whether you're a fan of The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies, or just want to admire the mesmerizing scenery, Hobbiton is a must-see destination in New Zealand.
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