#today's jender is
discluded · 9 months
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jeff: gender and sexuality are made up us: so true your maJEFFsty
(source - thank you to @jeffbiblesupremacy for cutting)
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angelsdean · 1 year
it's like. i don't know how to say it other than. sometimes i DO wish i could shapeshift and look exactly like 90s jackles / s1 dean. like maybe i'm a little envious of the shapeshifter in 1x06 what about it
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butchfalin · 5 months
one day ill write my jender thesis properly. not today i have to go to bed soon but one day for sure
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delta-magnetic · 1 year
am saying twas tagged by @bjonka ! havent done this one in a while so heeheehoohoo :3
What book are you currently reading? not reading YET but i finally got my hands on The Storyteller and i am so damn ready to read it
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? bestie i did not go to a movie theater at all in the past 365 days lol
What do you usually wear? band/graphic t-shirts, lounge pants or jeans, n tennis shoes
How tall are you? 5'2"!
What's your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? Virgo and I am exactly one year older than the (Japan) release of the Nintendo Gamecube!
Do you go by your name or your nickname? i usually prefer jennifer, but am very ok with my friends calling me jebby/jeb or any sort of bastardization of my name lol (my favorite still being jender bender)
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? oh heck no honey lol, i wanted to be a veterinarian as a child
Are you in a relationship? If not who is your crush if you have one? no relationship and no crush! i do find a lot of people attractive and think "omg what if i asked them out" (clearly gay mall cashier who called me honey today, hi helo) but then i remember i am nervous, NOT in a place to date rn, and ace lol. that last one doesn't mean i won't ever be in a relationship, but i know i best find another ace if i want any chance and and my boundaries respected
What's something you're good at and something you're bad at? girl we could be here a WHILE on that last part, but some something i'm good at uhhhh befriending cats
Dogs or cats? love both but cats!
What's your favorite piece that you've created this year? i do NOT make art lol
What's something you would like to create content for? content? who's she i don't know her
What's something you're currently obsessed with? [chugging riff] RAMMSTEIN
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this past year? previous semester of college
What's a hidden talent of yours? does turning my feet completely sideways count as a talent lol
Are you religious? nope!
What's something you wish to have at this moment? self confidence lol
i'll tag @fluffonthefloor @mini-uzzy and whoever else wants to do this :D!
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jarchaeology · 2 years
It's not really embarrassing I guess as much as just stupid but im crying because I'm a trans dude who has been out for years but my mom is obnoxious about misgendering me constantly so I'm really voing through it today
Thanks for all you do
whaaat not stupid. valid response to being actively misunderstood and disrespected by a family member. for you, you get a very potent and early jender experience:
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send me an anon with a color and an embarrassing detail about you and i'll assign you a jensen picture
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jatim-today · 1 year
Layangkan Somasi, Ketum Perkumpulan PMK Tegaskan Bambang dan Tjandra Sridjaja Loyalis Senior yang Berjasa
SURABAYA, Jatim Today – Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Pembinaan Mental Karate (PMK) Kyokushinkai Karate-Do Indonesia Otto Yudianto dan Sekretaris Jenderal Erick Sastrodikoro mensomasi oknum Yayasan Perguruan Pembinaan Mental Karate Kyokoshinkai. Dalam somasi itu disebutkan agar oknum yayasan menghentikan fitnah terhadap pengurus maupun mantan pengurus Perkumpulan PMK Kyokushinkai Karate-Do…
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stuckstucktrolls · 1 year
dumb fantroll ask meme, even numbers for teags
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Do you have any strange fascinations?
some Trolls would say my inTeresT in rainbow drinkers, buT I JusT Think They're neaT.
What if your favorite part of the body? Why is it your favorite?
aesTheTically? necks and sTomachs are nice. everyone has Them, They can be equally aTTracTive on all Jenders and in differenT shapes or sizes.
What are your guilty pleasures? How would you handle it if someone found out about them?
maybe some of my uh, casual reading. I Think iT would depend who iT was and how They reacTe'T. iT's noT like iT's anyThing awful buT some people geT weird abouT romance novels....
Other then your own blood color if there any color you have strong feelings for, negative or positive, and why?
Jade, for reasons already known. I've always found Teals fucking annoying on averaJe. and I'm noT fond of yellow alThough iT's noT exacTly anyone's faulT There. I guess I also have a Thing for geTTing piTch wiTh Tall ass purplebloods buT I have no idea how ThaT happened.
Any fears? If so how hindering to you are they in everyday life.
I am cauTious abouT undead and I Think ThaT's a fairly common sense Thing To worry abouT.
Are their any secrets your keeping, yes or no? What if someone found out your secrets, how much would you do to keep it secret.
There are, and I have and will conTinue To kill should I need To.
Do you have an event in your past you regret? Would you change it if you could, if so how much do you think it’d change how you were today?
daTing mark, I mighT have haTe'T myself a liTTle less in my early adulThood....
Would you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted. How much do you like the company of others? Do crowds bother you or do you like the social energy.
inTroverTe'T. I like groups if I know The Trolls involved. groups of sTranJers make me nervous acTually, and I prefer one-on-one Time wiTh Trolls I'm close To. ironic considering I have a fairly larJe number of friends now >:J
How do you feel about pailing? Does it have to be a close bond, or a more casual thing to you.
in piTch iT can be casual. buT I'm monogamous in red and even if oz and I weren'T maTespriTs righT now, I'd probably Take Things slower wiTh someone in red Than piTch.
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel?
I don'T Think so? >;J iT would have To be very specific siTuaTions To geT me Jealous like ThaT.
Is there any hobby you’ve given up but with you could try again one day?
recenTly, I sTarTe'T wriTing again. does ThaT counT?
How organized are you? Are you nit picky, or easy going? Are you ok with messes or does everything have to be tidy?
fairly organized buT I Tend To leave a few Things in piles around The hive unTil I feel bad abouT iT and clean iT up.
Do you have any addictions or anything you just can’t live without?
I suppose I do and I'm working on.... biTing back a biT.
Do you believe in second chances? Would you give someone who wronged you a second chance?
iT depends on The person and whaT They did buT I guess ThaT means yes overall.
Do you fear your own mortality? How much does the idea of dying scare you, or have you accepted it’s going to happen one day?
probably noT as much as I should if I go by oz and 'khena's opinions.
Do you have any problems with touching others? Do you not like being touched. Are you a touchy person?
I can be Touchy wiTh cerTain Trolls buT I don'T like being surprised. I Tend To geT sTabby.
Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Do you feel you have a reputation to uphold or do you not care about how others see you?
a biT yeah. probably a hold over from when I was hemoanonymous, buT I'm noT as bad as back Then
Are you a creative troll? Is there anything you like doing to express yourself? Drawing, sculpture, ect?
wriTing and dance!
Do you have a bad temper? How hard is it to control your temper if you even try.
I'm usually amused when Trolls Try To piss me of buT some of my piTch quads are a biT Too good aT iT. I Tend To hold grudges in The rare case someone who isn'T a parTner succeeds in Ticking me off.
You get lost, what would you do? What course of action would you take to find your way?
I'm preTTy good wiTh survival sTuff so as long as I can find a source of waTer and avoid undead, I can hunT and geT myself orienTe'T preTTy easily To geT back To somewhere I know.
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you?
The painT akhena makes. or The way oz smells like good cooking and incense and blood and someThing comforTing.
I guess weT howlbeasT reminds me of my wrigglerhood. iT's nosTalJic
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sumbartodaynews · 2 years
Silaturahmi Ke MENPAN-RB, Sutan Riska Ucap Selamat Kepada Abdullah Azwar Anas Dharmasraya, Sumbar today news com --
Silaturahmi Ke MENPAN-RB, Sutan Riska Ucap Selamat Kepada Abdullah Azwar Anas Dharmasraya, Sumbar today news com —
Silaturahmi Ke MENPAN-RB, Sutan Riska Ucap Selamat Kepada Abdullah Azwar Anas Dharmasraya, Sumbar today news com — Bupati Dharmasraya Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan, lakukan kunjungan ke Kementerian Pemberdayaan Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Menpan-RB) di bilangan Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (08/09/2022) Sutan Riska yang berkunjung bersama mantan Menpan-RB…
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xiv-today · 2 years
Gelar Parade Kemenangan Atlet Sea Games, Kapolri Fokus Kembangkan Olahraga Sepeda Indonesia
Gelar Parade Kemenangan Atlet Sea Games, Kapolri Fokus Kembangkan Olahraga Sepeda Indonesia
XIV Today – Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo memimpin kegiatan parade kemenangan bersama kontingen sepeda Indonesia Sea Games 2022 di kawasan stadion Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Senayan, Jakarta, Minggu (29/5/2022). Dalam kegiatan tersebut, Kapolri Jenderal Sigit yang juga Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Ikatan Sport Sepeda Indonesia (PB ISSI) menjelaskan, parade kemenangan ini digelar sebagai bentuk…
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jenderoftheday · 3 years
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JENDER OF THE DAY: guy who leaves the camera on during zoom classes even though he’s not paying attention so everybody can still see his fit
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discluded · 1 year
how do you deal with literally just perceiving jeff satur (asking for a friend (that is definitely NOT currently falling in love))
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you're stuck here with all of us, forced to perceive him for the rest of eternity as he steals the gender right out of your body while you are helpless to watch
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sourpatchdean · 3 years
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andreycoded · 3 years
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Alec in DARK ANGEL 2.02 Bag ‘Em
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caswlw · 3 years
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dropping some of my favorite deans :) just for the jender neutrals out there
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clickbaitcas · 3 years
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magdaclaire · 3 years
"Come on, Cas. You really see me as the kind of guy to be somebody's husband?" His voice is rougher than he wants it to be, cutting and mean and God, he's always meaner to Cas than he deserves. Serves him right. Maybe someday he'll actually wise up and leave.
"What about someone's wife?" Somewhere out there in the world, a record scratches.
"What did you just say?"
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