#to keep the tank around 77°F/25°C
toytulini · 3 months
re last post (sorry for ppl using newer versions of tumblr w reblog chains still broken) i dont actually keep my bedroom at 96°F(35.6°C) that is admittedly a bit warm even for me but in the summer it has often been around like 86°F(30°C) and like sometimes when im trying to cool it down it will in part be for my personal comfort, but Honestly, the Main reason i bother try to cool it down in the summer to at least 80°F(36.7°C) is cos of the fish tanks lol
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isakitty900 · 4 years
In the wild, the betta lives in shallow streams and rice paddies but they are still large water bodies. Your betta needs room to swim around and places to hide.
Bettas have their labyrinth organ which allows them to breath straight from the air. You may also need a lid on your tank because bettas are great jumpers, longer finned bettas tend to have difficulty jumping. Tank mates are dependent on each betta’s personality, generally try not to go for aggressive and bright colored or long finned fishes. Bettas are known as the Siamese fighting fish due to their aggressiveness, particularly the males. This aggression is heightened from years of selective breeding for betta fighting and that remains a part of their temperament.
Do NOT put two males in the same tank, they will fight and nip, occasionally to the death.. Males will be aggressive even to females. Males should also never be housed with a female unless they are breeding and have to be separated once done. A betta requires a 5 gallons (20 litres) tank to thrive, it is recommended for betta tanks to be long rather tall or square. The bare minimum for a betta (imo) is 2.5 gallons, (9.5 litres) such sized tanks should only only be used temporarily 
Mimicking their natural habitat is the best way to ensure they are content and happy. Their natural habitat has plenty of hides with substrate, rocks, plants and sticks. Live plants are the best for aquariums because they can help remove ammonia from the water. Be careful with artificial plants and decorations because they can damage your betta’s fins, ensure they are soft and lack sharp edges. Try to keep their tank water temperature within the range of 25° to 27°C / 77°F-80.6°F. If your habitat’s water is consistently too cold your betta will become withdrawn and fall sick easily, reducing their potential lifespan. You will need an aquarium heater and a thermometer to ensure the temperature is correct.
Filters reduce harmful bacteria while supporting healthy bacteria. Long finned bettas are not very strong swimmers and a filter can stress them out if the current is too strong for them to handle. Prolonged agitation can lead to ripped fins, acute stress, and even death. Suggested is a small-medium sponge filter, depending on tank size and if they have tank mates
Always have a test kit, water quality and consistency is key to a happy and healthy betta
Temperature: 25°- 27°C / 77°F - 80.6°F Ph; 6.0- 8.0 KH; 0- 15 pH: 6.0-8.5 Ammonia(NH3/NH4)- 0 Nitrite(NO2)- 0
Nitrate(NO3)- 5-40, preferably under 2
A 5-gallon filtered and cycled tank will need 1 water change per week at around 25% of total volume. Use a water test kit to test your tank’s water prior to a water change.Whenever adding new water, use dechlorinator to remove chlorine, while harmless to humans, it’s not good for fishes.
frequency and amount of water changes varies depending on bioload and tank size
In the wild, bettas feed on insects and larvae on the water’s surface. Betta food can come in pellets, flakes, live, and freeze-dried varieties. Bettas need a protein-rich diet. Some bettas can be picky with their food, should they refuse to eat a certain food, check if they’re ill or if they simply prefer something else. Typically bettas will adapt to whatever’s given out of hunger.Bloodworms and brine shrimp are a betta’s favorite snacks. Bloodworms come in both frozen and freeze-dried, when feeding frozen bloodworms, they usually come in a portion too big for a single betta. Carefully slice off what you need and freeze the rest. 
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chara-killer-bear · 7 years
1. What is you middle//full name?
Alias: Sally Janches
Real Middle Name: Jane Deveza
2. How old are you?
15 turning 16 in 4 days
3. What is your birthday?
January 27, 2001
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Aquarius uvu
Chinese zodiac would be the snake~
5. What is your favorite color?
Redish-pink or a really dark shade of blue
6. What’s your lucky number?
4 or 8 or 16
7. Do you have any pets?
A cat named Peter and a few goldfish that are floating about in the tank atm :”)
8. Where are you from?
Santa Clara, California
9. How tall are you?
4′9″ to 4′11″ sadly :”)
10. What shoe size are you?
flats it’s a 3 or 3 ½ and with sneaker it’s a 5 or a 6–
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
More than 25 that’s for sure–
12. What was your last dream about?
Last dream was something revolving around some fantasy plot– I forgot what most of it was- but the only thing I remember was that I was tryna exit the dream or something and this wizard is all like “in order to escape you need to forget” and I’m like “lmao let’s get this over with”
13. What talents do you have?
- Whistle
- Went through the suffering process of drawing
- Be a meme
14. Are you psychic in any way?
For some reason through dreams–
Y’know in all honesty I remember there was this particular vision I had in the middle of 6th grade and still traumatizes me to this day but you’d probs have to bug me a bit before I actually tell ya
15. Favorite song?
- Jenny by Studio Killers
- Say You Like Me by We the Kings
- Pretend by Bad Suns
- Rather Be by Clean Bandit
- Dead Hearts by Stars
16. Favorite movie?
- Coraline :”)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
18. Do you want children?
Only the future will tell–
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Not sure–
20. Are you religious?
Just a bit– But not one of those hardcore religious people– Just a lil–
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
A few times– Although mostly because I was a small child and I kept getting sick a lot–
I remember we had to perform surgery on me when I was a toddler because there was something wrong with the gums on my teeth
I was really close to going to the hospital when I was around 8-10 because I was struck with a really high fever and my body was close to dying, until my mom force fed me to eat a whole bunch of healthy foods, I threw up many times, and the next day I was fine. According to my mom, I was in that bad of a condition probably because my grandma kept starving me from food when my fever began.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Got scot-free though
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I would say the Prince of India, since my uncle’s sister is married to him and I was at their wedding– I was probably around 7-8 at the time though
24. Baths or showers?
Showers :”)
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
Nah– I’m just your average nerd who just needs Internet to live :”)
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
I really don’t have a particular type of music I like– 
Well, except Christmas songs– If they count–
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I think it’s called fetal position???
32. How big is your house?
1 room
1 living room
1 kitchen
1 creepy ass hallway
1 bathroom
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Mostly I don’t even eat breakfast, but when I do it’s just mostly things I can cook fast, like pizza or ramen–
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Sadly nah :”)
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
Oh my goodness–
Oh golly goodness
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
1 week :”)
39. Do you have any scars?
Yeah– burn scars; one each on my arms and one on my ankles–
I’m pretty sure I have a scar on the back of my neck–
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I don’t know- do I?
41. Are you a good liar?
I’m not even sure anymore–
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Maybe??? I’m not sure???
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Sorrey eye onley spek Engliph
44. Do you have a strong accent?
Meh– Not really–
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Honestly this coat I have lying around that’s around $40–
I probably have another article of clothing that’s much more expensive than that but I can’t name any atm–
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Nah– I find them interesting~ 
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
If I were a clean person I would know where tf my Kindle is now :”)
55. Most used phrased?
- jfc
- Hello darkness my old friend-
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
A good 30 minutes of me actually getting ready :”)
58. Do you have much of an ego?
At some level, but not egoistic
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Bite :”)
But whenever I’m working on something mostly I just suc
60. Do you talk to yourself?
H eh, well according to @static–things​ apparently I do–
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Every day :”)
62. Are you a good singer?
63. Biggest Fear?
h EI G H T S
64. Are you a gossip?
Not sure–
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I guess There Will Be Blood? There’s probably a more dramatic movie I watched but the first thing that popped up when it comes to drama is There Will Be Blood
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
1- California
2- Texas
3- New York
4- Oregon
5- Washington
6- Idaho
7- Wisconsin
8- Utah
9- Colorado
10- New Mexico
11- Oklahoma
12- North Dakota
13- South Dakota
14- Kansas
15- Arkansas
16- Maryland
17- Massachusetts
18- Nevada
19- West Virginia
20- Vermont
21- Pennsylvania
22- Montana 
23- Tennessee 
24- Wyoming
25- Michigan
26- New Jersey
27- New Hampshire
28- Ohio
29- Hawaii
30- Alaska
31- Florida
32- Louisiana
33- Illinois
34- Nebraska
35- Missouri
36- North Carolina
37- South Carolina
38- Iowa
39- Kentucky
40- Indiana
41- Alabama
42- Georgia
43- Virginia
44- Connecticut 
45- Delaware
46- Rhode Island
47- Maine
48- Minnesota
Aaaaaaaaand I’ll end it there
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
I’d like to say both–
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
Nope :”)
71. What makes you nervous?
Many things:
- anxiety
- the ever-so impending fear of people leaving me, people hating me, etc.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Mostly just to be an ass lmao
74. Are you ticklish?
Yep :”)
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
… h eh
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Nah– I’d panic if that happened though
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Hell nope–
79. Who was your first real crush?
First real crush would either be this guy named Aaron or another guy named Lam
80. How many piercings do you have?
2- considering they’re ear piercings
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
Last time I checked it was around 72.9 WPM
Lemme check again
87.9 WPM
83. How fast can you run?
Faster than the chaser that’s for sure–
84. What color is your hair?
Dark brown
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Well one thing for sure is hot dogs–
I swear, redirecting to 21, my fever started because of this hot dog I ate at Target-
So in summary of chain of events, first I ate a hot dog at Target with my grandma back when my hot dog allergy wasn’t as bad as it is now- and before my grandma drove me to her workplace(because back in the day my dad was no where to be seen, my mom had to work, and since I had no where else to go to after school, that’s when my grandma stepped up and decided to take me to her workplace every after school despite her boss telling her she can’t)
After my grandma drove me from all the way to Rosemead to LA where her workplace is at, I felt like dizzy and sick for some unknown reason at the time but thought it would pass. There was this room that was dedicated for my use only in my grandma’s work because no one used it, and it had a huge couch. So I pretty much crashed on that couch, waited for the dizziness to pass, and slept. 
Next thing you know it, I woke up and in an instant I threw up both on the couch and on the carpet floor(which would explain why a few days after they got rid of the couch and the stain on the carpet remained forever as this black blotch among the original red hue of the surrounding carpet. They were bound to get rid of that couch anyways; my grandma always told me that it used to be owned from the past establishment it was before it was an eye clinic- which was a morgue. So basically not only did I sleep on a couch that was sat on doctors sucking the blood out of dead people, but it could possibly be soaked with dead people’s blood.)
Right after that happened, I kept hurling in the bathroom, and when it came to the time where my grandma had to leave the clinic, my grandma gave me a bucket for me to throw up in case I do- and pretty much the following night I felt like shit- couldn’t breathe most of the time, felt hot everywhere, absent from school for at least a week or so because I felt that horrible, and almost had to go to the hospital, but ironically felt better when I threw up after my mom force fed me food. 
87. Do you keep a journal?
Not anymore– Unless notes on iPad and Chromebook count–
88. What do your parents do?
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
- If someone hurts any one of my loved ones
- Bigotry
91. Do you like your own name?
Meh- Could change it to Sally
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Not really–
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Maybe girl~ It’s not like I really care that much though, girl or boy or nonbinary, I’ll still love them the same
94. What are you strengths?
95. What are your weaknesses?
Not sure–
Depends from person to person I guess–
96. How did you get your name?
Honestly my mom thought I was going to be born a Capricorn, and since she had way too many bad experiences with Capricorns, she thought it would be a good idea to name me a name that sounded “spunky”, which is a trait she kinda disliked. However jokes on her, I was born late, thus I turned out to be an Aquarius, and now I turned out to be a smartass. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Don’t recall so–
98. Color of your room?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Can’t say for certain– I would say either white or patterned–
100. Make up your own question
Favorite type of milk?
Strawberry milk~
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beardeddragontank · 6 years
How Long Can Bearded Dragons Live Without Heat?
If your heat lamp just burned out you probably get a little bit nervous, because your bearded dragon is without heat. So how long can bearded dragons go without heat?
Bearded dragons should always have access to a heat source during the day. A bearded dragon should not live without heat longer than 24 hours, otherwise health problems might occur.
This was the straight forward answer. However, what is going to happen if you leave your bearded dragon without heat for more then 24 hours? What can you do if you just can´t get a new heat bulb within the next 24 hours?
Continue to read this article to learn how you can help your bearded dragon properly.
Can Bearded Dragons Live Without Heat?
No, bearded dragons can´t live without heat. Bearded dragons and other reptiles are cold-blooded, which means that they need an external heat source to get their body on temperature in order to function properly.
What does that mean? Well, if your bearded dragon does not have access to any heat source, it won´t be able to move properly. That also means that your bearded dragon is not able to hunt and even other body functions are not able to work as they should.
The worst thing is that they are not able to digest their food. If food remains in a bearded dragon´s stomach for too long, it will start to rot and I think I do not need to tell you that this can have lethal consequences.
The colder the ambient temperature is, the worse all the things I have told you above get. In other words, if the ambient temperature in the room where the bearded dragon tank is placed is around 77 °F (25 °C) it is not that bad.
Your bearded dragon will still be able to move, to eat and even to digest. Even though its body will not work as it would if it would have had the chance to heat up under the basking spot.
The lower the temperature in the reptile room is, the less will your bearded dragon´s body be able to work. At a certain (low) temperature your bearded dragon won´t even wake up and just continue to sleep.
That would be like a short brumation.
How Long Can Bearded Dragons Live Without Heat?
As you have learned, you don´t want to leave your bearded dragon without heat for too long, but how long is okay?
I would say that you should not leave your bearded dragon without any heat source for more than 24 hours. As I said above, the food will start to rot in its stomach and that is the worst thing that can happen.
If your bearded dragon is without heat for just a couple of hours, you do not have to be worried. That´s okay. You should make sure that your bearded dragon has a normal diurnal cycle, but if your heat bulb burned out and you need some hours to get a new one, stay relaxed.
What Can You Do If You Can´t Get A New Heat Bulb Quickly?
That´s the worst case obviously, but it can happen. You definitely wanna do something to get your bearded dragon on temperature at least for a couple of hours.
Try to use any heat source you can get to get your bearded dragon on temperature. If you have a heat mat that you are using for other reptiles, you can take that and use it for your bearded dragon a couple of hours.
If you do not have any other reptiles and you don´t have a heat source similar to that, you can also use water bottles with warm water and lay your bearded dragon on it.
Some people even use grain pillows to make sure that their bearded dragon gets warm in such a situation.
You just have to make sure that your bearded dragon doesn´t get burned. Make sure that the pillow is not too hot or that the water bottles are not too hot.
Warm baths can help as well, but I don´t really recommend it. The bearded dragon has to be rubbed dry afterwards, otherwise its body temperature will drop even further.
Do anything to warm up your bearded dragon. Everything that is warm can help.
Just do not, I repeat, do not put your bearded dragon in the microwave or in the oven. That might sound funny now, but I am serious. Some people just don´t think about the consequences and think it is a good idea.
Should You Take Your Bearded Dragon To A Vet Afterwards?
That highly depends on how long your bearded dragon has been without heat. If your bearded dragon was without heat for just a couple of hours, let´s say 5 hours, there is absolutely no need to visit a reptile vet.
If your bearded dragon was without heat for more than 24 hours you have to keep an eye on your bearded dragon.
Is it moving properly? Was it able to defecate?  Is it eating and drinking? Any weird behavior could mean that your bearded dragon is not feeling well and that there might be a problem.
After such a long time without heat you should give your bearded dragon time to wake up properly before you start to worry.
Always Use A Time Switch
I think you already know this, but I still want to say it. You should always use a time switch in your bearded dragon tank. You should not switch the lights on and off manually.
Things can happen and some day you might not be able to switch the lights on or off at the right time and your bearded dragon will be without heat. Things like that can happen once, but it should not happen too often as it will irritate your bearded dragon´s biorhythm.
If you need to know what the best heat lamps for bearded dragons are, read this article on bearded dragon heat lamps.
What About Brumation?
During brumation, bearded dragons need no heat at all. Heat would actually disturb them while sleeping. However, this is a whole different topic and if you need some information on that, read my bearded dragon brumation guide.
Your bearded dragon can definitely survive without heat for a couple of hours, but you should make sure that it can get its body on temperature within the next 24 hours otherwise health problems and even death can be the result.
I hope that answers your question, how long can bearded dragons live without heat? – and if you have further questions, just leave a message in the comment section below.
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