#to all the min yoongi fans who requested more of fake love and you're mine
sodoyouknowbts · 6 years
Yoongi x Reader - Guardian (One)
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Part of the ‘Souls’ Series.
Summary: Min Yoongi is a cynical guardian angel assigned to look after you.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (ft Hoseok)
Genre: Romance, fantasy, soul mates
Author: Pilot
Chapter One
Yoongi is standing in the kitchen drinking coffee when it happens. A shiny silver envelope materialises in front of him. It hovers, wrapped in a bubble. A deep blue seal hinges the folded edges together. Two letters in victorian script are embossed, A.A - Angel Academy.
Yoongi sips his coffee and stares at it over the edge of the cup. Angel Academy. Who came up with such an obvious name? Yoongi scoffs.
He finishes his coffee, washes the cup up in the sink and goes to sit down on the couch, ignoring the floating envelope. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through it, reading the latest news headlines.
Yoongi hears the front door shut and the sound of shoes clonking on the floor.
Hoseok walks into the kitchen holding flowers and spots the envelope.
“Ooh what is this?!” He asks, peering at the envelope. “Yoongi, this is for you. What are you doing leaving it unanswered?”
Hoseok moves past the envelope and pulls out a vase from the cupboard. He gives it a rinse and places it on the counter, arranging his assortment of sunflowers.
“It’s not mine.” Yoongi denies, paying zero attention to Hoseok’s movements.
Done with the arrangement, Hoseok moves over to the bubble and pokes it, his finger pressing into it. His finger is met with resistance. The bubble bounces back and doesn’t pop.
“Hey, it is yours. I can’t access it.” 
Yoongi glances over his shoulder.
“Who are the flowers from today?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Oh those?” Hoseok turns toward the sunflowers and smiles brightly. “One of my assignments sent me these as a thanks, she’s just been accepted into university!” 
Yoongi raises his brows and responds, disinterested. “Good for her.”
“You know, for a guardian angel you’re really not that nice sometimes.” Hoseok says, pulling a face. Yoongi throws his phone down on the table, closes his eyes and lays down to take a nap. Hoseok walks off to his room.
Yoongi sleeps for about ten minutes when he senses something hovering over his face. He opens one eye slowly. It’s the envelope. He waves it away and it’s pushed to the middle of the room by the breeze Yoongi had generated from the motion. 
He rolls over, turning his back on the envelope. He can still feel it behind him. Frustrated, he rolls back onto his back and picks up the pillow from beneath his head and puts it over his face. He sleeps for another fifteen minutes before Hoseok pokes him awake. Yoongi slaps away his hand and sits up, disgruntled. The pillow tumbles into his lap.
“Your phone is ringing.”
Yoongi sits up, hair messy. He gets up and leans across to reach the phone. He scratches his chest and goes to the front door to collect his shoes.
“I’ll be back later.” Yoongi shuts the door behind him.
You stretch your arms above your head and let out a yawn, your eyes watering.  You blink. You had been in the university library for a solid six hours. You bundle your hand into a fist and hit your left leg. It had fallen asleep.
You look across at your friend who is watching Youtube videos on her phone.
“I don't know how you managed to study. I kept getting distracted.” She says, pointing at her phone. “I’m dead tired.” She had only joined you half an hour ago. Her books remained untouched and strewn across the table. She had been lost in a loop of kpop videos for 30 minutes. She locks her phone.
“How do you do it?” She asks, leaning forward onto her arms, speaking into the table.
“By swapping my social life for permanent eye-bags and zero sleep.” You retort. “Ah, the life of a budding law student.” 
You were in your final semester of law and journalism. You had one more exam to go. Your university debt had piled up and you had taken up odd jobs throughout the course of your degree to get a head start on it. ‘Adulting’ hadn’t come easy for you.
“Life of a budding law student or death of a budding law student?” she asks.
You raise your arm up, plotting up headlines in the air. 
“Young woman found dead in library. Cause of death: case study boredom and paper cuts.” You burst out into laughter with your friend and receive a few glares from neighbouring students. You bow your head slightly in an apology.
“Please study gods, bless us in our upcoming exams. We want to be out of here!” Your friend exclaims, futilely grasping her hands together. She looks at you. “Imagine if we actually had that - or similar.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like angels. Guardian angels that opened the doors and carried our books and made everything easy and told us the answers to the exam questions!” She exclaims.
“If guardian angels are real mine is probably off somewhere drinking alcohol straight from the bottle and pretending I don’t exist.” You laugh. 
You probably had needed a guardian angel when you were younger, when things were tougher and you had no one to go to. You had gotten through all of it, each trouble and difficulty becoming a new badge on your chest that became a part of what had built you and your character. You learned how to deal with things on your own. Nowadays, your problems revolved around your career, stability and money, or lack thereof.
You look out the window. It’s getting dark. You throw your eraser at your friend and it hits her squarely in the forehead and bounces off. 
“Let’s go.”
“What’s up?” Yoongi is holding a basketball in his hands. God, he missed playing basketball. He throws it up and catches it.
He cocks a brow at the young boy who is standing in the middle of the basketball court.
“Why’d you drag me out here?” the boy asks.
“I find playing basketball a good way to clear the mind, Won Young.” Yoongi responds. “Something about the endorphins, science. Whatever.”
He looks at him. He’d been assigned Won Young two months ago. Won Young was a bright fourteen year old boy, but like most other young adolescents he was struggling to cope with the transition from childhood to adulthood. Puberty, school, home life, hormones and social pressures had been hitting him hard. It was only going to get harder.
The boy heaves a sigh and mumbles under his breath. Yoongi scowls.
“I shouldn’t have called you.” 
Yoongi walks over to him, casting a shadow on the ground. Although Yoongi wouldn’t admit it, he had a soft spot for Won Young. His thoughts, feelings and mixed emotions were all things Yoongi resonated with. After all, he had felt them too, when he was the same age. Heck, he was still feeling them.
“Catch.” He throws the ball at the boy and Won Young catches it.
“Let’s play.”
Won Young begrudgingly participates. About an hour later, he’s laughing, smiling and sweaty. Yoongi had taken the opportunity to show off his ‘mad spinning’ techniques, dribbling skills and ability to shoot three pointers. 
“Feeling better?” He asks him, passing him the ball.
Yoongi looks up at the sky. The sun was setting, almost hidden along the horizon.
Won Young bounces it back to Yoongi. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask. Why is that envelope following you around?”
Yoongi looks over his shoulder. 
“Oh, so you see it too?”
“Yeah, what is it? Is it another assignment?”
Yoongi shrugs. “Probably.”
Yoongi throws the ball at the envelope and the envelope hits the floor and rises back up.
"Are you going to keep ignoring it?”
“Haven't decided yet.” Yoongi goes to pick up the ball that’s rolled off the court and onto the grass.
“Come on. I’ll walk home with you.”
Yoongi pushes the door of the convenience store open. It squeaks. He stuffs his hands in the front pockets of his hoodie and heads to the back of the store.
His grip tightens around a bottle of soju. He grabs a packet of chips for good measure. He makes a sidewards glance. 
The envelope is still hovering, floating behind him. 
He narrows his eyes. It was going to be a troublesome one, he could feel it.
The girl in front of him is taking way too much time to pay. He looks her up and down. He clicks his tongue impatiently.
"Uh, do you need help?” He asks.
You turn around. He’s looking at you with an unimpressed expression on his face. You grow embarrassed, noting a small queue has formed behind you.
“If you’d just kindly wait a moment, I’m just trying to find my card. Thanks for your understanding.” You huff.
You rummage through your wallet trying to search for your card. Too many pockets and you had a bad habit of not putting your card back in the same little spot in your wallet. Damnit, when will I learn?
Yoongi moves past you and throws his chips down on the counter. He waves the bottle of soju up, signalling to the shop attendant. “I’ll just pay for it all.” 
The boy nods, relieved and scans the chips on top of your items. You frown and round on him. Who does he think he is?!
“Um, excuse me, thank you but you don’t have to -”
Yoongi ignores you and you stop mid sentence, watching as he nonchalantly scans his card against the card reader. It’s approved instantly.
“Too late. It’s done.” he says. He nods goodbye to the attendant, leans forward and grabs his chips. He tucks the soju bottle under his arm and opens the chips, leaving the store without a second thought.
You stand there in awe and watch as he turns the corner.
Hoseok is sitting on the couch, cuddling a cushion. He’s watching variety shows.
“Oh, you’re back?” Hoseok calls from the lounge. Yoongi kicks off his sneakers and heads to the kitchen.
“You still haven’t opened it?!” Hoseok exclaims, eyeing the envelope.
Yoongi pulls two small glasses out from the dish rack. He hands Hoseok his packet of half eaten chips and sits himself on the carpet in the lounge. He cracks open his bottle of soju and pours Hoseok a glass. Hoseok accepts it and takes a small sip, his facial expression souring. He continues to drink it anyway.
“Don't forget you need to submit your report tomorrow.” Hoseok reminds him.
Yoongi nods, eyes transfixed on the television, one leg propped up and his arm stretched out on his knee.
“The system is down so you’ll have to submit it in person.”
This catches Yoongi’s attention. “What do you mean the system is down?”
“It’s not working.”
Yoongi groans. Did this really mean he had to physically go in? He hated that place. He’d spent years there and as soon as he could, he made every effort to avoid it.
“Are you going into work tomorrow?” he asks.
“I always go to work. Unlike you. Working from home 24/7.”
“Let’s get lunch tomorrow.”
Hoseok claps excitedly. “Really?! Deal.”
The envelope starts to move from behind Yoongi and floats in front of his face, blocking the tv. Yoongi moves his head and it moves in unison. He sighs, frustrated. He tilts his head the other way again. The same thing happens. Hoseok watches on, amused.
Finally, Yoongi reaches for the envelope and snatches it from the bubble and rips open the seal.
He pulls out a piece of paper. Printed in the same victorian script as the seal, is your name.
To be continued.
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