#tmnt loveboat
totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Tmnt loveboat: CHAPTER 3
Authors note: I know this is so very long but I hope you like it. There’s no smut, it’s fluff lol but most of it is just them hanging out.
Warnings: For drug use I guess?
Summary: Michelangelos new friend is a pothead and when she shows Mikey her stash, he calls his brothers over. What will they do? Read and find out.
Chapter 3 Mikey sat behind harmony on her fire escape, watching her open the window. They entered into her apartment, the smell of cinnamon and warmth swathed them. It had been getting colder and colder outside lately, with winter just around the corner. Mikey looked around her apartment, an orange candle throwing out a soft light as Harmony looked for the light switch. “I think I like your place better then mine.” Said Mikey. Her apartment was homey, throw pillows swallowed the couch, and fall decorations were everywhere. “You really know how to decorate.” Harmony flipped on the light in her living room. “Thanks,” she replied. “I’m going to go change real quick.” She ran into her bedroom, leaving Mikey sitting on her couch, still reeling from the events of the night. She came back, wearing cute flannel pants and a plain white t shirt. She walked into the kitchen, tying her hair up as Michelangelo watched her. “Nice pj’s, babe.” Mikey smiled. She rolled her eyes at his comment, reaching for a glass of orange juice. She took a gulp at her kitchen sink before putting away the juice, and walking back into the living room to sit next to Mikey. Mikey looked around, suddenly realizing an awkward silence had settled into the room. “Do you call every girl babe?” She asked, not wanting to know the answer. Mikey had been flirting with her all night, even his brothers had been making comments about it, but she didn’t know him, what if this is just the way he was? Mikey squirmed. He had never thought about it like that. He called April babe, but he really only knew two girls. “I guess, but it’s different with you.” Michelangelo fidgeted with his hands, aching for something to cut the tension. Harmony rolled Michelangelo’s words around in her head. Did he say that to everyone? She took a deep breath. Chill, she told herself. I just met him. But the harder she tried to push her feelings down, the more she knew that he was different. Mikey popped up, pointing at a picture of Harmonys mom. “Is this your old lady?” She smiled, “Yes, she died two years ago in a fire.” Harmony dipped her head in an effort to avoid eye contact. “That’s harsh.” Michelangelo whispered. “Sorry.” She waved him off, “Its ok.” Silence chased harmonys words, finally settling into the room again. She set her glass down on her coffee table, opening a thin wooden box that Mikey thought was just there for decoration. The inside revealed several pre-rolled joints and weed on little tray. Mikey’s eyes widened, he rushed back to the couch. “Is that-” “Weed?” She said, finishing his question. It hadn’t occurred to her that Mikey had never seen this stuff before. Before she could muster up an apology, Mikey spoke. “Can I?” She looked at him confused for a second before realizing he was asking her to try some. “Oh yeah sure,” She paused, wanting to make sure he was comfortable every step of the way. “Do you want to call your brothers or something?” Mikey’s eyes popped open, the idea hadn’t occurred to him. “That’s a good idea.” He rushed to the window, flinging it open and waving his arms as if signaling someone to come in. He stepped back and sure enough Raphael and Donatello made their way into her living room. “What’s up?” Said Raphael, sitting on one of her bar stools. “Hello.” Donnie waved awkwardly. “Guys, guys, guys!” Mikey exclaimed, plopping himself next to harmony again. “You’ll never believe what she has.” He double checked the room, as if hiding something from someone. “Ok, show ‘em babe.” Harmonys cheeks flared, she thought about the conversation they just had. Does he not care? She asked herself. Or did he really mean what he said? She quickly erased those thoughts, remembering that all eyes were on her. She opened her box, they all inched forward. “Is that-” “Weed?” Replied Mikey. “Yeah, it is.” Donatello stared in awe. “Did you invite us to-” “Yup.” Mikey interrupted, again. “Damn.” Raph stated. All three of the brothers looked at each other, as if they were reading each other’s minds. Harmony noticed that they did that a lot, she always felt left out but knew that it was a brotherly thing. “Do you guys want me to-” “No it’s ok let’s do this.” Said Mikey, confidently. Raphael and Donatello huffed in agreement. “What about Leonardo?” Asked Harmony. “That’s going to take a lot of convincing.” Chimed Donatello. “Yeah,” agreed Mikey. “Let’s just keep this on the down low for now.” Harmony was happy to comply. “Ok are you guys ready?” She asked, expectantly. They stared at her, ready to learn. She brought the joint to her lips, and lit the opposite end, sucking in air as she pulled away the lighter. She held her breath, somehow captivating the turtles’ attention with her every move. She let her breath go. “See super simple.” She passed the joint to Mikey. “And you always pass to the left.” She smiled, and watched Mikey struggle to suck in smoke. She put the lighter up against the joint again. “Sometimes it stops rolling so you’ll need to light it again.” Mikey sucked in as strongly as he could, coughing up everything at once. “Woah.” He mustered in between coughs, shaking his head. He passed it to Donatello. Donnie rolled the joint in between his fingers a couple of times, examining it, before sticking it in between his lips. He inhaled, passing it to Raphael as he released his breath. Harmony would have never thought in a million years that one day she would be smoking weed with 3 mutant turtles, one which she had a crush on. They all watched Raphael take a hit and hold the smoke in his lungs, longer then any one else had. The three brothers gave it a couple minutes to hit them. Harmony took another hit. “You guys feelin’ anything?” Asked raph. Michelangelo and Donatello shook their heads. Harmony on the other hand, felt a slight head change. “Just give it more time.” She advised. They shrugged their shoulders and decided to wait a little longer ——–>(timeskip) Michelangelo sunk into the couch. Never before had he felt a couch so soft. He looked at harmony, who’s neck was resting on his bicep. Donatello sat back in his chair with bloodshot eyes as Raphael lifted his feet onto Harmonys coffee table. “Hey,” harmony lifted her head slightly, trying to hold back laughter. “That’s my- that’s my coffee table man what the heck.” She laughed. Raphael quietly took his feet off of her table. Harmonys face was flush, warmth running all through her body. “I was just kidding.” She wore a goofy grin that wasn’t directed at anyone but nevertheless remained plastered on her face. “Is cool.” Raphael said quietly. He listened to all his thoughts, slowly, trying not to interact with anyone, wanting to listen to his mind. Donatello on the other hand, seemed to have shut his brain off. The usually obsessive turtle, now quiet and calm. Donnie chuckled. “I like jam,” he frowned. “And I really don’t eat enough of it.” Donatello’s smile quickly re appeared on his face. “Do you have jam, harvest of harmony?” Harmony laughed at Donnie’s nickname for her. “Yeah I actually hand make it.” Donnie’s eyes widened. “That’s so much cooler then anything I do.” “Yeah, go help yourself.” She directed Donnie to the kitchen, and he almost knocked his chair over getting up. Harmony looked over at Michelangelo, realizing that she had been playing with his hand for a few minutes now. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. “What?” He chuckled. “I like you.” She said, still smiling like a child at a candy store. “I like you too.” He snickered. Donnie walked back into the living room with a jar of jam and a spoon. “I found the jam.” He stood in between them, forcing a rift in their gaze. Donnie sat back down, digging into the jam. The room was silent, except for the clicking of a spoon against a glass jar. It went unnoticed as everyone sulked in their own thoughts and stared at the ceiling. “You know I think Leo just burdens a lot,” Mikey blurted, still staring at the ceiling. “Like, he has a lot of responsibility, we should cut him some slack.” Harmony looked at Michelangelo sideways. “I think he just needs to chill a little.” She retorted. “He can’t.” Piped in raph. “He feels responsible for all of us.” He looked at harmony, his face a lighter shade of green then usual, a pink film lightly layered over his eyes. She tried to hold in her laughter, but couldn’t. “Are you ok Raph?” She asked. “Yeah why?” Harmony snickered again. “Nothing it’s just me.” She waved him off, as Raphael withdrew back into his mind. Humans are weird, he thought. She turned over to Mikey, her head making her feel like she was floating. “Mikey,” she said suddenly fighting a losing battle to sleep. “I actually like you.” She admitted, her words slightly slurred. “Me too babe.” He replied casually. “No you don’t get it.” She whined. Donatello interrupted them, not really noticing that they were already engaged in a conversation. “Dang this peach jam is so bomb!” Exclaimed Donnie. “She’s a keeper.” Donnie pointed at harmony with his spoon, and a jar of half eaten jam. She laughed, forgetting about what was saying to Michelangelo a couple seconds before. “Just because of my jam don?” She asked, tilting her head back and forth, as if it were a jug full of water. “I’m sure you have other attractive qualities,” he snickered. “but this one has to be the best.” Mikey laughed. “You’re such a dork Donnie.” “Hey don’t call him that.” Raph said quietly. “He don't like it.” Raph tried to fist bump Donnie, reaching his fist as far out as he could, and dropping it once he realized Donnie was too far away. Donnie smiled. “It’s cool.” He shoved a spoonful of jam into his mouth. “Damn Donnie you’re munchin’ out!” Exclaimed harmony. She stood up as hunger spontaneously consumed her body. “Hey where are you going?” Smiled Mikey. “I’m makin’ some popcorn.” She sang. “Anyone want some?” Raph slowly nodded his head. “Yeah.” She picked up a remote from the coffee table, and tossed it into michelangelos lap. “Put something on the tv.” She requested. He complied, fidgeting with the remote, trying to figure out where the power button was. She walked into the kitchen and popped a bag of popcorn into the microwave. Soon her apartment was filled with a strange combination of cinnamon and popcorn, it smelt amazing. Raphael sauntered into the kitchen. “Yo, you got something to drink?” He asked, the color still drained from his face, his voice reduced to a low grumble. “Ayyye, you got cotton mouth?” She asked. Raphael smacked his mouth, “Sounds about right.” She let Raphael open the fridge and decide for himself, finally choosing a coke. He stood next to her clicking it open as she waited for the popcorn to be done. “Mikey really likes you, you know,” he said, leaning against the stove. She rolled her eyes, “You guys keep saying that but,” she pulled the popcorn out of the microwave. “I feel like he talks to everyone like that.” Her lips formed a thin line of acceptance and disappointment. “Yeah, but he likes you that’s what makes it different don’t let social construct determine what you do.” She shook her head, surprised at Raphael, who really looked like he was going to puke. “Are you ok?” She snorted. He smiled slowly. “Yeah.” Raphael retreated to his chair, with a bag of popcorn, as harmony popped another one into the microwave. She knew that she would have to buy groceries again tomorrow, because there was no way they wouldn’t eat all of her food. “Hey babe, look what I found.” She rolled her eyes at that word. “You know,” she said, running into the living room, with a fresh bag in her hands. “if you’re going to call me that, at least stop calling other girls that.” Mikey stared at her for a second, processing her words, before smiling and agreeing. “Anything for you sweet cakes.” She blushed. “So what did you find?” She asked. “The power button.” He beamed, so very proud of himself. She surveyed the room, before they all burst into laughter. This was going to be a long night, she thought. But at least her new friends were here to keep her company.
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
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Penelope (Donatello) -Chubby because Donnie likes his curvy women - Pulls Donnie from the lab when he can't even think straight anymore. -Has no social skills and she can't read social cues -loves to geek out -insecure; thinks Donnie wouldn't be with her if it weren't for his "special circumstances" -love language: ACTS OF SERVICE
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Tmnt loveboat: Harmony/Michelangelo (chapter 1)
Hello welcome to my own original tmnt storyline! This series has original characters and centers on the turtles meeting their girlfriends and all of the wacky adventures they get themselves into. This is just the first chapter, more to come! Please enjoy !
🍑🍑🍑 Michelangelo sat on his stool and ate his chips, as he looked out of the sewer opening that lead to the street. He had been doing this for months, it made him feel connected to the outside world, like he was a part of regular life. Mikey knew that it would never be that way, but he clung onto the small piece of the world he could have. It was only recently he had started to notice the beautiful mocha-skinned girl who worked across the street. Her black hair, flow-y and large, her beautiful light brown eyes, transparent when the sun hit them. Mikey had seen beautiful women before, but she stirred something inside of him he had never felt. The best part of the day was when she opened her store at 11, and set up everything outside, that’s when he could see her the best. He had gotten a late start today, it was almost 3 pm, but he still relished the opportunity to steal a glance at her. Today she wore an orange top with khaki pants, and golden hoop earrings. Gold bracelets clanged on her slender wrists as she checked someone out at the register. A huge window replaced one of the walls, so Mikey could always see inside the store, and Donnie had some pretty sick binoculars he always took with him on these journeys. Michelangelo watched intently through the binoculars, when suddenly she turned to look directly at him. Michelangelo lowered the binoculars, their eyes met for a second. Mikey’s pastel blue eyes, a vivid contrast from the darkness of the sewers, it was all she could see before he disappeared. He knew he had to, as much as he wanted to crawl out of the sewers and introduce himself. He remembered the way she looked at him, not judgmental but her eyes full of wonder, as he slid down watery pipes around a bend and in front of the door to his home. Leo had told Mikey to stop distracting himself with the thought of human relationships but he couldn’t, he just wanted to be loved. Michelangelo entered the lair, anxiety bubbling in chest from fear of being caught. Donnie entered the kitchen, immediately spotting Mikey near the door. “Hey do you have my binoculars?” He asked. “Uh, yeah.” He looked around for Leo. “Donnie you’ll never guess what happened today!” He exclaimed in a hush toned. “She saw me.” Donnie froze. “WHO saw you?” He furrowed his brow bone. “The girl I told you about!” “How?” He retorted. “I was just chillin’ in the sewers and she turned to look at me!” Mikey said, letting excitement creep into his words. “Ok, so what’re you going to do?” Donnie questioned. Michelangelo slumped, knowing that he really couldn’t do anything. “I don’t know I guess” Sadness replacing the excitement in voice. “Sorry bro.” said don, leaving Mikey to his thoughts. He had to see her again. Mikey began to strategize, as he ran to to Raphaels room. “Raph!” Yelled Mikey. Raphael heard Mikey coming from down the hall, his feet pounding away at the floor. “What?” He yelled back. “Dude you’re never going to believe this!” Michelangelo explained himself again, this time imploring Raphael to run patrol past her building tonight. “Come one dude it’ll just take a few minutes.” He begged. “Please please please please.” Raphael saw the hope in his brother that he tucked away in himself and couldn’t resist. “Sure.” He rolled his eyes. “But you owe me.” Mikey jumped up and down, ready for tonight. 🍑🍑🍑——-(timeskip) Michelangelo stood on the roof, the breeze slightly wafting his orange bandana tails in the air. Raphael slapped Mikey’s shell, playfully. “Is that her?” He asked, pointing at the girl who was locking the door to the shop across the street. “Oh yeah.” He said proudly, as if he was showing off his girlfriend. “Alright then lets go.” Raph replied, as a dark figure followed the girl into an alley. Raphael and Mikey looked at each other, knowing that they had to protect her. They jumped across the roof tops, landing on the roof that curved into the alley. She walked down the alley, unsuspecting of the man behind her. She often used the alley as a shortcut to her favorite restaurant. She lived above her mothers antique shop, but loved visiting the Chinese place behind her building almost every night. She had seen the man follow her into the alley, trying not to assume the worst, but she felt uncomfortable with him behind her, and even worse, she felt like they were being watched. She hadn’t been able to shake the feeling for weeks now. She had begun to think she was just being paranoid, until she saw the glowing blue eyes in the sewers today. Harmony turned around suddenly, pulling a switch blade out of her purse, sticking it out directly in front of her. “Hey leave me alone!” She demanded. “I’m not scared of you.” Michelangelo and Raphael watched in shock at her bravery. The man pulled a gun from his black hoodie. “I don’t think you want to do that sweetie.” He pointed the gun at her face, her bravery unwavering. “Give me your purse.” He grinned, ready to pull the trigger if needed. “No.” She replied defiantly. Mikey’s jaw slacked as he watched from the rooftop. “She’s going to get herself killed.” Commented Raphael. Mikey snapped out of his shock, flipping down the fire escape and into the alley, Raphael following closely behind him. They landed next to each other, in front of the girl. “Get a load of this guy,” said Raph jokingly. “Alright,” Mikey said trying to settle the situation peacefully. “How about you turn around and we forget this ever happened, huh?” He asked, politely. The man looked in horror, screaming before he turned around, dropping his gun in the alley, and ran off. Mikey turned around to talk to harmony, as Raphael picked up the gun and crushed it in his fist. “Hello beautiful lady I’m-” Their eyes met for the first time. She recognized the way his eyes reflected the light and instantly knew who he was. “You’ve been watching me from the sewers.” She interrupted him. “I’d recognize those eyes anywhere.” He smiled. “I guess I’m busted.” He laughed. “I’m Michelangelo, that’s my brother Raphael.” Raphael grunted hello. She thought that was rude but let it take the backseat to her many questions. “Harmony West.” She said breathlessly. “What are you?” She asked as politely as she could. Mikey quickly explained to her the turtles backstory, her eyes glued to him the whole time. “Wow! I can’t wait to meet the rest of you!” Raphael interrupted. “Woah mike, we can’t take her back to the lair.” He said. “Leo will have a cow.” His voice hushed. “Lair?” She laughed. “What are you superheroes?” The pair of turtle brothers looked at each other. “You’re superheroes?” She deadpanned. “Seriously?” “We just save those in need,” piped Michelangelo. “That’s all.” Harmony couldn’t get it through her head. “So you’re mutant ninja turtles,” she paused, collecting her thoughts. “who save people?” She conferred, looking up at Mikey and raph, their faces awaiting her conclusion like they already knew the answer. “Pretty much.” Said raph, spitting to the side. “Come on Raphael you gotta let Mikey take me to the lair!” Mikey smiled as if she had just become his partner in crime. Raphael looked at both of them, conflicted. “Fine Mikey but-” “You owe me!” They finished his sentence together. Mikey ran ahead, harmony grabbing onto his hand as they zoomed past Raphael in excitement. Mikey picked her up, bridal style. “Better grab on baby girl, this ride gets bumpy.” Raphael watched Mikey’s shell disappear into a manhole, rolling his eyes. He was happy for his little brother.
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Tmnt loveboat: 💜 Donatello meets Penelope
Summary: It’s harmonys Halloween party! And Donnie meets someone special ;))
Chapter 4 Donnie extended his bo staff onto Mikey’s chest, pushing him awake. “Oh good you’re awake.” He smirked. “We’re about to leave.” Mikey flung the blankets off of him. “Im coming!” He exclaimed, running after his brother. They were preparing to go to Harmony’s Halloween party. Donatello jogged to the door were Raphael and even Leo awaited him. “Hai.” Heard Donatello, and all of them stood stiffly, even Michelangelo, who was halfway across the room. “Be careful my sons.” Warned splinter, walking into their view. “Remember losing a battle is hard for you, but losing four sons would be much harder.” They all bowed, in respect for their sensei, even though they were about to disrespect him by lying to him. “Yes sensei.” replied Leonardo. Splinter hugged each individual turtle before retreating into his room. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be watching my stories.” He waddled away, happy to have a Friday night to himself. “Do ya think he knows?” Asked Raphael once master splinter was out of ear shot. Leo huffed in shame. “No.” “Come on guys!” waved Donatello, running towards the exit, with Michelangelo trailing closely behind. Raphael and Leo looked at each other doubtfully before following Donnie and Mikey. ——–>(timeskip) Donatello slowly treaded on the sidewalk, his brothers following in a neat line behind him. He pressed a button on his watch and a hologram of a map hovered above it. “I think this is the place.” He said, pushing his glasses up. “Ya think genius?” Asked raph. “Obviously it’s the one with all the people goin’ in it.” “Hey I see harmony!” Exclaimed Michelangelo. Harmony jumped and waved from the front porch of the giant two story house. She ran towards the turtles. “Oh my gosh I’m so glad you guys came!” She smiled hugging Mikey. “For a second I thought you were going to wuss out.” She smiled. “So what do you think Michelangelo!” She said in a song like tone. She spun around, showing off her 70’s style dress that stopped right below her butt and her white knee-high playform boots. A pair of funky glasses with a golden metal frame and giant hoop earrings topped the whole look off. “I love it babe,” he smiled. “especially that dress.” “Get a room.” Raph smacked Mikey upside the head. Harmony furrowed her eyebrows. “Now now Raphael play nice,” Raphael backed off but didn’t say anything. “But first come dance with me Mikey.” She pouted before grabbing his hand and leading him into the house, where thumping music threatened to bust the windows open. Mikey shrugged has he was dragged away, abandoning them on the sidewalk in front of the house. They watched as a bunch of 20-something’s talked in groups on the lawn and the porch. Lots of people were dressed up fabulous costumes, a feather from a girl who was dressed as a giant peacock tickled Leonardo’s nose as she walked by. She stopped to look over her shoulder at him, “Hey turtle boy.” She grinned seductively, wagging her tail of feathers in his face. He half-smiled as she sauntered away. “Woah.” Said Raph and Donnie in unison. They walked into the house, ducking slightly at the door frame. They barely fit in a house already crowded with so many people. “Hey guys do you see Mikey?” Yelled leonardo over the music. “Yeah he’s right there!” Yelled raph pointing to the corner of the room. They all followed Leonardo, finally reaching Mikey who was dancing with Harmony. “Woo this is great!” He yelled. Raphael pumped his fist in the air. “Hell yeah let’s have some fun!” Soon enough, they were all dancing, sometimes with different girls sometimes just with each other. Music swallowed their thoughts as they finally were able to let loose. Even Leo danced, letting the music engulf his burdens and whoosh them away. Donatello panted. “I’m going to get something to drink!” He yelled at his brothers. “Get me a water!” Leo yelled back, preoccupied with the peacock girl who had hit on him earlier. Donnie ran to the fridge, grabbing two waters and sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen. He wiped the beading sweat off of his forehead. He spotted a pretty girl, with round blue eyes and bright red hair staring at him from the couch. He quickly averted his gaze, taking a sip from his water. The girl on the couch watched what she thought was a frat boy dressed as a geek turtle. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to work up the courage to talk to the tall and muscular turtle. She pulled her fuzzy pink sweater over her tummy. Oh I shouldn’t have worn this. She thought, peering at the fat on her stomach. Her faced turned an even darker shade of red. She took a deep breath. It’s cool. She thought, he has to be a cosplayer. His costume was so realistic, it’d be hard to believe it if he wasn’t a professional. She stood up to go compliment him on his costume, taking several deep breaths as she approached him. Donnie felt someone tap his shell, he turned around, startled by the pretty blue eyed girl who stood uncomfortably close. “You’re costume is pretty neat!” She yelled over the music. “You’re like a fighting turtle geek hybrid.” She struggled to describe it, only relaxing when Donatello chuckled. “I guess something like that!” She nodded her head. “I’m Penelope,” she introduced herself awkwardly. “Or penny is good too!” She smiled. Donatello’s heart fluttered at the way she batted her eyelashes at him. His throat was suddenly dry and his shell was getting tighter by the second. “Uh Donatello,” his voice cracked. “Or you know, Donnie.” She laughed, and his heart skipped a beat. The world jumped, “Donatello.” His name rolled off her tongue, slowing time down around them, their eyes met and Donnie thought about the way stars were exploding somewhere in the galaxy and he was here, right now, with her. “Do you wanna dance?” He blurted. He froze, his body tensing up with her silence. “Sure!” He stood up, awkwardly smiling as he led her to the corner of the room where his brothers awaited his return. “Hey don there you are!” Yelled leonardo, joyously. “Look guys don’s back!” His brothers roared all patting him on the shell at once, cheering. They all jumped, bumping shoulders. Penny laughed, they all had to be brothers, she thought. And definitely jocks of some sort. The turtles shook the house, making a quite a ruckus. Harmony watched as a tall slim man standing next to penny leaned over, “Look at these jerks.” He commented. She creased her eyebrows, “They’re not jerks, they’re just having fun.” He grabbed her arm, with a firm grip. “Come on let’s get out of here.” He tugged at her, she tried to snatch her arm away from him, but he kept his grip. Harmony tapped Mikey on the shoulder and pointed at them. Donnie turned around, only seeing a man grabbing penny and the disgust on her face. “Hey leave her alone, dude.” Donnie knocked his hand off of penny, slapping it away, Raph stepped forward but Leonardo stopped him, “Donnie’s got this.” He said, standing by in case he really did need them. Penny stepped next to Donnie, wrapping her body around his arm. He cringed, his heart stopped, suddenly everything around him sounded muffled. The man approached Donnie, he poked him in the chest, but all Donnie could think about was the way penny’s skin felt against his. He looked down at the man, obviously intoxicated, suddenly he could hear again, “-bitch.” Was the only word he heard, and Donnie kicked his ankles, knocking the man over, spilling his drink onto his face. He whined, splashing all over the place, struggling to get up. “My dads a lawyer!” He yelled in frustration. “Time to go!” Yelled Leo. Donnie and Mikey grabbed their girls, and ran after Leo and Raphael. By the time they reached the end of the block they were all laughing again. They stopped, letting the girls catch their breath. “Woo!” Exclaimed harmony. “That guy was a class A asshole!” She wiped a tear from her eye, only to create another one by bursting into laughter. “And he was wearing a suit?” She put her hand on penny’s back, as she laughed along with harmony. “Who wears a SUIT to a Halloween party?” She asked, jokingly. “Who knows, maybe he was dressed as his dad ‘the lawyer’” Mikey said mockingly. “Yeah too bad we didn’t get to kick some shell.” Raph grumbled. “So, who’s your friend Donnie?” Asked Leo. Donnie suddenly felt anxious again. “This is Penelope.” He said, stepping beside her. “Or penny’s cool too.” He looked down smiling at her, and she batted her eyelashes at him and his heart swooned all over again.
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
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Harmony West (Michaelangelo) -Outspoken -Blunt also likes blunts -Gets mad easy -works at her mothers antique shop -She’s more experienced then Mikey if you know what I’m sayin -Defends Mikey from his brothers all the time -Butts heads with Leo. -Love language; QUALITY TIME
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Tmnt Loveboat- Chapter 2: Mikey/Harmony
Authors Note: Sorry it took me a while to publish this. I was two pages in and decided to rewrite the whole thing haha. Enjoy. 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 Mikey, Raphael, and Harmony all tiptoed into the lair, being as quiet as they could. "Hey guys." Said Donatello, appearing behind them, making them all scream in unison. "Who's that?" He asked pointing to harmony. She turned around and smiled sheepishly. Mikey spoke before she could, "This is Harmony, we saved her." He said quickly, almost tripping over his words. "And so we had to bring her down here." He smiled, trying to be convincing. "We had to or she would've died." Raphael rolled his eyes at Mikey's lame excuse. "She's Mikey's girlfriend." Raph commented. Donatello's eyes widened. "This is HER?" Harmony put her hand on her hip and stuck her leg out. "So you've heard of me huh?" She said, stealing a glance at Mikey, a smile spreading across her face. "I wish someone would've told me about you guys." She walked up to Donnie. "Nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out. "Harmony west." Donnie reluctantly took her hand in his, shaking it slowly. "Donatello." Donnie looked at Raphael and Mikey, waiting for someone to provide an explanation. Raph just avoided eye contact, and Mikey shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly, they heard the door slam, footsteps walking down the hall, and then there was Leo. They all stared at him expectantly. Leo was confused for a split second before realizing there was a human girl in the midst of them, who was not April O'Neil. "Who is this?" His voice low and almost deadly. Raph stood in front of Mikey, interrupting whatever he was about to say. "It was the only way to save her Leo." Said Raph, knowing he could handle Leo's anger, unlike Mikey who would crumble and bend at Leo's will. He hated making any one unhappy. "You weren't there to make the call so we did." Leo glared at Raph, before moving around him to approach harmony. "Harmony west." She said, introducing herself again. Leo didn't shake her hand, instead keeping his katanas ready at his side for the intruder in his home. "Keep her under control." Leo said, not breaking eye contact. Harmonys face twisted. "I can keep myself under control," she snapped her fingers. "Thank you very much!" Even Raphael was shocked at her defiance. Mikey stepped in front of her putting his hands up in defense. "She's cool Leo." He protested. Leo shot a look at Mikey before walking towards his room. He stopped, sheathing his Katanas as he spoke. "I hope she's worth it." Harmony stared at Leo in a weird combination of horror and anger. "Ok wow you're cool!" She blurted into the silence, waving her hands in the air. Everyone watched her, mouth agape, eyes wide open, shock showering their faces. Mikey quickly stuck his arms out, to keep them apart, "Yes sir." Said Michelangelo jokingly. Leo walked away, rolling his eyes. As soon as Leo was out of earshot the turtles erupted. "I can't believe that just happened!" "Did you see her?" "What the hell, that was crazy!" All three brothers spoke at once. Harmony was relieved they weren't mad at her for standing up to him. "You said that was Leonardo?" She asked. "What's his issue?" Mikey smiled, "He just likes being angsty is all." Harmony rolled her eyes. "So can you guys give me the grand tour now?" "Why not?" Said donatello. Mikey threw one arm over harmony, leading the way. She laughed and blushed as Mikey showcased the lair, making jokes wherever he could, his brothers following closely behind. Harmony was so impressed with what Donatello could do with such an outdated space. "Wow Donnie, you connected internet down here too?" Donnie smiled, glad that someone was asking about his technical miracles. He pushed his glasses up his face. "Well," he chuckled. "I actually just hacked into the internet companies mainframe and since there's so many buildings with internet on top of us, it was just a matter of extending the reach." "I don't really know what that means but wow!" She looked around, wondering how many hours Donnie had put into making their home perfect. "Yup," interrupted Mikey. "My bro here is a technical genius." Donnie was blushing at all the flattery and praise he was getting. "It's nothing really." He waved them off. "Obviously some of his smarts have rubbed off on me." Harmony smiled. "Oh yeah?" She asked. "What's the square root of 64?" Mikey stopped to think for a few minutes. "You know that's just not fair." "8 Mikey," said Donatello. "It's 8." Mikey shrugged, "At least I still have my looks." Raphael shoved Mikey. "Says who?" Harmony was enjoying her time with the turtles, "You guys should really have people over more often." She commented. "See, I'm always saying that!" Exclaimed Mikey. "People would love you guys!" Mikey beamed at harmony. "I mean don't you guys think so?" "I've always said so," Mikey turned to look at his brothers. "but they always told me I was crazy." "Just because you found one human that happens to be over the moon with you," interrupted Raphael. "doesn't mean the rest of 'em will" Harmony furrowed her eyebrows. "Ok negative Nancy some of us will!" She looked back and forth between the turtles. "In fact," Mikey could see an idea forming behind those beautiful brown eyes. "Halloween is next week and there's a party I was going to," she waited for them to understand what she was saying, but they all just looked at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "You guys should come with me!" They looked at each other, waiting for someone to answer. "I'm down!" Said Mikey "I suppose we could..." Donnie trailed off. "Whatever." Said Raph. Harmony smiled. "So I'll take that as a yes from all 4 of you!" "I don't think Leo will be coming babe." Mikey shrugged. "Sorry he's not the partying type." Harmony pouted. "Well, invite him and see what he says." Mikey felt like he could convince Leo to come. "I hate to say this," she replied. "But I should get going some of us actually work in the morning." She joked. "We'll walk you home!" Offered Mikey. "Go by yourself." Spat raph. "Stay out of trouble." Said donatello, waving goodbye as they walked away. "Be home soon." Mikey yelled back at them, as he shut the door, leaving his brothers behind him, and the world with harmony in front.
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Anyone want a chapter 2 to tmnt loveboat?
asking for a friend.
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
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Mostly from the tmnt loveboat series except the girl with the floofy hair is from an x reader fic and I was trying to picture what she would look like. The first two are harmonys apartment in chapter 3 and what I think it would look like. The row of girls is all of the girls from the loveboat series. And the last one is a fanart I never finished. #story of my life duh
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
So I wanted to make it easy for people to find all of my fics, and have a way for you to easily binge read everything. So here’s something that should help. Also please remember that my blog is for 18+ so a lot of this content is NSFW ( I didn’t include every HC sorry but hopefully this helps.)* 
Mating season: 
An x reader series that starts with the reader sleeping with all four brothers. It turns into a poly/ reverse harem type of situation. 
Part 1 (Leonardo) // Part 2 (Donatello) // Part 3 (Raphael) // Part 4 (Michelangelo) // Part 5 (Aftermath) // Part 6 // Drabble (Not canon) //
Tmnt Loveboat series: 
This is a series I started with my own original characters/ love interests. It’s about how they meet their girlfriends and all the crazy shenanigans they get into.
Chapter 1 (Mikey/Harmony) // Chapter 2 (Mikey/Harmony) // Chapter 3 (Mikey/Harmony) //  
Versus Series:
A series in which the turtles face off against each other, whether it be in battle or for a girl ;)
Leonardo V.S. Raphael // Donatello V.S. Raphael Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 //
Soulmate AU:
A series where the guys find their soulmates. 
Donatello // Raphael // Michelangelo // Leonardo (P1 , P2) //
Jealous tmnt: 
Four separate fics that I made because we love it when they get jealous let's be real. (Tmnt X Reader)
Raphael // Donatello // Michelangelo // Leonardo //
You know what this is *cackles maniacally*
Flowers In The Dojo (Leo X Donnie) //
A series where Casey Jones is a girl and her and Leo have a thing.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 //
Requests and asks:
 These are just fics I have written in response to requests or asks
Impregnation Kink (Raphael) // Leonardo X Chubby Reader // Raphael X Chubby Reader/Rough sex // Donnie X Bad ass Reader // Raphael X Chubby Reader (Fluff) // Raphael X Recently mutated reader // Mikey teases Raph about his crush (2012 // Chubby Reader X Mikey (drug use) // Mikey X Reader X Donnie // Mutation Day Tattoo (Leo X Reader) // Raphael Cuddles // Pregnant; Leo / Don / Raph / Mikey // “I’m happy to die for those I care about” (Leo X Reader) // “I’m so scared of dying.” (donatello x reader) // 
One shots: 
All the fics that don’t get a series, but are so good they don’t need it.
Donatello plays the piano (Donnie X Reader) // (Leo X Reader) Decisions (Part 1) Decisions (Part 2) // A night out (Donnie X Reader) A night out text messages (Part 1) (Part 2) // Accidentally saying his brothers name during sexy stuff (Tmnt X Reader) // Distance (Raphael X Reader) // Dojo (Leonardo X Reader)  // Donatello In Love (Fluff) (Donnie X Reader) // Contrition (Fluffy Raphael X Reader) // Faithless (Mikey X reader) // It’s midnight and I don’t know who I am anymore (Raphael) // Occupied (Donnie X Reader) // TBFT: Raphael // The gift (Donatello x reader) // the Great Love And Downfall (interactive 2016 fic) // At ease (leo x confident chubby reader) // Velotinous (Mikey X Reader) //
 I wasn’t going to include these, but I figured I might as well. Most of these are in responses to asks, but some are just my personal H.C.’s
How would the 2014/16 turtles react if you caught them dancing alone // What would they do on their girlfriends anniversary/ birthday (2016) // What if their crush had four arms, but two are retractable? (2012) // What if they found out you were cheating? (2014/16) // What if they found out their crush has element powers? (2012) // How would they react if you were a victoria secret model? (2014/16) // Turtles react to their 3y.o. saying a bad word (2014/16) // Turtles react to Hyper Masculine GF (2014/16) // Turtles react to gf giving them flowers (2014/16) // Leo’s questions about sex during pregnancy (2014/16) // Turtles react to a friend with Insomnia (2014/16) // Turtles react to their s/o getting amnesia (2014/16) // Turtles react to their S/O hating their mutated turtle self (2014/2016) // Donatello reacts to a naughty night out on Halloween (’14/’16) // Where would the turtles travel if they could? (2014/16) // Turtles react to accidentally kissing their S/O’s twin (2014/16) // Turtles favorite way for their S/O to show affection (2014/16) // Turtles react to crush singing amazingly/stage fright (2014/16) // Turtles react to an S/O who’s constantly horny (2014/16) // Turtles react to S/O being BFF's with splinter (2014/16) // Turtles react to S/O liking his bro’s color more than his (2014/16) // Raphaels girl standing up for him (2012) // (NSSM) Not So Sexy Moments With The Guys // Turtles react to S/O having a year to live (2014/16) // Turtles react to best friend asking to train with them (2014/2016) // Turtles react to s/o getting a bruise from biking (2003) // Domestic Headcanons (2016) // College AU Headcanons (2016) // Helping Canadian S/O celebrate Canada’s birthday (2016) // Turtles React to getting caught in a make out session (2016) // Turtles react to stressed out S/O // 
*Last updated November 29th, 2018
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
Working on a lot of stuff.
Chapter 2 of tmnt loveboat is done im writing chapter 3! Also working on all of your lovely asks 😊 tomorrow I won't post much though! It's my sons 1st birthday! So excited !
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