tlouxjimin · 10 years
&&. my trust is gained; not given ;; jae + jimin
     It only took a five minute walk from his apartment to the school he worked for. His hands were in his pockets, & a bag was slung on his shoulder. The sun was barely up, & it was early enough for the rest of Seoul to still be groggy & half-asleep, but Jimin was an early bird. He had to be -- it set an example.
     & example was he.
     The streets were empty, save a few early birds who traversed across the zone. He went over his little list of things to do he that he had mentally inked in his mind. Today he had to introduce a new lesson in math, let the kids practice their pieces, & —— crash!!
     His face & the pavement must have fallen in love because his entire face just crashed on the floor. Books sprawled out of his bag & were strewn across the floor like stars in the sky & the stars in his eyes. He groaned, getting up & collecting his books.
     A sorry from the person who bumped into him would suffice, but in this world a sorry meant nothing & Jimin had no choice but to assent to it. Besides; it was just as impolite & rude to not apologize. "Sorry -- for not looking," brows furrowed as he stuffed the last of his materials into his bag.
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eunji-tlou · 10 years
Sensation’s Temptation | Eunji & Jae
Eunji stumbled down the dark deserted street, a bottle of some random alcoholic liquid she’d taken off a smuggler a few hours ago gripped in her hand. She’d used her military issued machine gun and threatened to turn him in, wearing her old uniform to convince the guy she was still a member of that terrible group of people she’d come to despise. But she guessed her old position did have its perks. It gained her anything she wanted and it struck fear in people’s hearts. Which just added to the self-loathing she was already experiencing.
Toda was the anniversary of her parent’s death. This was the day, 3 years ago, that she had sent a bullet into the heads of the people who had given birth to her, raised her, taught her everything the knew about humanity and life. It was her fault they were gone. If she’d been at home instead of becoming a “war hero”, the might just still be alive. Or at least she would have died with them.
She took another swig from her bottle, pushing through a doorway that seemed familiar to her in her drunken state, but had she been sober she would have realized she was stumbling into someone else’s home, not her own. She plopped herself down onto the couch, a loud, manly burp escaping her lips and she chugged down a bit more liquid. It burnt her throat and made her feel numb. Nothing mattered anymore. She wanted to die. She deserved to die. How many people had she taken life from? How many people had suffered from her mistakes? Too man. It was a wonder she even functioned.
She should have been paying more attention. Her senses were off and her walls were down, a rarity for her. Had she been paying attention, she might have noticed the other presence in the room. 
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velveteenreaction · 10 years
Antipathy {CL & Youngjae}
Business was booming these days which meant she had a whole lot to do at the workshop. On that particular day though she was leaving her workshop as she was in dire need of supplies. She had been commissioned a customization from one of her fellow Firefly so it was something she wanted to fulfill to the best of her capabilities. That meant that she needed top notch scrap metal to poor into her molds. It would take her a while to get it all put together so she had to start as soon as possible. Thus she took the tunnel that would take her under the western walls beyond which she knew she would find what she needed. There was a crumbling office building not too far from the walls that would provide her with the metals she needed.
Having made sure to pack what she needed CL headed out. It was a particularly cloudy day and she didn't like it. It was Typhoon season so she hoped none of that would be happening, especially in the next few weeks. She had shit to get done and typhoons weren't about to ruin her schedule. Just in case, she made a mental note to ask some of her more scientific friends about this gloomy weather.
As she approached the building that held the tunnel's entrance she spotted something, or rather someone, she hadn't anticipated. "Oh great." Out of all the people in the Korean peninsula to be standing right there at that moment it had to be this guy. "Yoo Youngjae." Even the name tasted bitter as it came out of her mouth. "So this is why the weather's so shitty today. What misdeed have I done recently to deserve such bad karma?" She was sure the man had heard her as she was merely a few meters away from him and getting closer. "Don't you have anywhere better to be? Like, I don't know... dying in some ditch somewhere?"
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xtlouikumi-blog · 10 years
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." #tlouxjae
For what was supposed to be an easy task, the splintered table hadn’t let up.
The butt of her hatchet was warm where it rested in the space between her arm and side. For what felt to be the hundredth time in the last hour, she stared down at the mess of wood at her feet. Ikumi thought herself to be particularly strong. Military training and the manual handiwork that came with living in a world so very reliant on what could be had with their hands alone. The years spent in the service created lines of definitions in the round of her arms that had been missing while settled naively with her parents. It wasn’t a comfort she regretted, as the time spent growing and learning from the irrevocably two most important people in her life was what allowed her to flourish in the military. At the time she’d been proud of her army successes, but as time went on, and the slow realization that their orders were no less cannibalistic than the mindset of the infected— her attempts to shed military life were a weight on her worn shoulders.
The afternoon heat was bearable in comparison to the sun’s wrath at dawn. Releasing a sigh that was too shallow for someone her age, Ikumi took to raising her hatchet once more over her left shoulder. Measuring the distance, her hands tightened around the wooden handle and she imagined the abandoned table breaking beneath her next chop. It was fantastical to think so highly of herself, but the situation called for a certain sense of confidence she’d lacked in her earlier chops. As she timed a swing that would split the very table down its centre; a rustle from behind slowed her ministration and brought the hatchet to her front where she turned in haggard suspicion. A dark haired man who was no doubt younger than her if the youth hooded in his eyes said as much stood before her. Silence stretched between them for a short moment.
"Take a picture, it’ll last longer," her words were low and her korean haphazard as the language had yet to familiarize itself with the end of her tongue. Annoyance now growing beneath her skin, she swung in one smooth motion, a grunt rattling in her throat and chunks of wood breaking apart and splintering in the air.
The useless audience wasn’t appreciated. 
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