#tine de caigny
calciopics · 2 years
UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 - Italy 0-1 Belgium
Manchester City Academy Stadium - Manchester Group D
Tine De Caigny 49′
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uswnt5 · 1 year
I would like us to sign Tine de Caigny. She's a Belgian attacking midfielder (so won't be going to the World Cup since Belgium didn't qualify), 25 years old, plays for Hoffenheim in Germany and her contract ends in June so she will be available on a free transfer. She was highest goal scorer in Euros qualifying with 12 goals, and scored the only goal in Belgium's 1-0 win over Italy in the Euros. She's also close to 6 feet tall.
Oh nice! Someone tell Angela!
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ruletaonlineenvivo · 1 month
¿Cuál es la historia del equipo de fútbol femenino del RSC Anderlecht?
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¿Cuál es la historia del equipo de fútbol femenino del RSC Anderlecht?
Origen del equipo de fútbol femenino de RSC Anderlecht
El equipo de fútbol femenino del RSC Anderlecht tiene sus raíces en la larga historia y tradición del club. Fundado en 1971, el RSC Anderlecht es uno de los clubes de fútbol más antiguos y prestigiosos de Bélgica. A lo largo de los años, el club ha sido conocido por su éxito en el fútbol masculino, ganando múltiples títulos de liga y copas nacionales.
Sin embargo, no fue hasta 2013 que el RSC Anderlecht decidió establecer un equipo femenino. Con el crecimiento y la popularidad del fútbol femenino en todo el mundo, el club reconoció la importancia de expandir su enfoque para incluir también a las mujeres. Así nació el equipo femenino del RSC Anderlecht, con el objetivo de competir al más alto nivel y fomentar el talento femenino en el deporte.
Desde su creación, el equipo de fútbol femenino del RSC Anderlecht ha logrado grandes éxitos, ganando múltiples títulos de liga y copas nacionales. Las jugadoras han demostrado su habilidad y dedicación en el campo, atrayendo a una base de seguidores cada vez mayor y consolidando su posición como uno de los equipos femeninos más destacados de Bélgica.
Con una rica historia y un legado de excelencia en el fútbol, el equipo de fútbol femenino del RSC Anderlecht continúa inspirando a nuevas generaciones de mujeres futbolistas y demostrando el poder del deporte para unir a las personas y romper barreras de género.
Jugadoras destacadas del RSC Anderlecht femenino
El RSC Anderlecht femenino es uno de los equipos más emblemáticos y exitosos del fútbol femenino en Bélgica. Entre las jugadoras destacadas que han dejado huella en este equipo se encuentran varias figuras que han brillado tanto dentro como fuera de las canchas.
Una de las jugadoras más destacadas del RSC Anderlecht femenino es Tine De Caigny, quien ha demostrado un impresionante talento goleador y una habilidad excepcional para liderar al equipo en momentos clave. También es importante mencionar a Laura De Neve, una centrocampista versátil y creativa que ha sido fundamental en la construcción del juego del equipo.
Otra jugadora que ha dejado su marca en el RSC Anderlecht femenino es Sarah Wijnants, una defensora sólida y comprometida que ha sido un pilar en la línea defensiva del equipo. Por su parte, Laura Deloose ha destacado por su visión de juego y su capacidad para marcar la diferencia en el mediocampo.
Estas jugadoras destacadas del RSC Anderlecht femenino han contribuido de manera significativa al éxito y la trayectoria del equipo en el fútbol belga y europeo. Su talento, dedicación y pasión por el deporte las han convertido en referentes para las nuevas generaciones de futbolistas y han inspirado a muchas niñas a seguir sus pasos en el mundo del fútbol femenino.
Logros y títulos del equipo femenino de RSC Anderlecht
El equipo femenino del RSC Anderlecht es uno de los más exitosos en Bélgica, habiendo logrado numerosos logros y títulos a lo largo de su historia. El club ha sido un referente en el fútbol femenino belga y europeo, demostrando un alto nivel de competitividad y profesionalismo en cada una de sus participaciones.
Uno de los logros más destacados del equipo femenino del RSC Anderlecht fue la conquista de la Superliga Femenina de Bélgica en la temporada 2018-2019, donde demostraron su superioridad en el campeonato local. Además, han logrado obtener varios títulos de Copa de Bélgica femenina, consolidándose como uno de los equipos más fuertes del país.
A nivel internacional, el equipo ha participado en competiciones europeas como la UEFA Women's Champions League, destacando por su desempeño y compromiso en cada encuentro. Aunque no han logrado conquistar este prestigioso torneo, han demostrado ser un rival competitivo y capaz de enfrentarse a los mejores equipos del continente.
El RSC Anderlecht femenino se ha destacado por su labor en el desarrollo del fútbol femenino en Bélgica, fomentando la participación de mujeres en este deporte y promoviendo la igualdad de género en el ámbito deportivo. Gracias a su dedicación y esfuerzo, el equipo ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los referentes del fútbol femenino en Europa, cosechando éxitos y títulos que enorgullecen a su afición y al club en general.
Entrenadores históricos del equipo femenino de RSC Anderlecht
El equipo femenino del RSC Anderlecht ha tenido a lo largo de su historia entrenadores destacados que han dejado una huella imborrable en el club. Desde sus inicios, el equipo ha contado con profesionales dedicados y apasionados que han contribuido al desarrollo y éxito de la disciplina en la institución.
Uno de los entrenadores históricos más emblemáticos del equipo femenino de RSC Anderlecht es María Vargas, quien lideró al equipo a múltiples victorias en la liga nacional y en competiciones internacionales. Su enfoque táctico y su capacidad para motivar a las jugadoras la convirtieron en una figura clave en la historia del club.
Otro entrenador destacado en la historia del equipo femenino de RSC Anderlecht es Martín Gutierrez, quien revolucionó el estilo de juego del equipo y lo llevó a conquistar importantes títulos durante su mandato. Su visión innovadora y su dedicación al desarrollo de las jugadoras dejaron una marca indeleble en la institución.
Gracias al arduo trabajo y la dedicación de entrenadores como María Vargas y Martín Gutierrez, el equipo femenino de RSC Anderlecht ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los referentes en el fútbol femenino a nivel nacional e internacional. Su legado perdurará en la memoria de los aficionados y en la historia del club por muchos años más.
Estadísticas y datos actuales del RSC Anderlecht femenino
El equipo femenino del RSC Anderlecht es una fuerza a tener en cuenta en el fútbol femenino belga y europeo. Con un historial lleno de éxitos y un futuro prometedor, este equipo ha logrado consolidarse como uno de los referentes en la escena futbolística actual.
En la actualidad, el RSC Anderlecht femenino cuenta con un plantel de jugadoras talentosas y comprometidas que han demostrado su valía tanto en la liga belga como en competiciones internacionales. Con una defensa sólida, un centro del campo creativo y una delantera letal, el equipo se ha destacado por su estilo de juego ofensivo y dinámico.
Además, en cuanto a estadísticas, el RSC Anderlecht femenino ha logrado importantes victorias ante equipos de renombre y se mantiene en las primeras posiciones de la tabla de clasificación en la liga belga. Con una impresionante cantidad de goles a favor y una defensa bien organizada, el equipo ha demostrado ser un rival difícil de vencer en cada partido que disputa.
En resumen, el RSC Anderlecht femenino es un equipo en ascenso que ha sabido ganarse un lugar entre los mejores equipos del fútbol femenino. Con un grupo de jugadoras talentosas, un cuerpo técnico experimentado y el apoyo de su afición, este equipo promete seguir cosechando éxitos y dejando su huella en la historia del deporte.
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pajorko · 8 months
I saw that one of the Champions league round 1 mini tournaments will be hosted in Poland by Katowice. I don't know how far that is from where you live, but have you thought about going? One of the teams playing will be Brann, which has some Norwegian internationals (and Ada Hegerberg's sister) and Anderlecht will be there as well with some Belgian internationals (including Tine de Caigny, who just left Hoffenheim this summer).
Hey! Katowice are ~3 hours by train from where I live. I can't go to see the semis on Wednesday because of work, but I've been thinking about going there on Saturday. For now I think I won't go there, because there are no come back trains after the match and I kinda don't feel confident in staying alone at night in the city I don't know 😅 but I'm still considering it, so we'll see!
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ofewo30502 · 2 years
롤 동인지 야스 kda 만화 아리 짤 카이사 서브 레딧 주소
롤 동인지 야스 kda 만화 아리 짤 카이사 서브 레딧 주소 알려드리겠습니다.
야짤 롤 kda 만화 픽시브 모음 <
롤 서브 레딧 주소 둥지지기 블로그 작가 작품 롤 만화 잭스 카 이사 짤 겨드랑이 추천 합니다.
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스웨덴은 금요일 밤 맨체스터 근처의 리 스포츠 빌리지 롤 동인지 야스 kda 만화 아리 짤 카이사 서브 레딧 주소 경기장에서 벨기에를 1-0으로 이겼습니다.
스웨덴은 대회 최다 랭킹 팀이지만 메이저 대회 사상 첫 8강전을 치른 레드 플레임스를 상대로 무승부를 기록했다. 스웨덴은 킥오프 후 곧바로 강팀으로 떠올랐다. 벨기에 골키퍼 니키 에브라드가 6분에 맨체스터 시티의 필리파 앙겔달의 스트라이크를 막아냈다.
스웨덴 수비수 막달레나 에릭손(오른쪽)이 벨기에 스트라이커 테사 불라에르트(왼쪽) 옆에서 공을 차고 있다. Blågult의 수많은 시도가 뒤따랐습니다. 겨우 10분 후, 파리 생제르맹의 수비수 아만다 일레스테트가 공격적인 헤딩슛을 페널티 지역으로 보냈지만, 스티나 블랙스테니우스가 다시 한 번 득점을 시도하기 전에 공을 꽉 잡은 벨기에 에브라르가 이를 빠르게 거부했습니다. Blackstenius이(가) 벨기에 수비수들의 무리를 돌파하기 위해 놀라운 질주를 한 후 하단 코너로 슛을 날리자 관중들은 기대에 가득 차 있었습니다. 그러나 스웨덴의 세레머니는 VAR이 골 오프사이드로 판정하면서 중단됐다. 벨기에의 첫 경기 기회는 미드필더 Justine Vanhaevermaet의 25야드 시도가 왼쪽 골대를 지나쳤습니다. 스웨덴은 하프타임 전에 리드를 확보하기 위해 맹렬한 시도를 했지만 Blackstenius가 Evrard를 지나치는 공을 얻지 못한 후 실패했습니다.
스웨덴의 Johanna Rytting Kaneryd(왼쪽)가 벨기에의 Tine De Caigny(오른쪽)와 함께 헤딩슛을 시도하고 있습니다. 저녁이 되자 스웨덴과 벨기에는 연장전에서 연장전을 펼치고 기회를 놓치지 않는 것처럼 보였습니다. Angeldahl은 강력한 스트라이크를 쳤지만 크로스바 바로 위에 놓쳤습니다. 전 레알 마드리드 스타인 코소바레 아슬라니가 페널티 에어리어로 프리킥을 휘둘렀지만 에브라드는 블랙스테니우스의 중력을 거스르는 헤딩을 막아냈습니다. 그러나 벨기에의 저항은 92분에 스웨덴이 코너킥을 얻었고 Sembrant가 Evrard를 지나치는 공을 쳐서 골문 롤 동인지 야스 kda 만화 아리 짤 카이사 서브 레딧 주소뒤쪽을 찾았을 때 마침내 깨졌습니다.
Sembrant가 벨기에를 상대로 결승골을 축하하고 있습니다. UEFA 웹사이트에 따르면 벨기에의 공격수 테사 불라에르트는 "우리는 그들에게 우리가 누구인지 보여줬다. 추가 시간까지 골을 넣었다. 많은 것을 의미한다"고 말했다. "우리는 처음부터 약자였지만 팀으로서는 정말 잘했습니다. 그것이 이번 대회에서 기억하고 싶습니다." Sembrant는 경기 후 기자들에게 "우리는 정말 열심히 밀었고, 후반전에 정말 골을 넣었습니다."라고 말했습니다. "공이 들어가는 것을 봤을 때의 기분을 설명하기가 어렵습니다. 놀랍고 놀랍고 팀 전체와 함께 축하하고 싶었기 때문에 관중석으로 달려갔습니다." 스웨덴은 7월 31일 웸블리 스타디움 입장권을 놓고 화요일 밤 셰필드의 브라몰 레인에서 4강전에서 잉글랜드와 맞붙는다.
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gaywoso · 3 years
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Euro 2021 Qualification top scorers and assisters so far, as the 2019 stage of the qualifiers ends.
Caroline Graham Hansen leading the way with 10 goals and 6 assist after only 4 games!
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nco05 · 4 years
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If you're able to see it, Tine De Caigny scored 5 times tonight! Normally a center midfielder but Serneels [Ives, the coach] moved her up due to one of our forwards being injured. The other goal was an owngoal. How we didn't score more? Idk, we had 37 goal attempts! 37! LITHUANIA HAD 1!
I'm glad we got to be a part of the party for a 3rd time!
RED FLAMES ON FIRE! 💥💣 Ladies it was an honour to witness your greatness! The road to Euros has just begun... but this is certainly not the end!
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majris · 7 years
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leaschuller · 3 years
Hoffenheim are really, really good and I think most of their players come from their academy, right? Proper team. I'm pretty curious how they will perform in the Champions League next year
Hoffenheim are insanely talented and only just starting on their road to investing well, most of their talent come through their academy yeah and they’ve recently signed Tine De Caigny from Belgium as well as our Gia Corley, even though they’re losing Lattwein and Waßmuth they still have a lot of great young talent, I think other teams will have a pretty tough time against them in the CL.
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mysterygirl51 · 5 years
Belgium's another one of those heavily gay teams ☺🌈
Yeah I discovered that today!! Love it :) From what I found, there are at least 8 gay / bi players on the team and out of those there are 3 couples:
- Diede Lemey and Ella van Kerkhoven
- Justien Odeurs and Laura Deloose
-Nicky Evrard and Shari van Belle
The other two gay / bi players are Tine de Caigny and Elke van Gorp. Julie Biesmans might be gay / bi, from her Instagram it looks a lot like she has a girlfriend but I’m not 100% sure. Anyway, love the representation🌈 ! Also funnily all the couples have a goalkeeper in them!
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ashtonreports · 3 years
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Tine De Caigny lauréate du premier trophée de Red Flame de l'année
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Lowdown on Belgium Women’s football team
England Women face Belgium on Thursday 29 August in what will be the Lionesses’ first match since they finished fourth at the 2019 World Cup.
The two sides faced each other twice in Euro 2017 qualifying.
Janice Cayman scored as Belgium earned a 1-1 draw in Rotherham in April 2016, the first meeting between the nations for 22 years, before goals by Nikita Parris and Karen Carney helped England win 2-0 in Leuven five months later to seal the Lionesses’ place at the Euro finals.
The lowdown
Belgium narrowly missed out on a place at France 2019, only losing to Switzerland on away goals in the play-off semi-finals.
Belgium v England
A Women’s International
6.30pm BST, Thurs 29 Aug
Den Dreef Stadium, Leuven
Live on BBC Two
The Red Flames had finished runners-up to Italy in qualifying group 6 before a 2-2 draw in Leuven and a 1-1 draw in Biel sealed their fate. It would have been Belgium’s first-ever appearance at the World Cup finals.
Eleven players in the current squad were part of the matchday 18 that last faced England, in September 2016.
The squad
Goalkeepers: Nicky Evrard, Justine Odeurs, Diede Lemey, Lisa Lichtfus
Defenders: Julie Biesmans, Maud Coutereels, Laura De Never, Laura Deloose, Heleen Jaques, Davina Philtjens, Charlotte Tison, Shari van Belle
Midfielders: Marie Minnaert, Kassandra Missipo, Lenie Onzia, Justine van Haevermaet
Forwards: Janice Cayman, Elena Dhont, Tine de Caigny, Lisa Petry, Davinia van Mechelen, Elke van Gorp, Ella van Kerkhoven, Chloe van de Velde, Tessa Wullaert.
Head coach
 – Ives Serneels
Ives Serneels spent nine seasons at Lierse as a player and was part of the 1996–97 First Division title-winning team.
When he was appointed head coach of the Belgium women’s team in 2011, the Red Flames were ranked 32nd in the world. They have been on an upward trajectory ever since and are now 19th in the rankings.
Notable players
 – Tessa Wullaert
Fans of the Barclays FA WSL will be familiar with Belgium forward Tessa Wullaert.
The Red Flames’ all-time leading goalscorer joined Manchester City in June 2018 and won both the FA Women’s Continental League Cup and Women’s FA Cup in her first season at the Academy Stadium.
 – Janice Cayman
Cayman, like England duo Parris and Alex Greenwood, joined European champions Lyon this summer.
An attacking midfielder of some repute, the 30-year-old won the NWSL with Western New York Flash in 2016 before plundering 18 goals in two seasons at Montpellier.
Cayman scored in the 1-1 draw with England in April 2016 and was also on target in Belgium’s World Cup play-off semi-final defeat by Switzerland.
Previous meetings
England and Belgium have faced each other 11 times including their first meeting in 1978.
The Lionesses have the upper hand in these previous encounters, winning eight matches and losing just once, in 1980.
31 Oct 78 England 3-0 Belgium, Southampton 1 May 80 England 1-2 Belgium, Ostende 20 Aug 84 England 1-1 Belgium, Jesolo 25 Aug 84 England 2-1 Belgium, Caorle 14 May 89 England 2-0 Belgium, Epinal 17 Mar 90 England 3-0 Belgium, Ypres 7 Apr 90 England 1-0 Belgium, Sheffield 6 Nov 93 England 3-0 Belgium, Coxyde 13 Mar 94 England 6-0 Belgium, Nottingham 8 Apr 16 England 1-1 Belgium, Rotherham 20 Sep 16 England 2-0 Belgium, Leuven
Source link . More news
via wordpress https://ift.tt/2LcImql
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gaywoso · 4 years
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Anderlecht beat Glasgow City in group opener
Glasgow City suffered a 2-1 defeat by Anderlecht in the opening game of Champions League Group 3 at Edinburgh’s Oriam.
Ella Van Kerkhoven headed Anderlecht in front, before City’s Leanne Ross hit the post with a penalty minutes later.
Elke Van Gorp doubled the Belgians’ lead when she got beyond the defence to knock the ball past goalkeeper Lee Alexander.
Lara Ivanusa scored a late consolation for City from close range.
It leaves City with a mountain to climb in order to progress, with only the winner of the group guaranteed a place in the last 32 – the stage Glasgow have reached in each of the past three seasons.
City also play FC Martve of Georgia on Friday and GKS Gornik Leczna of Poland on Monday, with all group matches at the Oriam.
City out of their comfort zone
Deposed from their home city due to Glasgow hosting the European Championships, City had set up camp along the M8.
Head coach Scott Booth helped swell the crowd numbers, serving a touchline ban after being sent to the stand in last season’s painful last-32 knockout to Kazygurt.
They started the better side without troubling the visitors’ goal. Abbi Grant and Leanne Crichton missed the target from close range, before Ross’ penalty nightmare came back to haunt her.
It was her spot-kick miss in October last year that proved decisive as City were knocked out by Kazygurt on away goals.
After Anderlecht’s Van Gorp had handled in the box, Ross drilled the ball off the post then failed to finish the rebound after goalkeeper Justien Odeurs had pushed it away.
It was a cruel blow, but it summed up City’s afternoon – plenty of chances but Odeurs barely having reason to muddy her gloves.
Substitute Jenna Clark passed up a glorious chance at 2-0 down, somehow skewing her shot wide. That proved pivotal, with Ivanusa’s finish in added time coming after Kirsty Howat’s shot was saved a mere consolation.
Anderlecht stature
The Belgian champions started slow but when they got going they were clinical.
A minute after Stefania Vitafu had fired their first chance over the bar from a free-kick in 24 minutes, Van Kerkhoven could not miss with a near-post header.
That they scored with a header was little surprise. They were taller all over the park, happy to pack their own box and let City aim crosses into their back line.
Sarah Wijnants could have doubled the lead in 57 minutes, Alexander denying her with a great save low down.
Tine De Caigny then should have buried a header when Laura Deloose picked her out unmarked.
But with seven minutes left Van Gorp was able to exploit a gap in the City defence and place the ball beyond Alexander.
BBC Sport – Scottish
Anderlecht beat Glasgow City in group opener was originally published on 365 Football
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