#tigra luckhorn
woozyintyria · 2 months
if all your charr had to do one of those escape room puzzles together, how would it go?
oh man. if ALL my charr were in an escape room? to be clear, this collective includes: no less than 2 legion defects, at least 1 war criminal, 1 priory archon, 2 loyal soldiers, 1 inquest agent, 2 mists-originating charr, 1 asura, 1 ex lunatic, 1 wine grandma, and 2 pirates.
I think things might get a little chaotic.
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ecunderbase · 1 year
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May’s VS Art Party sketches >:3 👍
I didn’t get anyone’s usernames again, so please help me figure out who all these toons belong to >:’3 and sorry if any of the poses are OOC U_U I gotta pose ‘em or I turn into dust and blow away on the wind
Explorer Zoxu - @guildwuff2 Albus Apollo - @elismistscorner Tigra Luckhorn - @woozyintyria Ketki - @golden-golem Heulwin - @dalennaugw Stiubhart - @shroomlet
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woozyintyria · 1 year
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tigra gets a little kiss too, as a treat
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woozyintyria · 2 years
Tigra as a cub with her mom for a weekly prompt in an art server.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
Finished this ballpoint doodle after noodling on it for a few days at work. The scarf was surprisingly fun to work on, though way more detail than I usually like to draw. Might doodle someone else after this, not sure who though.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
Hello can I ask for some Tigra facts!
You can ALWAYS get Tigra facts!
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Tigra doesn't drink alcohol! It makes her hands shake and she doesn't know why, so she avoids it whenever she can.
She has a golemite named Ditt-0 that she borrowed from a friend. They're never getting it back though, its hers now. It hangs out in her scarf a lot!
She learned how to make golems under the tutelage of that same friend! She made a golemite for her boss with a voice module she personally recorded to help keep him company and keep him in line as a Wintersday gift. It was subsequently named PostScript!
Tigra met her girlfriend through work. For their first mission, they were hired to explore an experimental portal, and consequently had to fight their way through an overrun asura lab somewhere in the mists. They kept in touch afterwards, and things progressed from there.
Tigra's nose wiggles when she's happy.
Tigra's named after her mom, though she doesn't remember anything about her. She got spots like her dad instead of her mom's stripes.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
1 for cha cha, 4 for tigra (I know the answer but i luv hearing about them), and 7 for moi?
Ahh thank you for asking! You picked some fun ones!
For Cha Cha: Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What's their deal?
Oh man. What isn't Cha Cha's deal? Cha Cha was originally an Apex from Starbound that I ported over to GW2. (as a nod to this, he has a little gorilla totem necklace he always wears.) The original train of thought was just the very hilarious juxtaposition of a very, very serious man with a very, very silly name. Expanding on that, he's an ex-vigil warmaster who blames himself for the death of his squad, and is hell-bent on finding his father to get revenge for the rest of their family. Also he despises necromancers! Which is why it's always fun to write him interacting with them.
For Tigra: Do they have a family or people they view as family?
Tigra has LOTS of family friends! Her immediate family as of late are her girlfriend Veloxia, her boss, and her boss's kids. She has a bio dad, though their relationship is mostly non-existent. They're cordial, but neither really know how to talk to the other. Her first family from when she "woke up" is going to be Rowef, her sylvari mentor and rescuer in the jungle, Ailotta the sylvari mesmer friend of Rowef's, and Svadi, the son of svanir clone of Ailotta. She was also very close with many of the Nuhoch in Teku Nuhoch, though I haven't named any in her backstory. She still goes back and visits the Nuhoch as much as she can!
For Moiamyian: Do they have a favorite mount?
Moi really likes skimmers! he really likes all sorts of fishy things, honestly. He also used to be deathly afraid of raptors, which was hilarious when his friend got a baby raptor and he basically crawled on top of a table to get away from it.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
Found some old rp screenshots and I-
*clutches my heart*
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Caelum fondly remembered the woman Tigra had once been. Tigra had no memory, attachment, or want to "return" to her old life. The two butted heads often because of it.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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Trips and more pictures of Tigra fall out of my pockets
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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They knew each other, once.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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Rebuilding a father-daughter relationship is hard when neither of you know the other very well anymore, if at all.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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Doodled a Tigra with some different hairstyles, plus a lil standing nap.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
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A few people said they liked Tigra so I had to doodle her reaction to such information.
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woozyintyria · 2 years
ok so I need to go to bed but I wanted to do a loose thing of Tigra visiting her home for the first time in years because I got emotional. anwyways ignore that it’s unfinished
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It’s empty. She can’t remember the last time she visited, but it’s just as empty as it was the day she left, and she remembers why she hasn’t been back. The tree that was shaped into a home is shaping itself back into just a tree, and the jungle has reclaimed everything left behind. This is the last time she’ll come back; the past never did her any favors anyways.
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woozyintyria · 3 years
Can i get uuuuh 👋 💋 💬 for tigra and 🤯 for your pick?
Ooh yes yes! good choice. Lemme just put this under a cut to keep things clean.
👋 - meeting
Before you have too much time to wonder just whose rambunctious progeny this is, you hear a voice pipe up.
"Vette! There y'are, don't go runnin off like that!"
Making her way through the crowds, a yellow charr of average height waves and stops before you to kneel; the progeny zips into her arms with a giggle, only to mischievously start digging into her pockets. The charr gives you a grateful smile, not minding being Vette's living climbing wall.
"Thanks fer catchin her. Jungle knows I'd've lost m'mind if she'd gotten into any trouble. Hope she wasn't a bother to ya... Can I get y'somethin fer yer troubles at least?"
💋 - good end
Somewhere between the smell of cooking breakfast and the gentle prodding of sunlight you finally stirred from sleep, finding the spot besides you empty but warm. Your nose leads you to peek out the curtains cutting off the bed from the rest of the living space, and you see Tigra standing over the stove.
She turns and smiles when she spots you, limping to the short table carefully to set down a plate of sausage. She fiddles a little with her undershirt, pulling a stray thread loose before clearing her throat.
"G'mornin! I ah, wanted t'do somethin fer you. Y'know, somethin nice t'thank y'with. I'm just glad yer stayin, so... Welcome home. It ain't much, but we'll make it somethin nice together."
💬 - scene in another character's route
"Don't take it t'personally, he's always prickly. He means well."
A voice behind you perks up with a knowing chuckle, and when you turn around you see his assistant. Or was it bodyguard? The yellow charr gives you a warm smile and a small wave with one hand, the other arm roped around some broken remnants of a golem. As if to console you, she pulls out a honey stick and offers it to you.
"Give 'im some time t'cool off'n then he'll be good as new, aye? In th'meantime, mind givin me a hand?"
🤯 - secret ending
"That was three questions."
You didn't need to be a genius to see the ghost had grown impatient. From the steady flick of her tail tip, the ever-present scowl, or the way she stares like you were some dead thing on her doorstep... Though the brown charr sat hunched over in her chair, the flicker of red magic glowing from her good eye poking out from under her mop of black hair, she looks like she could get up and chase you at a moment's notice.
"You have five minutes to leave this place. Vanish elsewhere into the mists or return to Tyria for all I care. If you linger, I will know."
With a nod, you stand and leave as she bids, her gaze boring into your back long after you've exited her cave. Three questions wasn't a lot, but Grauul was not known for her patience. Besides, you've escaped the necromancer's den unscathed. That was something to be proud of.
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