#thunderfam unite
cg29 · 3 years
Wait... Do you mean this Virgil
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Or this one...
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Exhausted Virg, Virg in danger or injured Virg...
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Then there’s shy Virgil...
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And wrapped up warm Virg...
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Mmm 🤔 All of them are loveable, oh and if you’ve not yet worked it out Anon the answers No! No, I will not stop posting anything containing this wonderful guy.
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If you don’t like it then you know where the unfollow button is!
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misssquidtracy · 3 years
Happy Christmas Fam <3
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A homemade Christmas card for the Thunderfam (please excuse the terrible ink stamp on the inside page), because you are all amazing beyond words. I started this blog seven months ago with the intention of sharing my love for the Thunderbirds, but never imagined I’d meet so many amazing people and make so many incredible friends in the process.
The last year and a half have been shit. I buckled under the stress of my job in May 2019 and had a full blown breakdown that culminated in me having to walk away from the profession I loved (teaching). Two weeks later, I discovered that my partner at the time was cheating on me. One month after that, my father fell ill, and I returned home to help my mother care for him over the next seven months while holding down a full-time job. He struggled with extreme anxiety which eventually developed into schizophrenia. Managing his deteriorating mental health alongside my own was incredibly difficult and stressful. My lowest point came one evening when I was driving home after a long day at work and suddenly realised just how isolated I’d become. Between my dad’s illness and my own issues, I’d gotten to the point where I was convinced that I was beyond help. I remember pulling into a lay-by on that horrible rainy day, putting my hazard lights on, and calling the Samaritans helpline. There wasn’t a road I knew that led to anywhere.
My dad was hospitalised in January of this year after threatening to take his life. His paranoia had gotten to the point where he no longer believed that I was his daughter, and I had to take my birth certificate in on the first few occasions when I visited him. It was horrendous.
He is now fully recovered and better than ever, thank goodness. It’s taken a while for me to accept him back into my life and trust him again, but I am so thankful for the second chance we’ve been given. Mental health is a silent killer, and I have made it my mission to stand by those who are fighting it or have fought it, be that yesterday, today, or tomorrow. 
You are not alone.
Joining this fandom has been one of the best things that has happened to me over the last year and a half. Coming on here brings me heaps of enjoyment and offers my muse so much creative inspiration. My year may have started off crap, but thanks to all of you amazing people, it has ended well (hopefully - there’s still 2 weeks to go!). I love you all 💛
@willow-salix @inertplanetary @olliepig @hedwigstalons @godsliltippy @lunalittlemiss @gumnut-logic @ak47stylegirl @gentlebluelizard @eirabach @weathergirl8 @bonsaiiiiiii @psychoseal @1bluesilvertracy @vegetacide @mrseviltedi @hodgehegposts @janetm74 @fictivekaleidoscope @angelofbenignmalevolence @5hadow-alpha @fallenfurther @islandsandstars2 @scarlett3drag0n @thunderskybird @soniabigcheese​ @seathesilverlinings @the-lady-razorsharp @flyboytracy @nibenhutracycas @photowizard17 @myladykayo @mae-the-4th @thundergeek59 @tsarinatorment @thunderbird-one-ai @rachfielden-xo @fearlesstracy @kenzie-running-free @riotraze @gordonthegreatesttracy @tinglingsquidsense @neuroticphysiologist @womble1 @misstb2 @drileyf @weirdburketeer @louthestarspeaker @singmetothesun @galentaliel @kattenjager1 @such-a-random-rambler @melmac78 @dragonoffantasyandreality @plantmuffin @avengedbiologist @strongerwiththepack @shirubie @issychatter @nourelle-tracy @dreamycloud​ @i-am-chidorixblossom​ @katblu42​ @tartyone​
I know there will be a few people who I’ve forgotten to tag. I’ve checked my SOS list and scrolled as far through my home feed as I can. Please feel free to tag any Fam members who I’ve forgotten. This message applies to all of you <3
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louthestarspeaker · 3 years
I know I'm just about last to say this, but it's just gone twelve o'clock where I live so I just wanted to say
I haven't been around too much these last couple weeks, cause college apps have been lowkey kicking my butt, but I just made deadline so that's a weight off my shoulders for now. (Mini celebration cause I just submitted my first ever college application 😆😆😆 just gotta do that a couple more times now 🙃🙃🙃)
And now I've got time to catch up on all the great fanfic you guys have been putting out!! I still have to catch up on all your Christmas stories! My reading list is gonna be filled for quite some time 😆 And hopefully I'll be able put out something of my own *pokes at the muses*
Anyway, here's to a new year! I hope it treats you all kindly, you wonderful people deserve it 💛💛💛
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cg29 · 3 years
A mixture of a grumpy & tired Virgil - reflective of my current mood 😞🥱😶😣
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If anyone has any TAG or original series pics (fondness for the Virg) that might help brighten my mood then I’d be eternally grateful 💜
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cg29 · 3 years
Today is National Hugging Day - to celebrate I’m sending the entire Thunderfam a great big virtual hug 🤗 along with some smiling happy Tracy’s who wanted to join in 💙💚🧡💛❤️
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misssquidtracy · 3 years
A note for the ‘Fam <3
Hi guys <3
So the UK is now commencing Lockdown 3.0, which although necessary, will be causing some people a great deal of stress and anxiety. Being required (by law) to stay home 24/7 will no doubt be a daunting and depressing prospect for many people, and it’s more important than ever that we look out for each other as we approach the home stretch.
I am not intimately familiar with the lockdown situations in other countries, but know that people everywhere are continuing to make sacrifices and adjust their lifestyles around the ongoing yet traumatic ‘new normal’. 
On that note, here are a few reminders from a certain family we all know and love.
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💙 Scott Tracy, our resident Sky Turnip, would like to remind you to stick to a routine of sorts. Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time, doing one productive task every day and maintaining a regular meal timetable will help give each day a basic structure that you can rely on, even on the ones when you might not be feeling your best.
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💚 Virgil Tracy, our resident Land Cabbage, would like to remind you to exercise whenever you can in whatever way you can. On a self-care level, exercise is an excellent distraction from anxious and unwelcome thoughts, plus the bonus order of endorphins will regulate sleep and act as natural mood lifters. Walking the dog, a session on the Wii fit or even doing housework are all excellent ways of getting the blood pumping.
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💖 John Tracy, our resident Space Carrot, would like to remind you to drink plenty of water and to eat as healthily as possible. Dehydration is the most common culprit when it comes to fatigue, headaches, and brain fog. Fill a drinks container in the morning and carry it around with you all day to save lots of unnecessary trips to the sink. Snack on fruit, wholemeal toast, veggies with dips (because raw veggies are gross) and nuts. But most importantly...always leave room for dessert!
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💛 Gordon Tracy, our resident Sea Bean, would like to remind you to talk if you’re struggling. One thing that I see repeatedly is people feeling as if they have to be in dire straits before they can ask for help. You don’t. Feel like your thoughts are running away with you? Talk about it. Feel like your situation is spiralling? Talk about it. Feel down for no apparent reason? Talk about it. It takes real bravery to admit when you’re struggling, and sometimes talking can feel like too much. Rest assured, there is ALWAYS someone who will listen, and most importantly, there is ALWAYS someone who will care. If you’re unable to reach out to family and friends for support, turn to your online friends instead. The bonds forged via the internet are often just as strong (and sometimes stronger) than those formed under real life circumstances. Reach out to the Thunderfam. PM someone. Put out an SOS post. Just don’t make suffering in silence an option.
If your situation feels dire, here are some numbers that can help:
UK (Samaritans) - 116 123
USA (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) - 1-800-273-8255
Australia (Lifeline) - 13 11 14
A full list of countries can be found here: 
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❤️ Alan Tracy, our resident Rocket Pea, would like to remind you do things that make you feel good. Allow yourself to get sucked into your favourite video game. Curl up with a mountain of books. Binge fanfic from dawn til dusk. Marinate in a hot bath. Have a lie-in. Cuddle your pets. Spend a day Pinterest browsing for art and craft inspiration. Cook your favourite foods. Watch your favourite films. Indulge in a new Netflix series. Dance around the house in your underwear. Watch the Tracy boys.
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💜 And finally Kayo, our resident Stealth Onion, would like to remind you to limit your social media exposure. While it can be tempting to spend all day on Facebook and Instagram, these platforms offer a distorted view of the lives of others, which can in turn compound existing feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Social media only offers a filtered view of other people’s lives, yet it can do a real number on our self-esteem, especially during a time like this when we’re all feeling a bit more vulnerable than usual.
The same applies for the news. Keep up to date with current events, but don’t become consumed with what’s on the front page. Remember, only bad news sells. There’s plenty of good news out there, but don’t count on the BBC, ABC or CNN to scream about it.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay happy. We’re almost there 💛❤️💙💚
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cg29 · 3 years
A collection of pics for @ak47stylegirl
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misssquidtracy · 3 years
Thunderfam, please unite.
Hi Fam,
I have a massive favour to ask.
One of our beloved family members is struggling. I won’t go into detail as it is not my place to do so, but she has very bravely shared her journey with us on here and has showed us time and time again what true bravery and inner strength looks like.
She is our dear @weathergirl8. 
Author of numerous Thunderbirds masterpieces, including Master of Deflection (which is a personal favourite of mine!), and an all round beautiful human being. She is kind. She is selfless. She is intelligent. She is beautiful (seriously, I wish I had her hair!) And she is brave. So, SO brave.
For several months she has bravely shared her struggles with us. She has fought and battled. She has sustained injuries, but has always gotten back up to fight again. She is the living embodiment of ‘Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight.’ I am so proud of her, and I know for a fact our boys are too.
Her enemies are invisible. They are the devastating combination of OCD, anxiety and depression. A suffocating combination that destroys a person from the inside out. A combination that is so frequently mislabelled as ‘overreacting’. A combination that too often leaves people feeling as if their struggles are their own creation, not a recognised illness that is so awful I can’t even begin to describe it properly.
She has sought professional help, but is not getting the emotional support she needs at the moment. 
She needs our positivity. She needs our kindness. She needs our patience. She needs to know that she is loved and that she is safe here.
She needs us.
I have permission to issue this SOS on her behalf. Let’s join together and show her how both our Fam and the world are better with her in them.
Allie, we’ve got you 💚❤️
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