breitzbachbea · 1 month
🛼🍄 and 📚!
Thank you, Darl!
Writers Truth or Dare
🛼 Describe your latest wip with five emojis
🍄 Share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Not sure if it's my favourite pairing, but I am drawing blanks on the others so - Mads reads fairytales to Lukas sometimes :) He really likes fairytales and Lukas enjoys to share the whimsy with his lover.
📚 What's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
Thortrick fade to black sex scene for Jani. Here's the beginning of it:
She reached his chest and that was it, the man towered over her, with hands that felt twice the size of her on her and a breathing rhythm that reminded her of a cat's purr.
"Don't like all those baggy clothes," he muttered and his voice was so deep and he was so close, body to body, it vibrated from his chest right into her ears. "Call me a pig or whatever, but I do like a short skirt on a long leg."
"Then what do you want with me, Patrick?" She whispered back, grin on her lips and she could almost feel the one on his.
"Want to strip you down to your pants, that's what I want to do," he whispered back and everything was so hot, even in the barely heated room.
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