#this was originally just gunna talk about everyones parents/familes but it turned into backstories
jorstar · 7 years
as for eveyone else... (just bc i feel like talking about my bbs rn)
these are all going to be pretty vague about certain things bc if i went into detail we’d be here a while. also there are some characters i just dont think about as much as others so theyll be like extremely vague. this also makes me realize how much i dont think about them having siblings lmao i should like start considering that but this is what i have for right now
beval, prime example of a oc i dont think much about, but beval is from a RICH fuckin family also very famous. i dont know why yet, havent got that far. but i see him as a only child and his parents r very serious and snooty and really only see him as an heir. and no matter how rebellious and unwilling he is they always find scary tactics to get him to stay. basically theyre assholes
so when i think of kozues parents i only ever think of their mother?? who is very nice and lovely and beautiful like him and kozue loves her very much. shes a very concerned and doting parent and bc of kozues social anxiety she always thinking how she can help them. and she was happy to help get him into music and shes so proud of how talented be became. shes perfect. perfect famliy
frey is raised by his very awesome mom (idk about other parent lol) who is try ing very hard too stay away from her families dark past and raise frey right. and eventually around the time freys 8 or 9, and i wont get into plot suff, but shes killed, frey doesnt know at the time that it was murder it was framed as another cause of death but it leaves frey w a whole bunch a loathing for the world
andreis grows up in a very religious society, like a village where a cult lives basically. its a peaceful religion mind you but theres a lot of it that just doesnt sit right with andreis and he hates it. him being so against it makes his mother sad and disappointed which in return makes andreis feel guilty but in this village he just cant act like himself so he leaves eventually only to come back later and find the village was attacked some time while he was gone and his mother has been cursed. revenge time ensues
ok so...i have no idea about carling yet, each time i try to think up her background and family im never satisfied sooo....working on it
ok ilandere, this ones a doozy. so she has a very sweet dad and im thinking now maybe a little sister and a fuckin horribly shitty mother like omg. her father eventually has enough and gets them the fuck out. and i havnt done much thought on her motives and shit but eventually her mom kills a shit ton of ppl and becomes famous overnight. so ilandere cant get along w any one anywhere bc shes the daughter of a mass murderer, not to mention she looks just like her. needless to say she loathes her 
seb has a HUGE family, not sure how big, but it was never much of a problem until his father died..and then his mum got sick and bedridden. most of his siblings are older and have either stayed, left or have their own families. seb decided there wasnt much he could do to help his family and thought he was taking up space so he left some time in his teens. aww seb :(
so like i said in the last post, thrans parents died when he was young (not sure how yet) and hes raised by his very mean and superstitious grandma who has a lot of contempt towards his parents which pisses him off. eventually he runs away some time in his teens.
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