#this was not spellchecked and only reviewed once btw lmao
I feel like I’ve been on a mediocrity kick lately.
And I’m on it rn because I’ve been chronically online for a few months and I’ve gotten to talk to irl people and now coming back to tumblr, twitter and tiktok, it’s made me realize how ridiculously curated and “pretty” and put-together shit online is. It’s exhausting to see.
Take a tiktok artist for example. They’re filming a quick video with a pretty filter, they’re adding one or two lines of finishing touched, they have a manicure, the song is perfect and when they show the drawing it’s perfect. But I don’t care about the false perception it perpetuates about how much work it takes to get to that point in art (We can talk about that another time). 
What I really care about is how good it looks. How beautiful it is. How ethereal and supple and curated EVERYTHING in that video is. Yeah ofc humans love beauty and we love creating beautiful shit. I get it. There’s nothing wrong with that. But ugh, what’s bugging me is that we just put too much emphasis on that. And yes part of that is because of capitalism (or whatever the US has got going on lmao). But we’re also letting that seep into our actual beliefs. Like, I got people telling me they don’t want to film themselves doing art, or start a Sims tumblr (posting pics of their sims), cus they don’t know how to use photoshop, or they don’t have manicured acrylics (these are extremely specific examples, I know, lmao).
Again, there’s nothing wrong with creating beautiful things and curating shit to your liking.
But what I don’t like is that algorithms written by small groups of people influence us to the point that some of us are afraid to try things and show them to people because they’re constantly being bombarded with perfect version of the things they try getting love, and the people they show them to are also bombarded with it. So it has left no room for beginners, mistakes, different tastes or freedom of expression.
But to bring this quasi-5-paragraph essay to a close, embrace mediocrity. Be ok with being ok with stuff you try and produce. Cus like, when you get to the real world, you realize that no one really gives that much of a shit about extreme details and perfection and, even if they notice it, they overlook it.
What’s that quote? “The people who care don’t matter, and the people who matter, don’t care”
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