#this played on regular tv please don't ban me
rowanmuppet Β· 1 year
To go with the penny and mischa headcanons could you do some for noel? I love your other ones smmm
Absolutely I can noel is literally my number one fav and he is rotating around my brain at all times like a microwave
- as a kid he ABSOLUTELY wore his mother's high heels/fancy dresses and had a little tea party on a regular basis with all his stuffed animals bc DUH. He would force his mom to participate but she loved it
- she would paint his nails as often as he asked her to and in whatever color he picked. She'd have a giant collection of colors/glitter/etc and some of his earliest/favorite memories would be of him sitting on her bed getting his nails done and watching reality tv or a devastating french film he's DEFINITELY too young to be seeing
- he is also a giant theater kid and is only in the choir because he was banned from being in the school's plays after the waiting for godot incident
- everyone loves "nischa where Mischa is oblivious to Noel's flirting" but in my heart and soul it's the other way around
- bro is clueless fr Mischa could literally walk up to him and say "I am in love with you noel gruber and I want to marry you" and he'd be like ha imagine. Obviously you'd never mean that though
- was definitely given makeup from his mother for a birthday or something and it's all subtle enough that he can wear it places without people REALLY noticing but he knows it's there (it's like, clear mascara and tinted chapstick but he definitely cried when he opened it)
- side note he definitely has one of the nicest moms out of everyone in the choir??? People hc that she's an alcoholic for some reason and it's like. Nah she's his number one biggest fan fr !!!! We would know if she was πŸ’€
- she doesn't KNOW about Monique per se but she's definitely seen the outfit in his laundry and just never brought it up
- because I know for a fact he's had it in his closet for YEARS and wore it for funsies when he knew nobody was home. Definitely has the entire choreography of cell block tango PERFECTED
- even before he worked at taco bell he high key hated it and that was just amplified with all the shit he had to deal with at that job
- everyone else in the choir literally loves it and it annoys him to no end
- half of his texts with ocean are "hello!! How is my favorite member of the choir today πŸ˜„πŸ˜„" "what do you want ocean" "Baja blast please" "okay."
- he loves ocean like a sibling your honor. They're literally mlm wlw hostility but in a best friends way
- ESPECIALLY AS KIDS when they were kids they were just best friends it was him ocean and constance. But then she beat him at duck duck goose and their relationship was never the same (this is canon to me)
- my favorite thing is making them all best friends with Constance even before the accident because of course they were
- she was the nicest girl in town!! I know her yearbook was signed with a bunch of meaningless "I never met you but you seemed nice" crap
- but my personal theory is that noel, ocean and constance were a lil trio in elementary school and then ocean and noel became mortal enemies (/hj) so they grew apart
- and that's why they're allowed to bully each other relentlessly bc they're basically siblings at this point
- titanic was one of his fav movies before he discovered french new wave cinema but he didn't cry much when he watched it (and if he did, it's because he was wishing a stranger he met on a cruise in the 20s would die for him the way jack did for rose)
[I don't know why I have titanic headcanons for basically every member of the choir I don't even like it THAT much???]
- also he insists there was no room for Jack on the door (he's right)
- he has a black cat named Lola. There isn't much to this hc but I just think it's objectively true.
- On the rare occasion the choir would hang out before the accident and the rarer occasion it was at Noel's house, Ricky would ignore everyone completely and make a beeline to the cat
- the first time Ricky came over he said "you have a cat, don't you?" And noel just kinda looked at him like ???? Before eventually saying "yes... But how did you know that?"
- he loves rain and thunderstorms from the comfort of his home but will literally not be caught DEAD stepping foot outside in it without an umbrella + rain boots + jacket because he doesn't want his clothes to get wet. And he's real for this
- speaking of noel and being dead (I am a god of segues), before he left for school the day of the accident he said these exact words to his mom: "farewell mother. I'm off to die in a tragic accident, don't wait up for me, for I will not return to you in this lifetime"
- this would have been a common way for him to say goodbye to her, and she would always roll her eyes and say "oh how will I go on without you! Surely the grief would be too much for me to bear! I shall stay up at night, clutching an article of your clothing as a single limpid tear rolls down my cheek" And then laugh and tell him to be safe
- and then he actually dies in a tragic accident
- oops #rip
- I don't know why, but imagining Noel's mother after the accident always made me so much sadder than the rest of the choir 😭 I just imagine that they were super duper close for basically his whole life
- also, despite yearning for this whole tragic life I feel like he's super squeamish?? He cannot stand the sight of blood or vomit
- maybe in his fantasy part of that is he can actually handle the things that end up happening in the movies he likes
- also I refuse to believe that their favorite rides aren't somewhat related to something that happened the day of the fair itself
- what I'm saying is basically he rode the ferris wheel with Mischa and almost lost his god damn mind
- it would have been so romantic if he knew his crush was probably mutual
- and finally. Nischa holding onto each other for dear life when things started going wrong and having to be pulled apart post mortem
Thank you for your time this is literally so long and I could come up with so many more
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xofeno Β· 2 years
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UPSTEAD + wedded blissΒ  CHICAGO P.D. episode 9.09: A Way Out television network: NBC
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