#this is the kind of stuff i post to patreon and my subscribestar btw
renstrapp · 29 days
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kirianthe armpit licking from last year
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c-h-stevens · 2 months
So... I got banned from Patreon. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Which is exactly what I expected to happen at some point, but right now it's pretty ridiculous. Apparently I crossed a line by not having my characters looking into the camera and saying "I totally consent to this sex act, btw". Even though there was nothing non-consensual in the chapters I'd posted. (But that's a discussion for another time.)
(If you're wondering why I published there if I expected to get banned eventually: it was a stopgap measure till my SubStar profile got approved. I genuinely didn't think I was breaking the rules yet, though I wasn't at all surprised when they arbitrarily decided I was, because they do that a lot lately.)
Anyway, I was thinking maybe some people here don't know Patreon goes for the scorched earth approach. I didn't even get a warning before they wiped out my entire account. It wasn't a problem because I keep everything double-backed up, but it's shitty not to give someone a heads-up to let them make changes if they so choose. Just in principle, y'know? The way they handled this you'd think I was distributing revenge porn or something equally fucked up, not fiction about made-up characters who can't be hurt.
Based on comments I've seen around, they have a moderator called Kris who is in charge of deleting beastiality (people say in the practice this includes furry stuff, though the rules say it's allowed) and incest. The person I got is Dawn, who seems to oversee the deletion of rape/sex under the influence/anything where the characters don't exchange signed consent forms before sex.
Anyway, I guess it's possible to see a scene from the stuff I'd posted as some kind of CNC kink (which is disallowed by the rules though that literally means consensual non-consent, meaning it's roleplay) but they didn't even bother explaining what part, or post even, was objectionable. They just send me a canned email after going Attila the Hun on my entire Patreon.
It's also possible they're using an AI to flag stuff, like Wattpad is doing now. I'm absolutely against making alarmist posts, but if you have art or writing with explicit sex up at Patreon, there's non-zero possibilities of getting banned without warning. You can of course appeal but I have no idea of how hard or convoluted that could be in the practice, because I'm not even remotely going to bother.
My real problem, though, is my SubscribeStar profile hasn't been approved. It's been nearly a month! I understand why they're so swamped, as they seem to be the only website that accepts most stuff. But then I poked around and found people reporting they've been waiting for approval for literal years, and I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I really need some extra money, but the only websites that'll let me in find my writing unacceptable. Fuck.
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