#this is not a pro colleen place i just like making fun of her
cott-creature · 11 months
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w/ @w0urmey
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? - Lick
2. What is home to you? - Cozy, safe, a place I always miss when I'm gone
3. What was the last lie you told? - My work asked me if I wanted to pick up a shift on a specific day and I said I had plans oops
4. Does everyone deserve the truth? - I think it depends on the situation. Generally, yes, but I think that sometimes we lie to people or don't tell an entire truth because we don't want to hurt someone or make something worse or hard on someone; we protect them. So I feel like if the truth is going to hurt them worse or not do any good, keep it to yourself. You don't have to lie outrageously, plus I think these kinds of lies aren't really "bad". They're coming from a place of love sometimes and quite literally wanting to shelter someone.
5. What is the creepiest toy ever made? - Furbies!!!!
6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. - I don't know if I'd call it "unacceptable" or a "bad situation" lol but one time my manager was really getting on my nerves and I rolled my eyes at her. We had a talk later, but yeah, that's really it. I'm not too crazy with the things I do lol. The most you get from me is a bit of an attitude (but only if I'm at my wits end!)
7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.) - tbh I can't think of two but the first one that came to mind for me is showing someone you love them (taking care of them, spontaneously buying them something, giving them the last slice of pizza, listening to them chatter excitedly about something their passionate about, etc) because I think it's easier to subtly show little acts of love than to full on say "I love you/I'm in love with you" (especially if we fear rejection).
8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? - This week actually. I started a creating writing course and it's really motivated me to get my writing done so I completed an assignment as well as I have been vigorously stripping back my story idea and figuring out the main beats. It's the most productive writing-wise I've been in a while I think.
9. How many all nighters have you pulled? - Not too many. My all-nighters haven't been deliberate since a middle school sleepover, they generally happen now if I'm reading a book I can't put down lol
10. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? - Gestures, body language or words most likely.
11. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had? - Zero (wah wah wah wahhhh sad trombone)
12. What is your paradise? - I have a few!! I think there's a few lol. I'll give you one. My paradise would probably be a cozy december night, christmas only a few days away, I'm writing something I'm super into while sipping a cup of hot chocolate and I'm wearing a beautiful sweater and red lipstick. Anything cozy is my paradise really. (also in this dreamy-paradise I'm making (good) money off of my own writing so I don't have to work a minimum wage job anymore)
13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) - I love the sound of rain hitting the car or going down a rain gutter. I also love the sound of birds chirping.
14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? - 1
15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you? - I think it's good that we have something small and convenient like cellphones to get a hold of people or to call for help if we ever need it. Like I can't imagine being in the past when something serious was happening and they didn't have anyone to call for help.
16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? - I think people like the escape that celebrities bring, whether it's to live vicariously through them or to make fun of them lol. The only celebrity I really care about is Taylor Swift. I don't really know much else about any other celebrity.
17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? - Embarrass me or make me feel stupid or undervalued.
18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? - I do sometimes, but not excessively. I do more so as a kid. Pro: it makes stories better. Con: you're kinda lying lol
19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? - I tried to learn the guitar but it didn't work out lmao
20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? - I used to. I'm not totally opposed to selfies, but I find that pictures of any kind make me feel worse about myself so I just quit doing it. If my makeup is really nice that day I'll take one and it'll be fine, but generally I just don't like to.
21. List 3 things you like about yourself? - My attention to detail - My deep seated kindness - I'm strong-willed so my beliefs and values never move
22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? - Taylor Swift baby. "You are not the opinion of someone who doesn't know you or care about you" but I still have yet to let it sink in truly bc I still care oops. Also, writing advice: "Show, Don't Tell" this advice can literally save a writers life.
23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? - I think I could raise a child, but I don't think I'm ready to. a) I don't have a person to raise a kid with me, b) I think I still have a lot of growing up to do and that's very important when it comes to having a kid.
24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? - i cry, binge, feel sorry for myself, play some TS, and repeat.
25. When was the last time you felt awkward? - I feel awkward about everything. I felt super awkward at the grocery store yesterday bc there were these teenagers at the store in this huge pack and I had to try to get by them but they kept getting in my way and I felt so awks but also annoyed and angry bc I was trying to get stuff done.
26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? - Introverted
27. What constitutes a good friend? - Someone who is loyal, a good-listened, has your back, and defends you to the bone. Something that's always bothered me in friendships I've had is not feeling like my friend was on my side. For example, my sister's best friend always makes me laugh because when my sister is wronged by someone, her friend will immediately take her side and defend her to the ends of the earth. I've always hated if someone hurt me that my friend would remain friends with someone who hurt me or was mean to me. (I know as adults it can be a little different and I think it depends on the circumstance, but I just really value that loyalty of having a friend who would just go to the ends of the earth for you).
28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? - One best friend.
29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? - my managers talking to me
30. What is your dream job? - Best-selling/successful author
31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? -Hardworking but intelligent. Being hardworking I think says more to your character. Intelligence isn't the only interesting thing about you and it only takes you so far.
32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe? - I think probably that I struggle with my self worth because I preach a lot on self love and I'm definitely not a person to settle for less, but I really struggle to love myself or to feel worthy of love. Or that I'm not confident like people think, because I've always gotten that as a compliment, that I'm confident but I never ever feel confident and always feel like I'm less than.
33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? - why
34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? - Not gonna lie, the Court of Thorns and Roses universe so I could see what Velaris looks like. Or Narnia!
35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. - I had a friend in the fifth grade who was obsessed with beauty and being thin so she used to tell me I was fat all the time and when I would go to her house to "hang out" she would make me weigh myself and exercise. Probably the reason I have a low key eating disorder.
36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don't know. You can't switch back. What do you do? - I don't even know. I feel like I'd just be confused and then I'd probably have a panic attack.
37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? - Burn it because someone bad is gonna get their hands on it I just know it
38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? - I haven't really taken many classes so far except for creative writing but I wouldn't call it "the most important" but it's definitely really bene benefiting me and my writing!
39. Name the last book you read. - I read Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover and it was a waste of ten dollars
40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? - I feel like it would call for a lot of hurt feelings, but there's other ways to express emotions through gestures and words. I'm a writer so I feel like that's how I would express it to people if I was unable to do it any other way. However if I was unable to express it through words, I'd be in big trouble bc that's kind of a writer's M.O.
41. When was the last time you made the first move? - Neveerrr
42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? - h a t e. it's racket, i'm sorry. however they CAN sometimes add something different to a song and make it more fun or different or just pull out a different vibe which I think is cool. I can't listen tho if it's ONLY electronic sounds. it just wears me down until i feel like stabbing my ears with pins.
43. What was the last movie you watched? - Not gonna lie I think it was Halloweentown High a couple weeks ago.
44. Do you like and appreciate your life? - I'm trying to be present and grateful for my life because overall, I feel like there have been this little blessings along the way. I had a good childhood, I had a great dad and I have a wonderful mom, I went to school, I graduated, I've met incredible people, I have a good job that pays well. But I'm still a little unhappy because it doesn't fully look the way I want it to. I'm not totally satisfied yet. So I don't think I fully like it, but I'm trying to.
45. Do you like and appreciate yourself? - No, that's something I really have a hard time accepting.
46. When was the last time you cried? - Yesterday but only got a little teary and I think it was over a tiktok lol. I think I cried a full cry last week but I don't even remember why. It was late at night. I was probably tired.
47. What are you scared of? - Spiders, loss, failure. the fun stuff.
48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? - i can't talk about it
49. What are some of your hobbies? - Reading, writing (obviously), listening to taylor swift music, making lists, scrolling through pinterest/tumblr/instagram, watching youtube.
50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make? - I can't spell occasion or occurrence without autocorrect. Idk if that's superficial or annoying to you but it's annoying to me.
51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? - I try to be a good friend but I think there are many areas where I can improve. I think I'm a good friend because I'm deeply loyal and I love deeply. But I think I can be a better listener, less controlling (especially when it comes to things I think they should do vs what they actually do), and I'm really bad at making plans with people.
52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? - Yes
53. What have you learned the hard way? - That life is fragile and quick and it's not fair
54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? - Contentment
55. Which medium do you use for expressing your artistic emotions? (Singing, writing, etc.) - Writing
56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? - Creative
57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done? - choosing to stan taylor swift
58. What is your ideal meal? - Just give me a cheeseburger, large free and medium fruitopia from mcdonalds, i'll pretend not to have ibs, and we'll call it a day
59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? - talk about their ex or be rude to the wait staff if we're at a restaurant. those would be deal breakers for me.
60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? - I love hippos, cats, doggos, otters, hedgehogs, turtles, pigs, goats, birds, and raccoons.
61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? - paying minimum wage workers minimum wage. give me 800 bucks an hour for this bs thanks.
62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? - cheesy romance novels and buzzfeed quizzes
63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? - youtube. what would i do without tutorials and listening to the game grumps play nonsensical games.
64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? - I really like choice-based video games like Detroit: Become Human. I also really like something low key like animal crossing where I don't have to think too hard and it's more relaxing than anything else.
65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society? - Impossible and toxic. you'll never be "right" because it's always changing.
66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? - Definitely a morning person. I'm usually up between 8 and 9. if I sleep in it's because I didn't sleep well the night before.
67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? - I think my fav disney movie is Mulan maybe? I'm not too sure on my favourite disney character, I think maybe Prince Naveen from The Princess and The Frog??
68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? - Why can't i have bothhhhh. I've equally wanted to live in a cute apartment in a big city AND on a little farmhouse on a countryside somewhere with a large feel and sunrises that make my heart all achey.
69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? - Ocean
70. What are the best things about winter? - Christmastime, cozy sweaters, the crunch of snow under your boots, the pretty lights, coming inside where its arm after shoveling in the cold, hot chocolate, the way the street looks at night with just the streetlights, little snow birds in the trees!! so much so much so much!!!
71. What scares you most about the future? - this is going to sound depressing, but all the loss that waits there. like I know there will be change because everything is always changing and nothing can last forever so the idea of everything being different one day or losing people i love really overwhelms me.
72. What makes you feel old? - GenZ on tik toks making fun of millennials. I'm a "Zillennial" I think because I was born on the cusp of both generations so I relate with both but sometimes they say or do things and I feel like a boomer.
73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? -The computer roughly three or four. My phone at least eight or nine hours.
74. What are some of your New Year's resolutions? - Practicing gratefulness and being present
75. What is your life story in 6 words? - What the hell? Well, this sucks.
76. Describe yourself in one word. - Gentle
77. What bad habits do you do? - Nail biting
78. What genre of music do you listen to? - Pop, alternative and worship
79. Most prominent childhood memory? - technically my dad dying - Family vacations to BC I think
80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life? - I feel like my mom would be less stressed with household stuff like mowing the lawn, shoveling, moving furniture, etc. I think it would have been nice to have a brother around, especially after my dad died, but it eeez what it eeeez
81. Spirit animal? - tbh idk
82. Do you believe in horoscopes? - No, but they're fun to read on tumblr
83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given? - I don't think I've ever really had bad advice yet but there's always room for some!
84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. - My mom, my sister, and my best friend megan
85. Favorite memory of your family. - Any of our family vacations
86. What do you look for in a relationship? - Companionship/Friendship, understanding, similar beliefs, loyalty
87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? - A few. I really look up to Taylor Swift for obvious reasons because she's a wonderful human and an even better business woman. I look up to my dad because of how much he loved God and was kind to everyone, and I look up to my mom because I admire her strength and how her love grows and grows.
88. What is your opinion on social media? - It's toxic but it's part of our normal life now.
89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? - A little of both. I think I can be really fatalistic when I'm not doing well, but when I'm in a healthy state I'm fairly optimistic.
90. List some things that you think are overpriced? - Makeup, Skin care, dairy queen combos, shampoo and conditioner.
91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? - Worst memory is definitely the one where my dad died.
92. What superpower would ruin the world? - Mind control
93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? - not go to college immediately. according to eighth grade me, i'm a total disappointment and i should have a full time career by now.
94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? - I watched the disney movie Soul and I loved it so much because it was about the main character realizing he was always a musician even if he never made it insanely big. it spoke to me about my writing because I want to be a successful author but I loved the perspective of "you're already a writer"
95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? - Montreal, NYC, Edinburgh are on the top of my list right now. If I spoke french I'd be moving to montreal tbh
96. How do you approach people? - I don't
97. What is your opinion on first impressions? - They're deceiving
98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? - play with barbies for one thing
99. What languages can you speak? - English (and a couple words in french lmao)
100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? - I can't even think that far into the future I'm sorry
101. What do you do on your lazy days? - I'm always having a lazy day, but lay around, don't do my makeup or hair, watch youtube, fret about the future, don't eat proper meals, listen to TS, scroll tumblr and then instagram, snapchat with my bestie.
102. What ended your last relationship? - I haven't been in one
103. Favorite food? - Cheesecake
104. What is the most terrifying dream you've ever had? - I'm not sure this is the scariest but I had dream a few years ago that I was in this dark house and there was a demon in the basement and it was pulling me in and I was trying to get away but I couldn't because it was literally sucking me in. I woke up with my heart racing lol
105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? - A couple weeks ago at one of my sister's friends bc I disagreed with something they did.
106. What was the last friendship you broke? - I ended a friendship with a friend about a year ago now because I just didn't feel connected to her anymore
107. Do you have any pet peeves? - TONS. people who don't like taylor swift, people who drag their feet while they're walking so their shoes make scuffing noises, people who put money on the counter instead of into my hand when i'm reaching for it, and people who treat me or others like they're stupid.
108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? - it's been a while but my mom
109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? - yesterday bc I couldn't figure out how to hand in my project
110. What are your favourite baby names? - I love Gracie, Ryder, River, Elowen, Leila, Sadie, Spencer, Tatum, Santiago, and Ronan. (I'm kind of into Wilder too but I don't know how I feel about it lol)
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Survey #46
honestly too lazy to muse over song lyrics so hey let’s get into it.
has anyone ever called you sexy? jason did the first time he saw me in a bikini and i blushed like a bitch. do you like raisins? NO what is your favorite bug? butterflies what is your opinion on abortion? lmao do you REALLY want me to get into that one? what is your opinion on gay marriage? it's fine. what is your opinion on gay adoption? also fine, so long as you don't raise said child to think being gay is "normal," like A LOT of people seem to think. now before i get blown up with notes about how "i'm calling being gay bad," NO. normal and bad are two very different things. being gay is a mutation, thus is not normal. but is it bad? no. it irks me when people think that being gay is normal, bc it's not, and a gullible child should not be told differently. do you take pictures of yourself on a daily basis? absolutely not. would you rather freeze or burn to death?  burn, only because freezing would be agonizingly slow you've just died, and you're given the choice of reincarnation, being a spirit, or going to heaven/hell, wherever you belong.  i wanna go to heaven. have peace. you're in prison. would you think about trying to escape and running away?  no. i'd get caught.  they always do in the end. you're getting married! where’s your honeymoon? idk tbh. aside from any current relationships, what was your closest relationship ever? me and jason do you give good massages?  well. jason has a terrible back so i used to give him massages a lot and they always ended with us making out so lol. when’s the last time you went against your eating habits or religion (ex. eating beef when you’re muslim)?  never even if you are not christian or never celebrated christmas, do you think you will raise your (possible future) children to believe in santa clause? why or why not? absolutely!! it's all in good fun and it stimulates the imagination. jason never believed in santa and when i found out, i remember i felt really sad for him. when you have nightmares, do they normally have the same theme (ex. always being killed) or do they just relate to something going on in your life at the moment/random? sigh. they're always about jason rejecting me in one way or another. what type of clothing do you hate to see on (other) women? what type of clothing do you hate to see on (other) men?  i do NOT like skanky clothes, ex. shorts that literally show off your ass or shirts with an immense amount of cleavage. i can't stand baggy pants on men. do you believe america should legalize drugs? if you think they should legalize only some drugs, which drugs do you think they should legalize?  ... no??? what the fuck's next, legalizing murder bc it would deter murderers??? would you vote a homosexual president into office? why or why not? yes, because why not? what's your most embarrassing sex (or sexual) story? if you haven't had sex, talk about an embarrassing sex story you heard. i've told this before in an old survey: that time i'm pretty damn sure i was about to orgasm but instead i had a panic attack because i didn't understand what i was feeling lmao besides pornography, what is a website you frequent and don't want anyone to know? first let it be known that i don't watch porn. it's disgusting. two, the meerkat role-play site i take part in because i find rp embarrassing to the public eye. would you support marijuana legalization if it were taxed and distributed in a way similar to alcohol? nope what do you most want to improve upon in yourself? not allow my happiness to be dependent on others if you were throwing your significant other / best friend a themed party, what would the theme be? elephants! she loves them! how often do you get fountain drinks from a gas station? like, once a month? who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? hmmm... i'm honestly tied between the mad hatter and the cheshire cat! what'​​s your curre​nt boy situa​tion?​​ i'm single, but i just joined a dating site like... yesterday so i guess you could say i'm looking. it's honestly embarrassing to me personally to be on a dating site, but after a month's worth of thought, i decided i think that's what's best for me. gave you ever donat​ed blood​?​​ yes. have you ever been to seawo​rld? yep. what video game should everybody play at least once?  "silent hill 2." NO, not because it's my favorite game, but that damn message. it shows that you cannot run from your past and regrets; you instead have to face up to them. what is impossible to understand until it happens to you? mental illnesses what’s a weird thing you are scared of? WHALE SHARKS what is the most enjoyable exercise? biking how much time do you spend putting on makeup daily? i usually don't wear makeup. but if i do, gimme like five minutes have you ever worn faux eyelashes? nope what color is your flash-drive? pink when’s the next time you’ll change your hairstyle and will you color it? hairstyle will remain the same, gotta get the layers trimmed tho. i'm getting galaxy hair after my red fades!! has anyone ever called you fake and do you agree with them? no. do you make an effort to talk to all of your facebook friends, or are there certain people that you talk to the most? nope. i mean i'll "like" some of their statuses and whatnot, but i don't talk to most of them anymore. do you hate your weight? very much so. what kind of mood are you in atm? is someone else responsible for that mood? i'm anxious to do something, and no. who was the last person that asked to hang out with you? tell me the story of how you met that person, everything you remember. colleen asked to hang out a couple days back, spent the night two days. :D i met her in girl scouts, but i barely remember back then. we really bonded in middle school. if you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them? it really depends on their situation.0 have you ever worn colored mascara? if not, would you ever think about trying it? and if you have, what is / was your favorite color to wear? ohhh, i haven't, but that'd be cool! who was the last person to pay you a compliment? my dentist. she liked my hair. what color is your purse/wallet? my purse is maroon and black. my wallet is red, black, and white. it's got a harley quinn design on it. before facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like bebo or myspace? i had myspace. which disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? why? uhhh... aesthetically... i guess belle, maybe? or jasmine? if i’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get? DO NOT GET ME THE KINDS WITH FILLING OTHER THAN CHOCOLATE ITSELF OMG if you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her? "thank you for saving my life" when you’re going to be at home all day, do you bother to get out of your pajamas? nope. given the choice, would you rather drink juice or soda? soda. i'm aware that's terrible, lol. how many piercings do you have? are there any more that you want? i have two in each earlobe, my tragus, my cartilage, and my nose done. i want a labret lip piercing and the snake eyes tongue piercing, as well as more on my ears. do you play angry birds? no. i recently watched the movie with friends tho, and it's so cute! do you tend to get hungry late at night? YEAH has anyone ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend with you? yeah. we didn't actually date, but it was serious flirting, and i consider that cheating. do you blow dry your hair? NO NO NO YOU NEVER WANT TO BLOW DRY MY HAIR. it's thick af and will literally take you 10+ minutes to get completely dry. if you’ve ever had and quit a job, did you actually call in and quit or put in your two weeks notice or did you just stop showing up? at my first job, i talked face-to-face with the manager and didn't show up after i quit. at my second job, i texted my boss and didn't show up after that. do you tend to baby or take care of the people you date, or do you tend to date alpha types that take care of you? ehhh, both? like i think it's in MOST females' nature to be motherly, and i was like that with my ex, but my ex definitely cared for me, too. how would you feel if the person you were interested in refused to perform oral sex on you? i wouldn't mind. i find oral gross, anyway. when you get upset do you have any physical reactions, like prickles in your spine or your knees going weak? my head gets this weird tingling sensation. do you ever “facebook stalk” or go through facebook albums of attractive boys/girls that you have mutual friends with (but haven’t met in person)? do you ever add them? nope. hypothetically speaking, if you ever give birth to a son, would you have him circumcised? yes, in interest of his health. which of your facebook friends posts the most annoying/irritating/enraging facebook posts? what do they post? oh my GOSH, a friend i met at the hospital, whom i won't name for her privacy. she's BEYOND pro-choice, bashes EVERYONE who disagrees with her, posts a billion rants a day, and is just... very shallow in what she shares. is there something that a person can do and watching them do it makes you quite a bit attracted to them for it (e.g., watching someone play guitar, watching a someone work on a car, etc.)? many things, yeah, like the two you listed, but more. what accent do you find most difficult to understand? southern, but only when it's VERY heavy. what movie never fails to make you cry? "the notebook" do you like 3d movies? sure have you ever practiced kissing on a stuffed animal? nope do you let music move your body, or do you hold back? i always hold back why is your favorite store your favorite? i find their clothes aesthetically pleasing can you handle the stress of working in food/customer service? NONONONONO what kind of place would you want to raise your children? idk, the same state i was raised in, i guess. would you let your child have a pet? depends on their age, really. if i think they're mature enough to care for it themselves, yes. do you enjoy talking to people over webcam? NO CAN YOU SAY AWKWARD would you rather die or eat another human being? die. how would you react if a doctor told you that you were infertile? i'd be... pretty devastated. i want kids, but at the same time, i'm so scared to have another life under my supervision. idk. do you like meatball subs? sure. have you been baptized in any religious tradition? yep. what is your favorite meal of the day? breakfast what season were you born in? winter what’s your favorite breed of dog? idk, i like akita inus, chow-chows, beagles... do you use twitter? nope are you a good babysitter?   not particularly.  i'm awkward with kids. how old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?   sigh.  he'll be 23 in two days. what’s the relationship with you and the last person you kissed?   we're nothing but strangers now. has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?   he was apparently full of shit.
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morrisbrokaw · 6 years
How to Plan Your Dream Wedding When You Think Wedding Planning is for the Birds
Let me preface this story with – I have always wanted to get married. Ever since I was little. Since the impressionable age of six when my parents finalized their divorce, I knew from that moment on that life was never going to be the same and I’ve longed for that nuclear family dynamic ever since.
I think from that moment on I told myself that my life would be different. Although my family is amazing, I so deeply wanted to create a family structure that was solid and all in one household. The thought of not driving around to 4 different homes on Christmas just seemed like a dream. The truth is, I’ve always loved love and always believed you can write your own story. No matter what the odds are and no matter what everyone else says. It may sound cheesy but I firmly believe that you can create your own destiny. You pick the players; you call the shots. This is the book of your life and it is up to you to write every chapter.
So fast forward 24 years, to the morning I got engaged at 6:45 am with nearly 100 candles lining the floor all around my living room on my 30th birthday. Kind of a surreal moment. I was blindfolded and while I could feel Muhamed down on one knee proposing I thought to myself Wow, I can’t believe this is happening right now. It was like one of those once in a lifetime moments when everything becomes very slow and still; you can feel your heartbeat in your throat and you wonder if you are acting the right way and saying all the right things. But then you are just straight shell-shocked for 12 full minutes afterward and you keep repeating random comments like “WOW!” “Are you serious?” until you start randomly crying. Sounds about right. That was such a good day, and I’ll never forget it.
I guess this is a love story of sorts but this is mostly a wedding planning story. Because the truth is, I really wanted to get married, but I also very much wanted to elope. If you can believe that. And Muhamed, the one who didn’t quite want to get married apparently couldn’t live without a huge wedding. Go figure. That is life for you. So here we were. Knee deep in planning a gigantic wedding, which was throwing my detail-oriented, perfectionist OCD tendencies into a full-blown tailspin.
And while my wedding is still very fresh in my memory, I want to give you all the best takeaways and learnings I can possibly think of so that your big day can go as smoothly as physically and emotionally possible.
First things first! Pick your venue. I did this right away and it helped set everything in motion. When you pick your venue, you simultaneously set your wedding date and you also figure out what the venue can offer you when it comes to catering, drinks, music and every other accommodation under the sun. So really picking your venue gets the proverbial ball rolling. We decided on Mayowood Stone Barn in Rochester, MN. It was the perfect mix of old-fashioned elegance paired with the rustic outdoors. I loved the European equestrian style and feel of the location which opened up to a huge farm field surrounded by picturesque woods. The staff was also wonderful to work with which was a huge plus.
Next thing to do is find your dress! They say it takes 5 months for design, shipping, and then a couple additional months for alterations. And if I am going to be completely honest with you – finding my dress was an ultimate nightmare. I went to 11 stores. Some women find their dress at the first store, well, that was not me. Give yourself enough time not to feel stressed. I say start early on this one. Also, you will need your wedding shoes before you begin dress alterations; I decided on a pair of Badgley Mischka’s which were comfortable and had just the right amount of sparkle.
Right around the time you say “yes to the dress” (roughly 9 months before your wedding date) is when you should begin interviewing potential photographers and videographers. My good friend Colleen Eversman of 2ndTruth Photography offered to shoot our wedding as a gift which was amazingly kind of her. She and her second-shooting side-kick, Josh Olson Photography, did such an incredible job. I would highly recommend interviewing a handful of photographers + videographers and really taking a peek at their portfolios and pricing packages before you go ahead with your selection. The main takeaway is you want to feel unbelievably comfortable shooting with them. In an attempt to save money, I said no to hiring a videographer which I deeply regret! But I had to draw the line somewhere when it came to our continuous spending. I think in the wild world of wedding planning weighing the pros and cons and asking what is most important to you and your partner helps a great deal when you’re attempting to finalize the plans and make some of those harder last minute decisions.
I would advise that you start your wedding invites and address list asap. This took me WAY longer than anticipated. Perfecting the addresses and invites took me nearly 3 months. I would also highly suggest sending out “Save the Dates” at least 6-8 months before the wedding, some sites even say 8-12 months before. I did not do this and this is one of my biggest regrets. Begin reaching out for all your loved one’s addresses now and compile that list! After I finally sent the wedding invites out (4 months before the wedding) I received several replies that potential attendees already had plans, which totally bummed me out.
I asked my good friend, design maven and colleague at W&D, Judith Marilyn to create my invites. She was striving for a classic bohemian elegance with them and I was so happy with the way they turned out. I loved the feel of the vintage font and flowers.
I highly recommend reading this book at the beginning of your wedding planning journey Love, Lust, Wedding Planning for the Wild at Heart. Because it’s just fun and it gets you in the mood. Molly Guy is hilarious and just an all-around badass writer and human, not to mention a total inspiration to me. But in all seriousness, this book really opened my eyes to creating your very own dream wedding just the way YOU want it. Not anyone else. It reminds you that you don’t need to follow any rules and you can make your big day everything you want it to be. Even if you want something avant-garde like a Batman cake or a bohemian bungalow to hang out in for your reception. Because after all, your wedding should be a special celebration of the unique love between you and your partner and not just a replica of someone else’s nuptials.
Before you send out your invites makes sure you create your wedding website and registry. I made mine on The Knot and it was pretty simple once I actually sat down to do it. The Knot also offers you quite a few project management tools and reminders of to-do items that I would have most certainly forgotten. You can go as deep into the woods with this website as you’d like.
I was lucky enough to have my catering and cake/desserts included in my wedding venue package, but I would suggest seeking these vendors out 7-10 months before your wedding date to be safe. Asking around to friends and family for recommendations was super helpful in finding the right vendors. It’s fun and romantic to experience these tastings with your partner as you craft what your perfect day will look like each step of the way together.
Pick your florist at least 8-9 months out and I would definitely hire at least a day-of coordinator, if not a wedding planner. I went with Maven Events for both and they were phenomenal. Very laid back and easy to work with but when it came to the big day they nailed every minute detail. Their florals and decorations were absolutely stunning, effortlessly classy and beyond beautiful. I cannot say enough good things about Kelly and her team. I received a myriad of compliments regarding the decor, thanks to them. Combining our florist and coordinator was a dream-like experience, too. With wedding planning, it’s helpful to kill two birds with one stone as often as possible, because that means fewer people to talk to and less projects to manage.
Also, if you have time, it’s fun to get crafty with your wedding. I thrifted nearly twenty vintage medicine bottles for each table, Kate then designed the gold table numbers, printed them out on the Cricut and we placed them onto my vintage bottles. This was an extremely rewarding and effortless project which saved us time and money and I’m happy to report they turned out perfect! Muhamed and I also decided to make our own name cards which turned out to be a success but this was rather time-consuming. We bought vintage-looking postage stamp paper from Michaels and I used a calligraphy pen to write everyone’s name in cursive. During the reception, we asked everyone to write us a handwritten note on their name card and place them in the envelope on their table. It was so entertaining reading all of the humorous and heartfelt letters the next day.
Figuring out my hair and makeup was a little tricky for me. I went back and forth with should I save here or should I splurge? In the end, what is a couple extra hundred dollars within a wedding? I would definitely recommend splurging on this one. I think feeling and looking amazing on one of the most important days of your life is 100% necessary. Especially a day that is wrought with extreme nerves and unexpected emotions – looking my absolute best definitely helped ease my nerves quite a bit. When you feel good about yourself that confidence seems to exude outward, so I highly recommend getting a few consultations and going with a team of artists that make you feel the most beautiful you’ve ever felt, and most importantly, the most like you. You should feel like a movie star version of yourself. Anything less is not good enough! I ended up going with my good friend Sal Rodriguez for makeup and local all-star Jen Hughes for hair, I like to call them the dream team, because they really are! If you live in the Twin Cities area I highly recommend hiring these two for your glam squad.
Rewind to 30 days before the wedding. I was officially stressing big time. Every day counts when you are at the month countdown. Every night after work was spent doing something wedding oriented and at this point, my wedding day and my remaining to-do list were beginning to haunt my dreams, ha literally.
Now it was time to write the ceremony, finalize the music, print the table numbers, complete the name cards, create a shot list for our photographer, and I was still following up with people who didn’t RSVP. I was also planning my bridesmaids’ presents at this time. And really taking a close look at timelines (which my coordinator helped me to create.) Another positive aspect about a coordinator is that they educate you on all of the little things that there is no way you would ever know even exist! Like how long the dinner speeches should be, telling your officiant to remind your guests to be seated before they begin speaking and interesting things like when to cut the cake so the caterer has time to slice up the entire cake. Day of coordinators and planners are so worth it! Unless you are hyper-organized, but either way, you will need to hire a helper to set everything up on the day of if you do not have a coordinator. The last thing you want is to feel stressed about anything (besides yourself) on your big day.
Also, a word to the wise, budget smartly friends, because no matter what you do weddings are ALWAYS more than you think they will be, so I highly suggest saving as much as you can, as soon as you can, and possibly having those hard conversations with your parents pretty early on as to how much they are all planning to contribute.
Another experience I want to echo is that planning a first look with your partner before the ceremony really helps release a lot of the nervous tension and built-up emotions before you have to walk out in front of everyone. I felt really calm and at ease during our ceremony knowing that Muhamed and I got to spend an hour together before the wedding. It was also nice to get all our photos out of the way before the guests arrived that way after the ceremony we got right into socializing and sipping on that celebratory glass of Prosecco.
Finally, everyone always says your wedding day goes by in a blur, which couldn’t be more true. After the wedding I found myself searching every crevice of my mind to remember who I talked to and if I got to say hi to each guest. I almost felt as though I blacked out when I couldn’t remember certain conversations, it is such an overstimulating blur but in the best way. After the big day, I thought I’d be relieved that all the planning and stress was finally over, but the first thing that came to my mind that next morning was how I longed so deeply to do it all over again. If I wasn’t so exhausted of course.
It was such a magical day filled with all the people I cherish most in the world. I’ve never felt so much love in one collective space. After fighting Muhamed tooth and nail to elope I had to say those dreaded words to him the next day, “You were right.” I don’t regret the large wedding in the least, it was worth all the stress and every single penny. It was the party of a lifetime that I’ll hold close to my heart forever.
I was so happy that all my beautiful W&D girls came out for the wedding too!
What happens after it’s all over, you ask? Well, I’m finally on to making sure I get out those 250 “Thank You” cards out before the end of August! Another wedding hack, make sure you write down everything you’re gifted as all the presents roll in, from your bridal shower to your big day, there is a 3-month window where all the gifts begin to arrive and if you don’t document everything carefully your long-list of presents can become a bit unorganized and overwhelming.
Well, I hope this list helps a few of you that are currently wedding planning! I would love to hear your favorite wedding memories or any tips and tricks you have for future brides in the comments below!
Here is my top list of resources for planning your personal dream wedding
Must-have wedding book for inspo: Love, Lust, Wedding Planning for the Wild at Heart.
Favorite wedding website to create your website and registry: The Knot
Here are a few different wedding checklists to make sure you have everything covered! I scoured the internet and then collectively created my own. The Knot has a great list too that is catered around your personal wedding timeline: The Only Wedding Planning Checklist You Will Ever Need // The Ultimate Wedding Planning Checklist // Wedding Checklist
      The post How to Plan Your Dream Wedding When You Think Wedding Planning is for the Birds appeared first on Wit & Delight.
How to Plan Your Dream Wedding When You Think Wedding Planning is for the Birds published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Things I’m Loving Friday #235
It’s Friiiday and it’s also Date Night in our house! WOOP!
I am really looking forward to this evening because our hot date is part of my birthday present from Ryan. He planned a special dinner for the two of us followed by a night of improv comedy and I cannot wait! We have a babysitter lined up and I’m ready for some one-on-one time with my husband. I know date nights will be a little more challenging for us to sneak in after our little one arrives next month, so we’re trying to take full advantage of some couple time whenever possible right now. And maybe we’ll finally get around to narrowing down some ideas for baby names? We are still coming up blank on names for a baby boy or a girl (other than “Thomas the Train” – thank you, Chase) so hopefully something will call to us soon!
As far as other plans for the weekend, we don’t have too much on the agenda. Mother’s Day is Sunday and the only thing I really want to do is spend time with my family which shouldn’t be too hard since we don’t have too much on the agenda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Now onto your usual Things I’m Loving Friday shenanigans!!
Things I’m Loving Friday
Preschool Mother’s Day Surprises
  Just when I thought I couldn’t love Chase’s preschool any more, they outdo themselves! When I picked him up on Wednesday, I was greeted with the sweetest assortment of Mother’s Day surprises including a flower that Chase planted, a potholder featuring his handprint and a card with a handful of questions he answered about me. It was all adorable but my favorite part was definitely the card because his answers cracked me up. I think it’s clear I hype carrots up a lot in our house since he thinks they’re my favorite food and if he wants to confuse me for a 20-year-old, I’ll take it!
The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth
If you’ve read and loved any of Liane Moriarty’s novels in the past (Big Little Lies, The Husband’s Secret, etc.), I think The Family Next Door should be the next book on your must read list! While I would categorize the book as a “beach read” at its finest – gossipy but thoroughly entertaining – and it hooked me right away. The Family Next Door takes place in a picture-perfect small town and dives into the lives of neighboring families who all, on the outside, seem perfect but each harbor their own secrets. When a new woman moves into the neighborhood who doesn’t fit the family-friendly mold – she’s single, renting her home and has a seemingly mysterious job – curiosity is piqued and it becomes increasingly clear that there is a very specific reason she chose to live in this idyllic neighborhood. 
  With temperatures in the low 80s yesterday, I found myself craving something cold, sweet and refreshing to drink when Chase and I arrived home from the park. I ended up making a glass of limeade that was so ridiculously delicious. I’ve been all about citrus everything during this pregnancy so far so I probably shouldn’t have been surprised by how much this simple drink knocked my socks off but it was amazing!
I didn’t follow a recipe but simply combined fresh lime juice (I use this citrus juicer which makes it so simple to get lots of juice) with cold water, ice and a bit of sugar. I want to make it again soon with fresh mint added into the mix.
Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers
  These crackers are a relatively new staple in our house! Chase loves them and I am a huge fan of the clean ingredient list. I’ve been using them to create mini snack plates with crackers, cheese and veggie or fruit slices and they’re always a hit.
Comfy Activewear Shorts That Don’t Dig Into My Sides
  I’ve been on the struggle bus with pants of any kind this pregnancy (with the exception of lululemon’s align leggings and Fabletics’ high-waisted capris) so I am beyond thrilled for warmer weather that allows me to wear shorts, dresses and skirts. Bring on the comfort… and the excessive sweating! (Pros and cons, right!?)
I am so happy that a handful of my pre-pregnancy shorts are working well this far along in my third trimester and sit comfortably under my belly and don’t give me some serious love handles. My current favs: Nike Crew Shorts / New Balance Impact 3 Shorts / lululemon Tracker Shorts / lululemon Speed Up Shorts (I like the 4’’ version for some added length) Hooray for shorts that don’t dig into my sides!
POPSUGAR Must Have Box
  My friends over at POPSUGAR recently sent their latest POPSUGAR Must Have Box my way and it was such a fun package to open! The Summer 2018 box is practically overflowing with goodies and I’ve already found some big-time favorites. The Eberjay wrap robe is made of the softest jersey knit and the lightweight material is perfect for spring. I’ve been throwing it on over my pajamas in the morning before and love the luxurious feel! One of the more innovative products in the box is the Sphynx portable razor which includes a water spray bottle, shea butter shave bar and two razor blades. It’s perfect for a post-workout shave or for throwing into your duffle bag whenever you travel. (I’m planning to throw mine into my hospital bag when baby #2 arrives!) If you’d like to receive your own POPSUGAR Must Have Box, the code PBF5 will save you $5 off your first box! Thank you for the fun delivery, POPSUGAR!
Mother’s Day Weekend Sales
Here’s a super short roundup of some Mother’s Day weekend sales that caught my eye:
Old Navy: Up to 50% off
American Eagle: 25-40% off all shorts (including my favorite TOMGIRL midi shorts – distressed denim shorts with a bit of a longer length that I love! You can see me wearing them here.)
LOFT: 30% off everything, plus an additional 10% off with code LOVEMOM
Anthropologie: 20% off everything
GAP: Up to 50% off everything plus an additional 20% off online with code YOUMAY (Time to get another pair of my beloved lightweight joggers!)
ASOS: Up to 50% off summer vacation staples (Trying not to buy these shorts since I know they won’t work with my belly but I LOVE them.)
Potty Training Q&As: Submit YOUR Questions! 
As you know if you’ve stopped by the blog over the course of the past two weeks, we’re in the middle of potty training right now! When I shared a little bit of insight into our experience so far, Colleen, a behavior therapist,  left a comment on my blog offering to answer any specific questions about potty training little ones. Her comment immediately piqued my interest and I reached out to her to see if she’d be willing to do a big potty training Q&A session featuring some of my questions and some questions from YOU!
I know potty training is a hot topic and something a bunch of us are going through right now or plan to go through with our children in the future so if you have any questions you’d like me to pass along for an expert to answer, please leave them in the comments section of this post!
Here’s a little background about Colleen: “I have my M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy and a post-master’s certificate in Behavioral Intervention in Autism. My educational training emphasizes the use of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)  and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when working with children. I currently work part-time as a child/adolescent therapist. I previously worked as a behavior consultant and co-facilitated intensive potty training clinics for children with special needs. We used the basic principles of ABA while potty training, but all methods used can be modified for typically developing kids.”
Friday Flashbacks
PB & J Overnight Oats (A gluten-free breakfast recipe that can easily be prepped ahead for a simple morning meal that tastes like a childhood favorite.)
Total Body Medicine Ball Workout (Your upper and lower body and your core will feel the burn during this workout that targets the whole body in a decreasing repetition format.)
Question of the Day
What is one thing you are loving this week?
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/things-im-loving-friday-235/
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lucyariablog · 7 years
Who Would You Add to Your Content Marketing Team?
Content marketing team members’ titles may differ from company to company, but the tasks they are expected to perform are somewhat standard across the board – writing, editing, designing, publishing, and distributing.
But what if you could add the skill set of someone who works in another functional area – from another department or even outside your industry? What role or person would you want to incorporate into your team?
We asked the presenters at Content Marketing World 2017 what they would do. Their answers are enlightening – and in most cases, realistic.
Make the pictures move
I’d love to have a documentary videographer to document and share what really happens in the practice of law and how we try to keep up with changes in the industry. Ruth Carter, attorney and owner, Carter Law Firm
A film producer. I’d love to get high quality video into our content mix for sharing through our numerous channels. If I could have anything, it would be that. Jeff Renoe, content strategist, Dickson
I’d hire a film producer to get high quality #video into our content mix, says @renoe. #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Bring on tech
I would love to get a software engineer/website developer on our marketing team. As the realms of technology and marketing increasingly join forces, interactive experiences are only becoming more crucial for brands. More interactive content, apps, and tools for your customers and prospective buyers can make your brand stand out from the crowd.
We work on cross-department projects to achieve this, but I would absolutely want to permanently have an engineer just for marketing! Allen Gannett, CEO and founder, TrackMaven
A developer. There are a million things I want done on my website and have nobody to do them. Chad Pollitt, partner and vice president of audience, Native Advertising Institute
I’d hire a developer to my #contentmarketing team, says @ChadPollitt #CMWorld Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Hire for 4 Uncommon Content Marketing Roles
Explore the science of success
I would love to have a data scientist. Why? Because they can give all the quantifiable answers I am looking for – not just what content is performing best (I can look that up myself) but what am I missing? What is the data I have not telling me? Shira Abel, CEO, Hunter & Bard
I would add a fantastic analyst to my team. A great analyst can be an incredible asset in terms of helping you to determine what content is most appropriate for different audiences and different stages of their customer journeys. Every content marketing team needs a sharp numbers gal or guy to ask “why,” not just “how,” people behave. Zontee Hou, strategist, Convince & Convert
I would add a fantastic analyst to my #contentmarketing team, says @zontee_hou. #CMWorld Click To Tweet
I’d want someone who can understand and apply the decision-making science disciplines to content marketing – someone who knows how to bring disciplines like behavioral economics, social psychology, and neuroscience to life inside of messaging and content. Tim Riesterer, chief strategy and research officer, Corporate Visions
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 10 Content Marketing Roles for the Next 10 Years
Look to the future
I’d add an economist to tell me the costs, benefits, workforce implications, and likely growth rates of every new technology on the horizon. That would help enormously in focusing me on what’s coming next that will grow fastest because it’s needed most and will give more than it costs. Kirk Cheyfitz, co-founder, Story Worldwide
Go for the pros
I would add a screenwriter – someone who knows how to tell a story in an arresting way. Chuck Hester, vice president, social media, T&T Creative
Add a screenwriter to your #contentmarketing team. They can tell story in arresting way. @ChuckHester #CMWorld Click To Tweet
I would add an investigative journalist – someone who is trained to write deep stories with massive impact. At least for the foreseeable future, there’s huge value in this kind of content. Matt Heinz, president, Heinz Marketing
I’d want a video journalist who is used to creating their own video. Journalists know how to create a story out of seemingly few details that their audience wants. They know how to tell stories. They must understand that the content isn’t a “sellout” but rather non-promotional. Heidi Cohen, chief content officer, Actionable Marketing Guide
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Inside the Mind of a Journalist in the Business of Content Marketing
Think about the people
I’d get a psychologist. Don’t worry, my team hasn’t gone insane. At least, not yet. I think a psychologist can give 10 times more intel on a buyer persona than any of us. Our psychologist would constantly reach out to our target audience and take part in customer happiness tours to gather immense intel. Srinivasa Raghavan, founder and CEO, Animaker
I would add someone who has worked in client services or account management. These individuals are in tune with the technical answers clients need. They know the product/service and niche parts of the industry. They can serve as a huge asset to the marketing department by bringing their “in the trenches” experience to serve as a sounding board and a way to measure if your content ideas are relevant. Colleen Weston, marketing director, Britton Gallagher
I’m a fan of working with instructional designers, usually from the training team. They are content creators, but they are focused on learning and helping people to accomplish tasks. They often have insight into how to help people understand, and how to act. Matthew Pierce, learning and video ambassador, TechSmith Corp.
Reach for the stars (and make ’em laugh)
Ellen DeGeneres. That woman is a marketing and engagement genius. She naturally is able to market and draw attention to products without losing trust of her audience. I think there is a level of authenticity that she could bring to the content. John Hall, CEO, Influence & Co.
I’d have to add a comedian – Michael Jr., to be specific. I’d always know my “why” and we’d never stop laughing. Content should be fun, and throwing a comedian into the mix would just put it over the top. A comedian would also call you out on the obvious dumb stuff you do daily. Skyler Moss, director of digital marketing, HCSS
I'd add @Michaeljrcomedy to my #content team. I’d know my “why” & never stop laughing. @cskylermoss Click To Tweet
I would have someone who understands comedy or a comedy writer. If what you create adds value and is interesting to someone else and at the same time entertains them, isn’t that what gets shared and acknowledged? Mark Masters, managing director, The ID Group
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Comedy Pro Reveals How to Bring Funny to Content [Video]
Draw outside the lines
A great barista. I would love to have a barista from Sunergos Coffee in Louisville within our team. John Bell, vice president enterprise digital marketing, Travelers
.@JBell99’s dream #contentmarketing team includes a great barista. #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Chief common sense officer. Jay Acunzo, creator and host, Unthinkable
Someone from Red Bull. They’ve done an incredible job of positioning themselves as a media company that makes a consumer product. I love how they’ve developed a content culture where the customer is the star, and they create awesome events and fun videos that get lots of publicity and views. Lisa Mattson, director of marketing and communications, Jordan Vineyard and Winery
I would find someone working for social justice with values that resonate with my company so that we could work together to make the world a better place. More companies need to stand up for gender equality, racial equality, tolerance, love, and harmony. Stop trying to just sell your products – that’s short-sighted and self-absorbed. Help improve the world every day with actions, partnerships, and communication efforts. Melissa Eggleston, UX specialist and content strategist, Melissa Eggleston Multimedia
Find someone working for social justice so we can work together to make the world a better place. @melissa_egg. Click To Tweet
I think we should constantly involve other experts (who are different to ourselves) in what we do – depending on what we are working on right now. My add-a-person list would, ideally, change constantly. Frank Thomas, director of content strategy and content marketing, adidas
That’s a wrap
While these CMWorld presenters would travel different paths to enhancing their content marketing team, their wish lists all center on a few key themes: learning how to use all that data being collected to make a bigger impact with your content, staying ahead of the curve in your industry (and in content marketing), and never forgetting to dream about – and truly consider – the possibilities.
That last note is what Donna Moritz, visual content strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, picked: “Hands down, it would be someone who is a triple threat – someone who can not only create great content, but also knows how to empower a team to create content quickly and easily, as well as how to empower an audience to create content about a brand. They also know how to amplify that content effectively.”
What role or person would you add to your content marketing team? Let us know in the comments.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 10 Interview Questions to Help You Separate Content Marketing Rock Stars From Wannabes
Add skills to your content marketing team (or find some great talent) by attending Content Marketing World Sept. 5-8 in Cleveland, Ohio. Register today and use the code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Who Would You Add to Your Content Marketing Team? appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/08/add-content-marketing-team/
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