#this is mostly for sff where you really get to go wild coming up with new fashions
solarissantaella · 1 year
I honestly don't trust writers who say that you should never spend that much time describing characters' appearances or how they dress... tell me you don't respect fashion as a form of worldbuilding without telling me you don't respect fashion as a form of worldbuilding.
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 of the writers ask thingy, tell me everything :D
1 : What age-group do you write?adult! ive always written characters my age or a few years older
2 : What genre do you write?sff, mostly fantasy
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?hmmm, i guess small details? when i get an idea, i get an idea for single scenes or pieces of dialogue or a certain character, so i piece together an outline from that. but i have trouble with a overarching plot lol
4 : Which do you prefer–line-editing or plot-revisions?line-editing, i love editing. revisions suck bc it takes me 10,000 yrs to come up with an idea and now i have to replace it with another??? blasphemous
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?ive written my whole life without deadlines except for when i tried nano last year and failed. so without i guess, but then i dont have anything to convince me to write more lmao
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?idk probably that its someones favourite book, or to see fanart *.*
7 : How long is your current WIP?26,305 words, its a rewrite heh
8 : What author would you be most excited to be compared to?hummmmmm,,,idk when people call new fantasy books “the next game of thrones” it sounds so fake lol but idk who my favourite author is...
9 : What do you struggle most with as a writer?writing
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?mostly alone but YOU, ASH, help sometimes. its good to get an objective ear
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?nah lol, im not good at characters
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?clean
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?plot-driven. my writing is extremely fast paced, and i dont tend to like reading character-driven works
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?ive answered this in previous ask. the 'drunk on writing’ one by ray bradbury
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?everyone else’s worlds are so harsh lol maybe id put them in atla so they can fuck around w bending
16 : Would your story work better as a movie or tv show? Why?miniseries ゚*。(・∀・)゚*。 but it would lend itself to a movie yeah
17 : Do you make soundtracks for each story?nah, lazy ass
18 : If you could assign your story one song, what would it be?unbecoming by starset
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?honestly? i wanna escape capitalism and wield a sword
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?zero world by jason m hough!!!! its a pretty big book i think a movie duology or a tv show would work!
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?no
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?no lol 
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?anxious cz im bad
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?i meannnnnnnn do i even now thoooooo
25 : What books are must-reads in your genre?sff is so broad, read whatever tf u want
26 : What would you like to see more of in your genre?diversity, not just in race gender sexuality but in fucking plots like damn give me something w a twist
27 : Where do you get inspiration from?real life, books, movies
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?about a 2, i just search on a generator until i find one i like im not a stickler for names nd i dont usually have placeholder names or anything
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?chronic underwriter hence the only 20k words
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?calm me down, i have no control over my own life so its good to have complete control over my oc’s lives. i dont tend to have the ‘characters run away from me’ thing, but probably bc i dont see it like that lol
31 : What trope do you actually like?ride-or-die, charas who are knowledgeable and badass from the beginning, i hate following the character learning to do something lmao im impatient
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?depends on the side character, every character is fleshed out to an extent but i dont do a massive family tree or anything
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?i tend to create characters before plot so i would say i know them pretty well before starting but i do let them develop naturally within the story without forcing them into any box
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.tryhard
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes?mmm both have their merits, i went through a phase where i loved villains but a warped heroes journey or a morally grey/anti-hero can be super good too
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?nah, murky
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?try anything. anything it doesnt matter if ur nervous or you ‘dont write in that genre’ or you dont even like that genre. its good to train yourself and go out of your comfort zone, makes u a better writer imo. also dont read this and think ‘im not writing an entire historical romance novel bc i hate it’ i mean just one shots. a paragraph or two. try out writing prompts, it really flexes ur skillsalso dont feel like everything u have to write will be published, thats what i mean by try out little paragraphs or prompts. let go of this idea that any of this work will see the light of day [unless u rly want it to] and just have fun, go wild, go crazy, go stupid
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try–but fail–to follow?its mostly those ones that help u have cleaner, more beautiful writing. i write really beige-like and its hard to be poetic or flowery
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?probably super important
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?when ur next book out
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?nah
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?ive never really had many, so i would say discourage bc i dont have a thick skin with my writing
43 : Do you tend to write protagonists like yourself or unlike yourself?unlike myself, i like to write bold, confident characters and im not that lol escapism much
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?whichever interests me the most at the moment, i can jump between projects easily so i dont have a problem 
45 : Do you find it harder or easier to write when you’re stressed out?harder, i cant look at my writing if im stressed else ill absolutely hate it and might do something drastic like delete it all lol
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?ary is slytherincyri is ravenclawash is gryffindorcaena is slytherin [i dont know how to spell the house names]
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?still writing id hope
48 : Would you ever co-write?nah
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?i used to be fast and rushed bc i was so impatient i just wanted to see the end product but i realised that i really love being in the world of my wips as long as possible so i draw it out and really mull everything over
50 : Would you rather be remembered for your fantastic world-building or your lifelike characters?both lol? i do love worldbuilding but i think characters make a greater impact
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instantlit · 4 years
Bookish podcasts to listen to while in Quarantine
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You know what I love? Books! You know what else I love? Podcasts! If you’re here, there’s a pretty good chance that you like the former, and after this post, you’ll definitely like the latter, too, if you don’t already.
In all seriousness though, staying home and living alone can be quite tedious and boring (while the opposite has its own shares of problems, of course) and, if like me, you’re used to working in an open space, where people chatting or answering calls are providing you that sweet, unintelligible background noise that you need, then the silence of your own home can be quite daunting.
Of course, I’ll always have Spotify, but sometimes you don’t want music, sometimes you just want quiet, funny discussions on topics you’re passionate about. And well, it’s 2020, everyone has a podcast now!
Books Unbound
Hosted by Booktuber Ariel Bissett and Raeleen Lemay (gosh, remember Raeleen? So glad to have her back!), the show is a perfect combination of everything I want to hear about in a podcast: books, bookish news and recommendations. I find their voices really soothing, Ariel always goes on crazy tangents and it’s super fun, and they have such eclectic tastes that I’m always intrigued by at least of the books they mention. If you’re already familiar with either of them from Youtube, then the show is the next thing you need.
Reading Glasses
Every bookish topics you can think of has been or will be covered by Brea and Mallory, from bookish gadgets to books about cults, nothing is left unexplored. They’ve been around for so long, you’d think they’d run out of ideas, but they always keep things interesting. They’re super creative, they always have interesting stories (Mallory is now an author herself, and Brea is a horror-movies actress and filmmaker), they interview authors, they introduced me to the term “bookish wheelhouse”, they talk about Horror, about their cats, about feminism and diversity... I just think they’re very interesting people!
I think a lot of people are turning to comfort reads in these difficult times, and Harry Potter is the ultimate comfort read for a lot of us. However, there are some people who still haven’t read the books. It’s okay, this blog is a no-shame zone, and look, some people even turn it into a fun experience: Potterless is the story of Mike, a 24 25 26 27(?) year-old man who hasn’t read the Harry Potter books when he was a child, and is now reading them as an adult because his wife is a true Potterhead and that’s what you do for love. He’s now finished with the series, so you can binge-listen to the whole thing. As someone who read the books pretty late (6 of the movies had already come out), I must say that it was pretty entertaining to listen to him trying to puzzle everything out, since it’s not something that I’ve experienced. His theories throughout Goblet of Fire were just wild! You can have a good laugh while reminiscing, it’s a win-win situation!
Novel Predictions
Have you ever wanted to force your friends to read all your favourite books? Of course, you have! Well, Kales and Alyson turned it into a podcast, with good and, sometimes, not so good outcomes. They alternate between themselves, and do 2-parts episodes where they first discuss where the other thinks the story is headed, before confronting those expectations in the second part. It’s super entertaining, super fun, and something I’d want to do with my friends, except that I’d rather read my own books. I’m too much of a picky reader to do that on a regular basis.
Literary Disco
I feel like I don’t even need to mention them, right? But since they’re one of my favs, here you go: it’s a book-club type of podcast where Todd, Julia and Ryder (that guy from Boys Meets World for all my 90′s kids out there - still can’t get over that fact, by the way, and it’s been years!) discuss their monthly book pick. They mostly focus on literary fiction, but they throw in some historical fiction, crime/mystery/thriller, and even some YA and middle-grade from time to time. One of their latest episodes was about the Baby-Sitters Club! What I love about them is that they’re really well-spoken, they always know how to bring up discussion no matter what book it is, and the friendship between the three of them just stands out, you can tell they’ve known each for a very long time and I really appreciate that connection and their banter.
88 Cups of Tea
Another one I think doesn’t need introducing, but just in case: this podcast is more focused on authors, and just the writing process as a whole, but I guarantee that the discussions are always interesting even if you’re not a writer yourself. Yin interviews so many of my favourite authors, from Madeline Miller to Maggie Stiefvater, V.E. Schwab, Libba Bray, and a whole bunch of other well-known authors like Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson, Sabaa Tahir, A.S. King. I’m mostly citing female authors, but she interviews male authors, too, I swear! But, her interview with R.F. Kuang, the author of The Poppy War, is probably one of my favourites to this day. Yin is always so thoughtful with her questions, and she puts of a lot of care into making the authors shine and share their stories. It’s so heart-warming, like a good cup of tea.
SFF Yeah !
Book Riot offers a plethora of great podcasts for all tastes, but the one I listen to the most is, of course, the one focused on Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Jenn and Sharifah discuss bookish news, and offer both Sci-Fi and Fantasy recommendations based on the topic of the week. And, since it’s Book Riot, you can bet their picks will be diverse books. They usually try to recommend under-hyped books or books from smaller presses and, let me just say, there are some gems in there. They seriously read so much, it’s insane.
Book Squad Goals
Another book-club podcast, where 4 friends come together to discuss their book of the... half-month? It’s a bi-weekly show, so you get two episodes per month, which is great! The discussion is always flowing so smoothly, and it really feels like you’re a part of the gang. They read from literally all genres, from backlist books to new releases. They always keep it fresh. The voices are a bit difficult to place at first (I’m not used to having that many people on my podcasts), but they’re so entertaining that I had to push through!
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