#this is moderately incoherent bc it is 3am
thedreadvampy · 10 months
I finished Owl House and my review, as someone who doesn't really watch many kid's/YA animated shows these days, was that it absolutely BANGED
like I feel like it took all the right lessons from Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Avatar and Steven Universe - particularly aesthetically, I think the Adventure Time influence is super strong on all the grotesque character designs (and the fact that Belos visually just uhhhh is the Lich from Adventure Time).
The narrative was really good too. I really got on board fast with all the characters and I think it threaded the needle well between being super clear and explicit about its ideas and messages without feeling stilted or forced (most of the time). It's got a really clear and strong single theme that it spends its time regularly reinforcing, and I think that it's a really, really good thing to hammer home, especially for the kind of 10-15 age group it's aimed at - a lot of stories for people that age talk about acceptance and forgiveness and understanding but I definitely resonated really strongly with the way that this show's main interest is in why you should extend acceptance and forgiveness specifically to yourself.
also you know. the characters are just delightful, really likeable and well rounded, and the world is weird and gross enough and the emotional contexts are relatable enough that it never felt twee to me.
and the plot goes along at a clip I didn't really expect, I have mainlined this show over the past couple of weeks because it has me seriously hooked.
in conclusion owl house good thank you for coming to my ted talk
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