#this had no right to be so cute i'm sorry XDDDD
Doll!Chucky x Drunk!Fem!Reader x Freddy Krueger || Headcanons
*Set in the Horror House
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Topic: Its a classic- you get drunk because you've had a sucky, sucky day. And you're just wondering by the house, barefoot and probably cold, when Chucky and Freddy see you and get you inside. (And... boy, does that sound threatening 😅 To be clear- this is mostly fluff XD )
(This can be read as romantic or platonic! Readers choice.)
Warnings: Characters who have no business ever being characterised as nice, being nice (In a way that I hope is still them 😅), Reader is sad and uses alcohol to numb themselves. (You're not depressed or an alcoholic though), and also the word 'bitch' is used quite a bit, I'm sorry 😅😅
Look if no one else is gonna write mindless, non-canonical fluff for these two shits then I WILL-
🍺 You're sitting on the porch swing with a blanket over your shoulders and Chucky in your lap, playing with his bright orange hair while Freddy lectures you- how did you get here??? This explanation is seemingly very simple.
🍺 Today was the first day of your life... it started out good, texting with Jennifer while you got ready for the day, but then you had a fight. Sure, you would both get over it tomorrow and you knew that, but it felt awful. Then your bus was late and so you were late to work, it was a busy busy day, your mood deteriorated... and finally you left early because you just felt that upset- which just made you feel worse, for missing work!
🍺 So you decided to go have a drink at a bar. That turned into 2... 3... then you were in a guy's lap and you lost your shoes. He was an ass, turns out, of course, and so the next thing you know--
🍺 You're strolling drunkenly, barefoot, down Jennifer's street sniffling and sipping a cheap wine straight out of the bottle. You just wanna see her- you think if she sees you so fucked up and sad then she'll stop being mad at you and... *sniffle*... give you some cuddles, and make you feel better after this hell day...
🍺 Oh, you hope she will. You need your best *hick* friend... *hick* please...
🍺 You're just wandering down the footpath, almost tripping a couple of times, when you hear fast footfalls behind you (Like boots) and a hand lands on your shoulder. You whip around, wide eyed, but relax immediately when you recognise Freddy's familiar form in your tipsy, dazed state. He's looking amused at you, and vaguely you think he must know that you're drunk, must have figured it out (He's clever ^^), because he waits for you to fully focus on him. Then with one blade he points downwards to your feet, letting you follow his gesture before talking.
🍺 "Princess I don't think you're supposed to leave the prince both shoes. If he cant findya with just one, I don't think you even want a dumbass prince like that."
🍺 "Hm?-... oh... I- I... it was hot... "
🍺 "Too hot for your shoes?" He looks bemused, but in your drunken state you think he's just concerned for you.
🍺 "Mhm... "
🍺 "... where are you going to, anyway?"
🍺 "Um, I- I-... " You start sniffling again, remembering where you were going and why you feel so so crappy- eyes immediately filling up with tears. "Oh. I, I was looking for- for Jen... We had a fi-ight, and I... I really needa see 'er... "
🍺 Freddy stares at you for a few moments- as much as he loves to see someone - anyone. especially something so fucking cute, like you, - crying like little bitch in front of him, something about this... doesn't sit right with him. After a moment of thought, he grows annoyed at his own lack amusement and twists you around and guides you back down the footpath again. "Well you're goin the wrong way. You go in this house, you'll find a bitch but she's asian, and she's gonna be real confused why you broke into her house late at night- c'mon. Lemme tell ya, jail aint for you."
🍺 He leads you to the right house - they all look the same in the dark!! you didn't know you were going to the wrong one... - and as soon as you step up onto the porch you hear another harsh voice yell in a way that makes you jump right out of your skin.
🍺 "Where the hell are that girls shoes, fuckface!?"
🍺 "Fuck, everything's my fault around here, huh kid?... I don't know, bitch. She said she was too hot wearing them, gimmie a break."
🍺 "We all know she's hot Freddy, that wasn't my question." Chucky sniggers, sat up on the porch swing with a wicked grin on his face. When he looks at your properly, sniffling and blowing your nose into a tissue from your pocket, and he makes an ewwwww sort of face, instead. "... and you made her cry. That's a little kinky even for you."
🍺 "... Uh, not its not."
🍺 "You're right, its not. Aaanyway- what the hell did you do to her??"
🍺 Here you finished wiping your nose and, tiredly now, turned to shake your head at Chucky. "No, its... *sniff* I was- was looking for Jen... a guy at the bar... he- he was an ass, and I just- "
🍺 Immediately they exchange an uncomfortable look. "Uhhh- what kinda ass?" Chucky asks, while Freddy gives you a quick once over.
🍺 You shrug, not truly thinking about what you're saying. "I- I thought he w-wanted t' cheer me up... but he didn't... she will, th- though, I hope,.. do you- do either of you know where she is maybe?... "
🍺 "Ehh... sorry kid, hate ta break it you ya but she left for the night... " As soon as those words leave Chucky's mouth your eyes fill up with tears all over again and you almost start crying immediately- before he fast tracks to stop it. "But hey!- y' share that bottle with me and y'can hang here. I betcha I'm better company then that millennial whore."
🍺 ... really? Immediately your heart soars, getting special treatment from one the meanest and scariest assholes in this house. The nicest thing you had ever heard him say before this moment!, you think!, was 'Get the fuck out of my way, please'! When you turn to Freddy, silently asking if that would be okay, he flashes you a smirk.
🍺 "Well, I am."
🍺 "Shut the fuck up, you pair of cauterized ass cheeks."
🍺 "That's a new one." "Yeah, pretty good, eh?" "Not bad, plastic breath."
🍺 As you sit down on the porch swing beside Chucky, taking some deep breaths of fresh, cool nighttime air to try and sober yourself, Chucky takes the cheap wine and he looks ridiculous with it but he takes a big gulp of it. Then turns to you, and asks promptly- so why're you so fucked up tonight, huh? Somethin' bad happen?
🍺 You stop, think about it... and immediately start crying into your hands.
🍺 Freddy pulls his hat down roughly over his eyes, and groans "no class... "- as if he's got any, either. Then turns and waltzes into the house again saying he's going to get the fucking box.
🍺 (He actually just goes to pee and comes back with a blanket for you)
🍺 A good while later, and you're getting quite sleepy just sitting there listening to Chucky and Freddy go back and forth from either side of you (You're not really contributing to the conversation, just sitting there with a blanket around you nodding or letting out little 'mhm's or 'uhuh's if they look at you to agree with them) and your gaze slips over to Chucky.
🍺 He stops mid-sentence to look at you, like, whadaya want?
🍺 Quickly he deadpans, recognising the look in your eye that he's become very familiar with since... you know... living as a good guy doll. "... you wanna fucken hold me, don't you?"
🍺 ... "Mhm... " You nod.
🍺 "Fuck, no. Get it outta your head. Do you think I enjoy that shit?? I'm the goddam Lakeshore Strangler, bitch, not a fucken Cabbage Patch kid. I'm feared. I'm infamous- no, do not fucken cry again. I swear, I'll stab you if you cry. Don't test me. Don't- aghhh!" After a few moments, he gives up, letting you gather him in your lap; One arm wrapping around his middle and the other hand slipping into his soft, messy hair. "If you tell anyone in there about this shit, you're gonna wake up with a new hole. I don't know where it'll be yet, I think I'll be spontaneous about it, but it will hurt."
🍺 "And you- " When Chucky turns to Freddy, who looks like he's about to explode seeing this, he stops. ... Slowly, he grins. "You know what?... Freddy buddy, why don't you tell us again how you lost so fucken bad to the momma's boy?" ... oh dear, you think, eyes going wide and round.
🍺 Like a light switch, all amusement is gone from Freddy's face, replaced by a furious glare, and he takes a deep, deep, deeeeeep breath; Getting up from the swing to stand in front of the two of you. "... you move your asses outta that chair before I finish and you die."
🍺 So yeah... explanation is seemingly very simple... but who would really believe you if you tried to tell them this all happened and Chucky and Freddy Krueger were actually nice to you??
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i-am-vita · 6 months
(I tried to post this last night but the app hates me. I don't know if that post got lost in the void and will reapear one of this days but just in case here it goes again).
So I went to the ConComics in Guadalajara. The tickets for the meet with Steve J. Ward were sold out for weeks and I was resigned to just see him hugging people from afar. I was NOT prepared for seeing him appeared on stage just at the end of the One Piece cosplay catwalk and give a live Q&A!!! He appeared just right there in front of me D:
Please ignore my histeric and undignified sounds.
For the photo with the cosplayers, he sat right in front of my friend cosplayed as Nami. All the other were trying to be as close to him as posible and she fought for staying in her place and succeeded. We're waiting for the official photos to be released.
For the Q&A he interacted with the public, was super fun and sweet. The AMOUNT of giggles and girls who lost it when he gave them the microphone for questions. Like 2 or 3 times, a girl got all asdsadsafd and wasn't capable of speak and he was all cute just smiling them and sitting at the stage with his hands on his face like "go on, you can do it".
Thank god I did not lost it. I was sure I was going to forget english like some aquaintances who got to meet him for photo who were just capable to smile and nod like crazy when he asked them if they wanted a hug XDDDD
But I put it together and asked him which future scene from the anime he was eager to film. I'm pretty sure it was poorly structured but he got it and said he want to film the scenes of Mihawk and Perona because they're so different.
Sorry, I in fact did not have the guts to send him greetings from Tumblr XD And sorry if I don't have many videos or photos. I can't hold a phone and pay attention at the same time.
BTW the last Mihawk cosplayer was incredible!!! He even had an unsheathable cross knife!!!
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tealenko · 1 year
I gotta ask about "Comparative Study of the Alliance Dress Uniform". And, because I'm feeling greedy, "Wake Me Up "
<3 <3 <3 <3 Thanks a lot for the ask <3 <3 <3 <3
Ohhhhh myyyyyy... You hit right on the target lol
Soooooooooooooooooo... You chose the only two full ~smut~ chapters eheheheheheheheh
Didn't Have the Heart - ch.9 Comparative Study of the Alliance Dress Uniform
1st we have Kaidan wanting to kill the quarian that nuked the ship Shepard was in (she stops him)
Then we have Shepard suckerpunching him (best renegade option EVER!)
And the rest is a formal meeting with the other memembers of the quarian council, screaming at each other, while we see what my Shep is thinking on the meantime... And that's how we end with what I'm calling "imaginary table sex because Kaidan looks too good in his formal uniform"hahahahhahahahah
I'll leave what I have for this one under the cut because I think my notes are quite funny (but maybe I'm biased ehehehehehe)
Shore Leave - ch.1 Wake me Up
Well... The end of the previous chapter (final one of Didn't Have the Heart) is "The Next Time", so this one had to be "Wake me Up" XDDD
And what happens? Weeeeelllll... She does stay *wink wink* eheheheheh errrrrmmmmm... idk if I can manage to say this in a ladylike way but... In the immortal words of Bo Burnham... She does use him to tickle her throat with XDDDDDDDD let's just say that, this time around, she has the heart to "wake him up"... no words needed XDDDD
⬇️Ch. 9 Notes + WIP Dialogue⬇️
Kaidan: goes berserker, full on: wtf do you think you are doing??? trying to destroy the fucking ship while my girlfriend (and I) are in it.
Shepard stops him and tells him to take a walk
The quarian starts with his whole speech
And shepard suckerpunches him giving me the best renegade momen in the whole triogy
— You wanna blew the ship I’m in because you’re a fucking moron fine, but if ever dare to put a finger against my crew… blah blah blah… Now get the hell out of my ship
Kaidan (and the rest tbh) are like: oooohhhmmmmmmggggg.
(Citar) the rest of the quarians in 20 mins in the meeting room.
Kaidan and her talk on their way to her cabin
Add a: wtf? You said we shouldn’t hit him
She: I said “you” couldn’t hit him… Never said anything about me.
“I thought I’d be able to keep my feelings outside of this whole thing”
“Yeah… well.. neither do I… Why do you think I slapped the bitch?”
//Have some fluff cute moment
“So… Now what?”
“Well, now I go look for something that isn’t my hoodie and meet with the rest of the quarians… see if we can do something to mend this whole grave the quarians have dug for themselves.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it.”
“I could use your help…”
He stares at her.
“I mean… I feel that if I go in there alone I’m gonna strangle somebody or something worse.”
“You just need to ask, Mio.”
“Mind to join me, Kaidan?”
“Whatever you command.” Grabs her hand and kisses it before looking at her eyes. “I should go change into my formal uniform then…”
//mirror previous chapter
need any help with than
“Shepard…” He nearly hisses her name.
“Sorry… Later?”
Shepard goes into an inner monologue of cursing the day formal uniform was invented while she changes into it.
Meeting with quarians (except for the one Shep suckerpunches lol)
And she’s like: allow me to correct my previous thoughts after seeing Kaidan.
The quarian start screaming at each other
My shep: too distracted by the fact that Kai is wearing formal uniform -> Fantasy Table Sex
Comes back to reality
Stops the discussion
And an: okay let's get ready for the next mission (the one with legion were they enter in the mainframe)
Legion is in the meeting btw (maybe an intro of him and Kaidan meeting for the lols of it)
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