#this fandom has the highest rate of people who think it is perfectly acceptable to harass others
achaotichuman · 23 days
After extensive research (looking at my moots reblogs and my own) I have come to the conclusion that this is what the pro vs anti side of ACOTAR actually looks like.
Anti side- We believe that SJM isn't good at portraying the themes she uses in her stories, and she doesn't do her characters justice.
Pro side- We believe SJM is good at portraying the themes she uses in her stories, and she does do her characters justice.
People who are insane and should not be a reflection of either side- IF YOU LIKE *INSERT CHARACTER* YOU DESERVE TO FUCKING DIE!!!!!
This post was sparked by this post, @wingsdippedingold
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
The Midas Touch
The Midas Touch https://ift.tt/tkw6y9q by AdrienLennox Hermione Jean Granger is successful, with everything she touches turning to practically gold. Blinded by her accomplishments and the highest praise from any superior she’s had so far, she believes that she has successfully moulded the Wizarding World to think like her and that they are better for it. What she has failed to do is to properly consider the nuances left behind in her wake before moving onto her next project time and time again. When she receives correspondence from a burgeoning Muggle and Beings lobby group, she believes she can impart her “golden touch” again. What she doesn’t anticipate when she accepts the new project is the pushback she receives from the people that she thinks will be working under her. Namely, a very hostile Draco Malfoy who doesn’t want to be another “notch on her belt”. She is steadfast in her belief that he is the problem. How could anyone, even Draco “Bloody Delusional” Malfoy reasonably think that a perfectly coifed, platinum blond, blood purist prat could lecture her about Muggleborns and what they want. As the power struggle ensues, Hermione is confronted with her origins, her own actions and the actual legacy she has left behind. Words: 8, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Ron Weasley, Arthur Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Newt Scamander, Davet Dumont Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Adult Hermione Granger, Advocate Hermione Granger, Advocate Draco Malfoy, BAMF Hermione Granger, Reformed Draco Malfoy, BAMF Draco Malfoy, Reality check, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Work Enemies to Work Colleagues to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, sorry!!!, It’s really slow but blame them, Theo is caught in the middle, Poor bbyboi Theo, Blaise Zabini is a Little Shit, Arrogant Hermione Granger, Arrogant Draco Malfoy, Except he is a soft boy, Mutual Pining, Except they don’t think it’s pining, Eventual work sex, I hope, They might kill each other first, Bad First Impressions, Canon Divergence - Post-Battle of Hogwarts, we love pansy, Meddling Narcissa Black Malfoy, Meddling Pansy Parkinson, It’s needed tho, Work In Progress, no beta we die like cedric via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/hl46dts February 21, 2024 at 05:28PM
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ghostmartyr · 7 years
Fic: Eye for an Eye
Fandom: Attack on Titan Title: Eye for an Eye Author: Immi Rating: PG-13 Summary: Eren’s going to Marley regardless, so they might as well do what they can to stack the deck. A prequel of sorts to the Marley arc, with fun guesses about how some plot stuff might work. Eren and Historia brotp. Note: Yeah... this is definitely on the rough side of drafts.
So this came about because Eren’s had both eyes hidden for months and I am a terrible person. This is what I wrote instead of working on my NaNoWriMo project today. I’m sure no one’s going to regret that.
Eren was no one’s first choice.
He was the last line of defense, even now that they had Armin and Annie. Humanity’s hope, even if he didn’t have any left. He couldn’t just leave.
He heard all of that from every corner of the assembly. Softer arguments from Mikasa, and a dawning fear that kept all of Armin’s possible agreements quiet.
That didn’t change anything.
“I’m going.”
They needed someone on the inside. They needed someone badly injured enough to justify hiding away in a hospital. They needed information.
Eren wasn’t sure he cared. He tried. He recited the same arguments he could have screamed to the skies four years ago. He remembered what it was like to mean them.
But all everyone was ever talking about was one more way to let someone else die in his place. Giving someone else a chance to see where it was that made the man he looked up to a murderer.
Annie’s explanations weren’t enough. He needed to go there. He needed to see it. He needed to be part of this. Before he fought Reiner again, he needed to...
He knew this version of himself. He’d come to know it as well as the voices inside his head, and liked it even less. If he closed his eyes he could hear the chains jangling with his trembling, and the burning cut slashed across his forehead. He had nothing left. Nothing except sacrifice.
So he looked up at the one person who shared that memory with him, the one person who could let him have this without branding him a traitor, and said one more time, “I’m going.”
He saw the gravity of the situation click for her. Next to him, Mikasa and Armin both stiffened, and several heads in front of him, he knew Hange and Captain Levi had heard the same threat.
He was going. Permission didn’t play a part.
Historia watched him. Slowly, she opened her mouth.
Zackly beat her to it. “It would be a waste to use our finest trump card on an assignment that could easily end with him dead or captured,” he announced. “There are better ways to divide our resources--”
“One of our most vulnerable resources is manpower,” Historia interrupted, still fixed on Eren. Zackly’s declaration faded in the ensuing silence. “Sending someone who has the highest chance of survival keeps us from losing a soldier. That isn’t a consideration to take lightly.”
Eren didn’t dare to move.
“Neither is sending our most powerful asset into enemy territory.” Historia took a breath. He didn’t think either of them had blinked yet. “However, Eren’s abilities, at their full potential, would make it almost impossible for him to be overpowered. There’s only a risk in sending him if our trump card isn’t as powerful as we’re depending on it to be.”
Or if someone was insane enough to suggest that they needed anything besides Armin’s Colossus to guard their shores.
A throat cleared in the front row of the assembled military leaders. Hange stood up. “So would it be fair to say that Eren's involvement hinges on his individual mastery of the Coordinate ability?”
Everyone in the room knew perfectly well that the only times Eren had been able to use the Coordinate the way it was intended, Historia had to help.
He was asking her to help with something different now.
That’s what he thought.
All he was looking for was permission.
Historia inclined her head. “If he can make use of the Founding Titan’s power on his own, he would be a prime candidate.”
"You know I’m going either way,” Eren told Historia after the meeting. Mikasa and Armin had stuck around too, along with Annie, who was staring out the window instead of moving into their cluster.
“I think everyone figured that out, Eren,” Armin said quietly.
Mikasa hadn’t said a word since everyone left. They’d been having trouble talking to each other for a long time, now. Waking her up in the middle of the night with someone else’s scream in his mouth couldn’t help. She spent most of her time with Hange now, researching how to keep him and Armin from dying.
He didn’t know how to tell her he didn’t think there was any way to fix it.
Maybe that was the real reason they couldn’t talk.
Historia went back to her chair and collapsed in it, looking as tired as Eren felt. “If you have more than turning into a Titan to work with before you go, you’re less likely to die.” She stared listlessly at the table. “I’m sorry, Eren. I used up most of my selfishness on me. Forcing them to accept your involvement is just going to make things worse for our people.”
Mikasa spoke up. “Eren.”
Everyone looked at her. Despite everything, she had never lost that innate sense of command. Eren had wanted that so badly once. If he had it now, maybe he wouldn’t be the sort of person who was so desperate to see people they called enemies again, and have the excuse not to fight.
Mikasa only had eyes for him. “Do you need this?”
Tension uncurled from his shoulders, and for some reason he felt like he was about to cry. “Yes.”
She nodded, and he hated how little he could do about how sad she looked just then. But it was gone in an instant. “Then we’ll help you.”
“I should be okay getting out by myself,” he said quickly. “You guys don’t need to get in trouble over it.”
“Not that kind of help, Eren.”
Historia was sitting up in her chair a little straighter, with a shine to her expression that would have worried Eren a little more if he wasn’t used to everyone being emotional whenever meetings pertaining to Marley hit their schedule.
“Annie had an idea,” Historia continued, “back when we woke her up.”
Annie didn’t look away from the window. “I was joking.”
“About how you only need a piece of someone with royal blood to be touching you to have full access to the Coordinate.” Historia looked straight at him. “She suggested ripping off a finger and giving you one to sew on.”
Before Eren could have his reaction to that, Annie interrupted. “Even if that worked, Eren’s lost limbs before in controlled experiments. If he needs to regenerate, he’s going to bring back limbs that belong to him, not you.”
Historia smiled in a way that Eren had never once trusted. Pale and invigorated, she said, “So we don’t use fingers.”
There were too many reasons to say no. Not all of them were Eren’s. There was a girl in his head with the same frost blue eyes that would be in his nightmares, and he didn’t need a living voice to know that the very suggestion caused her pain. He didn’t need the memories she shared of a little blonde girl on a farm, happy and whole with her sister’s arms around her.
He didn’t need another memory of a sister, not nearly so whole, shredded to pieces in the world he was so desperate to see with his own eyes.
“You can’t,” he’d tried.
“I won’t accept it.”
“We don’t even know if it will work.”
That had earned something besides unimpressed silence. “We know one of us is willing to try.”
He wondered if he should have kept his mouth shut and left for Marley the second he had the idea, before involving anyone else. There were things he was willing to sacrifice. What he had learned four years ago was that his friends would never be on that list.
He couldn’t let Historia...
Armin had said it might work. There was no way of knowing, but it might. They’d have to be very, very careful, but it was a possibility.
Armin had done his best not to remind Eren how useful it would be if he had full control of the Coordinate. He was a good friend. But he couldn’t stop Eren from knowing that all on his own.
Mikasa had just sat with him. He couldn’t tell if she was more annoyed with Annie or Historia at the moment, but they found a roof and watched the stars, and her hand stayed warm against his.
Annie had ambushed him at breakfast, sliding her plate next to his. “If you think it sounds crazy,” she said, “you should hear yourself talk sometime.” She stabbed her fork in her eggs. “Everyone’s trying to keep you alive. If you pitched in, they wouldn’t have to work so hard.
“And didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to turn down gifts?”
Historia found him in the stables.
It wasn’t the best place to hide from her.
She sat down on the bustle of hay next to his, and like he’d been doing for four years, he pretended not to notice the letter stuffed in her breast pocket. Her personal guard for the day stayed outside.
“I don’t get to fight,” she opened with. “I have to stay alive. The people need their Queen.”
“You don’t think their Queen maiming herself would send the wrong message?” Eren asked.
She bent over her knees, hiding her chin in her arms. “I think most of my people don’t think much about what’s coming. Most of them have never met anyone from the outside world, or seen their technology. It’s so far away that they’ll be surprised when they find themselves running for their lives from humans.”
The horse in the stall, who’d snorted disapprovingly when Eren made his way in, nuzzled Historia’s head. He thought he saw the hint of a smile from her, but it wasn’t the conversation for it.
“I think the only thing I have to offer to protect my people is my blood. While all of my friends are fighting and dying, I can’t do anything to help them.” She dropped her arms. “You’re the only part of the war I can touch. And we’re very close to losing you. This is what I can do to change that.”
She stretched an arm up and patted the horse. “People are easy to unite with symbols, Eren. A beloved queen sacrificing herself for the war effort is exactly the right message.” She did smile, then. “And their Queen and their hero seeing through the same eyes doesn’t hurt.”
Eren’s hand found itself twisting around his father’s old key. He tried not to think about his own helplessness, and how many organs he’d rip out to make Historia’s go away. He tried not to think like Frieda. The memories alone that would invite wouldn’t make anything better.
He thought, for a second, what it would be like, if he could actually use the power his father had stolen for him.
Would they actually have a chance?
He could see Marley without worrying everyone.
He could help.
They could.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Eren was still only his own first choice.
Mikasa was worried. Armin was worried. Annie was pretending not to be worried and not complaining when she was volunteered for Coordinate experiments. Connie and Sasha switched between worrying over him and worrying over Historia. Hange would prefer concerned, and wouldn’t stop randomly approaching him and sticking a magnifying glass in his face. Captain Levi was Captain Levi.
Historia, without the benefit of Titan healing, still had the bandages around her face.
So far, no one was admitting what part that had played in allowing Eren to go.
“We’ll match soon,” she’d said in a haze, prodding the gauze when it was still fresh and Eren could already see out of his new eye. “Hey, Eren?”
Eren almost smiled successfully. “Yeah?”
“When you see Reiner...” Her eye swiveled to the letter Mikasa had arranged to have placed by her bedside during recovery. “If it comes up... Make sure to look him in the eye and thank him for me.”
Eren had squeezed her hand and watched her fade back to sleep, making the promise to himself and the voices inside his head.
It was the only suggestion anyone had ever given him for what he might say to Reiner. He still didn’t know how to fill the rest of the gaps.
What he did know was that he had to see him again to find out.
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