#this could have been a movie
stylecouncil · 2 years
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I still think bowie’s review of velvet goldmine is like, the funniest thing ever
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madootles · 2 years
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I hate to say it but d***** tricked me into enjoying a musical
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jennortegas · 2 years
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Please, whatever they offer you, don’t feed the plants!
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What I find most funny about MoM is how it would have been 15 minutes long if any of those people actually knew how to have an actual conversation lmao 😭 Like even when Stephen asked Wanda what was she gonna do with the other wandas once she crossed the multiverse, you can see she was listening, her mind was processing and Stephen just straight up attacked her in the moment 💀 I face palmed so hard fr. All the other Wanda had to do was caressing her face and our Wanda immediately softened. I'm convinced they sit with that bitch and ask her about her feelings and you have her down in 5 min. Give her a hug and the scarlet witch powers will literally leave her body.
Also, she still has many untreated traumas, plus the influence of the darkhold, and 0 support. Totally insolated. 0 friends (that keep in touch with her anyways). Her mind literally invented children to try to cope and fill her emotional holes created by that untreated trauma. Pat her on the shoulder maybe, give her a call and ask how she's doing.
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fleshadept · 2 years
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dianas-shortgalpal · 3 years
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she’s simply the best
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kimdokjas · 2 years
yuri on ice trending for no reason a few days ago and now we got new official art..... we literally manifested it
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novelconcepts · 2 years
You’re going to die unfinished.
You can’t help that. Just how it works. You’ll always have something you meant to say, or do, or make. Somewhere you wanted to visit. Something you wanted to try. You’re going to die with books unread, countries unseen, foods untasted. The world’s too big for this not to be true.
You’re going to die unfinished. The trick is to die happy anyway. To drink in everything you have space for while you’re here. Churn out all the art you have stomach for while your heart still beats. Kiss your loved ones, hug your pets, walk as many roads as your shoes can manage before they fall apart.
You’re going to die unfinished. Write the story so you don’t die unsatisfied. Write it so you die full, if not ever complete.
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omercifulheaves · 3 years
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Old Variety ad for an ultimately unmade version of Frankenstein directed by David Cronenberg.
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We already have our first Sonic 2 deleted scene! Rejoice, as this one is all about Robotnik and Agent Stone!
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ink-the-artist · 3 years
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My Epic New Invention For ADHD That Will Put Big Adderall Out Of Business
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siriusdraws · 2 years
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im not saying they'll ever remake Yu Yu Hakusho and bring Kuronue back to life but what i'm saying is that there is a non-zero chance 
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star-scrambled · 2 years
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froody · 3 years
Morticia definitely joins knitting groups on Facebook and gets kicked out every time she posts one of her strange Lovecraftian knitting abominations. Eventually she makes her own page to post her bizarre sweaters on and gains a cult following with the weird art school fiber arts crowd who see her work as groundbreaking and expectation-subverting.
Likewise, Gomez posts to model train enthusiast forums, describes his train wrecks in vivid poetic detail and provides pictures. Everyone becomes irate with him for wasting thousands of dollars in model train parts and “disrespecting the hobby”. The people on the forums slowly realize he’s not trolling and that he’s a very nice guy in the DMs. He makes a few long distance online friends who share his passion for miniature train disasters and they eventually host a small train wreck convention.
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littlemousejelly · 3 years
Lena peppering little kisses all over Kara's face: sorry if this looks gay to the audience
Kara sits on the couch warm and happy, full of good food and boundless, infinite love for her friends as she listens to them argue over whatever the hell Winn's just drawn on his whiteboard. She's warm and happy and at least five degrees past elated and veering into quiet ecstasy because Lena's laughing in her lap, hair tickling her chin, cheeks, and nose. Her body jostles with the force of her joy and Kara can't help but slide her arms around Lena's waist to squeeze her a little, affection overflowing.
She's not entirely sure when Lena wiggled her way into her lap, but she's definitely not in any rush to have her out of it any time soon. Especially not when she seems so small like this, tucked in the sling of her hips, hair gently tousled, oversized knit sweater hanging off her shoulders, thick glasses perched on the nose she's scrunching cutely as she turns to smile curiously at her.
"Karaaa," she says, drawing out the vowel in a half-buzzed, half-accented slur. "What's up?"
Kara watches her dimples wink, heart skip-skipping as she commits the way Lena looks and feels in her arms to memory.
"Kara?" Lena repeats, and Kara blinks, a big, dopey grin spreading across her face.
"Nothing," she says, pulling Lena the slightest bit closer. "Just happy."
Lena studies her for a moment, then huffs a laugh, straightening enough to press a soft kiss to her cheek. Unexpectedly. She pulls back enough to meet her eyes and murmurs, "I'm really happy too."
And she's just, so pretty. So pretty. That Kara simply has to return the favor and kiss the adorable pink of her cheek.
Lena lets out the tiniest of gasps and twists her hand into her shirt.
"Oh," she breathes, lips parted and pupils large.
"Sorry," Kara rushes out, nervous. "Sorry, was that not okay?"
Lena's hand tightens in the fabric of her shirt, then relaxes again. Her fingers brush over Kara's stomach and send a little shiver up her back.
"It's okay. It's very okay," Lena says quietly, scanning Kara's face for… something, nibbling at her lip until she seems to find whatever it is she's looking for. She leans up and kisses Kara's other cheek, pulling back with her cheeks rosy.
For symmetry's sake and not at all because Kara wants to feel her peach fuzz against her lips again, she tilts Lena's chin with a finger and mirrors the action.
Lena giggles then, and it's light and lovely and perfect, quite possibly the only laugh Kara ever wants to hear again. Quite possibly the only laugh Kara ever wants to be the reason for again. But before she can think of a way to make her giggle again, Lena starts peppering kisses all over her face. Her forehead, her nose, her jaw, her cheeks, again and again, each time inching closer to her lips—not that Kara notices—and each time Kara finds she has no choice but to kiss her back, grinning harder and harder into every one until she's just pressing her smile to her face.
"Hi," she sighs out, nuzzling at a warm cheek.
"Hi," Lena whispers, hand somehow under her shirt now, fingers stroking directly over her belly.
"I like it when you kiss me," Kara admits, flexing her abs just in case.
Lena's fingers falter briefly before she continues exploring. Slower.
"I like kissing you," she says, brushing their noses together, mouth dangerously close to Kara's. Dangerously kissable.
"...Can I kiss you some more?" Kara ventures, and the question is barely out of her mouth before she's already beginning to tilt her head in, aching for a taste.
"Yes, please," comes Lena's reply, breath tickling her lips.
Right before a chorus of groans interrupts them.
"Aww, come on!" Winn whines, and Kara stifles a disappointed sound before reluctantly lifting her forehead away from Lena's to see what's going on.
Everyone is looking at them with varying levels of amusement on their faces.
"Seriously?" Alex asks, an incredibly pained look on her face and absolutely the least amused. "We take five minutes to tell Winn how that"—she gestures at the misshapen blob on his whiteboard—"is not a muffin and you're all over each other?"
Lena buries her flushed face into the neck of her shirt, letting out a quiet Ow when it pushes her glasses into her cheeks. Kara slips a hand under her sweater to rub soothingly at her back.
"This is obviously a muffin," Winn grumbles, and James ruffles his hair affectionately. "But they're totally all over each other."
Kelly wraps an arm around Alex's waist and plants an exaggeratedly loud kiss to her cheek before catching Kara's eye and winking. Kara has no idea why.
"I think it's sweet," she says. "They're cute together."
"Wait, you're finally together?" Nia asks, eyes lighting up. "Does this mean we can go on real double dates now?"
Kara blinks, still thinking about kissing Lena and more than a little annoyed that everyone interrupted them.
"Uh, together?" she says slowly, trying to tamp down her irritation. She draws aimless patterns on Lena's back and feels her heart do a funny dance when it makes her squirm. "What makes you say that?"
Alex looks like she wants to throw something at her head, Kelly's jaw drops, and Nia rolls her eyes so hard Kara's almost worried they'll get stuck.
"You're joking," Kelly says, voice flat.
"She's not joking," Alex says.
"Not even a little," Nia adds, shaking her head. "Fellas, is it gay to want to kiss your best friend?"
Kara opens her mouth to respond with No, of course not, but then Kelly says, "Super gay," just as Alex answers with, "Totally gay," and her mouth shuts with a click.
"It's… pretty gay," Lena mumbles into her shirt and Kara pauses where she's dragging her thumb up and down her spine.
"It is?" she asks.
Kara continues stroking over her back as she considers, deeply enjoying the way Lena seems to be trying to burrow closer with every brush of her fingers. And when one particular brush has Lena arching into her with a pretty whimper, something inside her snaps.
"Okay," she announces, swallowing hard, limbs suddenly shaking as she thinks about making Lena do that again, and more. "So I think it might be gay?"
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bittcchh · 2 years
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