#theyre like. fucked up little jerboas <3
mrmeltingpoint · 2 months
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like to kick these things down the stairs reblog to kick these things down the stairs
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leafy-wings · 3 years
Finished tdg. Summary thoughts with spoilers below
Typical, bad, in an objective way. Pacing is weird as in snowfall doesnt really do anything. Theres like five events in this book; meet pantalans. Go to jerboa. Go to sanctuary. Have queen meeting. Go home. Everyone happens therein or to those ends, but there was a constant impression of.. theyre not doing anything. No real action with weight, and when we do get cool opportunities, it falls flat. Everything either happens too fast or too slow. The jerboa-sanctuary portion is really the worst for having snowfall awake in the morning going through the same cycle and repetitive actions of screaming at everyone in disbelief and then having dreams like 3 times over and snowfall goes through it all so gruelingly. Like, whatever to have a character in denial but she has the lesson fed to her in such simple terms and she still wakes up like "I HATE IT OUT OF SPITE". It doesnt feel like progression when its so forced in nor does it feel great to have a character learn sympathy with force, especially when again we've read all this before. It just feels like winters book but done 200% faster so they have room for human stuff.
The human stuff is, eh, fine. Broad criticism towards humans remain (how did dragons in the 5000 years never notice the entirely sapient humans who seem to have literally no trouble communicating where it takes only one generation for them to learn their language flawlessly? When both dragons and humans can build and gesture with their hands and do fine dextrous motions, indicating sapients? I suppose it wouldnt be so much of a problem if not for the characters arguing about if the other is sapient longer than they spend learning how to communicate with the other).
Its repetitive with the jokes, SCREAMING AND SILLY INSULTS ARE FUNNY, RIGHT! shoved right inbetween heavy moments with somber tones, not in the uplifting or funny way. "Its a childrens book series" youre really gonna say that about the book with jerboas torture in it? And again the repeated "(x) looked at (y) like, 'silly phrase!'" Said over and over again. The characters thoughts and feelings are forced to be communicated with us, not gleaned by actions or implications or even said with any interesting prose. The pacing is so weird- in the later half of the book especially, did anyone else notice that it started going "and then snowfall did (big thing)" glossing over it. Like "and then the queens finished their meeting and decided on these terms". Just fell flat on any details or drawing anything out to the extent it really needed
Snowfall i personally disliked because i dont like the shtick of "needs the moral of the story hammered into their head 20 times before they start yielding", and that part of her right distress was waved away with "IT WAS JUST AN ENCHANTMENT!! no politics talk here because the only reason tribes dislike each other is from MAGIC!!!". I did like her personally because i headcanon her w psychosis because i like it :)
Generally little happened in terms of.. plot, or changing things, aside from the human negotiations which again were wildly rushed (no arguing between queens? No discussion on how to enforce it like they worried over briefly? No disbelief, no actual speeches to the masses?) And sending the stealth team off which was just... ugh. Bullfrog and pineapple dont even get lines. Its just all exposition and the pacing is just... snowfall is in the ice kingdom whining. Snowfall is talking to the pantalans whining. Snowfall is at jerboas whining. Snowfall is at sanctuary whining. Skyhumansqueenssending-them-off. Snowfall goes home and has a fever dream. The end. EDIT; it just seemed shallow, unpolished, like she sat down and wrote everything as she thought of it. The prose was stilted and weird and esp in the second half the dialogue was so forced and strange
Where the fuck is turtle
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leafy-wings · 3 years
We should get a book in the POV of one of the lower circle icewing dragons like i bet they hate the monarchy maybe they’re planning to kill the royals and form a revolution or something I’d love to see that
seconding this, its a shame that tdg is about snowfall because shes just winter part 2. itd feel too repetitive if we had another icewing book esp when we need mudwing or skywing POVs which would both be more interesting for the novelty of it-
i really wish that tdg just wasnt about snowfall. more details below. but yeah i agree monarchy bad revolution good. put the power in the peoples talons
she doesnt really do anything that would necessitate her being her (mostly because she really doesnt do anything, period) aside from being royal which you could just pass by, like. getting permission from snowfall if you were a non snowfall character. like she doesnt even need to be a royal to appear in the queen meetings considering that tsunami and the advisors are there. really itd be more interesting if it was about lynx as she seems way more knowledgeable about icewing culture compared to snowfall who, when faced with narrative questions, responds with “i dont know, and im not going to learn”. like we dont learn about other icewing settlements, because snowfall just doesnt know about them. 
and again i always pro destroy the monarchy. every problem in this series is caused by the monarchy. war of sandwing succession? caused by the monarchy. queen coral neglecting 100% of her children? caused by the monarchy. animus corruption from albatross, darkstalker, fathom, and anemone? caused by the monarchy. nightwing/rainwing battle? caused by the monarchy. breath of evil? not caused by the monarchy but like wasp would have a lot harder of a time if she wasnt a queen
there is NO reason they should be lead by one single line of dragons when it hasnt done anything at all to help them. its not like tuis gonna get into the politics of the potential pros of monarchy, when we see little snippets of it from snowfalls perspective snowfall outright is like yeah i dont participate in that shit, i hate it when the other queens contact me about trade or treaties. theyre not like humans where theres limited farmable land that you can hold over others heads and have them work to make a product for you in exchange for that land when you are dragons and you can fly anywhere and eat raw food. hungry? just grab a fucking bird. need shelter? go into a cave. and its not like it would be hard to assassinate a queen, when you have knives for hands and the way the world works if you kill a queen you become the queen, it means that the people who sided with the queen CANNOT touch you because youre queen now.
literally theres nothing to stop a dragon from murdering a queen, being recognized as queen but going “im done with the label, im turning this castle into something useful for other dragons and going to turn into like a traveler or some shit giving out the luxuries i previously had”. its not like queens do anything or oversee dragon business as far as we know so most dragons literally wouldnt notice except for more positive morale because now youre not expected to be at the beck and call for someone who wants you to kill people
i wish this book was about lynx but even then it doesnt change that nothing really happens in book 14 except for dumps and dumps and dumps of exposition. what does snowfall DO? she exposits. goes into the treasury. exposits more. meets the pantalans where they exposit. they go to jerboa. snowfall exposits in dreams. snowfall wakes up and everyone exposits at her. snowfalls exposits in dreams again. snowfall wakes up and everyone exposits at her. thats literally the first 150 pages. then she does the only actual Thing which is talking to scavengers for a bit. and then she goes to sleep and exposits. and now im 3/4th of the way done with the book
this turned out more long and stupid than i thought but god. monarchy overthrowing is my bread and butter because its like modern europe monarchy where “they dont do anything so its okay!” but like they can still call for war and probably veto laws and in dragon no one else is doing anything
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