#they’re playing sott on the morning radio
gaycousinlarry · 8 months
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cantquitu · 5 years
I was tagged by the lovely @huccimermaidshirts to share my first sott moment, thank you for sharing yours💓💗💝💕💞
It sent me on a journey through my tags from that fateful day, and my god -  so DRAMATIQUE! :) I literally had a meltdown.
This gives some insight into my state of mind a full week before the single was released -
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Suffice to say this was not going to go down easy....I booked the day off work in preparation for the Hapocalypse. Then I developed a full-blown cold (Me: “ WHY AM I GETTING SICK NOW? I NEED ALL MY STRENGTH TO SURVIVE HARRYDAY!!! I MUST NOT BE IN A WEAKENED STATE!”)  and couldn’t have gone to work anyway. Oh, and then it seems I went into labour - 
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At 2am the night before I prepared for a few hours sleep -  “Alarm set, all prepared: I’ve got 2 laptops and my phone prepped, and a large glass of water and a packet of paracetamol beside the bed, next to my picture of Bowie” . I had crazy fluey dreams about Harry, and with five minutes to go I wrote - “my hands are sweating on the keyboard this has never happened to me outside a work situation i wont’ be able to type!!!!!!”
And then  - FINALLY -  Radio 1 played the song - 
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....and that’s basically a taste of my entire day at Harry Basecamp (my bed),where I was stationed throughout the entire Hapocalypse, only leaving briefly to buy Lemsip. At some point later that morning I got an anon ask asking me to rate the song and I replied - 
I honestly can’t put a rating on it right now, because I can’t separate my emotional response to the song (”That’s my Harry!! He’s doing THAT!!! He made that song!!! Fuck yeah I’m so proud! He sounds like an angel! 10/10 Would Bury It With Me”) from my - I won’t say my ‘objective’ view, because obviously my own taste is subjective - but my own more detached assessment of the song.
I absolutely LOVE his vocal performance. Love it. I mean, I’ve said it a thousand times but since the very beginning of my weird journey as a 1D fan I’ve been waiting to hear Harry sing an entire song so I could hear him control the build from beginning to end, ramping up the emotion and urgency of the song. So I feel particularly blessed that on his very first single he gives us the very definition of a slow build/huge finish record. Talk about granting my wishes in the most showy way possible :)
His voice sounds so effortless compared to 1D records. He’s utterly in control. That’s helped by the production - on later 1D records you could often hear Harry’s in-breath, which was obviously a production choice designed to make the record feel more ‘natural’ and organic. It’s not that I disliked that on 1D records, I just really noticed the lack of it here - it aided that effortless feel.
I love the falsetto, personally. It completely makes the song for me. Without it I feel the song would have been too pedestrian.
I can understand criticism of the repetitiveness of the three rounds of verse/chorus-that-is-really-the-same-as-the-verse. I mean, it takes me with it, I love it, but objectively speaking I know that’s influenced by my love of Harry’s voice. I do think it would have benefited from more variation to the melody on one of the rounds.
I’m torn on the squealy guitar and the choir. I veer between thinking they’re over-the-top-without-having-earned-it, and being swept away by the bombast of it all and loving it anyway :) And I love the build of the choppy, angry, scratchy guitars over the crescendo and think that’s going to sound amazing live.
That was way longer and more rambly than you wanted, anon. Sorry! I’ve been awake for so long now that I have no idea if I’m making sense any longer!
...and it’s interesting for me to read that back because my view of the song hasn’t really changed in two years. 
The whole day was so overwhelming, I just completely indulged in the excitement and the hype and enjoyed every second of it, sweating feet an’ all!! :)
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
imagine if one day Harry comes home with his fringe down how he was in the sott music video and in some pics of his album/merch like imagine missus reaction! he would look so cute and cozy
She can’t keep her eyes off of him. 
He looks different… a good different… a different that she isn’t used to seeing and she can’t help but watch him as he wanders around the kitchen in a cosy sweatshirt, loose and baggy on his torso, and a pair of running shorts, that hung to his mid-thighs and fell from his hips. He’s been home for a couple of hours, changed from his clothes and slipped into something a bit more comfier than skinny jeans and a button-up, barely noticing her wandering eyes as his bare feet pad across the tiles of the kitchen. Taking his turn to make dinner for the both of them that night and filling the spacious room with different aromas, ranging from fish to lemon to garlic, and sounds ranging from clangs of the pots to scraps of the spoons to humming to singing from the radio.
Her laptop is open but there’s no work. She’s too distracted by the walking lilac jumper that moves around the kitchen behind the lip of her computer. The occasional puff of breath bringing her back from her daydream, head lulling to one side and resting upon her hand, as he blew a piece of his fringe from his face. The occasional tinkle of a fork and a measuring jug filled with a sauce brought her back from her little moments away from reality, eyes focused on him as he dished up the food that had been cooking away.
It’s when they’re sat at the dining table that he brings it up. When her eyes can’t help but fall upon him again as he sits opposite her. A fresh bottle of wine cracked open between them, courtesy of Anne who had gifted it to them one Sunday afternoon after hosting a Sunday lunch, and candles lit in fancy holders, knives scraping the china and forks tapping against the fine plate. Playing footsies with her feet under the table, smirking at her every time he caught her eyes on him, and snickering when she diverted her attention to her plate.
“What’re ye getting embarrassed for? You’re allowed to stare at me. M’your fiancé, you nutter,” he chuckles, reaching for his wine glass upon the table and bringing the rim to his lips, eyes fully focused on her as he took a sip of the wine inside. His Adams apple bobbing as he gulped before setting it back down upon the coaster, “yeh’ve been staring at me since the moment I got back home and you’re getting embarrassed now?”
“M’not embarrassed,” she mutters underneath her breath, slumping down her chair and bringing a forkful of salmon to her lips, a smirk on his lips because he knows she’s lying. Her own lips forming a smile when she sees his smirk, shaking her head, “m’not! Don’t look at me like that. M’not embarrassed. Why would I be?”
“Because I’ve caught yeh?” He winks, slipping a potato between his lips and straining his neck forward when he feels a dribble of garlic and lemon sauce dribble down his chin, “have I got something on my face? Is that why you’ve been looking at me all day? I’ve got a new spot on my cheek, haven’t I? One that I missed this morning?”
“No. Your face is fine. It’s the one thing I hate about you,” she smiles a tight-lipped smile at him as he pokes his toe into her leg, “you have something on your forehead though. S’what caught my attention. Didn’t see it this morning because you left early.”
He looks at her in confusion, setting his fork on his plate and dragging his fingers across the skin around his eyebrows and down by his temples.
“Your fringe. You never leave the house with your hair down like that. Felt like changing things up, huh? It looks good,” she points out, nodding to herself before looking down at her plate, “it looks really good. You look different. A good different, of course, because you always look good, no matter what. I don’t know, I think you just took me off-guard. You look really soft and cosy and gentle and it makes me just want to cuddle you all night and never let you get up and now I’m rambling so can you just, shut me or something? So I don’t make a fool of my-”
“Shut up,” he laughs, reaching for her hand and squeezing it tightly, “you’re even more cuter when you ramble on over the smallest things. That’s nothing to be embarrassed over, nutter. You don’t think I stare at you when you look different with your hairstyle or your clothes? A good different, of course, because you always look good, no matter what,” he mocks, cackling out when she shifts a middle finger in his direction, “we’re getting married. You can stare at me all yeh damn well like.” xx
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