#they were metal poles you plugged in and they got really hot. they were about 1.5/2 metres long? one of them has a massive dent in
oh2e · 2 years
I love googling things we have in my home especially things we had when I was little and finding out that they don’t make them anymore because they’re actually really dangerous and/or they were never designed to be used in a home in the first place and are actually designed for a construction site.
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Can i request a meet cute for Reggie of JATP, female reader could be someone who can naturally see/interact/touch ghosts(like a medium?), and she just so happens to notice Reggie at a cafe and he notices she can see him? Rambly idea, I know but, pls and thank you 😅🙏🏼
The Median (JATP Reggie x reader)
Request an imagine here!
Request: Yes!
Prompt/summary:  Reader is a medium and she just so happens to notice Reggie at a cafe and he realizes she can see him
Word Count: 1,217
Warnings:  none
Authors note: I literally had an idea like this when I was watching the show today! Since I’m a practicing Pagan I’ve had a few experiences with spirits so that is what I’m going to be basing this off of. Hope you enjoy!
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The laptop sitting on the table grew hot as (Y/n) frantically tried to finish the school assignment that was due at noon. The coffee shop was fairly empty for early afternoon, only a few customers at a booth in the back and the baristas up front working on orders as the top 40 countdown played over the speakers. (Y/n) cursed as she saw the battery drop down to 15%, she looked around and under her table to try and find an outlet to plug her macbook into but sighed as she stood up to continue the search.
She felt the crystal on her neck shift and the energy in the room chill slightly. This didn’t happen often for her. Normally this would signal a spirit trying to communicate with her but those mostly happen in her house, not a coffee shop. Surely there wouldn’t be a dead soul here, right?
She saw a boy sitting at a table near the window. His head was in his hands and the sleeves of his black leather jacket blocked her view of his face. She glanced at the bottom of the table and saw the white outline of an outlet peeking out from behind the metal pole of the table.
“Excuse me, do you mine if I sit here to plug in my laptop? I’m almost dead,” she asked sweetly but nervously.
The boy looked up at her confused, he glanced over his shoulder to try and figure out who she was talking to. It wasn’t until he turned back and saw her (Y/c/e)s gazing back into his brown ones that he realized it was him, “You can see me?”
‘Uh, yeah? Or is this one of those things people say to get someone to freak out and leave them alone?” she giggled.
“Umm, I uh- Yeah feel free to sit,” Reggie stumbled.
The girl turned to get her bags when she saw the other customers in the booth look at her with concern in their eyes. The girl closest to her spoke up, “Who are you talking to?”
“Huh?” (y/n) said and turned back to the table, “He’s right-”
A brief flicker of light cut her off, it’s something so subtle most people would miss. She knew exactly what it was.
“Oh, guess he’s gone now,” she tried to play it off cool but the embarrassment of the moment made her want to beat her head with her laptop. They must think she’s crazy. She quickly grabbed her bag and dragged her laptop and charger back over to the table.
“You’re dead aren’t you?” she said quietly as she opened her laptop, trying her best not to be heard from the booth.
“How did you know? And how can you see me?” he said.
“I’m a medium, I talk to spirits all the time.”
“A median?” he asked.
“No,” she huffed, “a medium!”
“I’ll stick with median,” he said as he leaned back in his chair.
The girl rolled her eyes, “I should’ve known when I first looked at you. Your aura is all out of whack. I normally can read people's aura like the back of my hand, and for some reason yours just isn’t showing.”
“What’s an aura?” his face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Think of it like someone’s spiritual fingerprint. I see colors around people and it tells me something about them,” (Y/n) tried to explain.
“Oh sweet,” he said. He stared at the girl in front of him. Her (Y/h/c) framed her face perfectly, her hands moved swiftly across the keyboard. She hadn’t looked up at him since she sat down, mostly to keep anyone else from staring at her like she was crazy. Maybe she was, but he was just so glad someone other than Julie could see him.
“I’m Reggie,” he said, sticking his hand out.
“I’m (Y/n), and my hand wouldn’t grab anything so you can drop yours,” she giggled.
“Oh, right,” Reggie laughed nervously, “so what are you working on?”
“Just an essay for my music appreciation class,” she shrugged.
“You like music?” he asked.
“I like it, not a complete music nerd but I can strum a guitar and I know basic piano.”
“Cool,” Reggie smiled.
“What about you?”
Reggie sighed, “Well when I was alive I was in a band with my friends. We all died the same night.”
“Oh that sucks. When did you die?” she said. Her typing slowed down as she got more interested in the conversation.
“1995, then me and my friends were stuck in some weird black room for 25 years.”
(Y/n) looked up and furrowed her brow before beginning to type again, “Oh you were in purgatory.”
“Per-what now?”
(Y/n) giggled, “Purgatory, it’s mostly a catholic thing but most spirits I talk to confirm it. It’s just a place spirits go when they either don’t cross over immediately or haven’t found their unfinished business.”
“Oh Alex told me about that!” he smiled.
“What’s yours, do you know?” 
“I don’t, probably has something to do with music though. Watch this!” he said. He thought about his bass and it immediately popped into his hands. The girl jumped and looked at him questioningly.
“Pick up my pen,” she said slowly.
Reggie put away his bass and leaned forward, he reached towards the pen but when he got close to touching it his hand passed through the pen, table, and he fell forward slightly. The motion caused (Y/n)’s drink to spill some over her notepad and she jumped to grab napkins out of the dispenser.
“Sorry sorry sorry!” Reggie said as he sat up and raised his hands up.
(Y/n) only laughed lightly. Her eyes flickered over the rest of the cafe. The big booth table had left and it was only them and the baristas left in the store. The cashier giggled slightly at the mess, thinking the girl bumped her own cup.
“So you can pick up your instruments but not objects?” She said. She leaned her face on her hand and used the other to scroll through Tumblr on her laptop.
“Sometimes if we focus really really hard, but it feels tiring.”
“That gets better the longer you're in between, I’ve met spirits that have been here for centuries and they can open doors and turn on radios and stuff,” the girl shrugged.
“But it’s weird, if we play instruments people can hear and even see us! And the girl that got us out of, what’s it called? Pur-ga-tory? She can always see us,” he said confused.
“Even when you aren’t in the house?” (Y/n)’s eyes flickered up to his.
(Y/n)’s eyebrows furrowed again, “Wow that’s really strange.”
Before Reggie could respond he heard the door jingle open and Julie stepped in. She found him sitting at the table and slowly walked up.
Reggie looked at the girl in front of him, “(Y/n) this is Julie, she’s the one that got us out of purgatory.”
(Y/n) turned around and stuck her hand out to Julie, the girl looked extremely confused.
“Wait, you can see him?” she said.
“Yes yes we’ve just been through that. I’m a median. He can summon a bass out of nowhere too,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
Reggie interrupted, “Hey (Y/n) the median, you wanna come to band practice?
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milkymilk101 · 7 years
Wanna One as Construction Workers
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* Idek I was thinking about Sungwoon and this came up. I thought about everything in my head while my mother and I were going to Rite-Aid. Idk I hope you like it? 
Disclaimer: Might be horrible
The boss
Gathering everyone in a group hug first thing in the morning
Probably plays slow chill music in the morning when everyone is starting off their daily duties (IDK OKAY) 
Constantly trying to make sure everything is done before the deadline
Doesn’t understand why he was stuck with the crew he’s with
Literally has to keep an eye on everyone
Buys them food after a long and hard day of work
“Jisung this is why you are the Boss” - Daniel while stuffing kimbap in his mouth
Always the last one to leave to make sure all his crew is alright :’)
“Guanlin you can’t stand in the middle of the construction zone” 
Kinda wants to do the work himself because the others play around too much
Shouldn’t but picks up the slack
When he isn’t yelling and nagging at the others he’s known to do this thing where he just sits there staring off to space
“Maybe he’s wondering where we hid his trailer keys?” -Ongniel :’)
Eats his lunch alone so he can look after the rest of the crew from afar
His mom brings his lunch and he loves it. 
Home cooked meals for lunch break
Also another reason why he eats alone
Continiously saying 
“Where the hell is Daehwi and Jinyoung?!”
Does his work well
Only when Ong isn’t partnered up with him or when Ong comes around
“Daniel and Ong can you both stop trying to glue Jaehwan’s tools to the wood panel” -Jisung 
The one that takes off his work attire to reveal himself in a white wife beater 
“It’s too hot” -Daniel
“HOT DAMN!” -Ong in the distant
Daniel brings the girls to the construction zone~
“Please stay away from the construction zone. It is dangerous you civilians” - Minhyun with a megaphone
Packs himself sandwiches and ramen
Ends up tracking in cats 
They’ve adopted Daniel as their Kitty Leader (LOL KITTY PUN) 
Feeds them 
After the first couple of times he ended up bringing cat food and treats with him to work 
“What does this taste like?”
Looks forward to lunch break because KITTY TIME~
“Maybe if I figure a way to control these cats to do my work then-”
Ends up apologizing saying it was a joke but everyone knows it isn’t
Kinda does what he’s suppose to do?
No one believes he gets anything done
“Are you sure you work here” -Ong
Woojin and him has this thing that when they pass each other while working they look at each
Drop their equipment 
Wrestle to see who flips the other one onto the ground first
Loser has to do a dare
“Go to Jisung and ask him if he dropped his pockets. If he says ‘where?’ throw these at him”
*Shoves a bag full of un-sewn pockets @ Woojin* 
“Why the hell do you have this?”
The girls that walk by always call out to him
Shy af but tries very hard not to be (you’re doing great bby)
They probably bring him lunch tbh 
Ong Seongwoo
But surprisingly gets the stuff he needs done
“Wow I can’t believe you got this part done”
“I know not everyone can be as amazing as me”
*Flips the long hair he doesn’t have*
Shamelessly flirts with all the girls that walks by the fence of the construction zone
Takes lunch from them 
Well they offer it to him
He loves it b/c free food
They don’t mind because Ong is super handsome and sweet 
“If your man ain’t treating you right, then let that Mango.” *Fruit Pun
“And come to me” ;)
Dances during the lunch break with Woojin on the metal pole to entertain everyone
“If I were a stripper, my stripper name would be-”
“My favorite weather is rain. I wont be taking hail” (B/c Cash is rain and hailing is coins? Get it? No? Okay...)
Favorite tool is the staple gun because of Sungwoon
Wants to shoot it at Woojin but he knows the company’s insurance would probably go higher 
So he throws pebbles at Woojin while he’s working
Woojin is a total clueless dork 
Enjoys his job :)
Like I said does that weird ass thing with Jihoon
“I don’t need to cheat when I can easily win. Now kiss my boot and do your dare”
When he doesn’t do that thing with Jihoon, he’s actually very productive
Probably the most hardworking worker Jisung has
Probably does all the work honestly 
Like I said dances with Ong during their lunch break 
On a metal pole
They both probably dance to something like Apple bottom jeans or Yeah! by Usher
“ApPle BoTtoM JeAnNnssSSsSs BoOTs WIth ThE fuRrRrrRRRrr” *Drops it down low*
Daniel records it because Ong & him made a bet that he would get carried away
They use it against him to do their work too :’) 
Poor Woojin 
Steals Ong’s desserts as pay back
Follows around Minhyun
No one really knows what he does
Or why he’s there?
“Good morning Minhyun how was your day so far”
“He doesn’t even go here!” -Ong in the distant
A bat that hangs off of Minhyun’s shoulder
“So what are you doing now?”
“Hey Minhyun are you going out for lunch”
Probably sings while he works
Like the seven dwarfs 
Okay like all the time
Suggests Karaoke every time after work
Likes beating everyone
“MAIn VOCaL maIN RaPEr iN yOur aReA~” 
Wins all the time 
No one likes going 
“BUT there’s soju and beer” 
*finger points snaps* 
“You’re too cheap to pay all the time tho” -Minhyun
The pusher
Usually has that expressionless face while working
Everyone is kinda afraid of him 
He just nags everyone alot 
“This place is so fucken dirty.”
“You work at a construction site Minhyun” -Jisung
Like there’s Jisung and on top of that is Minhyun 
“Just do you work”
“JuST dO yUoR WoRK” 
Girls come for him too 
But he learned to ignore it 
“Minhyun! You look so handsome today!!”
“Ong I think those girls are making whale noises for you. You should go see if they need help”
He honestly just wants to get his work done
And go home
To nap? Sleep?
The “Why am I here” worker
Mentally refers to everyone as “peasant” besides Daehwi, Guanlin, Jinyoung, and Jisung
He probably writes poems during his break
Concrete is gray. 
Ply woods sucks.
I would hit these annoying mother fucks :)
~ 9/4/17 Minhyun  
Cant do much because of his height
Works hard af to make up for it :’) 
When Jisung has the music on in the morning he does a weird dance challenge with Ong 
It’s different with Woojin
Sungwoon does it with a staple gun and a nail gun
Inside jokes
“Yeah Sungwoon can definitely NAIL IT together for you Jisung”
“You both are idiots”
*Body rolls with a staple gun*
Up for Karaoke with Jaehwan
The night is mostly spent with them both competing each other 
They could sing all night tbh
Probably do high note battles while working 
An inter? Temp? I guess  
Does the minimal
“Guanlin why does one of the workers keep staring at me?”
Doesn’t really know what’s happening through out the day 
Follows along with whatever Jisung says
Just does random wild goose chase errands that the workers make him do
B/c no one wants this boy to get hurt?
“Daehwi I need you to find Jisung’s pockets”
“Jihoon isn’t his pockets on hi-”
“Look Ik this is life or death situation. The world is now in your hands alright. Now go buy a bunch of un-sewn pockets”
Became best friends with Jinyoung 
Disappears with Jinyoung (according to Jisung)
“Yeah that”
They get distracted a lot along the way
Goes out to eat
Sight seeing
Buys un-sewn pockets
Then eats ice cream along the way
“Jihoon I got you, your drugs”
“I’m kidding here’s your un-sewn pockets”
Quietly does his shit 
“Ong why does one of the new kid keeps looking at me?”
They became best friends :’) #JINHWI
Quickly does his work so he could run off with Daehwi
He actually doesn’t have as much work compared to the others
Knows his tools surprisingly 
His work sometimes consist of cleaning and unjamming the tools that Daniel, Ong, Jihoon, Sungwoon, and Woojin did :’) 
“How tf do you get a carrot stuck in the screw driver Ong”
“Look I was curious okay. Don’t question my validity” 
A handy man 
Constantly says to himself “How did I get this job?”
Always has dirt and smug on his face 
“Where is it”
*Wipes more on his face with his dirty gloves*
The girls fangirl over him too 
But he has ear plugs in purposely 
He would get shy if he actually hears what they’re hollering 
“Jinyoung! Is your voice deeper than the ocean!?”
Inter temp person with Daehwi 
They got the job together 
Their parents knows Jisung so they got hooked up for the Summer 
Their parents said “It’ll be good for your resumes”
He comes into work dressed all nicely but Jisung learned to give and have a spare set of clothes 
Comes into work with Starbucks frap in one hand and a chocolate croissant in the other
Makes sure to bring one to Jihoon in the morning
Asks his mom to make another lunch box for Jihoon
Gets upset that Jihoon has girls offering him lunch too 
Wonders around the construction site most of the time 
You’ll constantly hear “Guanlin you can’t stand in the middle of the construction zone” 
Can’t find Daehwi because MISSING
Sometimes he just sits near Jihoon and watch him work and fool around 
It’s more entertaining than filing paper work with Minhyun and Jisung
The one that constantly asks Jisung for money because he’s hungry and ate all what his mom packed him. 
Ends up seeing Jinhwi together
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Benefits of Having a Househusband: Chapter 4 - If they’re military men, you know you’ll reap the benefits of military precision
aka, 10 times Jay being a househusband worked in Erin’s favour
Also on ff.net and A03
Once again, huge thanks to @justkillingtimewhileiwait for all of her beta'ing help and idea bouncing! Hope you guys enjoy! Please let me know what you think :)
Jay stumbled into Erin’s bathroom still half-asleep. He had had a later night than her, having had more paperwork to deal with, so she had courteously gotten up first. It was a rare feat, but he appreciated the extra 30 minutes in bed.
Rubbing his eyes as he bit back a yawn, he blindly fumbled around the counter by the sink for the cup which contained their toothbrushes and toothpaste. Instead, he found himself yelping in pain when his palm came into contact with the hot plates of Erin’s hair straightener.
“Dammit!” he cursed, suddenly very awake and immediately running his hand under some cold water.
“Jay? You alright, babe?” Erin’s concerned voice travelled from the bedroom.
Gritting his teeth, he shook his head though he knew she couldn’t see it. “Depends. Were you trying to burn your apartment down, or just my hand?”
Appearing in the doorway, she met his eyes via the mirror that covered the wall above the sink. “It’s off,” she stated, pointing at the loose plug dangling off the counter; another hazard Jay chose to roll his eyes at.
“It’s still hot,” he replied irritably and flinging his uninjured hand out in the general direction of where the heat-resistant case sat not three inches behind the straightners. “You have a case for it right here.”
“Yeah, but that takes time,” she brushed off, watching him as he turned off the tap and lightly patted the blistered skin with a towel.
“Does it also take time to throw clothes into the hamper? And throw out your empty bottles?” Jay muttered, shooting her a questioning look as he nodded towards the bathtub. Her clothes were in the corner next to it whilst the back of the tub, the part furthest away from the shower, was littered with toiletries, most which she knew were empty or close to.
“Yes,” she simply replied, stepping into the room and taking his hand in her own. Tossing the towel over the edge of the tub, much to his chagrin, she lifted his palm to her lips and pressed a kiss to the burn. “Jay, I love you, but this? This is me. It’s who I am. You’ve got to accept it or it’ll bug you forever.”
Exhaling deeply at her tender touch and the apologetic look she was offering him, he nodded stiffly and glanced around the bathroom. It definitely wasn’t up to his standards, but his standards of military precision had been drilled into him from the age of 18. It was hard to let go of, though he was starting to realise that sharing a life with this woman in front of him meant he was going to have learn to compromise. At least a bit.
“Why?” Erin’s simple yet incredulous question broke the silence of the apartment he gotten use to, not having heard her arrive home from her weekly breakfast with Voight.
Standing barefoot in the bathtub, Jay glanced at her over his shoulder to see her hovering by the bathroom threshold, unsure how to enter with the many items now covering the floor. He had visited the DIY store right after his morning run, picking up what he needed to neaten up her bathroom. Luckily, she had her own set of tools though he doubted she had used them more often than on an annual occasion.
However, her question wasn’t directed to the mess of her bathroom but towards him and his current task of putting up the chrome organiser in the far corner of the bathtub. It stretched from the edge of the tub to the ceiling with 5 decent sized shelves which Jay had been certain would be enough for her toiletries.
“So I don’t break my neck trying to shower around all these bottles,” he explained before turning back to manually screw in the organiser he was just about managing to hold still.
Erin let out a noncommittal hum, and he could hear her pick up the metal pole he had left leaning against the counter. “And this?” she asked, tapping the railing with her fingers so the hollow sound echoed around the small room.
“It’s going on the door so you can throw your towel on there instead of on the edge of the tub, which inevitably ends up on the floor,” Jay answered gruffly, taking a small step back as much as he could in the tub and eyeing his handiwork critically.
“You’re kinda OCD about this, aren’t you?” she asked when he found one screw looking looser than the rest.
“You mean not dying, injuring or tripping myself over your mess? Pretty much.” Finishing the job at hand, Jay nodded to himself and moved to step out of the tub. He took Erin’s proffered hand to help keep balance as he made sure not to step on anything except the floor tiles.
Erin laughed softly at his words, causing Jay to smile back at her, hand still in hers as she swung it casually. “Okay, that explains why my shoes are always all lined up by the door too, but you know I’ve noticed you’ve basically reorganised my kitchen over the past 5 months, right?”
Shrugging, he tossed the screwdriver in his hand into the toolbox by his feet and snatched the railing out of her hand to get started on it next. “I don’t see you complaining.”
“You use it more than I do,” she commented offhandedly in reference to her kitchen, her grip on his hand tightening in what he assumed was a subconscious move when he jumped effortlessly over the tools and joined her at the doorway.
“Don’t I know it,” he muttered brazenly, earning himself a half hearted glare before he tugged her closer to him.
“Thank you for this. You really didn’t need to,” Erin said earnestly as she peered up at him with a soft smile, truly showing how much she appreciated his attempt of accepting her messiness in his own way. It was a compromise he could live with, even if he was going to always be picking up after her or restocking the shelves, at least there were spaces for it now.
Jay tilted his head slightly and grimaced dramatically. “Not keen on dying, injuring or tripping, remember? I kinda did.”
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thebeakerblog · 7 years
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Turn back the clock just a couple of centuries, and to our ancestors, the alchemy of electricity would seem like magic: with the single flip of a switch, our rooms are bathed in light.
But how does electricity makes its way to the plugs in your house? WNPR set out to answer that question and learned about the incredible combination of science, physics, and engineering, which all make our electricity possible.
And as I stood on the floor of the Millstone nuclear plant in Waterford, Connecticut, it did seem like some futuristic feat of engineering.
I was inside a massive room that looked like the hold of a multi-storied space freighter. Countless pipes twisted on the walls around me as I walked over a latticed corridor of metal stairs.
The nuclear reaction at Millstone happens elsewhere -- uranium atoms are split; heat is produced, and used to make steam. But I was looking at where that steam goes -- into a massive high-pressure turbine, about 250 feet long. It's the start of our electricity's journey.
"That's spinning at 1,800 revolutions per minute," said Ken Holt, a spokesperson for Millstone, who took me through the plant.
As we walked and tried to talk over the noise, steam flowed into the turbine, hitting blades, and twisting the shaft of a generator. It was all spinning a magnet inside huge coils of wire, converting mechanical energy into electricity. In this case, it was about 1,200 megawatts.
"Each megawatt, in New England ... can power 1,000 homes," Holt said. "So, Unit 3 is about 1.2 million homes."
In 2016, Millstone and other nuclear plants provided about 30 percent of New England's power generation. Natural gas pumped out about 50 percent. And the rest came from a mix of renewable energy and coal. It has many points of generation, which all feed into the same thing: our grid.
This got me curious about the next step: how does all that electricity move across all those wires?
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To understand that part of the story, I hopped into a helicopter with Christine Naktenis from Air Ocean Aviation. As we took to the air, she kept an eye out for hazards.
We flew a few hundred feet over a trail of high-voltage transmission lines running through Connecticut towns. Transmission lines are the big power wires you see, often in fields, up on giant metal scaffolds. In the back seat was Tony Johnson from Eversource.
You can think of electric wires as pipes -- only instead of water, they’re carrying electricity. They're two things we wouldn’t want to mix, but for the sake of this analogy, they'll do just fine.
As the helicopter zipped and dipped, I asked Johnson about something key to electricity’s journey. When a line is "live," is it always carrying the same amount of power?
"Lines are always running at voltage level 115,000 volts or 345,000 volts," Johnson said. "But amperage -- the current -- is actually how much power is flowing."
Back to our analogy. Pipes have pressure that moves water through them. Wires have voltage that moves amperage, or current, along its way. And just like you can’t track a drop of water as it moves through pipes, you can’t track an electron as it moves along on a wire. But you can track and change its flow.
"Depending on the time of year -- the loads, the heat -- you can have a very high current running through these," Johnson said. "If you take some lines out, other lines will be loaded up, so they’ll have very high current running through them."
The process isn’t perfect. The federal Department of Energy said around five percent of electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the U.S. Some is lost in the form of heat. And on really hot days, it’s physics you can see, power lines dipping toward the ground, as heat and electricity cause the wires physically to expand and slacken.
And here’s the part of the story where, for me at least, the whole thing gets a little bit mind-boggling. The entire electric system needs to be kept in near-perfect balance. If too much power is dumped into the grid, lines could, quite literally, burn up.
So who the heck watches that? Naturally, I had to find out.
"It's from this room, here in Holyoke, Massachusetts, that we dispatch virtually all of the electricity that consumers use from Maine down to Connecticut," said Ellen Foley, with ISO New England. They dispatch electricity over 9,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines across the region’s electric grid -- to millions of homes and businesses.
We were in a conference room talking about electricity, when suddenly, Foley jumped up to make a call. And in Wizard-of-Oz-like fashion, one side of the room ascended, as she literally pulled back the curtain on a large control center.
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Because of security, I couldn't go in. But behind the glass were the workers responsible for keeping the grid operational.
"Electricity is used as soon as it's produced," Foley said. "So we have to make sure that we keep supply and demand in almost constant balance."
Helping with that was a giant screen about 12 feet tall by 50 feet wide. It was a visual schematic of hundreds of power plants, substations, and transmission lines across New England, which need to be tweaked as demand varies.
Foley said workers also keep close tabs on news and the weather -- and use a "neural network" to make short-term forecasts about energy demand, "which is sort of an artificial intelligence computer that takes a look at consumer behavior for electricity demand over the past 35 years on the grid," she said.
This enables ISO to run forecasting models. For example: "How much electricity will we need on a Wednesday morning in the middle of winter, with this kind of temperature?" Foley said.
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Back up in the helicopter near Wallingford, Connecticut, Christine Naktenis swooped in to observe two large transmission lines running parallel. I asked Tony Johnson where it’s going next.
"It will end up going to a substation," he said.
Remember when we said voltage was like pressure for electrons? Well, just like you wouldn't take a shower with a fire hose -- for fear the water pressure would obliterate your loofah -- too much electric pressure, or voltage, could blow out your appliances.
So substations knock that electricity down to a lower voltage. Eversource runs more than 200 of those in Connecticut.
"And then, from there, you'll have these smaller lines come from that station to other substations, where it breaks it down to the distribution voltage," Johnson said.
Energy hits those small cylindrical transformers on your utility poles, where the voltage is massaged down one more time, traveling through distribution lines.
Finally, that power flows into your home, ready for you when you turn on your TV, or flip on your light.
(Image Credits: Creative Commons, Karim D._Ghantous, Eversource, ISO New England)
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Existential Interlude
Danny’s hyperfocusing has a fizzling out, as hyperfocusing does, and he finds himself going through a minor spiral questioning everything that he is.
Dragons are OP and Danny got in a lucky shot.
Danny flew through the skies, soaring high above Amity Park.  The wind stroked playful fingers through his hair and Danny laughed as he dove up into a cloud, dropping out of it a moment later.  "Wet and cold, just like I knew it would be.“ Concentrating, Danny slipped into that space between the real and unreal. The world became even more vibrant and detailed than it was before, every color saturated with something more than it was.  There were colors and sounds that Danny couldn’t even put a name to, but he knew they were beautiful and that he needed to find a way to put those onto paper.
The water droplets fell through his body, a weird feeling of being rinsed on the inside, and Danny shook his head, returning to the real world.  "Does this count as real though? What’s the difference between real and unreal? If I can walk through walls, disappear and fly then what if like, cryptids and stuff are real?”  Danny snorted. “I need to bet with Tucker on who’ll spot Mothman first. I can see everywhere at once though so probably me.”
A few more minutes of flying, gliding on thermals that he should be too heavy to ride, and staring at birds, Danny flew back to his house.   Turning invisible, Danny watched the world grow darker, that infinite void beyond the illusionary constructs of buildings that held true reality and something so much more.  If only he could reach it.
Passing through the walls of his home, the shadows silvery and filled with ribbons of light that stretched in ways shapes couldn’t bend filling his sight, Danny grabbed a few clothes from his closet and phased into his bathroom.  Setting his clothes down, Danny focused in on the mirror, and gravity took hold again, dragging him back into the world of light and flesh and stone. He leaned forward, staring at his reflection. “Is that really me?”
His white-gloved hand came up to touch his sky blue skin.  A green flush from the rush of flying faded away from his cheeks, while he pulled his glove off to touch his hair.  It didn’t feel right, too soft and flowy like he was underwater - and he could feel his hand as though his hair were just more skin.  Now that he thought about it, Danny could see from his hairs too, the details on his palm blurred by proximity but the scar from the accident still crystal clear no matter how he was looking at it.
Click.  The most damning sound he’d ever heard in his short life.  A button, inside the machine. The whine of electricity he could always hear in the background crescendoed, the buzzing raising his hair.  Green light flooded the tunnel and Danny ran, ran to the edge where he’d be safe. But he was too late.
A flash of light and the world righted itself around him, gravity anchoring Danny firmly to the ground and his scars faint and hard to notice instead of glowing bright electric green.  Everything was right except him, his eyes that glowed with that inhuman light in the dark. Reaching up Danny turned on the light. He held onto the counter for dear life, whatever bits and pieces he had left of it, and glared at his reflection.  Skin tanned from time in the sun with Sam on her nature walks, that scar on his cheek from when Tucker dared him to climb the backyard tree high as he could when he was 8. Blue eyes, black hair, the nasa jacket that Jazz got him for his birthday- it all looked right.  But it still wasn’t, was it?
Getting undressed and getting in the shower, Danny willed the hot water to wash away his problem too.  And for the hundredth time, it didn’t listen.
“Ghosts aren’t monsters, and I’m not a ghost.  Ghosts aren’t monsters and I’m not a ghost.” Watching the water run over him and even some dripping right through him, Danny hugged himself and let his tears get lost in the spray.  “Ghosts aren’t monsters, I’m not a ghost. Does that make me a monster?  Am I a ghost?  Didn’t I die?”
Danny scrubbed until his skin felt raw, pausing when he reached for his towel.  For a moment, his arm was translucent, water falling through him like he wasn’t there.  When it turned solid, the arm was dry as a desert. The light flickered, and Danny toweled off furiously.
Danny redressed and bolted for his room, grabbing up his notebook and flipping through the pages.  He needed something to focus on, he was riding high on that hyperfocusing for days before reality crashed in on him.  “Ectoplasm is an energy thief, cold as the abyss or hot as the sun depending on energy levels. Can see in the dark for 60 feet, can see infrared light if pressed, also absorbent thereof.”  Science, facts, things he knew about his condition thanks to experiments with Sam and Tuck. These were important things, they were his real now.
“Ultraviolet light appears as a weird color that’s got no name in human language and naming it is meaningless due to the lack of relative meaning.  Therefore I have named the color blurple, though if I concentrate harder and let myself drift further into it, I can see more colors that fit in the blurple range, such as Blae, Torqua, and Grack.”  Sam thought those were the dumbest names he could think of, so Danny needed dumber ones.
“Upon drifting off and transforming into my ghost form, I can see creatures and entities that skitter around, moving around everyone and thing that isn’t ectoshielded in the house.  Sam has spiders made of flowers following her all the time, and Tucker has a wolf constructed from floppy disks and electron cannons and other old computer parts always wandering near him.  I can hear and even sorta feel an odd sort of radiance surrounding people and plants and even inanimate objects that paints them in green shades when in ghost mode.”
Snapping the notebook shut and tossing it to the side, Danny pulled on his hair.  This wasn’t working. “I need normal. I need something totally average and human to do.”
Scrambling to his desk, Danny pulled out his sketchbook, grabbed his pencils, and remembered that beautiful panoramic scene of the sky above Amity.  The scratch of his pencil against the paper filled the silence and Danny let himself get lost in the sky he was putting to paper. Art was good. Art was safe.  “I should make a new compound so I can draw in Blurple.” Art gave him ideas. This was ok.
Tuesday afternoon Danny jogged down the stairs to the main lab two steps at a time, inspiration ringing in his skull as a design vibed in the back of his head.  There was so much potential to be had, so-called laws of physics to bend toward their breaking points and pigments to force into showing him the colors human eyes weren’t equipped for and he had work to do.  Coming to a stop, Danny cursed his ADHD for distracting him, as he saw the eerie Veridian light of the Event Horizon to the Ghost Zone and turned to look at it. The portal spun lazily on, the spiraling vortex of a green galaxy from a supercluster sized birds’ eye view.  In front of that was his father, Wearing his hazmat suit and a soda hat.
All Danny had to do was walk away from this and not question what his dad was doing, and he could’ve just gone back to his work.  But no he had to be dumb things like curious and loud-mouthed.  “Uh, Dad whatcha doin?”
His dad stopped drinking from his soda hat and his eyes flitted over to Danny at his side.  “Shhh, Danny you’ll spook the ghosts.” Spinning the reel of a fishing pole, Dad held up the line, which gave off a vibrant glow to human eyes.  Danny could see it, damningly real and in all three dimensions that his own clay form was meant to be in. It wasn’t like this human shell though, it was real .  “The Fenton Fisher is coated in an anti-phasing resin your mother and I made!  Ghosts can’t break it or phase through it!” Real and dangerous, if put in the hands of a competent hunter with the sense to coat a net instead of a fishing line.
“Coated, but what’s the line actually made of?  Did you and Mom come up with another new alloy or did you guys go into the beige portal and find the ore and then synthesize a new alloy?”  Danny couldn’t think of anything they had on hand as flexible as the metal between his fingers, other than actual thread. “Also why a fishing line?”
“Discovered it in that underground place and synthesized it Danno!  It’s stronger than tungsten and flexible as spider silk.” Dad paused and thought for a moment.  “Well it wasa spider made out of rocks that we killed to get the original samples…”
“There’s life beyond that portal?”  Danny dropped the line, staring with his mouth hanging open at his father.  “You mean the rocks are animate, possibly sentient creatures? What if there’s sapient life there?”
Dad laughed, booming with shared excitement but Danny could hear at the edges of his voice where humans couldn’t hear.  He wasn’t excited for the same reasons as Danny. “Maybe! Good thing that portal doesn’t start up unless plugged in. I tried pulling the plug on this one and it just stays open.”  Dad ruffled Danny’s hair. “But if ghosts have taught me and the family anything it’s to not trust anything that comes through a portal.” Dad chuckled and tossed the line into the portal, and Danny frowned.  "I’m fishing for ghosts, Danno! Since they can’t escape the line, I’ll be able to get them on a dissection table!“
The lights flickered and buzzed louder than before as Danny’s rubbed his arms, nose wrinkled.  His father really thought he’d catch anything with nothing more than a dangling hook? Did he truly think ghosts to be so, so stupid?  So ignorant? How could he be so arrogant when he could barely hear the humming of sparks running through their machines, let alone the rivers of light and fire dancing and crackling and snapping their song as they pulled the world along?  There was so much more a ghost could see that humans simply weren’t equipped for, so much to hear and taste and feel. When he was a ghost Danny was a cloud of stardust and volcanic ash and comet ice, floating around in the silvery void of the night as the stars sung their lullaby to him- to everything.  Danny was still himself in either form, he knew he was, but how to get his father to see that when he couldn’t see?
"This soda runs right through ya!”  Dad said, pulling Danny from his irate musings, and handed Danny the fishing pole.  "Be right back!“ Wait, what? Before Danny could voice that thought, his dad was gone.
So, of course, that was when Danny was dragged toward the portal by the line going taught, and he dug his heels in to try and stand his ground.  For a millisecond the line went loose before Danny was yanked a foot forward onto his face. Looking up he saw a blue scaly paw the size of his body exit the portal, talons the size of Danny’s arm each.  It pulled the serpentine head of what Danny could only call a blue-scaled dragon out of the portal, the end of the Fenton Fisher in it’s maw. Said hooked end proved truly tougher than Danny when it was chewed on then spat onto the ground, still shaped like a hook.  Danny scrambled to his feet and the dragon snorted at him, other paw coming out and grabbing him faster than anything that size should move. "I want to go!” It said the force of its breath blowing his hair back. Danny reached frantically for the void and it filled him, transforming him into his ghost form.  "I have to go!“ There was heat in the air now and Danny hated the idea of what came next.
His body became a cloud of green mist and escaped the iron grip, reforming next to it.  "Sorry, my dad’s in the bathroom but you can go right after.” Danny recognized he was outgunned and lunged for the nearest bazooka.  The dragon took a breath and Danny phased. Everything was engulfed in fire, green flames that burnt and detonated all the chemical vials left out for storage.  Everything burned, even Danny’s intangible form burned and when it ended he held the bazooka in two shaking human hands. Taking aim, he pulled the trigger, funneling all his remaining strength into the bazooka.
The dragon was flung back by the force of the blast and into the portal, and Danny slumped against a wall.  He heard footsteps charging downstairs and his father calling his name, but Danny was out cold soon enough.
Green on all sides, the whispers and screams and songs of sorrow and rage and joy across an entire plane of existence not his own that echoed in his skull in his blood and flesh and bones.  He tried to run, but it was too late, and light, the explosion that brought all things to form and unform, and pain. White hot pain like a hundred thousand lashes of a barb covered whip against every inch of his body.  Fire consumed him, icy darkness swallowing him whole as lightning raced and arced through every nano meter of his being. Pain fit itself between every muscle, every bone, every cell of his body and no matter how much he screamed it wouldn’t stop.
Waking up after being burned by a dragon, inside and out, is simultaneously what one does and does not want.  On one hand, it meant Danny was alive! He could feel things in that way his warm flesh body could feel. On the other, most of that input was pain, pain and more pain.  Danny groaned and opened his eyes slowly, groaning louder at the sight of the small medical bay in one of the lower labs. His body had burns on it, felt like, far worse than the iron hitting his arm when he was 7.
“My back is burnt to shit, and these bandages feel itchy ,” Danny mumbled, turning his head to see if there was anything new in the medbay.  He saw his mother jogging over to his side, a glass of water in her hands. “Hi, Mom.”
“Hey baby,” she said softly.  When Danny pushed himself up she stopped him and he groaned.  “Careful Danny, you got some nasty burns. It’ll be a bit before you can just walk around again.”
“Actually, Mom, I think that accident with the portal did more than scar me.”  And boy did it. Looking at his hand, Danny saw the arcs of lightning tracing his veins like blooming flowers.  “I uh. When I scrape my knee or accidentally cut myself in the kitchen or something it heals up in like, an hour.”  There was caution and curiosity in his mother’s gaze - in the faint whispers, he could hear of her aura. Danny didn’t often mention the accident, and his parents were horrified at the news, so the lasting effects were probably a worry to them.  Danny sat up slowly regardless and groaned as he sat with his arms in his lap. Straightening up drew a hiss from his lips but he felt fine enough to sit up like this. “Can I get that water please?”
“Here.”  Mom handed it over, lingering to make sure he could grasp it.  Danny had never been so grateful that his ghost was on recharge, hand staying perfectly solid while he took long sips to clear up the dryness of his throat.  "Sweetie, we found you in the middle of the flaming lab holding a bazooka.“ Said like that it sounded as if he’d fired at the wrong target. Though Mom was clearly just concerned.  "What happened?”
“Dad was fishing for ghosts, handed me the Fenton Fisher while he went to the bathroom.  A minute later I made a fascinating discovery.” Danny took another sip of water. “Dragons apparently existed.”  He’d never seen his mother’s eyes grow so wide so fast, and the shrill tones of fear echoed in the room. “I managed to shoot it back in the portal and I guess it just flew off to find something better to roast.”
Mom took a few deep breaths, each exhale dulling the fear ringing in Danny’s head.  "I’m going to have a talk with your father about being careful with the portal,“ she said.  "You rest up, ok?”
“Can I have a notebook and pencil?  I had an idea for upgrading the Gravity Inverter mark IV, but I stopped to talk with Dad before I could start.“  Dragon fire or no dragon fire, Danny needed to get this idea somewhere before he lost it. “Oh, my binder didn’t get too burnt up did it?”
His mother agreed to the notebook after assuring Danny that the binder was undamaged and brought it to him with his sketching materials.  She kissed his head, told him goodnight, and that was the last point at which he noticed any time passing. Danny drew, examined his design, and edited it over and over until he fell asleep.
Wednesday morning Danny was up and feeling restored, the shadows filled with silvery light again and beams of sunlight warming his skin carrying echoes of Starsong.  While he got ready for the day, Danny found himself humming those odd tunes he could hear coming from the sun, and noticed that everywhere he hummed it, the lights grew brighter and the room warmed up comfortably.
Grabbing his backpack Danny held up his wrist ray and put an ear in the sunlight.  He listened carefully, and once sure he had some small grasp of the sound, sang three notes to the ray in the barest whisper.  Without so much as trying to see the vibrancy beyond his human eyes, Danny could see the ectoplasmic battery within light up like a tiny star, and it whined with the sound of a building discharge.
Once sure that it wouldn’t actually fire, Danny let out a breath.  "Ok, fascinating note to self: singing the sound of sunlight can charge up…” a look around the room showed all his electronics buzzing and humming louder and brighter than before.  "Everything with a battery. Test if it works on dead batteries later.“
Breakfast was a tad more subdued than usual, Jazz shooting him looks every couple seconds when she thought Danny wasn’t looking.  Danny flicked a piece of cereal at her to make her stop. Jazz denied him any rides that week. Danny munched extra loud on his bacon.
Sam and Tucker responded to Danny’s revelation about as well as he could expect.  "You shot a dragon with a bazooka and lived to tell the tale?” Sam sounded so deadpanned shocked that Danny found it hard to not let her walk into a stop sign.  He graciously pulled her out of its path anyway.
“How?”  Tucker half shouted.  "Dragons are like, near indestructible!“
"Lucky shot I guess?”  Danny shrugged. “It burned me so bad I went human again, which was just.  The worst experience.” Danny shuddered. “Felt like I was burnt inside.”
Tucker wrapped an arm around Danny’s shoulder and Sam did the same, pulling him into an odd moving group hug.  "Dude, don’t worry. We got your back and the dragon is gone.“
"Yeah, I’m sure your Mom had a long talk with your dad about leaving you alone with the open portal.”  Sam rolled her eyes. “The most irresponsible thing.”
“No, Sam,” Danny snorted.  "The most irresponsible thing he did was pulling the house into an alternate dimension where everything was a frozen wasteland.“
"How are you still half alive?”  Tucker snorted as Danny elbowed him.  They stopped at a corner and Tucker frowned as Danny shivered.  "Aw c'mon!“
The trio disentangled when from the concrete rose a blob of green with huge red eyes and a mouth made of the same ectoplasm as it’s skin - membrane?- body.  Eight green tentacles rose up in threat and the friends had their wrist rays trained on it. To everyone’s shock, when each ray struck the ectopus it splattered backward, leaving a stain on the street.
"We should walk around that, ectoplasm is nigh impossible to get out of your shoes and then they animate.”  Danny walked calmly around the puddle, making it to the other end of the crosswalk before noticing his friends weren’t there.  "Guys?“
"Danny did we just…” Sam stared at the puddle with rising horror and Danny furrowed his brow in confusion.  "Did we just kill that ghost?“ Oh. Oh .
Danny shook his head, wondering how he failed to mention that to his friends.  "No. Ghosts are 4 dimensional, we just splattered it’s constructed vessel. It’ll make a new body in the Zone.”  Danny jerked a thumb in the direction of their school. “We’re gonna be late.”
“… yeah, ok.”  Tucker took Sam’s hand and they walked around the puddle and caught up with Danny.  After all they couldn’t be late again.
Classes passed, Danny’s meds helped him keep focused, boring teachers had him slipping out of tangibility and visibility.  Danny was sure he’d not gotten so much sleep in weeks because this was the most lucid he’d felt since the accident. Mr. Falluca was very happy to see him so attentive again and Ms. Harris told him after class that she was glad he’d started getting better.
Lunch rolled around with Danny digging through the food Agatha had given him on the way.  Apparently she stood by her accusation of him being skin and bones. “Oh yeah,” he said, swallowing the last of the meatloaf she’d special made him.  “I made an odd discovery this morning. I’ve been thinkin on it and I guess it involves enhanced sensory reception and processing? Like my ghost finally reached my ADHD and now that’s involved in it fully.”
Sam nodded along, finishing up the last of her salad.  “You didn’t look like you were overloaded this morning so I’m hoping that this was a pleasant bout of stimulation.”
“Yeah, I can hear sunlight.”  Danny took a bite of his sandwich.  “Like, light is a wave particle, so it’s material so i guess it almost makes sense to be able to hear it?  I could always hear electrical currents.”
Sam took a long sip of her shake, staring at him with warring concern and curiosity in her whispers.  “What’s it sound like?” Stars, she had to ask him that .  How could he put it into words that humans could fully understand?  It was a song he could feel echoing in his bones if he listened long enough, he could hear it, feel it now.
“I’ll uh sing it.  But later, when there’s not a bunch of people around.”  Judging the look on Sam’s face he added, “The Wrist Ray got so charged it nearly went off when I sang it earlier Sam.”
“Fair enough,” Sam conceded.  At the same time, Tucker slid onto the bench next to Danny, draping himself over the teen.  Danny gave Tucker a pat on the head.
“Strike three Tuck?”
“Try strike three thousand.”
“I don’t know what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance,” Sam said to the eye rolling of the boys.  “I don’t need someone to ask me to go just to feel special.”
“Sam you literally strong armed our middle school into doing a Sadie Hawkins dance within your second year of being there.”  Tuck scanned the crowds of students, looking for a girl he hadn’t asked out yet. “And dragged me n Danny into it.”
“Yeah, it’s equally unequal to say that only the girls are supposed to be asking the guys out,” Danny pointed out, half paying attention to the conversation.  The other half was split between the filling feeling of absorbing his wrist ray charge while eating, improving upon his parents’ laser rifle designs so that it was made strictly from recyclables and solar powered, and staring into the sea of teenagers.  "Why not just anyone ask anyone out?“
"Yeah, like Paulina.”  Tucker nudged Danny’s head in the direction of one of the most beautiful girls he’d ever seen.  Tan skin and dark curly hair, strutting in whatever the latest fashionable outfit is - some pink top and jeans - and looking every bit a model as anyone might assume she could be.
“Yeah,” Danny said, forgetting his sandwich entirely.  "Paulina.“
"Please,” Sam scoffed.  "Girls like her are a dime a dozen.“
Danny pulled some change from his wallet.  "I got fifty cents in change, what’s that get me?”  Sam rolled her eyes, punching his shoulder.
“Can’t judge a book by it’s cover Danny.”
“Only way to find out of if the content is as good as the cover is to go and check out that book!”  Tucker gave Danny a nudge, lifting him to his feet like some madman.
“Are you crazy, Tuck?  I can’t ask Paulina, I get butterflies in my stomach around cute girls.”
Sam tilted her head at him and deadpanned, “Am I a joke to you?”
“You are 89% likely an eldritch abomination fitting itself in a human meat puppet so as to observe us in disguise until we stop amusing you,” Danny pointed out.  "Between that and your steel soled combat boots, only a fool wouldn’t be nervous near you Sam.“
"Damn,” Tucker laughed, “that was a better recovery than I’d’ve used.”
“Kudos to you Danny.  Now go, and try to keep the butterflies in your stomach, not your mouth.”  Sam was shoving him like the cruel sadist she was toward the tree Paulina was eating an apple under.  That was fine, movies were unrealistic and everyone who eats apples isn’t an asshole.
“Uh, hi,” Danny said, leaning an arm on the tree.  "I’m-“ think of something funny, think of something suave, Fuck I’m falling.
"Please don’t say you’ve fallen for me,” Paulina sighed.  "That’s so last year.“
"No, actually, I was too busy admiring your hair to notice that root I tripped on.”  Danny pulled himself back up to his feet and held out a hand. “I’m Danny. I…” that numbness was isolated intangibility. His pants fell.  Shit. Everyone who was watching like a flock of vultures started laughing.
Paulina was laughing as well, her aura flaring up a bright shade of pink and smelling like junipers.  "A gentleman typically tips his hat, but I’ll give you points for originality.“ Good, he had a chance still.  Danny picked up his pants and oh stars above No, Sam please.
"Kudos, Danny.  You set the record for how fast someone can drown in the shallow end of the gene pool.”  What god had he pissed off? Was it death? Paulina’s aura darkened, soured, and Danny bit back a groan.
“You did not just call me shallow, did you?”  It had to be Death, he hardly defied any other deity.
“I do believe I could stand in a puddle of you and not get my ankles wet.”  Danny would’ve called that a great burn were he not being murdered, a second time, by the same person.
“Shallow?  I am not shallow!” ��Paulina looked pissed, in every way that Danny could pick out.
Sam dragged him away, saying something about his song, and Danny was too busy trying to keep up his pants to fight her on it.  As soon as they stopped, however, Danny fixed himself up and glared daggers at her. “What the hell Sam? I got her to laugh, she was genuinely amused not mocking me!”
Sam crossed her arms, sighing in something that sounded frustratingly like pity.  "Danny, girls like Paulina aren’t worth the embarrassment of putting up with her snippy, shallow insults.  She’ll dump you immediately upon feeling you don’t boost her popularity or something.“
"You don’t even know that, and I don’t care, Sam.”  Danny pulled at his bangs and scowled at Sam. “Hell, what happened to ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ miss 'girls like her’?”
The bell rang and Danny groaned.  Sam was glaring at him, turning toward the school.  “Trust me Danny, she’s just a shallow little rich bitch and she doesn’t care about anything but the latest fashion.  I’ve met plenty of her type already.” Danny rolled his eyes, finished fixing up his pants, and grabbed his stuff for class.
After the last three classes of the day, Danny pulled out his phone and started typing on his way to the bathroom.
[To: TuckWiz, Gothica]: going for a fly, the ectopi only take a shot to stop, and apparently 3 to blow up.
Checking to make sure no one was in the bathroom, Danny closed his eyes and reached inward.  His body cooled down, the sounds of the everyday world faded away until the loudest he could hear from it was the buzzing whine of electricity in the walls.  He could see everything all around him at once, all the colors vibrant and full of so much more life than he could see when he was flesh and blood. Unfortunately, he could smell everything even better too.  “Stars, this place stinks.” Untethered from gravity, Danny slipped into that space just on the edge between reality and not, rising through the ceiling to the skies above.
Keeping himself invisible, Danny did a few loops in the air, soaring higher and higher away from the eyes of everyone on the ground.  Everything was so much more peaceful up in the sky. “Stars this is so cool. The panoramic view used to make me wanna puke, but now it’s just beautiful.  I can’t imagine being able to see like this all the time though.” Danny turned into a spin, heading for a cloud. “There’s a lot I don’t need to see in school.”  The cloud was cold and wet and dark inside, whispers of laughter and echoing wishes overlapping each other flowing through the puff of grey. Stopping in the middle of it, Danny hummed a few notes of that song from before, laughing when the whole cloud flared up with sunlight.  “Holy aurora that was beautiful!”
Flying out of the cloud, Danny let the water fall through him and dove for the ground.  He let gravity take hold, watched the world rush by faster and faster. With how high he’d been, Danny was sure he was already at terminal velocity.  So, he removed air resistance from the equation, falling faster as the air passed through him. And with his phasing through even the air, Danny watched as light passed through him as well, the world changing from it’s typical rainbow of variety to a wash of green, purple and silver.  And then Danny was below the earth itself, falling further and further into the crust.
He could just keep going.  Keep falling toward the core of the world, see if it could warm him while he was between it and a whole other reality entirely.  Listen as the molten starmetal sung to him clearer and clearer upon descent. But Danny wasn’t one for going down.
Danny stopped, flipping himself around and looking upward to where his heart, or the ghostly equivalent of it, was telling him the sky rested, waiting forever for all things to come to it.  Ascending to street level, Danny spun around and shook himself, taking in the scene. “I think I’m close to where we asked Agatha to help out. Wonder how she’s doing?” Letting the world fade to silvery shadows and clouds of green again, Danny looked all around through the walls and around humans.  Spotting the light of another spirit, he pushed off in her direction, grinning.
Returning to reality, Danny found a quiet place in the alleyway of the building and transformed.  Shaking off the weirdness that was entering his ghostly state, Danny headed to the entrance. It was a delight to find that Agatha was helping out almost more than Danny had been expecting.  People around the kitchen looked healthy, and Agatha shoved more food on Danny - which no teenager could possibly deny. Danny waved goodbye, unwrapping and taking a few bites out of his gifted burrito, and even made it all the way home in peace.
Danny almost bumped right into Jazz as she left for whatever she was doing.  “Unlicensed psych work again, Jazz?”
“Looking for spots to graffiti, Danny?”  Jazz rolled her eyes, heading to her car.  “Mom and Dad are on the phone with their main contractors in the government and I needed some air.”  Jazz stopped, and that frantic pen scratching noise rang in Danny’s ears like it always did when Jazz worried about him.  “Mom says a uh dragon burnt up the lab while you were in it. Explosion?”
“No, actually, a real ass dragon.”  Danny lifted up his shirt, grinning at his sister as she stared at the burn scars.  “Just barely got outta the way. I shot it back into the Astral Plane like a boss.”
Jazz was on him and inspecting the wound in what felt like milliseconds.  She rushed him into the livingroom and Danny sighed while Jazz fretted. “I’m walking around pretty dang fine, Jazz, I’m handling it.  Thanks though.”
“Danny, I need you to tell me what really happened down there.”  Jazz wasn’t convinced, clearly.  Considering Dad and Mom both had seen him and told him they saw his ghost half, he’d expect Jazz to have seen it too.
“This isn’t some breakdown or me rearranging things in my head to deal with the trauma or something Jazz.”  Danny stood up and pointed at the door to the main lab. “That portal in that lab is the real deal. Ghosts came out of it.  I’ve had to shoot them with my Wrist Ray.”
Jazz stared into Danny’s eyes for a moment, and Danny thought she might actually listen to him for once.  Then she sighed, shaking her head and heading to the stairs. “I’m here for you when you wanna talk about it Danny.”
Danny rolled his eyes and ran upstairs himself.  “First a shower, then that color compound.”
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iameveryonesmom · 6 years
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Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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mikepepi · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2020
window.addEventListener("sfsi_functions_loaded", function() if (typeof sfsi_widget_set == "function") sfsi_widget_set(); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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indierecords · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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axolotlottie · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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thingyoungbright · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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save-the-dream · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2020
window.addEventListener("sfsi_functions_loaded", function() if (typeof sfsi_widget_set == "function") sfsi_widget_set(); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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kunlabora-blog · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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0n0s3ndai · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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iameveryonesmom · 6 years
Fast Electric Scooter
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/fast-electric-scooter/
Fast Electric Scooter
The 5 Best Fast Electric Scooters For 2019
jQuery(".sfsi_widget").each(function( index ) if(jQuery(this).attr("data-position") == "widget") var wdgt_hght = jQuery(this).children(".norm_row.sfsi_wDiv").height(); var title_hght = jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").children(".widget-title").height(); var totl_hght = parseInt( title_hght ) + parseInt( wdgt_hght ); jQuery(this).parent(".widget.sfsi").css("min-height", totl_hght+"px"); );
1. NANROBOT D4+High Speed Electric Scooter -Portable Folding, 40 MPH and 45 Mile Range
2.GOTRAX GXL Commuting Electric Scooter – 8.5″ Air Filled Tires – 15.5MPH & up to 12mile Range
  3.Glion Dolly Foldable Lightweight Adult Electric Scooter(15mph)
  4.TopMate ES31 Electric Scooter (13 mph)
5.VIRO Rides Vega Transforming 2-in-1 Electric Scooter (10mph)
  Increase The Speed of your electric scooter
What’s up guys Dave here from Comm-fab.com im doing a review I’m sorry basically going to show you guys how to increase the torque and speed of a electric scooter specifically this is a razor e two hundred but pretty much this Forks no matter where you go so the first thing we’re going to do and I’m gonna make this in clips to make the article a lot quicker is now remove these screws it’s a good idea to keep in mind where these screws were because some of them are different lengths shorter screws longer screws you will need a screwdriver and Allen and some kind of wrench sir I’m sorry to hold the nuts on the back of this section right here to take these screws off so once we do that we can get to the guts next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to take out these two screws to get out to this metal this metal bracket out here to get down to the guts of the processor back here here’s your two 12-volt batteries and your motor with your chain link back here so let’s go ahead and take out this bar and get to the processor down alright for this next section we’re going to have to take out these two screws here which I want to go ahead and point out before somebody got to pulling out wires here be careful that you’re not going to do anything with your connectors here they are covered for protection because you can short out these two batteries that’s bad news so take any precaution you need to if you need to go ahead and disconnect these push in that little clip here that allows you to pop these out they’re only going to fit in each one the same so you’re not going to be able to swap out the wrong pins here with the wrong plugs so and unplug all this to bring the safety level up a little bit better and again you need to take the screw back here out also for any of you that notice I’m doing this free handed I got a a article camera that is able to grab on to the unit itself which I got a review on that you always check out my youtube channel you want to take out these next top four screws next now I’m not gonna lie we’re not done this it was not easy for this next part because they do a really good job and making sure that you’re not going to get corrosion on all of your processing board down here and how they do that is they basically cover the whole processor in a jail so we take out those four screws we should be able to remove this I hope I’m not forgetting something shouldn’t I should have been all of it see it’s still sealed up here anyway this isn’t a you not done this – I’m good yeah I get a nice Pole there and see how that I’m breaking a seal there I’m going to pause the article I’ll work on this all right so what it was is there’s just a really good seal on here use a flathead to break it apart you’re able to pull this out now you got your board on here pretty much held in place between all these connectors coming in and the fact that it’s screwed in on this side and it’s kind of hard to see I’m trying to point it out before I take it off your hand apart there is a piece of metal in here right here and it’s about that long and it comes up goes straight over and goes right back down the board that connector comes from here and goes to here what it is is a current limiter it’s the amount of electricity amps that can flow through that single piece of metal is the amount of torque and power you can use you can increase that by if I get a little bit more light on there I want to make sure you guys are getting good look at this because the harder way of doing this would be to take that little piece of metal there and remove it or add to it the easiest way that would be to add to it is going to be covering from this piece of metal to this piece of metal with a any type of piece of metal or even solder itself paper clip or anything so what you want to do is try to get something in between these two or remove it from inside there and replace it if you have a soldering iron what you’re going to want to do is maybe take a piece of paper clip make sure you strip away make sure there’s nothing on top of it it’s a nice smooth surface and you’re going to want to find that piece of metal this goes along with all the electric scooters on that piece of metal measure you add a little piece get something to cut it off about that length and solder it on there if you don’t have solder you can do anything from having a good piece of tape that comes across here or hot glue super glue something that will keep it on there and leave its contact on there you want to make sure you kind of like I said cover it you don’t want that piece coming loose and jumping across here you’ll burn out your your processor right there so your circuitry board so but that’s what you’re looking for that little piece of metal you’re looking to jump it either the best way would be with solder or follow up with something strong tape or good piece of duct tape or something to cover over top of all the board so it doesn’t jump around and that’s how you do it put everything back together give your scooter a try you can always put it on there and connect everything get back inside here try it out see if you can notice the difference I try a good way to test it out possibly going up a hill at full battery with your heavy weight don’t wait and seeing how fast you go up it and then once you’ve done this you should be able to go back and notice a big significant in torque and speed so if you guys appreciate it I’d appreciate the like don’t forget to comment and all that good stuff thanks .
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