#they don't like their arguments being interrupted 😂
binary-not-found · 1 year
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Much was said about the parallels of 1.20 with 2.20, but let's better talk about how Kate shows anger and we know it is because Lucy got hurt and not for any other reason, the case worries her, yes, but Lucy her priority, it is Lucy who could have gotten badly hurt or worse, in 1.20 Lucy yells at Kate and masks it with her jeopardizing the case, when we all knew that her annoyance was because Kate could have died in that situation.
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And let's talk about "not mad, just frustrated" because it's clear she's angry and feels like yelling at her, but we also know her concern for Lucy's safety is more
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"I don't care about the anniversary thing."
I'd like to know if Lucy really thought that's what Kate was worried about or was just trying to deflect attention from what just happened 🤔. Because even to Jane, who was probably watching them from her office, it's obvious that what Kate is worried about is that Lucy was acting trusting Joe fully aware that things could go wrong
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The fact that she defends her point in front of Kate so decisively, the way she knows Joe was manipulated and doesn't back down even when it seems like she should, that speaks to how Lucy knows what she is doing is the right thing to do. By meeting Joe she realized that her suspicions of him being the victim were real, he was manipulated and her instincts were screaming at her to get justice for him.
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"I'm scared that he might do something that he can't come back from."
And she says that because she's sure he's not guilty, that what he did was to protect himself, oh I'm loving watching Lucy become the agent she's becoming 🤗
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And suddenly it seems that neither of them are upset, or frustrated or have anything else to say, I love the way Jane was probably waiting for the right moment to come in, I imagine her quietly waiting for either of them to raise their voices a little more to interrupt and stop an argument
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One detail I can't get past is the way Lucy turns to look at Kate before leaving the room, she knows Kate doesn't want her to go, she knows she distrusts Joe and is upset and worried about her, but she also knows she needs to do the right thing by protecting Joe and saving him from being blamed or doing something he won't be able to come back from, and Kate's expression is...gold
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"Take Whistler with you."
Because she has nothing to do with the case, but Jane simply doesn't want her in the office anymore 👀😂.
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I KNOW there was an argument in the parking lot when getting in the car over who was going to drive, because Kate didn't want to let Lucy do it, but Lucy just had to do things her way, regardless, we love seeing them out in the field together 🤭
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I can't be the only one who yelled at the screen when Lucy made sure Kate didn't see her before she entered the boat, because she knew she shouldn't do it by herself but she also knew she had to do it alone
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"I turn my head for a minute!"
And that was exactly the reason why she shouldn't go in alone, because it was sure there would be danger, it was more than obvious that something like that would happen, and I want to think that Lucy knew Kate would be there in time, but something in the " thanks" she says, tells me that she was actually surprised and grateful that Kate had been quick enough
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I'm repeating myself too much, but I just can't express how much I loved watching her handle the case and deal with Joe the way she did, she was respectful and honest with him, everything she did was to prove that he had been manipulated and that he was the victim of the situation simply because she knew he was, she knew that defending him was the right thing to do, it speaks to her as a person, her heart and her as an agent and her instinct that we have watched grow throughout these two seasons, I'm so proud of my little Lucy 💖
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"You doing all right?"
Notice the way Kate looks at Lucy when she asks if she's okay, she knows that what Lucy is trying to do is deflect attention, but she knows her too well
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"Maybe you even saved his life, I'm proud of you."
I'm going to take this two ways, because I want you to notice the way Lucy shakes her head when Kate tells her she's proud. First Kate says this in a way of agreeing with her and apologizing for not trusting Lucy's instinct, for reprimanding her for what she did that even though it was wrong, Lucy did it because she knew it had to be done and second, because she knows that Lucy needs someone to tell her, she needs someone to reassure her that she did everything she could, the comment she makes asking why she feels so bad if it was the right thing to do, she needs to know, for others to know, even reassure herself, that she did everything in her power to save the innocent person's life.
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And how she finally breathes and lets herself be comforted, we know it's hard for Lucy to accept when something hurts her, luckily Kate knows her well enough to not need words, just hugging her, letting her know it's okay, that she's going to be okay.
2/3 episode 20
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tracybirds · 1 year
Let's go for questions one and five for the TAG ask game :D
Ooh yay! This got uhhhh out of hand lol
1. What do you like most about your favourite character?
*cue the instant argument in my head over who's the favourite*
I was literally about to go "look John gives me physics so..." and Scott shouted in my head "what about piloting, there's soooo much maths and physics in that  and Virgil went "I'm a qualified engineer???" and Gordon said "oceanography has a huge focus on applied physics, and what about the biomechanics of the body we talk about as athletes" and Alan looked me dead in the eye and just said "SPACE?!?!"
I'm very physics obsessed and since I'm on summer holidays this is only going to build until I get back to school and get to torture a new set of students with my one true love 😂😂
Uh, anyway, aside from that the unfailing and unflinching decision to do what's right over and over and over again, even when it's hard, and to not only do what's right, but to do it with love and kindness and patience. Quietly getting on and solving the problems and it's the old story of all that pain and it only made him kind (thanks doctor who that's permanently etched into my being now but it's so real and it killlllllls me)
and now I'm all weepy 😭😭😭😭
5. Talk about your favourite Thunderbird or any other vehicle like you would talk about a pet.
*giggling* I don't have any pets and all I can think about is Hagrid saying that sometimes people can be a bit stupid about their pets
So.... mini fic?
"She's grown so much, Brains! How's she eating?"
"Scott, it's a machine, it doesn't eat. Thunderbird One's fuel cells are currently operating at 78% efficiency. We need to break 80% if we want those top speeds to be accessible."
"She'll get there," said Scott, cooing slightly as he stared up at Thunderbird One's shining hull. "She's the best plane in the world, she'll do anything we ask her too."
"It's not down to her - it - it's a machine Scott!"
"Oh, you're much more than that, aren't you girl?"
"It's the physics that determin–"
"You listen to me," Scott interrupted, paying Brains no mind. "We all know physics is important, but you and me? We have a bond beyond the physical world, I can feel it. You can feel it too  can't you girl."
He paused, listening to a response from beyond the universe as the sun struck her silver casing and made it sing. Brains looked fit to explode beside them.
"That's right," Scott said, humming in agreement. "When you're all grown up, it'll be you and me, girl, we'll take them on together. Not long now, help Brains with his work now."
Scott patted her hull one final time, and grinned at Brains.
"She'll be good I promise. Forget 80%, I reckon she could hit 85."
Brains huffed.
"I'll keep that in mind."
For a moment, Scott lingered looking down at the blueprints spread out across the holos.
"Could you send me a copy of that one?" he asked, pointing at the very first technical drawing Brains had done, Jeff dictating his vision at his side.
Brains looked up at Scott, forlorn in the knowlesge that he'd be leaving 'his girl' behind once again as his leave ended.
He sighed and waved a hand, transferring a copy to Scott's device.
"Go on," he grumbled good-naturedly. "Take your baby photos and get out of here."
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syncogon · 4 days
young blood detective ep 6! i really should have just made a commentary post for each episode instead of yknow being a nuisance in dms but here we are
today on questionably-allowed soundtrack choices: undertale??
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seventh room sleepover!! tbf this is basically their canonical sleeping arrangement so we really need more content about this. zxc way too excited to hear about who's telling wys about his sleeping habits, just look at his >:D
alas gossip sess interrupted by bug spray
i need cooking lessons from zw
their entire mission today is fanservice WOOO
(will continue watching and updating this post)
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i think it's very funny that the whole point of this episode is tian hu fangirl fanservice i can't believe we're getting our canon ship marriages but crossdressing. look at zxc's grin here
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our newlyweds and their aunts. honestly at first i dismissed this as silly fanservice but no. i see the appeal now.
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the lab googles plus the female wedding clothes im 🤣
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push comes to shove wys still calls her xiao jing 🤣 😭
noooo alas the drama in my drama 😔 guess that's realistic 😔 honestly even the way the argument shakes out feels kind of in character 😔
anyway during the drama the show must go on:
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/// MY GOD IT WAS ALL THE SECRET QUEST criiii not the manufactured drama
the reply letters they all wrote are SO GOOD 😭 i really want to translate these... godddd. "in the end i have to say, in xiao-jing's eyes, wang-dage is the best in the world; then in su xiaotong's eyes, wang youshuo is even better than him" 🥺
anyway don't cry zxc! you gotta save that 100k! 😂
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zw trying to do the hand sign for 7 but no wrong number 🤣 see like im drawing room 8 doing their hand signs bc it looks cool but room 7 would just look like they're trying to be italian or smth 🤣
ohhh it's in changsha. i was wondering (they def said and i forgot lol)
wahhhhh now what do i do with my life
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
ROs + MC as camp counselors during a horror movie 😀
oh my godddd 🤣 dear goodness, i skimmed over the first time and was delighted, but now that i’m sitting actually answering this ask, i don’t even know where to begin 😂 this lot as horror movie camp counselors (with a few other filler counselors ofc), ok let’s gooooo
oh but first and foremost, I must address the thing that came to my mind like twenty seconds after starting this answer:
Gabe as Bill from Sleepaway Camp kthxthatsall
Ok now that I've gotten that out of the way, I must start by answering the most important question:
Who is the first to die?
Curt. Because of course he is! Fornicators always die first. I don't make the summer camp horror film rules—the genre does. Everyone thinks he's hungover and sleeping in on the second morning when really he was our opening scene kill, caught unawares while fooling around with a fellow counselor. He could be surprisingly durable in a few horror sub-genres, but definitely not any old school slashers 😂 Whether he has a dignified death or an undignified one in a vulnerable position depends entirely on how trashy the film is.
The Kill: Likely undignified, with his pants down. smdh 😔 it's hard out here for a ho i swear
That means whoever he was caught hooking up with was second to die, BTW, so MCs have been warned! But assuming MC knows better, let's move on to...
(the time to place bets for who makes it to the end credits is now!)
A filler kill. No one even knows what they're doing here since they clearly hate kids and show no desire to work 😂 They keep to themself and just sketch the surrounding nature. They're the first victim to actually see the creature (because why shouldn't it be a monster?), caught unaware while raiding the pantry at night.
The Kill: Off-screen. They manage to get a hurtful one-liner in before their demise. Good ol' Rain.
Rupan/Rohan and Vivian/Vincent
A two-fer kill. R's spent all of camp so far paired up with Vi on activities and concentrating on bothering them the whole time, in a bid to get them to loosen up enough to actually work well with kids. Vi, on the other hand, is concentrated on getting these little shits to respect them—so it's just a cycle of Vi being humiliated by children and R saving the day (then laughing at them). The two of them are focused on, like, actually being counselors, so they're not paying much attention to the others being lazy or not showing up for shifts or whatever people are complaining about.
The Kills: They're in the woods having a slightly serious argument about R knowing when to let up on Vi's extremely fragile ego and all their noise attracts the creature. They never resolve things because R gets eviscerated in the middle of their apology. Vi runs off in terror but doesn't make it!
Gabe is on the verge of a meltdown for all of his screen time 🤣 The cabins are a disaster, the schedule is being completely ignored, the director is acting like everything is fine, these shitty fucking kids won't stop pranking him, and Kile's straight-up fallen off the face of the earth—! Honestly, his plight would be half of the comedy relief. Gabe ends up compensating for everyone else's slacking off (brutal slayings), all the while muttering and swearing about how he wishes people would stop hooking up and gossiping and do some damn work. Frequently spotted urgently stomping across campgrounds, barking orders at a fellow counselor, or barely stopping himself from swearing at children 😂
The Kill: He's just found out someone hasn't shown up for cleaning duty, again, so he takes it upon himself. In reality, that counselor did try to complete their task—they were just interrupted by one very rude, very blood-thirsty monster. Gabe discovers the horrible aftermath but is unfortunate enough to be sharing a room with the beastie. Chomp.
The New Kid
It's hard to include the MC since their potential personalities can be very different... but I think one of the base traits of the MC is, honestly, being nosy. Nosiness is a disadvantage in a slasher flick so the New Kid doesn't last long. You're on the more admin side of counselor work, like Heidi is, so she enlists you in keeping tabs on the counselors. Everything has been chaos but you find yourself distracted by the appearance of shady dealings going on. Jack and Jessie having urgent private talks, Curt still hasn't shown up to flirt with half the others yet. What could it all mean? You're trying to connect the dots to satisfy your own curiosity more than anything, though—if the director isn't concerned, you don't see why Heidi or you should be. Wait, Heidi doesn't even want intel anymore? Have you seen Curt? No—huh. Why are all the kids going home? And what are the adults freaking out about...
The Kill: Taken unawares while listening in on the director and the head chef. Something about a giant, bloody mess in the pantry? What the f—
Jack is the first to worry about people going missing and he tries to ring the alarm as early as Rain's disappearance. Everyone either wants him to take a chill pill or brushes him off by directing him to work that needs doing, admins included. R and Vi going missing isn't the biggest red flag since he's assumed their winding each other up was just build-up to a fight or a make-out—he's trying to stay out of that lol. The first person to take him seriously is Jessie, who also starts getting truly worried after Curt still hasn't turned up. He's quickly got both Jessie and Heidi on his side and trying to convince the adults to shut down but they... won't listen??
He helps Jessie execute a plan to get the campers home before nightfall and then spends the rest of the last day trying to round up the remaining counselors and inform them the show's over, time to go home—and the ones with their own cars do leave. After that, Jack does all he can to find the others before he has to accept the fact that he, Heidi, and Jess are the only survivors. They meet up, ready to get the fuck out of there—but where the hell are the keys to the van??
The Kill: The search for the car keys turns into a carnage discovery parade as Jack finds corpse after corpse of whoever didn't make it. After giving up on finding the keys in the director's building, he trips over the New Kid's remains (way to blow it, guys) and looks up to a looming shadow and a low, inhuman growl. At least his screams alert Jess and Heidi!
Man, this girl thinks she's in a mystery novel. Wrong. Her work mainly has her working with the camp director and other administration peeps but things are way too hands-off and weird this summer. The adults are hiding things, holding hushed meetings, barely looking after the kids or counselors. She can't find her useless brother to bounce ideas off of. Recruiting the New Kid worked a little bit for collecting intel but now they've gone AWOL for some reason... As she realizes that counselors are going missing and not just sneaking around, she starts falling behind on both plots. Do the adults know something? Have people left or been taken? Why is Jessie taking Jack's babbling about a monster in the woods seriously?? The director left? Wait, they all left?? And for fuck's sake—where is her stupid brother?!
The Kill: Heidi's got to find Curt. She's got to. She has a sick feeling he never left and she just—ditches Jessie! She has the grace to apologize but she can't go home without finding her brother. Idk y'all, I think you know how this ends. Heidi speed-searches every last place she can think of in a growing panic, hyper-focused on what she can't accept is a hopeless endeavor. She's so focused she doesn't hear the thing creeping up behind her. She smells the blood first. Gobbled up!
Fled into the woods the moment Gabe's chore rampage started and spends most of the runtime there! They only came along 'cause Gabe, but he's busy being sucky so they just skip out on work entirely and take some basic camping supplies into the woods lol. They stumble across what's left of R and Vi on their way back to camp a few days later, then book it back to camp, worried. They arrive past dark, just before the climax of the film, and things have gone to complete shit: the campers are gone, the adults seem to have left in a rush—and then they start finding blood trails. Then carnage. They've equipped themself with a decently dangerous, suitably summer campy weapon which is smart! Because they end up using it pretty much immediately when this gnarly, slimy, scaly thing nearly catches them off-guard. Insert Kile fighting a monster they're totally outclassed by, the first full shots of the freaky, practical effects on the monster, etc etc. Kile manages to do actual, serious damage but loses their weapon in the process and has to book it for the van. They don't escape injury either!
How did everything go so wrong??? This was supposed to be a good summer but now there are bodies and a monster?!? Jess makes the executive decision, once the director has gone obstructionist, to call the entire emergency contact list and get parents to come pick up their kids, but it's only made possible by coordinating a distraction with Jack. The kids get evacuated and the remaining counselors carpool their ways home, but when she's bracing to be yelled at by the adults... they all just zoom past her and get in their cars—leaving the rest of them there while the final night begins. Jack runs off to find the keys since they're stuck with the camp van as their only way out of here, ok, cool... But then Heidi, who's been getting strangely quiet as things have gone to hell, has an anxiety attack about Curt and—fucking leaves her?! In the dark?! With a monster running around??! It's only moments after Heidi's disappeared from sight that Jess hears Jack screaming, huddled to herself next to the van. Minutes pass, it's totally dark now, and she's a sitting duck...
Until Kile shows up! Nearly giving her a heart attack too since they're covered in blood and—ooze? Ichor?? There's some weird fuckin sludge on them and—oh thank God, they have the keys! ...Wait, they had the keys this whole time!?
The End
Kile's hurt so Jessie drives. Books it the fuck out of there to a fast-paced guitar track and the end credits rolling. —especially now that the priority is getting to a hospital! She handles the van like a madwoman, driving way too fast since now she's got to get to a hospital. It's just a few miles left until they're out of the woods. The credits keep rolling... but the van slows down. Gas.
They're out of gas.
Kile sighs hard. Refueling was their task.
The van slows to a crawl, then a stop. Kile swears viciously. The van is full of pool noodles and random useless shit. Moments of quiet pass until a heavy thud on the roof rocks the van back and forth. Jessie and Kile exchange a look.
Scene cuts to black and we get a mid-closing credits title card.
i cannot believe i wrote this much has
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dylanaz · 3 years
So, thanks to some Kataangers who discussed about my ship with me. I actually learned more about my ship by arguing and finally got to realize how brilliant it actually is. 😂
If I'm being honest, it made me ship Zutara more. So, I'm going to write about the things that don't make sense that are said by those people.
1. Zuko and Katara are toxic.
I wonder if the people who say these kind of things didn't watch the Season 3.
Like, Zuko is the heart of the show. He got to change 180 degrees from what he has been in Season 1.
Like it, or not, you can't hide his arc under a rag. If you erase his arc, ATLA would be pointless.
Argument 1. Zuko is a bad person so he and Katara would be toxic.
That's Zuko mainly in the Season 1. He WAS a bad person, yes. But he's changed. Plus, we didn't get to see him and Katara become friends in Season 1.
Season 1 Zuko wasn't ready to be friends with her. He had to go through character development.
Then, in Season 3, we got to see his works paying off. He's made great progress and TRIED HIS BEST. That kind of person doesn't just go back to their previous life. He's overcame it, already.
Argument 2. He is the face of her trauma. (He's a colonizer. She wouldn't like Fire Nation)
Fun fact: Our Katara, who hated Fire Nation saved people from it 2 times. TWO TIMES.
1. When Jet tried to kill INNOCENT people who happened to be citizens of Fire Nation.
2. When she became the Painted Lady to save a Fire Nation village.
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Her hate for Fire Nation is caused by her strong moral code. She despises people who are AWFUL... not the people who are innocent. By awful, I mean someone who killed her mother...
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Or someone with evil intentions...
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She would never hate normal citizens of Fire Nation, especially the ones who are innocent. Also, Zuko is no longer an evil person. 👀
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Of course that doesn't have to lead to romance... but SHE DOESN'T HATE FIRE NATION, anymore.
Argument 3. Zuko and Katara are not compatible.
Zuko's nature is an introvert. Most importantly, an INFP. (Like me)
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Katara is an ENFJ or an ESFJ. (I'm not sure, but here's an article that explains why Katara is not an ESFJ, but an ENFJ)
(You can check it out!)
I'm not much of a MBTI test master, but it's somehow understandable and it's fun. (Ok, let's go to the main point.)
INFP and ENFJ are the most compatible ones!
(If you're interested, you can check it out, too.)
Argument 4: They are hotheads. They would never stop fighting.
Let's analyze it from the view of MBTI types:
Zuko is an introvert. He tends to hear what Katara(extrovert) think before he judges:
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He waits.
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And reaches out to her. That is what brings an understanding between the two.
In here, you can see Zuko doesn't interrupt or get mad at her. (1. He knows it's not effective. 2. But when she starts crying, he makes a move to reassure her and tell her that he understands.)
Now, let's analyze their anger issues and what fuels their angers:
Katara's anger comes from her mother's death and her abandonment issues. (We only got to see her THAT furious in Southern Raiders, so we will focus more on it)
She is super angry to the point she bloodbends.
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However, after she had a chance to really face the man, she decides not to kill him. She is no longer fueled by her anger towards her mother's killer. She got the chance. She moved on.
Will she ever forgive him? No. But she is no longer driven by her anger.
(It could be explored more. But I'm leaving it here)
On the other hand, Zuko's anger issues come from his embarrassment, pride and the past. He WAS angry because Azula was favored by his father. He got a mark of shame and was banished BECAUSE he cared.
(A lot to talk about here, too. But I'm leaving the topic here. We all know enough about his past)
Then, this:
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Katara is no longer anger driven because she got a company (abandonment issues) of someone who understood and she got her closure.
Zuko is no longer a hothead. (Zuko's firebending in the past was linked to his anger issues. That's why he lost his bending)
Conclusion: They're not hotheads NOW.
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