#thess plays fgo
thessaliah · 2 years
Tunguska Sanctuary
Spoilers. All criticism here.
It’s sad to see character decay so much. Koyanskaya started as cool and hateful villain and ends up as a mass of poorly executed contradictions, forced attempts to get the reader’s sympathy on someone completely undeserving of such, bad plot twists, ineffectual use of nuance. She’s probably the worst written recurrent character in the entire Lostbelt arc. A pitfall of poor writing that bends everything and pulls the other cast in (it’s almost ironic Munierre was the only sane person in the end). Mediocre concept and absolutely terrible execution from this event to what happened before. It’s stands a shameful smear when Avalon Le Fae was so glorious.
Tragic characters with contradictory traits and nuances can be written well. Look at all Avalon cast for them as examples of consistent writing, even if I’m not fond of Morgan, her story was powerful and had an amazing wrap up. You don’t have to like a character to recognize the good work and development. Not such thing for Koyanskaya. She’s as badly written as Skadi was, but worse because she wasn’t self-contained, and made Chaldea act and react depending to what the writer bends for without any thought put into it. Would Mash really forgive her for destroying her home? Can she waved of her grief and loss she still feels? Somehow, I doubt it. If was with a character that was guilty or felt something for that, maybe, but Koyanskaya gloated and enjoyed her pain. Characters aren’t allowed to behave humanly because the conclusion the author forced wouldn’t be feasible if they did. It also concluded Gordolf’s arc in the worst way, imo. Now he’s free to die. And he probably will in the epilogue.
The rest of the cast is, eh. Mediocre? Ibuki had a “genki” personality because of convenient memory loss, so she acted nothing like the Ibuki we met in Hell Realm Mandala. Might as well be called an OC in the shape of Ibuki (like  Koyanskaya is an OC only shaped as Tamamo). Jiang Ziya was okay for most part, but the infatuation the writer gave him with Daji brings down his entire characterisation (but I guess Chaldea needed to meet their foil, for acting like fools with  Koyanskaya too). Had Daji gotten softened as Shuten Douji (with Kintoki as her beau), it would make sense, but we have to believe her generic pink anime foxgirl looks is enough for him to overlook her atrocities. What a hero. ★ Dobrynya Nikitich is actually his wife? She was okay? But it was weird choice and unnecessary. He does appear, off screen in the last chapter, as a flashback. 
It’s a very embarrassing tale, overall. And I’m adoring the negative reactions I’m seeing in twitter. Good for my soul. Hoping that Novum Chaldea is gone in the epilogue as Sion predicted. Down with Novum Chaldea.
Let’s revive our Finis Chaldea.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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Spooky. I like it.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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Extremely satisfying ending. I hope Nasu doesn’t ruin it with “Morgan returns to help in the final battle,” “it was a magical double!”, or “to have a last duel with Arturia Caster” because this is the best ending for her character. It would just insult this powerful conclusion. Same for “Tristan” (but the lack of third ascension showing off might mean she will appear later as some kind of Dark Ushiwakamaru deal?).  Those kind of returns would hurt the Shakespearean nature of their conclusions, IMO. 
Major respect for Aurora too. She’s just a perfect politician and truly feels more like a true queen than Morgan was (I’m not sure how Morgan would have ruled without her massive magical power backing her) with ruthless but effective tactics, subtle manipulation, and perfect timing. Spriggan too, considering his background as someone who rose from a human slave that was drift ashore from Panhistory to stealing an identity and becoming a Fairy Lord. Regardless how they are as people (they aren’t good people, but neither is Morgan), I have nothing but admiration to someone resourceful who doesn’t run only on magic cheats. 
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thessaliah · 3 years
Rising from the depths of Dread Barrage to feel human again and checking my twitter to read Caenis’ interlude is about him trying to bake stuff following the memories of Kirschtaria without having any clue how to is cleansing my soul. Gained HP immediately when I read that.
It’s so soft. Makes me want to roll him even more, but I’ll be patient and wait for that SR ticket. Last time I tried, I rolled two Dioscuri instead.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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Happy Valentines, Doctor Romantic.
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thessaliah · 3 years
Has anyone translated Ophelia’s CE text yet? It’s quite tragic if beautiful. It’s about her own trapped suffocated expectations, and how Napoleon helped her to overcome her weakness (in a poetic language duh). I’m sure that’s obvious with the contrast of the art of Ophelia drenched by the rain and a rainbow behind her.
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thessaliah · 3 years
I have a lot of asks in my inbox. I’m not touching the FGO ones because I haven’t finished the story yet and I’m avoiding spoilers. I’m going to take a break because I need to do the rerun+GBF grind.
I do want to say two things. I still don’t care for Lostbelt Morgan after the backstory (I liked PHH Morgan better if I have to be honest with her limited screentime), and Beryl feels like a clunky mix of all FSN villains rolled in one (except Zouken I guess), and probably the least interesting of the relevant FGO NPC so far, IMO. I am so disappointed so far in how Nasu handled him in comparison to great characters like Pepe or Kirschtaria. Yeah. I have a small hope his ending will be okay but I’ll try to keep my expectations realistic (I have no issue with evil sociopath characters. Kirei is one of my favorite Fate characters lol and I love Monster antagonist, but the way he’s written is kinda boring, he’s not very engaging or charismatic. That’s just my opinion, mind). At least we can all look forward Daybit. 
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thessaliah · 3 years
I have a lot of thoughts for LB6. I will put them into proper coherent words when I can, and see to reply some asks.
For now I’m holding on my quartz and wait for that Oberon rate up.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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Low key think is great the Ophelia CE has friendpoints gain. It fits that the new batch of that effect will have Masters because it makes meta sense, tbh. So added effect of EXP, QP and Bond gain effects are guaranteed, so at least 3 Crypters more will get a CE. I wonder if they’ll do an exclusive FP gain one too that would leave 2 Crypters without a CE. 
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thessaliah · 3 years
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I can die of happiness now!
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thessaliah · 3 years
I was at first skeptical of Gwynne, but I ended up loving her and her relationship with Isaac (though I wish she looked...younger? Or maybe the “15 years old” is just a fake age, because is when Isaac gave her away for adoption, so she may be older). Somehow they remind me of Roman and Mash but in an opposite way (Roman raised young Mash, whom he wasn’t related to, as her older brother/foster parent, while Isaac had to give up Gwynne to a couple of friends to raise). However, the contrast of tough overly serious critical warrior girl with hot armor (and glasses like Mash in her non demi Servant outfit) with easy-going, seemly friendly but antisocial goofy looking engineer/doctor who is more resilient than he looks and can endure a lot of stress. I just felt that this event, despite of the story focus of bring Cassius home and Eustace in the end, the real soul of the story were Gwynne and Isaac which is how I felt about Fate/Grand Order with Mash and Roman too. I’m so happy Isaac blessed my free rolls, and I hope his sister will be playable too and share the element.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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I scrapped by couple of tickets, bond quartz and used by yin-yang fur-colored cat as catalyst (had her press the single summon) and I did it!!! After my quartz reserve was depleted with nothing but spooks, I did it! 
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thessaliah · 3 years
did you finish avalon?
I need to defeat the calamity in the fight, and read the last nodes. Got lazy and sucked into Obey Me, Guda Guda event, and Granblue Grinding Simulation.
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thessaliah · 3 years
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thessaliah · 5 years
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That went easier than I expected.
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thessaliah · 5 years
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40 tickets, 450 quartz but I finally got him (also got randomly spooked by Jeanne who I didn’t have! Finally my first SSR Ruler in my main account!).
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