#these tags are so disorganized but shrug. goodnight <3
cha1cedony · 4 months
Sigh. Tomorrow. I'll do more. tomorrow 🥲
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teannamon · 4 years
The Black Cat and the Princess (ML Fic) 6
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Cover art by deryuj :>
[ Family Switch AU ]  Marinette’s the only child of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and Adrien is the adopted child of Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng, two of the best bakers in Paris. What happens when their paths meet?
↫ Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Adrien gets a visit from Marinette at the bakery.
Adrien groaned as he turned off his alarm. He was tired from last night’s party, not because of the party itself but because he spent most of his energy trying to calm down a drunk Alya from participating in another “Alcohol or Awful” drinking game. Ultimately, Nino decided to just take her home and he also decided to call it a night. At 3 am.
He rubbed his eyes and stretched to get ready for his weekend baking duties. Dropping down from his bed he grabbed a quick change of clothes and headed to the bathroom.
‘Not awful but not amazing either’ he thought to himself as he viewed his tired self in the mirror. After washing his face with cold water, he quickly changed into clean clothes. That’s when he noticed something missing from the hamper.
His favorite cardigan.
“Did I leave it at the party?” he asked out loud while double checking the hamper, but he remembered Marinette. Seeing her shiver from the gym clothes she changed into prompted him to lend her his cardigan so she would at least feel better from whatever happened to her.
“I’ll see her at school anyways, at least she’ll get home in better conditions” he said to no one in particular as he opened the trapdoor to head downstairs.
Sabine already prepared him a meal for him at the counter-three pieces of croissants, omelet, and a cup of coffee. She waited for him all night, so she knows how tired he must’ve been.
“Good morning dear, eat up so you can help your father downstairs” she greeted while taking a sip of her tea. Adrien gave her a kiss on the cheek as he sat down to eat, “Thanks mom”
“No problem hun, drunk Alya again?” she asked and Adrien chuckled while stuffing the bread into his mouth.
“You know it” he said after swallowing. He was enjoying his meal and almost choked when he heard his mother’s next question.
“Speaking of Alya, she mentioned you’re seeing a girl named Marinette is it?”
“N-no,” he sputtered out “Well technically I see her everyday because miraculously our schedules are almost identical, but she’s just a friend I swear Alya is just-and why are you laughing?”
His mom covered her mouth to stop her from laughing too loud but eventually calmed down, “You’re cute when you’re defensive, and Alya didn’t tell me anything. Actually, Marinette is at the bakery downstairs, said she wanted to bring back something for you”
She gave him a wink as she said, “I bet your father is already talking to her”
“What?!” the blonde boy ate his breakfast with much speed so he could head downstairs.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Tom were making small talk while he set the pastries on the display cases. She was in awe at the wonderful smell of fresh morning pastry, she made note to come here every morning that she can.
“I hear Alya mention your name a lot whenever she comes here, I’m guessing you’re that young designer she’s very fond of”
Said designer smiled sheepishly, “I guess you can say that. She has a lot of my outfits to say the least, and I’m glad we’re friends now”
Tom hummed in response before offering her a red velvet cupcake, “That’s great to hear, here’s a cupcake for making you wait long. Free of charge”
“Oh! that’s so nice of you, sir. It’s no bother though, I didn’t mind waiting”
“Even so, please take it. I’m sure one cupcake won’t hurt”
She happily took the cupcake and took a small bite, she was delighted by the taste “This is very delicious!” she exclaimed.
“I’m glad you like it; this is Adrien’s specialty” he gave her a knowing look she didn’t quite catch on as she’s too invested in the cupcake.
Another mental note-ask them to cater one of her future parties.
Just then Adrien burst in through the door that leads to the bakery.
“Good morning, Adrien” he greets with a large smile. Marinette peeks around the display case on the counter obstructing her view to see the person who he came here for.
“Hi Adrien” she waves with her cupcake in hand.
“Good morning dad, Marinette” he greeted back, sounding a bit out of breath.
He puts on an apron before taking his post behind the counter. At that moment his father conveniently ran out of cookies to put on display.
“Ah would you look at that, I’m all out” he said all too cheerfully and left for the kitchen door in quick strides “I’ll leave you two here then. Alone. Together”
Adrien internally facepalmed, ‘Not being subtle at all, dad’ and with that Tom closed the door behind him and as he said, leaving the two alone together.
He turned back to face Marinette who had no idea what just transpired as she just finished her cupcake. He noticed the custom cupcake liner he always used for his own cupcake recipe so he cheerfully told her, “That’s my special cupcake, what do you think? It’s a Crowd Favorite”
“It tastes amazing! I love the mix of dark chocolate and strawberry” she excitedly told him, “oh and the marshmallow frosting is such a cool idea. Does it have a name?”
Adrien resisted a chuckle, “I told you it’s a Crowd Favorite”
She rolled her eyes, “Well yeah, I meant special recipes have names right?”
He pointed his thumb towards the display case lined with his special cupcakes under the tag “Crowd Favorite”. This made Marinette groan but then chuckled after “Oh my gosh, you really are such a dork”
The blonde laughed with her and shrugged, “Well what can I say, I really am adorkable” repeating his statement last night, which reminded him.
“Anyway, I forgot to ask how you were since last night?”
“I got home safely thankfully, and speaking of” she reached down and placed a paper bag on the counter “you really didn’t need to lend me your cardigan you know but I do appreciate the gesture”
She smiled sweetly and Adrien couldn’t help but feel flustered as he recalled how close they were when he mindlessly carried her on the way out. He rubbed the back of his neck as he took the paper bag and placed it under the counter.
Just then the bell chimed and Adrien instinctively greeted whoever entered the bakery, “Good morning, how can I help you today?”
The blunette moved a little to the side to give way for the customer to approach the counter. She was wondering where the customer was until she looked down and saw a short old man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt. 
“Hello Mr Wang, the usual?” Adrien asked with such familiarity. The old man nodded and smiled. As Adrien turned around to pack up his orders the old man, Mr Wang, turned to the female visitor who busied herself looking at the other pastries on display.
“Here you go, I added an extra cinnamon roll from the burnt pile as well” Adrien handed him a small box of pastries and took his payment. 
“Thank you, Adrien. See you again tomorrow” Mr Wang took one last glance at Marinette as he left. The bell chimed as the door closed behind him.
Sensing that the day would get busier as time went on Marinette decided to say her goodbyes and leave. She approached the counter to face Adrien.
“Well, I guess I should go too since I already did what I came here to do but I’d love to come visit the bakery again” 
“No problem, Marinette. See you tomorrow at school” he waved as she left the bakery.
As soon as she left he turned to the kitchen door to see both his parents peeking through the small window obviously spying on their adorable son and his equally adorable female classmate.
“Are you done with your errands?” Gabriel asked her daughter thru the phone.
Marinette rolled her eyes, “Yes father, we’re en route to the mall like you said”
Another event that she’s obligated to attend being the secondary face of the Agreste brand. That, and she needs to make up for her mishap last night.
“Good, and don’t forget to fix how you look all the time. I wouldn’t want to go through all the trouble of trying to get rid of unpleasant images of you uploaded to the net for everyone to see”
“Noted” she snapped as the call ended. She sighed and sank to her seat as they drove thru the city.
Last Night…
Chloe’s limo stopped in front of the Agreste mansion’s gate. Gabriel Agreste was already waiting for Marinette as soon as he got his daughter’s call.
“Ugh this won’t be good” she groaned and Chloe looked at her friend sympathetically.
The blonde patted her back, “Hey Mari, at least you had fun. Whatever your dad will tell you now shouldn’t take that away”
Marinette smiled at Chloe, she really was thankful for her. No matter how shallow and self-centered she might be at times she really does understand her and comes through when times get hard. 
“Thanks Chloe, see you on Monday” she said as she was about to leave.
She stood next to Gabriel as the limo left. 
He looked at her current get-up, “Those were not the clothes you left with tonight”
She looked down and wrapped the cardigan around her tighter, “Yes, I know. Can we get inside and I’ll explain everything”
He didn’t say a word but both of them went inside the mansion. As soon as they stepped foot inside he looked at her for an explanation.
Taking a deep breath she told him how she got soaked in juice, had a senior let her borrow gym clothes from a schoolmate, and Adrien letting her borrow his cardigan. 
She chose to withhold some information like the blackmail from Lila or when Adrien walked in on her underwear. If Gabriel knew about those details she’s more worried about what her father is going to do to them than her.
‘He’s quiet again, what now?’ she wondered, her anxiety growing more and more each second he’s not saying anything.
He sighed, “Well it can’t be helped since you’re at a disorganized and rowdy event. Next time limit your attendance to those unless it's necessary”
“Y-yeah, of course” 
“Goodnight, Marinette”
“Goodnight, father” she mumbled as they parted ways towards their own rooms.
She flops into the bed feeling frustrated at… well, she doesn’t know exactly.
Maybe Lila, for ruining her night and her outfit or her father for not even asking if she was okay throughout the whole night’s ordeal. Either way, she’s frustrated as hell.
‘Deep breaths Mari, deep breaths’ she reminded herself and she calmed herself down after a few seconds. 
“Like Chloe said, I had fun tonight despite what happened” she told herself as she recalled the people she met that night, the live student band, the crazy games she got to witness, and her new friends.
She never would’ve guessed that Adrien would have the guts to carry her all the way outside though. Somehow that was the most memorable event of that night for her, she pondered as she fiddled with the cardigan of his. 
As she took it off she noticed something written on the tag, ‘Adrien’s favorite cardigan DO NOT TOUCH’
“He really is a dork,” she giggled.
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Marinette (wearing Adrien’s cardigan) being carried by Adrien in Chapter 5
art by @deryuj​
↬ Chapter 7 (tba) ↬ AO3 Link
Its been almost a year since I last updated this but I hope you guys can forgive me QwQ... I’ll be updating this story more often though since college stuff is all done (and by done I meant holding it off til next year lmao)
But rest assured updates will be more frequent from now on, maybe every 3days or every week hehe
✦ Tag List : @conquering-medians​
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