#there's still a lot more to say like. both glinda's and elphaba's unwillingness to be parents in the first place
festivating · 4 months
Elphie + Glinda + Liir family headcanons?? (I’m reading attrition rn and I love itttt)
Omggg happy you're liking it so far!! All of my headcanons will show up in attrition one way or another, so I'll try not to give too much away with these :)
Both Elphaba and Glinda are extremely protective of Liir, but in different ways. Elphaba will physically hurt anyone that hurts him, but Glinda takes the approach of showing Liir how to take care of himself via not looking for trouble and learning how to associate with the right people.
Liir is slow to trust others, because he's used to being picked on/bullied, but he trusts Glinda immediately. He and Elphaba take a bit longer to see eye to eye, but he trusts her blindly too.
Glinda cannot cook to save her life, since she's never had the need to cook for herself, but I like to think she can learn and does in fact try to learn so she can help Elphaba in making family meals.
Liir is not a picky eater, he will eat anything, but it's easy to tell he vastly prefers some meals over others and so Elphaba and Glinda both make an effort to learn how to make those.
I like to think Liir starts picking up both Elphaba's and Glinda's habits without them even trying to instill them on him. Like, as he grows he gets an interest in the things that matter to Elphie like Animal rights and social justice, but he also gets an eye for expensive things like Glinda lol
But because kids are never carbon copies of their parents he has his own things that he likes that Glinda and Elphaba Do Not Get. I don't know what the Ozian equivalent of an emo phase would be, but he would have one.
Activities!! When things are quiet and "normal" I like to think they enjoy spending lots of time together, whether that is going places or just staying at home. Even when he's a child both Glinda and Elphaba genuinely like talking to him.
Glinda and Liir are menaces together. Elphaba has never known a day of peace in her life, especially because when Glinda starts teasing her about anything Liir is always eager to join in.
When something scares him he usually goes to Elphaba because he thinks she's brave. When he's uncertain about something he goes to Glinda because he thinks she's wise.
That super common thing of the child waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and crawling into bed with the parents? Happens a lot. Neither him nor Elphaba are cuddly people, but just being there with them can calm him.
He is easily distracted. Elphaba comes up with the weirdest games to entertain him and he takes them very seriously. "The floor is lava" is a life or death situation. Glinda doesn't get it.
Seeing who can scare Glinda and get her to scream the loudest becomes a regular activity once they start living together. Glinda still doesn't get it, but this one amuses her even if it's at the expense of her sanity.
The three of them have the wildest abandonment issues you can possibly think of, so they're pretty tight-knit. Perhaps almost to an unhealthy degree...
But to end on a fluffy note, they all love each other very much and it shows in different ways. Elphie with her protective streak, and Glinda with her willingness to rearrange her entire life to fit the two of them, and Liir with feeling safe enough to approach them for whatever he needs :)
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