#there isnt as much of her smiling at them in the backround in the later seasons
jackie-shitposts · 1 year
fav genre of Carmen photo: her smiling at the boston bois being dummies
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis (8): “don’t stop me nooooooooooooooooooow”
[Specific-Summary]: With senior year approaching, some stresses are inevitable, and they’re certainly not looking forward to them, but for now it’s summer and it’s okay to breathe a little while longer.
[General Warnings]: Implied Emotional Abuse, Implied Physical Abuse, Bad Parents are Bad Parents, Mild Sexual Content/jokes, Mentioned Homophobia, Mentions of underage drinking (backround), Some Catcalling,Cursing  
[Tags/mood:] highschool au,  fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters] Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana)
(Ao3) (Previously)
(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
 V: why hello everyone, it's been a long time since we’ve talked
V: are you having a lovely evening? I think the weather is superb
Rem: im scared,,,
Pat: uh 
V: why?Im perfectly calm, perfectly calm calm acadkasdlk
Rem: lo can you confirm
L: He is not calm
Rem: ah much better 
Pat:whats going on???
L: Apparently the school invited a couple of colleges/ investors to the junior exhibition/auction/funraiser
V: **execution
Rem: oh shit that sounds important 
Rem: huh i can find
Rem: myself a nice rich 
Pat: please dont finish that sentence 
Rem: I was going to say boyfriend, i was going to say boyfriend ok ;) 
Rem: some of us dont have cute boys falling into our laps 
Ro: jokes on you im the cute boy in his lap 
V: /gross/ 
Patt: roman seems surprisingly calm about this??? 
L: He’s literally sitting in Dmitri’s lap right now, he’s not thinking straight. 
/five people are typing/
L: Absolutely not. Unoriginal. Cease and Desist right now. 
Rem: you’re no fun :(
V: he is fun, he just don pun
P: bullshit ive heard him pun with my own two eyes 
P:wait a second 
V: anyway ro will  be the same  belligerent mess later on boyf or no boyf 
R: kiss my ass
V: he’ll :) do :) it :)  for :) me :) 
“Roman, you have to get ready,” Dmitri said, unable to stop himself from leaning into his touch. Roman continued running his hands through Dmitri’s hair, in pajama pants and a half buttoned white blouse. 
“You’re so tense,” Roman hummed, resting his head on Dmitri’s shoulder, twirling a stray strand of their hair. It was getting rather long. 
“And you’re not,” Dmitri yawned, slumping further back onto his forearm, pulling Roman on top his chest, “What's got you so giddy?”  
Roman smiled, leaning down to kiss him quick, “Guess.” 
Dmitri closed his eyes, “Did that job call you back? Or is it the art contest?” Dmitri asked, getting another kiss instead. 
“Uh, did you finish that book you borrowed from Logan?” 
Roman sighed, rolling his eyes, “Yes, I’ll tell you about that later, but,” he said, sitting up to get better leverage,  and pushing back Dmitri’s hair, “I’ll… give you a better hint,”
A knock sounded at Roman’s door, twice, Dmitri stiffening beneath him. 
“Roman, you boys ready?” A soft, but clear voice called, from behind the door. 
“Yeah, almost mom, give us a minute,” Roman said.
She said something again in Spanish, tone teasing and Roman’s eyes shot wide.
“Mom!” he whined, still not bothering to move, “Yes, I’m going with Dee. No, you do not, absolutely do not, need to send Virgil with us, I’m an angel.” 
Dmitri couldn’t contain his snort and Roman shot him a warning look. 
“Okay, love, but I want to celebrate you as well, okay?” 
“Okay,oky--” Roman said, waiting for her footsteps to go away, before redirecting his attention to Dmitri, “She must have gotten off her shift early.” He explained, apologetic. 
“It’s fine, she’s coming to the exhibition tonight, right?” Dmitri asked, finally relaxing. 
“Mhm, she’d never miss it,” Roman said, “Or at least she tries, work always has her on call...” 
“Huh,” Dmitri mumbled, eyes unfocused, “W… What were you going to say earlier?”
Roman’s face softened, “That I…”  he rolled off of Dmitri, his hands fidgeting, “...I’ll-- I’ll tell you later, we do need to get going,” he said, “Oh! And I don’t know where my fancy pants are, so you should totally help me, babe.” 
Dmitri smiled, unsurprised. 
SipSipSipin: would it be inappropriate to turn my shirt into a crop top
Hotleg: ye it's inappropriate / if you're a cop/
PattOnPattOff: im pretty sure we have to stay in dress code rem 
Hotleg: if you’re a coward, perhaps
TheVirgin: shut the hell up youre in a sensible button up and slacks
Hotleg: /AND/ that isnt following dresscode, thats respecting my mother.
Hotleg: if she wasn’t coming id be in that cute skirt i got last spring 
TheVirgin: that is definately not in dresscode, but seeing as (1) i have the same skirt and (2) im not a fuckin cop i cannot argue, contiue 
Hotleg: damn straight
/five people are typing/
“Holy shit, look at that car Dmitri,” Roman unclipped his seatbelt, craning his neck out the window, “Dmitri, Dmitri-”
“I’m looking, I’m looking,” He said, smile slow. 
“No, you’re not,” Roman pouted.
“My grandfather has the same car,” Dmitri said with a shrug, “It’s a hobby of his, emphasis on 'hobby'. I’ve never seen that man drive a day in his life.” He tilted his head, ”Kinda like you.” 
“I know how to-” Roman’s face contoured, pained, “I, Mm. Okay, so I can’t, but-but I’m learning AND I’m not homophobic.” He crossed his arms. 
“Oh, believe me,” Dmitri said, mildly amused. “I know that,” He reached across, adjusting Roman’s collar, “Though I might need more evidence to confirm...” He added on, in a lower tone. 
 Roman squeaked, “Oh, well would you look at the time,” he said, opening the car door. 
“What?” Dmitri’s smile was something to behold, “Did I say something inappropriate?” 
“It’s not what you said, it's how you said it,” Roman said, pointedly not looking at him, “If you continue to say things like that I might combus--” Dmitri’s phone buzzed, and Roman looking at Dmitri expectantly. 
Dmitri’s face visibly slackened and he sighed, picking up the phone, “Ma’am?” he said,  brows furrowed, listening, “No, ma’am, I can’t; I’m at the exhibition, remember? I told you yesterday--and this morning--” Another pause, his eyes flickered over to Roman, “It’s really important to me...It’s a required event…” he sighed, jaw ticking, “A lot of Grandfather’s colleges are going to be here, it’d be rude to not appear. Can it wait ‘til tomorrow?” He relaxed,  “Thank you--”  His lips pressed into a thin line before he slumped over the steering wheel. 
After a minute or so, he inhaled, sitting up and muting his phone before looking over at Roman, expression calm. 
“You ready?” Roman asked.
Dmitri got out of the car regardless. 
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