#there are ppl being mocked and shamed by actual doctors and nurses for trying to protect themselves and others from getting sick/dying
halorvic · 8 months
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crytidsprinkles · 8 months
💜 So apparently it's world suicide prevention day. As someone who has attempted I come from a place of not only compassion but empathy as well.
The best thing is to ensure ppl are listened to, loved, accepted and their material needs are met 💜
If the primary focus is to stop people from killing themselves it distracts from what causes ppl so much pain and that much of it can be addressed.
The goal needs to be creating and making the world a place ppl want to stay.
And it's important to let ppl know it's okay to feel suicidal.
And to grasp the best thing for people isn't always going to be trying to stop them. That living is causing them more harm.
And simply being there through their difficult time and easing it is helpful.
Actually talking to ppl and asking them what THEY want and need is so underrated.
Too often society and ppl launch into action with words and approaches that THEY think is apt.
Giving space for people to feel suicidal (and or who have made attempts) and speak about it without being shamed, judged, discouraged from doing so, proselytized to or given unsolicited advice 💛🌷🌷🌷🌷
💛 To not invalidate, mock or minimize suicidality or suicidal ppl regardless of how brief or long they deal with their thoughts or attempts.
Pain is pain 💛
For others to understand this isn't about them trying to be saviors.
To not do things that will make someone's situation worse 💛
💛 To admit if you're some1 who cannot offer support or are limited, including in your grasp of suicidality & suicide as to not isolate or hurt ppl. Incl' w/comments & stances that are ableist & or just plain unkind 💚
💛 And I'd be remis if I didn't mention the issues with the "help" when it's available.
That hotlines do not have training or professionals operating the lines unless otherwise stated 💛
💙 & psych hospitals, clinics, paramedics, nurses, doctors and psychiatrists routinely bc of institutional systemic discrimination and abuse can leave ppl traumatized and worse than when they came.
& meds may or may not be useful for people 💙
💜 & just bc someone gets care doesn't mean they're all recovered. And mental health conditions are typically an ongoing road of recovery rather than a destination.
Or how depending on someone's identities has additional barriers, risk probabilities and outcomes 💜
💜 Keep in mind, my thoughts and what I've written here is just that. But I'd rather say something that will have benefit & not harm my fellow suicidal ppl, than old chestnuts.
Appreciating & loving ppl while they're alive & not making life hard(er) for them would go a long way 💜
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