#the unwanteds quests
helloitsdusk · 3 months
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some alex stowe art for you!! :)
(staff design by @anxiousasalex, everyone say thank youuu)
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wrenviel · 6 months
The warrior cats fandom 🤝 the unwanteds fandom 🤝 owen richardson fucking up the characters
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xbuggyxboyx · 2 months
That feeling when you discover that not one but TWO separate people know and enjoy a super niche book series that you love >>>
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4pplec0re · 4 months
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xxbrightshadowxx · 5 months
Say what you want about Aaron Stowe but compared to everyone else, Aaron is the best at magic.
*Obvious spoilers*
Aaron Stowe, who had no previous magically experience before that moment, was able to turn a vine into a tail for Panther in the jungle.
And while you could argue that, that spell was simple and anyone could do it. Not to mention Mr. Today left it in the book he intended to give Alex. What do you have to say about when he brought Simber back from the fricking dead?
While Alex has also made a statue, Spike Furious, he had to go through several steps with the guidance of the book Mr. Today left him. He also had to sculpt and create what Spike was supposed to look like. And while that is impressive,
Aaron did the exact same thing but with no instructions nor guidance.
Not to mention he was bringing back someone who had already died. Silver was dead, gone and while you could also argue that even if the statues could be return to their original form, they could be remade with objects that made them; Aaron knew none of this.
He saw the picture in his head of what he wants and let the magic do the rest. Thats what makes him and Mr. Today so alike. They aren’t artist, nor musicians, or writers, they are creators. Mr. Today and Aaron see the vision and go through with it with it, just by something only they see.
It almost makes me wonder what would happen if Aaron was an unwanted before the series begin. What type of magic would he learn? Would he prevail or would he go back to the dark place that stared all of this?
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spiderboa · 7 months
the unwanteds quests were so stupid
lisa mcmann created a banger series and then created the driest books ive ever read + shoving all that lgbtq rep to the side that sucked so much
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unwantedsheadcannons · 4 months
Lani: you need to apologize to Aaron
Sam: fine
Sam: well.. um… unf*ck u ig?
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theoakleafpancake · 1 year
And on today’s episode of “traumatized teenager who was forced into a leadership position” we have…
Alex Stowe! also known as a shish-kebab
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mysticonsheadcanons · 2 months
Mysticons: Next Quest Episode 7-Unwanted Visitors
The Mysticons are coming back from a mission that took them out of the city when a sudden storm hits. Arkayna suggests that they find a place to find shelter, but Zarya wants to keep going. However, as the storm gets worse, they realize that they have to choice but to stay.
They find an abandoned village, and decide to take shelter there. After a little bit of walking, Piper wonders what caused the village to be abandoned, and Em notices that many of the buildings are damaged. She wonders if there was some kind of natural disaster, and Zarya mutters that it wasn't natural. Everyone is surprised and Arkayna asks what she means, but Zarya backtracks, saying she just has a feeling it was an attack. They find a building to take shelter in, and while they're looking around, Choko sees a ghost and runs off. Zarya and Sharise follow, and by the time the other Mysticons notice what's going on, they lose sight of Zarya and Sharise. No one notices the ghost.
Zarya and Sharise find Choko hiding in an old building, and they notice a blackboard broken in the corner. Zarya begins to panaic, and Sharise asks what's wrong. When Zarya calms down, she reveals that they'r'e in the village she grew up in before Captain Kaos raided it, and that this was the school. Sharise brings up the possibility of some people from the village escaping the raid, but Zarya is unsure. They are about to go back to the others, but then then the building begins to fall apart. Zarya and Sharise use old desks to protect themselves, but they become trapped.
Meanwhile, the other Mysticons are looking for Zarya, Sharise, and Choko, and they talk about how Zarya seemed to be acting strange. When Em sees a mailbox with the word "Moonboon" on it, they realize that they are in Zarya's former village, and decide to hurry up their search, knowing that Zarya is probably having a hard time being there.
Zarya and Sharise are calling for help, and eventually get the others' attention. They are saved, with the other Mysticons using their powers to get the debris away. Just then, Sharise notices a group of ghosts coming and warns the others. While the Mysticons and the ghosts fight, the ghosts outnumber the Mysticons, and the Mysticons are about to flee.
The Mysticons believe they found a safe place to stay, but are soon discovered by a group of ghosts. One of the ghosts call the Mysticons intruders, and Zarya snaps, saying that this was her home first. They talk, and the lead ghost, who calls himself Otto, says that they took over the village to hide from a troll who hates ghosts, and found a way to get rid of them. When the Mysticons explain what they're doing there, the ghosts allow them to stay.
Just as the ghosts are showing the Mysticons a safe place to spend the night, they hear motorcycles. Kymraw and her gang comes, and Otto says that she's the troll who hates ghosts. A fight ensues in order to protect the ghosts, and the Mysticons win, chasing Kymraw away.
The ghosts show the Mysticons a safe building, and says that they can stay there, and the storm will clear in the morning. The others comfort Zarya, saying that as long as she remembers where she came from, the village will always be part of her. Zarya adds that knowing that there are people who are making this a home helps, as she knows they will make memories there, just like she did.
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violet27writes · 4 months
The Storms of Shipwreck Island
-Spoiler Warnings For The Unwanteds Quests Series! Stop reading now if you don't want spoilers! I mean it, this is your only warning!-
(But this fic is Aaron-Centric, so… I would disregard the warning in favor of Aaron and Daniel)
Summary: The missing scene of what Aaron experienced following Alex's death.
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Aaron Stowe sat in the sand, waves lapping up and reaching for his ankles. It was so peaceful now, this place called Shipwreck Island. And he had claimed the only edge of the island that was a sand-covered beach rather than a jagged edge of rock and debris.
His hands worked on repairing a fishnet, wondering if it would be stronger after this, or if his attempts would simply tear it more. It was usually the latter, although he was slowly getting better at it.
Yes, he seemed to be relaxed, at peace, with not a care in the world- But the exact opposite was his reality.
His wife -His beloved, beautiful wife- Kaylee, his brother, Alex, and his friends, his only true friends, were on a dangerous quest: To save his sisters. Somehow that entailed journeying to ‘the end of the world.’ Possibly the most dangerous thing they’ve ever done because of how much they didn’t know going into it.
Of course Aaron wished he had gone with them. Sure, he wasn’t that great with a sword, or very strong in hand-to-hand combat, or was even really qualified for a quest like theirs. However, he was good with magical components and he could take a hit or two (Or four or five).
But for now, all he hoped was that they were safe. The unthinkable was if they weren’t.
The wind gently blew through his hair and clothes as he closed his eyes, the scent of the sea wafting over him in a comforting way. Maybe Aaron wasn’t without a care, but he wouldn’t deny that he was surrounded by tranquility. By the gentle waves crashing against the meager little shore. By-
His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp tug of his hair. A little grunt escaped his lips as he gently grabbed the hand that held his brown locks captive.
The little hand was that of his son, Daniel.
His head and neck craned uncomfortably toward his son, trying to pry his fingers apart to make him let go. “Okay, please let go of daddy’s-” Daniel pulled again, exclaiming his joy with a yell. “Ow. Please let go?”
The toddler continued to smile, even as Aarom finally released himself from Daniel’s grasp.
“Ow, bud. That’s not how to get my attention.” Aaron said, rubbing his head.
“Up?” Daniel asked, holding his arms out.
Aaron smiled and exchanged the fishnet for his son, bringing him into his arms.
The toddler just smiled and grabbed the end of his father’s sleeve, pulling it towards his mouth.
“No,” Aaron said lightheartedly, “That’s yucky!”
Daniel moved the sleeve away from his mouth, but continued to hold it tightly in his chubby little hands, “Uck!”
Aaron smiled again at his son, “Where did your ball go?”
Daniel started looking around, and the fact that he didn’t immediately see his ball made him pout. Aaron glanced up and spotted the hollowed out clay ball laying discarded a few feet away. He set his son down and stood up, shaking the loose sand of his clothing. Then he took Daniel’s hand and they walked over to retrieve the ball, Daniel toddling and cooing on the short way over.
The toddler let go of his father’s hand and gently grabbed the ball, squealing with glee.
Aaron’s gaze drifted to the blue waves that were slowly rising and falling at the island’s edge. He started thinking about his family again, and wondered how much longer it would be until they arrived home.
Daniel toddled back and showed off the ball to his father, exclaiming with another squeal of delight.
“Yeah,” Aaron replied gently, “And what a nice ball that is.” He picked up his son and started heading back to the scientists. To their little home.
But Daniel squirmed to get put back down, so Aaron put him back down and he started walking beside his father. Aaron smiled a sad smile, at his young age, Daniel was already becoming more independent. More so than he remembered any other toddlers of Artimé being. The boy was hardly nine months and already walking with wobbly steps.
It always brought some sort of sadness to think that he would soon become an independent ten-year-old, then a reckless teenager, which leads to a fully-fledged adult. He would cherish every one of those moments, though. The way his parents never had with him.
It had been five years since their passing, and he still wasn’t sure what to think of them. Yes, they had raised him and his brother, Alex, the only way they could, but whether that was with any love or just obligation, he might never know. They had more or less discarded his brother when Alex had been declared an Unwanted, never saying his name after the Purge. There had been no sadness, no regret. They simply moved on, getting back to work, their faces always lacking emotions.
And then they had two more children. Daughters. His younger sisters, Fifer and Thisbe. Would they have suffered the same fate as him and Alex? No one would ever know. Had it been purposeful? Did they really want to bring more children into such a broken world? Or was it that obligation to produce more Wanteds?
With a sigh, Aaron glanced down at his son, grateful that his sisters didn’t have to be raised the way he was -With that fear, with all the walls that no one ever dared to knock down- Though it had come with the price of their parents, who they would never know, and whom no one could really tell them about. Because there had been nothing to tell.
That gratitude, he felt the same way with his son. And he would do it with both parents at his side, perhaps some little siblings there too. Now that seemed like bliss.
If Daniel never had to endure the danger that had plagued Aaron in his entire life… Well, it was a wonderful thought.
He glanced at the advancing tide, a sign that nap time was coming up, although Daniel was a little too riled up to go down easily. A bit of downtime should help with that. Though he’d have to keep the scientists away. Yes, they were like the parents he never had, so kind and patient with him even at his worst- But they always riled him up even more, and then he wouldn’t sleep, and a tired Daniel isn’t fun for anyone.
The scientists. That reminded him of the fishnet, prompting him to turn around and retrieve it.
The moment he turned on his heel was when the pain hit.
Aaron had been struck. Shot. Or run through, maybe. His chest blossomed in pain, right next to his heart. His knees instantly bucked as he cried out in pain. When his body hit the sand, both hands went to his wound, reaching for whatever was there. Only, his hands came away clean and empty, and a quick glance revealed that there was not even an indention in his shirt. Well, other than one of his fists, still groping at it in disbelief.
Another shock of pain racked him, causing him to whimper. What was this? Some sort of spell? Multiple heart attack spells? It was possible- But also impossible. No one on this island would purposely cause him harm. And he hadn’t heard the verbal incantation to go with it.
For a moment, he waited, fully expecting the pain to fade, as maybe he just strained himself. Instead, it got worse, shifting from the stab-like pain to what felt like fire, burning from the inside out. His fist tightened around his shirt.
Was he dying? Was he not really unkillable like he believed? If he was, why now- What was causing it?
His vision went dim, a dark contrast to the sunny afternoon it had been a moment ago.
Wait, no, it wasn’t just him. He regained his bearings enough to look up at the sky above, where dark clouds rose, seeming to appear from nowhere. A storm was brewing.
The storm.
‘Alex.’ He thought, a pang of sadness running through him, the pain almost equal to that of his physical pain.
He knew that there was only one reason why the storm was returning…
His next thought was of his son. If the storm -The hurricane- came back at its full force and velocity -Which Aaron knew full well that it would- Then... He had to get to his son. The son that stood less than ten feet away.
But as he tried to move, he found that his arms felt like they were tied down to millstones. He was in no condition to save anyone, least of all himself. And definitely not his son. ‘No.’ It wouldn’t end like this. It couldn’t.
He tried to think -He’d always been good at that- And immediately his mind supplied to him that there was no solution. The cave was on the other side of the island, the only place that could withstand this storm was far out of reach.
But what if he could use one of the old ships as some sort of protection? There should be plenty of them. However, it wasn’t called ‘The Island Of Shipwrecks’ because those things were in good condition. That wouldn’t be enough. Were there really no options? There had to be.
“Daniel!” He cried out, his throat sounding weak and scratchy, even though it hadn’t been longer than a minute or so since he’d fallen on the sand.
His son stood, wide eyed and mouth agape, staring up at the dark clouds that had begun circling around the island. He didn’t understand the oncoming danger. Instead, Daniel raised a hand to the sky, pointing at it with curiosity, letting out a string of babbles that had an undeniable lilt that was asking a question.
For a moment, the sky flashed white, and Daniel brought his hands together to start clapping. Supposedly he liked the light show. Until lightning thundered after it, startling the toddler as he immediately burst into tears, stumbling backwards. He had never seen or heard anything like it.
Aaron grimaced, trying to force his unwilling body onto his hands and knees. He didn’t have to try too hard, however, as Daniel came running into his father’s arms for comfort. Aaron pulled the boy into his arms, gathering just enough strength to wrap around him. They were still as heavy as a lead.
Another round of thunder and lightning came through, followed by a heavy downpour, like someone had overturned a tarp on their heads. Clothes were instantly soaked through, and a chill-biting cold would be soon to follow.
Daniel’s wailing seemed to become nearly non-existent as the harsh rain, mixed with thunder and crashing waves drowned him out. Aaron tried to draw him closer to himself, and his son clutching onto the front side of his shirt with those insanely powerful fists of a toddler.
The wind -Which had been a slight breeze not so long ago- Was now hard and fast, almost turning him over by the sheer force of it.
During another flash of white, something barreled into Aaron’s right side- He screamed due to the pain, due to all of it, as it continued to accumulate. That arm went numb, and he tried curling into both himself and Daniel.
Had he gotten struck by lightning? That thunder had sounded awfully close, and if really still couldn’t die, it would surprise him now. Everything was out to hurt him. That fear retreated slightly as whatever had hit him crashed to the ground a little further out, splintering into pieces the second it hit the ground.
Water dripped down his bangs, onto his face and into his eyes, making it impossible to see anything even if there had been anything to see. That thing had most likely been a machine he’d haphazardly let outside.
At least it hadn’t hit Daniel.
His son continued crying, holding on still even as the storm slowly took his senses away. He still couldn’t hear him. He could barely see him through the rain and darkness. And now, with his right arm devoid of feeling, he could only feel him with the other arm, and with the slight warmth and weight up against his chest.
But Aaron would never let go.
Moving to shift onto his injured side was hard, but it would be easier to shield him with his working arm, even as the opposite one bled out beneath him.
Wait, blood?
He could feel it now, unmistakably his, warm and pulsing on his side- The machine that had hit him definitely left its mark. Aaron wondered how he hadn’t noticed that until now. A strong possibility was that the cold rain had been washing it away.
Maybe his wound was already closing -The physical one, at least- It was hard to tell, although his arm stayed limp and foreign, no tingling sensation or even pain.
How long would they be here, trying to weather the storm? The hurricane? How long until the hour of calm? Would it be soon? Or since the storm just started, would he have to wait an entire day?
Could they last that long?
It was a terrible thought- Of course they would, nothing would happen. It wasn’t like others had died trying to get on or off the island. Sure, they got really close, but it wasn’t skill. It was chance. They simply got lucky.
Would they find his body, huddled over his son? Would he be able to protect him, even after a dying breath?
All the what ifs, and no assurances.
Aaron finally closed his eyes- It wasn’t like he could see anyway. Another flash of lightning shone from behind his eyelids. Another roar of lightning.
He leaned over to kiss his son on the forehead.
Then something struck the back of his head and everything went silent.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Please comment if you made it to the end- Where are all my Unwanteds people at?
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helloitsdusk · 11 days
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florence :) still not 100% happy with this design...I'll keep messing with it as I go, she just needed some art somewhere
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wrenviel · 1 year
Daily reminder that Lisa McMann is a proud ally and loves trans kids 🥰❤️
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xbuggyxboyx · 30 days
Hiii, my name is ria and im an unwanteds fan! Its so hard to find other ppl who r in the fandom.
frrrrr there’s like no one, and I’ve looked on ao3 and there’s so few works for them 😭😭😭
we should totally be mutuals and talk abt the books
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4pplec0re · 2 months
by the way, you can always send me any requests (of stuff you know i draw ofc) in my askbox :) i may not get to it instantly but i run out of ideas a lot and i think it would be nice to have at least of a little queue lined up for me
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explorerspack · 2 years
pov you do your usual thing of speaking for the party and agree to serve the rat king on behalf of all of you and then the rat king immediately casts geas on your party member, which was NOT supposed to be part of the deal, and you kind of want to apologize to your party member but also you did get the desired result, technically, so you just go “that was...not what i intended” and respond to his “we do what we must” with “we certainly do”
#also your whole deal is being paranoid about the reality of what’s around you and now you might still be stuck in a nightmare illusion zone.#c:megadungeon#cha:arcis#wuh oh! dnd no longer about coworkers.#i think we should roleplay more in this roleplaying game i think arcis and elio's dynamic can really be SOMETHING#'we do what we must' 'we certainly do'!!!!!!!! they GET each other despite also really *not* getting each other#i'm very happy i got to cast remove curse :) abjuration :)#almost like healing rlly if u think about it--#i'm still sorting through how much of all the emotional reaction there was just me or if any of it was really arcis#but honestly i think it WAS her! she really does have this prideful protectiveness about the party#cause she IS proud! she's mostly given up her nobility in favor of her Grand Quest but at the same time#who the fuck is fyodr to be asking for loyalty? to be acting like a king?#to be casting spells that interfere with the autonomy of someone who's MY party member?#somehow made WORSE because fyodr is also from krutske#I'M the one who's the ice wizard here get your fucking unwanted curse out of here--#it's similar to how furious she was when max got killed except there we got our revenge right away and it was also tempered#with the 'we failed' frustration#and i think that also arcis has enough paranoia and enough of a Thing about altered memories and unreliable minds#that enchantment spells in particular really get under her skin#but again it's in a. she's upset on elio's behalf but she's also taking it as a Personal Insult. because she's a Nightmare.#she didn't apologize to him! but her 'are you alright' did come from a place of genuine concern. she does Care about elio#cares about him but also held off on remove curse for sooooooo long. she had it under control y'know--#god she's really insufferable i really like her...
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yoisara · 8 months
Baizhu & furina working well together …Do you promise
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