#the title is cringey but hey it's the name of the movie XD
blazing-keith-blog · 7 years
Two Night Stand - Closed RP with @blueboy-lanceypants
The phone’s cold glow was bright in the dim of Keith’s apartment. Outside only lamp posts offered light in the cold of the setting night, and they cast a murky color onto the window blinds which hung beside him. He shifted in his computer chair and reached for the window with ease, although there was a rigidness to the movement, tension in his shoulders. With thumb and index finger, he pushed two blinds apart from one another, to peek at the yard. His eyes flickered between empty gaps on the sparsely parked, snowy street, and with a little jitter in his chest he imagined the car parking there.
That train of thought led him to a question he hadn’t thought of earlier. He turned away from the window and took out his phone once more, to type the message: btw, what color is your car? 
He’d pressed send before better thought, and felt stupid soon after; it probably made him seem too eager. Besides, the question was stupid in general. He let himself collapse against the chair, arm falling slack over the handle, phone loosely in grasp and shutting down in inattention.
What am I doing, he wanted to ask himself. He didn’t, because the reply would’ve come too clear - you’re arranging a one night stand, Keith. 
He’d gone out of his way, too, having just finished a Skype call with the man, a psycho check as he’d called it (odd humor, which Keith didn’t want to dig into) and he was to arrive in thirty minutes. 
Keith never had guests, which was part of the reason he’d had to resort to a dating service, and most of why his apartment was usually a jungle. That day was an exception, as he’d tidied the place in preparation and to his best ability. It had it’s quirks - university documents and equations in overflowing stacks, dusty books and gadgets and sports-ware - but it was good enough.
He stood up and went on a final evaluation round, switching on lights he wouldn’t usually use, arranging pillows which usually never got to rest on the bed.
His head buzzed when his doorbell rung, and he realized he had forgotten to check his phone. How long his date had had to wait, he didn’t want to stop to ponder, and rushed to the door. Instead of the usual black, he’d chosen a dark red sweater, one which he considered to be neater. He wore some cologne, too - and with that reassurance opened the door for his guest.
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Things have changed for "ME!"...
Alex Clifton: A lead single should not make me think, "Oh, is this the Kidz Bop version?" [3]
Abdullah Siddiqui: This isn't the Old Taylor or the New Taylor. It's some entity so devoid of anything remotely substantive it doesn't warrant a human name. And I'm not very familiar with this Brendon Urie, but his delivery of the line "and you can't spell awesome without 'me'" sounds like the sonic embodiment of a Disney XD mid-season replacement choking on its own blue-cotton-candy puerilism. And I know that makes literally no sense but it's honestly the best way I know how to describe it. [2]
Taylor Alatorre: On the one hand, this was designed to subvert as few expectations and step on as few toes as a late 2010s Taylor Swift lead single can. On the other hand, it commits so hard to the bit that it ends up becoming a Lonely Island parody of the kind of post-Glee positivity pop that fueled the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Our culture may be more jaundiced since then, but the market for that stuff hasn't gone away, and Swift and Urie deliver the message in a way that feels more true to how people actually consume those songs. Rather than offering the prize of social recognition as a package deal with some nebulous invocation of societal change, they make a beeline for the inner voice of narcissism that resides within the overworked neoliberal subject. They listen to that voice, they give it what it wants, and the result is a communal celebration of self-regard that, in all its candidness and mutual puffery, makes you feel connected to something larger than just another grueling megastar album cycle. Unfortunately, that "something larger" happens to be the same collective unconscious that apparently just wants Panic to be the "High Hopes" band now. [7]
Jessica Doyle: It's catchy, granted, but so insistently, aggressively vapid that I am resisting the obvious conclusion that Taylor Swift actually thinks that this is work to be proud of. It makes more sense as a reconciliation of three opposing forces: she wants to make music; she feels responsible for the multi-hundred-dollar machine she's spent half her life putting in motion; and she dislikes and resents the performer (maybe also the person) she's become. That would explain pairing a catchy song with lyrics such as "can't spell awesome without ME!" and a video whose final shots suggest she is actually made of toxic rainbow sludge. [3]
Katherine St Asaph: A garish mess in exactly the same way "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" was. Yelpy vocals, forced whimsy, obnoxious spoken word, slapdash everything -- well, almost everything. The chorus is the second song in a year to rip off Emeli Sandé's "Next to Me," which really wasn't in need of two ripoffs. The old Taylor can't come to the phone right now, because she's been replaced with the New Boring. Brendon Urie is the best thing about this, though I'd rather listen to three minutes of him singing Vines. [3]
Tobi Tella: Can something be inoffensive enough that it becomes offensive? It's hard to imagine a song this generically pleasant and basic angering people off the heels of some of the Reputation singles, but here we are. It's disappointing to see Taylor put out yet another vapid lead single devoid of any deep themes, but goddamn if this didn't grow on me almost immediately. It's just so much dumb fun, and even though these two people are capable of much more and I'll probably forget about it in a few months I will definitely scream it every time it comes on the radio for now. [6]
Will Adams: The singular badness of Taylor's past three lead singles can all be boiled down to their overblown-ness, whether in song, in video, or in their inevitable absorption into The Discourse. But "ME!" is a special kind of bad, one whose wrongness comes from all directions to create something truly confusing. There's the sonic rehashing of a single from two albums back (also those terrible horns), inert lyrics that offer nothing recognizably Swift, the aesthetic 180 that makes Reputation feel even more pointless and, worst of all, the patronizing kids show affect. It's really hard to figure out what she was trying to do here. Without Max Martin's catchphrases, Shellback's sheen, or even Jack Antonoff's weirdness, we're left with an overblown Train song. Here's hoping, come the album, she keeps her promise that we'll never find another like "ME!". [1]
Jibril Yassin: Taylor Swift loves dispatching red herrings for her forthcoming albums in the form of lead singles. While she couldn't fully commit to the heel turn, Reputation went out of its way to show her songwriting capacities hadn't diminished, but it says a lot that I already want the Right Said Fred-aided Taylor back. "ME!" flows and surges with the pop efficiency she's mastered, but the lyricism resembles a once-sharp camera lens out of focus. Draping herself in the sounds she last used on Reputation, now drenched in major-key sunshine, also feels like a serious misstep when a theatre-kid diva like Brendon Urie decides to show up and completely steal the show. A song like "ME!" calls for high theatrics and powerful vocals and here, Taylor doesn't play to her strengths. [3]
Katie Gill: Taylor Swift was one of the first people to sign on for the movie-musical Cats. I'm not saying this just because that fact brings me joy and happiness every time I remember it, but because you don't agree to be in a show that features tap-dancing beetles, a magic show, and a character called Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat unless you have a healthy appreciation for cheesiness. And this song further proves that Taylor Swift is fully embracing the concept of cheese. Why else would she include lyrics like "hey kids! Spelling is fun!". But three things prevent this song from reaching its full, beautiful, glorious Gouda potential. One: the fact that the chorus seems designed from the ground up to play in a Target commercial. Two: the fact that the lyrics never get past the braggadocio, "I'm so awesome" hubris that tainted a lot of her Reputation-era work. Three: Brendon Urie's existence on the track. [6]
Ryo Miyauchi: Taylor's past fuck-yous to her former guys worked because she didn't leave room for them to speak in the song's narrative or actually in the music itself. Brendon Urie in "ME!" functions as wish fulfillment on top of wish fulfillment, singing the ideal response from the man to go with Taylor's perfect last words. His presence is extra fluff that the track can do without, but he's just one of many campy toppings that sugarcoats the stinging bitterness at the song's core to the point they wash away any taste when consumed. The cliche series of contrasts in the pre-chorus, the Sesame Street bridge, filler rhymes just to get to the next lyric -- all of this lyrical blandness doesn't help prop Taylor up as the underdog to cheer for in this breakup. [4]
Joshua Copperman: Every part of this song sounds like other songs that were successfully upbeat without being too cutesy. "ME!" isn't one of those. Like former contemporary Katy Perry with her "Swish Swish" video, Swift actively tries to be cringey but the attempts at cringe make her cringey. It's like Patrice Wilson's self-conscious follow-ups after "Friday" if he was given a Dave Meyers video budget. Taylor's own friend-by-her-right-ay Brendon Urie helps a little bit, because he's good at hamming it up, but while Taylor has pulled off hamminess in the past ("Blank Space" is one of her most-loved songs for a reason), this doesn't suit her. Even the lines about fighting in the rain feel like perfunctory good lyrics. The rest of the album will probably be fine, as even 1989 led with "Shake It Off." But even that song's bridge didn't have "spelling is fun." [3]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: For a second, right around "spelling is fun," I thought this would ascend, phoenix-like, into glorious schlock. But before and after that incredible interlude, "ME!" is not even the exciting kind of trash. It's content to just be mediocre, occasionally winking at the camera in ways that its authors clearly think is endearing but mostly come off as desperate. It's an emphatic shrug of a song, at once saying nothing and doing so loudly. [1]
Scott Mildenhall: Tonally aimless, it's very hard to deduce the spirit in which this is meant. In its most desperate moment -- yes, "spelling is fun!" -- it doesn't so much tip its hat to the audience as frisbee it into their face, but at the same time it's not so ironic as to be mean-spirited. As a whole, it's like a Wiggles mash-up of "Blank Space" and "We Go Together", and it's hard to know how anyone, whether their intentions were wholesome or cynical, would ever reach that by design. Perhaps this is simply just a spectacular misfire. The thematic mismatches, zero-dexterity crowbarring of aphorisms, desultory brass parps and gossamer-thin hook suggest seriously misplaced ambition. The one time "ME!" seems to be heading in its intended direction is its conclusion, at which it becomes an ever-ascending celebration. By then, though, it's already dug itself a deep hole to fly out of. [5]
Alfred Soto: The first time she's sounded manic and desperate, like someone pleading for her life; she could've titled it "You Must Love Me." [3]
Stephen Eisermann: Remember when everyone said "Look What You Made Me Do" was Taylor's worst lead single and it could never be worse? I do. And guess what? This is worse. [1]
Jonathan Bradley: "ME!" takes as its starting point the belated success of "Delicate," the late-cycle Reputation single that helped remind more than a few listeners and critics that they'd radically misinterpreted that album on its release. It makes sense that Taylor Swift would return to the source of that renewed goodwill, and this new single does sound designed as a rebirth of sorts: it is sunny and outward-looking after an insular and intimate record. It's also unashamedly and jubilantly corny. That should not surprise; Swift has never only been a dextrous chronicler of emotional contours, and corn has been a part of her songwriting toolbox going back at least to the time she wrote a gushing romance starring Romeo and Juliet that ended with a marriage and hefty key change. "ME!" is unabashed in its goofiness, pairing that dorkiness with the frivolity of "Shake It Off," her biggest hit to date. Panic! At the Disco's Brendon Urie fits in well with this theatricality, and Swift helps temper his archness; he's had "High Hopes," but never this much fun. And it's this sense of fun that makes "ME!" so enjoyable. This is a song that sees the strangenesses and imperfections of ourselves and the people around us, and greets them with optimism and -- Reputation hasn't entirely left us -- a bit of wanton selfishness. I've been to plenty of Taylor Swift shows and, as with "Shake It Off" or "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" or "This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" -- I can already tell how much of a blast of a setlist-capper "ME!" will be. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: "Taylor finger, Taylor finger, where are you?" [1]
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hoonface · 7 years
TAGGED BY @s-lay-ing thank you so much!! I had fun doing this <3 <3 Will tag... @healinghoshi (vicky pls dont tell me youre stressing too much TT-TT) @wonuthewhale (i will still tag you in these even though you dont do them >:D) @jisoosmeoli (CARMENNN) @vitaminniedk (vivienne!!) @jisoominghao JELLY WHERE ARE YOU TT-TT PLEASE TELL ME YOURE DOING OKAY <3 
Alright then, here we go: 
8 questions tag 😈
So you have to answer the questions that the person who tagged you made & then you have to come up with your own questions, as simple as that 😁
1. what’s your favorite bridge in a song? (i know this is so difficult but i thought narrowing it to the bridge might help?? but back 2 u’s is honestly so good)
2. how many spoons can you balance on your face? (photo evidence is optional)
Nothing is tearing me away from the computer and this music that is coming from my headphones which is connected to my computer.
3. the ingredients you would put in your ideal smoothie are….
…the basics? Strawberry, milk, honey and such?
4. what was the defining moment that made your ult bias your bias?
Jihoon? It just kind of happened. It felt like he kind of just biased wrecked me way too much… I still have bias wreckers, definitely, but at the end of the day its always Jihoon that I love the most, and I think that’s the defining moment.
5. would you change your eye color if you could? if so what color? (it can be natural or not have fun w it lol)
…tbh I think I’m fine with this, I can’t imagine myself with anything else.
6. what are your favorite physical and personality traits of your top bias(es)? (alternatively just your fave picture of our bias if you can’t pick actually just include your fave picture bc why not)
Physical? His arms? Like what? No? What? Happened? Why? Is he suddenly?
Personality? He is kinda like tsundere but you can really tell he loves his members. He’s always so humble, despite being so amazing and I just love him. A tough exterior covering a soft and caring Jihoon <3
Choi Seungcheol
Physical: …his body in general? I mean like if you watch him dance in Mansae, his legs move in a really satisfying way (why do I feel like I’m saying something wrong) but like his arms are really nice too?
Personality: I just. This boy. He’s so incredibly hardworking and he clearly loves his members and takes care of them like he’s their father, he’s always so humble and selfless. Always thinks of others before himself <3
7. do you have a go-to video to make you laugh/cheer you up?
Honestly, just SVT in general. Their videos always make me feel better <3
8. end w your favorite quote/emoji/emoticon(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Loving you is a blessing.
AGAIN, DO I DO THESE? I’m sorry if I’m not meant to but here goes nothing:
1. If you could have any idols hairstyle past or present whose would you choose?
…isn’t it like a no brainer? YoON JEONGHAN’S LONG HAIR.
2. If you could take your bias group or just your bias and put them into another universe i.e. wizarding world or similar what world would you but them in? And why?
3. Fave idol outfit? doesn’t have to be your bias just any outfit you’ve liked! Provide pictures if you want!
4. Favorite fancam? Im a fancam ho I need recs plx.
Oooooh, I had a whole google document of this and now I have no idea where it went…uhhh… there are definitely some that I love….. . . … … . .THE FANCAM OF CHEOL AND HOSH TALKING TO THE KID I AM D E A D
5. What are your favorite girl group non title songs, if you don’t have any what are your favorite gg mvs?
I don’t listen to girl groups that much? Please don’t take offense, I promise I have nothing against girl groups, but when I do listen to them they’re mostly title tracks.
Favorite video: … no idea
6. If you could create your own group drawing from all other groups regardless of companies who would you choose and what would there concept be?
…the disadvantages of being only SVT biased, you have no idea how to answer this question XD
7. so you are going to a music festival and in this dream world you get to decide all the ppl/groups that are going to be there, who would you choose? It doesn’t just have to be Kpop!
8. If you could have any talent in the world what would you want it to be? I would want to be in anyway musically inclined rip me tbh.
The talent to be good at everything :DDDD
Now, my questions:
1_ Thoughts on paying for a hitouch?
I’m not that sure tbh, what exactly is a hitouch? Do I get to talk to them?
2_ Now, if your favorite group/artist (kpop or not) chooses you to go on stage to perform with them…do you think you could do a great job?
Hell no. I have no performing skills whatsoever.
3_ (CHOREOGRAPHY WISE) Adore u or Shining Diamond? Mansae or Rock? Pretty u or Chuck? Boom Boom or Smile Flower doesn’t have a choreo so Highlight? Don’t wanna cry or Crazy In Love?
Adore U, Mansae, Pretty U, Smile Flower, Don’t Wanna Cry.
4_ Is there a song you absolutely adore from an artist/group you don’t really stan/like?
5_ Name your Top 10 non title kpop songs 🎶 (songs that aren’t the main single nor the second song they tend to promote along the main one)
I have no idea.
6_ if you’ve had your first job already: what’s the very first thing you bought with your first paycheck? If you haven’t had a job yet, what’s the most meaningful item you own?
I can’t exactly say I own my family and friends, but that’s what I’m saying.
7_ Have you ever tried to do something you’ve seen on social media? (Recipes, make up tutorials, a viral challenge, a DIY etc) if so, what have you attempted to do?
8_ Right now at this very exact moment the three leaders of Seventeen go to wherever you are w/ a camera crew and all that jazz to say you were chosen to participate with them and one friend of your choice in a new edition of OFD (in your country obvi). Now: where did they find you? Which friend would you pick (can be from anywhere)? and if you had to pick between the three units, which one would you join? (😜😜😜)
Where did they find me? …at my house? Is that strange? I would pick my best friend probably, she loves Seventeen too. What IS THAT LAST QUESTION OH MY GODDDD ……………………………………… .       . . . bu-buT TT-TT vocal unit it is~
Bonus question bc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: is there a movie you consider is beyond underrated? I need movie recommendations 😁
I don’t watch movies a lot XD but I personally think Pitch Perfect 1 didn’t really meet my expectations.
Questions game:
I’ve done this before but I’ll leave this here for the people I’ve tagged~
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better!
• Name:
• Height:
• Ultimate bias:
• Nicknames:
• Zodiac sign:
• Favourite fruit:
• Favourite season:
• Favourite colour:
• Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?:
• Favourite animals:
• Last TV show I watched:
• Dream trip:
• Last movie I watched:
• Number of blankets you sleep with:
• Song stuck in my head:
• What kind of stuff do you post?:
• Last thing you googled:  
• Side-blog:
• Following:
• When did you make this blog: main blog?
• Do you get asks regularly:
• Why did you choose your URL:
• Average hours of sleep:
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