#the sole purpose of my ig is for pretty pictures of the sky & the sea and to notify close friends about my current interactions w birds
soracities · 2 years
really random question but! do you have any thoughts on archiving ourselves / the archive?
i don't think they are thoughts per se, more so conflicting emotions. i don't mind it in theory (love scrapbooks & family albums & years of mementos stored in biscuit tins), but i don't love living in a commercial panopticon that invariably turns a lot of it (not all the time, but too often for my liking) into some kind of performance the moment you post it that needs to be constantly validated--for me it's just....very hard to have a relationship with it divorced from that influence because it's simply so pervasive at this point. questions like why am really i archiving this? who is this really for? are ones i've come back to a lot and if the answer to either of them are no longer about me then it isn't a good enough answer, if that makes sense? idk like i like to record and have keepsakes of experiences, but i also don't want to lose those experiences as they're happening and i think it's a very thin line that can get v easily blurred given the kind of society we live in.
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