#the session was perfectttt except one of the boys was really Not That Into It so he was barely paying attention (hence why his cleric died)
scottsumrners · 7 months
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"- Would you like to join me, in Eternity? - I would… just not right now. I still have a lot of life left to live down there. You snap back to your body - hours for you, seconds for the rest of the team. You look at your side and see the arm you used to grab the crown is turning black, necrotic. Your screams fill the entire cave. You feel a burn spreading through that same arm, and when you look, the arm is back to what once was, but it now has the sigil of your god etched into it."
just had my first (in person) dnd session and it was soooooo awesome!!! shout out to my best boy Yonathan, a cleric turned mage turned BACK to cleric, who got cast out of his faith for breaking a vow of celibacy but then got his groove back when he turned down a "u up?" call from a different god while looting said god's corpse.
you know, as it happens in dnd
my first session was so cool, but i gotta say, watching other people on actual play roll a nat1/roll low is gut-wrecking, but watching it happen IN REAL TIME, ON YOUR PARTY????????? worse. SO much worse. 3 out of 6 people in our party died (the cleric got its head smashed in by a stone guard, one sacrificed himself heroically to grab the mcguffin the party was after, and one died a ridiculous death there was a lake full of snakes, dm said the snakes were venomous, player went 'yeah but not all of them right?' even though we kept saying YES ALL OF THEM and then he stuck his foot in the lake and immediately got bitten and died.). Yonathan, the dwarf and the elf managed to get away, though. lived to fight another day
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