#the saddest flattest little gritty thing
softpine · 1 year
this is adjacent to the food ask that the other anon sent- do any of your characters have food-related issues? you mentioned Danny's lactose intolerance, but are there some foods that the cast just can't have or else their stomach will Fucking Riot?
i can't really think of anything that i didn't mention! i figure it would be weird to randomly say caroline has IBS or elaine has celiac's disease when we haven't seen that at all fjksdjsj sorry this is a boring answer!! i think elaine does have a sensitive stomach though, she eats like a bird. idk if this counts, but casper doesn't drink caffeine or smoke weed because they both make him super anxious and nauseous, rip (alcohol does too but he drinks anyway because college). ummm austin always gives up sugar for lent so it makes him sick when he eats it again? mikaela hates fake sugar sweeteners because they give her a headache (REAL!!! aspartame gives me and my dad the worst migraines ever)
you know what i'm making this up on the spot but sadie strikes me as a kid with a peanut allergy
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