#the royal city of rabanastre
asleepinawell · 1 year
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Return to Ivalice - The Royal City of Rabanastre
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hrms-t · 1 year
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lyglg-scnry · 5 years
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Lighthouse of Heroes
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
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photosfromeorzea · 1 year
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River Rabanastre
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super-ether · 2 years
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stalwart-spirit · 4 months
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Royal City of Rabanastre - FFXIV
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📚 QUEERBOOK 2024 is hereee! We made a book by and for LGBTQ+ youth! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Last year, we asked LGBTQ+ youth: what's your idea of a "queer utopia?"
Not gonna lie - with more than 150 bills introduced in 35 states in 2023 that aimed to restrict student access to inclusive and diverse books and other library materials, the theme felt pretty radical.
And you DELIVERED. With the help of our Youth Voices (amazing queer youth activists from across the country), we compiled your amazing submissions of poetry, short essays and letters, visual art, photography, and more into Queerbook 2024. Like a yearbook, it captures what queer youth are feeling, going through, and hoping for - right here, right now across the U.S.
It's also no accident that it's the perfect small-ish size to stash in your locker or backpack so you can crack it open any time you're looking for some queer connection. :3
Read some more about the book and grab your own limited-run copy of Queerbook 2024 now here.
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autumnslance · 5 months
Hey there! I saw there were entries on the Ivalice raid locations— are there any more interesting Dalmasca tidbits from them that we haven’t gotten before?
Hihi! And there's not really too much new on Dalmasca; they clarify that Noah van Gabranth ordered the aerial bombardment of Rabanastre in response to the liberation of Doma and Ala Mhigo, to thwart the rebellion factions still loyal to the B'nargin dynasty who were inspired to rise up once again. It was a drastic measure, and the few survivors of the city's destruction fled to oases scattered across the desert.
Nothing new on Lessalia, just summary of "the Lexentales and adventurers found it and fought Lucavi."
Ridorana Lighthouse they go a little more into its construction. The Dalmascans operated the main lighthouse part to warn ships away from the cataract, but 30 years of Garlean occupation has seen the lighthouse abandoned. There's water drawn up the tower and then its downward movement back to the sea powers things...somehow, but no one's quite sure how it works.
It was the WoL's party who figured out how to get to the floating islands and upper reaches, to the ruins of Goug. Wind Crystals were utilized to create the landmasses, and arrays of vanes to harness wind power for the city are all over, as opposed to the water-based power below.
For Orbonne and Mullonde, they go a bit more into the legend of Ajora, a hero who claimed to be the son of gods, who led rebellions against the corrupted officials in the later years of the Holy Ydoran Empire. Mullonde was destroyed when Ajora, in desperation for victory, performed a forbidden summoning and the being called forth unleashed devastation. Jenomis cen Lexentale's The Zodiac Brave Story is mentioned, as a telling of those myths and Ramza Beoulve's victory over Ultima, but he admits it's a fiction not in line with facts.
Of The High Seraph herself, the text for her claims she was simply a force of pure ruination at first; it was the terror people held of her shifting to a reverent fear that eventually affected her enough to quicken self-awareness. How much of that is true given what's learned in Pandaemonium later is debatable. Once again, the lorebook leaves a lot open to interpretation given they are "set" in times where the transcribers don't have all the facts, allowing things to change in later plotlines.
And since they're related...
There's a nice picture of Bozja before the disaster, all local brown stone and geometric decorative patterns; both the nation and its capital shared the name, and they detail a little more the devastation it suffered, the crater of the "Firelight Coffin," the previous site of the Lunar Transmitter tower and the center of the city, the crystallization waves covering the rest of the buildings.
The fortress of Alermuc to the north of the city, and the buildings near it, survived the disaster. Alermuc means "Eagle" in the Bozjan tongue, and it was mostly abandoned by Basch van Gabranth. His son Noah, however, used it, and renamed it Castrum Lacus Litore (lakeside) as it also is at the side of Igalj Kelo, the region's largest salt water lake.
Not really anything new about Delubrum Reginae, the old royal palace of the Queens, mostly summarizing the battle to get through the tempered and transformed Gunnhildr's Blades to try to stop the primal Queen.
Zadnor in the northeast was chosen because of the ancient Allagan armaments thought to be buried there. A little about the construct Saunion, whose fusion of a traditional ceruleum engine with a unique crystal reactor to manipulate aether is said to be an example of the IVth's independent research and innovations. The Diablo Armament is thought to be a vessel for a Diablo-class voidsent gifted to Emperor Xande by the Cloud of Darkness back during their partnership, and would have been used against the ancient Bozjans, until the Fourth Umbral Calamity buried the thing.
So it's mostly a clarification and compilation of little bits we got in game, some new ways of presenting it, some placement of geography and where things are in relation to one another. It's mostly summary of the WoL's adventure in the region, though there are new, small tidbits like those outlined above, which is handy for those who haven't done the content nor unearthed every little secret lore tidbit scattered between the instances and zones and NPC lore dumps.
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
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ladyswillmart · 2 months
Actually I noticed something kinda interesting (FF14/Tactics)
Not relevant or meaningful but still kinda neat: In FFTactics, the ill-starred Tengille family has three zodiac stones between themselves.
Folmarv has Leo, and his unfortunate children Meliadoul and Isilud were entrusted with Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively.
Well then, who are the bosses you fight in the Royal City of Rabanastre raid?
Yes, if you recall correctly, it's Mateus (Pisces), Hashmal (Leo) and Rofocale (Sagittarius in Tactics; unused and later replaced with Shemhazai in XII)...
(...and yeah Argath too but one can only suspect he was just along for the ride/fame/potential to finagle his way onto a washed-up celebrity reality television show. )
Also I'm a little tickled that Pisces is also Lahabrea and Sagittarius is Igeyorhm (and Leo is, uh... "Funny Daniel")...
I dunno, it's not meaningful and I'm not trying to imply anything but it's still kinda fun to think about.
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asleepinawell · 11 months
link to first poll
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 3 months
hi ari !! what would lorenza be like , as a trust avatar for dungeons ? how often / quick would she use the limit break, are there any dungeons post endwalker that u think she'd be a part of for the story ?
Hello, friend! Thank you so much for such a neat question! I apologise somewhat for how long the answer has ended up, but only because I was not expecting it to get this long, and I wish I could summon this same sort of ability to answer the rest of the asks in my inbox.
Hmm.. I haven't really thought about Lorenza as being a Trust avatar, but I do agree that she would be a Duty Support option for post-Endwalker dungeons. Specifically, the Fell Court of Troia, Lapis Manalis, possibly the Aetherfont, and the Lunar Subterrane - I don't think she would be part of the initial Alzadaal's Legacy expedition, only being brought into the plot after it became evident that there's a voidgate down there. She would also appear in certain alliance raids, like the World of Darkness and possibly Dun Scaith (and possibly the other two Shadows of Mhach raids as well), though probably not in playable form - it would be a bit like how the Royal City of Rabanastre starts out with Ramza and Lina Mewrilah alongside everyone. Her voiceline when selected for Trust changes depends on which dungeon you're going into - it's "I shall do what I can.." for Shadowbringers content on the First, "Let us end this." for post-5.3 and Endwalker dungeons, and "Sit back and watch the show!" for the post-Endwalker ones. This reflects her different levels of comfort in different worlds and parts of the story. Alternatively, if Zero has already been added to the party, then bringing Lorenza in as well will cause her to say "This is how it should be, here with you.." to her - which the player may well interpret as being aimed at them, but it's very clearly not >w<
In terms of how she would work, Lorenza's class as a Trust avatar would be Void Princess, a magical ranged DPS which mostly acts like a Black Mage except her actual spell effects are different (since, her magic is void-based, and her spells are either prefaced with the Void prefix or just outright called different things to show this). She is very keen to keep herself out of harm's way, making common use of Aetherial Manipulation to teleport to whoever is not going to get hit by whatever attack is coming next, instead of running away from it herself. If you have Zero in the party as the other DPS, then Zero becomes able to use the Enshroud skills of a reaper, as Lorenza is able to provide her with strength as if she were her avatar; this is about the only time she will sacrifice her personal DPS for the sake of boosting someone else's. (You may have noticed that this isn't entirely congruent with how I play as Lorenza when I play the game, since I've been playing her as a reaper post-Endwalker instead of a black mage. However, Zero already occupies the reaper-like niche as a memoriate, and magic suits Lorenza better than melee anyway.)
Alternatively, based on the fact that the Trust system currently doesn't have any physical ranged DPS options, I am also considering letting her be her Shadowbringers class, Glaivethrower - or just an alternate version of Void Princess with the Dancer icon, since I don't think all-rounders like G'raha change class name when deciding exact role. This is a ranged DPS that functions identically to Dancer, reflecting the twin-sickled fighting style she picked up from Lyna during the time she spent weakened on the First, but with a much more ominous/dark flavour to the visual effects and different attack names, because unlocking Trust means that the First has been saved and she can be back up to more like her initial power level. She will "dance partner" with the other DPS, unless that DPS is Ryne, in which case she will partner with the tank (simply because I don't think Ryne's light and Lorenza's darkness would be particularly compatible, oops). This would make her Shadowbringers appearance (or, rather, post-Shadowbringers since she'd have her hood down) her only option at level 70, leading into her level 80 glamour being her Endwalker appearance, and her level 90 glamour her post-Endwalker appearance.
Regarding the limit break.. if you (the player) are the other DPS, then Lorenza will not use the limit break unless it's either been at level 3 for a long time, or she can calculate that it will defeat the boss, at which point she uses it instantly; however, if Zero is the other DPS, she will never use the limit break in order to let Zero use it, which may or may not be the only time she actually does use them, I'm not sure. So, if you want to be the one to use the limit break, my suggestion would be to use it as soon as it hits level 3, so you're not wasting any of the gauge. I'm wondering whether Lorenza might have a stronger limit break than she should do for not being a melee DPS, simply because of the implication that limit breaks are powered by dynamis instead of aether, and voidsent are not only not subjected to any rejoinings (so have less aether than beings of the Source), but are almost always aether-starved to begin with because of how the Thirteenth is. So, wouldn't it be possible that someone from a reflection - like Lorenza - would be able to harness dynamis to more of an extent than someone from the Source - like most of the Scions? Leading to a more powerful limit break?
I hope that all of this answers your question, friend ^-^ thank you so much once again for sending it in!!!
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This blog serves as a screen and lore dump for my OC in FFXIV, Prei Valentyne, a mad woman turned nightkin. To read her story, I suggest starting at the beginning.
I'm a bit obsessed with gpose so I go where the muse takes me. ♡
Feel free to ask anything, except for WCIF questions. I prefer those to be sent through DM. This blog will forever be a WIP. ♡
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOC DETAILS
Name: Prei Valentyne Age: Late 80s Race: Viera (Veena) Gender: Female Nameday: 7th Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon Birthplace: Royal City of Rabanastre
Family: Reia Valentyne (MIA)
Other Relationships: -Oflant Vauxciveur, Manservant (Retainer) -Podling, Kidragora -Mummy's Little Monster, Morbol Seedling For more about Prei, keep reading!
Key Notes: -The Echo manifests as psychometric abilities (the ability to gain psychic readings through touching objects or people) that trigger seizures. Because of this, Prei wears gloves 24/7 to avoid touching things with her bare hands. -'Baked Popoto' is her favorite meal. She feasts once or twice a month on this delicacy, which is farmed and prepared by her manservant Oflant. Her choice meal tends to be made of those who will not be missed and sourced from the prison on Aleport. While the meat is a bonus, it's the aether she's after.
-The Kidragora, Podling, is a little creature who follows Prei around as it has grown dependent upon her to feed it and take care of it. Prei has been known to go on a tirade about Podling's whining and screaming, though the kidragora itself is mute and doesn't understand a thing she is saying. It is rather fond of looking at random things that catch its attention, especially when Prei is yelling at it. -Mummy's Little Monster is a morbol seedling snatched from the swamps of the Tangle in Mor Dhona. It may not be illegal (yet) to have one, but the living plant species are known for eating anything and everything while growing so large as to be a danger to persons and creatures that should cross its path. Prei, in the meantime, has found that it serves as an effective way to dispose of the experiments and 'leftovers' that cannot otherwise be destroyed by regular means. That it will eventually outgrow its home and become a danger to everyone is of no matter to Prei.
Minors DNI
SFW / NSFW (Horror-related scenes and imagery)
Note from Eleanora: Prei is an antagonistic character. She is abrasive, rude, and can be difficult to interact with as she single-minded and focused on her goals. As a villain-lite character, she possesses very few redeemable qualities and I don't expect her to be liked IC. Just please understand that her actions, comments, and behavior are not a reflection of me, her player, and are purely written as a means to tell her story. In addition, neither Prei nor myself will use RP as a veil to discriminate real-life persons or to disparage others based on sex, gender, orientation, religion, skintone, race, etc.; nor will I as her writer do so in real or in this blog.
This Blog oc: prei valentyne - screenshots prei lore - writing, OC lore prei aesthetic - aesthetic tag gallery - a collection of every screenshot
The Community xivstories - reblogged stories screens and writing xivgposers - reblogged screenshots and visuals
Fandoms ffxiv
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tarnishedxknight · 10 months
' i have fought in too many wars. i have seen too many people die (for the AU of Wanda coming into baschs timeline :3)
There had been rumors of a strange individual that day in the city proper. As Basch walked the square before the steps of the Royal Palace of Rabanastre, he'd heard the rumors for himself. The square was often a place to overhear information, with it being a popular place for human youths and Bangaan merchants alike to congregate and gossip. Basch was Knight Captain, but he was also Captain of the Royal Guard, which meant he oversaw the handling of crime and other issues of import within the capital city of Dalmasca. Hearing about this odd looking individual, Basch decided he needed to follow up on it.
Speaking with several youths as they sat on the sandstone steps before the palace and people-watched, Basch learned enough to make him concerned. The individual was by all accounts a woman, but she did not look Dalmasca. Or Nabradian. Or Archadian. Some had thought her to possibly be a Rozarrian witch, but she even did not fit that description either. At which point Basch asked what had prompted them to label her a witch...
She had some sort of red magic at her disposal, they said. It came from her hands and burned in her eyes, and the tips of her fingers were black, as if she'd dipped them in ink. This... was concerning. The youths added that they weren't sure what it was she was doing here, or what she wanted, and that her clothing was very strange. Maybe she's a spy of some kind, one of them said, but Basch was quick to deny that. Spies didn't let themselves be so overtly seen. Nevertheless, he had to find her and make sure she was not a threat to the royal family.
Basch was a conspicuous sight walking the streets of Rabanastre, for unless Vossler or another knight was around, not even the guards had armor as elaborate as his. He wanted to be conspicuous, though, for being available and approachable to the public and a bridge between them and the throne was part of his duties as a Knight of the Order of Dalmasca. Many shouted friendly greetings at Basch or waved to him as he passed, and he responded in kind. It was important for him to remember that he not only served the Crown, but the masses as well.
When he arrived to the last location where the woman was sighted, he took his time in surveying the streets and alleys in the area. Before long, people were coming to him and telling him where they'd seen her, quite literally pointing him in the right direction. And soon, there she was, and he immediately noted how out of place she appeared and understood why she would spark such rumors.
"Good woman," he called to her with firm but not unkind authority. "I am Ser Ronsenburg, Knight of Dalmasca. May I speak with you for a moment?" He could see what the youths had meant about the woman's fingers. He'd seen fingers like that long ago, in Landis. Sometimes the cold would cause frostbite... but that was nothing compared to people's bodies rotting while they were still alive from the vile effects of the nethicite. However, nethicite made one's eyes glow orange, not red, and she did not look Landisian with her color of hair. He needed more information.
"Where is it that you hail from? Is your presence here to do with the war?" he asked, presenting that as neither a positive nor negative inquiry. Perhaps she was a refugee from somewhere. Or... an agent of a hostile kingdom. Either way, he left it open for her to explain... to which she replied that she had fought in many wars. Too many. And had seen many people die. His expression turned immediately sympathetic. "My sympathies, miss. I have as well. Many here have been affected by war. You are not alone." Nodding toward her blackened hands, he added, "Are you in need of help?"
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photosfromeorzea · 1 year
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The Garamsythe Waterway
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taurusversant · 7 months
FFXIV Glamour Archive #2
Okay second glamour to archive is my Shadowbringers Dragoon glam. I've had a completely different look for Endwalker and I've got an even newer one designed for Dawntrail, it's time to let this plate go.
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Our only visible piece of jewellery is the Darklight Earrings of Striking. The maiming version is blue, which is of no use to Crimson's aesthetic. Where'd they come from? One of the level 50 dungeons! Maybe Lost City of Amdapor? The only other accessory piece with meaning to me is the Redbill Scarf. You can't see it, but she's wearing it close to her heart. Love Void Ark questline. I hope we adventure with the Redbills again one day.
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As for the weapon, it's the Edenmorn Halbred, obtained at level 80 from E12S. I earned this! The Rolanberry Red dye affects the colour of the metal flower on it :)
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The headpiece is the Friendship Circlet. I used a number of different feathers for varying SHB glams, but this was the first one. Obtained as part of the Recruit-A-Friend campaign! Thanks to the friends that recruited me to the game!
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The chestpiece is very special to me. It is the Ornate Neo-Ishgardian Top of Maiming. Let's hear its story.
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So in my early days when I first unlocked Wondrous Tails (affectionately referred to as Catbook), by inspecting the rewards for it I came across this dress. This was back in Heavensward I believe, I'd never even seen SHB gear models directly. So seeing this I was blasted with desire to have it. I adored it.
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While I learned later on there was a crafted version of the piece, back when I first desired it all I knew is I needed two silver tickets from the Catbook to buy one. So over the course of my playing through the game, I earned those tickets, bought that top long before I reached level 80, and then held onto it until then. And then when I finally hit level 80, it was immediately on and my look was secured! Gearpiece with story and meaning to me <3
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For the hands we have the Arhat Kote of Maiming, which comes from one of the three 4.0 level 70 dungeons. I don't think it was from Ala Mhigo, so either Temple of the Fist or Kugane Castle. It'd be funny if it was from Kugane, the one place I didn't take a screenshot in. I really like how it overlays the sleeves of the top.
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While we only see a tiny little bit of them between the top and the boots, the legs are the Augmented Slipstream Breeches of Maiming! I only started playing with patch 5.3, so I wasn't there during 3.x buying primal gear and augmenting it. I think this came from Midas Savage originally? It adds some personality in filling the gap between boots and top.
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Last but not least, speaking of the boots, we have the Ivalician Lancer's Thighboots, pulled directly from The Royal City of Rabanastre. I liked the look of these when I got them, so tucked them away for later. And then later came!
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Hey! Hey! Did you notice? Only the weapon in this glamour is dyed! Every other piece is its base colour and in fact I'm not even sure what of these pieces CAN be dyed. Maybe just the top? If that? Doesn't matter! This was THE Crimson Fisher look for Shadowbringers, and meant a lot to me. Recorded here forever, my darling Dragoon glam.
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📚 QUEERBOOK 2024 is hereee! We made a book by and for LGBTQ+ youth! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Last year, we asked LGBTQ+ youth: what's your idea of a "queer utopia?"
Not gonna lie - with more than 150 bills introduced in 35 states in 2023 that aimed to restrict student access to inclusive and diverse books and other library materials, the theme felt pretty radical.
And you DELIVERED. With the help of our Youth Voices (amazing queer youth activists from across the country), we compiled your amazing submissions of poetry, short essays and letters, visual art, photography, and more into Queerbook 2024. Like a yearbook, it captures what queer youth are feeling, going through, and hoping for - right here, right now across the U.S.
It's also no accident that it's the perfect small-ish size to stash in your locker or backpack so you can crack it open any time you're looking for some queer connection. :3
Read some more about the book and grab your own limited-run copy of Queerbook 2024 now here.
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