#the realisation is of course that buck doesn't know if eddie's safe and he's just about to worry himself sick lmao
neverevan · 4 months
Wip Wednesday ☔️
I was tagged by @daffi-990 @theotherbuckley and @exhuastedpigeon thank youuu 💛
I know, I know, I've been slacking with the wips lately, but I'm finally back knee-deep in the mudslide fic, which has now passed 48k in the main file 🫡 — and yet at the same time, I am totally running out of snippets to post that aren't too spoilery smh
So here, have this tidbit from somewhere closer to the beginning:
One second everything was just like before; people hustling and bustling around, carrying the injured on backboards from one place to the other, sending the ever circulating line of ambulances on their way down the road — and the next second the ground was rumbling under their feet.
He should’ve known, he should’ve known, he should’ve—
The main road was directly in the way of the slide and Buck snapped his head towards it so fast, he almost gave himself whiplash.
He watched cars get turned inwards and disappear under the wave of muddy water running down from the top of the hill, erasing them as if they’ve never even been there. Buck just stood there, all the blood running out of his body as he watched the mud push debris, rocks and bits of walls and fences out of its way before blanketing most everything in its wake, all the way down to the bottom where the trucks were now almost fully enveloped, only the very top inches visible as the water thrashed them around and licked at the underside of the bridge like a starving beast.
Suddenly everything moved in slow motion and the world dulled around Buck as he looked from left to right, barely even registering the shouts of names and the crackling of radios coming from all directions, the color of the gear of the rescue workers was seemingly one with the wet dirt all around them.
But on his next inhale everything rushed back to him; all the movements, the sounds, the colors — all with a terrifying realization.
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chronicowboy · 10 months
every atom of me was made for you | 3.6k
Eddie hates it when his and Buck's shifts don't line up. It's a rare occurrence these days, but every now and then the scheduling gods frown upon them. And, look, Eddie knows he and Buck might be a little co-dependent, but that's not the reason he hates being separated from his partner on the job. He can get through his own Buck-less shifts fine. Sure, he'd prefer having Buck at his back, never wavering in his trust for the person at the other end of the line, never having to look over his shoulder in a burning building, never waiting for more than a few seconds for the right tool to be pressed into his hand. But he can handle a shift with people he knows at a professional level. It's when Buck is the one at the firehouse with an alien crew that Eddie can't handle being apart.
B-shift is a few people down after a pretty bad three-alarm fire downtown took three firefighters out with varying levels of severity—Santiago got a concussion from a falling beam, George broke a few ribs when she fell through the floor, Kent's ankle is fractured from an unfortunately timed crumbling wall—so there's a scramble to cover the absences. Normally, Eddie would volunteer immediately, needing the extra money to pay for Christopher's camp this summer. But camp is a week away, and he only has a few more days to soak up his son before he leaves him for two whole weeks. So, he lets himself be selfish.
Buck, of course, does no such thing. Eddie shouldn't have expected it, but he'd kind of thought Buck would decline the offer too—after all, he's spent the past month complaining about Christopher's impending departure too. So, Buck volunteers to cover along with Hen who takes any opportunity for more money with her new little girl at home and Chimney who has a wedding looming on the horizon. And Eddie feels a little better about Buck having two very capable and trustworthy people with him.
But the uneasiness doesn't fade completely. It never does. Ever since the lightning—and realising he's madly, deeply in love with Evan Buckley—Eddie has had a difficult time settling whenever he can't see Buck. It's wholly irrational, and he's working through it with Frank, but it doesn't stop him from turning nauseous with worry every time it takes Buck more than a few seconds to reply to his texts or pick up the phone. It's ten times worse when Buck is at the firehouse without him. Eddie spends the whole shift waiting for Bobby's name to light up his phone screen with some terribly life-altering news. But that doesn't happen. Instead, it's Buck's name flashing on his screen above a text containing a random fact, or a call about the ridiculous scene they'd just wrapped up or a FaceTime to prove that Eddie does in fact own an extensive collection of DVDs in this day and age.
(Each time he sees Buck's name, there's still the lingering fear that it will be a goodbye of some sort; a hastily typed text, a voice message, a shaky phone call.)
He's getting better at handling it, but he doesn't think he'll ever be able to stop worrying about Buck like this. It's just part of loving someone so much. So, he does his best to keep himself distracted until Buck texts him at the end of his shift to let him know he got back to the loft—not home—safe. Except today, when Christopher is actually asleep in bed and not playing Zelda under his blanket, there's a knock on the door that has Eddie's hackles rising instantly.
It's a trembling breath that carries him to the front door, a thousand reasonable scenarios of what could be waiting for him on the other side forming in his head. And then, he finds a haggard Bobby stood on his porch, Captain's truck parked just behind his truck, and all reason flies out the fucking window.
"Bobby, what—"
"I'm sorry, I know it's late," he sighs apologetically, a furrow to his brows as his eyes drift off somewhere to his side.
"Bobby," Eddie pleads, heart contorting in his chest. "Bobby, Buck, is he—"
"Oh, Eddie, no." Bobby's face turns a little sheepish as he reaches off to the side. "He's fine." Bobby drags an unsteady Buck into the doorway, and Eddie takes in a gasping breath of ice cold relief. 
(OR: buck head injury fic #1 where eddie spends his day off worrying about buck and buck doesn't think that best friends worry about each other the way they do)
@danielsousa @binickmiller @jamietarts @shitouttabuck @butchdiaz @buddstiel @organizedstardust @theoneandonlypigeon @anatargmova @alyxmastershipper @buckley-diaz-rules @blazeturbo102 @panbuckley @slowlyfoggydestiny @thatnamewill-probably-change @compactdiscmp3 @batgrldes @scattered-winter @prince-buck-diaz @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy
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myidlehand · 2 years
Buddie Fic idea for anybody who wants to write it because I don't feel confident I know how to write these characters well enough but I have like an entire plot in my head. Of course if you want to write using this as a base, feel free to change any of this! It's just a plot bunny I'm sending free into the world! I don't need credit if you use it or part of it But please tag me if you end up writting something out of it just so I can read your own take! Even if it ends up being extremely different.
So one day when Buck's out babysitting Christopher by himself, he meets a rather good looking woman who's really interested in him and seemed just perfect for him! And best of all she seems to love Christopher and loves to spend time with him. She's just perfect (like maybe it should be a red flag how perfect she is but you know Buck and how he needs to love other people and be loved so he doesn't see it) and Buck is really happy for the first time in a long time (maybe Eddie is with Ana at that time and Buck is trying to get over his feelings for him and is trying to have a real shot with someone instead or they are both single but he's given up because that's never gonna happen Eddie is super straight! or he is still oblivious of his own feelings).
The first part would be Buck pinning for Eddie but then meeting that woman and trying really hard to move on. The second part would be Eddie pinning of course! And at the same time some rather really creepy stuff start to happen. Eddie feels like someone has been in his house. Pictures are disappearing, items, clothes. Buck doesn't realises the girl he's dating is a little too into spending time with Chris, acting almost like his mother. Needing to always be there when Buck sees him (maybe even showing up at his school to pick him up and Eddie freaks the fuck out).
There's some major angst in the third part. Eddie gets jealous maybe and doesn't like her around his son but she's always there with Buck and he doesn't want to stop seeing him. Maybe they have a big fight because Buck refuse to think she's would do anything to Chris but Eddie is ready (Not really) to cut him off time with Chris to keep him away from her. And at some point maybe she tries to take Chris away seems she can't see him anymore, runs away with him and pretend they are a family (Christopher being awesome he would lead them to him) and Buck is crushes cause Athena discover stuff at her place like she was obsessed with Christopher and basically only dated Buck to get close to him (maybe she had like a breakdown after loosing her own son). She has like a whole file on what Buck likes/dislike and another on Eddie and something that says (or Athena makes the connection) that Buck would be easier to target because he's more open and obviously lonely and finding stuff to trick him is easier. Buck of course feels awful because he feels responsible for putting Christopher in danger and also because he didn't listen to Eddie. And you know also because she never actually loved him and used him all this time.
When they final get Chris back safe and sound and Eddie realises why Buck is having a breakdown even after Chris is safe, they have a heart to heart and an happy ending of course! Eddie forgives Buck for not listening, reassuring him he couldn't have known and they tell the truth to each other. Maybe Eddie was oblivious about his own feelings until he saw how devastated Buck was. Or earlier when he realised he was jealous and he thought maybe he was making her a threat only in his head because he didn't want her with Buck, and he blames himself for not trusting his own gut about her sooner.
Here it is. I know I have a lot of plot in this just for a fic idea. So again feel free to use any or part of it. I just only started reading Buddie fics and I'm really not confident I'm a good enough writer to do them justice but I'd love to read something inspired by this! That's why I'm putting it her free for all ro use, because I love this idea, the potential for some really good heaving angst is killing me and I don't want to leave it in my Google Doc forever untouched.
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