#the power of vooodoo
terranceholdsapencil · 3 months
Watching Warrior's gate and Biroc reminds me of someone...
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Forgotten Werecreatures: Characters part 1.
- April: April Madison is an anthro styled werefox, she is known for being a trickster and comedian who likes playing tricks on people, she's modelled on Megan Fox but her name is a combination of April as in 'April Fools' and Madison, as in Billy Madison.
- Mina: A timid and adorkable anthro were-mouse.
- Jon: An anthro style were-duck detective.
- Hayley: An anthro styled were-hyena who often rides in a wheelchair (not because she's insane or needs help moving around, she just uses it because sometimes she injures herself), who starts off as an antagonistic character but turns good later on.
- Jason: An anthro were-Pikachu who is very into science fiction and fantasy.
- Owen: An athletic but at the same time gentle anthro male werehorse.
- Reina: An anthro were-reindeer who acts as a companion to Jerry the weregrinch and helps him with his problems.
- Sarahbeth: An anthro styled female werehorse who is a fashion icon and actress, she is based on actress Sarah Jessica Parker who often gets made fun for her looks (and also since SJP is the originator of the joke about her appearance looking like that of a horse).
- Celia: An anthro were-civet assassin.
- Ellie and Toot: Anthro female were-elephant sisters, Toot has a rare genetic condition that gives her pink skin as a nod to the pink elephant sequence from Dumbo.
- Aisha: A vooodoo princess who is basically if Tiana had powers like Doctor Facilier, she discovered she could turn herself into an anthro were-aligator with the help of some extra special magic and her 'friends' from the other side.
- Edith: A plus sized fashionista anthro styled werecat who is revealed to be related to Otho from Beetlejuice, her full name being Edith Fenlock, she is modelled on actress Wendie Mallick and has her voice. She knows a lot about interior design and fashion and dabelled in the paranormal and also has a similar sense of style to him, favoring red and black or black and purple outfits and sometimes wearing a kimono-like nightgown just like the robe he wears sometimes, and thus is the butt of many jokes including being slapped by some of the others numerous times (a nod to a recurring joke in Dunsten Checks In) and she tends to put on a full-of-bravado persona when she is trying to impress people. Deep down though, even though she claims to know how to do some magic and how to deal with spirits, she is actually a bit of a wimp when it comes to actually dealing with them. Edith is basically described as being 'catty' by quite a few people and her encounter with Beetlejuice basically took this to the next level when he actually did think that she was wearing a dead cat's fur when she showed up in her winter gown and coat, he humilated her numerous times and turned her into a werecat. Apart from having an extreme dislike towards leisure wear based on what happened to Otho, she tends to dislike badly made outfits in general. In addition to this, she felt offended when Colleen said that she 'looked like a couch'.
- Mousette: A version of Queen Mousette from Blues Brothers 2000, who was turned into an anthro style were-alligator as the result of losing a magic contest against a certain voodoo using shadow-man with 'friends on the other side'.
- Synthia: Often mistaken for Cthulhu, this anthro styled were-squid is a fashionista.
- Laura: An anthro style deep sea were-fish, it's unknown what kind she is, but she has traits of the anglerfish family.
- Angelina: An anthro styled were-tigress who is basically a supernatural Angelina Jolie hence her name.
- Silicia: An anthro styled were-octopus who uses her ink for artwork and enjoys sharing it with people, even if some think it's weird.
- Ashliynn: An anthro weredonkey who used to be a bratty teenager like on a certain MTV show, basically the origin of how she became a weredonkey is that she threw a fit at a magician during her party for not getting the right type of car that she wanted, only to get turned into a non-morphic donkey along with her father as a punishment, eventually she realized her mistake and apologized and the two got turned back to humanoid forms, now they're anthro styled were-donkeys. It's explained Ashilynn has sort of a fear or aversion to the Pleasure Island scene in Pinnochio, mainly because she feels bad for the children turning into donkeys, she even will turn down the offer of going there for a vacation.
- Elvira: A version of the iconic character who is an anthro styled werecat made to resemble the werecat twins from Monster High. The Mistress Of The Dark spent a rather lovely vacation on Moonscar Island, and ended up getting in touch with her werefeline side but unlike Lena and Simone she's a nice werecat.
- Grace: Named after and modelled on Grace Jones, she is an anthro were-zebra fashionista, she's fiery and fiesty and very unique...she may not be perfect but she's perfect for you.
- Charlton: An anthro styled werechicken who is adorkable and loves novelty songs.
- Britney: A version of Britney Spears who is an anthro styled were-fish. a type of were-fish but what kind of were-fish is never explained, it's explained though that she grew up in a strange town where everyone started off looking like a normal human being but later developed half aquatic traits and that a certain 'house lord' who also happened to be a fish-creature set up shop there. She used to be terribly afraid of water, specifically drowning and would have nightmares about drowning or being attacked by half human/half fish-monsters, that is until she and her family along with a team of swimming champions went on a deep sea diving tour, they spent several nights there, staying at the resort. Unfortunately due to a plague, her team-mates started becoming ravenous half piranha-like creatures and attempted to chase her, luckily she escaped into a deep sea tavern area while she was discovered and taught by a race of deep sea were-fishes, where she gradually evolved into a deep sea were-fish-woman herself.
- Maurice and Moolyn: An anthro styled were-bovine power couple who are professional wrestlers.
- Catherine: An anthro styled were-fish. Catherine and her family moved to a strange new town which naturally of course she was afraid of, but eventually she got to love it especially once she discovered the neighbors have a son who is her age who enjoys aquatic lifeforms, it seemed like things were looking up for her, but then she noticed her brother slowly growing scales on his arms and hands and developing webbed hands, like those of a sea-monster, the same was happening to her new best friend too and to her parents, and then she realized...they were turning into humanoid fish-creatures and the very same thing started happening to her.
- Louise: An anthro styled wereleopardess. This wereleopard is known for being pop-royalty and an ever-changing chameleon when it comes to fashion, to say she's infuential woud be an understatement. She gets her name from the pop icon Madonna (Madonna's middle name is Louise).
- George: An anthro styled were-gorilla just like Ken. Despite being part of the most intelligent species on earth, this gorilla is always the second banana to a more powerful primate, but while he is at most an 'associate' as are the other apes in his group, he is an excellent one and even if his current group leader dies, he is always more than happy to assist the one that replaces him, he is efeminate and extremely eloquent, there's definitely something flamboyant and gay about this ape considering he chooses to be with male troop members as opposed to female ones. His ape clan or rather the entirety of the ape society he comes from have a liking for Asian attire, as indicated by him wearing a kimono on most occassions, he is sometimes mistaken for a couch but they know that like any good ape, or even like a literal spider-monkey, he weaves his web everywhere. His voice has a warm tone to it and a Southern baritone. He is a tribute to the late Glenn Shadix since he has a similar fashion sense to Otho Fenlock and Associate Bob and has a voice like Glenn's.
- Jakara: An anthro styled female werejabberwocky, she and her brother are from England and basically both of them started out as good guys until they became a little too protective of the treasures they obtained except with a twist...her brother who is a British detective basically became too prideful for his own good and started obsessively protecting his treasure from people which in turn gave him his weredragon powers (he basically now resides in New Zealand from time to time), while Jakara basically ended up losing herself to the madness of a strange place called 'Underland'.
- Merrika: Merrika or 'Merisha' is an anthro styled were-snake much like Sahara, only she started out as a male. Basically the story goes that Merrik was a cat-fisher and online stalker who was also a body-snatching killer who always preferred to take over female bodies, why...it's explained that in his warped little mind he personally believed he was a woman and thus acted as such, when he posed as a redheaded woman named Andria he took over her body, assuming her form in the process and conning people into thinking he was her, the actual 'Andria' was the daughter of a priestess and once she found out about Merrik impersonating her to take advantage of innocent people, she made damn sure that he wouldn't be able to switch into another form/body. 'Clearly if you're not comfortable in your own form or body, it is obvious your own skin isn't good enough for you so you snatch the bodies of your victims. You envy the female human body, so how about I curse you to have one of your own?'. The curse turned Merrik into a snake-woman, she can possess as many people as she likes but she cannot shed who she is - no matter how many 'skins' she ends up 'shedding'.
- Amber: An anthro styled werepanda who is a magic user extraordinare and mystical shop owner who is extremely agile and is known for being a talented singer.
- Tara: An anthro styled Red Werepanda with magical abilities, although unlike the protagonist in the film Turning Red she doesn't need to get excited or anxious in order to turn into the form you see, she has special techniques.
- Jennifer: A female anthro styled weregrinch. She is a very stylish Weregrinch who is more comfortable stealing hearts than presents, to her the greatest present you could ever give is the appreciation of others for what they are...she acts like a dark fem-fatale but is extremely sweet when you get to know her.
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Have you given up on love? If your answer to this question is a yes, have you ever considered the reasons why you have given up? In this article, I would like to look at the reasons why people give up on love. However, the main aim of the article is to make you conscious that if you have not yet tried voodoo love spells that work fast, then you should not have given up.  
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bwicblog · 7 years
The city of  Himmel was alive as always, people moving about streets and such like a well maintained circulatory system. A few stragglers here or there taking short cuts through an alley way or two but for the most part trolls were highly aware of what they were about or where to go. The city was a few hours treck inland of Provenence and meant more so for trains or cargo of any other sort.
A large lake parked off to one side bringing in decent temperatures so citizens didn't have to be baked alive on concrete streets all the time. Beyond that the buildings were tall and majority of shops seems either staples or odd attempts at being hip and ontop of newer trends.
Speaking of which a particular indigo stood with his own little acoustic guitar behind one of the shops, a ritzy coffee shop that offered you whatever your little heart could desire! Although an alley way behind it isn't exactly as....glamorous as the interior of the shop but oh well he'd already set up the time and date for his own little private meeting and sent these co-ords to his favourite maroon.
Leaving Ashley to carefully leave his jacket folded off to the side, sleeves rolled up, hair perfectly coiffed as usual, and waiting patiently while playing on his phone. Pestering Hadean occasionally as well for 'being late' when it was actually still not quite the meeting time anyway. He was just THAT particular.
Traveling to a fight was quickly becoming the worst part of fighting, in Hadean's eyes. Why couldn't everyone just live in the same damn area for easier punching convenience? Between waiting for Sipara and Laledy to get sprung from jail (He was still a little salty, but the amount of time they'd been stuck there had dulled it quite a bit,) figuring out where the fuck everyone was going and how they were getting there... It was a mess. But hey, they all got there in mostly one piece. Maybe a little windblown, but what could one expect when they rode on a damn bike? At least didn't get stopped by any legislacerators, Hadean considered that a sign. Clearly fate itself wanted this fight to happen! And Hadean wasn't about to question a little bit of luck when it was finally working out to his advantage for once. The coordinates and photo Ashley had provided seemed to match up with the location Hadean found himself at, he noted with a little bit of relief. He hoped he didn't look too eager for any waiting purple eyes as he hopped off Prisma's bike, trying to work out the kinks from sitting on it for so long. It was time to get pumped! After all, this was a damn redemption fight. He had something to prove to the world here. Once he was sure his legs weren't about to fall off he decided to take point, heading in to the alleyway while leaving his friends to do... Whatever they had to do with motorcycles. "Be right back, won't start the fight without anyone~!" Finding Ashley wasn't too hard at least, Hadean was sure he could spot that damn hairdo from a mile away. But why did he look like he got lost on his way to a guitar jam session instead of waiting on a fight? "Is that a fucking guitar? I came for a fight, not to join hands and sing kumbaya." He was a little put out by how much effort he had put in- he had painted up his mug for this? Well, he guess a fight was a fight. "We're gonna have an audience. So that, like. No one culls anyone. Okay? Good."(edited)
"I don't believe that--" He barely managed to get it in before Hadean's sharply dressed self (Prisma had to admit, he was still patting himself on the back for the decision to send him off to the tailor, even if he did get him chewed out for drinking) disappeared around the corner. There's a heavy, deflating sigh that leaves him, shaking his head in a what can you do sort of way while kicking the stand up and arranging it appropriately within sight of the alley. His gloved hands linger on it far longer than they should, eyes staring blankly into space. This was actually happening. Hadean, in all his overly rambunctious ways, was dragging himself into yet another unnecessary fight. Yes, he had an explaination... but that neither justified or made sense of it. It was a bandaid on a festering wound of mentality, and it takes so, so much effort to follow the red blood. There's a twinge of irritation, too, with the crackdowns and the arrest of Sipara and Laledy and everything else. It was foolish, the entire thing was foolish. He didn't understand the sense -- or lack thereof -- of the entire thing. And, furthermore, there's a blood-simmering spite that wells up from his stomach when his eyes fall on Ashley finally. But it was Hadean's fight, and the last thing he wanted was to intervene in a way that made him feel weak or childish or anything else. Instead, Prisma folds his arms, leaning against the alleywall and keeping a venemous gaze on the indigo. There aren't even words to offer up to Hadean's opponent -- the only things he has to say are bitter and acidic. "Make sure you trash him, though, Hadean," The cheer in his voice at addressing his favorite was... unsettling against the contrast of his expression and attention to Ashley.(edited)
Honestly, by the time Boopis was done schmoozing the policeradicators, Sipara had sort of expected Prisma to have put a stop to the fight. But no: a few hours later, she's snickering as Laledy staggers off of the bike, and everyone's standing in the shady-ass alley of some bougie coffee shop. As far as things go, it wasn't the worst place to fight! It's secluded enough to keep people out, quiet enough not to draw eye, and big enough to fit everyone in. Mostly big enough. That guitar was taking up enough room for a whole 'nother person. Whatever. At least Hadean looked nice. And the purple was gangly enough that.. she was pretty sure he could take him, if he didn't break out the voodoos. It was a glib thought: of course he was going to have 'em, he was a fucking indigo, and this was a fucking wretched. Why didn't Prisma just cuff him to the damn bed? Sure, Hadean would've howled about it. But if he wanted to fight highbloods so much, he ought to at least be making money. There's no reason to sulk, though, not when the fight was right there. And if he dropped vooodoos.. well, at least Lal wouldn't be bothered. "Yeah, no culling, that's not fucking sportin'. Hey, Hads, don't forget to go for the horns~," she called, sliding in next to Prisma, and tugging Laledy along. (Tugging was a strong word for it, when she was practically glued to his arm. He couldn't see. She had to be helpful.)
Ashley wasn't exactly please by any means at the commentary. Where was his jovial cheering on the sidelines? This wasn't exactly fair in any sense of the word....Really all Halvea told him was to not die since she couldn't be assed to get a new secretary right now and that he had a lot of work to catch up on when he got back considering the timing. Blah blah, he let's out a sigh. He'll just have to be his OWN hype then! He puts on the cheesiest smile he can, beaming and whips his guitar around to his front. " Course babe, we can't have a good jam sesh without an audience! There's more than I was promise but that's fine sweetheart. " Ashley's eyes dart up and down a bit, taking in Hadean's attire and appearence before leaning to the side a bit to check out his little crew. Sneering for a moment at the discombobulation of everyones outfits. Really they at least could've all dressed somewhat similiarly. oh well. He's just pleased Hadean isn't in say....sweatpants. God he'd just LEAVE if that was the case. " Glad you clean up real nice though Hadsy, really does a boys pusher some good." A hand is placed on his heart for some dramaticism then put back on the strings calmly strumming out a few little chords as he double checked it was all nice and tuned. But truly he was wanting get a gauge on reactions for just a sample of his powers. Not good to go in blindly of course with all your eggs in one basket. He sang out each note a bit for each strum, double checking and harmonizing each properly.
Hadean knows his friends aren't exactly happy about his chosen fight. But in his eyes they were just being wrigglers! Sure, he was a purpleblood. But it wasn't like he wasn't aware of the dangers! Hadean knew how much muscle a highblood could pack, even one that looked like a beanpole. He was prepared, his psi was fully charged, and he was ready to rumble. He kept his scowl up at sweetheart, chin raising at that stupid smarmy smile. Maybe he could knock some teeth out. Give him a fat lip to remember him by even, that sounded fun. The sneer that lit Ashley's face was just another nail in his coffin in Hadean's eyes. Of course he was going to curl his lip, but Hadean knew they were all awesome. "Fucking precious diamond in the rough right here, just needed some polishing." He kept his voice dry, focusing momentarily on solidifying energy under his clothing as armor. It was a trick he had used before with Emerel, but he knew Ashley would need more if he went swinging fists. Hadean was just hoping a paper-pushing purple wasn't as skilled a fighter as his last opponent. He's confused why the fuck he has a guitar, and why he's playing it. Did he miss something? His thinkpan skips a few beats though, with each strum. What was that? Were those voodoos? Hadean wasn't used to this feeling, more familiar with the bog-standard clown. But if he was feeling voodoos, he figured that meant the game was on. And against highblood endurance, he wasn't looking to draw this out. He moved forward, focusing his psi to his hand in a familiar weapon- a staff probably wouldn't cull. If he wanted to keep his hands busy with the guitar, Hadean was more than happy to go swinging for his knees.
Oops he either got tired of Ashley killing time, or he struck a chord. ( OHHOOHOHO) But regardless he wasn't stupid enough to stay still, he'd tightened his strap enough before hand to make moving a tad easier. It does cause a momentary cease in strumming but you can't stop his mouth. Can't even stop his mouth in regular situations why would he stop it when it mattered? He lets out a little chuckle, hurriedly stepping back, but not catching the swing quite fast enough to dodge effectivley. Whatever little hop he'd tried was just barely enough to make sure his knee caps weren't harmed but did get a fair amount of hopping out of him as ankle got caught. A hiss leaving his mouth. Chuckling again he strikes back up another hum, strumming a few chords again but louder and more rhythymacly. Starting up his own little diddy. " Ohhhh~ Dear little Hadsy~ That'll sure be the night when you actually land a swing! That'll be the night oh yes! When you actually land a hit it may even be next sweep we just don't know but it'll be quite the night honey!" He even decided to throw in some little dance-like movements in, distancing himself from Hadean without making a run for it.
Hadean is a little satisfied when he gets his chuckle to turn in to a hiss. An ankle hit wasn't what he was going for, but maybe it would slow Ashley down. Hadean didn't know what he was doing with the guitar- why wasn't he fighting? He didn't get it and it made him wary. Was this just a game to him!? "How about you stop fucking singing and fight!?" That comes off a bit more snarly than Hadean meant for it to be, but he was getting angry. He came here to beat a troll up and feel like he regained some dignity after his last fight. He didn't come to be toyed with! The dancing does not help either, and he isn't going to tolerate the space. In his mind, if Ashley wanted to be an annoying little pipsqueak, he'd hit him until he changed his tune. (Heh.) He goes for another swing, but a motion that he's done countless times before suddenly feels off. He doesn't understand why he's swinging inches away from where he had targeted, why his aim was so batty. Was he in his thinkpan? How? ...Was it the music? He didn't know if that was a thing. He pulled back a distance just to watch him, weighing his options and trying to see Ashley's next move.(edited)
If he could, he would start laughing outloud non-stop. Really! Look at this, that miss, that request? Even that smidgen of confusion he's got going this is everything Ashley was hoping to get out of this. Hadean needed to learn a little respect for this 'paper pusher'. He was moving UP in the business world, but not even that! He wanted to show Hadean what he actually had a passion for. A little rock n roll~ Apparently he hadn't dropped enough hints back when they were planning this whole tiff out. Unfortunate! Ashley wanted to actually give him a little fair warning but by looks of it....well... " Hadssyyy HADSY Of course I'm fighting~! Hadean babe, everyone fights some how..Inside...outside~! Themselves--" Ashley really didn't like the distance between them anymore, seeing as Hadean had backed off too. He made sure to start moving closer, almost tempted to get so close as to try dancing with Hadean even. Would that be too cheeky...who knows! Whatever he's going to try leaning back and continuing to serenade the maroon. " Don't you like this little song I wrote for you oh Hadean~?"May 18, 2017
Hadean decides it has to be the music. He's too smug about his little jeers, they mean something. Like the worst subliminal thinkpanwashing in advertisements ever. His blood is boiling at that look on Ashley's face, how proud of himself he seems to be. But if it's music, just blocking it out should work ust fine. Summoning up his psi was harder than it should be, it felt like his thinkpan was moving through sludge. But if Hadean was anything, it was stubborn. It took him longer than he would have liked to form two maroon shells around his ears, psi solidified to block those vemon-laced sound waves. Thank god for the amount of maroon he was already wearing, he didn't have to worry about Ashley crying that he clashed. Being blocked off from sound wasn't exactly something Hadean did often, but he was willing to do what it took to win. And if his next swing with his staff was a little more vicious than the first few, well. Ashley deserved it for being smarmy.
" OHH~ GAH!?" Before he could break into further singing the colliding staff stop him. Breaking the voodoos flow and forcing him to stumble off to the side. Ashley takes those few precious moments of balance regaining to be confused. He didn't TELL Hadean to hit him. Why would anyone allow themself to get hit in a fight?? He's not THAT desperate yet. God that'll leave at least some bruising what the fuck dude. Once rebalanced he spins on his heel a bit to glower at the psiionics user. Earmuffs? Really?? Rude! Rude as ever. Knowing it was useless anyway Ashley still decided to yell out his frustrations. " I go to the trouble of serenading you with a song babe and this is what I get?! Winter wear?!" Well. Whatever. Maybe he's just not loud enough. Ashley had doubts about hadeans psi as he did most lower hues. He'd never tested that theory until now really but ehhhhh it's fine. Right? With increased gusto and mezzo forte he picks right back up on singing. Hands playing rapidly, not ready to give up.
" Dear Hadsy~ won't you take those off and play nicely~? "(edited)
Hadean got way too much satisfaction at that nice solid contact. He almost wishes he could hear the moment his singing turned in to pain, but the sight of him fumbling would have to do. He grins back at that glower, letting his enjoyment at hurting him show bright and clear. Hadean didn't mind letting him know he was enjoying his pain! Maybe it'd even unnerve the shouting little prick. Hadean let him go back to singing, deciding to go sly about this. He thought he was too good to fail, Hadean was happy to use it against him. He had no idea what he was singing, but he hoped it was something to get him to stop swinging. He let his staff droop slowly, let himself play possum as he let the staff fade so he could take some slow steps towards Ashley. He let himself wobble a bit, head tilting as he tried to gauge how well Ashley was taking the bait. He just wanted to get close enough to give him one good smack. In the nose, preferably, but... The throat would work to quiet him up, wouldn't it?
Watching Hadean closely Ashley kept up his playing. Growing more and more excited as he got pretty into his song. Leaning towards the maroon blood as he bellowed out each lyric. Watching. Waiting. Observing to see if he'd follow proper prompts. Eyes ever so slightly tinting with a ruddy hue when prompt after prompt is unfulfilled. So, whats a troll to do when his audience is ignoring him? The obvious of course, he rears back for a moment and headbutts him with full force. Yeah sure it'd stun Ashley a bit with recoil but hey it wasn't his hands or voice so that's what mattered to him. Him and his poor half baked plan of action. " Listen up Hadean! I'm not at the climax yet it's rude to skip out like that sweet heart ! Playing me for a fiddle. Real mean honey" he didn't sing out that portion. Wasn't even sure if Hadean could hear it but ahhhh his ego.
Hadean wasn't prepared for a headbutt. Who went ramming their skull in to people? He was busy watching his limbs and considering maybe Ashley using his horns, not... That. It sure as fuck hurts! But at least he doesn't get him in the face, Hadean wouldn't have appreciated being the one with the broken nose. He snarled out a curse though, taking a few steps back just to try and get some distance. Try and assess the damage and be thankful he had a nice solid skull on him. But he sure was getting sick of Ashley treating this like some sort of damn game. His next snarl has a lot more edge to it, lips curling back to show off his teeth. Hadean had been trying to play nice, but that was over. He was going to make Ashley take this seriously. He flexed his fingers as he drew up his psi, staff reforming before it expanded in to a razor-edged battleaxe. It was about as close to a default slashing weapon as he got, and he hoped as he swung it that Ashley would wise up and stop his damn singing.
Oop. Ah well guess he still can't hear, unfortunate Ashley was hoping this could've been resolved without gashes that threatened his wardrobe. He weighs his options here on what to do. Goal number one would be to get him able to hear again, and goal two is to keep his own wardrobe safe. The sweater was real cashmere he can't ruin it! Taking a deep breath Ashley rests his arms on his guitar and looks around the alley way for a moment before quickly kicking over a trash can and getting it rolling towards Hadean. Honestly not the most graceful or whatever thing to do in this situation but. Well. Hadean didn't need to know he didn't exactly HAVE a strife to summon up. It's not every night someone is actually able to cover their ears effectively on the spot. Also just to mock Hadean he stops singing but whistles a bit instead.
Hadean wasn't pleased when Ashley decides to kick a trashcan at him- was he still trying to play!? Hadeanw as getting himself awfully riled up on the idea of not being taken seriously, he was damn sick and tired of it. And sick and tired of that guitar too. He has to dodge the trashcan, frowning at the distraction and trying to redy himself for a follow-up attack from the yuppie purpleblood as a plan formed. If he wasn't going to put the damn guitar down, he'd ruin it. With that idea in his head, the next swing of his axe was aimed solely at that stringed instrument of douchbaginess.
Despite every part of his mind saying move FASTER, he just doesn't. He moves as fast as he physically can but it's just not enough. Swiveling would've been faster to move his percious instrument out of the line of fire but why would anyone willingly turn their back to an axe? He really does enjoy having an intact spine, it's pretty great! The sound that errupts from the splintering instrument is top tier, stock sound. Twanging of strings and smashing of wood. It's not a cheap guitar, no but really even ironwood would struggle to take a direct axe hit surely. The momentary silence from Ashley that follows is pretty horrowing however as well. " Ah.....AH....." He stutters to find words, looking at the masacared, what he considers, CHILD OF HIS. Then comes the horrible scream as he pulls his strap up and off his head to let the wood fall down with a few clangs and clunks.(edited)
This entire "fight" was a farce, and it's enough Prisma has to refrain from dragging his hands down his face in embarrassment. Even with the attempted psionics - voodoos, for indigos? - it was... humiliating. And blood boiling, once it began escalating. Certainly he didn't want Hadean in any sort of fight, but to be in a fight where the other wasn't even willing or able to use a weapon? There's a low hiss that escapes between his teeth, prompting him to take a step away from Sipara and Laledy. Hadean was turning this into a real show, and he didn't want to be there to pull him off this Indigo pissbaby when they finally cracked over their guitar-- It's just before the scream that he whirls on heel, striding back to the entrance of the alley. At first. For air, but there was something... there. With the crack downs, it was probably police but --? Why would they be surveying Himmel? it seemed quiet enough. He should go back to the fight but Sipara could surely handle... Hadean would be fine as long as he could -- and there it was again. A hot flash down his spine, Something was watching them, and he abandons the alley entirely to find it. Surely the police didn't come back for Sipara and Laledy? Or did their hounds detect Hadean?
Ashley looks back up at Hadean, essentially tunnel visioned at this point. There's no strife to summon, and he can't use his voice. But if Hadean wanted to REALLY fight, like REALLY REALLY fine then. He'd play along. He'd more than play along even, he'd win. So he does what any sensible troll would do when faced with a troll with powerful psiionics and there's no weapon in your own hands. Tackle them!!!
Hadean can't hear that scream, but he knows that look plenty. He finally hit a nerve. The guitar was gone and Ashley had discarded the corpse, finally focusing on him with a look other than amusement or disdain. That was what he was here for! Anger! Passion! The lust to shed some fucking blood. He didn't even notice Prisma's disappearance, not when he had a whole bunch of scrawny purpleblood tackling him. He goes down but it's fine, that's what his armor is for. He just had to hope it actually held up under purple strength. Instead of focusing on keeping his ass safe like a normal damn troll, he decided to abandon the axe for a pair of psi brass knuckles to swing at that stupid face that was suddenly too close, holy shit.
He was quick to dig his well manicured nails into Hadeans shoulders. Hissing and barring teeth before taking a hit to the cheek. Hands refusing to Let go of the new death grip he had on Hadean but the force was plenty enough to break his glare. If he was a more fanged troll there'd be severe issues with biting himself, being unblessed in that department seems to have saved Ashley hide this time. Minus ten for intimidation points though. He couldn't keep his thoughts straight on how to attack next and ended up settling for trying to ram Hadean down against the ground. Mind fogged on how to steady his strength, what amount to use or even what could be considered appropriate for this situation. A part of him didn't care! Why should he! This...LOWER BLOOD destroyed  his most prized possession!
Damn claws did not feel that great in Hadean's shoulders and neither the strength in those deceptively scrawny hands. Damn purpleblood, he took a hit to the face like a champ and just kept going as angry as ever. But then that was what highblood rage did, wasn't it? He would have gone for another swing, but the feeling of being lifted and slammed back down was one hell of a distraction. The crack of his skull against the ground was a disturbingly familiar one, brought back the ghosts of the beatdown that had driven him in to this fight. Was this going to be a trend for him now? The very thought had him boiling even through the daze of impact. He hissed, reaching up to claw back at Ashley and to try and prevent another slam like that.  He hoped he had a bit more experience in grappling as he tried to flip them in to a roll. He wasn't sure how much better an angry purpleblood was under him than over him, but he was willing to take a try.
There's a second attempt at smashing his opponent into the concrete but before he can force more contact he had to turn his attention to the suddenly flipping world. He let out more hisses, knuckles threatening to whiten as his grip tightened on the maroon. He didn't know WHAT was keeping him from digging in harder but the resistance he felt only served to fuel his rage. " GOD Hadsy you really need to get rid of all this dead skin. " Ashley taunted, squirming underneath the maroon to try getting his feet underneath. Hadean needed to buy him dinner before this sort of thing would be allowed! Yeesh!
Ashley was strong, but thankfully he was light. Hadean grinned when he came out on top, digging his claws in past that sweater in search of skin. Ashley was spluttering but Hadean wasn't letting his earplugs go away- who knew if his words had the same effect as his music? Ashley was squirming but Hadeant hought it was only kind to give him a taste of his own medicine, jerking him up to slam against the ground. Not with as much strength, but he just wanted the satisfaction. "How about you give up before I bloody your fucking face!?" That was probably a bit louder than he meant for it to be, but. Hopefully that just made it intimidating!
The knock to the back of the head wasn't lethal but not being prepared for it along with the prodding of fingers into his shoudlers left Ashley momentarily shocked. Acting on reaction more than anything as he swung a punch at Hadean before finally getting his feet under neath the guy to kick him off with force, probably scuffing up that pretty suit but oops! Weirdly enough in the back of Ashley's mind he wishes he'd helped Hadean take the jacket portion off at least and set it aside with his own but that odd piece of thought gets reclouded over immediatley. Remembering his lost loved one laying shattered only a few feet away. " Oh shut UP!" He yells back, again, useless but he's too prideful to not respond.
The satisfaction didn't lost too long, unfortunately- but a purpleblood punching a guy in the face could shatter a lot. Just... Hopefully not Hadean's jaw. He was still reeling when the kick sent him soaring, but at least between his suit and his armor the alleyway floor didn't tear up anything important. Just maybe some of his remaining pride. He forced himself to sit up, working his jaw just to make sure everything was still in its place. He thought a molar might be lose, but... That was okay. He'd either heal it or replace it. His mouth was full of the taste of blood again so he spit it to the side, forcing himself back to his feet. The garbage can that had been tossed at him was still nearby, so he decided to give it a kick towards Ashley. Nothing like rotting garbage to get a primma donna back on their feet, after all.
With the weight finally off him Ashley took in the damage to his sweater. It wasn't in SHREDS of course but to him even the amount of damage Hadean did was enough for him to peel it off and discard of the damned thing. It was getting too heated for it anyway, he tried to rationalize withhimself. The sound of rolling tin however caught his attention again, looking at the source and hopping up to avoid it. Gross?? Also it was rude to copy. Ashley glared over at Hadean, breaking out into a smirk then laughing a bit at the bloodied mouth he'd ended up giving them. " OH sweetheart oh no~ I'm SOOOO sorry honey. Let me fix it." Ashley taunts again, giggling in between words. He hadn't gotten to do an actual fight in so long it was actually almost fun! Just like normal trolls say it is. Ah conformity~ A few steps were taken towards Hadean, standing back up straight and fists clenched.(edited)
It was damn fun to make him scramble away from the trash can, Hadean was grinning at the sight bloody mouth and all. But that's what he got for getting busy with sweater removal! He should have been more like Hadean, he had tested extensively to make sure he wasn't going to overheat in his outfit. Just another sign that for all his strength, Ashley didn't think things though. Not that Hadean could talk too much on that subject... He context of his words is lost on Hadean, but he could recognize giggling when he saw it. Why the fuck was he still giggling?  That gangly mess was coming back for more, so Hadean decided to meet him. A little application of his psionics was enough to lengthen his claws in to something longer, six inch razor sharp points that he had no qualms about using, feinting a hit at his face before sweeping low instead, across his stomach. He wanted them both to bleed.
The giggling didn't stop, in fact it evolved into full on cackling. Hollow, adrenaline fueled, laughing. Almost melodic in a sense maybe if he had actually intended for it to be but otherwise it was unsettling to say the least if Hadean could actually hear. At least they had a lovely audience to hear it! He took the farce swipe at face value and  stepped back in an attempt to avoid it. It wasn't nearly enough to step away from the lower swipe however, feeling the slice of psi claws dig into and cut a gash into his torso. No his organs weren't going to spill out like an old roman honorable death but well, one his shirt was ruined and two, there was indigo blossoming up and dripping out now. Ashley looked down to assess the damage momentarily pausing in his cackling to gasp at the slice. His skin was unmarked besides THIS new set of additions. It only fueled the hate in him further to realize the intense after care he'd have to deal with to keep it from scarring. Off reflex he puts a hand over the cuts. Pointless, it didn't need pressure, and it only made a mess of his hand but it was weirdly a comforting action. LIkely since he didn't have to look at it now. Ashley was quick to hook a foot behind Hadean's ankle and yank as hard as he could. Those claws weren't a joke and he wasn't about to let them get any closer.
That bright purple was what Hadean wanted to see! Punching him had been satisfying but there was just something so enjoyable about making a jerk bleed. Of course, he hadn't been only aiming for the graze of claws, but... Hey, this was a no-cull fight. He had to keep his temper in check, he didn't need to cull anyone tied to the legislacerators. Those stupid overpriced shoes sure did do a good job of tripping a guy up. Hadean snarled as he went back down, holding those claws in front of him in case Ashley went pressing the attack. He wanted more damage on the purple bastard! But then, he was sure Ashley was thinking the same about him. He kicked out at an ankle, hoping he might get lucky. It wasn't as bad being on the ground if he wasn't the only one, after all. Maybe a little grappling, a knife to the throat might be enough for him to tap out. Then Hadean could win.
Unfortunate for Hadean the Indigo wasn't as predictable as he tended to give off. Or well he could be if he was in a better state of mind vs what's going on right now. Pure blind unbridled rage with terrible cackling as a cherry on top. He's quick to grab the ankle of the foot launched at him. Claws again digging in as he gripped tightly. Mouth filling with words to taunt the non-hearing opponent but exploding as more laughter. Indigo jeans or just him losing it? It was anyone's bet. Another set of claws follow the first set right into hadean's leg. Followed by a swift tug. Ashley wasn't exactly one with enough raw strength to just chuck someone straight up but he had enough strenght to muster up to at least swing Hadean to the side and toss at one of the alley walls. He needed to tire him out. Immediatley. Get those STUPID headphones...earmuffs...WHATEVER off him.(edited)
Kicking him wasn't a good idea, Ashley was quicker than Hadean would have given him credit for. And more willing to let go of his new wounds, of course. He tried to yank his leg back but that grip was tight, claws digging deep to splinter through his armor and cleave through flesh. Of course, that wasn't the worst of it, no. Hadean got to have a very short flying lesson. There was no avoiding impact, all he had the thought to do was curl his head and shoulders in so he didn't think his thinkpan splatters all over the bricks. He landed hard, and- ohh boy. He could feel how shattered the armor was on his back, how much of the impact still went through. A quick wiggle of fingers and toes was promising for spinal cord damage at least, but he knew he'd be one hell of an aching mess as the bruising came. Right now it was dull, thinkpan pumping chemicals to keep him able to fight. Getting up was one hell of a struggle, but Hadean wasn't letting himself stay down.
There was a momentary set of claps from Ashley as he watched Hadean rise again. " Nice sweetheart! I'm so proud of you honey!" But, he wasn't ready to be the one to call timeout. He was huffing and puffing a little from the effort of that throw. Grossly enough the strain of what muscles needed to do such action caused more bleeding out of his wounds. Staining into his pants. When the adrenaline of this all runs out he'll need to nurse all that, launder immediatley, and be sure to maybe look into sewing it up...Dermal or deeper was going to be an issue a band-aid couldn't simply repair. Again he wasn't done though! Ashley charged at the maroon, feinting a punch before setting a hand against the wall.  Other fist actually making contact, he'd read something or whatever about some sort of solar plexus. Okay he didn't read he skimmed, and no he didn't know where it was but??? Eh details, details. " Wish you could hear me Hadsy, honey haha~"
What a fucking dick. He was clapping after sending Hadean in to a wall! The rage helped against the pain a little bit, enough for him to muster a glare. At least the sight of all that indigo was nice. Shame he hadn't gotten a little deeper, it would take him too long to start getting weak from blood loss this way. And ohh fuck, he was charging. Hadean pressed back against the wall, but he didn't flinch at the feint- the hit to the stomach still landed though, and though his armor was still mostly solid there it still hurt, helped choke the breath out of him. This was too familiar- getting pinned in and whaled on. Hadean probably should have learned from the first time, but his blood was up. There was blood in his mouth, cool indigo on him, and- fuck it. He snarled as he reached for that damnably maroon tie, using it to haul him in as he lunged forward. Maybe if he had remembered the audience he wouldn't have gone for biting Ashley's mouth, but. That was for Future Hadean to deal with.
Wh- Ashley's brain scrambled to process what the actual fuck Hadean was doing, wading itself through the rage addled mind to try garnering a hold on real thought finally. Processing power going into trying to figure out why his mouth stung. HIS MOUTH and why was Hadean so close to his face? That sobered him up pretty fast actually, gut reaction telling him to bite back or at least attempt to and to press forward. Pulling back would lose him a lip more than likely. Hand that was formerly aiming for the maybe solar plexus fisting into Hadean's outfit in case he tried to make a break for it. Hand against the wall migrated to one of Hadean's earmufflers, clawing at it now that he was close enough to finally do so. He'd be damned if Hadean remained deaf for the entirety of their first interaction. That aside.... Whatever this was turning into Ashley was a part of it now so there was that he guessed. There was a lot of charged and mixed feelings over this.
Hadean wasn't nice about sinking his teeth in- most trolls didn't like the idea of getting a chunk of lip taken out, he had Ashley about as close to pinned as he was gonna get in this situation. And hey, he wasn't hitting him. That was the problem with letting trolls close to soft fleshy bits. He did notice he had both hands busy, but that worked just fine with Hadean. He let go of his tie, smoothing his hand up. It took a little more effort than it usually would to form a knife, but he didn't hesitate about pressing it against Ashley's neck as one muffler finally gave up the ghost, crumbling under Ashley's insistence. He let go of his lip to give him a wide indigo-stained grin, ignoring that cool blood slipping down his chin. "Give in, or I'll give you a niice cut. Won't be so pretty then." It was a fucking dirty trick. But Hadean was alright with that.
Ashley kept clawing until he felt his nails hit against flesh and hair, taking in a fistful even when he was being threatened. Jaw a little slack , partlydue from not exactly enjoying the taste of bloodin his mouth his own or otherwise. He weighed his options here. Trust that Hadean is calling a bluff and will keep this no-culling? Or get sliced and ...yeah get sliced and that's that...OR...... Thirdly. The hand fisted in Hadean's clothes, sturdy and well made he mentally adds, lets go delicatley touching at his own neck and searching to put it over hadean's. Locking eyes with the warmer troll. Gripping a bit, hinting for the knife to be lowered. " And lose a new toy? Hadsy, honey you think so lowly of me to think I'm dispensible...." There was a temptation to give a sing songy lilt to his own words but....he resisted and spoke like a normal troll. No funny business. " Just when this was getting interesting babe." mistakenly Ashley' bit at his lower lip trying to be all ~sensual~ or some bullshit but yep he is. Definitley cut up there, and hisses from the accident.
Hadean digs the knife in a bit when he feels that cold hand on his flesh, even against the squeeze that followed it until there was a glint of indigo. Stop no-cull rule. Things were easier when he could just drain a troll dry. Ashley had so much life in him too... He'd make a damn good meal. "I don't have to open you up all the way, Ashy. You're purple, if I was careful it'd be easy enough to just carve you a little. Of course, if you keep it up, I could always get a little excited and slip..." Calling his bluff only worked when Hadean had something to lose from it. And he wanted to win, damnit. "It can still be interesting. All you have to do is admit that I could have slit you open and had myself the grossest fucking indigo shower there ever was. Say I win. And maybe I'll give you some more of my time in a way that's not trying to gouge your neck open, hm?"May 19, 2017
There's a soft gasp from Ashley at the stinging feeling of flesh being cut into. Using any usual jive or excitement in his voice would likely cause it to get worse so he ended up speaking lower, mumbling almost. Voice a lower rumble than usual so only Hadean would be able to hear. Hand ever so carefully trying to pull the knife away. " You're excited by me, honey? That's so sweet.... I'll gladly spend the rest of the night with you babe~" Carefully. Ever so carefully he lilted the last few words. Carefully humming a few bars of what could be a song after. Anything to get that knife away. ANYTHING.
There was only so much he could resist against a highblood trying to move his hand back from his vulnerable neck- but what Hadean could do was just keep making his knife longer, keeping that point close to his skin no matter what. He was prepared for the singing, had tried to steel himself against the effect, that haziness. He just fed in to his pain and anger to try and overrule it, lips peeling back as he gave his angriest roar. It wasn't anything like the notes of a highblood rage, but there was still plenty of anger in it. He was tired with the messing around, sick of Ashley treating this like some big fucking game. "Say you surrender right now, or I'm slicing you open. If you sing, I'll make sure you can never make another fucking sound again."
There was a little whisper of ' Losing doesn't taste good does it?' as Ashley took in a small inhale,  being sure to not guillotine himself. Sorry Hadean he just couldn't be gutted today. Hand gripping tighter on Hadean's with as much force as he could muster while pulling it away. Not a side motion but more towards Hadean himself and away from Ashley's own neck. No he wouldn't dare slice off Hadean's head but the more real he could make a threat himself the better. As a little coup de grace he decided to sing a little gentle Lullaby to Hadean. Demanding he surrender. Pressing ever so closer to the red hued troll. Forehead against Hadean's. " Sweetheart~ Let's stop this fighting ~ We know it's fruitless....."
Damn purpleblooded strength. Try as he might, there wasn't much budging Ashley- the difference in strength was just too much. He was too limited by being unable to cull the bastard, the threat of what would happen if he did loomed too heavy. He was pinned with a knife against his throat, Ashley all up in his space. And then came the damn singing, catching in his ear and sinking claws in to his thinkpan. His arms stopped fighting against Ashley, the knife flickering out of existence as he gave up the energy. Was it fruitless to fight? Was his whole fucking life fruitless? Why the fuck did he keep losing?
Ashley gave a last final squeeze dangerously skirting on using too much strength. With his rage calmed the pain of his gash was steadily catching up to him. A stronger, more battle hardened Indigo likely would've been able to keep going no sweat but it was Ashley. Not a true subjug of any variety. A sigh interuppted his song temporarily he tried to continue but hissed again at the feeling of an overly warm body against his icy cold wound not being the most comfortable feeling. He refused to let this all slip from him however, with how Hadean had treated him his ego demanded the last laugh here. The option of ramming his mouth against the others and biting as hard as Hadean had came to mind. So without thinking he did just that. Hand leaving the side of Hadean's head to claw at his suit, it'd be rude to claw at his head of course but Ashley was desperatley beginning to need a distraction from his clawed self.
The feeling of surrender faded a bit when Ashley's song stopped, but Hadean didn't go swinging again, just blinking hard against the sudden vertigo. He didn't get too much time to dwell on the thinkpan whiplash though, not when there was coolness against his lips, followed by the hot splash of his blood and pain. And boy was that familiar too, history happily repeating itself. Right down to his damn clothing getting destroyed. He couldn't pull away, but this wasn't like with Emerel- he wasn't helpless, he didn't want to be helpless. So he swung at Ashley's middle with a hiss, hoping he didn't destroy his lip.
The sudden strike sends him mentally realing, biting down harder than before, hand gripping harder than before and hand raking at Hadean for some kind of stable ...ANYTHING. Only his mouth lets go eventually letting out an awful groan of pain then huffing as he tried to regain breath. Losing to Hadean was becoming less ego damaging and more of a painful idea based solely off the possibility of not getting to do it again? Was that weird? Ashley hoped it wasn't weird he didn't fight often but it was just thrilling maybe too thrilling. Hm. Regardless, he tried to headbutt again. He was too tall to go for much but the semi-slouch that came from the hit to his weak spot had him aim for HAdean's nose. " Oh fuck o-off hadsy." He sputtered out.(edited)
His lip feels like it's on fire when he bites harder- Hadean would be rocking the 'made out with a blender' look again for a while. But then he kept biting first so really, he's asking for it. At least he lets go before he bites it right off, and Hadean gets to enjoy that groan. It's something. It shows he's not just fruitlessly hitting himself against a brick wall, he'd take whatever he could take right now. He wasn't expecting another damn headbutt, and oww. His tried to turn his head in time but failed to do anything but avoid a break. He cursed when it immediately started to fill with blood again though, just adding to the mess of his face as he swung for Ashley's middle again. It worked before, after all. "You first." That came out a bit more slurred and stuffy than he meant for it to, but he got the point across.
Another pained groan, more dragged out, more pained. There was going to be serious issues if he kept taking hits there. There was serious issues already but....more concerning issues. His meat did not need to be beat like this. His knees began to buckle at the pain, but he refused to go down alone, literally trying to drag Hadean down with him in any manner he could. A hand letting go of hadean's clothes and going for that hair of his. The other grabbing for a sleeve as he started to deadweight. He was a mess. Grappling like this, semi-bloodied, glasses likely askew at this point, hair maybe having acquired some blood from the headbutt. A disaster. But he didn't want to think of any of that right now. Just a way to get this to be done with.
There was very little of Hadean's body that didn't hurt in some capacity now. He felt like someone had taken a meat tenderizer to every part of his back, his face was just a mess and mix of blood... But he wasn't giving in. Even with as little in the tank as he had, he wasn't just laying down and letting Ashley beat on him. Getting dragged to the ground, on the other hand... That was a different story. He wasn't very heavy usually, but Hadean was tired. Laying down might have felt good if he hadn't had to fall to get there. He hisses at Ashley, at the hand in his hair, but it's strained. The adrenaline is fading fast now as he tries to paw at the bloody mess that is Ashley's stomach. "Give up already..." Fuck. Did he have to be nice? "Fucker. Don't hit me again and I'll... Let this be a tie." Another damn tie. But wasn't that better than the risk of losing?
Ashley makes sure to keep Hadean close. Huffing and puffing with each touch at his wound. Almost wheezing at times. It took more energy than he would've liked but he glowers at Hadean. " ....let it be a tie? You??....Babe..." He tugs at Hadean's hair harshly. Groaning again at his stomach simply burning. " Just submit honey. You roughed me up good, dollface."
The hair yank gets a slight rumble, weakened by how sore he was. But he was trying to be nice and this fucker was throwing it in his face! "I'm not a fucking dollface. Bulgemunch... I caused more bleeding than you did... We keep talking and you'll eventually get weaker and weaker... Just. Accept a tie... Give you a fucking rematch when we're better..." He thought that made sense.
" With that new....busted nose you got I think we're even...." Ashley nods tiredly. Fine. A tie. in his mind he feels he still did a better job but whatever. Stupidly enough he moves to bonk his forehead against Hadean's again. Not a head butt but a tap that he just leaves lingering. Augh Hadean looked disgusting. Their blood just did not mix into a nice color. No ones did really but Ashley made sure to note that this was a bad look. " Tie, Babe." Again, gross but Ashley gives a pity prize of a nip and a peck to Hadean.
Hadean grumbles at the bonk, but allows it. It's the least he could do after all, since he finally got the asshole to bend a little. Maybe the next fight would end with him actually using his damn name instead of nicknames, but... Wriggler steps he supposes. This was just the step of letting him know that even a Maroonblood could wreck his shit. The nip and peck get him a dirty look, and he's quick to scoop up some of his blood in his hand before he reached over to pat Ashley's cheek. "Next time I'll be ready for you to be a cheating little fuck."
There's a weak laugh from Ashley. in response. It's interuppted obviously by another groan of pain but once that's over he does enjoy the look he got from Hadean. Point one for him~ " You're the cheater asshole..."  A grimace at the bloody pat then he shifts slightly. More blood dribbling from his wound. Hands slowly letting go of Hadean as he pushes himself up to sit on his knees. " Let me clean up your messed up face honey. My place is nearby."
"Fuck off, I didn't try fucking thinkpan jacking you. Slimey fucker." Hadean watches him move with a frown, more than happy to keep his carcass parked for a few moments longer. The pain was definitely starting to sing now as he finally sat up, spitting more blood to the side as he mulled over the offer. He knew he must look like a fucking mess. It was probably dangerous for him to be seen walking around like this on his own... Legislacerators were still out in force after all. And.... Crap. He didn't want to get his friends in trouble. Speaking of friends... He glanced over to them, giving Sipara and Laledy a wave. Where was Prisma? Did he get too upset by the fight and leave? "How close is close. Y'got medical shit?" At least walking down the street with a purpleblood would probably ward off most legislacerators. He hoped.
At some point, she left off on the commentary. But the fight calmed almost as soon as it flared, and Sipara let out the breath she was holding when Hadean waved at her. He looked like a mess, sure, but he was fine enough. A little blood never hurt anyone! And they were talking, from the looks of it, which meant it wasn't not something she'd have to jump in on. Good. If she was going to play four squares with Hadean, then it wasn't going to be as third wheel to a blueblood. Eugh. "You two done shacking up in an alley?" she calls out, patient. "'cause, Hads, if you're not gonna cull 'em, I gotta step.Pri ran off to puke in a dumpster, and I kind of want to, like, make sure he didn't fall in."
"Done for now, thanks Sips~" He thought it was maybe a little cheeky to blow a kiss to her, but he was in a mood. And a little buoyed by the tie, he'd be honest! It felt good to give as good as he got, even if it hadn't ended in a complete victory. Better than absolute ailure. "Tell Pris I'm sorry I scared him off, would you?" He thought that was a fair enough apology, even if he had the feeling Prisma would be feeling a little put off by him for a bit. He'd win him back over. He hauled himself to his aching feet, pausing before he offered a hand to Ashley. "C'mon, up." Man, he hoped his cool new outfit was fixable...
Ashley looked around at the mess made while Hadean spoke to his in Ashley's opinion ,cronies , frowning at his smashed guitar. It was unrepairable in this state and he wasn't keen on bringing the corpse back home with him. Nice. Fuck Hadean. That sweater might be salvageable though. And his blazer avoided it all still nicely folded and tucked away where he left it. He looked at the hand offered him, it was in poor taste but he waved it off. Letting out a terrible his as he pushed himself onto his feet.  " Close as in a few blocks away, babe. I paid good money for it, nice view. Large. Don't worry about anything I got it. " Sobriety was damning as he realized he probably looked way worse than planned. Stepping around a bit to grab his sweater and blazer , tempted to put both on to help cover up his stomach wound. But blood was harder to get out than he would've liked. Even worse he could FEEL it congealing on his skin. UHG. Holding his things in his arms, glasses put back right and hair.....well he had attempted to make it look playfully tusseled instead of ruined, Ashley shoots Hadean a cheesy, bloodied smile. " coffee's at my place too. You made this more violent than I'd planned honey. "
He tried to be nice and got rebuffed, how rude. He found it a little bit hard to be angry about it though- lifting Ashley would have hurt. "Gee whiz, aren't you mister important highlood with a big fancy apartment. Catch me if I start swooning at the fucking opulance." Well, maybe he'd have some food. Hadean was hungry after the ride over and the fight. He rolled his eyes as Ashley started fussing over himself, like it was possible to make it look like they were doing anything but fighting. Hadean knew he was a fucking trainwreck, but that was what a shower was for. Might make Prisma feel better to see him not covered in gore anyways. He shoots Ashley back his own bloody grin, straightening up even if it makes his aching back protest. "Sorry I didn't just let you make me dance around and hit myself, fuckwad. Told you you shouldn't underestimate me. Now lead the way." He'd have to steal that damn tie sometime at the apartment...
0 notes
verymerynice · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://topauto.site/from-supercar-dodge-viper-will-be-five-farewell-series/
From supercar Dodge Viper will be five farewell series
The legendary Viper is preparing for retirement: 2017 model year will be the last in the history of the model. The reason will be the new us security requirements, according to which as of 2018, all cars in the market should have the inflatable safety curtain. The body of the Viper is a steel tubular frame with hinged panels made of fiberglass, carbon fiber and aluminum and initially has no curtains, and install them in the carbon fiber roof panel would be too costly. Like many manufacturers, the concern FCA will release a farewell party machines, and it will consist of five different series.
Serial Dodge Viper GTS
This quintet version only Edition Snakeskin Viper GTC has a relatively modest aerodynamic package and standard brakes, and features green body color, decor and signboards. With a circulation of 25 copies. The remaining four modifications include carbon-ceramic brakes, huge rear wing and splitter under the front bumper.
So, Dodge Viper 1:28 ACR Edition with black and red body painting created in honor of the record-setting run on the track Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca when the Viper did the lap in 1 minute and 28.65 seconds. Such a compartment will make 28 pieces. Dodge Viper GTS-R ACR Commemorative Edition with a blue and white color is the reincarnation of racing vipers in the second half of the nineties. This version is the most massive in the quintet: 100 copies. Black Viper ACR VoooDoo Edition II (31автомобиль) is a memory of the modifications VooDoo six years ago. Finally, version Edition ACR Dodge Dealer, which is not on the main group photo will have a white body with blue and red stripes, and the whole party of 33 pieces will be received by two dealers that sold the largest number of vipers: this Tomball Dodge in Texas and Roanoke Dodge in Illinois.
In the end, will see the light 217 a farewell Viper, but they all have the standard power plant: is an atmospheric V10 engine 8.4 (654 HP) and six-speed “mechanics” Tremec. But each instance will make brand case for machine embroidered on it the name of the owner.
Dodge Viper RT/10 first generation (1992)
Next year the Viper will be 25 years, for all time, released about 30 thousand cars (including under the brands Chrysler and SRT), but now the demand shrunk to the least: last year, Americans bought only 676 cars. Obviously, it is because of this concern, the FCA refused to develop the new Viper fourth generation.
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