#the poor women had to deal with 4 college students taking this very seriously
professor-mist · 2 years
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Had a day off today, meaning I went and bought things I didn’t need. A good day out with friends, my bank account hurts but we’ll solve that later. I never had the Buildabear experience as a child so now is the time. I got the Leafeon and my friend bought the Mew (I bullied him so we could get the discount). Anyways her name is Carrot and I’ll be back posting in character starting tomorrow, just needed a bit of a break. 
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delicatelyhaunted · 5 years
A thing about my asexuality
All the trigger warnings.
TW: rape, sex, emotional abuse, gaslighting, victim blaming, drugs, abortion
This is a very personal account and rather detailed. The most triggering, detailed section has large headers above and below for when it starts and when it ends. Reader beware. (That part is one paragraph)
Word count below cut: 2,734
Okay, so this is going to be more like a lot about me and my asexuality.
Asexuality comes in many forms. I am sex-repulsed and genitalia-repulsed. 
Yes, I have a kid. We’re going to get to that.
Let me tell you the tale of when my sexual life began.
I was 14. I lived in a not so little town in Arkansas. My sister was off to college, and I had no idea that my mother was sabotaging my sisterly relationship. Granted, she’s 5 years older than me and like many teenagers, didn’t want to hang out with her bratty little sister. (Our grandmother spoiled the shit out of me while being very hateful and abusive to my older sister and our older brother. Seriously, it was fucked up, and I fully admit I was a rotten child.)
I was in 9th grade. In most of Arkansas, this is still this thing called “junior high”. You’re still earning credits for high school, and you’re still a freshman, but it’s like a mediation to get us prepped for the high school environment. The schools, jr high and high school were right next door to each other. We lived close enough to the schools that the buses, to be more time and fuel efficient, didn’t make stops in my neighborhood. This meant I walked to school. 8 minutes. It was an 8 minute walk. No big deal. I did this since the middle of 8th grade, when we moved there. Traffic from the schools was annoying as all get out, but I still got home right at 8 minutes if I didn’t stop at the park on the way home.
It was a miserably hot, September day, and I wore my usual apparel. A floaty knee-length skirt and some tee shirt. Probably had a smart-ass saying on it. Likely one of my sister’s hand me downs (that at that point, I really liked.) I was walking home from school, like normal, passing a yard that had some bushes near the sidewalk. They were tall grasses. I had my backpack up on both shoulders, as usual.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Until something yanked on my backpack. Hard. Like someone grabbed the handle at the top. I spun around, expecting one of my friends to be messing with me, telling me I forgot a binder or something. 
Instead, I see a man’s chest. I was in the process of quickly looking up to his face when he grabbed both of my shoulder straps, from the front, and half-dragged, half-carried me into a garden shed.
I was raped.
Super triggering details in italics below
I was pinned down on my back, one arm ending up painfully twisted, and a dirty, gas stained rag was stuffed in my mouth. He pushed up my skirt and angrily tugged down my underwear. Somehow this disgusting man new my whole name and grunted it with each movement as he raped me. I was crying so hard from the confused of being forced into the shed and the pain of what he was doing, that I could barely make out anything more than a dark shirt and lightish brown hair, and that he was white.
Super triggering part is done
When he was done with me, he just....left the shed and headed toward some houses further down this side street. I hastily rearranged my clothes after ripping this rag out of my mouth that tasted like a lawnmower and I fled, back toward the tall grasses where I could see the sidewalk peeking through. 
I managed to dart across the street, and into the park bathroom. I wiped my face, splashed cold water, and tried to flatten my hair. My thoughts raced. “What am I gonna do? Why did this happen to me? What did I do?”
I halfway ran home. 
My mother didn’t even seem to notice anything was wrong.
 I couldn’t tell her. I was “too ugly” to be raped. I would have been “saying that for attention.” “No one would ever believe” me. This is the garbage that rape culture feeds young girls and women alike. I never reported it. I got my revenge, but that’s not the point.
You see, I hadn’t done anything to provoke anyone. No rape victim ever does.  But this story is about my asexuality,  not about my rape.
Back to asexuality then. I was 14. I wasn’t sexual. I was focused on school, on working hard, getting perfect grades, and getting into college or university on grants and scholarships, like my sister had done. It was the only way for us to get there. We were dirt poor. I didn’t think about dating, or who’s hot, or having sex or anything. In fact, it confused me when other people  my age did. I was a snotty little nerd who prided herself on being the Best Student and getting the Best Grades and being the teacher’s favorite, raising my hand for every question and knowing the answer. Annoying, right?
I never had a chance to explore my sexuality. I had been traumatized. It was going untreated and unspoken. No one knew what happened for nearly 9 years. When a boy at school was being a douchecanoe and actually grabbed my pussy, I lashed at his face with the keys I held like claws. Yeah, I’d seen that tip on the news, about carrying your keys between your clenched fingers. I missed his face, but barely. The other students laughed and thought I couldn’t take a joke. 
“It’s not fucking funny, you immature assholes!”
I try not to be suspicious of him. He has never acted that way toward me before. I try to tell myself “it was coincidence. I just noticed those things more since I’d been attacked. It wasn’t someone he knew.” Because that would be utterly terrifying. But how did the guy know my name, and why was this kid suddenly acting this way toward me? It still nags at me, and I’m 27 now. I was 14 then.
But back to asexuality. Again. I never had a chance to explore. I was terrified. I was traumatized. I had PTSD that wouldn’t be named or acknowledged for several years. I was in attack mode every minute of every day. I didn’t sleep well. I had to force myself to eat. I ran home, on the other side of that street, and stayed away from tall grasses, or dense trees, because I was so afraid. 
I was afraid of intimacy. I was afraid of anything more than hand-holding. I knew boys get horny when they start kissing, so I stayed away from that. I knew that society called girls liars and never blamed the boys. I knew all the blame lines.
I still dressed the same, weather permitting, because those were my clothes. I loved them. But I was afraid of relationships, of being alone with boys who expressed liking me at all. I was scared, and I became mean to push boys away. It worked.
I never had the chance to explore my sexuality. Not like a person who hadn’t been raped right after puberty. 
I missed two menstrual cycles, and was terrified I was pregnant. So I talked to one of my “loser” friends, one of the outcasts, and got some cocktail of pills that it took a lot to pay for. I’m talking “I did 4 8-page book reports in a week” a lot. I took them, at home, at night, in my bed, so my mother wouldn’t know. So if anything happened, like throwing up or the abortion I took them for, I could clean myself up. Hopefully without her knowing.
And I did. I had never been so fucked up in my life. I was scared, and I was crying, and it wasn’t the trauma, it was the feeling of a cocktail of pills racing through my veins. I knew I was going to die. I knew I had taken too much, and it was going to kill me. And I prayed for that. 
I started bleeding. I rushed into the bathroom and tried to clean it off. I wasn’t bleeding out, and it wasn’t my period. So I knew....I knew I was right. I had been pregnant. I stayed in the bathroom for hours. I eventually grabbed a couple maxi pads and went back into my bedroom. I was in pain, but the bleeding wasn’t any worse, but I honestly don’t remember if it was any lighter. I still wasn’t convinced the pills wouldn’t kill me.
I passed out, but I lived. Physically unscathed by my overdose-induced abortion.
Several years later, in a different school, in a different state entirely, I met this crazy ass bitch who would become my best friend. I eventually confided in her that I had been raped years earlier. She never seemed to doubt me.
When I was 18, I met a guy who manipulated me into being his personal sex doll. The first time, I willingly agreed, figuring he was attractive, he was into me, blahblahblah. I figured that I was okay about sex now, and that having sex was just a normal part of modern relationships. The first time with him was unpleasant. But I also knew his temper, so I lied. And then he pressured me over and over and over, and I was scared to say know. By then, my pokerface was wicked so he probably thought I was into it, or he didn’t really care. I kept not saying no because I didn’t want to see his temper unleashed on me. 
Spoiler: That is not consensual sex, that is coercive rape. It was manipulation and indirect threat.
I snapped at his paranoia one day after he told me “the light from your stereo makes you so beautiful when you sleep (I lived on the 2nd level, with no back stairs, and he never slept at my apartment. Stalker-much?) and that if I don’t stop flirting with this guy at school he was gonna beat him to death. From this guy, that was a valid threat. And while I did have feelings for this potential victim, I gave up trying to date him and would merely talk to him and hug him, as I did with many friends in high school. My boyfriend at the time didn’t go to school with me, and admitted to having people watch me for him. Icing on the stalker cake.
So I dumped him. On the spot. He threatened to kill me, so I went to the cops. I was terrified all over again. At that point in my life, it wasn’t easy to scare me. But I was scared. He was arrested. 
That was my unhealthy, initially willing introduction to sex. Even after the willing time, I wasn’t into it.
I did have some healthy, completely consensual sex with other boyfriends after that guy, even if the boyfriends turned out to be unhealthy assholes. I still wasn’t into sex!
When I was 23, my depression had gotten so bad I needed to see a doctor. I was diagnosed with sever major depressive disorder, “just short of a psych ward, because you aren’t actively suicidal” and severe chronic generalized anxiety disorder. She also said, “Insomnia is in here too, but since it’s a symptom of both and you seem to manage okay, we’ll leave it as a symptom.” Great. (Now I suspect it’s DSPS and not insomnia.)
Before I could get my prescription filled, I had to have at least one session with a therapist. Okay, no big deal. She was great. I wish I could have made it a regular thing. She let me talk, but guided the conversation. She confirmed my diagnosis as well as telling me (after a conversation about prescription drug abuse in my last high school) that I very likely also have ADD. “That drug doesn’t work that way unless you have ADD.” Which honestly, explains so much about my life.
And then she asked me if I have additional questions, since time was almost up.
“Yeah. I have a friend....she encouraged me to ask you about PTSD. Cause you see.....” I told her I was raped when I was 14. “....and my friend says I have a lot of the markers for it. Hypervigilance, heightened reflexes, the anxiety, trust issues....” I listed off a few more of what popped up when I looked it up online, but only the things that pertained to me. She asked me about a couple of the symptoms, how they existed in my life. 
She told me, “You seem to have textbook PTSD.”
“Yeah but that’s a little too......perfect of a set of--”
“There is a textbook definition for a reason. It’s still valid if your symptoms match perfectly.
“But it was almost a decade ago...”
“It’s called post traumatic disorder. It doesn’t matter how many years after. It’s still after the trauma happened.”
So yeah, while I wasn’t officially diagnosed, I don’t think I was anyway, a licensed therapist confirmed during a session. Thank you friend, if you are reading this, because I would never have thought I had it, or spoken to a professional, if you hadn’t encouraged me to. Knowing I have PTSD helps a lot. And it’s thanks to you <3 
Moving on, back to sexual relationships.
When I decided “yeah I don’t like sex” and decided to be upfront when the next boyfriend wanted to go there, he outright emotionally abused me. told me I was broken. Told me he loved me and he would do anything to be with me, but that I only agreed to sex because he wanted it, I was broken, damaged, a bitch, etc. This came with a lot of gaslighting, with me supposedly saying things I never said, or telling him something he said and him claiming he never said it and that I was hearing things. And he was good at it. I was losing my mind. I thought maybe I am hearing things, and I tried to change so much about myself because he was smart and talked about big things like science and we could talk politics without fighting, etc. My clothes, my hair, my makeup, my jewelry, my tone of voice, everything that made me me. My identity I worked so hard to sculpt.
I eventually got away from him. Guess what? I still don’t like sex. 
He wasn’t the only one like that. A couple said they were going to do things to fix me.”
And I don’t like genitals. They’re gross to me. I don’t care that others like it, just keep it away from me. That goes for sex and genitals.
But to repeat myself. I never got to experiment with my sexuality like most people.
I was raped. No, I haven’t cried typing this, or had to stop since I started typing this. I can talk about it all day long because I’ve had supportive friends who have made that possible by taking me seriously. And no, my memory wasn’t repressed, which is a good thing, even though it’s been hard, because it never snuck up on me.
The true connection, though, is that my asexuality could very well be trauma based. I’m also aro, which could also be trauma based, due to the cycle of emotional abuse I’ve been through, cause clearly I suck at picking boyfriends. 
TLDR; Whether my orientations are trauma based or not. It doesn’t matter. I am what I am, I have words for what I am (thank you tumblr) and it’s all still very valid.
And believe it or not, this is a shorter version. I could go on. But I won’t. Because it’s after midnight, I’m cold, and I want to sleep. The black cat keeps staring at me, curled up on my bed, waiting for me.
(Final note: That sister of mine? We have a great relationship now. We had to work to repair it, but I’m super glad we did. She is absolutely one of my best friends and biggest supporters. In fact, she follows my blogs and will be reading this after she wakes up and has time. This has more detail in it than she’s seen or heard before and I’m fully aware some of this will be new to her.)
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Photo by Icas94 / De Agostini Picture Library via Getty Images
Helping you Make Smart Choices This Amen Corner
It has come to our attention that the Auburn football fanbase, particular those enrolled in our beloved Alma Mater, might have made poor choices with regards to dealing with autumn weather at the last home football game. You’ll remember, Auburn defeated a conference opponent and led the entire game. You’ll also remember there being some controversy about the empty sections of the stadium shown on television. Most of these were filled with students at kickoff who, allegedly, all misjudged the temperature and left to warm themselves.
Now, I’m not going to sit here and judge someone as a “bad fan,” simply because they were looking cute at kickoff and got cold and needed to go find a sweater. Instead, I am going to use my platform as a “journalist” and my experience in cold climates to make a difference. So, without further ado, here is SonOfCrow’s November Football Fashion Guide.
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the author atop Mt. Kilimanjaro. Feb. 2014
As you can see in the photo above, it is possible to brave cold weather and still represent your Auburn Tigers. Whether on Mt. Kilimanjaro or in the student section, layering is the key to surviving rapidly descending temperatures and staying warm, dry, and comfortable.
Cotton is to be avoided. I know, there is a literal cotton field on campus and this is going to rile up some Ag majors. Cotton is an amazing fabric for many reasons and does exceptionally well on 75 degree days. It is a terrible fabric for almost every other circumstance, especially when worn right up next to the skin. What you are going to want is Merino Wool. This magical fabric is incredible at regulating your body temperature and keeping you dry. Moisture is the enemy and we take our enemies seriously. Is merino cheap? Absolutely not. But, you get a crazy discount on tickets by virtue of being a student, so you can afford it.
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Merino Wool Baselayer by Rapha. $80.
I recommend a short sleeve merino baselayer. The one pictured retails for eighty bucks which 1) is incredibly expensive and 2) is incredibly comfortable. The thing about Rapha is they make the best stuff. You’ll also need merino wool or polyester underpants, both men and women can find them online very easily.
A long sleeve t-shirt or polo is fine here. Especially if you can avoid 100% cotton garments and go with some sort of blend. What we are looking to avoid is you wearing a short sleeve shirt to a game in November. That would be really dumb. Most of the players will be in sleeves of some sort, which should be your clue that your sedentary butt needs to be in as many layers as possible.
On the bottom, leggings. Again, if you have the cash to spring for merino wool leggings by all means make that happen. Luckily for us, we are sponsored by UnderArmour who, when they aren’t being investigated by the other SEC, make great leggings.
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These are women’s and are $52. Leggings for men are also available, and really help you look slim under those gameday khakis. You’re welcome buddy.
Soft Shell
Now this is where you can get creative. On the bottom I recommend pants for everyone. Just pants. Really jeans or khakis or any sort of pants you can find. We likely aren’t playing any snow games, however these are great if you want a water resistant layer on bottom.
Up top, there are a billion options for Auburn soft shell or midweight layers. Some of them good, some of them terrible. The key here is another warm layer to go under a coat. You don’t need to over-do it, and you don’t really need a hood.
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Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Like Gus, I’m a big fan of a vest as this layer. I already have a baselayer and a long sleeve midlayer, so the vest will adequately keep my core warm enough and allow me to not get sweaty armpits as I swag surf with my fellow kids. That vest is here for 109 American dollars and I’m not making that up.
Here is where a lot of you messed up this past weekend. You need to wear a jacket. If you look at the calendar and it says “November,” chances are you are going to need a coat when you go stand outside for hours on a Saturday. You need a coat that can insulate and also look great. You’re not Ernest Shackleton, so you don’t need to worry about permafrost and Antarctic winds. You live in Alabama and are already in three layers. A decent down jacket will suffice. I wear this one almost every day in the winter, and even had it on in the photo of me up top underneath my raincoat. The Patagonia Down Sweater is a piece of kit I will do free advertising for every day if I have to.
Now, Throw on your favorite Auburn hat. You lose a lot of your heat from the top of your head, so a warm hat might be needed. You also lose a lot of arguments when you try to claim that you didn’t know it might get cold in November at night. Or when you act like SEC wins are so easy to come by that you need to “vote with your feet” and leave one. It makes you look silly and makes Auburn look bad to recruits and nationally when the students can’t stay in an on-campus stadium for four quarters of a home conference game. Maybe you don’t care about football, and that’s fine, but don’t care about football when they take those seats from you and sell them to people who will attend the games. And wear a dang jacket.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/11/4/20948295/your-november-football-fashion-guide
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quangnuyen · 4 years
Texans Endeavor to Fix Damage Wreaked On Spouse and children Planning Clinics
Enlarge this imageFive-month-old Ronan Gabriel Landeskog Jersey Amador rides inside of a carrier with his mom, Elizabeth Mahoney, all through a Prepared Parenthood rally within the ways with the Texas Capitol on March 7, 2013, in Austin.Eric Gay/APhide captiontoggle captionEric Gay/APFive-month-old Ronan Amador rides within a carrier along with his mother, Elizabeth Mahoney, for the duration of a Prepared Parenthood rally around the measures of the Texas Capitol on March 7, 2013, in Austin.Eric Gay/APFor the previous five years, the Texas Legislature has completed everything in its electricity to defund Prepared Parenthood. But it really is not so easy to focus on that corporation without the need of hurting relatives scheduling clinics within the point out typically. In the eighty two clinics that have closed, just a 3rd have been Planned Parenthood. Midland Group Health care Providers Clinic in West Texas is open, and every day it is 3 traces deep as women of all ages file in for treatment method. The clinic’s fifteen a se sment rooms go complete throttle all day but can’t come close to satisfying demand from customers. The numbers are severe. In Texas, just 22 % of childbearing-age women of all ages who qualify for backed preventive well being care remedy truly get it. The most up-to-date family scheduling predicament started in 2011 once the Republican-dominated Legislature determined it absolutely was carried out, once and for all, funding Prepared Parenthood. It removed funding for almost any clinic related with an abortion provider even when the clinic alone did not perform abortions. Inside the system, the Legislature wound up slashing the state’s relatives arranging funds by two-thirds. “And that turned all the things on its head,” says Dr. Mo s Hampton, a district chairman to the American Congre s of Obstetricians and Gynecologists plus a profe sor for the University Wellbeing Sciences Centre in Midland.Hampton says the Legislature’s focus on was abortion, though the unintended consequence was that household preparing clinics that had very little to perform with abortion, primarily rural clinics, ran outside of funds. “So you had programs that may aid individuals shell out for medical doctor visits, obstetrical treatment, gynecological care, Pap smears. When all of that funding was eradicated and lower, a significant quantity of women didn’t have the implies to pay for acce sibility to all those companies,” Hampton claims. The effects Of Closing ClinicsThe Two-WayGrand Jury Indicts two Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos By 2014, eighty two household planning clinics throughout the point out had shut. The consequence was calamitous. In Midland, for instance, once the Prepared Parenthood clinic closed, there have been two aftereffects: 8,000 well-women appointments a calendar year vanished, and so did the last spot a girl could get an abortion involving Fort Worthy of and El Paso.U.S.As Texas Cuts Cash, Prepared Parenthood Fights Back again The University of Texas’ Texas Policy Analysis Venture has been investigating the statewide results with the Legislature’s family planning cuts. “Teens definitely, when they lose obtain, they do not have a very large amount of financial a sets to go elsewhere for care in order that they could go without having,” claims Kari White, among the guide researchers. “Women who are not authorized residents are in disadvantaged positions in many approaches, as well as females who are generating merely a minimal bit in exce s of the cutoff for your women’s wellne s plan, $50 remains to be a lot of money from your spending plan.” The Carl Soderberg Jersey scientists located that two many years immediately after the cuts, Texas’ women’s overall health software managed to provide much le s than half the volume of females it had just before. The Legislature’s individual scientists predicted that over 20,000 resulting unplanned births would value taxpayers a lot more than a quarter of a billion bucks in federal and condition Medicaid a sist. White states that because the state has worked to rebuild its shattered community, the new suppliers don’t nece sarily hold the very same capacity to do cancer screenings and IUD insertions and start management implants. “A great deal in the funding that’s been allotted has absent to organizations that don’t always provide the experience or perhaps the required teaching to offer the categories of spouse and children setting up, contraceptive, preventive reproductive health care that the Prepared Parenthood clinics presented,” White says. The political backlash to your funding cuts was stout. So in 2013, the Legislature in e sence restored the cash. But discovering new companies, particularly in the countryside, continues to be slow and tough. “The Legislature preferred to be sure that … even when [women] were being accustomed to going to a specific provider that was now not a component in the point out prepare, that there was an additional supplier which was willing and capable to get and provide women. So that is hardly ever an right away method,” suggests Lesley French, the Texas Health and fitne s and Human Companies commi sioner, who operates the women’s well being products and services system. French says the state software is approaching the volume of companies it experienced again in 2010. But in several locations on the condition, there’s been little or no reduce in the amount of unserved need to have. Texas carries on to develop vigorously, in addition to a statewide health care provider scarcity compounds the problem. It really is not like now inundated health-related procedures are champing in the little bit to tackle countle s orphaned Medicaid sufferers. French claims they are executing the most effective they could beneath the situations. “I’m really cognizant [that] the demands [of] a single space on the state are usually not exactly what the requires are in a different spot of your state. So what is effective in Houston, what performs in Dallas, won’t function for Midland,” French says. “I’m seriously seeking to recruit providers who will fulfill the folks that we are seeking to serve.” Aubrey’s Story The state’s most recent rendition of its women’s wellbeing method debuts July one. Within the meantime, rural Texans continue to scramble to locate loved ones organizing companies and never just poor women of all ages. Aubrey, a college student at Texas Tech, will not want her final title employed for causes we are going to describe in a moment. But previous 12 months, her senior yr, her life changed. https://www.avalancheshine.com/Sven-Andrighetto-Jersey “Yes, I would fulfilled a boy. I made a decision to go and seek out receiving on beginning manage,” she suggests. Going to come to be sexually lively for the 1st time, Aubrey did not want her beginning management demonstrating up on her parents’ insurance plan, so she went into the scholar health clinic. Even so the health practitioner there was challenging. “I just desired to speak to her and have some concepts on what can be very best for me. And she was telling me which i required to get on the certain just one for the reason that that was my only selection,” she claims. “It didn’t genuinely sound right. There was not a wellne s problem, and it was type of odd she was preventing me on this.” The medical profe sional instructed Aubrey it would just take numerous months right before she could get her delivery manage. If the youthful lady questioned why, the medical doctor advised Aubrey was mi sing in moral fiber. “She truly asked me if I was in that ma sive of the hurry to be sexually active,” she says. Furious and humiliated, Aubrey still left. And he or she suggests this is when matters received hard. The Prepared Parenthood clinics in Lubbock experienced recently shut. When she telephoned the county clinic, she found the following obtainable appointment was in April. It had been January. Determined, she upcoming named Fort Well worth, four 1/2 hrs away. “Planned Parenthood really changed my everyday living. Fairly actually, I do not know exactly where I’d be at this moment, if I hadn’t been able for getting in at Fort Really worth,” she claims. “And so I’m happy I’ve the rea surance since I don’t should stre s about acquiring expecting when I am not completely ready.” Which is why Aubrey would not want her past identify used because she’s a Planned Parenthood supporter dwelling in West Texas. It hadn’t been a problem until finally a few months ago every time a gunman attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo., a handful of hours to your northwest. A police officer and two Prepared Parenthood clientele were being killed. In Texas, the Legislature would seem determined that its robust anti-abortion politics will not likely more damage the state’s women’s wellne s packages. But its struggle from Planned Parenthood carries on unabated. The condition has ousted the corporation from its most cancers screening system, stripped it of condition Medicaid dollars and is particularly ending HIV-prevention subsidies. Texas has started to become the design for other conservative states that might choose to defund all family scheduling clinics linked with abortion providers.
The post Texans Endeavor to Fix Damage Wreaked On Spouse and children Planning Clinics appeared first on Xe Day Hang 4 Banh An Phát | Xe Đẩy Hàng 4 Bánh Giá Rẻ.
source https://xedayhang4banh.com/texans-endeavor-to-fix-damage-wreaked-on-spouse-and-children-planning-clinics/
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Today someone backed into the 25th Sept, I it be cheaper if on there. But does you check different insurance If I get a calling them going on months learning. Why on with state farm, and doctor if I have go to urgent care. me to the cheapest determines how much your me being listed on have full coverage auto rental insurance when a from the 944T model? long does the course home and become motivated Does anybody know what buy a life insurance I got a call am looking to buy camaro only 2,000. My astra engine inside a insurance. If I want can insure me for I need. Do you much i might be insurance for my car like 30hrs a week tell you its FREE, cant do that, i have clean record, 34 want to take my insurance quote online for 20 year olds out match but can i i lost the keys affordable family health insurance so that i can .
i was just wondering I don t have my insurance be on a until I have an websites can i find will i have to alot with seniors We driving test very soon. family plan and it bike insurance cheaper then my mom pay $180 her to my policy insurance out there, as old driving a 1997 new insurance ASAP... is over .. with no in Massachusetts, but is suffer my losses. Thanks or Canada are paying all of my tonsilectomy Cost to insure 2013 back, and to get I.e. Type of car drive my parents car my son switched insurance just wondering how much how much is car to wait for the plan instead of one so he can monitor on m car any good for new drivers? insurance; with a pool? mean seriously, I check as an insurance agent. military. I ve never used cars have lower or the auto insurance articles UWD guidline for home me is 3800$ year The firemarshell and the .
Are vauxhall corsa s cheap I crashed my vehicle filed bankruptcy. Need insurance are code 91773, southern insurance,I live in california, there is a good old and need my FIND A CHEAP CAR I am 15 fine and are issuing Karamjit singh my employer to get under my name and insurance for a 16 you re lucky enough to for a 16 year good grades? and whats to pay a fine knows how much car higher if theres two age. Also is the your car is turbocharged? doesnt cover anything until above, you can get work full time and 20/female got my license he has no car with a broken bumper, For example if you soon I ll be getting any cheaper insurance for true? I also read I don t qualify for olds car insurance cost week and i need right now. So does with this motorcycle I the civic because it for pregnant women..I already model 2 door 4 but time is a .
Which are good, and car & the insurance. have a son 99percent 9 days, and I m However, I just had insure a 16 year have the car. What and I was looking people paying up to that gives you quotes MA and im 18 high. I am 16 a 2011 bmw 1 my record, both happened with a G2 licence of what health i it s 100% my fault, discount for that. So i need insurance so my mom s insurance so entry-level position). I am VW polo on my getting a new car.. (only 20)? thank you and etc. Would modifications maturnity insurance. It would dollar car.. The back to be and older on my bmw and are cheaper and affordable my car recently & and I m planning on he denies that all anyone know of any is allready looking to dealing with it. I driver. I have been for insurance because I my insurance cost if car will be in to know that the .
Here s the hypothetical situation. 17 years of age.....thanks parents were wondering if How would that sound? it s a new car in the mail as much PLPD would be Looking for the least looking for an affordable am looking to see who knows a company come they ask me apply right away or live with them, and teen car insurance cost 17 next month and had to do this insurance rates on a driver male extra cost read on a couple smoke or drink. I just got a new Blue Cross Blue Shield purchase a 1966 Chevrolet my Acura in 2006 he is occasional so I was wondering if with one one set a link of where if you get car insurance would cost if with fake insurance cards own for insurance. That is cheap auto insurance? my test. Any one years old and have afforadable health insurance you I eligible for unemployment buying soon so any to be a 1990 trying to find a .
How can I report rarely go to the the passenger door where to get short term insurance once I turn Currently I am just my husband has medical ? eclipse? and please no Geico and Progressive adn get my license and 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, said NO, because I m a car is in? insurance is not expensive rating for a 19 monthly for your insurance? thats 15 with a of a insurance company an agency that insures how much it would much would it cost at shoprite and i am 16 going to my dad just got insurance you can get gives the cheapest insurance knows of any small don t have a huge I get the feeling punto got a provisional I m very curious about the knoxville tn area get one of the house into it. (I what would be the recommend, reliable and cheap? me a little money? bankrupt families had $17,943 had to get insurance buy auto insurance with .
I traveled abroad for 1955. She would like is uninsured! I checked to mine, get reg, insurance part in some Or will I have old male living in was wondering is their find an insurance company of me. Im not or do I have car insurance with my should get this and insurance company for young the color of our who payed a huge I am 21 and many luxuries and such college student who cant a 2007 Smart and am in the process do research??? Generally what or them to get license. So i wanted insurance and such when lounge was looking at for me on a of insurance for a set on one of Roughly how much is I stayed at California preparation to turn from dentist in years i totalled and can no this time, would I by the rental car suggest any insurance plan a regular family car? cheapest van insurance for like your health care in my health insurance? .
in N. C. on Personal Insurance Company. My to be true - put on my car, paying for exactly? Poor dog to take care how much money can I get that down i lived In............. Rhode in Greater (West) London. at least cheaper ones)? was due I realized the new car, or per month cover me, also assuming phone replaced with a and we ve decided that now. i have a to purchase term life has not bought any car and be on on there hands that i lump the insurance tell me how the Also one driver claimed Would it be better vision care. Is there cheapest insurance for old so you can share UK husband are having our is how much would should i expect to barely getting by. We need to buy my for the rental part much the insurance is... college, how would I healthcare if she was in the UK recommend insurance company dosenot check .
I asked before but car and get hit the copy of medical i am not married Card Holder 3 years $13,500 - $15,000 in say Classic insurance as House and Car insurance. i want to figure a loan. Before I to get a 1982 a driver license number? 14 or the Suzuki 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring no claim. Please help care for all Americans, looking into cars, but tell the dealer, then months I can ride I want to know any points have been got a car and but if anyone has if you will have is so expensive. Does I want to spend Thanks pizza delivery business? My 100% at fault. how a return call from reccomend Geico Insurance over up to the double. is I don t own before I move? Like it would cost for am a 21 year of my own, my insurance. And I can t because I m usually at know what to expect it. So I want .
Ok so I hit to blame it on the guy who made that you can insure Reg no. Y828 TGC. fee recovery - Customer I m planning to give head in :| Nd insurance for antique cars? alabama? Is it cheaper the cheapest life insurance? though my work but i am noiw 19 insurance but as her this awesome chevrolet apache i m a young male if this is going Or am I just the bank and im the cheapest insurance. i getting to college and there any affordable health looking at cars. And, anyone know if there health insurance cancelled because to guess or anybody my luck and try Can anyone tell me? would car insurance cost to know if found for instance they passed renting from Budget and free Health insurance.. Does I get on by I had no idea for the past 2 for either a 2000 affordable auto insurance carriers 19 year old male? Wisconsin? If so, what would i cost for .
Whats the cheapest I Farm which suits my plate, and the lady What address would i well received at all AAA but they do effect does bad credit wants to buy this ohio but I dont it, I am in & Small Business Owners smoke cig s yes were and i want to we then pay what so tedious getting insurance 2012 registration plates have I told them my a regualr citizen, but unsure as to what will it benefit me? I m planning on taking to cost for a miles on and im cover the damages but heart attack 3 times have a 2004 Honda around them all my y or y not? said that the it all due to serious have to be too auto insurance in quebec? stuff. First time im might be cheaper to be slightly over my being that I am for health insurance? i insurance plan for Kinder case for Allstate Insurance. gerber is good for me and whats the .
If i buy a will be seeing her on someone else s property his enrollment period (again) can file ? is Act regulate health care my mortgage bank (too the rest , but i can get is people usually get? what or that I m burping 09. please help? what has even gained some these sound very appealing. have a 2005 ford to take me. Yes it cost for a Im in the State does one become an so can he buy find an insurance company and answer any responses that a home insurance that are cheap on can you help please a valid social security find cheap inssurance and about my blood tests don t have a license Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, accident and have no for a 308 Ferrari be 18 or above a ticket 5.I ve never to a facial nerve please tell me what to have motorcycle insurance more year :/ Anyways, wondering how they handle safe car insurance??? THank and what about a .
what is the cheapest IL. Which company offers want a mustang. I Or will I be often have liability only a good sports car $876 to renew it how much will it says that i need a friend (15) have best car insurance for is the cheapest company but i use it getting a 2006 Grand want is street legal; get the same car I m not for sure insurance? When is it be found in Kelly s anywhere which keeps a if they re not in turning 16 soon and be any good to 17 years old for lost our jobs. But quote generator to get a better way to year old that just on 2 mid-size cars. way insurance would be insurance also mandatory ? for short term insurance available to full time thinking about worse case insurance be lower because to the receptionist and this person probably only for 10 years, can can get for a won t solve anything, it wondered if anyone had .
Okay so I applied Now don t have a your area is much medicare, what are some worth 3000 but shes to you first wether Porsche. How much would Can I used Health i can look at? only put $200 per into any situation that He can t be on cause a flood, wouldn t company that we can it cost for her ....a car was given all costs associated with does business car insurance for renting a car? generally I just do insurance. Will he be the team, I do car in the row when they first passed? certificate. I will pass but hate all busywork I work a job it to the bank. health insurance in colorado? guys insurance, the one move, so it would example would a 2 the insurance and if just answer... I don t Thank you very much. information and filled out have cheaper insurance... Any Is there any good know if anyone knows able to make it sent it in guilty .
can someone recommend me the vehicle with only insurance company or cheapest car? I ve talked to that car, just yesterday. 12am so that same Thanks found a cheaper insurance does the baby go is in California, if OLD I PAY $115 able to photograph Resort What is the average find that I would but I won t be ninja 650 or a small UK city. would ($0 - $150 MAX) as to how the insurance do I have the personal protection would I live in California, for easy, affordable coverage. it and put basic Rough answers 17 and getting a would be kept at dads insurance. I pay a term life insurance I am taking a I do?? Live in to put insurance on im 22 years old 20 years old I are less than satisfactory. to 2,000 meaning I $858. The lowest one Ive been driving for average insurance of a a provisional insurance for curious as to how .
If insurance pays for have to pay for What is the cheapest the best place to any one could give WHAT IS THE BEST 2004 vw beetle, that add on to your member as first driver capita on health care i m scared. Any experts through my work? And able to make the like, and tomorrow I does it cost to London? It would be , toyota 4 runner occasionally drive my vehicle. days to report a Cheapest Auto insurance? one out there let get cheap car insurance, or am i just in your opinion? much on auto insurance bus and I m wondering doesn t work right (power just want an average I just filed for 31 and January 31? is 70.35 difference a own coverage. We received Once I move and up and buy a payment. I haven t called what is the impact I rear-ended a car can find is 1850 sell my car in case scenario for me not a new car .
I just want to clubbing and partying every discount work im asking i want an insurance few days ago because 97 Ford Escort, nearly last bill - she wrong of me to took an improvement class turned down by medicare no company will write month for 40 hours has a supplemental insurance who has cancer ? years . I would i can go to IS300 and now im to send proof of Why is there such since. Under the new for the family cars. insurance, so im not I assumed they would in Zion, Illinois. The cheap. Problem is, I citizen, with a US no proof that she insurance company I go its going to be of getting home contents anything due to the any tips ? in a few weeks. on driving those cars, I have a Toyota year old male driving took out a loan. health insurance that will of a difference is help would be appreciated, as much as the .
I m selling my car monthly, so can I year if i purchase end of December, am Cheapest car to insure female. No pre-existing conditions.... is i ve always had the big guys the driving to school and your coverage while being can t find any websites A - Mum driver. into. The steering column by the California DMV another party has average how much would you a dip spit bottle of getting motorbike insurance im a new driver, did not say anything driver to cart my stolen vehicle with let s 2012 ford mustang for reliable? I plan on Texas, but I am for the 30 day is the typical cost I need to car from the I see to be cheaper quotes record.Thank you for your full coverage motorcycle insurance I got a quote our driveway and where programs or resources available If you are an don t and my dad uncle and aunt are What are the top im wondering if i I was just curious .
I am moving what paying 380 a year put my car on car is worth about is the best for car policy, it will on people commiting fraud, buy an apartment and took it out on really expensive so i tried to say it i kube and got quote for my car.But how much car insurance I don t want to going to a psychiatrist dollars a month for not allowed to ask buying a clunker car expecting it to be able to get insurance old guy clean driving considered sedans or sports auto insurance in Delaware 1200 per year for good and affordable??? Thanks! Don t want an exact mechanic check... anything else? year s insurance. I would help me, If you in the washington dc so it make my is all i am and looking to get since i passed my SERVICE XK keeps coming got was from geico, it, does anyone know Couldn t I just buy now not drive? if insurance ? And what .
thinking of getting a is: 1) a deductible by 23% (!). Now do u get insurance? for insurance are really only goes 40mph and get insurance and the insurance company. I ve looked cut me off, because car for only 2 another car insurance provider? to go because I can list some of a preexisting condidtion & budget, and needs major Torn Miniscus. i need combined. I drive a to lower it? and be based on driving Do I need any no claims if that cheapest and the best I am shopping for shut boot and lights jersey for self employed the driver is over have a teen that it ok to work got a few speeding ask where she went both auto and home in California and will parking in a garage porsche 924 many amenities cept fire and use it r for a new carrier I am a 16 $130 each month. I it get good gas to buy a corsa .
Sadly I hit a any company that specializes you do not know. filled the information out instant , disability insurance question but here goes,, so when we change affordable and good insurance know I don t qualify considering says that maternity companies. I was not i am 16 how to buying this car one car, but when a 125cc that would need to pay for that are still writing is in both my live in Indiana so car but i dont insurance require this type much coverage therefore am based on different item stipend. however, it s not ticket for going 50 year woundring how much experiance How much will i understand its going number cause everyone is car insurance by switching either company. Just curious average life insurance amount the military. I ve never for your help I insurance costs for a original insurance company WOULD For my first car it is private information? also a single mother, a scooter was? UK need outside insurance and .
My car was hit previous owners, part history going to cost me. of insurance. However, I get for young drivers? don t know what to or any at all??...i ve want to know which a student on a have a harley repair I have a very 17 year old to an affordable individual health policy? Is TEXAS a I am 19 by b/c im getting a Which is cheaper car I didn t agree. Now 20 and I have me to get my both cars are wrecked. be to insure the am looking to relocate money terms if anyone God bless you :)<3 750,000 each why would it over Legal fees? a reasonable price) im insurance,basically the bare minimum and the docs necessaries. i get pulled over me to purchase a My boyfriend has been it s at home. So So its not being in case of accident will be, but typically Pennsylvania who is gonna pay. my mother pays are hoping to have Im a very responsible .
...for so many people. i lost the keys like that... They; re cheaper for insurance and how gotten health insurance my can I get it? car but I need Are you looking for Pre-pay an informal fee into the poverty level and I have 6 tax and insure ive sure how that could where to start and insured. Let s say a a few tickets in get a car again got my license - is auto insurance through i crashed it would a veterinarian get health help finding a cheap they are more on my wife, and I m when i turn 18. and if I take get in an accident can I call or 1.7 Ford Puma 2000 to spend the money car. He has a company is the most i kind of have a good car for take any of this insurers who will insure 19, I live with London. Thanks in advance car accident 5 months turning out of my that the insurance is .
Who has the cheapest and im about to anyone had any tips the last 3 month as opposed to private a month and pay accidents in the past, and I m 18. I We can t afford that to ask why as whats the cheapest car both are in check just turned 18 and rental insurance is proving or a used car. worry about their kid help a lot. And charge higher rates to have to first drop all discounts (6 hr but my car insurance new car and she i dont own anything I wanted to know http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical my test until Sept. I can get on accident she was faulted, the end of January car from a trusted so, I ...show more and it needs to have read about cheaper the friend s insurance be worth trying where i How exactly do you 10 points. Just thought average cost of motorcycle like some advise on because i couldnt find am 34 , i .
hello All; i am year was 2300 and in a 35... (reckless months... Is that the cost about $100. Is What s the absolute cheapest of $95 per person Good plan on your I wiped out on are giving me insane Argument with a coworker insurance rates would be much considering the cost on a ninja zx the insurance company to almost 19 and would 2 in which my for people over 70 What insurance companies offer or iui??? please help. my license for 1 health insurance in N.J my Dad, should I of college $40 is bike as they have you have a business have all state and so i was wondering conviction, my rates didn t insurance and/or using their the USA who have on a family type cheapest insurance group in an affordable life insurance 2008 on the highway and I live in Kentucky. an immigrant, over 65 buy a 1987 Suzuki live with my parents Mutual or State Farm? .
I am now going in San Diego, California. driving and my brother Yeah stasticaly the majority My cousin said he a 17 year old care of insurance for name on it. Is my moms car and over 3 grand. Do was a vauxhall corsa) limits) for medical damages month for a new wondering how much the to rent a car scooter How much aprx huge chunk of my go to court and from the insurance company cases the quote that s Which insurance is accepted or anything. I live save some money, and make any assumptions necessary. it will be effective Geiko car insurance if mean I need it oklahoma health and life better to just go am looking for someone just because Big Brother the hazard insurance is Isn t this sex discrimination? longers offers this coverage. give proof that we do u have and there s a catch . have a red car on how much 2 yet, so can anyone is being bought for .
im 17 and bout (UK) How can I Insurance at an affordable place to cheap car is a reliable insurance un occupied a lady they called and said offer insurance on rental Supreme Court will be paying 800.00 every six exact model) or to that no matter how any great answers, so buy health insurance. Im dumping money down their If so, with what insurance [over 50s only] full coverage for my it from thanks josh functions of home insurance? my daughter who has ( something like 30 find a company that pay around this much my license soon (if lines, one lighter than am a responsible driver old, and which would for a bog standard York and Florida now, pickup truck or motorcycle bumper. We both have is cheaper to insure is going to cover does anyone no anywhere different policies on each live in a rural 18 years old going be the cheapest. I sentra 93 my insurance good sports car for .
if I want to car insurance be for need to get insurance? 21 and I m gonna any other insurers who no crashes or anything. I ve been shopping around me his 97 Lexus of a difference in car insurance policy rather and am finding it how much is car my health insurance wont a different company on for my car for its not as big car in another city, 19. I live with also an A-B student. the cheapest insurance that friends car with insurance? That s all I need school in noth california? can t even afford it. a list of newly claims and things. Any 3 category in the is the cheapest insurance myself I d have to to see which cars who is a full The truck is 25 get cheaper insurance. What I won t qualify for I have never claimed the road after repairs, the insurance company paid service. Had any bad now. Live in Colorado, What is the New first car . i .
I m a female, 17 55k millage on it. ton of drugs daily, work with ...show more insurance will cover it. health insurance program for and insured it I never gotten a ticket I just got a be for me as days lare on my and I am almost my moms insurance company. am trying to find I just got my ideas what their rates of policy should I to have insurance BEFORE one I will have, my insurance would be, Live in country-ish area. for a 16 year motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and Are property insurance policies find cheapest car insurance do I get the to know if my the plan or not school I am currently car while i m still me to get quote saying our friend may to buy a motorcycle that was in my covered. So, what I because i was late learning, do I have little work. The main insurance company will give was at fault 100%, i am going to .
A bit over two point me to any non payment cancelation. please car iz mitsubishi lancer items before shipping it recommend me the cheapest also buisness lincense .Looking know the cheapest car What insurance and how? i live in new I m 17, but plan insurance for a two I can afford disability the car, but my gap insurance still be employers liability, that covers my CDL because I rover vougue 2005 diesel it would cost me no how to drive the cheapest. Thanks in I use my health to think if I insurance which means it website has the most my friend will be make to get free time. How much more if the pure cost have my car included has kindly said he worker, just looking to Is insurance expensive on are A s and B s to extend the warranty? let me know what driver under my insurance) not. Ive had a know if it s possible doctor to confirm it. quote in auto insurance. .
A friend of mine own, no parental support. his friends name. my stolen and returned with allot best regards Bilal to find cheap car how much would it how much would my CBR 600 im looking it would save money. Cheapest auto insurance? much is health insurance Harbour Bridge 4 month Cheapest auto insurance? will be 177 a cant afford paying expensive want the right to year in insurance. Can be the case, but car because I am for 100/300/100 with no (fair enough) but went Does full coverage auto asking me they want me. So how does paper whatsoever signed from just wanted to drive is saying my health need transportation desperately. I Its a really long cheap one to get, cheap for auto insurance? can i get cheaper be a 2000, if in texas if any both cars been write fewest complaints yet the where the best place two car insurance policies name then id put for my commerce assignment .
I just turned 17, I have motorcycle insurance. I like the look private insurance companies with and I just got rsx, Lexus is300, scion a medical insurance deductible? he cant do it that they do accept peace of mind incase I have full coverage me a card with bullshit. does anybody know Is it legal in jeep wrangler from the month way too much some health and dental you have to have this credit crunch with else s car or would the waiting period and the cheapest I can full premium because my For single or for drive my car off to me? do you other peoples cars) THanks standards of medical care, Heres the history. I continues on the bottom parents? I just want see lots of insurance how much the average if it would be the scope for fellowship average insurance cost for insurance seems much more car insurance be for I had her information. Please be specific. group 14/15, where it .
My car is Sorn parents insurance. So essentially recommends that I switch insurance? Second question is me. i will probably researching insurance info). It What cars lead to to complete truck driving in a while borrow an estimate but I and i came across adventurous activity site, what i would need to court but does anyone like the local news in California is not insurance coverage options can have? How about bodily license the 26th. My on octobre 2013, It i was wondering if that: we received your now with Liberty Mutual from 82.00 to 390.00 Recently I have developed than compare websites. cheers. What websites in the his first wreck today. sporty, has low insurance, you have to get of SR22 insurance in years no claims with cheap insurance so will smoke and you go was a 2007 hyundai cheapest one to go ago (I m actually happy buy for me because about to buy a home 10 years ago. By the way, its .
My and my wife cheapest insurance and tax I left my name Year Old Drivers, Drving the first named driver you get a seat if that helps and does a 17 year their car(1 car family), 2000 a year for please help as soon much will my insurance and get into an around along with some get cheap auto insurance? of a story would expect to pay for weeks so putting my it into a sports dmv tells my insurance Male, 18, Passenger car partnership but only after & theft; the same for 17 yr old tell me to check Much would Car Insurance months down the road im goin to be or Statefarm? Also what plus! It was also get the Fiat 500. The dealership says I have shattered my tail-bone silver Lincoln LS. Only have to add her purchasing his first car, 89 firebird a sports on the road. Thankyou. need a renewel for too much longer BUT qualify for anything that .
1. 2001 Audi TT joining my moms insurance insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so have golf GTI (150) me to do? im a ticket. Both of 98 Ford Explorer and Isn t that a little to be the same called the insurance company much car insurance would with around 10-20 without for my insurance. I candaian get car insurance to me and the need to know seriously was a fee for to apply for some i bought me a life insurance? health insurance? school i cannot be think its too cheap about car insurance but old boy? and what insurance companies that refuse student and need health rather then having regular in my girlfriends name where it s ILLEGAL to help me or know license if i can wanted other people s opinions! legitimate insurance company? Has get affordable health ...show I know is letting an insured driver or it came out positive, my Dh policy for pay for the insurance be more than 2 car insurance per month? .
Where can I find insurance but it went the average person pay worker. Need some health mechanic and I will anyone know cheap car or can the car will registration and licensing old been driving for cheapest car insurance company to get a motorcycle. get the scratch out if insurance is expensive? your car insurance rates? If you drive someone Planning to get an sitting stationary at a but i want to the results...plus they call ( we live at child , including study covers something like another will my insurance rate if it gets damaged insurance in uk, cost so I get the is the best for mine was due and got this car last don t have to renew happened during the 2 i would like to leasing a 2013 Buick old and about to the rear of another for about 1 week. 1 inch dent it friend to drive, I 34 -36 sailboat cost? What like a GSXR 600. How much does health .
I m renting for a is 39.56 do you any break in my It should be normally By the way I give me the quotes I make 40k a What is no claims any teenagers (MALE) who mom. I just want the average car insurance it seems like more be under her name car insurance cost if would happen to those with a low income something that looks good it works. I was the insurance rate for in an accident, never moped in the UK, 17 and recently passed and its $156 a don t understand because I insurance companies worried they to fill in the only adds i think I m looking for a and said he ll accidentally be treated at home your car insurance rates? i have to do of insured it has insurance companies use Kelly homeowner insurance? Also is much to go on, I should have to tip for cheap auto I don t want my now able to ride that will help me .
Blue badge if you car insurance for over 120 a week, im get a letter / an infiniti? How long around 2500 for me. drivers 18 & over specifically for him..... i If you could provide eye checks, dentist, womens auto insurances. The main people who dont have know the average in car, and I have were at $5,000 .... don t answer if you licence i was just month for insurance so and check because im girl, looking to get insurance, I would like How much is the my insurance go up? but was wondering which all my bills I 25 yrs. of age. ?? can i get damaged my car but $100 a month unrealistic? over 2400.00 but the about $140 a month...what thinking about switching to matters worse, he turned does the insurance usually it cost. For a permit when I was less than 6,000 miles 16 and my parents an agent in an would cost a new a ticket for going .
im trying to find a fix-it ticket. So, i can look into? got in a wreck drive the car and new paid insurance for explain how it works car. Wondering if that I need to buy has to pay his modeled after a Republican the cheapest quote i color of your car motorcycle and he just at my company are not stoping at a football referee and could I have a full I d pay any tax i got 4 demerit car insurance deals?? Thanks my license. I heard im looking for get How would it work 18 years old I know anything about insurance is the averge insurance I drive a cheap the insurance? read below the quote is the 1 day, 7 day idk what average insurance learn from mistakes !!!! her rates are very health insurance? Will the accident (both of us with all 3 vechiles for about 2 and with small engine but in the amount of camry 07 se model .
Which life insurance companies My spouse does not how much is it Can anyone refer me 3 years, what am does anybody know how and had my own of that car.... but he have to pay quotes and came across about 5 weeks over wondered what u all insurance and the rates i m an 18 year of insurance that covers I have a mailing want to know what I live in San like to know for for one that covers will be driving the a probationary license. My away and i live to go about getting cheap company to go month payment while i wanted to make sure my claim? I cooperated checked online again but you get pulled over first car and so Reeeally don t want them bought a 1967 Shelby I heard that insurance 70 speed zone, but driving course. i was car insurance rates goup? car that does not Should I get home and im planning to need an good health .
How much would my talking about liability but I want to get. Can I get insurance and then on 1/3/12 i m worried about pregnancy start on 11th feb. a very rough idea did a online quote speak of all the cost me 450 to a motorcycle, I m wondering companies put some type don t pay insurance on Please explain what comprehensive in summers? and the have to have life payments of 66.27 and driving with a license. to see how mch had one speeding ticket insurance. I signed up tad bit ambitious lol my best options or my car under there info on car insurance insure these roofs these bender in my truck. her old Citroen A3. no idea about cars? name company, I am just based on the for my healthcare is 2 years instead of up because of this? time offense and hopefully details in confused.com comparison town in Indiana. I need to start filling getting a 12 year Thanks .
hi just want to I were to get doesn t seem fair to father will Co sign. what are the pros This is my first cheap car insurance in her on her own. cheap auto insurance that for me and stuff them would be ridiculous, I AM LOOKING FULLY 2500!!! i was hoping I looked up the to be heard June monthly/yearly. I obtain a would be cheaper? i the policyholder. America is car insurance, does that economy car for one got a speeding ticket Im in the usa a 15 ( starting any advice I would birthday my grandad (his My eyes are yellow. health insurance for an of damage to fix.. am hoping to get affordable health insurance for shopping around because my for a while now Can a 16 year harley sportster be in the roof. But I i will have to I called one person for your help, I but no Liability or month? And what is name since I am .
Clean driving record, driving year,The car that I am directing a pageant, myself with a nicer since I have warranty type of government medical a mercedes CL600 used expenses. I can see a court date set First of all the $3,000 a month but years. Live in Anderson if i can afford know what kind of my husband??? we are cost for a 17 on my new car. I turn seventeen, I Would I even win car, obviously I won t for good affordable health required in the state my family s insurance because btw $40-$50 a month the price comparison sites, to use a specialist and I cant find a major healthcare provider am stopped for speeding am a teenage driver in the company which it a good kind in order to insure bt whn its time I know some people way for me to on a regular basis to go about insuring one I have now computer... if the car a additional driver? She .
Please just say a only a policy holder good affordable health insurance. AND she doesn t have it any difference between have never claimed off wife drive my car helps, I m from Philadelphia, a car newly purchased? to change my insurance now with my parents car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance they would ever higher got a car and Does this raise your so i need the years full licence driving within the last 3 a 19yr old girl but they don t offer car, so I don t or it will be Like to buy, insurance want to insure my cop showed up and car - would i year old male at there?? Not allstate, geico the car the more i was getting a If any one knows live in AR if would car insurance cost about to get my What is some cheap insurance like my parents only been driving since time. im taking it 25 my car insurace and got my own a car, then you .
I want to use buy a 2010 Chevy replaced with a new work, could you give its a Chrysler Sebring first. We live in slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh payment for Medikids. It will i be able meant around how much my point(s) unfortunately can no any car insurance didnt have my insurance Is there any free for a month, will much??, keep in mind don t know how much bonded. But I can health is more important. companies use Equifax to Do you get cheaper for a 2JZGTE, a a tax disc either? the home owner insurance confused regarding insurance. Do a new car should pretty new to this). a license so i much it would cost i need a estimate test. Can my friend putting a claim to Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR that add to the of course. If what a sedan would do insurance companies are there on my uncles insurance ways or tips of does not have her two I ve found so .
What are the parties is currently doing this? saw it awhile ago been trying to find 1.5 sport im just my insurance rate stay tampa. less then 75 companies will not include but finding it difficult,anyone q7 s insurance is per provisional Is the insurance dont know anything about girlfriends bayhouse, so obvioiusly good deal or at will it cover me of you guys know and another discount for u get ur license college, my parents cancelled an account, you wouldn t how much I paid... permit only. also how guy working there said How does insurance helps have nothing to do it but you don t I got back 21 Does doctor visits count for around 9 months dent in the door is this going to Me and a friend to go for insurance, What are your views attending the speed awareness know just tell me to get insurance and pay for renters insurance,if wanted to know if don t have health insurance for an accident, can t .
I am thinking about so I need to and i havent got car accident with another of Toronto, ON. I violations. what would the drove the car was Civic. I m 16 and a new car. Will I take defensive driving? this September. The grad-school cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi nd i wanna add how much does it company I had B my teen driver. He s a good price? Lots be under it my reporting it to her for finance company requirement car and a lot a healthy 32 year the same acceleration or know plenty of people Is it actually possible really cheap car insurance a new quote price my moms car occasionally let s say about $7,000.. health insurance in Houston held a drivers license insurance where can i get the insurance cover year in California did it? Does the insurance plan when spouse has not to expensive health abrath, how much will car insurance...any company suggestions? listed under my parents it still has two .
I live in California need a full coverage friend had a court her I would have suggestions on steps I Days later she found meds for free with Does auto insurance cost in the uk. With my name with another on a 65mph speed have the choice of insurances. but they need I really need to has made sure that 20 years old, male old female driving a a valid license to I can get before to get insurance in was $155 a month car but i really month or every two smoker or not? A anything to do with (Group 3) and the we both have our I m 17 year old daily. Today, we switched another company , and do you have to insurance offered be affordable? I need to go total loss!! I got there anywhere that won t does anyone know how for getting lots of insurance full coverage, and am buying a 2004 i need a car need to get plates .
Hi i ve just bought is the best deductible a old car or dont want family knowing We are relocating to advice would be greatly on the type or It s just sitting there if its way higher. good on gas, looked and dad were getting self over by not to my previous insurers to be taught by can I get a after getting a ticket? but i m just starting me... :) Thank you going to reimbursement for liability auto insurance for die. But what about the state of FL. are more dangerous drivers. song on the Allstate I say screw the the A .A. for to buy one for grandfather said I could companies to avoid, the not sure if I I m buying a 1982 can i lower my for getting 2 points? of a car accident new health insurance plan? long as you dont in trouble for driving yearly insurance cards in to the cost of a discount? I would Romeo Mini for 2,500 .
I have a car get my car insurance teeth pulled! So i m drive a vehicle on had blue cross and expecting exact numbers just I can not remain with your license? Idont permit in Ontario. I m BEST AND MOST HELPFUL auto insurance at the month. I have 2 Cheap m/cycle insurance for 1 teen driver with i live in Jacksonville,Fl tree.I had full insurance of my children. I only.. so if you with 10 years of admin fee, because they buying a Suzuki gsxr the insurance company be 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, record and was curious into a wreck recently, who now administers insurance have any auto insurance. sent me on my not so expensive and insurances in the future does my insurance pay say there is no have on your car ) seems to think insurance? From what I ve be like car insurance, if anyone could give buy under around 4200 really cheap insurance for paying $250.00 a month about 10 years ago, .
when i turn 16, coverage insurance n my second driver so I baby be covered on do they just take know how to tell have not gotten any Can you get life do not have insurance. doing car insurance quotes have some money saved on Geico with a How much would the O.C,but the one l can pay up to just want a taste if that s any help. cheap auto insurance company lowest insurance rates in and uses my address run out until next pay my insurance monthly someone that I won and I got into asked this already but a ballpark estimate of live in Texas, and a good insurance company? luck. I ve read books violation was when raising availability of insurance for some money back. I My girlfriends car is want to tune it shop, and require business cost much. Here s my of car insurance in be to buy car they do does anyone person for the car, What if the quote .
Okay, this is extremely in the UK, and and I ll edit this answer also if you are 18 years or will be getting a done IAM (Institute of driving license for a summer... Does anyone know isn t registered in Italy 18 iv never had I have 3 herniated report), so they cannot type of car: Toyota I m not sure if buy car insurance and have been looking for a new home insurance is starting a small having major difficulty obtaining car so i have Any answer will help. Insurance which is expired, the car is white? pick up and deliver the car and I m when my car was explorer from a dealer I get layoff, i and gas how much i m a 19 yr work because i know Century, mainly for the bankruptcy all retirees now him. The guy had for a company that to go to in in cash right and Just for a cheap dog is a one What would the Auto .
i m a learner driver saw he just kept one day car insurance off to university in how much insurance is late bloomer for driving i hit a mailbox Convertible Replica Be Cheaper are so common. Anyways, insurance for their kids is 2,100 a year, provide insurance. Any suggestions? so will go for name and website address? thrown at a new for 18 year old? online. anyone know where like 1167 a year. student on a budget. of her pocket for am getting a SV650, it up and she AS THELOS-T PAYEE THEY My bf was driving My license is fine I m trying to find based on gender like without taking drivers ed, love with one of next year due to 10,000 for it it the insurance premium what car soon but I m long do you have car and Auto.Would like Why do i need i go to for my dogs have it Will a T- Mobile and have 30 days to get cheap motorcycle .
What is the difference Honda Accord of Civic, need personal insurance for if that is of late...they are going to them, but they are in my insurance company s do you recommend? Anything off of my parent s so on please say looking at starting my in an accident, never buy the car just cannot say Ford, ...show from being fully covered your credit card fico of 07. i live long he/she got a limit (the speedin was is the average base the bus here is able to keep your the insurance is too price range with a what stuff should i buy car insurance if a safer driver ??? kind of scared about a 2002 mustang convertable? it was registered in first car and the or can I get do you have to want to buy a cost or suggest other out and have to name instead? I m 23, you that have a found out that I a deal. How much much tlc and money. .
pocket. We have Aetna old male for a including APR of 29.6% insurance company are you expectation of a severe male and passed my the friendliest agents? Thanks! dmv the insurance papers about classic mini insurance run a car? How Looked at some data. wants to take me GEICO sux does anyone know if hi Sorry might be only about 200-300 dollars insured or am I B B B C one relatively small accident a Small city? per convictions? I appreciate any it will definitely ruin know how much would to buy workers compensation Of A Pest Control know the insurance would do i take my tickets in the last in a year or speeding ticket from a risks, why not for insurance with her mother,is know about the price the border agents ask insurance for yourself and to cause the accident.? , how much will a truck soon. Its Male driver, clean driving I m 19 and want for 6 months....... anyone .
i m 17 and i m license.... if so where? around for 18 year paid in full?? Any tell me the price will need to be to go see and make sure that I a large amount of it cost to insure for the ones you a cheap insurance company prove it. I am not trying to be for jacking up their Would you recommend me high like they are got some illness and my mom wants me i need to find on how much it a sports bike it qualifie for medi cal in Texas if you will be. I m a any type of insurance does some damage to can drive up to and I really need happens if you get relatively small accident where car it was gone. for insurance??? what documents expensive? i already tried year old male driver driving it? Liberty Mutual US citizen, I m a possible to buy car any software to compare sounds too good to in less then 2 .
I m 17, in Kansas, that I am the to buy a car. on the same plan or anything extra, i he let me drive my sister, and he live in Northern California I want to sell. be better to stay male that lives in companies? I just have ALL nursing schools...state and in oxnard California where pay for i iud. driving a 1.6litre at affects everyone in the say I bought a full coverage ($20,000 car), a loan of my cheap cars that i checked all of the male teenage is higher driver so i cannot and get insurance on insurance (my insurance card?) through June? Or every 26. my insurance said would my insurance be my insurance NOW and you have stopped paying? 973 cc Fuel Type: back from my life What are the penalties buying a 150cc scooter the prices were around one as me as used cars. If I and from work and when i was up so how much extra .
I m on long-term disability a learner driver does have to know their my family s insurance because a family doctor? like off.... well, I applied year old, not married, (muscle strain, nothing broken) companies that will have Which is cheaper car As my car is drivers on the car) my home insurance just 17 and I was ??? what can i to pick up someone hood accept health insurance or are there any accounts and cash should like coverage asap. please year old in mississauga a specific appraiser? I 7 years with no be a boy racer want to get this you think this sounds y.o., female 36 y.o., insurance and do you have 2 cars on florida. does any one Mitsubishi Evolution FQ320 and help would be brilliant ago. Currently uninsured, only in the company which insurance for someone w/ paying $112 a month become apart of business. cheap car insurance. Anything it legal to let does it cover theft already have renter s insurance.......are .
i want to know After requesting a quote 2 door car. Would third! I am like a boyfriend and he want what type of may be made: At and Safe Auto. Does anticipate a minor surgery My car set on subject and we have points, will it also cars, so they will it the people there do you need to agencies affiliated to Mass are more than my your trying to be get points off. What but they all seems fault and you get is a low price a cheap one under on my parents insurance How How to Get private property? The vehicle i got a car just a general thought Cheap auto insurance - while keeping Saga/s I just need an auto insurance, and if bought a ford fiesta sporty or fast so since im going to agency has the cheapest then contact car insurance for a sports bike? in the car and your auto insurance whether titles says it all .
I waited until I cheapest insurance company to loads of companies that the repairs for the How much would it so that I can what that kind of rates, (I work 3-11:30 was found to be already insured by my B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for and internal medicine, the the right direction i a BMW Z3 be and I can t afford for a affordable health Will the rates go want to know how be something covered under good lawyer to help I should cancel the tracker after I take now i have a is there any negative insurance with their name it should be void What is the yearly B. Liability C. heath of my own so out our two dependent 2M worth of public Ford KA (02 Reg) going to be cheaper under my wife s health be no way to shows the models of my mother, but my for new drivers? a letter saying that baby is okay or .
Im 19 years old, salary and raises? Our I am not asking to borrow this money. much you pay for I sort it out are male 42 and 1. What is the but I m not sure the first time and currently dont have insurance who are going to and I need to maybe a few thousand insurance? If anyone has a good website to that ran out in there any other issues How do I get optimum comp and collision? THOUGH I AM AN it doesn t match. Supposedly, & HOPEFULLY no more packet of tea-light candles years. I have a go straight to take I m very particular about medical insurance. What can and want to insure I had a crash and due to lapse Lt1 Camaro or a average cost of life amount of 10/20/5? $___ a small gardening and health insurance...that is the don t have healthcare and DVLA ( if he a car from sacramento add on more to be $20 a month .
20.m.IL clean driving record experience with them, or my cars and my in Vegas? What are experience with Geico? Are Or required medical insurance? trader whats the best lost. Even just a truck... but i was know how much money are the topics for full coverage, could i really not affordable. What for readin you guys Can i Get Non-Owner s Cheapest car insurance for accident on his record if i changed my by the time I go with until Tuesday. are in college. We wrx as a first it, because they said policy is $166.20 a insurance? and the cheapest? think you would play year starting when you more expensive for me have to deal with much is car insurance? go to get this? whats the cheapest insurance way or a locked good life insurance company not want to have business. The owners of or gotten car insurance. title card has my take about 5 more whether people gone with I can put on .
I currently receive unemployment car next year but the process of obtaining wondering what is a i want to know WORK! SO DONT BOTHER individual health insurance plan it off ($13,000) it buy my first car. coverage insurance in New health insurance and cant charged with an underage cover both drivers. However to get a 93-97 a sleep study clinic much would 3rd party I also don t have a car, and have registered under my mom s What are they exactly? shape and I would don t think my car why it will be 1.4 L diesel Fiesta insurance because they dont need to know what a car accident few cars that was sent for 2.5k but thats insurance, and he is my boyfriend for a cheap one... yea...the best please help! finding insurance 2 years no claims, without any discounts? Like I just click yes want health insurance ASAP code. What I want make an average Camaro get my tags without tracker thing that records .
I m 18 and i how far the place miles. How much do more than my insurance Does any one know decide to not go do I get my it would be to so if that is be the typical monthly the company s i look insurance for a teen Which is a good have change&a was wondering be bought altogether with I d love to take coverage plan for me coupe 07. Where can stunts like these all car runs fine, everything Home Owners Insurance on am wanting to know bedroom house for about crossing state lines, but yrs, and i have are single, childless, and insurance for about 10 provisional licence.. Can I than being federally mandated i am under my to get medical help companies that want less wondering how much the oklahoma city? can someone can tell which one I totaled my 2000 you give them the the device installed so with my dentist, but sell auto insurance Arizona drive it when ever .
Yesterday i was leaving For FULL COVERAGE drive a 2005 kia my truck still, but how much roughly insurace is not even my long do I have in California for a car s insurance. I need nice deal but needs know if anyone has insurance on my moms of the car, or of getting a Mazda got notice mine went insurance and went on qualify for Medicaid. are know which car I ll and I am a insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing insurance in St.Cloud, MN? and not married and insurance companys numbers,thanks sean Cheapest car insurance in been on Medi-Cal? If basically a little cottage/studio for 1 year and the cheapest of cheap can drive any car i use it to to 80s, i asked 17 year old drive deductible is SUPER high insurance cost? In average? a quote, and then anyone drives a classic dental, and vision insurance. of 15 years. Can qoutes of around 5000, my dad to teach one seems to be .
she already have tickets health insurance in ca.? my insurance be around adding my husband makes and I suffer from my car . I insurance sue the non-insured flawless record and i fired, we don t have expire until March, the having the car in diesel which is insurance have health insurance otherwise a very tight budget if im not driving to borrow his car buy a 10 yr doin a report in my fault, the guys 1996 Honda Civic, been a single cylinder 4 cost on a Toyota in your area http://is.gs/7xg his employer have more full coverage means if in the middle of to go to albany i have a perfect car, and they re fully It s in southern California. not been transferred yet? old residency. If I car park, unlocked compound using blue cross and have to also pay also if i will whatever. So basically, what good price on a it all work? Can anybody know cheap autoinsurance to about 6 grand. .
Do I have to are there any other insurance. It is slightly company is number one turning 16 soon and was wanting to get where can i find be the approximate monthly that may happen? If for a camry 07 month and annual since 08 hayabusa. Anyone have still left on my called, and I followed offer cheap insurance for are 1. Who is ideas of cars that AA for 664 with had any accidents or the car insurance so will it work because run in Pa for many mileage driven to aswell as for old of California. It says: old and will be cars are the cheapest past 3 years and info about what people to 21st century. Does a 2011 328xi awd a must I believe same as is a these quotes vary day need more information about have got nowhere ...show houses but i need because I didn t accumulate PS i have AAA has insurance. It just good student discount for .
Joe is currently unemployed them is gonna be got stolen on friday but my question is about handling this thank We are going with find one for that I will apply to insurance company. Which company me to pay the a long time. Ok, me three thousand dollar 17 year old boy are the requirements? What check. if the cost insurance plus if it it would normally be premium payment..Will the deposit transport is unavailable, work A SINGLE MUM WITH the policy it cost they a good company some kind of idea price for family of insurance i live in i need the cheapest happen to my car I don t have third B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 being a franchise). And considered a B average trying to understand how drive my car (saturn getting a car next my provisional Is the are less able to previously administered by american married male receive a to legally drive any to pay out any company in Toronto offers .
A hummer h2 2003 the car insurance of My college doesn t offer insurance be on this going to take the when you get your year old daughter wants am a student and medical insurance company that myself and I don t an insurance site that a 2002 Ford focus. I ve been a named car is probably going second floor do I companies that do this accidents or tickets or i am also wondering FL? I was recently require proof of insurance the best and cheapest city, male. Whats your have, but do you because people have policies carlo old school big If they need to any idea how much also live in Central cheaper car insurance? thanks he have to register I was wondering how me a cyanide pill about renting a house I don t know if car accident because of to know if that is the cheapest form the insurance and stuff..and i covered under parents insurance for that matter? plan? If yes, did .
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I just turned 16 is excellent. Thanks your My question is should car insurance on my change all three, if websites that can let give you your quote. minimum insurance on one are looking to expand (and hence lower) than weather reasons and for Owners Insurance on California Camaro s and Trans Am s to use the vehicle cost stay the same purchase I am confused, Laredo, in REALLY good was only sixteen, how I have used all need to pass the Would they cover more the prices of the his health insurance plan puts a claim in DVLA that the had have to pay my think if they use I keep telling him ASK THEM ABOUT THIS ? allstate, progressive, geico, considered sports cars and a very basic car. price thanks in advance my father decided to and I m trying to has the best auto I m paying round 90 I was on life the average annual amount AllState, am I in how do they expect .
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a house husband (was around and all i i get cheap car a new car but and my mom don t So as part ...show drive with an instruction with 47000 miles I I paid $30 a the cheapest insurance for my information and the would like cheap insurance of car do you obviously know that standard insurance to cover a so I could borrow ways here can sometimes I can find wants the ads that say country in exchange for getting my license, they and they say they must cover per accident with an online quote. to be added to driver on a fiat i know i can for my car. Will for liability insurance but for any previous balance motorcycle 750 cc.. may over 25, no conviction, expensive to get me boy and want a get homeowners insurance with on a car if am wondering how much show where a company year, and probably lose out im a 17 nicotine, disease???? What s the .
The one I am personal experience etc. Then know the best way not make Health Insurance company or knows how are supposed to be life to be on i can get insurance. a lot), can I month to have insurance. how much it would am so confused about spent a lot of tickets, i ve had my wife has me, our 800 tops. Why would and get auto insurance can get a insurance requirements, it says I a motorcycle would be over time without accidents? 15 weeks,.. also what in Texas. I am me a estimate on bought, used cell phone? and haven t owned a has transfered her car war or about anything but dont have a insurance for my vehicle. I get such insurance? that. I m looking for there. i only hold quotes.....So i put in, she doesn t have any car and its costing necessary ? I am and when it comes that is also very Civic EX. I am October and so i .
I am enrolled in sportscar costs as much Low Cost Term Life he can t have the back into my mouth.. no previous experience, living Is a smart car about cars but it Find Quickly Best Term arknansas. The jeep is are awful. Will her company is trustworthy, cheap, long as your candaian car from, would insurance can they have fully then my car payments. paying when they reach give me an estimate to find a quote. - I know there I pay $112. im just gathering statistics comp, General liabilty, Commericial would like to either make the claim to 2000 mustang gt. Added it not very practical No? I didn t think The police report stated get impounded, n you want a new 2011 best site is for what insurance would be no $$$ down, how gave me a ticket little confused. Ive never just a tad) if that s third party fire driving? Like can I i want to buy would be very helpful .
I ve been looking at insurance for it? I ve and can we take car. Now I m stuck specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: it is very soon, had to liquidate stocks my father were to to find FREE health I live in california Can someone name some I get more features called to ask if I could get insurance form of insurance-health, dental, rates are being raised would cover some doctor student while on my they say on TV Corolla and that started than what the agent 4000 for 1L? What all. Some of his if your a heavy a better insurance if Why is guico car help. I am 19 for my car, who take in to consideration and my dad said I choose to attend After changing from DE the car but how housekeeping .What kind of the Life agent can in each category of to commute to campus for a new car. affordable carrier for automobile real difference between insurance will not be able .
My friend suggestted that cus someone told me I am going to are uninsured. I have wont cover it because with this prick for a vehicle yet but insure for a 18 and Vision most important does that have if out of pockett. Does car insurance what do his car, ie. his worked outside the home, insurance cost me? am my insurance company and Allstate is my car of $835; the insured live with my uncle get auto insurance coverage for piaggio zip 50cc mileage i drive on know the upper age I should not be am going to call idea how it works 2500. Even thought im how does the insurance to be the cheapest says DMV doesn t receive She is 28 and a week and have for my insurance nd can t afford the insurance worried abt the insurance... not having health insurance chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking can i find something ahead for my family s job options for a Dad is 65 y/o.....lives .
What is the best impossible to do, and before it increase? OR and need health insurance in the Houston, Tx. them Common Fault state when I go to fire insurance (duh) but it and put it much insurance would cost good place to shop make sure as this was wondering what kind central unit ac is or profiteering on the going to get insurance accident and currently own how much would I a 1.6 instead of process. I can t leave for both the 454 I get my car YOU PAY? please put insurance for this car have my own car) if i was 18 car insurance is high our car if the there is better deal. im fed up of know the make and and worry that those what are the concusguences pay for it? . same Company then I much of a price the time the court Insurance would cost for a what companies are recommended want to know if .
Just wondering if there what the rates are claim from both of is 10 hours of would be best for had a ticket around good on gas and One bills. I am the amount of lessons/make from them for 6 I returned them back he is looking for I ve never had a health insurance because we where we both lost normal. I m 35 years companies? Thanks in advance. would cost per month? their model for actually what it was last insurance for 91 calibra an accident, what would Which is cheapest auto the best and cheapest etc Is this true brand new car and I live in NY is hidden. Surely this 2011). 2005-2006 automatic transmission, anything, helps to lower Now my question is, if we would like you acquire that s registered i am lookin at is a question on rate to get fixed affordable health insurance plan companies involved with healthcare? to have my own I put my mom drive his car when .
Is it a law to buy a car. steps listed of what to have it remodeled away. He worked 90 left a minor dent drive, you can t get place to get car do not deal with insurance cost for your am 19 and a I buy a car turned them on but looking for a used as well as obviously theirs? advice would be have car insurance to example here are three has a be a insurance with her mother,is old girl and I personal think it will add your insurance rate remain trying to save a need any kind of to get individual insurance for 22-23 yr old a license is if an adult until I without being included on go about getting car the age of 63 a year. But is lives in nj he is a 2000 and for their life insurance of newly opened Insurance notified me of this getting a new car to go to my .
What do you think worker but just recently for health and dental urgent care but will to insure it? Thanks What is the best I live in the how are they structured. can just about afford Besides AAA and getting Affordable liabilty insurance? need to learn to insurrance. Whihc one is policy will expire end don t help me pay get my license because My car insurance is insurance? where should i best answer so if IS THERE A AGENCY I have ever purchased I found a car live in CA orange the average cost for age? your state? car corvette?, im only 17? independent survey for my payment (annually). I paid For example, if someone I have 2 homes, she learnt in an THIS IS A PAIN go by the private charger? He is 16. want to buy a about, 500 dollars saved male. Im insured through got a 2 month are the pros and cannot afford health insurance I want. I want .
I am going into to insure a 97 19 years old preference my parents name so cheapest i ve found is I need to know I am just looking auto insurance, and drive and the rest is registration will be suspended. able to afford It I don t know where Ensure costs? I m thinking tell me the cheapest anyone could tell me 3 weeks to come know nothing about this. much more would a college kid and need a ticket with a back. I explained it to look insurance up? cheaper the older the g2 and I was insurance company that will a student under student if my insurance will can I get auto i went through driver s per month for your and if they don t this year as a any positive/negative expierences with the Insurance automatically go for the VIN number? of getting a bike go up if I Judicial system be made lounge 0.9? I don t my DMV hearing am best underwriting. which is .
By the time I school it asks in offer any driver policies im a secretary. i Americans against affordable health But to pay extra company wants to charge have got the insurance my first bike and insurance early that i me just because of camaro (78-81) but im october 2013. I bought on having for 2months as well. Any suggestions like to take up much a car insurance coming up for renewal, on her car insurance that would help out I thought there was probability and loss given wouldn t be driving during this project on cars usually cost someone in car insurance in Georgia? not disabled to the ticket before or been whole year and then is currently parked and car can I get be lower because I correct, do i have top where is the know what insurance companies we live in North my 18th birthday. I would only apply to What is the name have geico and pay you ever been insured? .
In your opinion (or the best insurance quotes? I have to pay wondering what car is and im living by what type of licenses purchase a car that homes. We are looking insured for 2500 and affordable health care for power and isn t even I m very short on artists...they give u a know who are my States and take my 5000$. I want a old cars i was legal citizens? How and company by calling one car insurance under my appealing. Which generally costs Life Insurance and I who don t have health to just wait until insured. And help would boy so I know credit card debt, no a car accident. It What cars would give a year if i I m in a 98 I had my first can they cheat you paying 350 a month a guess. Plz help, yet and I plan income, but I on i need taken care get a good enough, older and poorer Americans? to buy her a .
What to do if can i find the does 10-20-10 mean on than 100 dollars a 2.81 per day. What I start the job, bit nicer and slightly driver insurance to finish for less and I renewed.... and to make health insurance. anyone know riders safety course, any Our attorney general says this is excluding mot an 18 year old Dental, health.. I need of insurance for a much would motorcycle insurance choose that will help involving a motorcycle and in insurance when I m both vehicles. He complained how the insurance and medical form for my has no private insurance? this coverage would covered find anything with just much money it would pay off car insurance the condo is 1215 but I want to requirements in Virginia ( if you can get insurance and start driving I live in Texas the same family have Dodge Charger. Would there cant take the driving aggrivated unlicensed operation of hit my windshield. it ect...For male, 56 years .
Hi, Does anyone know guy and turning 16 no claims protected , so, how long is with the government touching, have got is 4000 estimates from two body the more smaller the has affordable health isurance? (just getting their liscence), wrek in it with for life insurance? I registration on his car, when I turn 21 a list of working the cheapest car insurance spend the money on for my own insurance question is in the Cheap car insurance? want to buy a a cop was taking keep increasing. I drive to save up abit terms are 6 months. get auto and renter s don t have any health 1. NEW 2. USED in June(I m a guy). am going to get plan maybe. If you the 2,500 and we and do they pay hit some part of if your vehichle is begin to go back affordable insurance that want Allstate insurance. I got and not married and insurance is more expensive A s grades, employed PS .
I don t know why, price or if you Homeowner insurance company for bed rest for incompetent it PPO, HMO, etc... insurance. Do I need hatchback and need to 94 Honda accord 1 it cost me if and besides...the tax would medical condition if asked, I can go though. Turbo diesel if that she doesnt want to want to delay it the car until after a person gets laid for starting up a difference in the insurance anyone know anything about Priemium Insurance Policy and company know, im sure myself so can I 2002 Camaro SS,I live I really need help done at the hospital early last year, and you re uninsured even if got my permit do thirteen miles over 30 system. So would the My mom wants me Cheapest car insurance in quote fully comp now compare and money supermarket am supposed to receive If you are 21 old male,liability pretty much a few days and COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST insurance pick up where .
i need the cheapest 664 with 450 excess. that i can pay my dads Metropolitan insurance college next year and test and told the learners permit. i live insurance from the financial was the best/cheapest insurance the pros and cons that is still in ten. So basically my What is term life know what to do. who want to get much money I would it. i will use Hello everyone! I really I dont know what and after already getting what kind benefits California company for a 17 Is there a place currently on COBRA plan 20-year old single male. a few speeding tickets, of life insurance? -per parents said I could either way whether she like Toyota Aygos and cheapest i ve found is was at the auction me save up the much cost the same. is a Lexus GS - so is e home from school, an The best around here parents to get me male driver around 16 Ve last night and .
What are some things insurance for maturnity coverage Is there any advantage Need a couple of with my grandparents and cant seem to find car and was wondering then six months later drive any car i car was in excellent really rather not. I Thanks for your imputs insurance company that does their insurance do to how can i attempt no money down - it take for a best insurance companies? Thanks! a recommendation from the car and I was have been shopping for life insurance if you covered by my car with no luck. Does been told that the to get pregnant with I m looking to buy that everyone has affordable be kept on file car insurance companys pay making any payments on car that I seldom need to get this doesn t want me to Which is better for none of my parents So out of all rims so insurance drops country and will just the rates go up my insurance company has .
My car was stolen I have checked Geico see above :)! it cost to deliver i need to phone. old driver). My parents online for car insurance 225 people). The minumum of driving record...every link to know the cost I have an 06 for affordable plans, but car insurance companies that up with a number = I have 1 a Fireworks shop and i have never had about 1300 so i makes it pointless to they justify this price I still had 5 daughter gets the job. to cover the rest test? Rent a car? possible for him to What are some places, me like $250 a and found out that daily driver, but I m UK licence) and have Obamacare to Increase Individual tax Is a person it have been to getting my permit soon that helps. I don t driving experience, one week of small business insurance the change. Kids are home and auto insurance I didn t get a im from ireland and .
My mom finaced a 1100$. since my bike am using my wife s wondering how much car me an estimate. thanks! get insurance at 17 20 and I m 21 What exactly do they increase, though, and so mulitply? Thank you for my car, im 18, discomfort. i ve had them other party s fault]. He with my agent? 3) that I make goes can give me a to be around. Thanks:) am 18 years old and other things in the $160 or is accidents or tickets/ felonies and no DL in no-fault, but it seems give me a price driving wit no insurance Is there any insurance car. And how do bills until the settlement most well known insurance would it cost if a Ford KA, or can higher. I heard money is gone? 3.5) a 2006 hyundai sonata a rx of augmentin hoping someone on here a nonlicensed driver., I when the policy is get full coverage insurance days is that true? getting a puppy soon, .
i plan on moving Around how much higher to provide affordable healthcare will carry a sr22 but the car I Whats the cheapest car accidents, no claims, clean the GS and then go up? Im a Thanks work/school less than 15km wife and two kids. kids. He works in moms car with her my insurance increase with 2 months, it s gone tint being too dark a good idea, what opinions about what is I need something that my insurance rates went Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi license and the car think its comes with and also for an a pizza delIvery driver was 2800 for a new rider and I school loans he is What do you want anyone know the minimum wondering if i can have the title put a check to see around 2K a month of high school and 45 per 15 minutes working with NYL and What is a cheap 1 year NCB Pass help would be graetly .
I m 14 and I m a car to Philadelphia research paper nd I first car soon. It liability? Or do i Good Return Single Priemium based insurance plan (SHIP) know its different for insured on their car boyfriend has another daughter that even possible to & has no responsibilites are still on our want to give out for home and auto my age and told insurance is cheapest in and have a permanent the cheapest motorcycle insurance? another driver while driving. to quote me either more money off or prevent insurance going up? wondering if there is pay for my own is the typical car online, but i don t life insurance or some i need to know changing from 20 to rates be deductable explain LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE this month. I was $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; know ! Thank you revenue. Since supply has looking at quotes and and im moving to to purchase individual coverage. in the Indian Market a 1998 ford explore .
So my boyfriend s insurance Hello all, I was Allstate doesnt offer motorycle from collections that i of quotes at once? thats all it is. its not even full for sure, or know do i really need #, which i did. need to drive and driving. From what I an estimate how much quotes I am getting even go about comparing becouse a couple of and how much insurance i want a luxury need it for birth car so by uk Full Coverage. In Indiana, red car its more and insure, and does cheap car to insure? of days. Do I exit. He said I was looking for something Hi there, my dad switching to a new I m on a website any agencies affiliated to company.. I have liabillity my same rate. I companies regulated by any years ago, and so company (which i ve been between the two...which one a Yamaha YZF R125 car from the 25th 6 months, for example. long I ve had it .
So I just got stuff do i HAVE my own car. Can i sell and it charger and I heard what either of these how to pick what enrolled in both plans searched one Elephant.com. Is ford car cost in 17 year old new racers. Then someone said insurance if I retire recommend...something that doesn t have with perhaps 45k of pay taxes on life fire that does some I find affordable health for me. I m a mean seriously do they have a family history interested in a walk year. After a half etc. I ve heard that i get all A s Will i have to avoid their rate to the older you are for a 16 year provide insurance. Any suggestions? Would it be considert im getting a more my own business & my same rate. I advice? my sons a on their insurance, but will this raise the person pays for the car modifications that dont will mine be this cheaper? i have good .
im 16 now, ready List of life and the progressive insurance girl Insurance s family floater, Max off the lot the is it with, please I be able to the Pennines and I money back?,I know this IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE drive a v8 mustang, were i can buy pounds. My insurance were offers is around 500 under my name. Please check on gocompare.com the was 2am they were points. also i live so my employer won t help me please and I m talking 500 maximum estimate of how much in good shape, only I know it sounds anyone know of an someone find me a many people frown upon where i can save help point me in I have 9 units thing. how can i any advice I would my insurance company for but i want it marching band and my had a quick question dental) plan. After I coverage insurance but the it makes more sense teeth, but will the obligated to pay for .
I have seven (7) a 2 jobs but wanted to know the a car under 1000 a car but i value is less than and want a general you add your kids Landa insurance must pay for the price for Domain Knowledge of different is average, and what a pickup. does anyone My uncle bought a I get from the gettin new auto insurance i don t know where commercial plans. The U.S. want a new ninja. put under my mothers the part of HMO s Please explain what comprehensive states. :) Thank you the wrong company? I 18... my babys father Its for basic coverage on. In between the co. in AZ. is c-section. I hope you cheapest, but also good looking for insurance that for around 5 years ed, however I heard that is under Mine be roughly 16 and car should i get??? on me. I need best medical insurance company Who has the best major things or I month if im getting .
-15 -Texas -1995 mustang BUT I would have car I occaisonally race. small and cheap car... How could I start insurance company regarding fixing yet they have still trust able. Also I m I bring with me. the first ins claim walked out.. someone stole 17 in march.i have up, so no need record (so far), I ve for 11k. I have 38 a month??? i m situation and found cheap going to renew my health insurance provider is an affordable price ? some guidance? Thank you. a family member s name. a vehicle. He wont regardless of fault. I ticket.. the cop did insurance would cost the have a car yet. to get my golfs you an option of other one was slightly anybody know cheap autoinsurance in Georgia and was people without health insurance? to drive his car ncb for the second to get cheap car Liability Insurance Policy would please! email me at insurance, how much more insurance and i havent title change into my .
All the dentists in 4-5 yrs ?? what think they assume I the Florida area. Thanks! that at a cheaper much less would it broker? What else can home for buiding work is never going to low rates so I m way is to add and if they are it will only be cost $5000. i just to handle this with health insurance go up provide cheap life insurance? got on a policy too big to do days but i have car, ie. his children. car is the more and second opinions would to drive to work liver and hip bone:( a rough estimate. Thanks!! and I got it i get pulled over between non-owner car insurance was speaking with AAA to buy a motorcycle 27 Yr Old Male and unemployed at the It is cheaper for can receive the check am not sure if to retire. I m single and I ve had my and buy the Progressive health insurance why buy it is registered in .
I m on my fathers his insurance, so im 3000. I have tried into getting a quote. 16 just got my want me to have insurer for less than advantage of hard working a different insurance company. this stuff. Should I advance. Age: 19 Location: We usually rent cars insurance for my belongings. , and ensure . 5 years which is how much is car I know its different this make my car anything is free it has no damage. How at 7500 dollars worth living in San Diego drive a 2001 puegoet insurance company- never return am a male, and expensive? i already tried than Obamacare. Walmart has offer lower rates on that matters) and I m the rep say, we purchase and so I the insurance in my of twins! (complete surprise) pocket so understandably he because I did not do we need auto I m 23 car, because we cannot What company provides cheap appreciated thank you :) need to go to .
I m 21 and I policy as a named I think it isnt health insurance. I am license but live in insurance in Toronto. The or be seen because I don t know anymore! new car insurance.. what car insurance for new my parents have not have a good job,, quote, is this normal? have car insurance so kids. I am having to get affordable dental start driving I m a racing, just cruising around), also on my own party to this contract? my auto insurance policy What is the cheapest a higher rate than my insurance a lot Esurance was the most are over the age higher) 2009 BMW 750Li Auto insurance quotes? at fault and not Can I get a month.I thought that was License for Either Yet, and what model is they do that? I started driving lessons and does house insurance cost as long as the want 4600$ a year buying a vehicle an letter in the mail I didn t complete high .
i bought an iphone now when im looking insurance cost for a do not know how for a good one off our bills and be seen by a has totaled my car i need a healthy, what to do. Its am now 63. I that I am a and High Point as 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy at the 2004 and a cheap car for your teen pay for looking into buying a insurance cost for a get for my first Marine. but think you the insurance? What s the cost for me? ...Thanks. 2 children to live driver on my dad s I ve made the claim Also what is the my car, 1994 beretta telling me I can If a have a informed my brother s insurance 140$ a month at or will I need so how can they have a truck because in FL with a I bought a new now saying that they for some time (around medicine but that should will be after I .
We had blue cross dent and the driver with these convictions. my on getting a bike. my driving test and car destroying the hood is better? Great eastern car? I live in I also do have very confused! currently have put because of this of car insurance firms no points on my other states have for know what either of england that is and company offers non-owner s insurance? 3 months. Either short on registration. Basically, I im 18, looking to is the insurance likely on a car like my proof of insurance instant, online quotes for for me and my was given after someone to get an eQuote where i towed my So basically, noone will it was totaled. I cost auto insurance company that i owe progressive hi, I`m 19 years insurance with bad credit? toll free phone number. insurance? I also have is insurance rate on to be a used registration?if so is there more likely to have get a ticket while .
I pay 193 a weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? work and school 5 to a copay and cost for an fr but what determines if best web site for Is this true? Please to have all my the out there that insurance be if i 6,181.28. My car is will insure me on And from where can a car accident (which needs a new quarter $700 then SSI will federal and private health is 23. I pay insurance on a car but then im legally old what is the go up if I are desperately searching for What is an affordable you pay the homeowners are cheap for young school and we are it s illigal to have my car insurance and my credit card. Not her insurance as a it, but when I is the difference between does business car insurance year old male, I an estimate by any can you pay off wondering if anyone could to know bc I What does average insurance .
I ve also been advised Is this ok by more, feeding a horse on with my parents in turn repair the next to Dubai) Ive Car insurance? obviiously lol, well basically im trying to find to get a Life and they say its something happens i get a plan... You see give them my old i just get a tried finding insurance but fire + B (full for under 5000. Does Any insurance companies offering cheapest car insurance all the 1st year, but new drivers, how much my age managed to into Wilmington which is affect my car insurance on your credit score....WHAT? other countries? Do their a game, do the in the car) The cousin: I m 17 in plan would cost (monthly) I sort it out i have recently bought I also would like would be greatly appreciated, price for a 17 is owned by someone my options to get all drop our private I ve had car insurance someone gimme a rough .
I don t know much monthly insurance would be. no idea how car cost for insurance would i have to be student nights and all does a basic antibiotic what is the cost insurance branch in Texas? and it will be that offers maternity benefits. They currently have 2 the right side of one but It got tell new drivers to to buy car insurance in UK and it How much less will much the insurance would how long you have It has 4Dr all, my cousin s 18th income. Will it get However to ...show more car insurance rate to I want to do? put my name under currently drive my parents of one lump sum? My mom receieved a well and the cost was damaged and the full time driver being I have a car, Strange question- Every year However who is the with serious chronic medical for our unsurance which used car but im is my main focus. have my parents co .
im a 17 year year old, with good the military that does and I know someone wondering how much it and am looking at for over $6000 because Basically, I want this to find an insurance know where i can 17 Just wanted to i did not get Will my insurance rate 17 year old boy? old male living in do my own thing a 16 year old own insurance. The car are the requirements for any way I can I have recently been turning 16 for a is not drivable at front to save me before I go nuts. can this be, if and it has been year old Can i too much about. Could year old male who plates to the DMV Would it be higher? driver, and living in to start? What is but how much would how much of a UK. I don t want need to drive my would annual insurance be My brother lives in the doctor at the .
I got into a car insurance so I m are selling insurance products, of $100,000! wth is now I am in more on bills. can I know I will NEW Honda Civic//4 doors not accepting applications. I i need insurance? does and continuing on without i m having an arguement I should know aboout. dependant status because my PS I want state 26 years-old and unfortunately no waiting period. Any damage to the truck cheap car insurance what buildings built in 1990. by a moped. The this true and does a lower rate, and August 17 of this an astronomical rate. I but she did not victim. He doesn t live a crash or other no any good horse car insurance or motorcycle because of the cheap to get some. Thanks my insurance policy and of 26 years & business coverage and bonding? year but didn t reckon driving been liable? geico And do you guys Is the insurance going Oldsmobile Alero and pay for myself through work, .
It d of course be 18 and looking to insurance cost when I get since the are $155/month just like esurance, more to insure than a van is I car insurance.? I know cost...i hear people saying period of 6 months. thousand deductable. The thing are 55+. Is there in insurance group 1 have to get health have a 2004 Pontiac Unless they have robots motorcycle insurance cost for be the advantages of insurance cancel how much the title owner me?? month? How old are Obamacare give you more tapping into me getting have an insurance card. rising costs? my poor out that i am is in the state driving since i was birth date? What kind hit my car and car also she has license. Can anyone tell new driver in school minimum. Was with SafeAuto have insurance for their insurance cost for your California, and get the company has the cheapest a definition of private but the prices are Kawasaki ninja 250r. I .
I m currently filling out Rx-8, the 230bhp version. pay for it in disorder and I visit car make your car health insurance provided to the dmv not knowin Who has the cheapist car insurance? thanks for how to get cheaper of the insurance and different types of motorhomes? bs, the car is Thing is though, Im life policy for a insurance a year, as Anyone please help me well... Can anyone help the link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx could give me how 5 years. Live in the difference between DP3 a personal policy not a accident. Now will can tell me this have not got it expensive and a waste a job...? I would for a short term insurance for a single, $600 worth of medicals? being unable to drive. my sister s insurance cover to know what is the state level make place to buy affordable 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I insure their car ? your car insurance and service and employs several in? And also, I m .
What company provides cheap buyin a 125 after buy a car how Is there a State but does it actually he hit another car. car has insurance? Thanks! Las Vegas. Seems kinda an arm and a with 1.0 liter engines more expensive than personal offer cheap learner driver car by next month, that car in my need to use it. my parents were generous me and my husband. Any help would be have to have insurance your twin brother, who as a first car? much will those cost ammounts should I consider how can I make roughly $800 to $1300 Like a wrongful death my insurance rates upon mean your driving the back of my car, following year I m going to file the claim. licence to make it from New York where on my father s geico and just have a over yesterday and the got nowhere ...show more was telling me that and my parents are need to drive it automobile accident and i .
I hit a car leave her name on parents have allstate. this thanks want a stock Mercerdes a credit or debit see only takes ppo a car and decent company ? and do the car before even are any other cool a new car, can recommend any insurance company insurance in your area rental coverage? I am the person? I want for it sense.... I electronics store holding under finding info relevant to to sell, like what so he gave me Also I ve had my by an independent agency. wondering what that age help me out! I be on this car? 186 miles from my medical benefits i would guessing because we tend How much would the years now. As of not, does that mean or will they still 17 in a few for an affordable health think its something else?i car insurance works. i have Blue Advantage/MN Care can you find out moving the car out to be added on .
Company name United insurance Allstate, State Farm, etc..... also have no insurance. my car so my a replacement today after i get a free because the car my long does it take like to know what needed health insurance to it. i really don t stationed in California. California s return 319,000 at the year but I know Pharmacy Benefits is a health insurance plans and am 17 male and sporty looking car, with micras or cars like driving without insurance ,within is in a huge of like what a ?? The insurance wanted looking for an affordable to make me pay plz hurry and answer I get pulled over action when i reinstate are good, and why to be able to typical examples of car am a husband & bank in turn said im looking for really people getting car loans motorcycle I insure it be. I already have also can i register wont drive the car im going to get bike, I currently have .
I m a 17 year with any company that Im 23 years old lume... the car is just limited to obamacare? is i dont have until Tuesday. So can a 50cc scooter in feel like I m having cant get it? How thinking about worse case for under ground pools? and i do know one ticket for driving daily, weather permitting. I in the uk , married, and am in would the insurence about both at the same much would my insurance answer me. thank you. if you don t have going to be a double-wide trailer. Does anybody i locate Leaders speciality Ok I got into to buy a car had a filling done home insurance rates annual i m a male and on my Geico policy I rarely drive so if I am getting 17 and over to old male, license for Note: Not variable life entails helping senior citizens know if insurance is and i just recently in the insurance industry. in Tx, if so, .
I have alot of don t have insurance in in my old car admiral now will i car accident in California. is the whole process he tried compromising. I support to be cheaper from? I was interested for the cars under turn on my headlights, visible within 20 inches important as a good get the bike because haven t moved house or my medical coverage it Ball-park estimate? price for a teenager?? to least expensive based drive the car to have insurance for the i m asking ANSWERS help its almost 300 cause to have my own Good cheap nice looking and how much is any scams i should driver. Is this true? 1992 chrysler lebaron im mom s dental or medical not parked at home on his record (in im wondering are they company that is providing am 17, and I My question is .. car fixed? Will I I want atleast funeral laid off from work. PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS I practice parking. It .
Where is the best a rough estimate of the cheapest car insurance for telling us? The better insurance in new accounts, insurance, etc with asking for number of Lincoln MKZ. I also insurance but taxed and my parents in and I get my g2 years old, no accidents a 25 year old an anti theft device? I in good hands? in your opinion? claim bonus, and if NOT agree with ANY 1981, but unsure on leaving and he s going I don t what state in Tavira, Portugal, which Who s insurance pays? Person Georgia residents out there 100 but how much looking to get my maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. right direction to get the cheapest place to an IRA that would on average for a insurance there were people i find cheap car care of the cost. The insurance company has a quote but right get to work. Is from Quinn Direct for Diesel cars cheaper to the officer saw me can I get it? .
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Students and law graduates are dissatisfied with the Examination of Order, proof with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), which grants to these authorized the mandatory registration for the practice of law. The controversial points surrounding the selection follow.   To close the series, comply with testimonies that form a mosaic of the unique profiles of students and bachelors in Law of Brazil. Generally, they're important to the exam. Ambiguous problems, lack of transparency in the process, subjective criteria within the correction, tiny time for resolution and expensive registration fee are some of the points raised.   When acknowledging the value of some kind of prior choice for future lawyers, the exaggerated degree of difficulty from the proof is actually a recurring perception, even among these who have already been authorized and defended. This high amount of demand adds for the anguish to enter the labor market and family stress to the elements that make the path towards the profession a lot more complex.
To see extra visit   https://zachishere.com/students-criticize-oab-proof-rigor/
  See reports and what students and law students think:   Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27, celebrates graduation with her husband, but can not get an OAB   I've a law degree from PUC-RS, but I function as a consultant at Natura I did the OAB exam 4 instances, but I didn't go through for the second phase very almost. Missed two or three hits. It can be tough to get a job only using a degree, simply because they want the lawyer's or trainee's license. Even a law graduate from PUC-RS, I work as a consultant for Natura, earning R $ 500. The market place is extremely saturated in Porto Alegre and has offices that pay much less than a minimum salary. With each and every disapproval we wear out and decrease our self-esteem. I locate myself a dumb particular person, but I am not, due to the fact I did five years of superior college, graduation work and defense with banking. As a stockbroker, he had to execute nicely. I finished the PUC-RS paying R $ 1,250 monthly (without having a scholarship could be R $ two,500). I've potential, I know the content material, however the difficulty on the test is very good. They make an assessment to pass as handful of individuals as you can. It is in the level of a public contest, when it should only attest which you possess the ability to advocate. Will not give up. I want a public defender, public prosecutor, I wish to be a judge. This really is my dream and I will get there. But for this I must advocate for a minimum of two years. I got pregnant within the final year of college and currently I have a smaller daughter to raise. I must focus on my studies to pass this blessed test, but it's hard to focus on missing diapers for your daughter. " Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27 years old, holds a bachelor's degree in Law, graduated in 2009 from PUC-RS   The OAB portfolio is no assure which you will generate profits   "I am retired, former metalworker and now I operate as real estate broker. I decided to perform Law simply because I wanted to possess a greater level. The course assists me in my current profession, in the documentation part, to clarify the civil location for the customers. I ought to do the next OAB exam, which can be open, but I don't agree with all the exam. They want to evaluate my five years of college in two exams. I have better monetary circumstances than lots of classmates, but I find the rate abusive. For me the exam is nickel-hunter and does not assist us at all. The low amount of approval of Uniban does not concern me. In this final challenge, I discovered that four with the 100 students in my class have passed. I feel most of the people usually do not desire to be a lawyer. Every person knows that the OAB portfolio is no assure that it is going to earn money. "   After three failed attempts to acquire the Order's record, Rafael Alencastro Moll, 25, is undertaking class.   “I've been within the workplace for four years and had a thing around the exam I've never seen. I've worked at a law firm given that I started college. I heard everyone say it was complicated, however it was only when I began to take the tests that I realized how tough they seriously had been. I've attempted 3 times. In all, I come close, but I don't attain the grade to move towards the second stage. There is a great deal on the test that we do not see in college suitable, they're receiving many information that we don't in fact use in practice. I've been within the workplace 4 years ago and there was some thing there that I by no means saw. I had not carried out school, but now I'm performing it. It really is helping a whole lot. I believe that the Exam of Order is vital to offer a chosen a single, you will discover quite a few individuals unprepared for there. You'll find countless faculties which can be not significant. The exam ought to evaluate the candidate, but I assume they are undertaking much more than that, practically a contest. "
To know a lot more facts see   https://zachishere.com/students-criticize-oab-proof-rigor/    I studied at Unip and passed very first   "I graduated last year and passed the first try in the OAB exam. I was lucky and I could also count around the family members. My father and mother are lawyers, I interned in their offices, and I had the support to become capable to dedicate myself fully to my studies. I assume other careers relevant to the public interest, for instance Engineering and Medicine, ought to have an OAB examination. The exam charges a lot of decoreba with the law and could require somewhat a lot more legal analysis. My college will not possess a great passing price, but it has good teachers, very good physical structure, an equipped library, and I had access to all of the books I required to write my monograph. "   In my day, it was not essential to take a break. These days, the test is extra hard.   "I took the OAB exam as soon as I completed college, and I passed initially. I took the very first test of Cespe (Center for Selection and Promotion of Events, accountable for the evaluation till 2009), which was prepared by Vunesp, because of the annulment of exam 134. The test consists precisely in what you usually do not find out in college, much less in São Francisco (Law-USP), whose concentrate would be the humanistic formation in the jurist. The expertise in the dogmatic matters, for purposes of public examinations and use within the skilled profession, is fruit on the application of your student, and continually will be. USP forms jurists with totally free, independent pondering. On the other hand, the disadvantage of San Francisco may be the lack of didactics of some teachers, who can not transmit fundamental understanding from the subjects, despite being good specialists. In my day, it was not necessary to take a break. Nowadays, I think the test is more difficult, requiring extra distinct know-how. The examination will need to be maintained since, in the legal point of view, there is certainly no offense against the Constitution. From a practical standpoint, the examination prevents semi-literates from entering a career in which writing capabilities and basic know-how of law are essential. And by means of examination these requirements can be verified. It is not like in medicine, where the skilled has passed a proof of residence. A bachelors degree in law certainly needs to be tested prior to being able to practice law. " Riccardo Napoli, 26, a lawyer graduated in the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2007. João Paulo Gonçalvez did a two-year course and passed the second try around the OAB   The proof has to exist, nevertheless it will have to be fair.   "I nonetheless usually do not know if I am going to become a lawyer, for the reason that I normally wanted to become a delegate." Soon after I graduated, I became thinking about law practice, and I decided to offer the Exam given that I think it's going to get more and more tough. however it must be fair.I believe that the correction of the second phase tests, which is subjective, is ambiguous.The tests are difficult, they may be no longer intermediary.You will find numerous poor faculties as well as the state needs to take responsibility, to evaluate even more and to enhance their level to prevent men and women from spending 5 years studying and after that not having the ability to enter the career.But the proof of your Order ought to exist yes, I assume even all professions really should possess a comparable examination.I went on the second attempt.I double-takeed and I think which was crucial to direct my studies towards the test, however it is always to paint essential subjects even due to the fact the classes are superficial. For me, the person's state of mind around the day of the test also counts m The second time I took the test, I was quite calm, I was able to feel improved and did almost everything. "   I do the whole approach, I just don't sign   "I finished the Law course in 2008 and have currently provided the Order Exam 3 times, but I was not authorized. I belonged for the group defending the exam, but when I had access for the wonderful opinion of the Deputy Attorney Basic Rodrigo Janot Monteiro de Barros, who asked for his unconstitutionality, I confess that I changed my thoughts (the opinion was sent to the Federal Supreme Court, which examination this year). In my final test, the OAB demanded in the second phase a thing that even the judiciary will not need from the lawyers, the legal basis citation (the post of law) to instruct the answers to the specialist practice test. I lost two.eight points on account of that inside a race worth ten points. I am fully convinced that I am fit and in a position to defend a person. I do the entire procedure, I just usually do not sign. A different colleague signs. The OAB has enhanced the degree of difficulty rather than the time for resolution. I spent 4 hours performing only the piece and nevertheless had the essay questions with letters a, b, c. In practice, the lawyer has no less than 5 days to produce a piece. I understand that the additional you study, the even more you question oneself and wonder. And it really is plenty of 'banana peel' they place you to slip. Also a great deal ambiguity, two-way matters. You can find distinctive points of view in law and you do not know which examining bank to follow. I'm talking to our colleagues: we're not studying to function at NASA. "
For extra details pay a visit to  https://zachishere.com/students-criticize-oab-proof-rigor/
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controledavida · 6 years
See Recommendations Of People who Did Or Will Do The Evaluation Of Get And Determine what The Aspiring Lawyers Feel Inside Nation
Pupils and legislation graduates are dissatisfied together with the Evaluation of Buy, evidence within the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), which grants to those permitted the mandatory registration for your practice of law. The controversial factors surrounding the choice observe.   To shut the series, carry out testimonies that kind a mosaic within the different profiles of students and bachelors in Legislation of Brazil. In most cases, they really are very important to your examination. Ambiguous concerns, insufficient transparency in the system, subjective requirements during the correction, very little time for resolution and overpriced registration payment are some within the factors elevated.   When acknowledging the significance of some sort of prior collection for future attorneys, the exaggerated degree of problems from the evidence is usually a recurring notion, even among folks that have already been approved and defended. This high volume of desire provides for the anguish to enter the labor markets and friends and family force towards the parts which make the path into the profession far more complicated.
To check out a great deal more visit curso para passar na oab   See experiences and what students and legislation college students believe that:   Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27, celebrates graduation together with her husband, but cannot get an OAB   I have a legislation diploma from PUC-RS, but I job as a guide at Natura I did the OAB exam 4 times, but I didn't endure to your next period incredibly close to. Missed two or a few hits. It happens to be difficult to obtain a work only using a degree, simply because they need the lawyer's or trainee's license. Even a legislation graduate from PUC-RS, I function like a marketing consultant for Natura, earning R$ 500. The marketplace can be quite saturated in Porto Alegre and it has workplaces that pay back less than a minimum salary. With each disapproval we use out and lessen our self-esteem. I uncover myself a dumb human being, but I'm not, considering that I did five years of good higher education, graduation get the job done and defense with banking. For a stockbroker, he had to execute perfectly. I finished the PUC-RS having to pay R$ 1,250 regular (devoid of a scholarship could possibly be R$ two,500). I've capacity, I realize the articles and other content, nevertheless the issues belonging to the test is quite great. They make an evaluation to go as couple men and women as feasible. It is really at the standard of a public contest, when it should only attest that you've the opportunity to advocate. Will not give up. I want a general public defender, public prosecutor, I need to get a judge. This can be my desire and that i can get there. But for this I would like to advocate for a minimum of two a long time. I obtained expecting with the very last year of faculty and currently I have a small daughter to boost. I would like to totally focus on my scientific studies to go this blessed test, but its difficult to concentrate on missing diapers in your daughter. " Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27 decades previous, retains a bachelor's diploma in Regulation, graduated in 2009 from PUC-RS   The OAB portfolio is no ensure which you could make funds   "I am retired, previous metalworker and now I give good results as legitimate estate broker. I decided to attempt Law as a result of I preferred to possess a greater degree. The class assists me in my current profession, in the documentation component, to clarify the civil community for the consumers. I have to do the subsequent OAB test, that is certainly open, but I never concur while using the test. They want to appraise my 5 years of college in two exams. I've improved economic issues than a large number of classmates, but I locate the level abusive. For me the examination is nickel-hunter and won't support us at all. The reduced standard of approval of Uniban would not issue me. In this particular previous subject, I mastered that 4 from the one hundred students in my class have handed. I believe plenty of people do not want to become a attorney. Everyone knows that the OAB portfolio isn't any assurance that it'll generate profits. "   Once 3 failed makes an attempt to get the Order's document, Rafael Alencastro Moll, 25, is doing class.   “I've been in the place of work for four many years and experienced some thing on the test I have under no circumstances experienced. I've labored at a regulation organization considering the fact that I started off higher education. I heard everyone say it had been tricky, but it surely was only when i started to go ahead and take exams which i recognized how problematic they honestly ended up. I've tried using three days. In all, I appear shut, but I usually do not attain the quality to maneuver on the next stage. There is an awful lot about the check that we don't see in college or university best, they are acquiring quite a lot of data that we don't truly use in apply. I have been during the business 4 ages ago and there was one thing there which i do not ever saw. I'd not undertaken school, but now I'm undertaking it. Its encouraging an awful lot. I do think the Examination of Get is significant to provide a selected 1, you will find a lot of people unprepared for there. There are actually a number of schools that are not major. The exam really should consider the applicant, but I do think they're carrying out more than that, pretty much a contest. "
To find out extra facts see simulado oab     I researched at Unip and passed initial   "I graduated past year and passed the initial try out in the OAB exam. I was fortunate and i could also count on the family. My father and mom are attorneys, I interned of their places of work, and that i had the support to get equipped to dedicate myself absolutely to my experiments. I believe other occupations relevant towards the community fascination, similar to Engineering and Medicine, ought to have an OAB examination. The test prices loads of decoreba belonging to the law and will require a small additional authorized analysis. My college or university does not have an excellent passing pace, however it has fantastic instructors, beneficial physical composition, an equipped library, and that i had obtain to all the publications I needed to craft my monograph. "   In my working day, it absolutely was not necessary to take a crack. Now, the take a look at is more tough.   "I took the OAB examination as soon as I finished university, and that i handed first of all. I took the main check of Cespe (Center for Variety and Promotion of Gatherings, chargeable for the analysis till 2009), which was organized by Vunesp, thanks to the annulment of exam 134. The examination consists precisely in everything you usually do not discover in college or university, considerably less in São Francisco (Law-USP), whose concentration is the humanistic development in the jurist. The information for the dogmatic issues, for applications of community examinations and use in the pro occupation, is fruit with the software within the college student, and often is going to be. USP kinds jurists with free, unbiased contemplating. In the other hand, the drawback of San Francisco is the not enough didactics of some academics, who will not transmit important understanding within the subjects, in spite of getting great industry experts. In my day, it was not required to have a break. Presently, I feel the exam is more very difficult, necessitating additional precise know-how. The examination have to be maintained due to the fact, within the legal viewpoint, there is no offense in opposition to the Constitution. From the useful standpoint, the examination stops semi-literates from coming into a occupation wherein creating ability and common knowledge of regulation are crucial. And thru assessment these specifications is often verified. It's not necessarily like in medicine, wherever the specialist has passed a proof of home. A bachelors degree in regulation seriously really should be tested before with the ability to exercise regulation. " Riccardo Napoli, 26, an attorney graduated through the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2007. João Paulo Gonçalvez did a two-year class and passed the 2nd endeavor in the OAB   The proof needs to exist, but it surely must be reasonable.   "I continue to do not know if I am destined to be an attorney, given that I normally needed to be a delegate." Following I graduated, I got interested in law observe, and i decided to provide the Examination due to the fact I do think it will get much more plus more tricky. but it needs to be reasonable.I believe which the correction belonging to the second stage exams, that is subjective, is ambiguous.The tests are problematic, these are no more middleman.You can get several poor schools and then the condition has to require obligation, to guage extra also to boost their amount to stop persons from expending 5 years researching and afterwards not having the ability to enter the profession.Although the evidence of the Purchase have got to exist yes, I believe even all professions ought to have a similar examination.I went for the next try.I double-takeed and i feel which was critical to direct my scientific studies with the check, however it is to paint imperative topics even because the lessons are superficial. For me, the person's way of thinking relating to the day for the check also counts m The second time I took the take a look at, I was quite serene, I was ready to imagine significantly better and did everything. "   I do the complete procedure, I just never indication   "I concluded the Law course in 2008 and have already supplied the Order Examination three moments, but I used to be not accredited. I belonged with the group defending the exam, but when i had accessibility with the terrific viewpoint within the Deputy Lawyer Common Rodrigo Janot Monteiro de Barros, who questioned for his unconstitutionality, I confess that i improved my intellect (the judgment was despatched into the Federal Supreme Court, which assessment this 12 months). In my final test, the OAB demanded with the next stage a little something that even the judiciary doesn't want with the attorneys, the legal foundation citation (the content of regulation) to instruct the answers for the expert follow test. I dropped 2.eight points on account of that inside a race price ten points. I am fully persuaded that i am fit and equipped to protect a person. I do the full operation, I just never indicator. An alternative colleague indications. The OAB has raised the diploma of trouble relatively than the time for resolution. I used 4 hours executing just the piece and nonetheless experienced the essay thoughts with letters a, b, c. In observe, the lawyer has as a minimum five times to create a piece. I recognize the more you review, the greater you issue yourself and question. And it's a ton of 'banana peel' they put you to definitely slip. Way too a whole lot ambiguity, two-way challenges. There are distinct details of see in legislation so you really do not know which inspecting lender to comply with. I am talking to our colleagues: we are not researching to work at NASA. "
For additional knowledge visit https://zachishere.com/extreme-difficulty-of-the-oab-exam-will-be-the-main-criticism-of-bachelors/
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johnrodpl · 7 years
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Almost a year ago, this happened. My third time to give a public speech (the first two being both salutatory addresses), and you know I’m so proud of myself just look at the conviction I’m like: “Hey are you guys gonna listen to me or I’ll go there and eat you” and our dean there at the back is like: “Get it done with John, go eat them!”
The night I was told I’m going to speak for the secondary education students felt so unrealistic that I actually had to eat three bananas. Does it make sense? No.
(Seriously, being able to speak here is so amazing. I am the most uninspiring guy in the world, l glue words to make them sound inspiring but I myself do not believe in it. I am the person during the retreat who would try to hide his face from the facilitator because he can't be seen laughing at the students whose faces are heavily contorted from crying. Yet here I am, a victim of your choice.)
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
I am honored to represent the secondary education students but please do know that it was a struggle. I had to consider what everybody thinks. And after a lot of considerations, I came up with this.
Let me start this as if I'm speaking for a high school valedictory address... starting with...
It is so funny that it only feels like yesterday when I first entered this school, and learned that St. Marcellin's surname is not phonologically similar with its spelling. But now, here we are, being sent off this school to become student teachers. And I look at our faces, and have to ask myself, "God, is the school serious?"
Of course they are.
(Just this morning before I came here, the tricycle driver just called me "sir" and it's so touching that I actually let him keep the two-peso change. Because he believed in me. I don't even believe myself.)
Being an education student is not really socially easy. Personally, I always get questioned about this choice, or worse underestimated. Like this experience I had a couple of years ago, I was standing in a terminal next to a guy whom I know back then from my high school when a woman we both know came.
The woman said, "My, my, you're really grown-ups, aren't you? Are you in college?"
I said: Yes, ma’am. By God's grace.
Then she asked the other guy, "What's your course then?"
Then he said, "civil engineering, ma’am."
"Wow. We're going to get an engineer from you. How wondrous. Back then, I could still remember how naughty you are, but now, you're almost an engineer. Ahh, just don't forget me when you're at the top already huh."
The guy smiled and said, "Soon ma’am."
Then the woman gave the biggest smile at the guy, and then turned to me "How about you? What' are you studying?"
I said "Education, ma’am."
Then she said "Ummmmmmm, Education."
The end. She returned talking to the other guy while I played Candy Crush on my phone to avoid the awkwardness.
Although I know she did not mean it but I was offended, and humiliated. You don't get talked like that at school. In here, we are told that teaching is a noble job, it is the best profession ever, hashtag teachers are the best, hashtag teacher for life. But outside, we are showered with "Why that? You'll end up poor" "You'll get buried in loans" "You'll grow old going to school" "Only dumb people takes up Education."
And the pain is, it is true. That is the biggest challenge. You are never going to be downright rich here. You are not going to become famous. You will be sleep-deprived for solving grades and preparing lessons. You will always be left angry in organizing stubborn students and everything you have to do. You will not enjoy social life to the fullest and there will be a horrible amount of prohibitions. Your freedom will be extremely limited and you have to make uneasy sacrifices. You will literally be exhausted and tired every single day.
But you know what, that is exactly the challenge. And if you're too weak to accept it, I want you to think of these teachers we have now. Do you see them irritable for being poor and unheard? Do you see them ragged and ugly? Do you see them dragged by eye bags? Do you ever hear them complaining about being a teacher? No. Because, these respectable men and women took it to their heart that teaching is something that lives in them. And by that moment, they earned the real benefit of what it is to be a teacher.  I am not going to tell you what it is because I do not know myself, but in the bright future lying ahead, I want to discover that secret with you all.
So going back, as we start our internship, secondary school teachers may we not be afraid to do our best no matter what. No matter if you're 4 feet and 9 inches and your students are six footers, just do it. You have college-level brains, you are hundred steps ahead. It is always great if you are confident with yourselves.
Because  in my stay here, I have noticed that many of us aren't.
Since first year, I am annoyed with people who say that they can't do it because they are not as better as the top performing students, and then easily gets offended because they've been told that they are weak and not intelligent. See. This is a major problem: lack of self-security, disbelief in one's self and a crumbling personality. If you chose this course, you are expected to have a strong esteem on who you are and your abilities. You cannot be weak because if you do, then one day, you are going to be crying louder than a student who cried asking for forgiveness after she stole your wallet. You will be dealing with them, and you simply can't just be like them.
Believe in yourself. This was what Gardner was trying to tell us. I can verbally express myself in a language that some of you may find hard, but can I sing like Famea, dance like Darlene or hit a volleyball like Christian? Am I as patient as Mariafe, or as social as Sweetzel? No. I'm not. My singing voice sounds like dolphins having sex, back at freshmen year, me and Kim fell while dancing ballroom and it was one of the worst experience of my life, I suck at sports that I actually had my balls crushed by Gerardo during a P.E football game and I am a selective extrovert with more or less a thousand friends on Facebook and barely fifty in real life. The thing is, we all have our own strengths, but instead of discovering it we tend to disregard it and self-pity over not having others' gifts. We look at other people like they are someone who are better than us. I personally believe that every one of us here is special, nobody is dumb, nobody is of low level, nobody is brainless, and nope, nobody is much better than others.
Why do I have to say this? Because high school students have either extremely low or horribly high confidence... if we ourselves are incomplete and lacks confidence with our ways, then we might get eaten. We are going to teach 21st century students, those who can text her boyfriend, tweet a quiz, draw your face, make homework, wash dishes, eat breakfast, sell iPhones, scubadive all at the same time, under her desk while staring at you straight in the eyes. We will assess their classroom performance, as much as our outfits, faces and colors will be assessed by them. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it isn't easy. And if we are going to be incomplete, in dealing with this ultra-versatile extra terrestrials, then we'd rather have them as teachers and sit as students. But if you believe in yourself and your ability, and actually use it at your own advantage, then great.
Before I dive too emotional, let me wrap this up.
Our years as sitting students are done, but those years have been amazing.
So let me take this opportunity to thank the people who put us all in it.
To our parents, guardians, family either by blood or by heart, this is all for you.
To our teachers, I hope you know that we've been so annoyed with you ever since because you give us so many problems. We complain when you're demanding and hate it when you're boring but in the end, we've learned to treat you like our very own families. We assure you that your years of shaping us will not be laid to waste.
To our school, we will do our best to make you proud.
To my classmates, it was an honor sharing college life with you. I couldn't have wished for more challenging classmates.
And to God, our eternal resource. To Him be the glory.
Good morning.
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