#the perimeter is no more
covered-perimeter · 9 months
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The Perimeter is restored!!
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notbecauseofvictories · 6 months
I know my experience is not universal, but I biked 5+ miles to do my errands today and I genuinely think we'd be much happier as a human collective if we increased residential density and switched to largely alternative modes of transportation.
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swornmae · 9 months
local mad scientist is angry at neighbors for being enviromentally friendly: "they live laughed loved too close to the sun", docm says
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loktauri · 10 months
What if you drew the Buttercups as the flowery supervillains they are?
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Ran out of motivation halfway through whoops. But I love these silly guys sm
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ancientcity · 9 months
I think it'd be a bit funny if Doc turned the new perimeter into a private golf course or something. I think it'd fit in with the themes of the original perimeter itself.
For example, scorched earth that will never be able to restore itself, so long as there are people around to maintain it (assuming that in worldbuilding, the perimeter would grow over after the season ends) also, there'd be no shade, no reprieve from the heat against your back... and you'd still be finding balls in every nook and cranny.
Now, I know that golf is not in line with Doc's eco-friendly theme this season. But was the perimeter?
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lemongogo · 7 months
I have an art question! How do make things glow? Especially if it’s white! Do you have any tips?
hi !!! yes !! blending modes/layer settings like glow dodge or add glow will be ur best friend when it comes to illuminating objects :3 they work by brightening the pigment layers beneath them based on the active layer's contents.
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if you have an object like the circle on the left , create a new layer above the circle and paint over it with a white , soft-rounded airbrush. change this layer mode to glow-dodge and hooray !! ^__^ thats it !! you can further adjust the intensity by lowering the layer's opacity (i usually opt for anywhere between 30-70%) or play around with different colors to see how you like them
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
my biggest issues with ways Spamton and Jevil are depicted is how people depict the manic aspect of their characters.
Like yes they are objectively insane but that’s not just them being feral. Yes, Spamton makes confusing choices and has asinine reasoning behind it but he has reasoning skills. He’s incoherent to us but he is coherent to himself. He may be partially winging it but he knows how to manipulate and play up his schtick until he gets his payout. The guy is capable and determined. 
Same thing with Jevil. I get he’s goofy and doesn’t take things seriously but I feel like people underplay his maliciousness compared to Spam. Like his joke about playing a simple numbers game with the lighteners was a death threat, he acknowledged their hp and intended to get it to 0. I see people acknowledge his love for violence but Jevil weirdly sensible, the only rules he abides by are that to the games rather than just making them up, he’s a lot more conditional than given credit.
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breitzbachbea · 5 months
But rereading my old work today while doubling down on a tonal shift really shows me that I am on a good path on writing the story I want. And that it's a very different story from the one I used to write.
It is so obvious in the old scene that I wanted Robert to be cool and in control. Upset but unaffected by his subordinate's fuckups. Lone wolf works best. Strikes terror into the hearts of all, because of course he does. And he is so belittling. Oh my god he is so belittling - in much the same way he is in the new draft in the scene with Harry and Michele, but he is so much more verbose in the old one. He is like a haughty bond villain and a 80s macho action hero rolled into one. He is supposed to be cool but also very clearly not the brightest in his tiny interaction with Tahir. It's so grotesque.
And Charlie was so cool, too! Kept a calm head whilst being insulted and threatened - and so concerned with his ego still. Being patronizing to Robert, being upset by his remarks about how he is too weak to save his boss and still so calm. It is so blatantly clear that his rage was supposed to be righteous. That he was supposed to be our cool and calm hero, the quippy one who of course gets the upper hand and will right the wrongs committed against him.
Such a farce.
And now, in the new version, Robert's angry. Of course, still belittling, still thinking he's got this, but much more aggressive and less maudlin on. And very down to earth when it comes to trying to set the rules. It's not about him being cool. It is about him being ruthless and pissed-off and a little bit too much into the entire thing. He is supposed to be respectable, but at the same time frightening in his ruthlessness. In his eagerness to deal out punishment. He's not here to taunt the Irish - he is here to bash their face in and only taunt them when it's convenient. Violence first, domination second.
And Charlie? Charlie too isn't cool. He, too, is frightening. Like Paddy. Because you watch these two guys, who you've seen joking for the past six chapters, be dorks and insecure and caring for each other, go deadly serious. They're not that different from Robert and Arthur, are they now? Sure, the English started it. Sure, they only want Harry back. But does that justify the means? Are they the good guys when they very callously hold someone hostage and are ready to kill him, in cold blood? No hemming and hawwing about it. No 'Don't make me do this' at Robert in the sense of 'Don't make me be so inhuman.' No, it's only 'Don't make me do this' in the sense of 'Don't make me kill one of your resources. Don't make me hurt you.' No value ascribed to human life aside from Harry's.
No one's cool in this. Good.
And here is the end of the vomit draft that made me think about this:
There. Around a corner. He could hear them. Whispering amongst themselves. He whistled. "Jig's up," he said. "If you come out with hands raised, I might /not/ just shoot you in the face." "I could say the same." God that was Higgins. For fuck's sake. "You and what army? Show your fucking face if you're a man!" "God, schoolyard taunts we're doing? Robert, be sensible once in your life. We've got one of yours, so you are gonna tell me where you have one of ours." "Anyone can talk a big game about that," Robert answered. "Well, I've got two guns and your cub got none," O'Neill said. "So you will tell me where's Harry and no one gets hurt." "You're not the one who makes demands here. Taylor!" What followed and thank God for his calm at the trigger finger, was Edward being pushed in the hallway, hands up. Looking deeply, deeply ashamed as was appropriate. "Great. Now I've got mine back." Robert grinned. "And what about yours?" Before Taylor, could take a step, he was held back by O'Neill, who was 'wise' enough to step into frame with Higgins. God, him holding the gun was adorable. "Where's Harry?" O'Neill asked again. "One against the other," Higgins reminded him. Robert rolled his eyes. "I think you're playing your cards a little wrong. Your boss against a henchman?" "So you don't care if we blow his brain out?" O'Neill asked, matter-of-factly and very, very unempathetic. Oh dear lord, he could see the fear in Taylor's eyes. "I didn't say that," Robert said. "I'm just saying that if that's your gambit, it's a terrible one." "It's worth a try." O'Neill said and unlocked his gun.
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mittensmorgul · 9 months
it's ant season in my neck of the woods and i just saw a group of those big ones in the living room planning a raid on my can of pringles and thought i reached for bug spray but instead grabbed some febreeze by mistake so now i still have ants but they're at least fresh scent now? >.>
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yetdevout · 2 years
i think blake's listener should die
sometimes plans just do not work. sometimes plans just fail. i would love to see blake’s listener come face-to-face with brachium; they have a brief conversation, similar to the one him and sunshine had. brachium informs the listener on what blake's done and how they'd like to proceed.
they take all of this in... just let go of the riverbank, willingly succumbing to the death river. them being alive would be walking proof that their fucked up ex-friend's plans succeeded. those poor people that he hurt don't deserve that — his listener doesn't even know who they are. but all in all, he would win. blake had taken so much agency out of their own life, done all of this behind their back — so this is their shot of taking control of the situation for once.
i want blake to see his plan crumble and for elliott and sunshine to make it out in one piece, together. i think we all deserve the satisfaction of watching blake realize that there are forces in this existence that are out of his control. death is gracious and inevitable, elegy is the lament of the dead.
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criminal-sen · 5 months
The horror of ordering thru doordash and getting yr delivery notification, only to see a photo of your groceries sitting in front of a wholly unfamiliar door
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covered-perimeter · 9 months
Scar’s birthday gift was securing the perimeter.
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direwombat · 11 months
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Little gem from lunchtime writing
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the-space-0wl · 2 years
"Nobody's playing this game with my diamond in their inventory"
Doc's straight up about to murder people and I love it. Hope the man finds out who took his diamonds before the end of the stream for everybody's safety
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
i actually am living for the shot in the arm the movie is going to give william fanart
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What can I say, I can and will draw what is practically the same thing repeatedly. Will I do anything about it? No. In fact, I'll probably end up with five more just like 'em.
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