#the orville claire
nuniuniverse · 2 years
Me, watching "The Orville"
Am I the only one loving Claire and Isaac together? I'm crazy??
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Me, finding post and gifs about them in this sacred place
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eo-writes · 2 years
To be human
This took a while I haven't written In ages but  I love this show and it inspired me so much that chapter 2 is already half way done. Please don't hesitate to point out any mistakes this was not Beta'd.
Enjoy E x
Summary: When Isaac finds a way to be human he. Claire and the rest of the crew have to deal with everything that comes with that.
Fandom: The Orville / The Orville new horizons  
Relationships: Isaac/Claire
Isaac was fascinated by the planet they had discovered a few days ago in a supposedly empty part of space. The people, while technically advanced, had not yet made the jump to long range space travel. However the planet designated Mino did have multiple satellites around it sending out signals to try and make contact, therefore the Union had given them permission to make their presence known. 
But the most interesting thing about this humanoid race was their use of genetically grown bodies. The bodies themselves did not age, were more durable and could be fully customized to the users preference. From what Isaac could observe the users switched their consciousness between their genetically grown bodies and their real bodies as needed. They were popular amongst the beings in dangerous professions like law enforcement. But as far as he could tell it was more about vanity. 
"Captain Mercer" Mino's elected representative greeted the captain as he walked into the large round conference room followed by his two advisors. Isaac, the Captain and Lieutenants Bortus and Kiali were attending the meeting.
"Representative Cam, good to see you again" the Captain said.
Cam smiled and gestured for them to sit.
"Captain, you'll be pleased to know that Mino's Council has come to a decision and decided that they would like to join your Union" he announced proudly. 
"Excellent welcome to family" the captain grinned "As discussed we'd like to leave two union officers behind to teach you about the union and also study your planet".
"Of course they're more than welcome, we are very eager to learn about your people and study your technology as well" Cam agreed.
"Speaking of technology we'd love the opportunity before we leave to learn more about your genetically grown bodies. We outlawed cloning years ago for moral and ethical reasons but this seems like something new entirely" Ed said hopefully.
"Yes the surrogate program is our proudest achievement, we will be happy to share our technology in return"
"Thank you Representative Cam with your permission I'd leave our science officer Isaac to take a look at the surrogates and  lieutenant Kiali will escort your researchers onto the ship to observe our labs". 
"Of course, Isaac if you follow Yana" Cam gestured to one of his advisors "She will show you our lab".
"Thank you Representative Cam" Isaac nodded before following Yana out of the room.
The lab was very impressive, the people of Mino had somehow managed to develop a way to grow organic bodies without using original DNA.
"These bodies behave like any other human body?" Isaac asked the lab technician, a young man with extremely bright blue eyes named Kin.
"Yes absolutely in fact I'm using one right now" he smiled, spreading his arms and turning slowly. Isaac looked him up and down carefully, he could detect no signs that he was not scanning a normal human body except for the brain which showed some electrical components which he now understood were essential for the transfer of consciousness.
"And they do not age?" He inquired
"No we design them to reach the users desired age then stop" Kin smiled checking somes screens next to the current growing body suspended in fluid. An idea began forming in Isaacs mind 
"How long does the process take?" He asked.
"Depending on the desired age of the body, about a week," Kin said, going on to explain about accelerated growth as Isaac solidified his idea.
He spent the rest of the afternoon re-examining Dr Villka and Timmis's research. By the time it came to have dinner with Claire he had the necessary data and knowledge to complete his idea. However he had come to learn that when you are in a couple major life decisions must be discussed. 
He got to the simulator early and changed into his simulated appearance while he waited for his wife to arrive. A few moments later the simulator doors opened and Claire strode in looking flustered
"Sorry I'm late it's been a hectic day I've got two nurses off sick and Lamar got himself electrocuted by spilling soda over his console"
"It is understandable you are late given your extra workload, shall we sit?" He asked pulling out one of the chairs from the empty table beside them. He had selected a simulation of an open air restaurant on the beach from a country called Greece of earth. Claire smiled and took her seat placing her napkin in her lap as Isaac sat down himself. The waiter came over and poured wine before leaving them some menus. 
"How was your day…dear?" Isaac asked, employing some of the terms of endearment he had learned from his study of human relationship. Claire's lips twitched up into an amused smile
"Well apart from being busy it wasn't too bad I got a request from Union Central to write a paper on Xelayan bone density. How about you, how was your day dear" she teased. Teasing as he had learned was a good humoured exchange between human couples.
"I attended the meeting on Mino with the Captain and Lieutenants Bortus and Kiali, then I studied the planet's surrogate program. After that I returned to the ship to do more research and fulfil my regular duties''.
"The Mino's surrogates program is fascinating," she agreed. She had been on the first landing party to Mino and had examined both the active and inactive surrogates. Isaac waited until after Claire had eaten her main meal before he brought up his idea. He found humans functioned better and were less emotional once they had eaten.
"I have something to discuss with you" He began. Claire paused looking up from the dessert menu giving him a curious look
"Okay, what's up?" 
"I know you were disappointed when I was unable to keep my emotions and you declined my offer to erase my memory as you wanted to keep as you put it my soul"
"Yes…" she replied seemingly concerned with where the conversation was going. He knew that the choice she had to make still caused her some sadness.
"After studying the surrogate process on Mino and re-examining Dr Villka and Timmis's research I have concluded that my consciousness could be transferred into a surrogate body so that I could function as a human being both physically and emotionally" He explained. Claire looked stunned and was unable to speak for several moments, so Isaac decided to continue
"I know communication, especially about big decisions, is important for relationships. Therefore I wanted to discuss this with you before I go ahead with the procedure". Claire raised her eyebrows at his statement and found her voice again
"It sounds like you have already made up your mind. Isaac I can't ask you to do this for me again" she took his hand in hers and squeezed gently.
"As wonderful as those few minutes were when you had your emotions I felt tremendous guilt over asking you to do that for me" 
"You are not asking me to do anything therefore your argument is invalid" he squeezed her hand back something he had noted that she always seemed to enjoy. 
"As with our wedding I have reasoned that this procedure will improve the productivity and stability of our relationship. It would also allow me to study and observe the full human experience. However I will not go through with the procedure if you oppose it". She considered his words for a moment
"But Isaac this is not like before you wouldn't just have human emotions you'd experience the physical side as well. Discomfort, sickness, pain"
"Yes as well as comfort, warmth and pleasure" he retorted watching her lips curl in amusement as he said pleasure. 
"I don't know what to say" she sighed
"Preferably yes"
"Isaac I'm glad you wanted to discuss this with me and value my opinion, but ultimately this is your decision. If this is something you really want no matter my decision it is down to you and how you feel" 
"I do not feel….yet" he said tilting his head at her. She laughed at that 
"Okay good point, can I have some time to think about this?" 
"Of course, now shall we resume the usual pleasantries of our date, perhaps you'd like to order dessert?" He suggested.
"Yes that sounds like a good idea" she agreed, picking back up the menu.
It was a few days later when Claire gave him her answer. They were on their way back to Mino to escort the Representatives to Union Central after a short supply run. Isaac had already told the Captain of his plans and he had gotten them approved by Representative Cam, provided he chose to go forward. They had been very excited at the thought of one of their surrogates being used by a Union officer. 
He was sitting on the couch in his and Claire's quarters, which they had moved into after they married. It was slightly larger than her previous quarters with a small room for Isaac when he needed to run diagnostics or recharge. Claire had put on some old earth show about roommates when she suddenly paused the show and turned to him.
"Was that episode not to your liking? If you are bored we could go to the simulator" he questioned.
"No its fine I just wanted to talk to you about the surrogate issue"
"Have you made your decision?"
"I have" she took his hand, he noted that she does this a lot as if she is trying to comfort him. 
"Isaac, if you truly want to do this, I will support you completely. But I need to make sure your not just doing this for me"
"I do want to go through with the procedure not just to help progress our relationship but also to learn more about the human experience".
"Okay well we should talk to the Captain tomorrow and once we get back to Mino and pick up the Representatives I will start work with Technician Kin to ensure everything is done safely"
"Very well I shall start my own preparations after we speak to the Captain".
"Do you really think it's going to work?" She asked.
"In theory yes" 
"I can't believe this is actually going to happen," she said, eyes shining. 
"Indeed" she leant forward and kissed him where his mouth would be another thing she does from time to time. He wonders what it will feel like with his surrogate body.
After their discussion the process started quite quickly. Technician Kin had stayed on board as a temporary crew member after the Union Central meeting but was quickly expressing interest in going to the academy. He had been allowed to set up a small lab on the Orville, and Isaac had shown him his simulated form as a guide for his new surrogate body. He and Kin began work straight away with Isaac focusing on using Dr Vilkas research to make sure he would be able to feel emotion as well as physical sensations. Claire did a full med scan on the growing body everyday to make sure everything was forming correctly and healthily. 
A week later they were staring at a fully formed body that looked exactly like his simulated form. 
"It's incredible," Claire said, walking slowly around the tube.
"Indeed" Isaac agreed, he turned to Kin "We should start the procedure"
"Wait" Claire interrupted "Maybe we should run a few more tests first".
"All the tests have been run" Isaac replied
"It is a perfect surrogate Doctor" Kin reassured. Claire still looked unsure but nodded
"Okay let's get the body to sickbay, I'd like to complete the procedure there just in case the body has any complications”. 
They laid the body out on one of the exam tables, while Isaac laid on the table next to it. Claire finished attaching a monitor to the body while Kin set up the transfer device. Claire turned to face him 
"Okay we're all set, you'll be shut down for a few minutes before you wake up in the surrogate body" she explained .
"Should be no more than five minutes" Kin reassured
"Are your ready" Claire asked taking his hand 
"Yes please proceed" he responded.
"Okay" she said softly, giving him a gentle kiss before turning and nodding to Kin. The technician began pressing various buttons
"See you soon" Claire whispered. 
Then everything went dark….
He opened his eyes quickly, shutting them hissing at the bright light that greeted him.
"Lights down to 50%" a voice came from somewhere beside him. He felt someone squeeze his hand
"Try now" the voice said, he slowly opened his eyes again. The light was much dimmer now, he blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from his vision. He was looking up at the med bay ceiling and he could feel…everything. 
He felt the smooth material of the examination table beneath him, the warmth of his skin where his arms were pressed against the side of his body and the coldness of the room. The room smelt sterile with a hint of floral perfume. He could hear soft movements and beeping machinery around the room. 
Lifting his hand up he slid it over his new face feeling the shapes and lines where it used to be completely smooth. He carried on down his neck and over his chest pausing when he felt a heartbeat. Realizing he'd been instinctively breathing the whole time, he tried to focus on it in and out. When he breathed in his lungs inflated lifting his hand along with his chest then out they deflated and he chest fell. It all felt overwhelming the sights, the smells, the sounds, he felt his breath quicken, becoming more shallow, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Suddenly a face came into view
"Claire?" His voice came out in a gasping wheeze. He tried to sit up  but she placed her hand against his chest 
"Isaac, just take it easy" Claire said, trying to keep him in place.
"Please I need to sit up" he said feeling breathless
"Okay but carefully" she advised. He moved slowly sitting up and turning so his feet were hanging off the table. His breathing was still coming in pants but he couldn't help it, everything was so overwhelming. 
"Isaac breathe" Claire instructed, taking his hand again, a gesture he could now appreciate the comfort of fully.
"I'm having difficulty, is there something wrong with the body?" he questioned, looking at her desperately. She shook her head 
"The body is fine,  I think you're just overwhelmed at the moment by everything you're experiencing" she explained. He relaxed a little knowing there was nothing wrong but he still felt like there was no air. Claire placed a gentle hand on his shoulder
"Take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds" she instructed softly.  He did as he said letting his lungs fill and holding it, she counted down the seconds for him.
"Now breathe out nice and slow" he let the breath go feeling a little better 
"Now do it again" she had him repeat the action a few more times till he calmed down. 
"Thank you I feel better" she smiled at him reaching out to cradle his face gently, he leaned into the touch with a contented sigh. He loved her so much, she always made everything better. The rush of emotion overwhelmed him again and he felt tears stinging his eyes. He launched himself forward burying his face in her neck as the tears started to fall, she made a startled noise before recovering and pulling him closer stroking a hand up and down his back. They stayed that way for a few moments. 
As they separated Isaac quickly swiped away the tears streaked across his face. He felt embarrassed by his reaction and need to be comforted like a child.
"I'm sorry its just….a lot" he apologized 
"No apologies necessary I can only imagine how disorientating this must be for you". He looked up at her with a smile
"I love you" her face lit up with a smile that made him feel warm inside.
"I love you too" she replied, leaning down to kiss him gently. Kissing her in this body felt amazing, her soft lips pressed against his, the way she sucked his bottom lip slightly. He felt warmth spread throughout his new body. She pulled away chuckling as he tried to chase her lips, she humored him with a few more kisses before placing a hand gently against his chest.
"Okay we'll have plenty of time for that later" she promised. He felt desperate to lay with her to hold her, to kiss her more to have them sleep in each other's arms.
"Can we go back to our quarters?" he asked
"Soon I just need to get Kin back in here to check everything over just to be sure" she said moving towards the door. As she moved away Isaac realized how cold it was in the room and realized he was only wearing a pair of briefs they had put the body in for the sake of modesty. 
"Wait" he said, suddenly feeling very self conscious. 
"Could I have some clothes first?" he asked, wrapping his arms around himself. Claire paused turning back to him
"Of course I had some put in my office for when you woke up" She disappeared into the small room before returning with a small neatly folded pile of clothes. He pushed himself off the table onto his slightly shaking legs to get dressed. He felt much better in the soft gray trousers and the long sleeved white top she had chosen. 
"Okay I'm ready"
Once Kin had finished his tests and determined that the procedure had gone to plan, Isaac found himself feeling restless and eager to leave sickbay. Claire took him by the hand and led him back to their quarters. As soon as they were through the door Ty rushed towards them
"Isaac" he cried excitedly, throwing his arms around Isaacs middle. He hugged the young boy back smiling as Ty grinned up at him, Marcus appeared beside them 
"This is weird" he commented looking Isaac up and down. 
"Indeed" Isaac agreed "It is going to be a big adjustment"
"We'll get through it together," Claire said, squeezing his shoulder. Suddenly his stomach made a strange noise
"I do believe I am hungry" he grinned. Claire laughed 
"Well okay it is dinner time, what would you like to try first?" She asked. He thought about it for a moment 
"I don't know" he looked at Ty 
"What is your favourite food Ty?" 
"Mac and cheese" he replied, smiling from ear to ear.
"Yesss moms mac and cheese is the best" Marcus agreed.
"Very well I would like to try mac and cheese" 
"Okay let me get started, perhaps you should drink something first I'll grab you some water" she said walking over to the synthesizer. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until he took his first sip; he guzzled it down despite Claire's warning to take it slow. Once he was finished he got another but sipped this one slowly while he sat at the table. 
While they waited for dinner Ty showed him a recent school project he had made about different earth landmarks. He complimented Ty on his Eiffel Tower model and offered some improvements to the map. It felt good encouraging him and watching his face light up. He also spoke to Marcus about how school was going for him but he was more reserved, seemingly still feeling weird about Isaac suddenly being human,
“Okay dinner is served” Claire called. They all gathered around the table, the aroma of cheese and pasta filled the air.
“This smells very appetizing” He commented picking up his fork, He took a few moments to spear a few bits of pasta onto his fork not used to using the utensil. As soon as he put the bite into his mouth flavour exploded over his tongue
“This is amazing!” he grinned. 
“It's just mac and cheese” Claire laughed as Isaac kept eating, enjoying every mouthful.
“Yeah but mom its your mac and cheese” Marcus commented 
“I can see why its your favourite Ty” Isaac said 
“I wonder what your favourite food will be” Ty asked
“I can’t wait to find out”.
After dinner he and Claire decided to take a walk to the bridge to show the crew his new appearance.
“Wow Isaac you look great although it is certainly going to take some getting used too” The Captain commented 
“I didn't think we’d ever see this look outside the simulator” Kelly commented 
“It's freaky,'' Lamar said circling him slowly he stopped quickly when Claire shot him an angry look 
“But er….. you look good man” he patted Isaac n the shoulder.
“I understand it will take some getting used to” Isaac said 
“Maybe now we can finally have a proper prank war when nobody gets their leg cut off” Gordan grinned. Isaac laughed loudly
“I am sorry about that” he apologized still smiling
“Hey it was still one of the funniest pranks i've ever seen” The lieutenant smirked.
“How will you defend yourself in battle now that you are human” Bortus questioned 
“That doesn't matter right now” Tala scolded him “I think it's really romantic how you can finally feel the love between you and Claire” she smiled warmly.
“Thank you commander it feels wonderful” he smiled, linking hands with Claire.
They chatted for a few more minutes before he suddenly felt very tired, Claire seemed to sense this and wrapped one arm around him
“Well I think we should be going, it's getting late” She said to the group. Isaac was grateful she’d said something, he was feeling more and more drained as time went on. 
“I can return to my normal duties tomorrow” he assured the Captain and first officer. Claire was about to interject when Kelly spoke up
“Isaac you should take some this is a big adjustment for you”
“She’s right” the Captain agreed.
“You need to take some time, in fact I'm ordering you to stay off duty until you have been physically and psychologically cleared by doctor Finn. Do I make myself clear” Ed asked.  
“Yes Captain” Isaac agreed
“Come on you lets get some rest” Claire said with a smile taking his hand and leading him back out into the hallway.
When they got back to their quarters  he sat down on the bed while Claire went to check on the boys. She came back a few moments later holding some pyjamas for him. They quickly gt changed and settled into bed
“How was your first day as a human?” she asked, stroking his cheek.
“Short but wonderful” He smiled, grabbing her hand and kissing it lightly, she smiled leaning forward to kiss him but before she could he yawned loudly.
“I’m sorry” he murmured Blinking slowly 
“Nothing to be sorry for” she assured giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Get some sleep I love you” 
“I love you too” he replied before his eyes slipped shut and he was soundly asleep.
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itscarolbiotch · 7 months
"Isaac can't love!" Dude, he witnessed ONE wedding and IMMEDIATELY went to figure out how to do the same with Claire. Come on now
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aenslem · 2 months
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If this ship drifts into that star, your whole world is gonna fry. THE ORVILLE (2017–2022) If the Stars Should Appear
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eggs-n-ham-sam · 6 months
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Isaac, do you think a pretty girl is like a melody?
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orvilles-log · 1 year
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THE ORVILLE 1.10 - Firestorm
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anzstrek · 1 year
I started to watch the Orville and oh my fucking god, i love these two
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bakasara · 1 year
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robot romance brainrot :)
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silliestofg33sevik · 18 days
Mentally im still in all these scenes
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The orville is gonna make me cry oh god i hate them so much 😭😭 😭 😭 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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nuniuniverse · 2 years
Damn it! My heart just stopped watching this moment. His face. Her face. Even now, after watching this a dozen times, my heart just stops.
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jossdoart · 5 months
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Recently finished a watch thru of the Orville be Isaac is my favorite character and his and Claire’s romance make me so happy ! So here’s some Isaac with a possible grand child on the left and him and Ty on the left— drawing metal is kind of fun!!
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rainbowthefox · 27 days
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itscarolbiotch · 6 months
I love how Isaac's affection is for Claire is just a default to him. Emotions aside, he just views things that would positively affect their coupling and her feelings as the most logical course of action. It logically makes sense to him to watch over her descendants. He says to "inform him when they are a couple again" as if it is a fact that they will reconcile. It is a when, rather than an if.
Even when the outcome is poor (i.e. LaMarr's comment that Isaac may need to see what else is out there), Isaac's reasoning behind it is because he believe it would benefit the efficiency of the marriage long term.
He was willing to give up everything he has learned, give up every bit of information he gained to fulfill his primary function. Just so they could be together again.
Emotions are lovely, but innate devotion is moreso
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aenslem · 2 months
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He's only stunned. THE ORVILLE (2017–2022) If the Stars Should Appear
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Isaac: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Claire: That's great, Isaac. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
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