#the nurse who was totally not a vampire saw the results of my blood type test and said i should donate
wolfeyedwitch · 1 year
Hospital and Recovery Whump Dialogue
"Ew, why does my mouth taste so gross?" "That would be the iodine they swabbed your nose with before putting you under."
*reading medication list* "Ketamine? Like Special K? Man, that must have been some kind of party!" "Yeah, such a party that you were unconscious for the whole thing."
(alternatively) "Ketamine? Like Special K? Why would they give me that???" "Oh, maybe so that you wouldn't wake up during surgery?"
"Caretaker? Where are my clothes?" "Same place they were the last five times you asked; are you going to remember this time?"
"My teacher always said the winner of the knife fight goes to the hospital, and the loser goes to the morgue. I'm pretty sure this counts as me losing the knife fight though..." "Whumpee, it wasn't a knife fight, it was surgery!" "Same difference."
"Whumpee, stop moving or you're gonna rip your stitches!" "Right, the dissolvable stitches. I had momentarily forgotten that my insides are being held together by spun sugar."
"Ugh, it itches so much!" "That means it's healing. Now stop scratching before I have to find a cone of shame."
"Ooh, type O blood! You should totally donate!" "Uh, maybe later, when I'm not actively bleeding."
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