#the notetaker talks! [broccoli]
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"....What the #### is a super boop-?"
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"Howdy." Broccoli mumbles, not quite looking up from their notepad. "What brings you to this corner of the internet, huh?" Whatever they're writing, it seems important. They continue to write, even while in the middle of talking.
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Seems dedicated to their studies. Or they're scribbling nonsense onto the paper to pass the time, either seem reasonable. You won't find out either- Everytime you attempt to get a glimpse, it is turned away from you. What could be so-
Oh. Nevermind. The coffee they were drinking just spilled onto it.
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*Everyone is free to interact! I'm just doing this for fun!!
*Semi-Literate to Literate rper, please be warned my posts can get very long if motivation REALLY strikes!
*run by @katthekit!
*This Broccoli uses They/He pronouns! Please do not use feminine pronouns when referring to Broccoli! <3
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He isn't too sure if he has to wear green or if he's free from the curse of being pinched on Saint Patrick's Day due to the fact he is solely green. Nobody has pinched him before when he hasn't worn anything, but he doesn't know if other people are just confused too, if he hasn't ran into someone willing to pinch him, or if he just fits the criteria.
I mean, it's stated to WEAR green, but how lenient does that get?
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. "Hello there! Is your refrigerator running?"
(A phone call for Broccoli.)
Broccoli, who just got done dragging Lemon back to the apartment complex, is on the other end of the line. He's tempted to hang up, but plays along nonetheless.
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".....I think so." Broccoli can be heard slowly opening his refrigerator, before shutting it again. "Yeah."
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"Yes- That is me." Broccoli thinks over the pronunciation, somewhat puzzled. He thought this was his name being said- It sounded like it.
It had all the essential components to it- right?
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"I think-" They mumbled.
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Aaaanddd that's enough of that. Cantaloupe leaps up, going back to his original, cartoony self- Snapping Broccoli back with him as well.
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[🍈]"YOU LITTLE-" Is all that is heard before Cantaloupe takes chase, dashing after the now scrambling vegetable.
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Oh and uh. Happy release date, Lemon </3
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"Ooookkkkaay. I know it isn't chocolate chip cookie day or anything anymore but I remade the cookies to make up for yesterday-"
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Beats to death with water balloons
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"I hope you guys like cookies, it's national chocolate ch-"
Oh good lord.
....Cue the dramatic music.
Broccoli doesn't even have a moment to process what's flying towards them, before BAM!
Within SECONDS, the cookies go flying as Broccoli is pelted with water balloons, the first of which hitting the back of their florets, sending them tumbling forward.
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Until the water balloons die down. Broccoli drops to their knees.
The vegetable sits in stunned silence, trying to fully take in what just happened [as well as what just happened to the cookies they spent the past few hours baking].
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I guess nobody is getting cookies
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Broccoli has woken up to find something... peculiar on their computer.
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They were up for a while last night, but they don't recognize the file name at all. Some powerpoint- He doesn't even bother opening it- Whatever is in it is probably not important.
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That is, until they realize the file name is some horrible misspelling of "Banana"
And then they realize what this was for.
Oh no.
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Broccoli lets out a defeated sigh, loading up the powerpoint.
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How close are Lemon and Broccoli, actually?
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Apple and Broccoli are now sitting at the curb of Marsh's, Apple struggling with the wrapper of the snacks he just bought.
Lemon, on the other hand, is just now leaving the store.
[🥦]"....Well, it's a bit complicated- I mean- Not THAT way, but we're just- Yknow, good friends! I care about him, and I'm sure if I went missing he'd do the sa-"
....Apple is very fast to butt in, with his own thoughts on the matter.
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[🍎]"They're gay." VINE BOOM
He's quite confident with this assumption, too.
Broccoli is quick to defend themself.
[🥦]"AM NOT-"
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[🍎]"Are too-!" Apple begins to laugh, finding Broccolis sudden defense quite amusing.
[🥦]"Have you EVER heard of people being JUST FRIENDS- We ARENT like that."
[🍎]"Please, with the way you guys act? You're kidding yoursel-"
Lemon walks up, before sitting down next to them. It shuts them both up quite quickly.
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[🍋]"....Hi. Sorry about that."
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".....What the hell-?"
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"Wait, you wear glasses?"
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"....Yeah-" Broccoli mumbles, raising an eyebrow. "I've had these for like-" Broccoli pauses, trying to think of how long its been. "...forever-"
It's an exaggeration, but not much of one. Even then, it'd be impossible to tell under all that flora anyway.
"I mean, it's really not a big deal. Sometimes I use contacts-"
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"For the love of all that is holy please refreeze her."
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"Its November SECOND. If I hear that song one more time I think I'm gonna tear my flora out."
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. "Trick or Treat!" Oh, look who decided to visit the apartment on this totally normal, non-holiday specific evening? And absolutely not wearing costumes for any reason in particular? Hope someone in there does have some candy to give out.
The door slowly creaks open...
And well, that could've been a dramatic opener if Broccoli's costume wasn't literally just sticks.
The lights are dimmed on the inside of the apartment, a few of the audience members gathered inside for a movie marathon. Who knows how long they've been there-
Broccoli is holding a considerably large bowl of candy, the other audience members assumably having contributed to it, since they weren't actually home.
"Oh-! Hey!"
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Broccoli holds the bowl out for a moment, before thinking- It was already getting quite late, and they hadn't gotten any more trick or treaters, so it was probably safe to assume they wouldn't be getting any more.
And if they did, they could just deal with whatever Broccoli rummaged through the cabinet for.
Broccoli took a moment, before dumping the contents of the bowl into their bags as evenly as he could.
Hopefully he can't legally be held responsible for any of the sugar rushes to come-
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....Broccoli doesn't know whether to laugh or cry
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